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U. K. s new state of alert slogan head of a national address. On the coronavirus responds. And failed to Maximum Capacity in mexico overwhelmed by the so deaths. And top level sport returns to north america for the 1st time in nearly 2 months and ultimate fighting championship event took place in. Jacksonville florida. He says attacks on libya is only functioning airport as well as Diplomatic Missions amount to war crimes man is warning it will take action against forces loyal to walt holy fuck off if they continue to argue supports libyas un recognized government in tripoli which has launched a cunt. Offensive following saturdays attack planes were damaged and fuel tanks set alight after us forces also struck nearby residential areas killing at least 4 civilians the tripoli government says more than a dozen people have been killed over the last 2 days. The war heads joining us live from tripoli who lets just talk about this government counteroffensive 1st of all what is the government trying to achieve with this. Will rob the Government Military commanders say that they are trying to recapture the military can ensler de neighborhood which has been under his forces control for the past few months because half the us forces have been using that military camp to send rockets to redemption areas and the only operational airport in tripoli airport for the past few months now and the military camp is very strategic because it has concrete buildings were have the force of being sheltered by plus it is very well equipped and it has have the us forces there they have advance and weapons specially laser guided missile launchers how does a lot of shows and also model rockets launchers along with grad rocket launchers the Government Military commanders say that in their counter offensive that today they managed to destroy 2 grad rocket launchers in the vicinity of the mork military camp its also very strategic for have those forces because it is their launching point to reach the city center of the move on the city center its the closest for them to move on the city center and also to reach the state facilities in the city center but the Government Military sources say that it also is also important because its been the run and protected by the Russian Military experts from the Wagners Group who have been fighting along with half the forces. We just heard a moment ago turkey saying that the attacks if they continue will turn into make us forces legitimate targets particularly if turkish sets are attacked as well how significant is that and is there are we getting to a point where we might see turkey and those forces from russia that you were just mentioning coming into direct contact. Will that could happen because the lies on what it calls illegal is standing in its. Intervention in that battle its sad that. Its existence military and military equipment from turkey and also military experts from turkey existence with the government of National Award is by virtue of the military and Security Agreement signed between turkey and the internationally recognized Government Back in november last year and meanwhile turkey says that it has been supporting the government of National Order with advance of weapons including get drawings and also a Defense Systems the turkish ship a military existence in the government of National Board and especially the air force the drones have. Achieved a change on the ground have changed the balance of power in favor of the government of national called on the ground so. Given the fact that turkey has changed their battle on the ground in favor of the government of National Ward so it has now it has been given the green light by the government of national called to proceed further so it means that turkey can also. Carry out a the strikes targeting have those forces beyond the tripoli namely in a wood is the major stronghold for half the forces near the tunisian border and also in the city of the horn or the maid the major stronghold for half of his forces of the capital tripoli marketable her bring your supper date from tripoli margaret thanks very much indeed. Well in iraq with antigovernment protesters back on the streets of the capital the new Prime Minister has made good on his pledge to free people detained during previous demonstrations its one of most of the means 1st decisions after his inauguration last week iraqs Supreme Judicial Council has ordered courts to release the demonstrators previous maki was forced from office by months of often violent antigovernment demonstrations the protestors are calling for Better Living conditions and an overhaul of the political system for more on this lets bring in the similar 14 in baghdads Square Simona just to me has been saying that hes been promising the truth about everything thats been going on hes been promising justice and compensation weve seen these prayed these Prisoners Released is this going to be enough for the protesters do you think. Well as weve seen today entire square its not enough on the one hand there has been some positive response to this decision to release the prisoners and we understand that people are indeed being released from prison as as we speak but the people in Tahrir Square their demands go much further to day one systemic change and they say that thats something that cover me is unable to deliver and given the fact that the same Political Parties remain in control of the parliament there the same Political Parties that put him in power so to say because they had to vote in through parliament so would people into her square are saying is that these are the same powers that are responsible for all of the problems that the nation is facing looting unemployment the lack of services corruption and therefore dont have a lot of trust and cut them himself as a person to be able to deliver change to what they really want is the complete overhaul of the political system they want to be able to elect the head of state directly not to be chosen through parliament so although the in the mens yes today from kadhimiya were quite significant and really you could see that he was really making an effort to try to mend the rifts between his new government and the protesters many people on the streets see them as just very small concessions you know one example of was that 6 you know i asked the demonstrators what they think about the release of the prisoners and they said well on the one hand thats good but look over there we still have Security Forces who are using Excessive Force is Excessive Force against so there appears to be still a lot of anger on the side of protestors and a lot of grievances that have not been addressed that very honestly will take a long time to address because they are really systemic issues that have plagued plague of the country for a very long time because some 14 brings ill do it from baghdad so very much. Police in hong kong have broken up protests in several Major Shopping Centers despite social distancing controls hong kong is seeing a revival of antigovernment demonstrations there gopalan reports. Its the 1st weekend since hong kong strict social distancing rules were eased many shops and restaurants opened expecting celebrations for mothers day instead there were scenes like this in several shopping malls across the city to be carried out a few protesters would appear in different parts of the mall then disperse a since there was word that police were on their way to visit some of them but this day is a tradition in the name so i find it really annoying ana and i have no idea why the police are so i guess the. Protesters gathered spontaneously to chant slogans and sing and in line with the days theme calling for independence for hong kong the chance for independence are likely to provoke beijing and the Hong Kong Government and the protesters say have taken advantage of the current Virus Outbreak to crack down on the citys Democracy Movement thing for which in the midst of the coronavirus the government has imposed restrictions on gathering and turn it into a crackdown on freedom of assembly not only for the human rights of citizens but also for religious activities i think this is a gross violation of human rights. Hong kong has not had any new local infection of covert 19 for nearly 3 weeks on friday its government eased social distancing restrictions increasing the number of people allowed to gather from 4 to 8. Months we have to spread in groups and flow as it moves the police go is great because you can only go guerilla star anyone flouting the rules could be immediately find 250. 00 a large sum for many of the young protesters this is one of hong kongs main tourist and commercial areas its hard to tell who is a protester all whether they are simply here to shop the boss police could identify protesters because they wore mosques to remain anonymous but now almost everyone in the city is wearing a Face Covering as advised by the government to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Most of the crowds on sunday were part off or supported the prodemocracy protests last year which would often lead to violent confrontations between police and demonstrators the coronavirus pandemic has subdued many activities including the antigovernment protests but it seems to have done little to diminish the anger of the protesters who see the government as taking advantage of the situation to further erode hong kongs freedoms and many here are calling this the start of protest season the bigger pollen hong kong political scientist and prodemocracy campaigner joseph chang says sundays demonstrations are an indication that more protests will take place in the coming weeks. The proDemocracy Movement remains angry and dissatisfied because there carolan and in station has been adopting the strategy of no dialogue no concessions no negotiations and its the fuses to meet the demands of the people more all far the government has been paid to name. Is crackdown on the proDemocracy Movement of the new interpretation of basic of the basic law of granting a Central Liaison Office that is the james all going to in hong kong a supervisory role over the territory as well as reinterpret tate he interpretating the ground rules of the lets say the console soledad the poll as servicemen can easily be brought there filibustering at 1st on the part of the opposition but of our head on the news hour including Donald Trumps Pandemic Response it is criticized as the biggest set of mistakes since the Great Depression the 1930 s. Brazils president goes jet skiing has covered 1000. 00 deaths climb and the hardest hit country in latin america and in sports germany has plans to restart its top 2 Football League suffered a setback virus here with that story coming up. But as Prime Minister Abbas Johnson is due to give a briefing outlining plans to the u. K. Locked on the head of the announcement the government has changed its coronavirus message instead of telling people to stay home to save lives its telling them to stay alert but the governments of scotland wales and Northern Ireland have rejected the change they say they were not consulted and will continue to tell people to stay at home. You mustnt scorned it of progress by easing up too soon or by sending mixed messages that result in people thinking that its ok to ease up now let me be very blunt about the consequences if we were to do that people will die unnecessarily and instead of being able to listen restrictions hopefully in the near future we will be faced in state with having to take to the we must not take that risk so for that reason my basic message for scotland that means the same as it has been please stay at home. While were joined live by paul brennan in london paul lets talk about this upcoming speech 1st of all are we expecting anything significant thing different in this speech. Well its difficult because as you know rob whats happened is it was announced 3 days ago that Boris Johnson is going to be making this speech at 7 pm local time here this evening and thats meant that the measure is expected to be contained within it to come in drip fed through the media briefings and various other things so we know for example that the Welsh Assembly has decided that it will allow exercise to take place more than once a day scotland nicholas sturgeon you just heard her as shes fallen in line with that so we probably expect Boris Johnson to follow suit with that another expected measure that were looking for is the announcement that was big Headline News on saturday which is that Airline Passengers arriving into the u. K. Could be expected in fact could be demanded to self isolate for 14 days after arrival thats been widely previewed as well will that be actually formally in the announcements but todays headlines ahead of the speech this evening of it all about 2 things 1st of all as you say this this change of messaging moving away from the stay at home not clear distinct message to a kind of more ambivalent stay alert message which is causing what quest. To be asked about the wisdom of that change government ministers doing the rounds of the Political Television programs on sunday morning say it was necessary to broaden the message so that they can bounce on to further relaxations in the future but other people are saying that it will simply make it difficult for the public to understand and probably quite difficult for the police to enforce as well on the one other thing that we are being told could be new is the idea of a coronavirus alert system a kind of ranking system of ones of 5 perhaps based on local or regional geographical areas depending on the level of infection in those areas and not in itself raises questions about potentially discrepancies between different regions of the u. K. As far as the progression of the virus in those particular areas in the meantime of course the numbers are going up paul and as you were just saying that because there are so many differences in different parts of the area in parts of the u. K. Its going to make having some sort of a part of the cohesive plan to try and deal with these numbers even more difficult. Yeah that theres been criticism of the governments Data Collection theres been i mean they are trying to address that now by really trying to get a handle on the number of deaths in care homes for example but again on one of the. Sunday morning t. V. Political programs one of the members of the Scientific Advisory group a statistician an epidemiologist was on there saying that basically the government stats dont really add up and one of the reasons why is because testing isnt widespread so they dont the government doesnt really have a very accurate picture of how widespread the virus is in the u. K. And without a very accurate picture then it makes policymaking very difficult as well and for those kind of reasons i think although there is a lot of expectation for what Boris Johnson will say the seedling a lot of anticipation as far as really Real Progress or a widespread relaxation that stuff that kind of expectation is being dampened down by sources close to downing street poll published in bringing us up to date from london paul thanks very much indeed. Well as youve been hearing the plan for the u. K. Is to get people back to work but with changes to the way offices operate and the way people commute there wont be the same as before the barker reports from london. They are guidelines for unlocking the lockdown starting with how we travel to work. Before the pandemic 325000. 00 passengers boarded London Underground trains every 15 minutes if 2 meters social distancing is applied only 50000. 00 could board in that time one solution is to stagger travel times putting an end to the idea of a normal office hours youve got infrastructure that was not built for this. Sort of distances people actually move the static so. People. Act and actually having the guidance around this is really quite. Cycling is enjoying every masons under lockdown companies are being advised to install bigger bike racks allowing commuters to avoid public transport and in the office itself workers are being told to sit either side by side or back to back desks sharing should be avoided and some firms are being advised to install plexiglas between workstations and discourage access to communal areas such as kitchens and when it comes to shared pens and staplers they are now off limits. Understandably ages are precious d time in many offices air is recycled moments such a tree using also to get in and out. Taps after after too much i suspect coming through in my judgment it will still perhaps be as im armed for people to meet. Come together physically. Pharmacists in supermarkets are already open with customers and shopkeepers separated by screens. When other retailers such as clothes shops reopen theyre expected to introduce one way flow systems hundreds of construction sites have already opened with Many Companies setting their own rules and regulations the governments expected to reveal plans to help hotels receive guests again but for now bars and restaurants are expected to remain closed for many workers the advice remains unequivocal or those who can work from home should work from home when it comes to restoring the life we once knew there appears to be no one size fits all solution needs barkha out london americas top Infectious Disease expert dr anthony function is in south quarantine after coming into contact with someone who has covered 195 she is a Senior Member of the White House Response Team here go into whats been described as modified quarantine after making the low risk contact to other officials on the task force will go into isolation for a full 2 weeks. President trump continues to describe his administrations handling of the crisis as a success but as mike hanna reports the u. S. Government is facing criticism for the lack of any Pandemic Response strategy in past decades the u. S. Was the Global Leader in Pandemic Response the Bush Administration largely set the world agenda in combating the h 5 n one or bird flu virus if we wait for a pandemic to appear he warned it will be too late to prepare. President obama demanded daily briefings from the Pandemic Response team then ordered troops into the field to fight the 2014 a bowl epidemic the 1st of a deployment of the military in a medical crisis and his stablished a Pandemic Response unit within the National Security Council Called the Global Security team so it would allow for and all of government response in the event of an outbreak or if a foreign epidemic got to us soil so that we would have coordination across Homeland Security our National Security the military health and Human Services c. D. C. And all the various state Health Agencies Laurie Garrett advised the Pandemic Response team in both the obama and Bush Administrations the pen demick flu plan of 2005. And you know look at the size of this thing this was the 1st serious attempt to come up with a pandemic plan to the United States a plan that the Obama Administration built on and presented to a new president in 2016 and they they handed it over together with a demonstration of what would an outbreak look like to try and bring the trump team up to speed but. Almost immediately the trump team started cutting everything and so by the time you hit the f y 2018 budget. Most of this whole construct was gone i think the global Response Team was formally disbanded in sweeping budget cuts imposed by President Trump which also a mess of lee reduced funding of the centers for Disease Control actions that in the face of 19 had global as well as National Consequences the whole world is failing right now and. That the nature of the failure the scale of it may vary from one country to another but boy this is you know this is the the biggest set of mistakes made at a global scale since 1929 and may very well end up being far worse than that as the microbe seizes opportunity in the wreckage of the Global Health team that one set the standard in Pandemic Response the nations and cities of the world continue to come to the devastating costs by kind of aljazeera washington. Iran is being reported as saying its ready to conduct a Prisoner Exchange with the u. S. Without any preconditions government spokesman was quoted in local media saying techron has expressed willingness to exchange all prisoners but is not heard back from the u. S. Both countries have called for the release of prisoners because of the covert 1900 outbreak well lets take a look at some of the people being held in both countries there are at least 4 americans detained in iran. And his father baka have been in prison the longest for years on espionage charges in the u. S. There are dozens of iranians being held for violating u. S. Sanctions on tehran iran is specifically seeking the release of syrias a scottie a 59 year old iranian scientist who tested positive for cover 19 in federal prison last week the last time a prisoner swap took place was in december and is a display of rare cooperation to iran freed an american graduate student and exchange for an iranian scientist well Hillary Mann Leverett is a former United States diplomat and the chief executive of strategic its a Political Risk consultancy shes joining us from washington d. C. Thanks very much indeed for being with us hilary how are you reading whats going on. There do seem to be more and more indications that both the United States and the Islamic Republic of iran are getting close to what may be called the prisoner swap there are more and more comments from officials both sides about this American Navy veteran whos a medical fergal in iran and this iranian professor here who is still in prison but has been acquitted of all charges so those 2 cases the American Navy veteran in iran and the iranian professor here in the United States those 2 in particular look particularly right for negotiation and trade and there are more indications from both sides about those 2 have particular as with all these things hillary timing is everything why do you think this is happening. Well 1st important in my assessment of in 1000 pandemic is having influence on both sides particularly the iranian professor here in the United States he has been infected from what we understand with the corona virus and hes still in prison there is no mechanism or no mechanism has been made for him to have medical furlough like the american who is in iran and so hes really in a dire situation here in the United States hes been acquitted theres no reason the United States needs to hold him and similarly for the american in iraq hes a medical for a low theres no reason at this point for the iranians to continue to hold someone who they have theyve released medical for low so the co 19 pandemic to me is the most important thing that could be happening here but i will say there are more and more indications here in washington there are people speculating that maybe there is some warming in the relationship they point to the u. S. Decision to remove the patriot missiles from saudi arabia and they point to some tweets from the iranian from iranian Supreme Leader ali hogmanay that negotiation is a is a respectable good thing to do so theres some speculation here in washington that maybe theres more going on behind the scenes for warming of the relationship but ive seen no actual evidence of that given your long experience as a diplomat you know how these things work given the level of tension that theres been for such a long time between the white house particularly and ron is it really life lead that things would actually turn on a pin like this. Well you know in this environment things that may have been surprising or even shocking a few years ago seem to be more and more the norm we had this situation back in december where there was a prisoner swap an American Academic was released in iran and an iranian scientist a professor was released here in the United States a very similar situation and then 2 weeks later the United States kill of iran general so the body so you went from one extreme of being hopeful for negotiations to ease the relationship to another extreme where the 2 countries were yet again on the brink of war my says meant his that president tried her 1st that situation he likes the extremes he likes to keep his foes off guard and off balance he likes to keep the International Community constantly guessing he enjoys that and thinks the United States gets leverage from it so i fortunately i do think that we could be seeing another round of an extreme. Extreme volatility in the relationship always good to get your thoughts on this Hillary Mann Leverett we appreciate it thank you very much thank you very much. Still ahead on aljazeera dream home or only a dream why nigerians are finding it hard to buy a house plus. It starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom with small children juggling parenthood and politics the efforts of the u. S. To get warm others on the ballot. In sports really is leading rugby League Competitions were going to grab a global audience as teams prepare for a return to action. Hello that is fairly warm and also breezy across much of the Arabian Peninsula to the north this cloud has been producing want to show us that beginning to really peter out as we go through monday affecting Northern Areas of iran maybe some rain showers as well into northern sections of afghanistan but elsewhere it is dry maybe some cloud again through the central as a saudi and the winds very brisk coming down from the north are coming from the hot interior so the whole twins 37 and on monday may be a little bit cooler as we head into chooser the waynes actually little bit stronger point but a warm day with a high of 37 and then down into Central Africa the usual seasonal rains at this time of year we continue to see more heavy rain through monday and tuesday along these coastal areas of tanzania again up into areas of kenya and then through cheese day the rains very widespread as is typical for this time of year becoming havea as we go through the day across areas of bone up into cameroon and also nigeria showers in the forecast monday and tuesday across central areas of madagascar these could be a little bit havea time some a funnel storms in there of course and generally fine in china throughout much of a south africa slightly for monday but by cheese day we could you see some trout in chiles pushing into the fall south so maybe a damp day in cape town with a high of 21. The latest news as it breaks the mine sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500 made his name the surface with detailed coverage the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200. 00 range of refugees from landing from there around the world summit leaders are accusing their opponents of trying to topple that by tampering with financial stability. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this depot structure that maintains the can only project thats what we diffuse it was one of the sound of the sofa settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. All. Oh. Youre watching aljazeera reminder of our top stories this hour fighting is intensifying in libya after forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar attacks the capitals only functioning airport turkey says it amounts to a war crime to please a u. N. Recognized government has launched a counter offensive. Police in hong kong have broken up demonstrations lost in several Major Shopping Centers the antigovernment protest resumed as authorities began to ease coronavirus restrictions. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to outline plans to. Shortly the governments already changed its coronavirus slogan from stay at home to stay. Brazils president is facing renewed criticism over his response to the pandemic on the day the number of deaths past 10000. Was seen riding a jet ski on a lake in the capital his actions are in defiance of advice and social distancing from his own health ministry. Has dismissed growing alarm over latin americas worst outbreak as neurosis one of the worlds most respected medical journals has described the ball scenario as the biggest threat to his country but the president and his supporters are refusing to support a stay at home measures saying the economy must 1st. Reports. As brazil recorded more than 10000 copies in 1000 dates on saturday supporters of president of the sending their game on the capital brasilia to defend their battered leader and demand an end to all lockdown measures they rallied in front of the countrys Supreme Court angry after it allowed an inquiry into the president for allegedly interfering in a Police Corruption case against. All this happening while a study by top brazilian universities says the country is still weeks away from reaching the peak of infections and predicting more than 60000. 00 deaths by next month the highest death toll anywhere besides the United States in a scathing editorial the british medical journal the lancet says both so narrow who continues to dismiss the effects of the outbreak is the biggest threat to easing the crisis on the governor of brazils most populous states extended a lockdown in this region until the end of the month backpedaling on an earlier promise to start rio. Opening the state on monday and implicitly attacking will so narrow. Were all going through the worst moments of this pain dimmick but its not recognized not saying not understood by those who are blinded by hate or by personal ambition medical officials in religion a door in a lease for their major cities have warned that their Hospital Systems are on the verge of collapse among them and now its in the heart of the Amazon Region where 500 more coffins arrived by boat to deal with the surge and deaths nobody knows exactly how many died to cope with 19 because of insufficient the late testing for instance. Since the 2nd most populated state in brazil we have only 3000 cases but then we have almost 100000 suspected cases that have gone so far so the numbers are clearly much worse we know the government has absolutely no idea of the true extent of the problem in. The Health Minister himself has admitted to lying through this. And already bleak situation the promises to become even harsher as the weeks go by. Mexicos government says that its at the peak of the pandemic it has more than 33000 infections but experts are saying the numbers could be much higher because of a lack of testing john holmes reports from near mexico city. For 2 weeks this mexican criminal tore him has been going day and night exhausted workers told us that almost all of those here a covert victims. We are working to triple what we usually do we just cant keep up before we committed it when one and 3 bodies a day now its up to 15 or 20. The countrys official quoted they have told is it just over 3000 thats in a country of almost 130000000 people at the peak of its epidemic there are fears in reality it could be higher. Of a criminal for him to report there also max capacity like this one in its to palapa on the outskirts of mexico city that i have assisted enough imo sometimes our ovens are so saturated we have to cremate the following day we leave the bodies at the hospital because we have no room for them if given the list of the countries coronavirus saw sit in a prove that the real number of cases likely to be at least 8 times higher than the official figure. Many other countries also admit that they take out but it could be bigger here because the testing rate is so low and that goes for faith 2 personas asians come articularly in face 3 in a serious condition which doesnt give us the chance to do the test it could be done after death at that really happens so we have people that die and have the symptoms of corbett at our in vegas there is such. But some local governments say that on top of those problems the death toll sleeper reported havent been reflected in the federal count. Before you see those they counted us as having 24 dead but we had 87 more than 3 times more than that as the mere the and given that up until last night we had 54 people who died of cold at 19 according to their medical certificates and in the daily roundups from the state and federal government theyve only registered 16 that. I mean while the fatalities continue at this local cemetery they told us theyve been taken up to 4 times the normal amount of bodies amid the worries for some over transparency there is also cause for optimism the capitals Health System or those suffering from a lack of equipment and at times coordination is still not overwhelmed even though the government says that the epidemic in the country has reached its peak. The governments hoping that it can get through the peak period without a huge jump in the death toll whatever that really is john homan out disease or to my what can. China has reported the 1st case of covered 1000. 00 for more than a month in war han the city where the virus was 1st detected in december its National Health commissioner says the new case did not show symptoms previously the capital of hope a province was the 1st city in the world to go into lockdown its been slowly returning to normal since restrictions were lifted last month. Hundreds of indian nationals have returned home after being stranded abroad because of the pandemic this group was sent by ship from multiverse as part of the governments mission to bring back those stuck in various countries arrivals are then checked and sent into quarantine india closed its borders to International Flights and march leaving hundreds of thousands of its citizens stranded abroad. Lebanon is slowly emerging from eights lockdown weeks of closures of cause further damage to an economy that was already in freefall after months of political and financial turmoil and is in a lot of reports from beirut the hospitality sector is paying a heavy price. Lebanon is reopening after a 2 months lockdown a major outbreak of the corona virus appears to have been averted but the pandemic devastated and already collapsing economy many businesses didnt survive the present being before some of our projects we had 2 things that i decisions if we need to go we closed humber on may 1st it was my whole life maybe for us we closed a wonderful place i wonder from projects that couldnt sustain financially at all anymore many restaurants will be reopening with the recent collapse of the local currency believe its become more expensive to operate them but this sector was hit hard months before because of lebanons worst financial crisis in decades nearly one outlets have closed since september. 150000 employees are employed in this sector. Translates into 150000 families who live from the sector 25000 to are laid off between october and january we dont know the numbers now but i can tell you 120000 employees are sitting at home today. In another challenge restaurants that are back in business are obliged to operate a 30 percent capacity to protect against the coronavirus rising poverty and inflation also means fewer customers Restaurant Owners are asking for relief from taxes and loans to be reduced hotels are also asking for assistance but the state is close to bankruptcy the hospitality sector used to be a pillar of the economy contribution 10 per cent of the g. D. P. Its also the biggest employer after the public sector. At least 18000 Hotel Employees have lost their jobs in recent months losses have been accumulating for years blame partly on land being closed off due to the war in neighboring syria as well as political instability that has kept tourists away now the pandemic has brought the sector to a halt. Were closing simply because we lost the whole. Of you know a better tomorrow. To continue. For 70 years the Bristol Hotel hosted International Conferences and dignitaries never closing even during the 15 year civil war that ended in 1990 this landmark is now a symbol of what many describe as one of lebanons darkest times. Theyve built a new corona virus infections are increasing in germany just days after the government eased social restrictions but Robert Hawkins to choose a release to the report says thousands of protesters gathered to demand the lifting of all walk down rules it concluded germanys covered 1000 reproduction rate or the number of people each confirmed patient infects is now above one that means the number of infections are on the rise germanys recorded more than 170000 cases and 7500 deaths so far. Djibouti has turned back on its plan to lift lockdown rules this weekend the measures have now been extended until next sunday the government says its premature to lift restrictions with nearly 1200 colona virus cases recorded these figures are low on a global scale but it has the highest number of infections per capita in africa the World Health Organization warns more than 190000. 00 people across the continent could die from the virus in the coming year. Ethiopia says its shot down excuse me shut down a privately owned kenyan plane in somalia and here this week in a statement to the African Union it says its troops mistakenly believe the plane was on a Suicide Mission and reacted to protect its camp and bell in the southwest 6 people were killed when the aircraft carrying medical supplies to somalia went down. World bank says nigeria needs hundreds of billions of dollars to bridge its housing deficit homeownership is at 25 percent now nigerians are finding it harder to make purchases as incomes fall along with oil prices and it just reports from the butcher. Benjamin about a waited years for a Mortgage Loan to buy a house it be saving under a mandatory government mortgage scheme to help workers purchase low cost will with men to contribute which we started by a long delay stories keep the money team from one end to the odd 1000 no one can for in uniforms our continuity. There are millions of nigerians like him whose dream of owning a home like one of these is fading the delivery cost of a 2. 00 bedroom flat nigeria is quite. Higher than the bill because of an equal 2 bedroom in south africa even if you do not charge an ok. And interest rate. For buy a house. You cannot just make the vision of the cost the primary cost of the house. Because of low returns and patronage of low income houses more and more investors are focusing on whom so which the rich and upper middle class is willing to spend more these 104. 00 houses still under construction have already been boat even before they were completed. His Real Estate Company has sold more than 5000 homes in the past 10 years and the 1000 more on the way. He says were nigeria emerge from its worst recession 2 years ago the demand for premium housing has been on the rise the need. For we shelter not just quality premium shelter is highly needed we are paranoid and the integration of Technology Automation into the real is that which is what is happening around the world so we dont want to be left behind so thats why i call groups see them but you need to be the 1st to bring it into nigeria needs 20000000 new homes to cater for families who need them the World Bank Estimates that will cost 400000000000. 00 us dollars the investment potential of the sector are enormous but for now only a fraction of the amount required is being invested. In nigeria the power and control over land these vested in Government Experts say unless land is affordable or nigerians will be condemned to living in slums or substandard hooves. Greece aljazeera africa. And your group is working to put more mothers into american politics by removing some of the hurdles vote mama is being a making a concerted effort to increase the number of women on election ballots comes fewer than 6 months before the house and Senate Elections in November Alan fischer reports from austin texas. Before the world changed this was political campaigning in america. Neighborhoods knocking on doors canvassing for votes now most of the work is being done on the floor and its another obstacle to overcome if youre running for office particularly if youre a woman and a mother the reality is people look at you differently theyre like i cant tell you the times ive been asked where your kids are. Running for the u. S. Congress in texas one of the growing number of mothers who want to change the face of u. S. Politics i think moms are the ones who have really delivered powerful movements in our country and whether its black lives matter moms demand demand action for gun safety legislation or mad you know mothers against drunk driving its always been moms whove been pushing these movements to save people truly like save peoples lives from Gun Violence Police violence from Truck Drivers and so i think we would have a completely different set of priorities if we had a whole lot more months in congress and the senate and the presidency the Texas Democrat is being backed by a group called vote mama its a Political Action committee for support and mentorship to democrats up and down the ballot it was set up by a mother who run for a congressional seat in new york she was the 1st to when federal Election Commission approval for Campaign Funds to be used to pay for child care it was Game Changing we have actually seen 38. 00 federal candidates take advantage of the ruling since may 2010 ruling including that its been men its been women its been republicans its been democrats weve seen over 60 state candidates now use this it breaks down a major financial obstacle at a time when more working parents are thinking of running for office and it starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom with small children most states are considering changing their laws to bring them into line with the federal ruling country less than 5 percent of congress are working mothers not even close to his liking america as a whole because i know the sacrifices it takes to work and raise a family to put mama wants to give me and women in politics a voice we will not be pushed aside but 1st it wants to give them a chance Alan Fischer Austin texas. Singapore has released a robot dog into a pot because part of its efforts to encourage social distancing for your own safety and for those around you stand at least my need to thank you. Its called spot and the 4 legged robot broadcasts a recording of locked up rules as it patrols the 3 come i want to stretch of pocket. Still ahead on aljazeera top level sport since to north america for the 1st time in nearly 2 bucks follows here with that story. Rewind continues if i can bring in people back to life and im sorry. Its on the best of aljazeera documentaries. I was told that looks. Like any other student rewind continues quick shake my neighborhood i was like screaming at the still closed we wont leave. My ultimate goal would be to do something very big for the Police Communication rewind on aljazeera culturally i believe it out to muslims had a far greater effect on europe than europe time on the middle east. The crusaders fault for all she was because they failed to recognize the moment. Enough it was in the the List Campaign of colonization that exploded religion in the name of the cross the crusades an arab perspective the final episode liberation on a. The old. Cycle sports here is far rob thank you so much while after a 2 month hiatus top level sport has returned to north america and ultimate fighting championship event has taken place in a fan a free arena in Jacksonville Florida mixed martial arts leading competitions are just engage the score a surprise knock out victory over Tony Ferguson to win the in term a lightweight title one of the 12 schedule contests had to be cancelled after a fighter tested positive for corona virus on friday john morgan was one of a select group of journalists allowed to attend the event in jacksonville he told us what it was like in the year ina. The quality of the action was fantastic it was a fun fight card but i was even more than that you know as part of history you know this was not to do for a lot of sports returned or in the middle of this pandemic just yet the whole experience around it was unique to say the least i mean all the steps that the u. S. C. Took to get there and into watching everything unfold inside and in the arena it was pretty wild it was is definitely crazy scenes ive ever seen in my life social distancing was you know very strictly enforced throughout maps were worn by everybody inside the building other than the fighters and the referee and again there was no no live crowd present whatsoever so i mean that really just changed everything the fact that you didnt have those cheers you know made the fights feel different but the fact that you could just hear every sound i mean the impact of the strikes you get you know you can hear the fighters talking to each other you can hear that the corners you can even hear the broadcast team and the fighters are mentioning throughout the night that if youre with the broadcasters are saying and the analysis and they can actually hear and process it and you know use it its feedback throughout the night and like in just being able to hear everything is in tbilisi you did it made it it made it really really intense it was a unique atmosphere yes the president dana white told us afterwards that the the trends for the paper view buys were very very good and you know this is you know i dont think you want to look at it just as a capitalistic endeavor but lets be honest that they were the only life support they were the only thing thats happening i mean people didnt you know looking for entertainment here you could tune in and get a night of fun and you could see that the outpouring of support on social media i think people were just happy to have a little bit of a sense of normalcy back in their lives even it was just for a few hours. By players in spains top 2 football divisions have tested positive for covert 19 in the last week the league says the players concerned will stay at home until they return to negative test results Team Facilities have reopened for individual training sessions all players and club employees have been checked for the virus its hoped matches will resume in june of a German Bundesliga is still on track to restart on saturday it will be the 1st Major European League to resume following the coronavirus shutdown matches will be played in empty stadiums with no fans and attendance. Teams in the Southern Hemisphere is top Rugby League Competition are also getting ready to play again australia as an r. L. Is a need to restart on may the 28th since wednesday teams have been organizing the noncontact sessions and full contact training will start on monday the league is hoping to gain new viewers from around the world when games do kick off weve been talking to australian Sports Writers scott bailey. We spoke you know experts who say this could be worth millions upon millions of dollars for the daemon as far as exposure goes in north america but you never have always been very tame so i guess just some comment from some part of the influence its all in you know millions of dollars and and its actually hundreds of thousands or millions of wobbled only game because obviously the game the stream there. Does go into a way that works and i would imagine theres every chance that more as a networks could look at the game up and writes the game off even if its only to be saved and just to get some carbs all on it say we are saying say restrictions look new to destroy bit by bit and as the general public have these issues and with that if what war will be in iraq why is it going to have much tought of restrictions on what they can do once theyre back in from seasons imposed on them by the eneral so thats where its going to become a really tricky and look i think its a given and some point someone is going to make mistake he decides not to costly to the you know to the point where it someone sits or someone catches days again. Because that would have i would say measurable damage in the i mean that was the guy used and sam n. B. A. Teams have reopened their facilities but the league doesnt have to confirm plans for its return just yet isolated training sessions have begun but theres no fixed date for full teams to reinstate practice the league is discussing average of plans including a one or 2 site face to stage. Ok and that is all your sport for now rob back to you thanks very much indeed thats it for me robot the sun for this news are more details of course on the web site aljazeera part com im going to be back in a moment with more of the days news by going on. What impact will called it 19 and a drop in the oil price on the race to the white house can donald trump survive these historic setbacks and does joe biden have what it takes to beat a. Special coverage ill just say. When these young street kids were filmed in the indy little could they have imagined that 30 years later theyd be reunited on camera. An intimate portrayal spanning a lifetime probes the twists and turns of friendship survival and the quest for meaning. In another life a witness documentary on aljazeera. A story of love family and fredo go into my living years or you were at school we heard the sounds of large explosions. And the hardships faced in captivity they came for me i mean that night they told me to leave my son i said how can i buy him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners and the our pricing. On aljazeera. Be the hero the world needs right now. Turkey threatens to take action against forces of libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar following their attacks on tripoli. Im about to sin and this is all to see a live from doha also coming up refusing to back down protesters in iraq keep up their demands for change just days after a new leader is sworn in. Confusion im criticisms around the ukase new stay

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