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Tripoli the libyan warlord relief after says his forces will stop fighting during the holy month of ramadan. Also ahead lebannon central bank under attack again during another night of protests across several cities. This is still early days in the worldwide recession brought about by the coronavirus pandemic but we do have a better sense of the damage it is causing the u. S. Economy the worlds biggest has seen a decade of growth wipes out in 3 months shrinking by almost 5 percent the u. S. Plane maker boeing has reported 1st quarter losses of more than 600000000. 00 over the same period as european rival air past lost 550000000 and the e. U. s biggest economy germany is forecasting its worst year since the end of world war 2 well begin with the United States we have this report from she have a tendency. The 4. 8 percent decline for g. D. P. Between. January and march represents the largest decline since the 2008 recession Consumer Spending which accounts for 70 percent of g. D. P. Dropped by an idealized rate of 7. 6 percent the largest drop since 980 moreover this is just a preliminary estimate Analysts Expect the eventual number to be far higher than these numbers are for a quarter in which the economic locked down only accounted for a few weeks 2nd quarter g. D. P. Figures for april to june a projected to register a decline of around 30 to 40 percent with some Financial Institutions predicting much much worse the white house is still clinging on to the hope of a v. Shaped recovery helped by a rapid reopening of the u. S. Economy i think theres a tremendous feeling of optimism in this country i think the 3rd quarters transitional that it would were transitioning into but its a very transitional period i think its going to do good but i think the 4th quarter is going to be fantastic but reopening the economy too soon and then facing an even deeper recession is a risk i think fundamentally its going to end on whether the u. S. Is capable of actually putting in plants sophisticated widespread testing in crime scene which allows people to essentially go out and where they can be in this community is likely to be true one out recovering back at the Federal Reserve drain poll pledge to do all that could be done were doing all we can to help American Families and businesses whether this difficult period we will continue to use our tools to assure that the recovery when it comes will be as robust as possible Interest Rate cuts and trillions of dollars in spending by the fed have injected liquidity into the Financial System along with the stimulus passed by congress markets have been reassured in fact this treaty rues after the g. D. P. Figures were announced but there is more and more evidence so that the money being spent is. Not reaching those most in need with unemployment now projected to reach 20 percent in june there are increasing pools for fall bold action to help those who now find themselves without the money for rent mortgage is health care and food she every time see out 0. To 100 reporting on huge losses from the worlds to big plane macons. Buffeted by a Global Pandemic in a crisis of its own making boeing is plunging deep into negative territory the company has been scrambling for more than a year to get its most lucrative plane this 737 max back in the air after it was grounded following 2 crashes that killed 346 people then the coronavirus emptied planes in airports with passenger travel down an unprecedented 95 percent boeing reported a loss of 6 141000000. 00 and now plans about 16000. 00 layoffs 110th of its Global Workforce light all of. Not just europe the United States pretty much everywhere in the world the ramifications are. For the most part the industry is not interested in taking delivery of airplanes at the moment and or against contracts that we have in here and so as a result there is this moment in time for trying to contend with the dramatic reductions southwest and other airlines are cutting their orders for the 737 max and with fewer long haul travelers boeing is cutting back on production of its massive 777 and 787 dreamliner jets boeing is the United States largest exporting manufacturer and it said that when boeing sneezes americas economy catches cold now foundations of highly skilled highly paid boeing workers will be joining the waiters Service Workers and others who are among the 1st wave of corona virus. As layoffs and that will reverberate down the boeing supply chain and throughout the u. S. Economy boeing rival airbus also posted a 521000000. 00 loss in what it c. E. O. Calls the grave this crisis the Aerospace Industry has ever known analysts say boeing and airbus will have to restructure for a new marketplace and compete with their own cheaper used planes languishing on tarmacs around the globe there are a lot theyve got nowhere to go and the reason being there isnt any certainly across the Pacific Coast and i doubt that news europe not many people are planning a trip in the right kind of period of italy right now so its going to be own long time theyre going to readjust and be a Smaller Company although the Global Pandemic took just months to ground much of the Aviation Industry analysts say it will take years to arrive at a new normal john hendren chicago well nearly half of the worlds workers are in danger of losing their livelihoods because of the pandemic the uns International Labor organization is forecasting that up to 1600000000 people working in the informal economy could be out of a job most of them have no welfare protection no access to health care in just the 1st month of the break these workers lost 60 percent of their income manufacturing Food Services and retail are among the worst affected sectors german g. D. P. Is forecast to shrink by more than 6 percent this year the government is expecting the most painful recession in generations to bottom out in the next 3 months Economic Activity it says could pick up again after that as long as a 2nd wave of infections can be avoided. Britain has europes 2nd highest coronavirus death toll of italy the number has jumped to more than 26000 after the government started yesterday to include fatalities in care homes for the elderly the upward revision has prompted new condemnation of the governments handling of the outbreak. Dozens of bodies have been found in trucks outside a funeral home in new york city the discovery was made after neighbors reported a smell coming from the vehicles its unclear how many of the people who died from corona virus related illnesses new york state is the epicenter break in the United States. More coronavirus Coverage Later for now well turn to some other top stories for you the libyan warlord holly faffed of has announced his forces will observe a cease fire during the muslim holy month of ramadan hes been trying to take over the capital tripoli for a year and remove the u. N. Recognize government thats based there earlier on weapons to at least one person was killed and several were injured during an attack on a Health Complex east of the capital tripoli government blamed it on half the on monday he ended peace talks with the government. In another development coming to us out of libya sources have told aljazeera the aircraft carrying prominent officials from the United Arab Emirates flew to the sudanese capital khartoum on tuesday the sources say the emraan delegation including the brother of Abu Dhabis Crown prince met sudanese officials to discuss military support for half the sudanese officials have denied any meeting took place a spokesman for the internationally recognized government has told al jazeera that his government is in a state of war with the u. A. E. None of those are not that we have a problem with the u. A. E. We will always respect any state that respects us and respects itself the u. A. E. Is a mini state that dared to lead to counter Revolution Movement against all arab countries the u. A. E. Is playing a role bigger than its size by its constant interference in the affairs of a number of arab countries that we need to consider that we in libya are in state of war against the u. A. E. There have been protests in several lebanese cities for a 3rd night running as crowds voiced their frustration over a worsening economic crisis then as traitors in the Southern City of sidon threw a moment of cocktail at a branch of the Lebanese Central Bank its chief has been defending the banks role during the collapse of lebanons currency is in a hot it has more from beirut. But Bank Branches across lebanon people line up to try to withdraw as much of their savings as they can in formal restrictions have been in place for months and recently access to dollars stopped further fueling public anger banks say they face a liquidity crisis through the central bank they have been lending money to the state which is now almost bankrupt. Not if the central bank funded the state we didnt spend the money we need to know her the money was spent the central bank doesnt have the capability for oversight this is a campaign against a central bank and particularly its governor. The Central Bank Governor defended himself after the Prime Minister has sat indirectly accused him of trying to topple the government by engineering the collapse of the local currency the pound along with lebanons worst economic crisis and decades is a struggle for power. Protestors anger is targeting the banks and the government which took over in january but has still to present the plan to save the economy lebanons foreign reserves are dwindling what we need to do is to dismantle a government that have been channeled through which Government Spending. And those Government Spending led the last one. We have 175 percent that is due to any and that it should be this problem for the opening of the competition something privatization would not just end corruption but it would be more profitable instead of draining Government Funds such Structural Reforms are what International Donors have been demanding. The United Nations western governments and the arab league are all reiterating the need for reforms in lebanon it seems that changes in the structure of the state. Billions of dollars in assistance western and some arab nations dont seem to be willing to give blank checks particularly to a government controlled by the iranian backed hezbollah and its allies politics is at play as popular discontent worsens. Still to come here on aljazeera the surprising reason a covert 19 banks seen in develops in britain might be delayed. And despite the pandemic south korea goes ahead with launching the worlds biggest container ship. However we have High Pressure dominating the weather across a good part of eastern asia so its looking like a fun and dry with some hot sunshine for some have got a few showers just spilling out of north korea pushing over towards northern parts of honshu northern parts of japan could see one or 2 shots but essentially it looks fine a dry temperatures getting up into the mid twentys over the next couple of days thats the hate by saying at 33 celsius 30 celsius there fish and high as we go through thursday afternoon clad in the rain will make its way across the central parts and thatll just look those temperatures down a peg or 2 for shanghai around 24. 00 celsius south of that it is generally dry although without the possibility of the just making its way towards hong kong one of 2 showers across india china as well more than just see our child though into thailand recently this is the same in bangkok recently where we saw some very heavy rain coming through those seasonal downpours now gathering the heat of the day thunder a shower popping up really quite nicely at the moment to more of those as we go on through the next few days they say weather never really too far away weather not too far away from a good part of the philippines this little circulation may well develop into a tropical depression over the next couple of days. A lot again of saladin control dont know that its tremendous for the country a lot. He was determined to go could use a limb at the point of the sword to avenge its people slaughtered 88 years earlier he smashes the frankish on the catch is the king of jerusalem he sees is the true prophet and this is the great military victory the crusades an arab perspective episode 3 unification on al jazeera. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera live from doha my names pizza dopy our top stories new Financial Data shows the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is having on the world economies the u. S. And germany and nigeria the economic heart of africa all among countries experiencing their worst recessions this year. The libyan wall orderly for half that has announced a cease fire the most important month of ramadan early on where state he was accused of ordering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli. And an aljazeera team has learned that a plane carrying prominent officials from the u. A. E. To the sudanese capital khartoum on tuesday sources say the amorality delegation was meeting sudanese officials to discuss military support for. More now on the coronavirus pandemic joining us on the program dr Clayton Dalton hes an emergency medicine resident physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital in boston he joins us on skype dr dalton thanks for making time to talk to us american politicians across the board generally seem to be wanting the coronavirus to be willed into a situation so they can say the worst is behind us were heading down that road now is that your experience. It is my experience and im im concerned about where that might lead us and i think from my perspective were heading into something thats more like a plateau base and what that means is that we have a steady number of patients going to the hospital each day instead of more patients each day it seems like where a place where its about the same number every day and miss may go on for several weeks or even longer we dont know. It means that we flattens the ship over and in these in boston were not likely to be overwhelmed in the way that hospitals and in detroit or new york or new orleans were but we were still a ways away from being completely through this and i am concerned with some of the rhetoric towards opening things up. Im afraid that my that might put more people at risk or if we do it before ready flattening the curve means there is less strain on people like yourself and your colleagues at your hospital does that mean that you can metaphorically and emotionally if you will also take a breather and kind of assess way you all instead of just firefighting you can take that step back if only for say a half an hour a day were still busy were still seeing a lot of patients coming in with current 90 and some of them are critically ill were still doing lots of them to be asians. In a sense i think we feel a little bit of relief knowing that we likely wont face the sort of tidal wave that could overwhelm a system that we were fearful might come our way but were still going busy are still a lot of work to be done and i dont i dont think were ready to move on and say that we are through the worst of this i think we still have a lot of work ahead of us to do there are still many more people who will get sick and who will need us in the hospital where are we when it comes to your state opening up for business and does this idea of doing that through a process of step change stage by stage can that work. I think it can work so in massachusetts where i where i work the governor has announced i believe yesterday the day before that he was going to sue for longer than 3 weeks because of lockdown right now which is the nonessential does the circle. And you know meetings or groups of people are banned is going to extend after several weeks because well the data says that were not ready to start opening up yet and i do think that a phased approach could work i think we have to be very careful about it and the most important thing is that we need to listen to our Public Health authorities the reason why we were overwhelmed in boston the reason why we had enough capacity and hospital grounds enough inhalators to care for every single patient is because we follow the recommendations from our Public Health authorities we closed businesses remember gatherings really for social distancing its worked and that that puts us as Health Care Providers at decreased risk and it also means that our patients get better care so we need to listen to them about when were ready to start opening up and how to do that and im worried were seeing some states that are sort of charging ahead. Searingly in sort of contrast to whats being recommended by our our medical leaders and what concerns me ok and when you talk about medical leaders not wishing to make this too british or european centric it was Winston Churchill who said that scientists should be on tap they shouldnt be on top and there has been this kind of abrasive relationship doesnt there on the world not just in the states not just in your states i guess as well between the science the scientists the doctors the medical advisers and the politicians so when donald trump says its going to go away and the 4th quarter is going to be fantastic or he said its going to be wonderfully said but just in the past hour or so what goes through your mind when you hear your president saying that kind of thing offset against mixed messages you know the Vice President going to the mayo clinic not wearing a mosque and on top of that other mixed signals coming out from different sources. It makes it pretty angry to be frank. How do you providers in general are pretty level headed rocks we receive a lot of things that are challenging and difficult now the name there is kind of a foreign emotion i think for a lot of us sort of for myself but i mean weve got this i think its reckless and its dangerous. I wish i wish that there was that he would stop being given a microphone i just think that everything every decision hes made nearly everything he says that theres been some degree of wrong or dangerous and its just hard to watch its really hard to watch dr dalton we appreciate you making the time to come and talk to us here on aljazeera great to have your your insight thank you so much work to earn stairwell. It appears to be positive news on the treatment front top u. S. Infectious diseases a virus that dr anthony folks she says theyre seeing progress in trials with the antiviral drug from disappear. So the average Recovery Time was cut from 15 days to 11 while the u. S. National institutes of health reported a marginally better mortality rate although with 31 percent improvement doesnt seem like a knock out 100 percent it is a very important proof of concept because what it is proven is that a drug can block this virus a vaccine being developed in oxford in the u. K. Could be available by september in syria but as john a whole reports the success of social distancing may cause the bank seen to be delayed. This is the new normal the to me to safe distance we must keep that defines life for many people now. And danger for those who cant. But for how long when will it end. The answer in part lies in the global race for a vaccine against coded 19 edward oneil is a medical research or taking part in what is currently the worlds most well advanced vaccine trial at Oxford University there is a very good well qualified tame trying to do everything they can as carefully and as quick as they can so that we have great confidence in the results i myself am one of many volunteers who wanted to be part of it i think we all want to have the walk down to end but more importantly to help save lives scientists at oxfords Jenner Institute began a trial involving 1100 people last week which theyre expanding to 6000 participants in may if successful and with a fast track to approval from the regulator the 1st few 1000000 doses of a vaccine could be available by september and theyve just received good news from labs in the United States where half a dozen rhesus macaque monkeys the closest animal species to humans were given the oxford back scene and then exposed to large quantities of the virus 28 days later all 6 were reported healthy thats no guarantee of success of course and nor of the oxford scientists alone as a Chinese Company thats also had positive results with a rhesus macaque monkeys there are at least 2 u. S. Companies and a german one that have launched small scale Clinical Trials and theyre among dozens into which millions of dollars are being poured in the search for a vaccine the Scientific Community is only cautiously optimistic with many vaccines you only get a proportion of the population becomes of me in and so the virus can keep circulating but a much lower rate so we should hope that any scene will absolutely limit. In a matter of months or even years but it should be very helpful in helping control works and as a lot will. And the challenges mount daily successful trials depend on participants injected with the vaccine being exposed naturally to the virus. As infection rates decline in some parts of the world that becomes harder to achieve the success of social distancing measures therefore the new normal may paradoxically make the wait for a vaccine even longer join a whole aljazeera oxford. Brazil Supreme Court has blocked the president s pick for federal police chief. Nominated a family friend after dismissing his predecessor as our latin america editor the c n human reports the ruling is the latest in a series of political blows for mr bolton are. Millions of brazilians had overlooked. The sergeant eastern racist comments his religious fanaticism and his adoration for guns during his Election Campaign because they believed he would wage a war against corruption but no longer on the same day the bulls are now to replace the countrys most popular Anti Corruption crusader former Justice Minister said joe model with his personal Legal Advisor the Supreme Court blocked his pick for federal police chief another close friend of the family the court argues the appointment would allow bledsoe natl inappropriate influence over Law Enforcement also natl is under investigation for alleged political meddling in Police Probes thats particularly sensitive since 2 of his 3 sons are also being investigated for bezel mint running a Fake News Network and other misdeeds the 3 deny any wrongdoing. The president whose middle name is messiah is also trying to brush off the soaring number of deaths from 19. A lament it but what he would expect me to do a messiah but i cant do miracles people waiting to receive emergency aid for the pandemic were outraged like myself out of a 100. Because when he says so what at more than 5000 deaths it shows a psychopathic character a person you cant trust any more just one more will know what they continues to be crazy hes a new emperor nero of the world i dont have much more to add. Also not his popularity has been plummeting c fired the Health Minister for trying to promote social distancing measures now with the death toll surpassing that of china brazilians have good reason to be worried about their president s legal and political problems detracting from the more pressing issue of keeping brazilians alive you see in human aljazeera. The riots broke out in a prison in sierra leone after an inmate confronted coded 19 fellow prisoners sent buildings on fire in protest before things were brought back on the role of the sick inmate has been taken away. The Worlds Largest container ship has been launched in south korea the timing isnt great global trade is a standstill because of the pandemic but the government says its looking ahead and sound zeros mcbride now reports. About to start its Maiden Voyage to europe the worlds biggest container ship loading at the port of busan able to carry 24000 containers shes the 1st of 12 ships intended to make south korea one of the worlds leading shippers but the giant vessels were ordered in 2018 well before anyone had heard of cove it 19 or so back where you all dont know about those are big bestsellers everybody just said simulation maybe a market. Is as part of the kitchen right we have we know good histories to every year how much passant you know grow by bally crease so based on their concept we all dont always want to sell the however to change to tell a difference Global Shipping has been hit badly with predictions of a world recession lasting months or even years and then theres the longer term prospect of countries restructuring industries that will further hurt trade but south korea is trying to look beyond this pandemic to a future recovery why is from the recent lesson of the past in 2017 the countrys biggest shipper hand gin went bust provoking a National Debate about whether the government should have intervened given the countrys unique geopolitics occupying the southern half of a divided peninsula south korea has for decades effectively been an island it relies upon air and sea links with the rest of the world and for this export driven economy ships are essential appoints the countrys president stressed when he launched this vessel. So you know we. Are not sure that we wont repeat the history of ups and downs by strongly pushing to rebuild the shipping industry i mean to become among the top 5 shipping powers in the world shipping along with other Key Industries like car making and davey ation have been designated as essential in the allocation of relief funding south korea like many other countries realizing its not enough simply to survive this pandemic but ensuring it comes through with the means to make it prosper once more rob mcbride aljazeera busan. Updating our top stories for you so far today new Financial Data shows the impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on world economies the us germany in nigeria the economic heart of africa are among countries experiencing their worst recessions in years german g. D. P. Is forecast to shrink by more than 6 percent this year the government expects the most painful recession in generations to bottom out in the next 3 months Economic Activity it says could pick up again after that as long as a 2nd wave of infections can be avoided britain has the e. U. 2nd highest coronavirus death toll after italy the number has jumped to more than 26000. 00 after the government started to include fatalities in places like care homes the upward revision has prompted new condemnation of the governments handling of the 0 break. In other news the libyan warlord who lead for half that has announced a ceasefire for the muslim holy month of ramadan earlier on weapons day he was accused of ordering an attack that killed at least one person in tripoli. And aljazeera has learned that a plane carrying prominent officials from the United Arab Emirates flew to the sudanese capital khartoum on tuesday sources say the delegation was meeting sudanese officials to discuss military support for after a spokesman for the internationally recognized government has told us that his government is in a state of war with the u. A. E. Not that we have a problem with the u. A. E. We will always respect any state that respects and respects itself the u. A. E. Is a mini state that dared to lead to counter Revolution Movement against all arab countries the u. A. E. Is playing a role bigger than its size by its constant interference in the of a number of arab countries that we need to consider that we in libya are in state of war against the u. A. E. There being protests in several lebanese cities for a 3rd straight nights as crowds voiced their frustration over the worsening Economic Situation demonstrators in the Southern City of sidon threw a molotov cocktail at a branch of the Lebanese Central Bank lots more news on the web site the address. Dot com so hell rahman is here from 3 g. Ill see you very soon up next football rebels. On the bottom line of your weekly take on u. S. Politics and. The institutions the system itself is set to benefit those who understand people who actually believe things that are not true that is a crisis for democracy is a crisis of concentration the bottom line. Is this. Is a. She flew to. Washington but it was. True body to follow. This on. The island. Led

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