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We begin in libya where forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar have fired at least 80 rockets into tripoli is only functioning airport a Libyan Airways plane that was preparing to take off from. Port was hit it was carrying families who were returning to europe one person has been killed after has been trying to take control of the capital for more than a year now but his attempts have been repelled by the un recognized government. Has more from tripoli. If you can see behind me the this mark is still rising from an airport many people here attribute it to their leaders to defeat that have to as forces suffered especially after the last strategic cities and towns in the west of libya and also demotic tax by the government airforce on the woods yet aid bees have to those forces stronghold close to the tunisian borders and meanwhile authorities. Have told us that 2 airliners have been damaged one of them was set on fire it belongs to Libyan Airlines and it was due to fly to spain to bring back libyans stranded there due to covert 19 prevention measures and meanwhile the authorities also tell us that there were many foreigners european from European Countries there were also supposed to fly on that airliner to travel back to the on countries their situation remains of militants inside and in the vicinity of an 80 year old many people here are angry especially the civilians hold live in nearby they may to get airport they say that they have been calling on the International Community to put pressure on half the forces to refrain from targeting civilian areas civilian facilities and it is additional areas but it seems that so far have the forces have not been responding to these calls pakistans government has started lifting lockdown measures despite the number of daily infections soaring more than 1500. 00 cases have been reported in the last 24 hours bringing the total to around 27000. 00 a month has the latest from the slum about. August on has been and i stayed over logged down for over a month and it gave hurting business they started the people who were relying on making an extra amount of money because of the month of ramadan however the government said that it was taking a difficult decision to open up the business a factory however schools and colleges are going large congregation. Be allowed the important thing now is what kind of effect this really have on pakistan. Time when the infection rates are writing within the country there are already warnings by the medical fraternity there such a move mayport extra pressure on pakistan them. Medical facility that they will not be a very good deal redish pandemic. The big worry is that if the situation gets worse in the next few days and the influx of coronavirus patients increases by tens of thousands then the whole Health Care System will collapse because we dont have many ventilators and we dont have the capacity to cope with a mounting crisis now the government is moving in a calculated man expecting the people to go observe the fop but we have been able to keep people regard ma oblivious to the dangers of the friend demi and their death god has going to be a rare danger for bar gets done. We understand that there is an increased threat of infection to people but we are also faced with an economic crisis lifting the lockdown will help us own a living for our family as people will be out to eat shopping and duff to eat the government can go to look down again and we wont object to it with the idea the idea though the government has lifted the lockdown this will endanger more lives as no one whos following the Standard Operating Procedures people here are also not taking it seriously. The move by the government to evade strictures and take pressure off of smaller trade whove been demanding reopening their businesses but didnt go through a move which i did own danger and could lead to an alarming right and a number of. Well fishes in turkey say the use of socalled Contact Traces has helped control its crown of Virus Outbreak more than 3600 people have died since march but the mortality rate has been falling for 17 Straight Days so of course all reports on the treatment method getting the credit. This patient has just been transferred from the hospitals Emergency Service to the intensive care unit. He has severe coronavirus along with other complications most of these i. C. U. Patients are 65 or older. They know they are especially vulnerable but they are fighting to return to can tell. Here theyre. 60 percent to take these cases a reportage in istanbul we treat many of them here we still get 8. 00 to 10. 00 cases overnight now its more like 4 or 5. 00 pay day are intensive care unit is still 3 quarters full but fewer people are dying. After recording some of the fastest growth uncovered 19 infections in the world the outbreak in turkey appears to have hit a plateau after 6 weeks. Because all the rubble the Health Minister saying his Contact Tracers their socalled white army have been the key. 6000 Contact Tracers across turkey ensure a Covert Mission stick to quarantine rules and i tend to fight anyone with whom they have been in contact. This records who has come of it and where they are helping to identify and contain hotspots yes Mission Contact tracing eliminates the virus contamination and possible new cases youve got the patient on what to do how to sen eyes and isolate the number of the covert cases in our district went down at least 40 percent. And the tracing begins this young medical worker has tested negative so far but were confident fraser team has the scabbard that this family has been in contact with that person was a coroner of ours while they are running at tests to find out whether anyone is now in fact the out break may have reached a peak in turkey but caution remains and people are being warned that social distancing rules will be around for a while longer. And that to avoid covered 19 the safest place is home so you know aljazeera the stumble. The mayor of south Koreas Capital seoul is ordered all balls and clubs to close over concerns the virus could be spreading there the government had began relaxing its social distancing measures after a drop in new infections but in seoul there were reports of new cases linked to some bars and nightclubs which prompted the order to shut them down from hong kong devitt gopalan says it was their optimism after infections in south korea dropped to single digits. But this now is becoming a cautionary tale for south korea and letting its guard down too soon this latest a cluster of infections stem to one man a 29 year old man who on thursday was identified as having corona virus it was then revealed that he had visited 5 bars and nightclubs over overnight on may 1st which was the 1st few days when south korea was easing its social distancing measures that happened to be a long weekend to save people from all over the country happened to be in the area to celebrate south koreas overcoming their outbreak so now about 40 people have been identified as testing positive link to that koester but it goes much further than that in fact the district now says they have to track and trace about 7000 people who may have this is the area over that period because of what theyre calling silent spreaders or secondary infection so its not serving as an example or a test case for the rest of the region and other countries for instance germany which had a similar trajectory jek tree to south korea as far as infections go which is now opening up china also which is now easing restrictions and opening up and hong kong in particular which this week is now opening bars and detainment to areas. Emmons who 3 rebels say saudi arabia has deported hundreds of Somali Refugees to yemen side of the border the houthi say the group of more than 800 is now being quarantined in the area of al has called on a day june cease to help saying they dont have the capacity to look after them or. Has more from santa. The hold these run Supreme Council for traditional humanitarian coordination has called on the refuse commission to uphold its responsibility before the this big number of refugees that have been deported by the saudi arabia to the has been where the these have. Set up. What he can say as Isolation Center for them as they are afraid that the could could be infected by the cold in 19 as the country couldnt tell the rate and other battle on another front the yemenis here. Are the most Vulnerable Society especially over the 5 years of war has really impacted the humanitarian and Economic Situation here in the country there is a big number of refugees in yemen the are traveling through yemen to saudi arabia from saudi arabia to europe and america the believe that the traveling to the dreamland and the and this region which is saudi arabia. Be go through difficulties and also many of them have been killed during this risky trip. Well still ahead of al jazeera russias president leaves muted ve Day Celebrations as he faces a dramatic rise in new cases plus. In his never thought more fearful in 1st street it in my life life in isolation taking its toll Mental Health cases in the u. S. On the rise during the pandemic. Hello there some more rain showers all the way across into central areas of japan having settled that its not feeling particularly cold weve got some very high temperatures osaka 28 degrees 26 in take here but the rain is going to find a persistent through sunday pushing up into some heaviest falls and north high of 15. And its clear skies across Northern Areas of china mean the temperatures again on the rise so 25. 00 in beijing but that rain all the way from japan trading right the way down into the southern areas of china so it is going to be rather unsubtle for the next couple days down into the coast certainly hong kong be prepared for more rain showers and cloud as we start the new week meanwhile throughout much of indonesia the rains have a very widespread some heavy rain and thunderstorms into southern sections of the philippines it will stay in the 4 calls through monday as well this system just sitting off the east coast and really pushing the rain across into central areas for the start of the week but the rains very heavy across so many peninsula and again into these northern and Western Areas of the sumatra there will change an end you have got the usual scattered thunderstorms some of them of course very heavy at times and warnings in place in the India Met Office for hail as well of these strong thunderstorms very widely scattered heaviest sunday into areas of west bengal and all the while continuing down the coast across into carola. Madagascar. A breathtaking tropical paradise. Where its former protector. Are now diverse. We follow through just as they put their lives on the line to. Risk it on medicare. On aljazeera. Oh. Go back youre watching aljazeera our mind the now of our top stories this hour libyan warlord. Forces have attacked tripolis only functioning airport with at least 80 rockets its believed a civilian plane was hit on person has been killed. Pakistan has started lifting lockdown measures as the number of daily infections reaches a new high there are fears over the state of the economy thats the thing into recession. Officials in turkey say the use of socalled Contact Trace is help control its corona Virus Outbreak more than 3600 people have died since march of the mortality rates been falling for 17 Straight Days. Russias president Vladimir Putin has led a scaled down celebration to mark 75 years since the end of world war 2 the country has the 5th highest number of coronavirus cases in the world it registered more than 10000 new infections a day for the 7th day in a row. And reports. Instead of a military parade on moscows red square russians marked 53 day in solitude covered 19 has changed everything the streets routinely used to display russias military power are empty no tanks no music no marchers. President Vladimir Putin place flowers at the eternal flame near the kremlin walls and for the 1st time in recent hears western delegates who were due to attend the event canceled. Addressing the nation he called for unity. During the year we know and we firmly believe that we are going to build and we stand together. A military air show replace the ground parade with jets flying over 47 cities across russia. During the 2nd world war the then soviet union lost about 25000000 people more than any other country. Yet still we probably dont deserve a parade on the the circumstances everyone isnt scared of the virus whereas the veterans were going under bullets and minds. With social distancing traditions have turned to technology instead of families clearing a photograph of a relative lost in the war like previous years portraits were uploaded online for a digital commemoration the start menu the price like i dont mind the celebrations but cancelled people will celebrate at home and watch the parade from previous years. But the president was counting on the parade to mark the 75th anniversary with his Approval Ratings hitting a record low there is frustration over the handling of the pandemic as russia becomes a new hotspot for the virus at home a weak economy and a slump in oil prices are making things worse. The economy is not doing well i know a number of at a crisis measures have been taken and i hope it will help us to survive the situation in. A broad its involvement in the war in syria and libya has fuel tensions with adversaries the president was hoping the parade would help his political standing and the countrys might now. But as it marks the end of the 2nd world war russia now faces a new invisible enemy. Of the young aljazeera. Thousands of people gathered in a tightly packed crowd for ve Day Celebrations in rows the country has not introduced any social distancing measures all travel restrictions long time president Alexander Lukashenko has dismissed fears of coronavirus as psychosis he said victory day was a sacred holiday and canceling the military parade was out of question. In the u. K. The government is set to announce that all incoming travelers will have to isolate for 2 weeks the restriction is expected to take effect at the end of the month those found breaking the rules could face fines or deportation for britain is in london he says the government is also working towards lifting the lockdown without compromising public safety. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a very delicate balancing act because he has not only the pressure from the public who have been locked down here in the u. K. With a stay at home order for more than 6 weeks now but also pressure from the devolved governments of wales and scotland and the welsh have already said that from the start of this coming week they will allow people to exercise more than once a day and they will allow Garden Centers for example to reopen if they can impose and maintain social distancing rules so what we have is a seepage of leaks and government sources being quoted in the media ahead of the Prime Ministers announcement on sunday at 7 pm and the latest from those leaks and sources is that travelers arriving in the u. K. At airports and ports will be told to self isolate essentially self quarantine themselves for 14 days theyll be told to be demanded from Border Guards to give an address where they will be staying for those 14 days and they will be subject to potential police spot checks on the penalties if theyre found not to be observing that 14 day quarantine period could be a fine of up to the equivalent of 1200. 00 or potentially even deportation now there are concerns about it the travel industry is saying that its to be a nail in the coffin of british travelers who are hoping to go abroad during the summer they simply wont travel if they will have to confine themselves to home for 14 days after they return and there are also concerns about how it can actually be enforced in the lobby a Conference Call between the minister the aviation minister and Aviation Industry leaders i understand on sunday morning. A social distancing continues in many us states doug says fair taken psychological trauma among the quarantine isolation can be a major trigger for people struggling with addiction and other Mental Illnesses either joe castro reports when you write a song Maggie Kerner says these weeks she spent at home with her dog her instruments. And her thoughts have unleashed her creativity as an artist as a musician i feel like im finally able to be so again like god and the universe are like oh shes awake again. Awake because after years of being addicted to alcohol then there are a wanna shes sober the singer songwriter from new orleans says she quit in late february a decision made just before louisiana shut down due to cope with 19. I was able to prepare myself for what was happening as opposed to being in a constant state of being high stress full of anxiety social isolation is the number one Public Health tool against the coronavirus but it has a Mental Health toll with the elderly and those fighting addiction being the most important. Theres still little data on the psychological fallout of this pandemic but previous studies of quarantined individuals found them twice as likely to report hide mental distress if you have a history of trauma youll be more triggered to an event such as this the reactions that youre having are actually quite normal so this time that we are living in and around the world therapists encourage people who are suffering alone to seek help online the Mental Health association of oklahoma virtual therapy groups weve been able to offer hope in the middle of the crisis and weve been able to. For connection in the middle of social distancing and have never felt more fearful in 1st treated in my life kerner has had her down moments in home isolation to get through them she attends daily online meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous is a huge thing with addiction youre going to close your saw from the world in a lot youre stopping your how in do whatever you want to do and what a great excuse and then it is a lot yourself in your house and not have to go where. Shes taking a day at a time she says writing music inspired by the koreans. And knowing shes not alone. Castro aljazeera washingtons. Nigerias government is warning many states could soon run out of beds in corona virus Isolation Centers the number of cases continue to rise across nigeria particularly in parts of the north and in the commercial capital lagos. A turn a call trial involving the drug hydrochloric queen on covert 900 patients is set to begin in lagos state. Business is booming for online and Home Delivery services because of coronavirus restrictions but in kenyas capital some of those going door to door say theyre not seeing any of the profits and the struggling to make ends meet malcolm wave reports from nairobi. Its been more than a month since pubs in nairobi like this one opening with life. Kenyas government closed bars and restaurants to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But there is still life. In the kitchen filled meat is a local speciality. Takeaways are allowed and motorbike riders like front his career are delivered to those who dont venture out. With the recruits getting up from the. Front he says that food deliveries are up which as a rule work loaded down he struggling to look after his family its not easy riding around on a bike all day nairobi is not particularly warm at the moment raining a lot of the time you want to sweat for walking down the road for the riders its like sitting still enough for the kilometer when down that long and under the pressure of trying to get home safely this for the sunset. Police have been accused of rights abuses when enforcing it is found after dark riders say they might be beaten or have to pay a bribe to customers say they plan to get their favorite food at home but they miss the good times as did most those who have no. Go but they have not told him at full moon. Outside. Business is booming for other Delivery Services to workers from this company microsurgery for customers who send a list. Writers deliver them to their homes for us its exploded he praises the novel for example where you know. Youve been thinking of now watching for a diary only. To be able to get it. But its a service that only some can afford and not the writers themselves francis says his income is down by about half as many others have no work at all a lot of Economic Activity has ground to a complete halt millions of informal work has been left destitute francis like so many others has he can wait until this is all over malcolm webb aljazeera nairobi kenya. And the death of a prominent tribal leader in saudi arabia has thrown the spotlight on tensions over the kingdoms new mega city project to him and hoyt who was shot by Security Forces 3 weeks ago after refusing to give up his home to make way for the planned city financial concerns are mounting about the project to salvage of a theres more. This is when saudi officials reported 300 over the body of a key to his tribe his family denies the official narrative that of the regime was a terrorist who was killed after opening fire at Security Forces. And in videos uploaded on the internet he complained that he was being asked to leave his ancestral land a rare public defiance to a royal decree. That if. I am from out of here i but where mohammed bin solomon wants to build his new neon projects so many villages have started the phases of displacing people in this area these are sort of houses evaded start forcing people to leave their houses of course the people here are all rejecting this and refusing displacement im still not sure whether muslims are welcome to be here or not the tribe in northwest in the blue province is in the part of a mega project called neil mm a 500000000000. 00 city to be built from scratch on the picture rescue at sea and of the regime said he was standing in its way. This is when he was killed for refusing to comply in a shootout with Security Forces. The Saudi Crown Prince is ambitious vision 2030 and the construction in the new york project it snags since its announcement in 2017 satellite images are pained by aljazeera sure that in the last 3 years just a few royal palaces have been built the small airport for private planes is far from the Grand Junction promised in the Marketing Campaign 3 years ago. Activists say there is major corruption involved to a degree which transfers land to mohamed bin sole man that is then bought by the saudi state for new york and the people of the land are evicted the confiscation of the land will not be stopped will take them and it will it take to be able to destroy their houses but there is no and i was no financial ability to build and was not able to convince International Investors to put money in this region soon and soon the killing of 3 most of the international companies. Decided not. To come inside today beyond and the best in any project so neither the gene can sponsor its not going to be sponsored by International Investment the kingdom is likely to borrow 58000000000. 00 to balance its budget and with record low or oil prices additional finances for ambitious projects are unlikely. Progress and a failure to attract investment was before the coronavirus pandemic and the Global Economic slowdown if that doesnt change the princes dream could remain just stacked up in job aid aljazeera. And lets take you through some of the headlines now vivian warlord Khalifa Haftar his forces have attacked tripoli is only functioning airport with at least 80 rockets a Libyan Airways plane that was preparing to take off from my take the airport was hit it was due to take families back to europe but nobody was on board at the time 2 civilians died near the airport because of the shelling ramadans and why has this latest update from tripoli. Many people here are angry especially the civilians whole live in nearby airport they say that. We have been calling on the International Community to put pressure on have to us forces to refrain from targeting civilian areas civilian facilities and residential areas but it seems that so far have the forces have not been responding to these calls pakistan has started lifting long down measures as the number of daily infections reaches a new high there are fears over the state of the economy that slipping into recession officials in turkey say the use of socalled Contact Traces has helped to control its corona Virus Outbreak the mortality rate has been falling for 17 Straight Days the mayor of south Koreas Capital has ordered all bars and clubs to close over concerns the virus could be spreading there the government had began relaxing social distancing measures are through a drop in new infections. Thousands of people have gathered in a tightly packed crowd for v. D. Celebrations in bello reuss the country has not introduced any social distancing measures or travel restrictions long time president Alexander Lukashenko is dismissed fears of coronavirus as psychosis nigerias government is warning many states could soon run out of beds in coronavirus Isolation Centers the number of cases continues to rise across nigeria particularly in parts of the north and in the commercial capital lagos a Clinical Trial involving the drug hydrochloric queen on code with 19 patients is set to begin soon. Its risking it all now stay with us talk to al jazeera. What you will force world when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying youll be into gold build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter

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