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I have to be ok and you mean. The current i was trying to make in Different Countries around the welsh there are certain similarities that weve gotten used to seeing the medical professionals have the equipment they need and i saw houseguests tonight how resilient is it how people handling look bad but again we going to look at those 200 days in the context of the russian so if you have experiences or stories all questions that want to ask and im not sure you can do that im jumping in the each. Let me introduce you to the our guests announced it will be up to. Welcome to the screen please tell our audience who you are. Thanks for having me. Dutch russian journalist based in moscow working for the most but im where are you on the ground journalist. At the oldest independent newspaper in english language newspaper in moscow good to have you had mark welcome to the scene tell i guess an audi its you. I am our moscow based International Affairs and security analyst. And i sadly anastasio welcome to this studio and tell everybody what they need to know about your money. Im a doctor of. Treating. School and im a leader of trade union unser doctors. Its good to have you guess and we were trying to get on the scene an official russian voiced butts we got earth an email back in this is what they were sent to the ascendancy of a time proposal anasazi ever see as now when the Doctors Union is an Opposition Group we do not want to be part of the political show a substantial discussion should include and they suggest who should include in the discussion. And it is the doctor of moscows Community Medical center the coronavirus patients we can then go on to say that that doctor as a department is entirely 90 and is now working in the hospital up and others to become other best National Embassy crespo office very polite but a very slow know so i am wondering about seeing this scene if i went to moscow how would i see the question of the hour as pandemic playing out what is different while that wasnt the case back in january. The mood has shifted quite a bit back in january russia was quite calm about the quantum virus they did close the border with china early on but for a long time putin and other officials said everythings under control theres nothing to worry about the number seems to be low for a long time although myself and other journalists had their questions regarding the testing whether the testing really was you know really legit and solid. But since then the mood has shifted russia now is 93 doesnt cases or is it a crown of i was. Patience and you know putin himself said that we arent even yet at the peak so the mood is shifted the officials are more worried russia itself is in a lockdown now across the country and doctors have raised alarms that you know a lot of hospitals are full are understaffed medics arent. Prepared enough. No im just wondering you know what hes doing you know he just looks whats under most normal. Ok so. Each of russias 85 regions and moscow city itself is counted as a basically as a region for these purposes has different specific lockdown measures moscow has one of the tightest regime is in a lot of region so followed suit on moscow in moscow you 1st of all if you dont have essential work you are on an official non working paid holiday where your business is your employers are supposed to keep paying you your salary. And that has been for a month now about 40 percent of moscows normal traffic on the roads in the metro indicates that thats roughly about what is considered essential which seems a little bit excessive but so at least 60 percent of the population is supposed to be sitting at home theyre allowed to go to the nearest store to get groceries and supplies theyre allowed to walk their dogs theyre allowed to seek met at a cold. But other than that and take out the trash but other than that they are not supposed to leave their home i live in south moscow right on the edge of a Forest Reserve and theres a lot of moscows a very big city theres a lot of different conditions as far as i can see the people. In following the quarantine at all theyre treating it like a holiday as as the government treated it theyre out teenagers drinking in the wards people out strolling big parties shush barbecue out in the woods and theres a very light a Horseback Police presence so basically in a forest where russians think they can go. Away with it in moscow at least where i live theyre not following the quarantine at all oh my goodness that sounds like knocked down light let me tell you about nina shes an associate professor at the high school of economics in moscow and she told us earlier on the strange about the rumors going around about 19 amid a barrage of misinformation relating to the coronavirus situation here in russia but the most damaging are unfounded medical claims spread by some members of the medical a Community One for instance is that a special kind of vodka and lemon drinking kill the virus and i go on is that the b. C. Gene the soviet strain of the tuberculosis vaccine is somehow a so uniquely potent that its created kind of a herd immunity against any kind of partner infection in the russian population these bullies feed into broader popular cultural narratives of russias exceptionalism and generally not feeding into an existing pandemic or other way social models in practice of course this translates into a lot of people under estimating the risks involved and as a doctor how much do you feel that the citizens of russia understand the coon as i was trying damn it didnt know what would keep them safe. So you see a. Population of russians devoted to into. Being good. Parts and no one part is understanding the situation and. These people understand and they dont go outside and sitting there sitting in total and at least might either by reality doesnt think that these diseases sit here and they doesnt they dont trust. Ne dont trust these diseases very difficult to treat and you see it at the state television. It does shows every day that everything is grouped that there is no going daily can russia and of course these this part of people they dont understand and they. Dont understand it its really a very dangerous to come out and to shoot and so on thats why any time soon as they hear if theyre not. Sound like theyre not appreciating the race but this isnt just talked about the situation being that is not at the end of the current continent in russia just today is the peak im not sure how that is possible to know that we certainly assume. Coming from the president s field im just wondering though about the misinformation that has been doing around the curtain of each in russia is he dangerous is people really trying to help. Society combatives. Well so its a complicated issue so the government actually installed a law to prevent this information about the coronavirus. But the law is actually being used in a way to prevent independent media from publishing information about the virus thats of often you know factual weve seen in the bennett out as a not like as yet i get in trouble for publishing certain stories that the government believes to be disinformation so i sort of they are using this racial angle for their own you may say purposes. So its sort of a. Its a complex situation were a find itself said. In its just going to use you know use it thank you for joining in the coup the sentient and extends their living in moscow and i can say that many people outside many keep working and they can simply transports and there are also some social unrest. Marked is this is this is. A recipe for disaster. Youre already in a disaster situation if people dont understand the east have to stand on its means. Yeah again i dont think its a matter of this information per se i think its a matter that the state authorities arent stressing how serious the situation is enough but its also a fact that russians particularly muscovites of a very fatalistic attitude. Towards towards life in general and whenever authorities arent watching you know if they think that theres no immediate consequences for themselves. A lot of them then they are not all but are quite willing to break that so i think the government hasnt stressed the seriousness and enough but i dont think its a matter of this information but whether its a dire situation coming absolutely ive been talking about this for 2 months now i think russia is i mean its quite obviously on a path the same path perhaps as bad as the United States certainly as bad as italy or france the russian government took some good initial moves closing the border with china in air traffic with china but then dropped the ball and didnt close the borders with europe when the epicenter moved there quickly enough and hasnt stressed enough how dire the situation is so i think russia is going to follow the path of a lot of European Countries and it has a much Larger Population and in some areas like moscow a very high population density and its going to result in a lot of infections and a lot of deaths that perhaps could have been avoided otherwise. If i could. I think a big factor why a lot of people are on the streets still because a lot of them also have to go to work. You know the government did not give out a big economic you know package just the way weve seen support packages the way weve seen in the west a lot of small medium businesses are struggling financially and they often dont have a choice but to continue working. Illegally some do it on their interest going to find so a lot of people even if they want to stay on they dont have they dont have the opportunity to just because the russians dont have much savings and theyre not getting the state support many you know maybe have hoped for. Response and want to put a question to you thats coming from the cheap right now good football management price thank you for being part of the stand today i didnt seen gratias officials see guys who got into league 19. And. Decently officials think is correct. You see you know. In the area of president government they try and not do. The population to the panic i see and then what. Use i know. Doctors and medical staff in hospitals have led to problems with protection where the equipment and this problem is very serious for everybody in russia because without protection to go to. The doctor skunked more clearly they cant walk were crude and can go and they cant treat their population thats why. Political figures today and his government are they just didnt go. About their millions of projection of masks and costumes but theyre lying really because a lot of dont you may have known enough equipment and not equipped with protection because i just i think its my opinion they are official figures so they dont understand the real situation maybe. Ne should think a lot in my. Situation in the Health Care System and try to harm doctors to get this equipment and to get protection. One of the things that adults are doing with the float scientists is taking a quick meant to medical professionals doesnt it make more sense. And so on. Says i had said we could go there in russia theres a lot of. Equipment and i took. Masks and. We tried to trust him but every day. You know honorary sea being about 10 letters about 100 a day and. Medical stuff and doctors that they they are asking us to help them to to to send men creep men to send them masks simple masks and simple gloats because they have no not enough and they are working like a fire in. Anything. Without any protection. Stall and a lot of doctors now are sick and 100 doctors died and its really ready great for everybody and i think that its a blame for all of government in washington because really no one month one or one in or even 2 months ago we just we have told them that they should do they have to supply medical workers with the equipment and with the protection because if any doc you doctors. And our secret they will look treat. This is a story that weve seen repeated many cases around the welsh im looking here and they do say in english and hes a russian publication but he also published in english as well and this is the the russian doctors to study tracking the deaths among their own ranks included 9000 pound damage and the numbers are much higher than the official stats to human being to what is happening in the high. Since there. Right now trying to deal with terms like 99 here not just health just is there so he starts the medical students on the corner finest. So weve. Tried to really understand whats happening in the hospitals and moscow and nothing loads. 4th and 5th year medical students you know guys and girls that are as young as 20 to 23. Have been on the front lines of the battle against you know the coronavirus in moscow and a lot of them have been enlisted as volunteers a lot of them are not even they to do very dangerous work just because they havent been enough nurses theres been a lot of cuts over the years russia isnt really invested in its health care so a lot of these young you know quite brave students who were in tears and you know had to have to go and serve in hospitals despite the fact that you know that there are all the risks they were facing as an assessor said. More doctors have gotten ill and quite a lot have died actually more than the government as a ship officially accepted last week we were the 1st ones at the muscovites to to actually write about the doctor that died. In a Veterans Hospital in moscow since then as you mentioned doctors themselves have made a list and it seems that the list is much higher than just one person and now up to 2. 100 doctors so so yes the situation for doctors it has been quite bad and you know weve seen this happening all around the world and its a shame that russia didnt you know look at what was happening in italy and spain and try to protect their doctors and the better. To deceive once again present. When the speech of president and that maybe not one is extended until maybe nothing was the goalie to feel. X. 9 hes a freelance journalist each reporting on the nottingham conditions and we think that he was focusing almost how big russian is outside of the most uncoachable many has of russia they cannot stand the economic. Recession that will come so many extended look. Is really important so even though the lockdown regimes are being fairly well observed in the biggest cities in some of the more peripheral regions like the north caucasus where the population is generally not ethnically russian and there are a lot poorer. In these regions you have a sense of kind of cultural distance from moscow coming together with local concerns about poverty about corruption about unrest really coming together to create quite an ugly situation so you have public protests against the lockdown orders you have the spread of kind of conspiracy theories about the virus and about it existing and all of this really is kind of fueling the spread of current virus really in parts of russia that are frankly least able to cope with it on an economic level this is rinat and again its not just russia this is what countries you know that not done is going to help us thinking how long can we keep doing this bill if you have a population who is living in rural areas you have almost nothing who are very poor mark transmission. Well russia is going to suffer economically from this pandemic as pretty much every country in the world is going to suffer from it russia i would say is probably middle of the pack you know as as far as countries go equipped to deal with it they do have extremely large financial reserves some half a trillion dollars and a rather substantial Rainy Day Fund but as of yet the kremlin has been very loathe to spend it to hand out a lot of money to employers like Small Businesses because they think that this isnt over that this is going to last for a long time that its not going to be over after European Countries start trying to lift lockdown in a few weeks or a month that this is going to come in waves across the world and that this is a phenomenon that were going to see for the next year or 2 and that this that this virus has the potential to become a seasonal virus that is going to keep afflicting the world although we will see periods of economic lockdown loosening of restrictions increasing infection rates of death and when country start opening their borders. Then we get to the real problem because everyone is treating this like a National Problem right now when its an International One you cant keep your borders locked in your country locked forever even if you beat it at home like china did as soon as you open your borders your Safety Measures are only as good as the Safety Measures of the worst country in the world and there is going to be a lot of failed states collapsing over this over the next year were going to split you see just how. You can push. Through since russia will be the nervous hit rate country and the committees knock down can pay on. A european country is not cooking response the lowest hit rate meaning that it will suffer the least no thats certainly not true russia will will suffer as badly in comparison as many other European Countries hands oh man it has a Larger Population i think russia is not going to come out of this on skates and anyone who says so is wishful thinking. I have been looking at a number of. Addresses his speech is used to mean i started seeing him but according to them so little. We managed to slow down the spread of the epidemic this is the result of our joint work with the responsibility of millions of the citizens of the country who listened to the recommendations of doctors and specialists took care of their health and took care of their loved ones complied with the instructions of the authorities the daily number of new cases of the disease has relatively stable and has a blend you know in the getting my own opinion its. Johnson who is working on the front line while gene make of the leadership your president. So i were waiting. You see it maybe to fix a goal he promised to promise to pay money to the doctors but now look at dr snape writing down on the nectar of the. Chips and they said that they will not receive any money and that theyre really very dam and they get. It and they there they think that they are upset about these and they should be they should be supported by government by president and i think that every medical stuff every medical worker should be supported now and not to not only the. Rich not only medical worker that treats that is treating that person to be screenwriters now you see the law that the. President and the president wants to support only medical workers who are treating only a patients medical writings but this is where we. Need to put every jurors because they are only working they are also working with patients. I can tell you there for a 2nd is make it. Clear how does a into the system be preferred. Yeah the largest Doctors Union in russia they Health Workers of the Russian Union of the Russian Federation has some 3000000 members in your Doctors Alliance that is linked with the far right ultra nationalist not only. How many Union Members are in your group 500 right. Mom would at least she didnt. So were going to take on the line sometimes not much past the lines mark when he is hes obviously a challenging time for the russia and Health Care Professionals as he is for many countries around the world who want to give you a little glimpse into how russia is another one teen minds once youre in its. Business leaders is both to find a bra spot. Business leaders just want to find a brush. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the well. Some no matter what you see aljazeera will bring you the news and current fast that matter to you. Aljazeera. d the. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on al jazeera financial days have released on wednesday shows the enormous impact the coronavirus has had on heavyweight economies the United States germany and nigeria the economic heart of africa have all suffered huge close to their g. D. P. S. Germany is facing its worst recession in 50 years and this says the International Labor Organization Warns that 1600000000 workers in the informal economy are in immediate danger of losing their livelihoods thats nearly half the Global Workforce what we find in report in this monitor is of the lives of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 have suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social action the Airline Industry is one of the sectors worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic playmakers boeing and airbus of both posted 1st quarter losses of more than half a 1000000000. 00 meanwhile British Airways says it expects to layoff 12000. 00 staff john hendren has been following developments from chicago he says the pandemic is amplified big

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