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Solutions. No cheering france but major professional sport is back south koreas baseball is finally get to start the season. Because it t. V. Network in the philippines ordered to shut down after a lengthy dispute with the president we go to turkey. Now and santa how much snow have all the sporting clytie the n. F. L. Cancels its games in london in mexico city for the coming season because of the global pandemic. So that one of the toughest coronavirus lockdowns in asia is to be eased even further hong kong chief executive kerry lamb says cinemas and bars can reopen later this week or secondary schools will restart later this month a lockdown was imposed in march there have been no new domestic infections for 2 weeks elsewhere though the u. K. Is still in the grip of the pandemic it now has the highest number of deaths in europe and russia has reported more than 10000 new infections for the 3rd day in a row worldwide more than a quarter of a 1000000 people have died this is the. Hopkins University Track eye you can see the number of deaths and there you have the total number of cases around the world 3600000 confirmed cases around the globe all right well get more on the situation in the u. K. From general whos in london but 1st country to you has more on what measures hong kong is relaxing. The government and kerry lamb said that they were very confident that hong kong had stabilized its corona Virus Outbreak enough to be able to ease some of those very strict measures that have been in place for weeks so starting from this friday groups of up to 8 people will be able to gather in public and theyll be able to eat together for example in restaurants previously that maximum group number was for also some key venue some key businesses will finally be able to reopen that includes jims cinemas and tears has some balls as well as beauty parlors and finally they also announce some opening dates for schools which many families have been looking forward to so starting from may 27th older High School Kids will be able to attend school but they wont be all at once Younger High School students as well as primary School Students will be able to resume classes from the beginning of june and now this follows weeks of corn a virus cases in hong kong dwindling in fact in the last 16 days there have been 0 new local infections the have been some imported cases but there have been very few in the Single Digits if any on some days and it also follows months of real real economic battering that hong kong has seen the the economy in hong kong declined in its 1st quarter this year by about 9 percent compared to last year so the government was very keen to get the economy going again but its not quite out of the woods yet the government said that theyre going to give every hong kong citizen reusable mask that theyre expected to wear when theyre out and about and some businesses including night clubs karaoke clubs as well as saunas and bath houses will remain closed for at least another 2 weeks and thats the situation hong kong lets get the view from United Kingdom and german hold joins us from london to those figures out today putting u. K. Deaths the highest in europe a lower me statistics on there but you have to be careful how you read the. Yeah its quite difficult to draw these direct comparisons between countries as you say it appears now that the u. K. Has death toll has surged ahead of italys making it the worst affected country in europe but there are factors that affect countries differently the u. K. Has a higher population italy has an older population there are differences in the way these tallies a calculated it was only last week that the official u. K. Death toll looked beyond merely hospital deaths and started looking at deaths in the Community Deaths in care homes as well it isnt clear whether the italian figures and to what extent take into account suspected deaths in the way that the onus numbers do so if the numbers by direct comparison dont tell us all that much what they do though is fuel questions which are being asked here almost every day of the government now or quite why this country appears to have been so ill prepared for this epidemic having had a good couple of weeks to look at with horror at the time of course what was happening in italy a country that had far less time to prepare and also a wider questions about quite why western countries in general in europe and in the United States were far less prepared or appear to be than Asian Countries take south korea for instance after all of this only recording just in excess of 250 deaths from coronavirus so they feel all the questions they dont necessarily provide very much and where violence is raw its a very high number whether the British Public know a canal for light at the end of the tunnel. Well the British Public are looking and listening all the time to pronouncements from government in the Daily Briefing and elsewhere from scientists and so on about when and it might be appropriate to start lifting the lockdown that speed in place in this country and others there looking of course at the reproductive rate of the infections from cocoa covered 19 looking for that to remain below one this famous our figure the number of people that carriers with corona virus infect it is currently below one but not sufficiently below want to give them much wiggle room but theres an enormous amount of pressure from industry for business on the government to restart the economy the war is that if you go too far down the road in terms of saving lives you end up going too far down the road in terms of being able to save the economy and that ultimately that causes more problems than it helps down the line so theyre looking for a light at the end of the tunnel it isnt clear to answer your question quite where that light lies we will know in a few days time when the government gives an idea of how we will start to gradually lift the lockdown if not necessarily when our agenda thanks very much jane hall there in london for more than a week now russia has been top of the list in europe the number of new daily infections some young galperin is the head of the Doctors Defense League in moscow and he says the Russian Health system has suffered setbacks in recent years. I would get like calls from. Doctors from different cities from different parts of russia and everywhere we have a lot of problems there not a lot. Of hospitals there not. Enough. Doctors we dont have enough medicine we dont have enough equipment actually all these is a result of the reforms been. Performed in russia in the past 5. 8 years it cold like optimisation during this her ear then been lost money hospitals like even in. Moscow that will last about one half of our hospitals and we dont have these for know if the situation being happened like 10 or 20 years ago it was it would be much easier to resolve this problem. South korea is further easing lockdown restrictions with sports leagues getting underway again the baseball season is up and running after being perspire and in march but as robert pride reports from engine it will be some time before its business as usual. The final warm up for the long awaited start of the delayed baseball season local incheon favorites s. K. Y. Vns take on visitors and why eagles but conspicuously absent from the stands their fans instead many of the seats occupied by printed versions of spectators while real fans could only watch on t. V. Or online through a club stream that combines the action in the park with the cheering in homes. Pinion to look. We are hoping to deliver some of the atmosphere of the stadium to the fans at home so they feel as though they are here at the game. Theyre also joined by potentially millions of baseball fans around the world as the 3rd ranked baseball playing nation after the u. S. And japan south koreas live games are in big demand in a world starved of live sports action. But we welcome the increased attention on korean baseball its great to promote it and its all thanks to our citizens for getting us to this stage south koreas success so far in defeating the coronavirus is also allowing the football k. League to start its season later this week but again without fans in another sport for which large cheering crowds seem indispensable so crowds are important because there they are part of what we expect when we go to see a game or when we watch a game the noise the tension the drama the anxiety the happiness the emotion this is this is not driven by empty stadiums this is driven by force. Stadiums south koreas baseball teams hope to start adding the essential fan name gradient soon even when the fans are finally allowed back in itll still be a long time before we see pakistans again their numbers will increase only gradually with empty seats between them and for now their silent stand ins will have to do and when they do return theyll find previously unheard of precautions for the players such as no hugging and no spitting the way baseball is played and the way its watched is turning into a very different game Robert Bright aljazeera incheon south korea. Plenty more still ahead on the news hour after fleeing violence half a 1000000 vulnerable refugees in kenya conference another battle. Plus research by scientists in chile to sniff out the symptoms of corona virus. And this describes swimming champion is fighting back santa will explain how he spoke. To libya where the internationally recognized government has launched an offensive to capture an air base controlled by the warlord only for half. Has been used to launch airstrikes on Government Forces they recently seize control of major cities along the western coast and rejected have to call for a cease fire during the holy month of ramadan and lets go live now to our correspondent mark would otherwise had whos in tripoli and tell us whats happening now at the airbase. Well nic half the us forces are still besieged it inside a with. A word as you know the most to throw. In the worst of libya for have to has forces especially after they lost civil cities in the worst of the country only a few weeks ago the Government Military sources say that the arctic switch or they have been rather exit taiji get heavy fire by artillery rockets with the forces loyal to the warlord flee for have to and also they say that the now have full control of the area above. Thanks party to the fish drawings that have been controlling the air. Over and will to ebay is giving get the Government Forces that chance to cut all supplies lines coming to have his forces from the south now their Government Forces say that they lost they lost a number of fighters in this battle for a water but they say that they can now. Attack. From civil axes especially the direction close to the tunisian border. How strategic is this and what were capturing from the Libyan National army actually me. Well if it falls to the Government Forces it means that have to those forces have lost. The last Strategic Air base in the west of the country air base is very strategic because its 1st of all its basically an exclusively built or accommodated for crafts it has been used by have to his forces to launch a morality drawn to target the Government Forces locations in southern tripoli it has been a quip very well equipped it was built as you know nic by the American Contractors in 1942 and its very strong in there its very well equipped it has several facilities inside it and it can accommodate about 8000. 00 military individuals so the Government Forces say the are very keen to continue their battle for a what year and if it falls to the Government Forces it means that have to those forces have lost the last Strategic Air base in the west of the country or a moment well leave it there. Reporting from tripoli lets move to some other news in the philippines leaving broadcaster has been ordered to shut down the telecoms all 30 says that a. B. S. License has expired a president roderigo to turkey has regularly criticized the network opposition groups accuse him of targeting independent media. If you will and theyre going to is in the capital manila and has the details. The seasoned deceased order according to the National Telecommunications commission is immediately executor and thats something that the department of justice secretary also said however based on local interviews with the commissioners of n t c it remains to be seen how exactly he is going to implement that whether theyre going to need the help of Law Enforcement to come in and actually literally physically stop the network from airing the letter was received officially this afternoon a. B. A c. B. And continues to air today and this is a complete turnaround from what he said a few months ago that it may issue a provisional authority to e. B. s pending its approval of the extension of its franchise in congress now the spokesperson of president d of the go that theyre due for the past few months of said that the president has nothing to do with this although last year the president himself threatened that he will shut down a. B. A c. B. S. Because of the Networks Failure to air his president ial campaign ads in 2016 now this is seen as a major blow to press freedom according to rights experts here they see this is the time when the biggest Media Network in the country would substations across the country is needed for information dissemination of the current pandemic and the situation in the country now the spy denials from the Philippine Government experts also say that this is seen as an impervious curtailment of press freedom and also spawned by political retribution of this government to iran which continues to be the coronavirus hold support of the middle east but its joining global efforts to fund covert 19 scientists are working on developing testing kits that could be ready for export within months it comes as there are growing signs of recovery in iran with daily deaths falling to the lowest level in weeks and as robbie has this report. In laboratories like this all over the world scientists are trying to answer the same questions. How can covert 1000 be stopped is there a cure when will this Global Crisis be over at the Pasteur Institute into one iranian experts are working with chinese colleagues to try and improve testing for the virus something that has been a challenge since the early days of the outbreak so im coming here. Just to have a 10 to. Condense on training and know how to use a test because you would seem all right out here for the testing would you please stop im sorry our interview with a visiting expert was cut short by security i mean i mean you know about the government here has been criticised for responding too slowly to the pandemic and it seems officials and remain sensitive about anything related to its coronavirus response. Set up in 1920 the campus into herat is named for french scientist louis customer a 19th century pioneer of modern medicine this institute runs dozens of labs and employs hundreds of staff across the country the government Hopes Research and development here will enable iran to export diagnostic kits and medical equipment this facility is nearly 100 years old and one of the largest of its kind in the middle east for years scientists in these kinds of labs have been fighting all manner of diseases Infectious Diseases and now their priority the inescapable priority for these men and women is to try to find a way to fight code 19 why is the virus more severe in some patients does it mutate and can survivors develop immunity. Answers to these questions in the discovery of a vaccine in a place named after a pioneer in the field would be an Outstanding Achievement and the head of the institute made it clear that is the ambition. We are working on producing the Technical Knowledge for a vaccine and focusing on medicine and treatment to see which medicine could be a good candidate for curing the disease but on the day of our visit irans president was more god. In an address to his cabinet house and rouhani was clear there have been no breakthroughs social distancing is the best policy and everyones in this for the long haul. But i know about face on the assumption that the us i mean unfortunately remained these people for some time and nobody knew of or can predict when this epidemic be days weeks or months you have to have the house protocols of continuing Work Production and activities. Of course on all comes to corona people have to be general there is no treatment no medication or vaccine for it so the fundamental thing is to be careful about ourselves while finding a cure is the end goal testing is also important last month the revolutionary guards unveiled a handheld device they said was capable of detecting an infected person from 100 meters away but its effectiveness was criticized and Irans Health Ministry did not approve it for use with no easy fixes scientists to carry on with their research how to end the pandemic remains an open question and they intend to find the answer. To her own well as the number of new cases begins to drop in some countries qatar is still recording hundreds of new infections every day and now has the 2nd highest number of cases in the arab world despite having a relatively small population. As a Public Health minister that is thought to one on 100 of quality he says that most other countries havent tested enough to know the full extent of their outbreaks. Number of cases has gone up but thats only natural and i believe that actually its a result of our very strong testing measures so as youve seen we are testing a lot and cut out so weve been testing approximately 40000. 00 per 1000000 so thats question if thats one of the highest rates of testing and and that reflects a true picture of whats happening in terms of infection rates so the rates are not high theyre realistic but you will find that a lot of countries at the end of their pandemic will realize that their curve actually looks like ours so if you see the number of cases and that are maybe high but theyre actually a mild cases so 93 percent of the cases are mild only one percent end up in i. C. U. And another 5 percent and up in the admitted in the hospital and thats actually quite a very quite a good rate to have in the country and thats because we are very active in seeking the cases were very active in finding cases tracing them late in the quarantining them and therefore managing their case and situation much better well you can watch the full interview with dr 100. 1630 g. M. T. On. Theres still a strong push to get back to business of the United States despite alarming new predictions on coronavirus casualties already it is the worst hit country with a 3rd of the worlds total cases but a report seen by the New York Times suggests the number of deaths each day will double by the end of the month to go home as more. The numbers are just hard to grasp a new assessment from the federal Emergency Management agency leaked to us media says the United States will have 200000. 00 new coronavirus cases every day by the end of this month and as many as 3000 dead every day by june 1st. But now the focus is on plans to reopen the economy california allowing some retail and manufacturing and new york making plans to move forward you open businesses 1st that are most essential and pose the lowest risk ok most essential and the lowest risk. Phase one were talking about construction manufacturing and select retail with curbside pick up they are the most essential with the lowest risk the u. S. Senate is back to work despite the fact that its doctor said it didnt have enough tests for the 100 senators they arent planning on taking up legislation just confirmations to executive posts and judges to the bench at the moment the republican leader has scheduled no significant covert related business for the floor of the senate tonight we will vote on the nomination to the Nuclear Regulatory commission while the senate isnt taking up a new relief package the Treasury Department is trying to find a way to pay for the last ones announcing it would borrow almost 3 trillion dollars and the Supreme Court went to work in a way that it has never done in its history honorable the chief justice and the associate justice the cream court of the united. O. U. Oh yeah oh yeah it heard arguments on the phone its expected to hear 10 cases over the next 2 weeks the country finding ways to move forward while acknowledging there will likely be a high price to pay for it patty calling al jazeera or judy is an associate Research Professor of microbiology and immunology at Georgetown University Medical Center and she says its still too risky to lift restrictions in the United States. A lot of governors and local leaders under tremendous pressure to let people go back to work and help the economy begin to recover beginning to relax those the social distancing measures while the number of cases in communities is actually still growing and before weve gotten the the Logistical Support the planning and the decisions in place to make sure that people have access to testing so until we can make sure that we have access to testing and the ability to trace the contacts of people who are infected and make sure that we can isolate those who are infected and quarantine those who are potentially exposed then any move forward to relax those those distancing measures carries a significant risk that will see infections take off again in those communities and thats what those models were seeing a really was letting that that concern that were going to see cases surge as measures to prevent exposures are relaxed with nothing else really in clase to to even be able to monitor whats happening in israel the leaders of local councils in arab towns are going to strike with the money compensation for revenue lost as a result of the credit for a pandemic or a force it has more now from table. This is a National Problem across israel local governments have had a huge shortfall in what they would usually expect to take in in terms of local taxes because of the businesses shuttering under the coronavirus restrictions but leaders of palestinian israeli minister parties such as this one say that they arent being compensated to the same extent under a Government Program as big or jewish majority areas in israel is an 800000000. 00 Compensation Scheme from the interior ministry but areas such as this one say theyre only getting in total some 30000000. 00 of that and they say thats just not enough but that the attilla be billeted talked about this is why we ask them to deal with the arab sector that lacks resources hundreds of thousands of people are under the poverty line therefore we ask them to increase funding to cover 25 percent of our losses in one sense these palestinian israeli areas of israel are victims of a mathematical logic that the biggest economies the biggest cities the majority jewish theyre the ones that have had the biggest tax losses and are therefore getting the biggest compensation payments from the government but the palestinian israeli mayors and council eaters say that its evidence of a longer term problem that theyre areas that had chronic underinvestment in their economies over many years and that is one reason why there is a higher level of poverty and that they require high levels of support as a result the Israeli Interior Ministry tells us that it does ignore leads but the compensation offered so far doesnt solve the problems for towns such as this one that they are offering other means of support and that they are looking in to further Financial Assistance as israel starts to ease itself from its coronavirus restrictions or i were going to move on to the weather now and has jenny is right a hot spot should the United States is not a guess about every type of weather you will need care you asked for it theyre pretty good at somewhere but let me start 1st of all with the sort of weather you probably dont really want to see night you see this massive cloud across the Northern Plains pushing to the midwest training back into the southeast. This is being responsible for a lot of weather 1st a look at this this massive hail storm in south dakota this is actually the last a past weekend on sunday so the cold air was in place and now look at this the pictures on great but just have a lot you got many construction workers actually on this roof as this storm came through in nashville in tennessee one man actually fell back into the house and then across into missouri it looks like a river or a lake but of course its not his lips chilled water on the carpet being blamed by these really strong ferocious winds sites ranchi say there is more of this in the forecast not really the heaviest of the worst is going to be across the eastern seaboard pushing towards the carolinas that also still warnings in place but the temperatures to the south and across into Central Plains theres not such a huge difference in a moment so we shouldnt see these tremendous thunderstorms that produce the tornadoes they can see the rain train back in the southern areas of texas but at the same time we have got these excessive heat warnings in place the to cross into southern areas of california and across into arizona look at this over the next few days up to 35. 00 celsius in los angeles the average amaze 23. 00 itll stay home for the next few days and believe it or not nick that next system you can see pushing into the Northern Plains that is going to bring snow to the rockies and eventually into the Central Plains in the next 2 is all happening it is jamie but you are much ok still ahead here on aljazeera that sinking feeling we talk to people struggling to stay afloat through one of pakistans most popular tourist but. Lets find out whats up cruise 1st couple of doing so at this live video game. And this little star in germanys top division that finds himself in hot water would explain why a little bit later in the program. As the world fights the corona time damage were learning more about this every day its a new join our Global Community its up to us on how we come together to fight. Im sorry your question can i just im just going to see directly thats coming on on you tube as youre saying im concerned about the fact like oh nothing very quiet and not keeping you up to date im using countries between back and beaten back successfully the stream on 00. When the news breaks the dumping of garbage in the river by the government has wrecked our lives when people who need to be heard and the story needs to be told to many coming to this place of the only chance they have to eat at least once a day with exclusive interviews and indepth reports for obvious reasons as the world battled them from endemic well bring you the latest developments from around the globe aljazeera has ground to a new mood leading documentaries and life. Or. Are you watching her mind about top stories into one of the toughest coronavirus like downton asia will be eased even further hong kongs chief executive carrie lamb says schools can reopen later this month along with some businesses cinemas and bars. In libya is internationally recognised government has launched an offensive to capture an air base controlled by war in for half the a what is being used to launch air strikes from Government Forces in. The philippines leaving broadcaster has been ordered to shut down Telecoms Authority says it a. B. S. C. B. S. License has expired president roderigo to turkey has regularly criticized the network as take this story on we can speak now to Pierre Renate who is a reporter at rappler an online news web sites in the philippines joins us on skype from manila pierre welcome to the program so the president. Has long been critical of the station but what it says in your view has inspired this latest move. Oh i think its actually been a series of moves against different Media Outlets and we know that even a c b n in fact that there has been actively covering the press a bit and and also been very critical of this drug war are very critical of his policies and this has actually see that since the president ial campaign and when 16 and ever since then the precedent has just had to be full of several Media Outlets earlier in his presidency it started with our News Organization grappler and then finally its come to a head with this order against e. C. B. N. And to what degree has the channel and indeed other organizations meter organizations been critical of the governments policy of a coronavirus. For example weve been covering religiously the president s press briefings weve also been tracking the governments actions on locking down their regions all over the country also how soon or how leave they were able to issue travel bans in certain parts of the world to prevent the the curve the prevent the spread of the virus so in that sense its a be a c. B. S. Has been instrumental in covering. The government response and also the impact of the virus on people covering people stories people who arent able to go to work people who are hampered by the government decisions and Big Government protocols on transportation bill or on livelihoods so all this time all Media Outlets have been religiously covering this issue and its just such a surprise that in the middle of the spend them if we suddenly have this bomb exploding on all of us it just came out of nowhere because the government had repeatedly gave given assurances that it would not it would issue a provision for a. B. C. B. N. To continue operations while its franchise is being debated on this is very troubling is that it is it is it going to reshape how you go on to report how you decide to do stories you think. Thats mostly i think this move has cast a cloud over many Media Outlets obviously its a kind of message that were hearing loud and clear that if you continue to cover the e. B. s c. B. S. Has covered or been critical of the administration then you risk this kind of action being done to your knees organization or the u. S. An individual journalist so its us a very big threat because obviously lots of journalists this is a livelihood for all of us and maybe a c. B. S. Hired over 11000 people and its a big blow to other labor sector as well because obviously these are a lot of workers who depend on the continued operations of this network. Absolute i think its about 11000 workers there on the what about the public at large how do they respond to this kind of move from the government. The response has been overwhelming yes just wave after wave of people for example recalling how they grew up with the b. C. B. And you know this network has been with the country since the 1960 s. And it was with us when when our government when our country called the dictatorship of precedent for it had marcos us so its got a huge big brand it has its was a lot of sentimental value to filipinos and especially now with the coronavirus epidemic where people are children into Media Outlets day in and the out and never has there been a time when a. B. C. B. N. And other media organizations have been relevant to peoples lives very much shit priest if your perspective on this period thanks very much indeed this pew renate reporter at rappler germanys top court has ruled that the European Central bank muslim its involvement in an e. U. Stimulus program complainants only cute that the purchases were unconstitutional when it came his move from berlin and what impact this ruling will have. The case was brought by people who argue that the e. C. B. Activity in buying government bonds over the past several years was something it really should not be doing and the they would mainly german complainants there are arguments was that the german constitution did not allow money from the bundestag thats the German Federal bank to be used for such activities now the ruling from the Constitutional Court backs that up to a certain extent and effectively says that what the e. C. B. Has done is potentially beyond the constitution of germany the point about the significance of this is that it represents theres something in this ruling as it were for everyone because the blunder spank the federal bank of germany now can examine this ruling and it effectively has to decide over the course of the next 3 months whether it feels that what the e. C. B. Does what the e. C. Explanations are for the activity its being doing are acceptable and if it believes that it is then then things can carry on as they were however the problem comes if the under spanked the people in charge of the bonus bank see what the European Central bank has been doing as not being acceptable as being unconstitutional well then that becomes a much greater problem for the e. U. For the eurozone. Can you shelters nearly half a 1000000 refugees from neighboring somalia and south sudan 11 crowd of camps at risk of a corona Virus Outbreak with little or no access to health care malcolm web reports now from nairobi. Anima da fled fighting in her hometown in south sudan and she was 2 years old. Her parents brought her here to carcamo refugee camp in northern kenya its been a home ever since. Over 2 decades its become a city of shacks home to nearly 200000 people trips to the water pump the market are essential to the way people get food to eat shes worried about the spread of the coronavirus in a company. Where we fetch water we have to queue and social distancing is practically impossible that scares me. And is among nearly hoffa 1000000 refugees in kenya many escaped the conflicts in neighboring somalia and. Most live in camps like. So far no cases of the virus have been identified here. Refugee rights activists say cramped conditions and the lack of health care could be a recipe for disaster unfortunately it means possible devastation people who are infected will not be able to be isolated people who. Will be a lot of transmission the spread will be fast and the response was this. The uns Refugee Agency released this video showing measures that have been taken to prevent the spread of the virus during food distributions he says its added extra water points for washing hands but that doesnt change many of the realities inside and outside the camp protecting refugees from fires is not only about protecting refugees or about protecting unities really its about protecting all of us and everyone is not in the truth of this are. People in kenya and other parts of africa waiting to see if when the coronavirus will spread as much as it has in asia europe and the Us Health Experts say could be disastrous. Anna says lifes already become more difficult the crisis has pushed up food prices worried about her family in the weeks ahead she says all they can do is pray to god malcolm webb aljazeera nairobi kenya. The kenyan government is demanding an investigation after a plane carrying coronavirus medical aid crashed in somalia killing 6 people on board small as transport minister says the kenyan aircraft came down the valley in the southern bay region fighters are active in Southern Somalia but the crash happened in an area controlled by government troops. With most flights grounded low paid airport workers across the United States have been hard hit by layoffs before the pandemic they were fighting for pay increase now those who remain are facing years of Financial Hardship everyone is on the reports from philadelphia. At Philadelphia International airport wheelchairs used to take elderly or immobile passengers to or from their planes in gates sit empty and for the wheelchair attendants many have been laid off or facing difficult choices like Reginald Smith a husband and father forced to choose between possibly contract in coronavirus at the airport and bringing it home to his family or quitting his job knowing it would lead to Financial Hardship he chose his familys health my wife was high risk. At this had. Cost him her i didnt want. It so when people come out all across were no matter who we meet didnt turn around. A Labor Union Representative says over 600 Philadelphia Airport workers he represents from the Service Employees union have been laid off they were all contract employees hired by 3rd Party Companies that you. Folks from. And you know they seem to be leaving them out entirely you know of the equation and theyre the ones who their wives. That were at philadelphias Airport Passenger traffic has plummeted from 90000 travelers a day to just a few 100 a day. Up to 450 daily flights have been canceled and up to 165 permanent airports stores less than 10 remain open its unprecedented this is different this is this is going to be challenging. Many airport workers wont be getting their jobs back until people start flying again and airports returned to how they were before the coronavirus pandemic but some experts say that could be as long as 2 years from now. Airports. Commotion to provide livelihoods to so many people that used to work there. Philadelphia under the basement in pakistans Tourist Spots are struggling to make ends meet during the virus or the government is considering partially lifting restrictions in some areas parks and recreation areas will not be included in that plan. Situated into him. And. Are tracked. 3. 100. Cases. Dead. And dead on this is peak season no customers and the main. Road and. The polls. I know what it about. These are hard times and if this crisis belongs i will have to find an alternative to. The ministry of planning estimate that anything from 14 to 18000000. Jobs and their fear they added an extended and prolonged lockdown the Unemployment Rate would go high although the government is now easing some restrictions. And coming back at foreign markets not going to. Be i like. Buying a beer or whisky in indias capital state has just become a lot more expensive a 70 percent alcohol tax. Trying to crowd queuing outside shops. To disperse crowds on monday he needs rush to buy their favorite to pull off the government to ease virus restrictions and allowed shops to reopen for the 1st time in 6 weeks. Protesters in honduras blocked a road to prevent a funerals for covert 19 victims hundreds of demonstrators feared infection from the families of the deceased riot police were called in to traffic moving again. Scientists in chile have developed a test that could help diagnose coronavirus patients early and for a fraction of the price one of the symptoms of 19 is the loss of the sense of smell now university has developed in a room a test kit a lot of america to see in human history. The sweet aroma of a flower a pleasure made possible by our sense of smell which is also one of our least used senses thats why scientists were late to catch on that in estimated 80 percent of people who present no obvious symptoms of coronavirus in fact have partial or total unknowns mia many of them have experience in just a most. Which is all faction but also fact of fact it comes as no other symptom no car no fever just im not. A fever can be easily detected with to some momentary or thermal graphic camera but not the loss a smell which is highly subjective. Now the school of engineering and center of aroma and tasted chiles Catholic University have developed an objective test to measure it. The kid consists of 6 extremely familiar aromas a person is asked identifies 3 you can fail the test and not be infected but you cant pass if you are says professor and then you can isolate the person that shows some of the. Fact. Corroborate this person hasnt the. Team we went to try it out so ive always prided myself over having a good sense of smell but now were going to see. One of those crowd so i passed the test and thank god and the amazing thing about this is that its not only very very quick its extremely inexpensive about 0. 30 per test which means that its a very viable alternative in countries that cant afford widespread testing with the with the classic covert 1000 examinations. A Pilot Program is starting this week but already there is widespread interest in using the kids in areas where theres a high probability of infections but if theyre going to get in industries that can start for example like Food Production in mines or hospitals they can tease them frequently and if they dont pass seen them to take the traditional test to confirm indeed just like having a High Temperature does not mean that you have cold it 19 losing a sense of smell isnt proof of infection but the smell test does provide a new Early Warning system to help detect those who are spreading the disease without even knowing it. You see in human aljazeera santiago. To celebrate childrens day during the pandemic south koreas leading couple switch to the Popular Video game minecraft. President in his wife kim jong suit offering a virtual view of the blue house palace instead of the traditional guided to using their mind craft character say thank you for being patient with School Closures i reminded them to wear masks and wash their hands as social distancing rules are set to be further relax from wednesday when some businesses are allowed to. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro says 13 people have been captured following what he says was a coup attempt madeira says the group including 2 americans arrived in speedboats on sunday intending to kill him and he says the plot was led by the u. S. Colombia and the Opposition Leader is one of the writer who denies the allegations. Oh for sure not even. A u. S. Official and a consultant in the war in iraq and afghanistan last night reported and showed the contracts signed by the venezuelan opposition to privatized and prepare an expedition of mercenaries and terrorists trained in colombia to storm venezuela and try to kill me. Or i sort of sport some of the biggest names in the old team up to raise money for growing the virus relief effort small due to the luck of the many. Business leaders theres no bright spot. For. Business leaders is to buy no brown spots. Move. But again welcome back hundreds of insects nicknamed murda hornets have been found in the United States for the 1st time a name for the lethal venom we can grow up to 6 centimeters long experts say the arrival of the asian giant hornet has a major threat to honeybees and people. The venom itself is. Thoroughly talks or. Creates localized necrosis so youll see melting. What were told from the weather churches and most people can survive one or 2 stings your severely allergic to it and then you know like anyone that could be a problem. If you sustain multiple stangs the necrosis and the venom will actually start getting into your bloodstream and will start working on your organs and multiple stings could literally be fatal fatal and fatal lets get on to some sport his son a thank you very much to inequality schedule for this years n. F. L. Season has been rocked by the virus and the league has decided to call off its International Games in the u. K. And mexico 5 fixtures that have been no brought back to the United States for all of the matches were set for london to eat at wembley and Tottenham Hotspur stadium respectively the u. K. Capital has been stated a regular season matches every year yes since 2007 the other showdown though was going to happen in mexico city the test hosted t. V. Games that since 2016 the new n. F. L. Season is scheduled to kick off attempts at. Well we spoke to us a sports broadcaster michael a call center earlier he says the n. F. L. Didnt have much of a choice but to counsel the International Games. I think it was always in the cards that these games would be canceled right now the n. F. L. Wants to go ahead with the wobble season but if you go to other countries you cant you cant be sure that the provisions you take in domestically to keep the season going will apply in those other countries you dont know where the virus will be what the rules will be a and i think with the added risk that taking a blow to teams plus all the exhilaration supplementary people which means a few 100 people putting them in airplanes taking them a cross to britain was probably too much for them to be willing to risk hugely disappointing each time the teams come over so thats 4 times in 4 weeks it becomes a sort of National Story and you get to see the players at practice the games are played in the afternoon in britain so that you get that the same deal as you would with a regular game whereas everything that comes in on television of the states is in the evening so so they really are big events all around it and it wont just be the people with tickets who disappoint the question will be how well were able to. Have the regular season in america go right now theyre planning on running a normal season starting september 10th well who knows what the situation will be by graeme they have im sure contingency plans drawn up to try to minimise the risk to players whether or not spectators will be added stadiums remains to be seeing civil winning coaches gone assure that has died that age of 92. 00 and that the Miami Dolphins to the title 1972 and the year off to also has 347. 00 victories as of requital most wins by an n. F. L. Coach the dolphins released a statement saying he died peacefully at home and Health Commissioner Roger Goodell paid tribute to him a calling him one of the greatest coaches in history. The disgraced chinese swimmer song younger has appealed his 8 year doping ban at the Swiss Federal Court the 3 time him pick champion who was handed the punishment back in february over his behavior during the drugs test in 2018 hes accused of telling one of his employees to smash a vial of his blood with a hammer but he came to the correct procedures were not followed this appeal is his last chance to be able to compete at the Tokyo Olympics which have been delayed by one year due to covert 19 everson restart germanys Football League it may have been hampered by a player messing around on social media or surveilling an ivory coast strikers Salomon Kalou has been suspended for mocking social distancing the rules during an instagram lifestream hes now deleted the video it showed him a fist pumping shaking hands and a bursting into a room where a team mate was being tested for covert 19 it happened on the same day 10 positive cases were reported across germanys top 2 divisions which are still aiming to finish the season by the end of june. With English Premier League game into restart next month the chief of englands footballs union has suggested cutting the length of matches to help players handle a potentially grueling schedule called and made the comments to drink a radio interview while discussing the issue of player fatigue all clubs are committed to playing in the 92. 00 remaining fixtures of the season if and when its safe to do so but that could mean many games in a short space of time the league has been suspended since march 13th however most teams recently returned to training the Spanish League are also aiming for june restart the players will undergo testing this week before they can return to training for the 1st time in nearly 2 months. And brazilian giants game youll have started the preparations to welcome back there is a staff at their Training Center the clubhouse of the company to clean the entire ground and installations live golf will return to t. V. In less than 2 weeks with some of the worlds top players competing in a Charity Event where mcelroy and Dustin Johnson will team against ricky follow matthew also in a 3000000. 00 skins match up for the close with 19 relief effort no fans are allowed but t. V. Viewers can text in and to donate extra money it will be the 1st live goals event since the sport shut down 7. 00 weeks ago and thats it for me nick so i thank you very much indeed how has successfully launched a new generation rocket from its space facility on the island of hawaii not by the long march rocket into schools designed to carry a space capsule that can carry a crew over this flight it had no astronauts on it it was meant to happen last month but was delayed because of technical problems. Its always a spectacular sight and thats news are only by a couple minutes within a half hour of use the ground up. I easily test. And trace frank assessments why its only struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action really get them behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where theres one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the days global headlines as india doesnt up to nip the spread of coronavirus in the inside story on aljazeera its the u. K. s biggest hospital with the eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researchers say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here at the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but as the poet structure that maintains the call on a project thats what we did for us it was one of the saunders of the settlement we this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. What impact will covered 19 and the drop in oil prices have on the race to the white house can download from the vibe these historic setbacks and does joe biden have what it takes to beat. Special coverage on aljazeera. Lifting some of the toughest coronavirus restrictions in Asia Hong Kong schools and cinemas are told they can reopen. This is al jazeera live from doha also coming up aiming to export test kits within months we go inside the iranian lab as part of the International Push for solutions. No cheering fans but major professional sport is back south koreas baseballers finally get to start

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