Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Functioning airport. It starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom with small children and juggling parenthood and politics the efforts of the u. S. To get more mothers on the bottom. And top level sport returns to north america for the 1st time in nearly 2 months and ultimate fighting championship event took place in a free arena in Jacksonville Florida. Now just how serious a 2nd wave of corona virus infections could be has become the new worry for governments as restrictions are lifted south koreas president is edging citizens to become vigilant after all bars and clubs in the capital were ordered to close again that followed dozens of infections meant to just one person on a night. Sounds now one of the hardest hit nations in europe france is preparing to ease its 8 week lockdown from monday the partial reopening comes off to a shop decline in deaths on saturday and brazils president is facing more criticism over his response to the pandemic i have also naro was seen riding a jet ski in the capital on the day the number of deaths there crossed 10000 we are going to begin with 2 protests who are currently underway and and how the coronavirus has been affecting them so mona fulton is in the iraqi capital where antigovernment demonstrators are gathering simona let me ask you oh im sorry weve also gone to vietnam pollen in hong kong where protesters have been out and shopping malls resuming months of anti beijing rallies were going to go to divvy fest divya were seeing will these crowds come out today all day adhering to social distancing guidelines. Well the south at the beginning they were trying but eventually they made their way into these shopping malls and gathered in groups and as you can see here behind me on the railings people just gather around them and start chanting slogans its chanting slogans both against the police against governments and for more democracy and universal suffrage but as soon as riot police come they all disperse very quickly whats making it very difficult for police to discern who is a protester and who is just a regular shopper this is one of the main shopping malls in the city is the fact that everyone in hong kong is wearing a face mask due to the government advice to help fight the corona Virus Outbreak so protesters easily mingle in which shoppers and so while the other issue here also i must say is the fact that protesters are also being fined under the social distancing measures there is quite a complicated situation where police can just pretty much throw perhaps a group like this more than 8 people a fine of 250. 00 u. S. Dollars each and these protesters are are its the same young people that we saw last year in the big movement and many of them are young theyre students and they cannot afford these fines but theyre somehow trying to get around this so this is hong kong trying to start its protest movement in the era of social distancing as you said. Given all of these restrictions one of the actual chances that will see these demonstrations swell back up to the size that we saw last year. The stars while hong kong was battling the current of ours pandemic here the outbreak here many people were distracted also many people were very wary of what could happen and they advised to by the governments rules of maintaining self isolation social distancing not gathering in groups and while theyre all distracted it seems that the government along with beijing made some stealth moves to try and crush hong kong some more prosy Movement Even further now that hong kong is opening up it seems to be over the worst of the outbreak youre only seeing a dwindling numbers if thats of infections here people are now realizing especially these young protesters that they werent or while they were respecting the governments rules and gave somewhat of a standoff or a peace offering the government didnt and now theyre coming back in full force and their supply and theyre calling it the start of hong kongs protests season. Did you go there for us in hong kong thanks very much to. People also gathering in iraqs capital for another day of antigovernment protests since a change in leadership last week former intelligence chief in the stuff has been sworn in as the new Prime Minister his predecessor was forced from office by months of often violent antigovernment demonstrations the protesters are calling for Better Living conditions and an overhaul of the political system while our correspondents want to fulton as live for us interests in baghdad so when are we expecting big crowds today. Well it remains to be seen how the demonstrations evolved today for now there are a few 100 people i would say gathered into hers where theyre manning the barricades which are on top of the republican bridge behind me and they have come here you know despite the coronavirus from that make still think iraq and also this being ramadan with many people fasting and it being a very hot day so we are still seeing people flock to the square so the numbers may rise throughout the day what is important to say is that this is the most significant gathering since the imposition of the curfew to stem the spread of coronavirus on march 17th since then we have seen higher square virtually empty with a few dozen people remaining in the tents that have been set up here for 2 days gathering is quite significant it comes just days after the formation of the new government of the people who have come here say that they still have demands that go well beyond the appointment of a new Prime Minister they will demand a complete overhaul of the political system they say that the Political Parties that are responsible for the failures of the past governments are still Controlling Parliament with them even though most proud of me has made quite a few concessions last night it is not quite enough and theyre saying that they will try to mobilize the protest again to see actual results on the ground was he says we did hear from the Prime Minister after his Cabinet Meeting on saturday and hes been making some announcements he took us through the big announcements there and how they have been broadly received. Well the moment the announcements were quite old for his 1st Cabinet Meeting and it was clear to most of our crowd to me was wasting no time to try to mend the rift between the demonstrators and the government he promised to release protesters who have been detained since the beginning of the protests in october and very importantly he also made a very important decision to reinstate the general of the one Hopper Society at the head of the Counterterrorism Service lets remember that his. Last year was one of the main triggers for the protests the people looked at him as a war hero who had made great contributions towards the fight against isobel and his the commissioning was seen as just one of the manifestation of. Corrupt governments in restraining him with the fraud problem is trying to address some of the root causes but of course many of the problems that people blame for a the failures of the past governments are still here many of the Political Parties that are responsible are still Controlling Parliament and this is why the demonstrators for your today said that they will keep going what remains to be seen is whether the protests will once again Gain Momentum and reach the same numbers that we saw last year because todays demonstrations although significant in the context of the past few weeks and the curfew theres still much less compared to last year when demonstrations 1st began. To mount a full 10 there for us in the iraqi capital baghdad thank you so much. As you heard earlier a new corona Virus Outbreak in seoul linked to nightclubs has led south koreas president to calling for calm but hes also warning of a 2nd wave of infections later this year from the private ports from seoul. South koreas response to the corona virus has been widely held up as an example to other countries at one time it faced the 2nd worst outbreak in the world after china but quickly brought it under control by encouraging people and companies to voluntarily social distance while conducting mass testing and Contact Tracing president views this National Address to promise further advances. We will reinforce our Epidemic Prevention and quarantine systems become the undisputed number one epidemic response country leading the world but he had a warning that the world was now on the verge of a Global Crisis because of the pandemic. Is fundamentally changing our daily lives and pushing the World Economy into an unprecedented crisis so as an export driven economy south korea faces tough times a global recession means people will be buying less of what the country mags while restructuring of Industrial Production is likely to further hurt trade its a National Forum a panel of experts came together to consider ways for the economy to recover the focus is using the countrys high tech advantages like 5 g. Networks and Digital Systems to grow socalled face to face industries. For all society is transforming to happen less human to human contact our economic structure has to be digitalized fast and we will be focusing on ways to accelerate that. Described this National Drive as a career a new deal. In production none face to face Industries Related to medical Services Education and retail distribution will be intensively faster cities and industrial complexes Transportation Networks and changing National Infrastructure will be combined with Artificial Intelligence and digital. Technology to make them smart. How south korea performs could have wider implications just as much of the world has been watching how weve handled the pandemic so we will be studying how it now recovers from it mcbride aljazeera so well china has reported the 1st case of private 19 for more than a month and thats a city where the virus was 1st detected back in december the National Health Commission Says the new case was previously asymptomatic the capital of a province was the 1st city in the wild to go into lockdown and its only been returning to normal since restrictions were lifted last month. While brazils president is facing renewed criticism over his response to the pandemic on the day the number of deaths past 10000 they also are the seen riding a jet ski on a lake in the capital brasilia as actions in defiance of advice on social distancing from his very own Health Ministry boston area has dismissed growing alarm over latin americas worst outbreak as neuroses one of the worlds most respected medical journals has described also nara as the biggest threat to his country but the president and his supporters are refusing to support stay at home measures saying the economy must come fast and ports. Because brazil recorded more than 10000 copies in 1000 deaths on saturday supporters of president joe you both so narrow the center their game on the capital brasilia to defend their battered leader and demand an end to all lockdown measures they rallied in front of the countrys Supreme Court angry after it allowed an inquiry into the president for allegedly interfering in a Police Corruption case against. All this happening while a study by top brazilian universities says the country is still weeks away from reaching the peak of infections and predicting more than 60000. 00 deaths by next month the highest death toll anywhere besides the United States in a skating at the tauriel the british medical journal the lancet says balsa narrow who continues to dismiss the effects of the outbreak is the biggest threat to easing the crisis example the governor of brazils most populous states extended a lockdown in this region until the end of the month backpedaling on an earlier promise to start reopening the state a monday and implicitly attacking will soon. Were all going through the worst moments of this pain dimmick but its not recognised not saying not understood by those who are blinded by heights or by personal ambition. Medical officials in Rio De Janeiro in a lease for their major cities have warned that their Hospital Systems are on the verge of collapse among them and now its in the heart of the Amazon Region where 500 more coffins arrived by boat to deal with the surge and deaths nobody knows exactly how many died to cope with 19 because of insufficient the late testing for instance the state of music days its the 2nd most populated state in brazil we have only 3000 cases but then we have almost 100000 suspected cases that have been tested so far so the numbers are clearly much worse than we know the government has absolutely no idea of the true extent of the problem and its not the Health Minister himself has admitted to pursue this one lying through the spends our money and already bleak situation the promises to become even harsher as the weeks go by at least in the. Fire the hospital treating coronavirus cases and moscow has killed one person and displaced 200 patients the fire has been pushed out but its not clear what caused it moscow and several other regions have been on lockdown since late launch well a stray or as most populous state is set to ease restrictions reopening restaurants playgrounds and outdoor pools starting on friday rules on businesses and social gatherings will be relaxed and New South Wales that decision follows a drop in the number of new infections and its part of the plan to return nearly 1000000 people to work by july. We continue to take a cautious approach in New South Wales but also one which has a focus on jobs in the economy because we cant continue to live like this for the next year or until theres a vaccine. Well in contrast malaysia has extended restrictions and at reducing the spread of the virus by month schools places of worship and state borders were meant to open on tuesday but thats now been pushed back until the 9th of june the Prime Minister says the measures have been extended in part to stop the launch amount of travel that usually comes with the end of ramadan well singapore has released a robot dog into a park as part of efforts to encourage social distancing or you see and for those to grown to you instead at least point me to thank you. Named spot the 4 legged robot it broadcasts a recording of lockdown rules as it patrols a 3 kilometer stretch of pop and throughout a 2 week trial period its built in cameras will calculate how many people are in the park and keep both arties informed affairs a risk of overcrowding Officials Say the robot will not collect the personal data of people that it interacts with. On moving to some other news now and libyas un recognized government as promising to retaliate after an attack on the capitals only functioning airport forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar fired a barrel hours of rockets on mitiga airport in tripoli on saturday several civilians were killed in nearby residential areas from tripoli reports. Of rockets a strike jet fuel tanks and croft at tripolis International Airport the latest attack on civilian infrastructure in the battle for the capital while the ground battles remain outside the city rockets are still in this city. Its 80 were fired at him 80 get airports that has been closed since march due to shelling its the only operational aid port in tripoli and has been repeatedly targeted by forces loyal to the world plea for have turned over the past year using groc its an airbus try x. Have to the forces say they were targeting equipment used to launch turkish drones that is trying their troops in the south and other areas of the contrie. In recent weeks the internationally recognized government has increased the amount of territory it controls and has launched a drain on the strait g. G. Clee important areas has the by have to us forces attacks on civilian areas in tripoli are becoming more common theres no absolutely no way that a military takeover would have been possible without some civilian casualties the problem this the social and at their mercy or any perception of the legitimacy of the libyan our armed forces or of the potential military leader have completely dissipated from most of the residents in tripoli because they realize that if previously some of them believe that this is actually a cohesive disciplined army now a year on having seen the way this conflict in for and having witnessed how both sides really behaved particularly the libyan our armed forces they really equate them with them and with the militias that are in the capital people in the city have lived with shelling drone strikes and other area attacks from halftimes forces while the ground war comes the closer to their homes. Right now joins us live from tripoli just how awesome billions that type thing. Will. People are still in shock the state of panic the posttraumatic stress disorder which many people here especially in the targeted areas Children Women are suffering from and we have been hearing many voices recently specially. Human rights advocates calling get forward to meeting all possible peace talks with health to the side thats especially after as they say the crimes against humanity that war crimes committed by have for us forces have a far limit as you know. That the number of victims civilian victims has risen to 34. 00 civilians including women and children since the beginning of ramadan ali it means only 2 weeks only 34. 00 civilians including women and children only in 2 weeks and 81 did plus huge destruction of the infrastructure all caused by health for his forces all in the retaliation of the house for his forces defeat in the west of the country many people are wondering that war what can this achieve for have to those forces they continue targeting innocent civilians in fact that are not progressing on the ground but theyre losing get ground meanwhile the United Nations supported mission in libya has is strongly condemned the attacks impacting civilians and infrastructure and it also reiterated that the perpetrators of those who carried out with the ad attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure must be put to International Justice misters here what can you expect now a response from the government. Well the government has started already a counter offensive since early in the morning especially in insalata dean neighborhood and in also in martial a neighborhood all in southern tripoli the Government Forces have been exchanging heavy fire heavy rockets including tillery fire with the have to the forces and now the government says that it will continue it has the right to defend the capital tripoli but it meanwhile the government is blaming the International Community for what it calls the weak condemn nation and the weak situation from the International Community it says that the International Community. Has not even. Name the perpetrators it it indicates to have sort of course and the regional backers of hundreds of house there including the United Arab Emirates egypt and also france jordan and russia the government is blaming the International Community for not naming these countries and for not taking action to prevent those countries from backing the warlords really for have that but meanwhile the government says that as the legitimate institution they are presenting libya and being accumulated by the International Community so it has the right to defend the capital tripoli against what it calls the aggression but have to force my head there live for us in tripoli thank you. The o. P. s says it shot down a privately owned kenyan plane in somalia earlier this week in a statement to the African Union and says its troops mistakenly believed the plane was on a Suicide Mission and reacted to a protected camp in bendel in south west 6 people were killed when the aircraft carrying medical supplies to somalia went down. Now a new group is working to put new mothers into american politics by removing some of the hurdles they face right mama is making a concerted effort to increase the number of women on election ballots and it comes less than 6 months before the house and Senate Elections in November Alan fischer reports from austin texas. Before the world changed this was political campaigning in america. To neighborhoods knocking on doors canvassing for votes now most of the work is being done on the floor and its another obstacle to overcome if youre running for office particularly if youre a woman and a mother the reality is people look at you differently theyre like i cant tell you the times ive been asked where your kids are evil is running for the u. S. Congress in texas one of the growing number of mothers who want to change the face of u. S. Politics i think moms are the ones who have really delivered powerful movements in our country and whether its black lives matter moms demand demand action for gun safety legislation or mad you know mothers against drunk driving its always been moms whove been pushing these movements to save people truly like save peoples lives from Gun Violence Police violence from Truck Drivers and so i think we would have a completely different set of priorities if we had a whole lot more months in congress and the senate and the presidency the Texas Democrat is being backed by a group called vote mama its a Political Action committee for support and mentorship to democrats up and down the ballot it was set up by a mother who run for a congressional seat in new york she was the 1st to when federal Election Commission approval for Campaign Funds to be used to pay for child care it was Game Changing we have actually seen 38. 00 federal candidates take advantage of the ruling since may 2010 ruling including that its been men its been women its been republicans its been democrats weve seen over 60 state candidates now use this it breaks down a major financial obstacle at a time when more working parents are thinking of running for office and it starts to normalize what it looks like to run as a mom with small children most states are considering changing their laws to bring them into line with the federal ruling country less than 5 percent of congress are working mothers not even close to his liking america is a whole district i know the sacrifices it takes to work and raise a family to put mama wants to give me and women in politics a voice we will not be pushed aside but 1st it wants to give them a chance Alan Fischer Austin texas. Well now its time for the weather and jenny it seems like its winter all over again in the u. S. It really is my goodness what a blast of wind so yeah let me show you 1st of all the a little fun to say the satellite is really show you a lot because you can see this cloud work its way across the northeast it doesnt look particularly threatening and really hasnt been but the and has been so cold has been coming down from the north pole quite literally and look at this into vermont 23 centimeters of snow come down this was literally on saturday and just look at it and look at this and i have to say what aptly named place chile a 5th new york state these very hardy gophers out on the golf course despite the fact damages are not much of a freezing and as there was snow in the area now look at this the new york city this is actually central park because its been snow as far inland if you like in the city as some cool pa the last time it snowed this late in the year was 43 years ago 977 so it is unusual we do get snow remade but not this much nerves and not this late in the month as well now as we go through sunday all this moisture work its way across the midwest is coming through in some very very cold as have particularly overnight house again it could turn to mold snow all some sleet and snow and this just shows you the time is all these blue you can see is where the temperatures are read below the average and certainly very cold air is in place and this is monday and it does actually get even colder and look at these how much is because this is new york temperatures down to 13 on tuesday an average of 22 d. C. Is also very cold and actually the overnight lows them tonight as well because 3 celsius on choose to not install z. And the average overnight lows 11 celsius in d. C. So cold by day and cold by night generous very chilly indeed thank you very much jenny well still ahead on aljazeera lebannon reopens but the new alone is not good news for businesses struggling to survive plus. The wild loses one of rock n rolls Founding Fathers Little Richard has died. At the edge of the intersection. And in sports a strain is leading Rugby League Competition is hoping to grab a global audience will be here with that story. Playing. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but the default structure of the main things because only project does what we diffuse it was one of the saunders so for settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation and discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem our rock and a hard place on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks the mind sits within a valley surrounded by bush land and most of its operations have been about 500 majors but the surface with detailed coverage of the Malaysian Navy recently prevented a boat carrying around 200. 00 range of refugees from landing from around the world government leaders are accusing their opponents of trying to topple that by tampering with financial stability. The old. Code and i missed out here today and our mind our top stories this hour hundreds of protesters are marching through hong kongs shopping malls resume in months of anti beijing demonstrations small groups of 8 were expected to form but the gatherings have actually been much larger. People are also. Gathering iraqs capital for another day of antigovernment protest their sense of change in leadership last week the protesters are calling for Better Living conditions and a complete overhaul of the political system. In south koreas president says theres no reason to panic after a new coronaVirus Outbreak in seoul linked to life perhaps one day in phrased his countrys efforts to contain the pandemic but also warned of a 2nd wave action the place of the cme. Now british Prime Minister Barak Johnson is jewish they give a briefing later on sunday outlining plans to ease the u. K. s lockdown its expected to involve getting people back to work but with changes to the way that offices operation the way that people commute it wont be the same as before and he reports from london. They are going to lines for unlocking the lockdown starting with how we travel to work. Before the pump to make 325000 passengers boarded London Underground trains every 15 minutes if 2 meters social distancing is applied only 50000 could board in that time one solution is to stock a travel times putting an end to the idea of a normal office hours you could infrastructure it was not out. So im just. Im just optics. And im actually having guidance around this report. Cycling is enjoying everyday solmes under lockdown companies are being advised to install bigger bike racks allowing commuters to avoid public transport. And in the office itself workers are being told to sit either side by side or back to back desks sharing should be avoided and some firms are being advised to install plexiglas between workstations and discourage access to communal areas such as kitchens and when it comes to shared pens and staplers theyre now off limits. Understandably ages are precious time maybe also says there is recycled moments. Tree using also to get in and out. Taps after too much whats coming through in my judgment it was still up. For people to meet. Pharmacists in supermarkets already open with customers and shopkeepers separated by screens. When other retailers such as clothes shops reopen theyre expected to introduce one way flow systems hundreds of construction sites have already opened with Many Companies setting their own rules and regulations the government is expected to reveal plans to help hotels receive guests again but for now bars and restaurants are expected to remain closed for many workers the advice remains unequivocal or those who can work from home should work from home when it comes to restoring the life we once knew there appears to be no one size fits all solution needs barca aljazeera london. Now americas top Infectious Diseases expert im from a found she is in self quarantine after coming into contact with someone who had a car that 19 now found she is a Senior Member of the White House Response Team and will go into whats been described as modify and quarantine after making a low risk contact but 2 other officials also on the toss force will go into isolation for a full 2 weeks while the u. S. State of new york as current investigation more than 70 cases of a possible corona virus relation syndrome that affects children symptoms include swollen blood vessels and heart problems 3 children have died from the condition we were laboring under the impression that young people were not affected by covert 900 and that was actually good news right the bone the root populations were older people people with cold morbidity but the one of the few rays of good news was young people werent affected were not so sure that that is the fact anymore. Toddler Elementary School children are presenting symptoms similar to our saki disease or toxic shock like syndrome christensen in me has more from your. The governor said that these children did not go to the hospital presenting symptoms of coded 19 the symptoms that they showed when they visited their Health Care Practitioners were fever and skin rashes and swollen glands in extreme cases what happens is. Inflammation of the blood vessels and heart damage these are symptoms that are associated with cows saki disease as he said and toxic shock syndrome these are really Rare Diseases so the fact that theres been 73 of them in new york state is considered very unusual and suspect and then when they went back and tested these children afterwards they found out that the majority of them had been exposed to the corona virus and had antibodies in their system so now they are looking at a possible link between the corona virus and these children and the outbreak of the phenomenon that theyre suffering the centers for Disease Control has actually asked new york state now to develop a response criteria for this phenomenon basically what are the symptoms and how should it be treated there also partnering with other institutions here in new york to see if theres a possible genetic link between these cases that weakness perhaps triggered by the corona virus but really a lot of questions a lot of concern but no real answers right now certainly worrying situation for parents who thought that their kids at least were protected from from any serious consequences with this virus while the number of coronavirus cases globally has now passed 4000000 with the u. S. Accounting firm around a 3rd of that now former president barack obama has described Donald Trumps handling of the pandemic as an absolute chaotic disaster obama made the remarks in a private Conference Call with so many of his administration he says trumps team appears to have a mind set of whats in it for me and to heck with everybody else the u. S. Has reported about 1300000 infections and nearly 80000 deaths eric ham is a us political analyst and has also written a book on the Republican Party he says president obamas comments may well have been strategic. Were talking about a former president speaking to about 3000 of his former employees people who worked for him in the white house people who understand acutely how important it is to keep things and work in the fact that the president makes such biting comments about the current occupant of the white house you one has this expect that the president actually wanted these comments to get out the question is why would he want them out and why would he want them out now given that the United States is confronting this virus this pandemic knowing that the president certainly will attack and again you americans are still left really trying to basically fend for themselves as that but the pandemic is reaching now upwards of 80000 people and the number of deaths that have been caused by this virus president barack obama is attempting to do at this moment in time right now is to unify the Democratic Party and to also signal not only to those who work in the administration but also to those as you mentioned who may be who may be on the fence right now who may be not ready to actually get behind a joe bidens candidacy i think what the former president is doing is signaling that he is working for the democratic nominee and that he needs everyone on board and hes making it clear that he too will be working as he said and as it was leaked he will be working as hard as he can to aleck joe biden in the fall now thousands of people have queued for food handouts and one of the wild west well he settles the swiss city of geneva now its something people began lining up at 5 am on fast that 4 hours before the save his horse out by then the queue was about one and a half kilometers long people were given packages containing nonperishable by special. Now lebanon is slowly emerging from its lockdown weeks of closures have cost further damage to an economy that was already in freefall after months of political and financial turmoil and as our correspondents anaconda reports from beirut the hospitality sector is paying a heavy price. Lebanon is reopening after a 2 months lock down a major outbreak of the corona virus appears to have been averted but the pandemic devastated and already collapsing economy many businesses didnt survive the present being before some of our projects we had to take that i decisions if we need to go on we closed humber on may 1st it was sad to stay in my whole life maybe and for us we closed a wonderful place a wonderful projects that couldnt sustain financially at all anymore many restaurants will be reopening with the recent collapse of the local currency believe its become more expensive to operate them but this sector was hit hard months before because of lebanons worst financial crisis in decades nearly 1000 outlets have closed since september. 150000 employees are employed in this sector. Translates into 150000 families who live from the sector 25000 were laid off between october and january we dont know the numbers now but i can tell you 120000 employees are sitting at home today. In another challenge restaurants that are back in business are obliged to operate a 30 percent capacity to protect against the coronavirus rising poverty and inflation also means fewer customers Restaurant Owners are asking for relief from taxes and loans to be reduced. Hotels are also asking for assistance but the state is close to bankruptcy the hospitality sector used to be a pillar of the economy contribution 10 percent of the g. D. P. Its also the biggest employer after the Public Sector at least 800000 Hotel Employees have lost their jobs in recent months losses have been accumulating for years partly on being closed off due to the war in neighboring syria as well as political instability that has kept tourists away now the pandemic has brought the sector to a halt we closing simply because we lost the hope of. You know a better tomorrow. To continue for 70 years the Bristol Hotel hosted International Conferences and dignitaries never closing even during the 15 year civil war that ended in 1990 this landmark is now a symbol of what many describe as one of lebanons darkest times. The route now egypts president. Has granted himself new powers and he has extended the reach of security agencies under the existing state of emergency theyll be able to suspend University Classes and ban protests celebrations and other forms of assembly and trade in private meetings the government says its among measures to deal with the coronavirus but Rights Groups say the virus has been used as an excuse to expand authoritarian role the death of a filmmaker who was detained for 2 years without trial has renewed calls for the release of Political Prisoners there well timothy cultus is a non resident fellow at the Torah Institute for middle east policy he says successive egyptian governments have used imagines hes to gain extra power. Sure i mean egypt in some form or another has been a state of emergency for over 60 years with very few respites from that. Oftentimes the authorities will use real problems and as an excuse to dramatically expand its powers and justify series of measures that may have nothing to do with the problem in question as were seeing in some of the measures undertaken in this particular emergency law authorization and so Human Rights Watch is rightfully concerned that the authorities once again are trying to add to their toolkit in terms of repression under the pretext of protecting public health. And the reality is that unfortunately were seeing 2 sets of measures some that are legitimate and some that arent and are very reasonable fear of abuse because weve seen. Abuse of authority be a persistent feature of authoritarianism in egypt for several decades and the Current Situation is one of the most repressive periods in egypts modern history so Human Rights Watch is going to raise those concerns and worries about what what could transpire from this new set of authorizations and theyre totally legitimate in doing so well to some other news now hundreds of protesters in kenya blocked major highways in the capital to thousands of homes which launched placers tear gas and water cannon to dispense them the government says the houses were built and lead to me and it comes despite a court order of barring officials from evicting residents. Well the World Bank Says nigeria needs hundreds of billions of dollars to bridge its housing deficit homeownership is at 25 percent and now nigerians are finding it harder to make purchases as incomes for along with oil prices and interest reports from the butcher. Benjamin about a waited years for a Mortgage Loan to buy a house it been saving under a mandatory government mortgage scheme to help workers purchase low cost warnings with maine to contribute which we started by a long delay stories keep in mind meeting from one end to the order and to no one count for in would afford our continuity. There are millions of nigerians like him whose dream of owning a home like one of these is fading the delivery costs of a 2 bedroom flat nigeria is quite. Higher than the bill because of an equal to bedroom in south africa even if you do not charge an engineer. And interest rate. For buying a house. You cannot just make them a provision of the cost the primary cost of the house. Because of low returns and patronage of low income houses more and more investors are focusing on who else or which the rich and upper middle class is willing to spend more these 104. 00 houses still under construction have already been boat even before they were completed. What are his Real Estate Company has sold more than 5000 homes in the past 10 years and the thousands more on the way. He says were no jury emerge from its worst recession 2 years ago the demand for premium housing has been on the rise the new. For we shall attack not just quality. Premium show attack is highly needed we are paranoid and the integration of technology or division into the real is that which is what is happening around the world so we dont want to be left behind so thats why i call group c. The opportunity to be the 1st to bring it into nigeria needs 20000000. 00 new homes to cater for families who need them the World Bank Estimates that will cost 400000000000. 00 us dollars the investment potential of the sector are enormous but for now only a fraction of the amount required is being invested. In nigeria the power and control over land these vested in Government Experts say unless land is affordable or nigerians will be condemned to living in slums or substandard hoops. Aljazeera object. To head on out of there and sports germanys plans to restart its top 2 football leagues suffered a setback pharrell be here with that story. Every generation has higher purpose. Hours. On culture because the worlds poorest nations get a Debt Repayment holiday to fight the coronavirus pandemic but not from private investors asias garber did the street sheds jobs on the sharia 5 tech scrapping for a share of indonesias pranking. Counting the cost on aljazeera. They wanted 43000000000 pounds with a weapon that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. Theres no hope of any more because theres always a small album of people for really really good best. In essence we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function your shadow on aljazeera. The old. Song now its time for sports has far the stands here thank you so much after a 2 month hiatus top level sport has returned to north america and ultimate fighting championship event has taken place and a fan 3 arena in Jacksonville Florida mixed martial arts leading competition saw justin gage she score a surprise knockout victory over Toni Ferguson to win the in term lightweight title one of the 12 scheduled contests had to be cancelled after a fighter tested positive for corona virus on friday oh my god i was so good tonight you know i truly just believed in my skills my coaches and man what a great time i just had was a really great challenge and we are very happy right now you dont care we do go home to a family i know how much. Happiness has brought to so many people would have to great john morgan was one of a select group of journalists allowed to attend the event in jacksonville and he told us what it was like in the arena. The quality of the action with natasha gives a fun fight card but im steve more than that you know its part of history you know and this was not to be for a lot of sports returned or in the middle of this pandemic just yet the whole experience around it was unique to say the least i mean all the steps that the u. S. C. Took to get there and then to watch everything unfold inside an empty arena it was pretty wild it was is definitely crazy it seems ive ever seen in my life social distancing was you know very strictly enforced throughout maps were worn by everybody inside the building other than the fighters and the referee and again there was no no live crowd present whatsoever so i mean that really just changed everything the fact that you didnt have those cheers you know made the fights feel different but at the fact that you could just hear every sound i mean the impact of the strikes you get you know you could hear the fighters talking to each other you can hear that the corners you can even hear the broadcast team in and the fighters were mentioning throughout the night that if youre with the broadcasters are saying and the analysis and they can actually hear it process it and you know use it its feedback throughout the night and like in just being able to hear everything is into believe we did it made it it made it really really intense it was a unique atmosphere u. S. The president dana white told us afterwards that the the trends for the paper view buys were very very good and you know this is you know i dont think you want to look at it just as a capitalistic endeavor but lets be honest that they were the only life support they were the only thing thats happening i mean people didnt you know looking for entertainment here you could tune in and get a night of fun and you could see that the outpouring of support on social media i think people were just happy to have a little bit of a sense of normalcy back in their lives even it was just for a few hours some n. B. A. Teams have reopened their facilities but the league doesnt have confirmed plans for its return isolated training sessions have begun but theres no fixed date for full teams to return to practice the league is discussing a variety of plans including a one or 2 site face to stage all game its. Teams in the Southern Hemisphere is talk Rugby League Competition are getting ready to play again australias and r. L. Is aiming to restart on may the 28th since wednesday teams have been organizing noncontact sessions and full contact training will start on monday the league is hoping to gain new viewers from around the world when games do kick off weve been talking to australian Sports Writer scott daly least i know experts who say this could be worth millions upon millions of dollars for the daemon as far as exposure goes in north america but the owner of always been very. I guess asked some comment from some part of the influence where its all in you know millions of dollars and and its actually hundreds of thousands or millions of wobble the only game because obviously the game the stream there. Does go into a network so i would imagine theres every chance that more as a networks could look at the game up and writes the game off even if its some of the ses and just to get some carbs all on its way we are saying say restrictions look new to destroy bit by bit and as the general public have these issues and with that if you always of the n. R. O. Players are going to have much tought of restrictions on what they can do once and i think seasons imposed on them by the owner also thats where its going to become a little bit tricky and fancy given some point someone is going to make a mistake he decides not to costly to the you know to the point where it someone sits or someone catches days again. Because that would have i would say measurable in that major league i mean that was the guy used. But germanys plans to resume its top 2 football leagues have suffered a setback 2nd tier team d. M. O. Dresden and put their entire squad into isolation after 2 players tested positive for corona virus the rest of the bendis league is still in training with games due to kick off again on saturday it will be the 1st Major European League to resume following the coronavirus shutdown matches will be played in empty stadiums with no facts and attendants. Ok and that is all your support for now the back to you thanks very much far. While tributes continue to pour in for one of the pioneers of rock n roll Little Richard harris died at the age of 87. 00 writing for his flamboyant performances his career spanned 7 decades cranking up that looks back at his legacy yes are real some of that are rock n roll graduate and was. Like i was. Born as richard wade penniman. A boy from americas deep south georgia. With of all those are good members as Little Richard. One of the Founding Fathers of rock n roll. Was spam born in style of playing the piano and distinctive stage presence was a fine blamed office gospel roots and the blues i am to create something electric was a. Little richard exploded onto the scene with his 1st hit single indite 155. Tutti frutti whose lyrics were considered so well received that have to be censored. It sold a 1000000 copies over the it has been described as the one greco would that change the world of music in the u. S. If it down did not mean it was a time when black and white americans were segregated but little which is music book the racial divide both on the dance floor and on the billboard charts. He sold more than 30000000 records worldwide and influenced a generation of musicians from the beatings. Round. To david bowie elvis presley. Bob im all them all but on. The air. And prince even formed a band with jimi hendrix but later fired him for being played the bass. At times in his life his lifestyle seemed to him to be at olds with his faith he went on to study fiola g 7 bibles and producing gospel music i was what he would keep returning to the world he knew well be inventing and relaunching his career in the 1970 s. He vanished from the scene for more than a decade returned with a smash hit and an entry into the rock n roll hall of fame in 1986. Part of the 1st scoop of musicians ever to be inducted i am i was there you never know never there was a 1000 that was. He finally won one in 993 a Lifetime Achievement award in 2013 that and richard announced his retirement was rock n roll is a lot of rubber. It was love it here be remembered as a pioneer entertainer and an inspiration who overcame obstacles throughout his entire life and leaves behind a bridge musical legacy. Little richard was 87. And he. What a life thats it for meanest at this news hour will be in the cat in the chair in just a moment with more of the days news and stay with us. As yugoslavia disintegrated war descended on its inhabitants. Amidst the death and destruction one man created a peaceful microcosm for boys whose fathers faced each other in battle episode 3 of football rebels enters the world of footballing legend praed rag push each. Who went from coaching boys football to teaching young men like frederick push each of the siege of sarajevo on aljazeera. When these young street kids were filmed in burundi little could they have imagined that 30 years later theyd be reunited on camera. An intimate portrayal spanning a life time probes the twists and turns of friendship survival and the quest for meaning. In another life a witness documentary on aljazeera. This underwater treasure is a risk of disappearing juice a coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures but we think the great. Strain the area Cultural Heritage is iconic and it here is an Industry Based bands that we will release instantly if we have another bleaching event of these. If this continues it is just will be the opportunity for the curls to recover any between those magic. Scientists a calling for strong Climate Policy from the government to reduce emissions without the situation gets worse. Protesters try to reignite hong kongs political anger after months of being curtailed by coronavirus. This is al jazeera live from doha also coming up refusing to back down protesters in iraq keep up their demands for change just days after a new leader is sworn in. Warnings of a 2nd wave of coronavirus in south korea but the president says he wants the country to be the undisputed number one the globe

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