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A major breakthrough against malaria scientists discover a microbe that prevents mosquitoes getting infected. The fight against corona virus has been given an 8000000000 dollar boost leaders from the e. U. And other nations pledged the cash in a Video Conference on monday is going to be used to help speed up research into a vaccine and treatments but the United States where almost 70000 people have died didnt take part john holl has more. Coronavirus way so the world must find ways to live with it better ways of testing for it more effective ways of treating it most importantly eventually a vaccine against it. The pact is how many the goal is one to defeat this virus and you lead virtual pledging conference aims to channel billions of dollars into the Global Response its not just about pouring money into research but also about pooling resources and expertise for the common good it can really measure all sense and not be how. It will be. Now. So. Why. The u. S. Isnt involved and while china is offering to help there are concerns the worlds Top Economists already at political loggerheads me engage in a vaccine war donald trump has already claimed a vaccine is just months away. Scientists point out that even if a vaccine is discovered in months itll be a lot longer than that before its up and available to the billions wholl need it which is why its so important to find drug treatments that work in the meantime both are central to the funds being pledged and both are at advanced stages of trialing and research here at the university of oxford professor Martin Landry is leading the Worlds Largest Clinical Trial into coronavirus drug treatments a project called recovery hes hoping to find an existing drug or combination of drugs that works to save lives well before a vaccine becomes globally available i think your is probably too strong i dont think theyll be a single drug that suddenly wipes out clone a virus but i think effective treatments are in sight and theyre critical theyre critical because patients are dying today and tomorrow and the day after and even with the best will in the world with 18 months off having a scaled up vaccine at best we need treatments that deal with the problem of now only in europe and parts of asia are there real signs of an infection slowdown globally new cases of covert 1000. 00 are being reported at more or less the same rate as they were a month ago heres a greatest for the developing world where social distancing isnt adequate impossible the greatest hope lies in a global effort against a global threat jonah how aljazeera oxford professor michelle skin is the former executive director of the global fund to fight aids tuberculosis and malaria he says the meeting was about far more than just a vaccine. There are 3 main pillars through to through that conference one is the search for a vaccine the other is the search for therapies and the 3rd is make sure that we have accurate tests to diagnose current survive virus and also to test for immunity to the virus because the currently available tests are still not fully accurate and theyre not scalable to the scale we need worldwide now to answer your question its a critical issue. I think the discussions have to start now upstream from the 18 months or so until we have evidence for efficacy of exene and here again i mean despite all of the obstacles the intellectual property. The massive investments that maybe some private companies would have to make in generating a vaccine i would still feel optimistic because again looking back at h. L. V. Aids weve succeeded having 25000000 people on treatment worldwide 4 with drugs that were just an affordable in the very early days of the epidemic for the people so if we Work Together again if we have a Global Response with Global Solidarity and commitment from the political world well get there. In the u. S. The trumpet ministrations project in corona virus deaths will reach 3000. 00 a day by the end of the month thats according to an internal report seen by the New York Times the document also forecasts new cases increasing to 200000. 00 each day it comes as a number of states have started to reopen their economies despite warnings from Public Health experts julie fisher is an associate Research Professor of microbiology and immunology at Georgetown University Medical Center shes joining us from washington d. C. Thank you very much indeed for being on aljazeera with us if the cases continue to spiral as they appear to be doing in the United States the president is determined that there is going to be a vaccine by the end of the year do you think that researchers will be able to provide a vaccine or some sort of treatment to be able to deal with the numbers i think that we clearly seeing that there are many texans in development more than 100 worldwide some even in phase one trials but even with the most optimistic timeline having a vaccine by the end of the year. Would be faster than anything ever done before and its we have to be realistic about the need to keep some sort of distancing measures in place until that technology can be developed tested ramped up and get the vaccine out to people so it seems like a very very bold timeline faster than most of his technical experts have settles likely. As we were mentioned just a couple of minutes ago of course there is a major funding effort to try to find a vaccine or at least a raft of treatments being done by the e. U. And other nations who are pledging cash the u. S. Is not part of that how much of a hindrance do you think that will be to any research thats going on in the u. S. Well the u. S. Has tremendous amount of Research Capability and one of the earliest that seems to go into a phase one trial was funded through the National Institutes of health but obviously we get much more progress globally if we have International Cooperation and i think everyone in the Scientific Community hopes that we can find a way to restore that cooperation openness and transparency that will help us share the best ideas the best data and go further and faster on this vaccine which is so desperately needed for Pandemic Response you mentioned just a moment ago the in the importance of continuing social distancing but of course there is a government pressure economic pressure if you like for people to go back to work how concerned are you that that may result in a 2nd wave even although we are seeing these is the speculation that the figures are going to increase significantly. Right were looking at the 2nd wave while were still in the 1st wave i think the challenge here is that a lot of governors and local leaders under tremendous pressure to let people go back to work and help the economy begin to recover beginning to relax those social distancing measures while the number of cases in communities is actually still growing and before weve gotten the the Logistical Support the planning and the decisions in place to make sure that people have access to testing so until we can make sure that we have access to testing and the ability to trace the contacts of people who are infected and make sure that we can isolate those who are infected and quarantine those who are potentially exposed then any move forward to relax those those distancing measures carries a significant risk that will see infections take off again in those communities and thats what those models were seeing are really were selecting that that concern that were going to see cases surge as measures to prevent exposures are relaxed with nothing else really in clase to to even be able to monitor whats happening we appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise there julie fisher thank you very much indeed for your time. Thank you well as youve been hearing stay at home orders remain in effect in many parts of the u. S. But nicer weather is bringing more people outside that means more challenges for Law Enforcement christine salumi has more from new york. Was protesters defied sheltered place orders and descended on californias state capital over the weekend some framed the issue as one of personal freedom others as economic survival. Many were not Wearing Masks as they gathered closely together nor were the Police Officers they confronted dozens were arrested throughout most of the country gatherings are prohibited but going outside is not and here in new yorks central park people have been coming out to enjoy the warmer weather often under the watchful eye of Police Officers charged with maintaining social distancing measures city Officials Say most new yorkers are complying but Police Issued at least 50 Court Summonses for violations over the weekend and in this case caught on video by a bystander 3 people were eventually arrested after police approached a group for congregating the mayor says this incident also involved drugs and sounds like this this is a rarity but clearly there was more going on here as the commissioner just said than a typical social distancing enforcement situation the officer seen hitting a man has been placed on desk duty as the incident is investigated but critics say enforcement has been an even at best Public Health matters are not about cops arresting people and. Being numb to beating them up its about Police Officers helping people to comply with the situation in central park they were doing that they were giving out masks on the Lower East Side im no beating up black and brown people the police are likely to face more challenges as pressure to reopen society grows and i feel like new york will have to be socially distance much longer than anywhere else but i also think weve been more responsible than anywhere else so hopefully people can continue. I saw a picture on facebook last night where it was comparing a park in harlem versus a park in the west village and people were not social justice saying that was village and people werent haarlem but thats because theres a Police Presence to make them do it officials behind the restrictions argue that enforcing them for everyone until theres a vaccine is the only way to make it safe enough for more people to eventually get back to work kristen salumi al jazeera new york. I had an old chile is developing new research to sniff out the symptoms of the corona virus. And offer free violence off a 1000000 vulnerable refugees in kenya now face an uphill battle. And other similar all the heavy rain developing through will central and southern areas of china but we have got a bit of a brief ice fight sudden across into japan that cloud is well to the east and so through tuesday a warm bright and sunny day 26 celsius in osaka but the rain is on its way into all sudden sections of the Korean Peninsula and then hey is that mass of rain into Southern China he bay province and really tools east and south across into fusion that as we go through wednesday the rain is still in the full cost not quite as heavy that real heavy mass is mostly open waters and then well see this rain developing along with the cloud working its way gradually towards beijing slightly bringing the clouds in over the next 2 or 3 days. Across much of indonesia and this is just to the far south really of java this is a tropical disturbance its a it could well be developing of the next couple days but it doesnt pose a threat to any as the line is just going to drift its way gradually out into the indian ocean pickles widespread styles to the north of the particularly heavy at times into borneo and some pretty tremendous honestly as to into Northern Areas of india the last few days and the next few as well is an image taken across the western himalayas you can see those bands of rain and you can see this massive rains that and shes a working its way south was and pushing across into b. House stays. A lot again of some of the control dont know really what its tremendous for. So i think and he was determined to conclude you do salute at the point of the sword to avenge its people slaughtered 8080 is he smashes the Frankish Army catches the king of jerusalem he sees is the true cross and this is the great military victory the crusades an arab perspective the result 3 unification on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera out of mind of our top stories this hour the search for the coronavirus vaccines received a significant funding boost dozens of countries have pledged 8000000000. 00 to speed up research the u. S. To china and russia did not take part in the u. S. Disease control agencies projecting coronavirus deaths in the country will reach 3000 a day by june the 1st thats according to documents seen by the New York Times and comes as a number of states have started to reopen. Well italy has also begun to reopen 8 weeks after becoming the 1st country in europe to go into lockdown 4 and a half 1000000 italians are now allowed back to work and relatives can reunite but schools and cinemas remain shut indefinitely. Reports. The how good theyve been waiting for for 2 months. Old grandfather and granddaughter 3 united. During the korean teen we were desperate because now i cant even speak for how excited i am too excited we have only seen her with video calls for 2 months but it was not the same it couldnt be the same. Bundle of restarted quarter when i saw her my heart stopped it seemed to be a century since id seen her after the longest lockdown in europe family visits are allowed but only of relatives live in the same region. Elsewhere the queues were back at romes main the terminal station though its not just take it but temperatures being taken. By a lot of the but this time obviously after staying at home for almost 60 days it feels good i feel good and i feel safe. Across as a lay more than 4000000 people were back at work as construction sites and factories reopened and restaurants were allowed to sell takeaway food but taking public transport is still being discouraged by government and mosques a compulsory when sharing public spaces and doors. Funerals remain limited to 15 people but the bereaved able to lay flowers on the graves of the dead the florists nearby carefully disinfected. With more than 210000 reported cases and around 29000. 00 deaths italys one of the worst affected countries government leaders fear the loosening of restrictions will lead to a resurgence in k. Says Health Care Workers are taking extra measures to track infections isolate plasters and make sure hospitals arent overwhelmed again shall want to get every go to any other mascot were being careful trying not to do too many things but at least were finally outside and breathing some fresh air and families making the most of the sunshine and parks that have been reopened so playgrounds remain off limits but some of them think youre happy because finally today they have opened a few laberge as he after having close to 4 months and a half even though obviously my daughter was disappointed to find the playground are blocked off there are many reminders that life isnt the same with school cinemas n. P. s is shot indefinitely but the sanctioned country has witnessed plagues before and recovered italians just need to find a balance between staying safe and embracing their new found freedom. Brian al jazeera. The largest city in brazils amazon rainforest region has become a major coronavirus hotspot the number of victims is rising fast and overwhelming my notice hospitals and cemeteries that sparked International Concern for indigenous communities that are particularly vulnerable to the pandemic there is a ball reports. Its the capital of the state of amazon us and it has become an example of the fear brazil has to cope with 19. Dozens of victims of the disease are being buried in the cemetery every day william l. May they lost his uncle in the past days he has now been authorized to bury him here. With us and the bodies are being buried together in these mass graves there lifted containers there are 3 containers here sometimes the funeral home stuff cant come in they stay by the entrance and the coffins are stored inside these containers until they can be buried. On the same day relatives of those who dies say the names of those buried. Being put in the wrong coffins. 19 at parent iraq to the city in the heart of the amazon imported by a woman who traveled from london one month and a half later hospitals are trying to cope with a spiraling increase of infections are still on. The whole system is failing you see pitching one major achievement ours had an average of 28. 00 to 35. 00 burials per day now its more than 120. 00 it doesnt mean that all these people are dying from covert 19 there are other causes of death but its not being checked the postmortem examination system is lacking. Far right president. Hes a strong opponent of isolation and has dismissed the virus poses a real threat for brazil hello. A famous brazilian foreign journalist. And dozens of public figures signed an open letter to the brazilian government calling on officials to protect the nations Indigenous People with limited access to health care they say they are at risk of genocide many indigenous communities are located not far away from a mouse fish made she in the visually saying that unfortunately i dont see it with good the doctors the professionals some government officials are trying to do their best but i think things will worsen until the 6th or 8th of may the curve will continue to rise. A curve that has already taken fallons of lives in a country where the president seems to be on denial about the tragedy hes people are facing every day. Scientists in chile have developed a test that could help diagnose coronavirus patients earlier and for a fraction of the price one of the symptoms of cover 19 is the loss of the sense of smell now a university in santiago has developed on a roma test kit thats in human has been to see how it works. This week to rome of a flower a pleasure made possible by our sense of smell which is also one of our least used senses thats why scientists were late to catch on that in estimated 80 percent of people who present no obvious symptoms of coronavirus in fact as partial or total unknowns mia many of them have experienced just a most. Which is all faction. Of fact of fact it got us know of the symptom no car no fever just im not. A fever can be easily detected with a some momentary or thermal graphic camera but not the loss a smell which is highly subjective. Now the school of engineering and center of aroma and tasted chiles Catholic University have developed an objective test to measure it. The kid consists of 6 extremely familiar aromas a person is asked identifies 3 you can fail the test and not be infected but you cant pass if you are says professor and then you can isolate the person that shows some of the. Fact that hes from. Corroborate this person hasnt the. Night. We went to try it out so ive always prided myself over having a good sense of smell but now were going to see. Him another horse all correct so i passed the test and thank god and the amazing thing about this is that its not only very very quick its extremely inexpensive about 0. 30 per test which means that its a very viable alternative in countries that cant afford widespread testing with the with the classic covert 19 examinations. A Pilot Program is starting this week but already there is widespread interest in using the kids in areas where theres a high probability of infections but its evident. In industries that can stop for example like Food Production and mines or hospitals they can tease them frequently and if they dont pass seen them to take the traditional test to confirm indeed just like having a High Temperature does not mean that you have cold it 19 losing a sense of smell isnt proof of infection but the smell test does provide a new Early Warning system to help detect those who are spreading the disease without even knowing it. You see in human aljazeera santiago. Turkey will begin easing restrictions from monday trouble between 7 cities will be allowed for the 1st time in weeks more than 140000 people have tested positive in the country syrias president has warned there could be a catastrophe of corona virus infection rates spike there have been few recorded cases but Bashar Al Assad says theres a danger Health Services could be overwhelmed if that changes a curfew has been in place for a month 44 cases and 3 deaths have been confirmed. Nearly half a 1000000 refugees living in camps in kenya are at risk of a corona Virus Outbreak because of crowded conditions and a lack of Health Care Welcome web reports. Anima deo fled fighting in her hometown in south sudan when she was 2 years old her parents brought her here to kept my refugee camp in northern kenya its been a home ever since over 2 decades its become a city of shacks home to nearly 200000 people trips to the water pump with the market are essential the way people get food to eat shes worried about the spread of the coronavirus in the camp and. Where we fetch water we have to queue and social distancing is practically impossible that scares me. And is among nearly half a 1000000 refugees in kenya many escaped the conflicts in neighboring somalia and 1000 on most living camps like. So far no cases of the virus have been identified here. Refugee rights activists say cramped conditions and the lack of health care could be a recipe for disaster unfortunately it means possible devastation people who are infected will not be able to be isolated people who. Will be a lot of transmission the spreads fast and the response with this. Uns Refugee Agency released this video showing measures that have been taken to prevent the spread of the virus during food distributions he says its added extra water points for washing hands but that doesnt change many of the realities inside and outside the camp protecting refugees for miers is not only about protecting refugees or about protecting unities really its about protecting all of us and everyone is not protected in the truth of this are. People in kenya and other parts of africa waiting to see if when the coronavirus will spread as much as it has in asia europe and the us Health Experts say could be disastrous and i says lifes already become more difficult the crisis has pushed up food prices worried about her family in the weeks ahead she says all they can do is pray to god malcolm webb aljazeera nairobi kenya. Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the fight against malaria they find a microbe the prevents mosquitoes from being infected with the disease and that stops them from infecting humans a microbe is known as micro spit idea m b it lives in the guts and genitals of mosquitoes researchers couldnt find malaria in any mosquitoes carrying the microbe the World Health Organization says more than 400000. 00 people are killed by malaria each year most of them are children under 5 its thought at least 40 percent of mosquitoes in an area would need to be infected with the microbe voted to have a serious impact on malaria jeremy heron is a Research Scientist at the International Center of insect physiology and ecology a lead the study and explains how mosquito populations could be controlled with the discovery of this new microbe. Theres a few characteristics that we found in this michael need actually give us some clues as to what we could use to get it out and so that is the vertical transmission so a mother mosquito sex all of her offspring. By by by inserting the microscope really into their eggs. So that is one way in which the symbiote can spread into a population it is also infectious and weve actually found that it can be infected as mosquitoes mate so we could mass release male mosquitoes which dont have the capacity to transmit malaria in any case its only transmitted by human also and they could then spread that inspection. To females who truth and pass it on to their offspring so there are a number of different ways that we could get out there and thats really the focus for some future studies we have made incredible progress in this been you know a lot of hard work to do to get us to where we are but were still very far away from where we need to be. And as youve pointed out there are too many people dying every year from leiria so. New developments such as this could could really be a game changing. This is all jazeera these are the top stories the search for corona virus vaccines received a significant funding boost dozens of countries have pledged 8000000000. 00 to speed up research the us china and russia did not take part weve made it today is a defining moment for the Global Community at a time when we are sitting further apart than usual the world has shown it is standing closer together than ever before. And in the space of just a few hours we have collectively pledged 7400000000 euros for vaccines diagnostics and treatments and all of these money will help kickstart unprecedented Global Cooperation and it will create a truly unique Global Public good the u. S. Disease control agency is projecting coronavirus deaths in the country will reach 3000 a day by june the 1st thats according to documents seen by the New York Times it comes as a number of states have started to reopen after 8 weeks in lockdown italy is starting to ease restrictions the construction and manufacturing sectors are restarting people are also allowed to visit family members. The largest city in brazils amazon rainforest region has become a major virus hotspot the number of victims is rising fast and overwhelming menow says hospitals and cemeteries it sparked International Concern for indigenous communities that are particularly vulnerable to the pandemic turkey will begin easing restrictions from monday travel between 7 cities will be allowed for the 1st time in weeks more than 130000 people have tested positive in the country syrias president has warned the could be a catastrophe of corona virus infection rates there have been few recorded cases but Bashar Al Assad says theres a danger Health Services could be overwhelmed if that changes a curfew has been in place for one month. Some restrictions are being eased in 3 nigerian States Residents of lagos and overrun well gradually be given more freedom over the next 6 weeks i dont into work will be allowed in schools and dining restaurants will stay closed those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera the inside story goodbye. Will life ever return to normal after a lockdown from asia to europe all countries cautiously relaxing coronavirus restrictions but is it too soon what are the risks of a 2nd wave of infection this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program. Its now more than 4 months since the corona virus started spreading from china and its not stopped but some countries are beginning to see a decline in new infections so governments a slowly easing lock down risk

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