Hockey so night and day to get it right for the 1st time since recovering from cope at 19 the u. K. Prime minister addresses media on efforts to battle a pandemic that. Autumn months of protests a plan to tackle the financial woes but will it be enough to pull the country out of its economic spiral. And put those birthday parties been postponed South Koreans will have to wait until next month to celebrate. In the United States where the economic numbers just keep getting worse the u. S. Labor department has released yet another bleak unemployment report more than 3800000 americans filed for benefits in just the past week taking the total number of job listable them 30000000. 00 over the last 6 weeks the Unemployment Rate hovered around 3. 5 percent between december and. February this year but in march it jumps to a 2 of the hof year high of 4. 4 percent thats roughly will than 7000000 people the state governments now begin to restart their economies the easing lockdown measures more than home off of the 50 states including florida partially reopened by the end of this week but as the Johns Hopkins dashboards shows at least a 1000000 people in the u. S. A contract the virus a barely 61000 have died lets go live now to washington all right White House Correspondent kelly how could his with assert complete 30000000 people in the u. S. Of lost their jobs in just the past few weeks. Yeah those are the ones that were able to file their claims we know that there are many that are still attempting to do that because the systems were overwhelmed all across the country the numbers are projected to actually continue to climb possibly into the mid 40000000 mark in terms of the number of americans who lost their jobs overnight as a result of social distancing as a result of state whole orders and it turned businesses not just blue collar jobs but also those white collar jobs now continuing to layoff americans as they realize that the corona virus that hit the United States is going to be with the United States for some time now the u. S. President donald trump has been meeting with governors as they work to reopen their states gradually and he did so again today as he met with new jerseys governor in the oval office and he did have the opportunity to talk about the economy and continued to project optimism that it will come back. I think were going to have a really good year we want to be where we were and i think we can actually surpass where we were and we were the strongest anywhere in the world would have best that we ever were but we were the strongest anywhere in the world. But the problem for this u. S. President is that its an Election Year in november americans go to the polls the u. S. President had been enjoying historically low unemployment before the onset of covert 19 here in the United States now he is dealing with numbers that have not been seen in quite some time as a result this is a problem for the present in fact his favor ability rating in terms of most polls has plummeted as a result from 49. 00 down to 43 percent weve also seen as the president continues for jack often isnt that this could be a summer recovery that many analysts are predicting it will take much longer given the fact that the jobs were lost overnight but the recovery in the bringing back of jobs will be in phases and will be gradual often many people projecting it could be 2 to 3 years before these jobs come back of course a problem for a president trying to win reelection in november and White House Correspondent kimberly how could reporting live from washington could be many thanks well across the atlantic the eurozone economies who has suffered with its biggest losses since records began in 1905 economic output in the 1900 countries that use the euro shrank by 3. 8 percent between january march europes strongest economy germany announced a steep fall in jobs in april 1st real sign of the Economic Impact of the pandemic the number of unemployed has risen by more than 300000 the German Government has already predicted that its g. D. P. Is on track to shrink by more than 6 percent this year which is there as dominic cain has more now from bono how europe is handling the economic fallout of the pandemic. The Economic Impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It is becoming clearer than ever right across europe individual governments scrambling to put in place economic measures to try to reduce the damage their countries are suffering and at the e. U. Level the institutions and theyre doing whatever they can to provide assurance but also credit and the sorts of Financial Assistance that they think will help the governments concerned the European Central bank says it is trying to deal with a very uncertain future certainly thats what the head of the e. C. B. Christine lagarde has been saying given the high uncertainty surrounding the ultimate extent of the economy fallout. Grows scenarios produced by. Star suggests that your area g. D. P. Could fall by between 5 and 12 percent this year. Depending crucially on the duration of the containment measures and the success of policies to mitigate the economy consequences for businesses and workers. And the economic woe is clearly being felt here in germany too the economy here is going to shrink considerably in this calendar year more than 6 percent and although ministers say they expect the economy to come roaring back in 2021 thats based on projections which infer that there will not be a 2nd wave of coronavirus in this country and while they cant guarantee that ministers angle americal and the leaders of the states of this federal republic are trying to work out what their next step should be how to help the economy more was not allowing coronavirus to flare up again there are some positive signs from spain which has recorded its lowest daily increase in new cases since a state of emergency was declared 6 weeks ago the Spanish Health ministry has recorded 268 new coronavirus deaths that along with 518 new infections have been reported. The u. K. s Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the country has passed the peak of its outbreak and that hell start to announce a plan to exit the lockdown next week johnson was holding the governments daily update for the 1st time since he was admitted to hospital 3 weeks ago with cove of 19 he says the 2670911 people have died but that it could have been far worse. Thanks to that massive collective effort to shield the n. H. S. That we avoided an uncontrollable catastrophic epidemic where the reasonable worst Case Scenario was 500000 deaths and so i can confirm today but for the 1st time we are past the peak of this disease were past the peak and were on the downward slope. Lets go live now to london i was there as neve baka is in downing street pay what i asked of the Prime Minister say. Well the Prime Minister gave her the country a glimmer of hope a tremendous amount of optimism a clear message that a cording to the advice of the scientists the mandalas who have been looking at this very closely that the country is indeed over the peak but doesnt of course mean that the country is over the worse we know that there is a continued backdrop of rising deaths that the u. K. Is 2nd only to italy when it comes to nations in europe wist affected by the coronavirus and cooed in the coming days and weeks be the worst affected country in europe because of that the British Government knows that it cannot put a foot wrong so this is in the one hand positive news but there was also a clear cut instruction from Boris Johnson that mol be expected of the british people Going Forward a continuation of current restrictions and the entire. The entire situation will be very much on whether or not the country passes 5 crucial tests that include. Evidence that the country has reduced the infection rate and that infection rate is falling consistently over a significant amount of time that obviously the death toll goes down and at the moment were clearly not seeing that which is why Boris Johnson is talks about the country entering into a 2nd phase of requirements ongoing restrictions there will only be revisited next week when we may start to get a sense of the road map for britains exit from these restrictions but when it comes to a time frame an exact idea of the date when things will start to ease that is not up for discussion as yet out as there is need for us in downing street many thanks indeed knave. Russias Prime Minister says that he says to positive for the coronavirus and will self isolate mikhail. So far the highest ranking russian official to be diagnosed with the virus is deputy will take over as acting Prime Minister russia so far recorded more than 100000 cases and 1073 people have died this is the news hour from out 0 still to come on the program find out why the United Arab Emirates could find itself on a financial watch list along with syria and yemen plus a pandemic is changing the way the day radiance observes the fasting month of ramadan. Lebanons government has approved a rescue plan for its crisis hit economy its been under pressure to act after demonstrations were held in several cities for a 3rd straight night by minister has and deb says that lebanon the seek help from the International Monetary fund and hes aiming to get 10000000000. 00 in aid its not clear how much of that will be from the i. M. F. Parliaments has to approve the financial clauses of the reforms. What. About the this plan as a stepping stone we can build our future we will continue with our request to be i. M. F. Unwilling gauge seriously with our creditors as a result we will reduce the burden of debt on shoulders of citizens at the same time we will present this plan to our partners here and beyond i call on all lebanese to consider this day a turning point to a Brighter Future the road ahead will not be easy but the plan will help us to overcome obstacles ahead if we are all united we will achieve success zeros in a hotter as in beirut and says the governments will be hoping that this plan can ease months of violent public protests. The plan is to reach out to the International Monetary fund for Financial Assistance for at least 10000000000. 00 this is a Country Estate close to bankruptcy its been blamed on years of corruption years of mismanagement dip took office a few months ago and theyve been struggling to put together a plan but many economists have been telling them the only realistic option you have is to reach out to the i. M. F. Politicians were reluctant to do that because that would involve a painful conditions maybe more taxes and already the lebanese people are suffering due to this dire economic and financial crisis but it will also involve carrying out Structural Reforms that changing the structure of the state many politicians do not want to see that happen because they will lose control of the states resources which they have been accused of exploiting for years what people would want to hear how the government is going to control the Exchange Rate and how the government is going to control inflation the economy minister just a few days ago himself acknowledged that there is inflation a rise in prices by 50 percent the Prime Minister a few weeks ago visited a supermarket and he said that they would control the prices and theyve done theyve done nothing in that sort so people are not really eased or of their concerns have not been eased by the latest government announcement germany has banned they around backed hezbollah a group and does acknowledge that a terrorist organization Police Conducted Early Morning raids across the country and detained suspected members the government has been facing pressure from the u. S. Does rael to ban hizbollah. The top prosecutor of the International Criminal court says the court has jurisdiction over palestinian territories and that there are enough grounds to investigate crimes committed that the clarification could lead to an investigation into allegations of war crimes against israel the 2 bensouda says the areas include the occupied west Bank East Jerusalem and gaza the court is likely to decide on the matter of jurisdiction in may israel is not a member of the i. C. C. The arab league is condemning israels plan to an expanse of the occupied west bank in a Statement Issued after a Video Conference between Foreign Ministers the Organization Called the move a new war crime against palestinians israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing ahead with the proposal of the striking a deal with rivals while forming a unity government. Let me have more color if i have to announced a ceasefire during the holy month of ramadan his forces launched a rocket attack on a medical facility after us forces have been trying to take the capital tripoli for a year now. Palace reports. This is the aftermath of a grad missile hitting a house complex near tripoli on winston morning one person died and at least 5 were injured libyas un recognized government lay blame with warlord general aletha hafta yet always later after a spokesman announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan when headley slept well we hereby announce the sation of all military operations on our part in any breach of the session of military operations by terrorist militias who face an immediate and very severe response will be labeled a terrorist militia is actually the un recognized government this week it accused tuft of a coup after he declared himself a leader by popular mandate and ended peace talks with them the un reacted sternly we stand against any unilateral measures that would pretty jeopardize. Half the controls east in libya a year ago he launched an offensive for the weakest and with it libyas capital tripoli but his forces have been pushed back in recent weeks the worry is just general haftar is not going to win. Or wind up a city. Where we have to. Rise up and get into. Place. Its an intractable conflict with both hafter and the tripoli government receiving support from multiple nations fuel that feeds the conflict one of half his closest allies is the United Arab Emirates sources told 00 that a senior abu dhabi delegation including the crown princes brother flew into khartoum on choose day to discuss how sudan and the u. A. E. Could food the support general haftar sudanese officials deny the report their learn and they leave you if you had a part of the u. A. E. Is playing a role bigger than its size by its constant interference in the affairs of a number of arab countries we need to consider that we in libya are in a state of war against the u. A. E. The United Arab Emirates. Stay in Human Rights Watch report for a drone strike on a biscuit factory near tripoli in november 8 civilians were killed in the 30 wounded this is not the 1st time that it appears that the firing from drones in libya at targets with disregard for civilians last year general have to include ramadan the month of jihad this year its the month of peace with their own not his cease ation of a still if hes lost his ambitions to control libya fully remain shelob alice. The foreign minister is calling on all sides in the libyan conflict to come to the table for a political solution its released a statement condemning turkish intervention and praising war Khalifa Haftar for what it calls combating terrorism is a look at the situation on the ground libya has been divided by warring factions since the overthrow of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi 9 years ago various forces backed one of 2 rival administrations the u. N. Recognized government in the capital tripoli controls the area in blue Border Collie for half formed the soft clad Libyan National army controls the area in red. Fires are saraj is Prime Minister of the government a passionate record in tripoli while half dozen ministrations based in the eastern city of tobruk his forces are trying to capture tripoli for a year now so far havent succeeded beyond the school citys outskirts sammy hamby is editor in chief of the International Interest a Current Affairs not assist magazine with a particular focus on the middle east he says the timing of the ceasefire isnt just about ramadan is calling a ceasefire now because the tide of the tripoli offensive has old now his 2 main bases the spine of the tripoli offensive is now under siege thats what the air base where the supplies come in from the east and that one or both of these bases are holding out which it seems have there is concern that he might not be able to hold on to them for much longer but more importantly have to believe that domestically his situation in the east needs attention he has to cement his authority in the east he responded 1st by declarer making a unilateral declaration saying that he would rule libya by popular mandate this was a bid to cut off any potential opposition that might take advantage of the reversal in the offensive there is talk that he is pursuing some sort of constitutional cause i state a government this idea of trying to create a stable government to present to as opposed to the chaotic government as he wants to put it in the g. N. A. T. And i think this is the trajectory in which he is going in this is why were seeing the cease fire he wants to protect what the and i dont want to he wants to regroup he wants to go clean up the mess in the east ideal asylum is trying the head of the house of representatives has been trying to get tribes to go in his side against have to have to wants to put a pause to the tripoli offensive go clean up the mess before he returns at a later date to renew that offensive. An International Watchdog is warning that the United Arab Emirates isnt doing nearly enough to crack down on Money Laundering and terrorist financing the paris based Financial Financial Action Task Force says the u. S. Could find itself far want to list along with countries like syria and yemen unless it improve spirited smith reports. Dubai is slowly reopening some businesses that have been ordered shut to stop the spread of coronavirus but its the failure to pull down the shutters on people suspected of Money Laundering and terrorist financing but cook cause another serious financial headache for the emirate and the 6 others which for me a night Arab Emirates investigators from the paris based Financial Action Task Force Found that theres a high risk that criminals will try to launder money or finance terrorism through the u. A. E. The f. A. T. F. Says theres little investigation all of a prosecution for Money Laundering and theres minimal formal International Cooperation with countries investigating financial crimes he does have a system whereby we look at countries with continued and significant Strategic Decisions is that represent a risk to the International Financial system i cant say at this point whether the country is going to fall into that process what i can say is that the country now has its own road map and its recommendations to follow but we fully expect that we do that that they will do that weve already seen a high level political commitment there to get things going and we will assess their progress next year and then will decide from there dubai is one of the Worlds Largest financial hubs not far behind london new york and Hong Kong Financial services make up almost 9 percent of the u. S. G. D. P. A lot of the money they make its driving by. Addressing that with me sending out light on a lot of schemes and making Information Available that are not in the interest of those who are who actually like to put their money back. So that there is a trade off or even. If the u. A. E. Fails to tackle Money Laundering it could find itself on the task forces grey list along with countries including pakistan syria and yemen that means Financial Institutions could be reluctant to do business there and the cost of borrowing will be high and bernard smith. U. S. President donald trump reportedly pressured saudi arabia into ending its Oil Price War with russia or risk losing u. S. Military support thats according to the Reuters News Agency that says the us president reportedly told Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon that if Oil Production wasnt cuts hed be powerless to stop congress from approving the withdrawal of u. S. Troops from the kingdom veiled threat was said to be made during a phone call on the 2nd of april 10 days before the Worlds Biggest Oil producing nations agreed to cut production by nearly 10000000 barrels a day. Sigurd is with us live from washington d. C. Hes a middle east analyst good to have you with us what do you make of this report what does it tell us about the state the current state of the u. S. Saudi relations. The year to state of the u. S. Out a relationship is extremely fragile we have seen that over the past 2 years or so or a year and a half release and. Murder that the saudi consulate in istanbul we have seen that day u. S. Political establishment have on a regular basis criticized the saudi arabia record on the matter but also criticized its war in yemen and the latest incident over over to oil crisis has really been a cumulative effect of. Lingering anger with saudi arabia in the United States who is more upset with whom. This relationship and a this other side justified. Well from the American Perspective the anger is that. By shipping oil into the United States from saudi arabia. Saudi arabia attempting to brain the u. S. Oil industry into bankruptcy sell that saudi arabia can reposition itself after the covert 19 global epidemic subsides and be a stronger or lacked or doubt is that is what is. Triggering this unprecedented anger if in the administration from the saudi perspective it is a little different and that is that the saudis felt that the President Trump did not come to their defense after iran launched an barrage of now missile and drone attacks on its key Oil Infrastructure in august of last year is saudi arabia in any way miscalculating as far as its relationship with particularly with President Trump. Whats the president himself to think serious about that warning that hed be powerless to stop Congress Passing legislation to withdraw u. S. Troops from the kingdom. Yes absolutely because the United States has permanent Strategic Interests which includes preserving its own Energy Industry and india event that saudi arabia is trying to under cost america Energy Industry while shoring up its own which is only possible through u. S. Security guarantees that it is a red line that no american president can accept and president and prince mohamed of saudi arabia miscalculated believing that he has a personal relationship would trump would be able to smooth over this crisis but at the end we saw that did not work. Gets to. Live in washington thank you. Were going to weather update makes here all the news out bad. Indias vamos settled down couldnt have come at a worse time and the government efforts to help them on working class. Some of the most Vulnerable People in the world will hear from internally displaced people in manama but been left to face that hyundai make without supporters. How the weather is generally set fabric across the middle east at the moment to send the case across much of the Arabian Peninsula still some shop shall is just sliding out of iraq into iran up towards caspian sea theyll make their way further a swiss pushing into techmeme astonished as but just maybe into afghanistan as well as because through friday but as you can see from many of them that back behind east of positive he will still see one of 2 showers as we go on through friday push on into sas they the showers will become fewer and further between dry across anika the was 31 celsius here in doha with some increasingly warm sunshine as we go on through the next couple days with the winds falling somewhat lighter than they have been a recently bunnie a warm sunshine across northern parts of africa weve seen the end of the showers there just around the Atlas Mountains northern parts of morocco and Northern Areas of algeria it is generally set that little colder there with him all the wind coming into benghazi temperatures here around 23. 00 degrees why the shallowest just around to ethiopia pushing down into kenya into somalia will see more of those showers to just flooding a little further south with but johannesburg gorgeous a lot some sunshine beautiful still weather here and it stays fine and sunny as we go right through the coming days. But. I. Run into a time of spirituality reflection and gratitude raise the flags all the flags every color form. The real world well how we are how he reveals the stories behind some of the arab world songs and chants for the holy month this song touched the hearts of all arabs for ramadan songs on aljazeera. A lot again solid being in control dont know what is tremendous for the country so lacking can you is determined to conclude you to salute at the point of the sword to avenge its people slaughtered 8080 is he smashes the frankish on the couch is the king of jerusalem he sees is the true cross and this is the great military victory the crusades an arab perspective episode 3 unification on a jersey of. All. Oh. Its good to be with us hello plagiary and for going to here in doha with the news are from out 0 the headlines the u. S. Economy continues to take a battering with more jobs being wiped out for number of people who filed for Unemployment Benefits in the past week has risen by 3800000 to around 30000000000 since the pandemic forced businesses to close last months britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the u. K. Has passed the peak of its outbreak he says a plan to reopen the economy will be unveiled next week but the u. K. Will need to pass 5 tests before its implemented of the eurozone economy has suffered its biggest hit on record shrinking by 3. 8 percent in the 1st quarter of the year its the steepest drop since records began in 9095. 00 and a further indicator of the widespread economic devastation. Florida is one of the states pushing ahead with plans to ease some restrictions the miami area has been particularly badly affected but authorities there say they need to reopen floridas economy aljazeera Sandy Gallagher reports. Miamis ocean drive with its iconic on deck. No buildings never really season off season for weeks now its been deserted along with the normally packed beaches and pedestrian ice shopping areas of a city in lockdown. The cautious reopening of parks golf courses and marinas is now under way though and state officials point to corona virus cases showing a slight downturn floridas governor Rhonda Sanchez a close ally of President Trump says a careful reopening isnt complicated although on tuesday the state recorded its highest total of new deaths on a single day on wednesday to santas announced what he called a safe smart step by step plan to reopen this new phase will start on monday may 4th and will for the time being exclude Miami Dade Broward and palm beach counties these counties have seen the lions share of the states epidemic but they are trending in a positive direction. Even as beaches and parks reopen in some parts of the state places like Miami Dade County continue to take precautions despite the governors optimism reopening isnt a one size fits all policy over a 1000 people have died of covert 9000 in florida a 3rd of them here in miami dade like many other states what this one is facing then is a patchwork of reopening and a continuation of restrictions here in miami beach the boardwalks open but the beach and playgrounds remain off limits its a similar picture in other hard hit cities as local authorities weigh the risks against getting the economy going again social distancing rules remain in place when restaurants are allowed to reopen they will operate at reduced capacity miamis messes if people dont follow guidelines washer restrictions will come back if we start to see a regression if were not respecting the rules. Then obviously not hesitate. To start restricting and thats one of the things that we want to avoid it any version of a new normal will also be a challenge logistically miami is a hub for the distribution of goods throughout the americas and restarting trade will be difficult its very complicated its. The critical its essential for us to understand what steps in jail and how people interact with others while some can now carefully enjoy the states parks restaurants and beaches others remain under tight restrictions the reopening of some parts of the economy in continued closure of others is mostly in the hands of local leaders and the decisions are more crucial than ever and agalloch road is 0 Miami Florida dozens of bodies have been found in trucks outside a funeral home in new york city the discovery was made after neighbors reported a smell coming from the vehicles now to serious Gabriel Elizondo is that. Dozens of decomposing bodies were found inside this funeral home presumably people that have died for. Cases. Last week or so and they were brought here and apparently the funeral home their refrigerator unit that keeps preserves the corpses of the people broke and so they were just putting bodies of people in trucks. The police were called they are still on scene here it was just a grim grim Situation Police are saying as many as 40 to 50 bodies of people were in there overnight it just gives you an idea that even though the curve is flattening in new york and even though that this is a city and state that presumably being told coming out of this in the worst is behind us here it still gives you an idea of how far. The state has to come and how desperate the situation is especially for Funeral Homes and more its just over overwhelmed. There are more than 2000000 people behind bars in the u. S. And theyre living in conditions which make it easy to spread the coronavirus data released by the federal bureau of prisons shows that at least 70 percent of inmates tested so far have covert 19 and one los angeles facility hoff the prison population has tested positive state prison systems are also releasing alarming figures from 4 states all console North Carolina ohio and virginia show that 96 percent of inmates who tested positive werent showing any symptoms that speak to the cole porter is with us from washington d. C. Shes the director of advocacy at the sentencing project good to have you with us nicole. Undoubtedly a lot of people behind bars in the United States but all u. S. Jails as a crowded as they are in many other parts of the world. There are there are variations between states and even within states among different jurisdictions but the reality is that many jails and prisons around the country are overcrowded they are congregants the philippi so it is very hard to pack to social distancing putting incarcerating people at risk of admitting teens have the government put in the funding forward to try to alleviate this problem theres been modest lending towards this park relation and the last carriage package stimulus package or the factory package that 850000000. 00 was included to fly in medical care and other equipment 2nd help prevent the spread of cove is one piece but that money is to be divided up among the state and even within states a month locality so while it was welcomed resources given the 2200000 people who are incarcerated it was a moderate you drop in the bucket for the amount of funding that can eat what is the standard of care like in the u. S. Prison system. Well this is why social distancing this practically impossible even in the president s that are overcrowded and there is kind of overcrowding in a number of state prison systems in the federal system around the country states like california mississippi alabama all suffer chronic overcrowding and the federal system also has overcrowded facilities but even in jurisdictions where there isnt crowding there is dormitory like housing making it very difficult to practice social distancing so people cant was and exist 6 feet away which is the best practice thats being offered by Public Health experts and its just challenging for any question of people to engage in touch with a spoon feeding which would prevent the spread of soviet 19 in these facilities and even before the pandemic there were just conditions present system to mississippi and alabama deferred maintenance horrendous sewage conditions making it very difficult to clean these president s and making better sanitation possible case how how do you solve the problem what is what is the sentencing project calling for. Well the way to solve the problem isnt necessarily politically possible in the United States it would be to radically reduce the number of people incarcerated because the safest way to practice social distancing is to prevent public nineteens threats would be to reduce the number of people in prison so that people can be safer in the community it so that person is left behind in correction a lot that can better practice social distancing and one state the state of oregon the department of corrections published an estimate that 6000. 00 people nearly 6000. 00 people would need to be released from state law steps to the community in order for the prison system to safely practice social distancing the governor rejected that estimate saying that rather than a mass release people would be released on a one by one basis and that that time only 2 persons had been really given the Governors Authority so the way to do something would be to substantially reduce the number of people who are incarcerated and practically that prop probably wont happen so there are of their efforts that could be done including making sure that incarcerated people have access to personal Safety Equipment and theres better sanitation and while those your best practices it will be hard to actually implement inside of these lock that were close quarters are the norm ok construction to comb any thanks and to cope for that direct to have an advocacy at the sentencing project thank you for having the coronavirus pandemic is change the way that the signs around the world are marking the holy month of ramadan and iran as house where the hospitality sector has been hit hard many restaurants are closed some business houses and reduce aljazeera is saying basra vs entire. For many iranians there is no better way to break their fast than with one of the countrys most traditional meals. Slow cooked stews of meat lentils and vegetables theyre high in protein packed with flavor and affordable but this year sales are down because of covert 19 but i was not about to show that image. That we usually more customers a moment on and more profit coronaviruses had a big impact to close for 2 months but reopened recently with Health Protocols people still affright were waiting to see how but there are a list customers. Restaurants are closed most of the day in keeping with islamic tradition Business Hours in other sectors also reduced ramadan can be a time of lost income for Food Service Workers and day laborers so traders sell homemade food on the streets to supplement their income. Before the corona Virus Outbreak restaurants were already struggling months of political and economic on rest meant fewer customers. Many Small Businesses have gone under many more are on the verge of doing so. Because of the coronavirus i cant say exactly but weve lost about 50 percent of the income weve been facing problems for months this husband and wife operation have to fire their employees to stay afloat now they cook the food operate the till and deliver the few orders they get all by themselves some days they only get 2 orders making just 5. 00 they say reduced ramadan hours only make things worse. The government has ordered mosques shrines and places of mass worship to remain closed religious rituals in the time of coronavirus promise to be a more solitary affair but ramadan is also a time to be with friends and family breaking the fast at the end of the day with loved ones around the table of food helping those that are less fortunate these traditions are as much a part of the islamic month of fasting as anything else. Iranians we met said gatherings a dinner tables are likely to be smaller this year i mean when you have everybody we havent been inviting guests so the since the outbreak of the virus we havent gone anywhere either and no if at all tired of this indicated by the footage the difference this year is that we should stay away from people we had many guests in ramadan for if time but now no one comes and this year iranians say theyll be praying especially for one thing an end to the coronavirus pandemic zain. Yemen has recorded its 1st 2 corona virus that sparking fears of a major outbreak in a country thats ravaged by civil war 5 new cases were reported in the southern port city of aden that takes the total number of infections to 6 nationwide yemen is already dealing with a cholera outbreak and only half of its hospitals are fully functional the u. N. Says that its likely the virus is spreading undetected in a country where millions of facing starvation the u. N. Secretary general is again appealing for an immediate cease fire in syria after he described as the a riff bombing of a market in the north on wednesday officials from the u. N. Warned that covert 19 looming theres an urgent need to end violence and to ensure the delivery of critical medical supplies to syria our diplomatic editor james bass reports. Hours before the u. N. Security council held a virtual session on syria a fuel tanker rigged with explosives was detonated in the Northern City of a free the death toll stands at well over 40 even though the worlds attention is on the pandemic and the overall level of violence in syria has reduced in recent months this a grim reminder that the countrys war is now in its 10th year the u. N. Special envoy repeated his call for an immediate cease fire we cannot afford hostilities which would surely lead to another search in displaced removable communities something that may be missed in our are only 2 months ago we cannot afford this scenario before the pandemic the prize could only be higher now the u. N. Humanitarian coordinator mark says its been impossible to get all of the much needed medical supplies to northeast syria across the front lines from damascus mr president gaps in medical supplies in the area are winding as its high when we should be urgently scaling up. Overnight those gaps should be narrow. In an interview one leading human rights campaigner told me it looks as though the Assad Government is putting deliberate obstacles in the way of the delivery of medical supplies are concerned is that the reason why the mask is blocking a lot of the syria is the same reason why theyve been waging a war and the last few years which is to put pressure on their population to capitulate and to really submit to be off or to of damascus and so we are concerned that the regime is weapon now using this pandemic to bring the people of northeast syria to its knees so the accusation is clear the Syrian Government which with its allies in the past has bombed hospitals and has used starvation as a way to defeat rebel areas is now using coded 19 as a weapon of war clearly it would be possible for the Syrian Government to refute this easily all theyd have to do is allow the free flow of medical aid to all parts of the country james plays out jazeera at the United Nations as you know hospitals around the world have found themselves short of ventilators switch can see help to save the lives of patients who suffer the worst symptoms because at 19 qatar is among the countries that are making their own. About our reports from doha. Meet save the event or later many factor here in doha this machine is equipped with sensors to alert medical staff in case the long functions of a coronavirus patient are deteriorating. Pneumonia is a stage where ventilation becomes the bridge between life and death. For qatari officers this is a Pivotal Moment as a country battles kovi 19 the emir set a member to have a death and he has instructed the government to take all necessary steps to contain the spread of the virus. A company affiliated with qatars ministry of defense teamed up with a u. S. Based laser and optics that bottle a ship produced savor its highest member how middle tiny requested the ministry of defense to source and manufacture a ventilator and design holdings. To execute this project and as you can see in our in the law today we are in the very final stages and were starting manufacturing ventilators we plan on manufacturing 10000. 00 units a month to support qatar a majority of the components are manufactured here and house so from raw material to manufacture of the components and some components are you know obviously. Sourced from outside africa and Assembly Takes place here ventilators have become central in the global fight against co the 19 manufacturers are ramping up output to cope with the growing demands. The pandemic is showing no signs of slowing down and many governments are desperate to acquire ventilators to ease the pressure on hospitals but officials here say qatar wont face any shortages. And as the country steps are its war against corona virus it has sent 2 field hospitals to italy and shipped medical supplies to china iran and algeria the hope now is to produce more ventilators to send all over the world as the pandemic continues to spread. Governments all over the world so theyre doing what they can for their citizens impacted by the virus but there are millions of people left homeless living in camps who are getting little if any support aljazeera scott heiler reports now on one such community in northern. 40000000 people around the world are displaced and those in camps across myanmars catchin state are among the most vulnerable thats according to the u. N. High commission for refugees but in this camp internally displaced persons or i. D. P. s as theyre known are facing even greater danger covert 19 they do everything they can to prevent the virus from spreading into their dense camp redolent thank god. I want the authorities or officials to help us equally not treat us on Different Levels because everyone suffers the same nearly half of me and mars 240000 i. D. P. s are catchin scattered throughout the northernmost state that borders china camps and churches many are Migrant Workers in china but because of the coronavirus they have lost their jobs the government says they are checking those who return but the burden of care rests on the people in the camp. We have a problem especially with people who work abroad and then come back to the camp so they have to be quarantined and we have to take care of them. In the kitchen people are here because they fled the fighting from a decades long conflict between armed ethnic groups and the me and more military a ceasefire failed and an ongoing Peace Process has done little to stop the fighting those who have only known life inside the camp and the threat of conflict now face an even greater challenge the coronavirus scott either aljazeera. Just ahead here on the news hour a fly past at a promotion for a british war veteran who raised more than 37000000 dollars for the countrys Health Service as he turns 100. Again a half of indias workforce is employed in the Agriculture Sector but the lockdown has caused a breakdown in supply chains a lack of Migrant Workers thats left many farmers struggling to sell their winter crops of zeros elizabeth. Pradesh the latest in our series on how the pandemic is affecting farming and Food Security. A hive of activity during a nationwide lockdown farmers been there week 2 a Government Procurement center in the state of. Its a small victory for british who struggled to harvest his crops the season without the help of seasonal workers. The father of 3 says his family helped him cut the crop and register to sell it to the government everyone feels to reduce pollution everything is shut so how and supposed to do it we had no idea the children have some education so they were able to do it on their mobile phones the government to sending alec tronic coupons to farmers with a date and time to bring their projects to the centers. Many dont have smartphones and Internet Connections to receive them and is locked down couldnt have come at a worse time for farmers theyre at their busiest between april and june when went across like way to harvested and the fields are prepared for some across to be. Without the technology needed to register has crossed public transport to take it to a Government Center or private market the pain that parties worried about how he and his family will survive. We cant so the next crop as we need the money from this harvest to buy seeds are fertilizers. Many farmers have seen their fruit and vegetables go to waste despite farming being exempt down the restrictions on Peoples Movement and transport has led to supply chains breaking down. India has large reserves of grains but economists say extra stocks of rice and wheat. Its also about pulses and fruits and vegetables and indian. Quarter the way its a very high so we need to ensure that that i. P. O. For people splitsville both from the point of your Food Security as well as keeping the economy going its very important that we support agriculture and gold plated collapse. The government says agriculture is functioning smoothly and there are no shortages of food but many reject that and with more than half of indias workforce employed in agriculture experts say it must do more to help farmers and secure the harvest for the next season elizabeth aljazeera blanchett author for the. For the 1st time in 2 months south korea has reported no new domestic infections of coronavirus april 30th marks brothers birthday but celebrations have been postponed until the end of next month because of the lockdown bride reports from seoul. Birthday celebrated with prayers for this pandemic to be over but hell does though which is still a threat from the start of the outbreak south korea is buddhists have closely it here to the governments request to scale back on all forms of worship. Especially have been actively following the governments social distancing gods laws as we do not want to cause any harm to others. In this reflects the philosophy of buddhism that we care about people it is very different to how good his birthday is normally celebrated in the day. This was last year an impressive parade of floats with thousands of spectators and people taking part. This year a far more subdued affair the centerpiece a to go down representing the bringing together. Peoples minds to overcome the crisis. Some say the virus amused to see our failure to coexist with us and they could be more events like this in the future but the buddhist practice is to train our minds to be and peaceful this year buddhas birthday coincides with other Public Holidays with Many South Koreans taking the chance to go out or go on a short holiday after weeks of staying put airports and domestic flights are all busy as people travel to local resorts its raise concerns about a possible resurgence of the virus especially after reaching the milestone of 0 new cases of local transmission but similar fears were raised 2 weeks ago when millions of South Koreans came out to vote in National Elections special precautions were put in place to allow the vote to happen safely and now at the end of what would be the incubation period for new cases that resurgence hasnt happened buddhist prayers here may have been answered Robin Wright Al Jazeera so. Finally i predict world war 2 veteran who has raised more than 36000000. 00 for the countrys Health Services got a promotion. From the chief of the general staff. Your appointment to become the only colonel of the Foundation College up in heaven as i was saying captain tom moore received the honors on the eve of his 100th birthday he was also given to military medals and to 2nd world war era aircraft fly passed over his home to mark his birthday and in recognition of his Fundraising Efforts more raised the money by completing collapse of his garden with the help of a walking frame water challenge time for us to hand the baton over to our colleagues in london Barbara Sarah here to update you just a moment ill see you again thanks for watching by fire. When covert 19 1st struck china and began to spread the cost asia. Some in the west criticized come to measures as too harsh or too weak. But have the different experiences before asian nations in fact not shown the world to root out of this group under. Coronavirus lessons from asia on a jersey. As corona virus continues to devastate the United States the race to the white house goes on joe biden has all but secured his place is the democratic nominee but can he beat donald trump joining us for continuing coverage of the u. S. Election 2020 on al jazeera. Desperate for a better life millions of people have sought refuge in europe sometimes their dreams of century are realized but sometimes disenchantment and hostility drive them home. In the 2nd of 2 films on these contrasting experiences people and power meets the returning migrants now determined to discourage others from following the same problems to gambia back home on aljazeera. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is just stay out of the. Pool or. 30000000. 00 americans out of work the economic toll of the coronavirus pandemic depends heaping more pressure on states to reopen. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up. Real cost the peak of this disease as u. K. Deaths from the virus low the Prime Minister warns is still too soon to ease the lockdown measures

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