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Actually absolutely destroy the outgoing un special rapporteur of course Operations Leader Aung San Suu Kyi over the continued persecution of Rohingya Muslims im joining the with sporting doubts around the take here lympics is japans Prime Minister says it will be impossible to host the games next year unless the current virus pandemic is contained. Its still early days in the pandemic triggered world wide recession but we now have a better sense of how hard key sectors of the economy are being impacted the Worlds Largest economy the United States has wiped out a decade of growth shrinking by 4. 8 percent in the 1st quarter according to figures released a short time ago one of its largest manufacturers boeing as reported losses of at least 600000000. 00 while european rival says that it lost more than half a 1000000000. 00 in the 1st quarter to europes largest economy will have the worst year since the end of the 2nd world war germany contracted by to. Percent in the 1st quarter but its forecasting a 10 percent drop for a quarter to compare those figures with what we heard from china 2 weeks ago and they a 7 percent decline and historic drop in performance compared to the same period last year lets get some reaction now from the u. S. And White House Correspondent kimberly how good is standing by for us kimberly what has been the reaction to these figures. Well the u. S. President for his part has retreated that he built the best economy and he expects to do it again but i can tell you that these are pretty dismal numbers and all of the United States reacting to the news in terms of trying to absorb it still being hopeful but recognizing that the positive news that we saw out of this white house is they continue to say things will bounce back the prospects are not necessarily for a quick recovery in fact weve heard a notable change in the tone from this white house from Administration Officials in recent days who are beginning to acknowledge that this is a bad quarter in terms of those numbers but the next quarter that will take into account and entire 3 month period of some form of stay at home orders where businesses have been in many cases not even operational that next quarter could be even worse in Great Depression levels we are being told with a contraction of some 30 to 40 percent now all of this is a result of severe pullback in Consumer Spending in the u. S. President trying to reopen the economy he will be meeting today at 15 g. M. T. That is taking place right now the meeting with the governor of louisiana talking about reopening the economy in that Southern State that of course was hit hard in new orleans by coronavirus but also later in the day at 20 g. M. T. The president expected to meet with Hospitality Industry leaders and of course thats another very hard hit sector of the u. S. Economy that is trying to bounce back but trying to figure out exactly how that will happen so these are some of the things were following very carefully of course those Coronavirus Task force briefings now canceled this is the only opportunities well hear from the u. S. President who is very eager in an Election Year to try and build back at this economy but knowing these numbers are very dire its going to make that a pretty big challenge course the government is ordered to put into place massive financial stimulus to try to see businesses through this this what the beginnings of a recession were looking at here is the government prepared to do more can it afford to do more. Well the question of whether it can afford to do more is certainly one that is probably going to be debated for some time but the reality is that it is planning to do more already there are is talk of a nother stimulus package to help the u. S. Economy to help American Consumers we have historically long item ploy meant lions in terms of filing those claims we already know its in the mid 20000000 who have applied for unemployment and those numbers are expected to climb we do know that we have seen the central bank which is meeting today taking some action that isnt typical for it its done a number of things to shore up the economy its dropped the Interest Rates to near 0 is expanded bond buying programs that its also put in place financial loans for Small Businesses but it just may not be enough and weve course we have to remember that those stimulus checks that have been given to americans that amounted to about 1200. 00 per individual certainly is a very small sum when youre looking at trying to live in a major metropolitan area like chicago miami washington d. C. So theres no question this will have to be something that Congress Comes up with in fact theyre talking about it now but again in terms of something happening in the short term nothing yet on the radar or a Committee Thanks a White House Correspondent committee how it could be reporting live from the white house and as we mentioned u. S. Plane manufacturer boeing has been hit especially hard that 1st quarter loss of a fixed 6 100000000. 00 will be announced but the large number of Software Related haul for the script more from that from officers john hendren in chicago those numbers topping off a dreadful year for boeing. Thats right adrian those numbers were worse than analysts expected and boeing is responding accordingly its got 150000. 00 workers around the world and it says it will layoff about 10 percent of them about 15000. 00 of them but it wont be spread across the companys business thats because 45 percent of the companys business is defense contracts and the rest is commercial aircraft and thats where the problems are so about 15 percent of those workers will be among those laid off this is all happened as the companys c. E. O. Dave calhoun told reporters this morning with 95 percent of passenger travel dropping off just devastating the company was hit by a double whammy 1st it had its 737 max airplane its most profitable airplane 2 of those planes crashed killing nearly 350 people that has been grounded for about a year now the date keeps moving back so companies are ordering fewer of those Planes Southwest Airlines said it would order fewer of those planes the company is also cutting back on its big planes the 777 the 787 dreamliner because fewer people are doing those Long International trips so a double whammy for the company is hit by the virus its hit by its own problems with that 737. 00 plane and. Boeing is americas largest exporting manufacturer so it said that when boeing sneezes america catches cold and now thousands of highly skilled highly paid workers will be joining the waiters this Service Workers and others who were among the 1st wave of coronavirus layoffs and that will reverberate down the food chain of boeing through its suppliers and around the u. S. Economy adrian 100 live in chicago john many thanks indeed we will return in just a few moments to the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic but 1st i want to make you aware of developments in another news story that were following from libya where the un recognized government has complained to france of allegations that french warplanes have been operating over the city of misrata the life out of tripoli of zeros muffled up to what is the tell us more about this. The spokesman of the tripoli. Libyas Foreign Ministry stated that the Foreign Ministry can tack to its french counterpart demanding an explanation and complaining of what it calls the violation of the libyan airspace by french aircrafts today over the city of misrata as you know a. J. And the city of misrata is the major stronghold for the Government Forces fighting against forces there with with the warlords the have that khalifa haftar. There as you know that france is one of the major allies for the warlord really for have to so theyre very messy here in tripoli that its a waiting game spawns from the french Foreign Ministry and the Foreign Ministry also sad that its checking with the French Defense ministry so that it can respond to the complain from the libyan Foreign Ministry as you know adrian that. The operation room in misrata reported to the Foreign Ministry in tripoli that they spotted today 3 aircrafts french aircrafts over the city of misrata one aircraft and 2 aircrafts and one. Fueling craft 3 of them are french and as you know that france has been a major supporter for have to adriane in 2016 the french soldiers were killed supporting the warlord plea for have that over the city of benghazi when their helicopter crashed crashed and last june. French supported it missiles jubilant and it out tank missiles were found in the city of the yan adriane properly thanks to the aid of zeros more of the way in tripoli back now to the Economic Impact of the coronavirus pandemic germanys europes economic powerhouse that is expected to plunge into its deepest recession in 50 years new numbers released by the government have the countrys g. D. P. Shrinking by more than 6 percent this year well deserved on a cane reports from burnham. Before the coronavirus pandemic really took hold here people thought that the economy of germany would grow by just over one percent this year and now in the full flood of d the statistics coming through every day about corona one really gruesome statistic economically for this country that it is going to go into recession will shrink by 6. 3 percent and theres no way of sugarcoating that from a governmental perspective the economy minister peter meyer a key ally of angloamerican who works in that building behind me in the chancery building she and mr my are having to deal with this very serious economic shock that everyone in this country is experiencing they say they project that germany will rebound from this recession the worst in 50 years that they expect the economy to rebound next year in the next calendar year but of course those are projections those are based on an interpretation of how this pandemic might unfold if there is a 2nd wave of infections if they need to be more lockdowns if restrictions cant be eased so much then of course that means theyll be even more economic pain the International Monetary fund has approved emergency funding of 3400000000 dollars to help nigeria tackle the economic fallout of the pandemic it relies heavily upon oil which has been hit hard by the unprecedented drop in demand i would address reports from. I was before the International Monetary fund and now the 3400000000. 00 loan grant to nigeria the National Parliament approved 2100000000. 00 for the Nigerian Government following a quest by the president for such an amount to be bought up from domestic market to finance the 2020 by the it may interest you to know that already the country is reviewing its budget by nearly 40 percent down one and this is a country that has seen a lot of borrowing in recent times in march early march 2020 the government at the parliament approved more than 22000000000. 00. For for the Nigerian Government to borrow externally so this is also coming at a time when the external results of this country has seen a significant drop from more than 40000000000. 00 just a few years ago to only 33000000000. 00 the grant from the i. M. F. Is seen by economists and government officials here as a Welcome Development it could help stimulate growth and also cushion the effect of the covered 19 impact on the kind of me but a lot of economists also fear that this country may need much more than what it has already gotten from the i. M. F. External external and internal voice at the at the moment this is the reason for mountains there are still to come on the program. Looking at updates from lebanon after a 2nd bite of rising pulls on by the countrys currency crash. And well have the latest on plans for a large scale prison assault in yemen. And later in sport the french football season is canceled but campaign essential man still compete in the Champions League. Saudi arabias Oil Revenues Fall and 20. Percent since the start of the year the Worlds Largest oil exporter suffered a deficit of 9000000000. 00 in the foss course a global tomatoes collapsed and Storage Units in any fullness factory stay shots heres the pandemic the whole class is creating a strange spectacle off the coast of california as old as there was rob reynolds reports now from los angeles. A sign of Global Economic breakdown floating offshore dozens of huge oil tankers sit it anchor outside the port of los angeles each vessel up to 365 meters long is brimming with tons of crude oil but theres no place to put it or what we have right now is a significant and balance in supply and demand in the oil markets be asleep driven by significant demand contraction as a result of the economic slowdown translated from corporate economics speak that means that in the global lockdown fewer people are driving to work or anywhere else as evident in these shots of near empty streets in los angeles with so many out of work people are buying less so fewer goods are being trucked from place to place and check out this near empty airport hardly anyone is flying so needs jet fuel u. S. Consumption of petrol diesel and Aviation Fuel plummeted 31 percent since mid march with the price of benchmark texas crude dow 90 percent for the year in normal times we use about 100000000. 00 barrels of oil per day globally and in the month of april experts are estimating that that number is going to be around 75 or 80000000 barrels a day which is about the amount that was used globally 20 years ago storage tanks on land are chock full. So well companies are using ships as expensive storage bins the price charged by shippers for doing so is up to more than 150000. 00 per day and theres more oil on the way a flotilla of 20 Saudi Arabian super tankers is steaming toward the gulf of mexico u. S. Purchasers bought the saudi crude earlier when prices were higher as the ships keep on coming the u. S. Government plans to store millions of barrels worth in the Strategic Petroleum reserve a series of gigantic underground caverns below louisiana and texas as seen here from above meanwhile back off shore from the port of los angeles the u. S. Coast guard is monitoring and adapting its procedures to make sure the mammoth ships remain safe and that the maritime traffic jam doesnt pose a hazard to navigation or the environment ending the oil glut depends on reviving the economy which in turn depends on beating back coronavirus Industry Experts say it may be months before those oil tankers can unload their cargo rob reynolds aljazeera and piedro california. A little more information on the Saudi Oil Tankers the some u. S. Politicians are now trying to stop according to the industry website tanker truck is 50000000 barrels of Saudi Crude Oil are on their way right now to american ports marine traffic shows at least 26. 00 tankers on route around Southern Africa are apparently bound for terminals in the gulf of mexico for delivery to refineries and storage sites in texas and louisiana but oil prices as you know sunk to record lows a threatening us produces and some politicians in washington want those vessels back alex shand a lot is president of Energy Alliance earlier he told us how the collapse in oil prices is going to create after shocks the saudi arabia. The decline in saudi revenues is going to mainly impact the way that saudi arabia has to manage its economy and so you know the saudi budget was was based on a budget deficit the end of last year but obviously this plunge in revenues in the 1st quarter is going to impact how that budget has to be adjusted and of course the main driver of that is the giant decline in oil prices if you look at the 1st quarter 2019 versus the 1st quarter of 2020 its about a 10. 00 decrease in the sort of average will present over that time so thats no major impact on saudi economy thats got a major impact of what saudi arabia can spend money on and thats going to sort of change the way its going to be having the other progress of the year right now saudi arabia was of course expecting a budget deficit this year of about 50000000000. 00 whats happened in the 1st quarter a deficit of 9000000000. 00 does that come in line with expectations or is this a you know a much bigger problem an indication that the annual budget deficit is going to be much bigger than 50000000000 yeah i mean i think we have to remember the 1st quarter we didnt really realize the impact of the coronavirus and or the Oil Price Decline i mean you did it in january it wasnt really clear how bad it was going to be so i think you know yes and im 1000000000. 00 deficit it is big and i think that impacts the oil prices as well as the general saudi economy but i think if im a saudi planner im looking at the saudi economy Going Forward its really about the x. 3 quarters that are really going to matter and if we have oil prices that are now where you know 20. 00 a barrel and saudi arabia has to cut back its Oil Production as part of this opec agreement from about 10000000. 00 barrels that down to 8500000. 00 barrels a day thats significantly less oil that it will produce and were expecting all prices be a lot lower than saudi arabia actually expected so the answer question will i mean you will. Less revenue coming into the saudi budget this year and we should expect a bigger deficit and therefore requirement to borrow and or draw down those are exactly my next question then if the deficit is going to be bigger than 50000000000. 00 and officials have already said they want they dont want to cover everything from the reserves that i think they put a cap of 32000000000. 00 what what does that mean then theyre going to try and raise money from that and where does that leave saudi arabias finances you know the sort of combination of these factors of accumulating debt and when dealing revenues yeah i mean i think you know you were saying with the saudi finance minister recently about capping. The amount theyre going to draw down from reserves that they have to be revisited and if they dont do that theyre going to have to turn to debt markets and you know the ballooning of debt is going to have a serious impact on saudi economy no lets be clear they do have a capacity to borrow and in the short term theyre going to be able to kind of cover this the issue is if its low oil prices and the coronavirus an impact on the saudi economy revenues last longer than a few quarters the oil price stays low around 20. 00 for us the ear and then were going to situation a lot more difficult to cover that deficit and what youre going to have to do is start cutting spending. The governor of Lebanons Central Bank has defended his organizations role during the economic crisis the protests against lebanons deepening financial problems turned violent for a 2nd night in the Northern City of tripoli demonstrators set fire to a bank and hold rocks at Security Forces who responded to tear gas and rubber bullets the Central Bank Governor said its early it only finances the government it is not responsible for how any money is spent matthew my lumia talk to me we hide nothing in the central bank of lebanon nothing is being done unilaterally and the central bank expenditure belongs to the Financial System in lebanon other than that it is an attack that aims at not telling the truth to the public of lebanon in order to increase the campaign against the governor of the central bank the uns outgoing human rights envoy for me and boss as the countrys leader Aung San Suu Kyi has failed to live up to her reputation as a humanitarian a time in the role as press pressure dominated by me on last crackdown in Rakhine State and 2017750000 people mostly rangar muslims fled across the border into bangladesh earlier we spoke to jani lee who said the search is an action was utterly disappointing and the reports i get its really difficult to say that theyre not deliberately target because they know where their houses are really know what religious and i mean our schools are one monastery was all still yet and shellings and bombings continue and its really hard to believe that theyre not targeting civilians human Rights Groups Like Amnesty International Human Rights Watch and several of them theyve said that me a math or a tease practiced ethnic cleansing against the range of muslims do you agree with that. Yes and i did say that in my previous. Reports and statements that this is a hallmark of just theyre not side and. It is a tribute to. Allegedly looks like ethnic cleansing mortars all postal conclusion on the question of genocide well i cant come out with a conclusion of this with a quote that is mandated to deal with genocide. Comes out with a decision and i saying again i repeat the hallmarks of genocide are you disappointed with Aung San Suu Kyi. Utterly utterly disappointed we all knew that she was put on a pedestal who are trade as the icon of democracy and human rights but ever since the n l d has taken office and ever since she took the us as a mistake to counselor all of her actions and her words statements point otherwise and recently when the endemic 19 how she is supporting him giving more power to tell my daughter in containing whites right and also end corentin as. Managing call it 19 that really scares me and and how she had pretty straight detect my jaw in the way during the ice jay is also very alarming and is very indicative of how she has changed her stance or maybe i know i still would like to relieve she can change what how shes been doing now. Perhaps the world didnt really know who she was dishing to initialise and stripped of her Nobel Peace Prize. Well you know the Nobel Peace Prize committee came out and said they cant strip her of any peace. So thats what the Nobel Peace Committee to decide but definitely. She is not a human rights icon she is not the democracy icon and peace plan long conference the peace negotiations revere nightmare ma has faltered and there is no peace going on theres not even a ceasefire in the other ethnic areas right now there is heavy fighting i dont have any regrets and sly is what i was able to do what i was not able to do it was unfortunate that the government denied access after 2079 december because i think it really have been to their benefit to their best interest to have me come and see what why didnt think they would let you back in after august 2017 do you think they were trying to hide the situation where i mean. Yes of course i was getting too close to this situation or kind and elsewhere is getting too close into the kitchen and then to shine areas writs happening in the current mining areas whats going on in you then theres a special Economic Zone in record time and so i was getting too close and it was very close to when the writers and journalists had been reporting out to situate the massacre of the indian and to let telly. Wasnt i mean do you think if you were able to go there you may have come across evidence that would be very important right now in the in the trial thats going on with the i. C. J. I i would think so and it could be evidence that may not please the western community who are for us in the are right to but definitely i would have had a direct access. Yemenis speaking to us a little earlier well get a weather update next he already is out then south korea launches the worlds biggest container vessel but the pandemic will make it difficult to keep the commercial vessels full of goods. Extreme measures in el salvadors prisons the president orders a crackdown after an outbreak of brutal violence. And what we could see messy back in action soon thats coming up a little later with joe in the sports. Hello we do still have some disturbed weather across the middle east at the moment but some pieces of cloud sliding across iraq into iran and thats where were going to see the all of the weather little bit of cloud there just around southern parts of the gulf you might squeeze a spot or 2 of light rain after that i think a great a feature will be the other the cane wind which will lift them dust and sand across that eastern side of the peninsula saved here a concept we could see a little bit of lift the dust and sand over the next couple days 34 celsius with a top temperature here on thursday there we go with the showers just around the other side of the gulf pushing across iran up towards the caspian and that west the weather will gradually slide over towards the foothills of the himalayas so well see its having increased the cloud increase in the shower close northern parts of afghanistan come further back towards the west and islam they go want to see spots a possibility southern end of the red sea you could catch a sharrow to joining up with a shower is that we have the ethiopian highlands still seeing somewhat weather there for a time into somalia much of north africa was dry and settle west africa the seasonal rains are doing quite nicely here actually than watching their way a little further north was as they should be meanwhile the showers they continue into a kenya more heavy rain east and passive tense in the. Desperate for a better life millions of people have sought refuge in europe sometimes their dreams of sanctuary are realized but sometimes disenchantment and hostility drive them home. In the 2nd of 2 films on these contrasting experiences people and power meets the returning migrants now determined to discourage others from following the same town. Gambia back home on aljazeera. One of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for it is you know its very challenging the ability particularly because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Oh. Its good to have you with us hello Adrian Finnegan here in doha the headlines from aljazeera the u. S. Economy has shrunk by 4. 8 percent in the 1st quarter of the year its the worst economic decline since 2008 recession President Trump has been pushing for some states to ease coronavirus restrictions to get the economy moving again europes biggest economy germany is expected to suffer its deepest recession since the end of the 2nd world war nearly released government statistics show the g. D. P. Shrinking by 6 percent this year. Saudi arabias oil revenues of 424 percent since the start of the year the Worlds Largest oil exporter and a 9000000000. 00 budget deficit in the 1st quarter is to month an energy collapsed due to the coronavirus pandemic. So the u. S. Economy figures are worse than many expected but for the majority of that 1st quarter lockdown measures werent even in place travel restrictions began in early february 1st if the travelers from china President Trump held several big public rallies that month it wasnt until mid march that flights from europe were suspended and cinemas closed nationwide but spring break went ahead on floridas beaches by the end of the course of the more than 80 percent of americans were under some form of stay at home or. Joshua meltzer is a city at fellow focusing on Global Economy and development at the Brookings Institution hes with us now live from washington d. C. Good to have you with us joshua what you make of the fact that this slowdown began even before the lockdown began of what was the 2nd quarter then look like. The 2nd quarter now is clearly going to be you know fairly astronomical going to got 1st quarter g. D. P. And as you mentioned really the lockout really sad to take a share in the u. S. In the fish market match and so the impact the main in the 2nd quarter is going to be multiples of what were seeing at the moment. The white house reckons that the economy will snap back in the 2nd half will it. Look theres a lot of debate about whether were going to see a very shaped recovery the socalled snap back and were going to be a long drawn out recovery and i think that fundamentally its going to tune on whether the u. S. Is capable of actually putting plants sophisticated widespread testing in crime scene which allows people to essentially go out and work and be in this community and we need to get reoccurrences of hotspots which will inevitably happen you can do going to im going to interventions rather than having shut down whole cities and states and the u. S. Is not at that point we study everything until that happens were going to see a very slow meandering i think improvement may go out were going to get you know essentially infections go up and people go hardiman and thats that kind of gets interrupted and done with strategically and its likely that these maybe one true one out recovery mountains whats what sort of lets go to the you shape then rather than of the what sort of economic incentives or stimulus will the government need to put into place to help that happen. Well there are. 3 trillion dollars. So essentially sort of stimulus package but really its just trying to businesses in consumers a big korean war to some extent and had to be more to be done on top of that too i think the congress is going to have to come back i think and do more if theyre really going to support the economy people in florida as it were going to were going to see them in Wallace Jimmy contractions and i Employment Rights im going to the 2nd and 3rd quarter of these here i will get around some politics in congress has been you know surprisingly i think a fair deal actually damages but i think its going to be more difficult during forward as opposed to 3 marriages obviously thats going to be made as a were going to get more on this on the surface bill stimulus side and were certainly going to need a long war on the basic to. Get started just so many thanks dave for being with us. Pleasure and a point out on the Aviation Industry worldwide another sector taking a huge hit from the pandemic playmaking giant abas opposed to the 1st quarter loss of half a 1000000000. 00 its c. E. O. Is warning that this is the greatest crisis the industry has ever known as weve been reporting of us as rival budding announced the loss of at least 600000000. 00 in the 1st 3 months of the year it plans to cut its workforce by 10 percent British Airways is set to cut up to 12000. 00 jobs or at a 3rd of its workforce the airline has spent 96 percent of its flights april and may Tom Ballantine is associate editor chief correspondent of the industry magazine orient aviation he says the situation is only going to get worse. The fact is larry aircraft are 90 percent of the worlds leaders sitting on the ground and the last thing Airlines Want at the moment is to take delivery of more seats theyll have to park i know the airlines around the world are currently right now in discussion with both airbus and boeing. Looking at not only not only cancellations but certainly many to pharaoh of their deliveries because they simply dont want these aircraft right now as we all know now that theres a recovery when it comes is not going to be a sharp v. Shaped recovery is going to be a long u. Shaped recovery and its going the only time before the air transport network is good to be back where it was before the crisis that were talking about the iraq to 2 years so thats not a long time career wise to hold out for the plane makers to hold out there certainly need all the help they can from governments from their investors and these governments and theres are also facing economic problems or facing recession shortages of casual around sochi going to be a long time before the industry has any chance of returning to what is not going to be normal but some sort of normal the walls largest container ship has been launched in south korea just as global trade suffers a sharp downturn to the pandemic but having largely control the spread of the disease in their own country the government is now looking to repair economic damage wrought mcbride reports from the southern port city of tucson. About to start its Maiden Voyage to europe the worlds biggest container ship loading at the port of busan able to carry 24000 containers shes the 1st of 12 ships intended to make south korea one of the worlds leading shippers but the giant vessels were ordered in 2018 well before anyone had heard of cove it 19 clear so back of any order about those are big vessels everybody trusts simulation maybe a market or engrosses is as part of the kitchen we have leno good histories to every year how much passant you know global balam increase so based on their concept we all dont always or esle the however to change to tell a difference Global Shipping has been hit badly with predictions of a world recession lasting months or even years and then theres the longer term prospect of countries restructuring industries that will further hurt trade but south korea is trying to look beyond this pandemic to a future recovery wise from the recent lesson of the past in 2017 the countrys biggest shipper hand gin went bust provoking a National Debate about whether the government should have intervened given the countrys unique geopolitics occupying the southern half of a divided peninsula south korea has for decades effectively been an island it relies upon air and sea links with the rest of the world and for this export driven economy ships are essential a point to the countrys president stressed when he launched this vessel. On make sure that we want repeat the history of ups and downs by strongly pushing to rebuild the shipping industry i mean to become among the top 5 shipping powers in the world. Shipping along with other Key Industries like car making and davey haitian have been designated as essential in the allocation of relief funding south korea like many other countries realizing its not enough simply to survive this pandemic but ensuring it comes through with the means to make it prosper once more rob mcbride aljazeera sun. The World Health Organization is giving its latest update on the Global Response to the corona virus pandemic lets go live to geneva and less than a lot of questions look at that risk please. Thank you thank you tariq good morning good afternoon and good evening as of tomorrow it will be streamlined since i declared a public of the emergency of International Concern over the outbreak of norval cauldron of bonuses but today i would like to take a few moments to look back at the period preceeding that announcement to be clear about what the bleacher knew and what we did which could help the country to understand this 3 months on the city 1st of december deadly jers epidemic Intelligence System pick it up or report about a class that of cases of the morning of unknown cause in china the following day. New years day deadly h i ask china for more information under the international has regulations and activated our Incident Management Support Team to coordinate their response across headquarters in our regional in country offices. On the 2nd of january w 2 informed the global outbreak i lived and Response Network or horn which includes more than 216. 00 stations in more than 70 countries yesterday was gordons 20 is but its day and i would like to use this opportunity to say happy birthday to go on and thank you and congratulations to every Single Member for the for their commitment to responding to the call viewed 9000 pandemic and many other emergencies were really proud to work with you on the search of january china provided information to doubly josue a face to face meeting in beijing and through that religious event Information System established under the International Health but i wish ns on the 4th of january that literally ported the cluster of cases on twitter at that stage in orders were reported on the feeds of generally deadly to share detailed Technical Information so its event Information System this included advice to all Member States and i contact points to take precautions to reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections providing guidance on the basis that there could be human to human transmission on the same day deadly job also issued its fairest public disease outbreak News Publishing Technical Information for the scientific and Public Health communities as well as the worlds media on the tense and elevens of generally. There are published a complaints of package of guidance on how to detect test for money to cases and protect Health Workers from potential human to human transmission but based on our previous experience we score not by this but we also published a readiness checklist to help countries assess their capacities and gaps for detection and response because one is a major domestic and International Transport hub deadly you also advised that the risk of cases being reported from outside one in developing this deal to january on the same day china reported the 1st death from the new cauldron of virus on the citizens of generally deferred escapes was reported outside china in tight. Apologies for the brief loss of signal from geneva there for just a moment thats the World Health Organization giving its latest briefing on the current 19 pandemic director general there. Saying that its 3 months since declaring a Health Emergency what hes doing right now is. He says just to be clear about what the World Health Organization knew before declaring that Health Emergency hes running through events that led up to it the u. S. Of course said its launching an investigation into whether w. H. S. Handling of the pandemic. Ok well keep listening to that it will let you know if anything newsworthy comes out of it just ahead here 2 of the biggest stars of the worlds in world sport discuss the prospect of playing without founds. I dont get time just for history a. J. And thank you well there are fresh concerns over the take care lympics taking place next year this time from the japanese Prime Minister shinzo of a says it will be impossible to host the games next july unless the world wins the fight against crime or virus it follows comments by japans top doctor that it will be difficult to stage the olympics once a vaccine olympics. The olympics and paralympics must be held in a complete form and that the athletes and spectators can all participate safely so it would be impossible to hold the games unless the pandemic is contained since countries all over the world will participate it must be held in a way that shows mankind has won its battle against coronavirus otherwise it would be hard to hold the games well ahead of world athletics the best team was in favor of perspire owning the olympics but says it cant keep being delayed indefinitely you couldnt go on forever owning an Olympic Games comes a point where you know that you do have to stop posting questions i hope really way off that. Its not so much about you know creating a vaccine or not all viruses respond to vaccines anyway as you know but its also about rolling it out you know. You know widespread spread and i think thats the thing and yet the Olympic Games of them and im sure thats what most medical teams saigons tried to grab. Paris as a man are still aiming to compete in the european champions even though the french Domestic Football League is said to be cancelled its because the ban on major Sports Events has been extended by the french government until at least september football bosses will meet thursday to discuss the financial implications and decide how to work out the League Standings p. S. G. Were 12 points clear at the top and they along with leon also remain in the Champions League competition. Chairman. Respects the government decision but says we plan on competing in the Champions League with agreement wherever and whenever it is held if it is not possible to play in france we will play our matches a broad subject to the best conditions for all our stuff is pins french Football Correspondent Jonathan Johnson says its clear the european title was the most important to p. S. G. This season and theres still a lot to sort out when it comes to the french to mystically. When you look at the situation with p. S. G. Its kind of understandable they would be a bit more concerned about the Champions League considering the fact that a stage where theyve struggled over the past couple of seasons finally broke back into the quarter finals after a couple of years away you know where they be wanting to to build on that positive performance they are quite a way clear in in the league table and they do also reach both domestic cup final so assuming that those games do eventually go ahead you know p. S. G. Are confident that they would get the opportunity to either play for those trophies or in the case of the lead be awarded the title if theres a lot of contentious issues not so much with the title you know perhaps at least one of the relegation places but france is a is a country where its for all system utilizes the playoffs for promotion and relegation and assuming that no more matches are able to be played from the 2920. 00 season that would mean that no playoffs are possible so that would mean just a straight 2 teams 2 teams down relegation and promotion assuming the relegation promotion goes ahead so this is all stuff that the Football League and possibly differentiable federation of that rule tend to make casting votes will have to think about in the next couple of days with this meeting shut up for thursday i think that say you know the events of last week really hit home when more is ginia sambir became the 1st League Young Player to test positive for a coronavirus is something that happened months ago when the likes of its a nice area but its something thats only recently touched french top tier football and i think a lot of peoples opinions on whether football is should go back to training and potentially you know go back to playing in matches changed after after that incident. Italy sports minister would like to do the same as france and end their football season sunday our players are allowed to start trading next week the minister of inch and so spare the fota is skeptical and says the road to restart action is getting narrower he says resuming training is an important sign but if i was among the president s of the soccer teams be thinking about next season features top medical official agrees with that view michel dog says there should be no football anywhere until september and believes a Vaccination Program is the only solution but still some european leagues want to get going again germany has been delayed or is likely to be the 1st perhaps as early as mid may if they can get government approval some premier league clubs in england have also started training and spain is a step closer to their Prime Minister announced that professional athletes can start training on monday the league as president has criticised the french decision to stop football until september when no word yet on a restart to Major League Soccer in north america but montreal impact coach terry on recess his team will be ready the m. L. S. Was suspended just 2 games into the new season and Club Practice grounds will be closed until at least the middle of may but on recess despite not being able to see his players hes confident they are putting in the work usually when you train during the week you want to. Also mention on the field right now youre not even trending on the field or some mission of the week and everyone is up on their side and you know draws them interest right now or the world in terms of what you want to do because youre close to do what theyre supposed to do to be able to perform and be ready. To sports biggest stars steph curry and rory mcilroy have been discussing the prospect of competing without fans. I could play with i phones but i i dont think i play as well especially if youre in the heat of battle on a sunday bach 9 i mean you feed off that energy and to take that away it just i would i would find it very difficult and i were not to play i chase but you have you know lakers whoever milwaukee or clippers you know toronto whatever type of finals and they walk into an empty building like i got dont know how that memorable in any stretch like youre in the finals of the trophy whatever obstacle and call it a championship but its still not like having an experience that you its thats what you want like you said the atmosphere. That is all useful for now germany thanks stuart. Indian actor or farrakhan has died of cancer at the age of 53 khan began his career in Indian Television and Bollywood Movies then he starred in hollywood films such as life of pi Jurassic Park and Slumdog Millionaire but michael soon takes a look back at his career. Where he was one of indias most recognize faces treading red carpets around the world but his success was gained after many years of struggle born in 1967 and rajastan shabbes other it finally hahn switched from chasing a korean cricket to one and acting and graduated from indias most prestigious theatre school. In 1988 he made his debut in the acclaimed salaam bombay produced by Indian American filmmaker Mira Nair Lismore role one little praise that changed in 2001 when he starred in british movie maker asif capacity as the warrior. The low budget film went on to win several International Awards including a buff the for best british film in an interview with aljazeera the actor said despite acting in many bollywood and hollywood films it was his role in the 2008 oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire to transformed his life doctors lawyers and they would get beyond 60. 4 act the main thing is to enter into mass audience psyche and that you wrote. Fortunately it happened with me because of consecutive firms you know i did my the. Names dodging limited and certainly after that you know this film kiran a lot of people who didnt see mighty heard of names in the in the this or my from the song in song dog then the. You know the research about when the the early fall so thats important you know where it leads you know you know nobody can say you know that success led found to more phones and greater recognition at home and abroad including a National Film award and indias 4th highest civilian award the pub mistry then he shot finance the dissonance meant on twitter in 2018 if iran had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer after nearly 2 years of treatment in london informed returned home to shoot on crazy media that would turn out to be his last film it was released last month the new severe form comes that has brought tributes pouring in from across the world with his fans remembering the legacy of an actor who wasnt interested in his fame living on i dont want to be remembered no i just want to know what whats going to happen after im gone after you believe your body what if i can feel that for a moment that we my my what were they being alive i dont want to remember any which way. A funk is tied at the age of 53. 00 twenties in just about. Becoming a Living Legend to the young age was simply not enough. He transformed his influence on the pitch into political clout the book piece to the ivory coast. Hosted by eric cantona football rebels begins with a look at the life of to talk about the footballer who succeeded with politicians not. On the ibori and civil war on aljazeera. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with the eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone thought. Sullivan control. That is tremendous for the country so i think any of us determined to quote could use a little at the point of the sword to avenge its people slaughtered 880 is he smashes the frankish on captures the king. Of jerusalem he sees is the true cross and this is the great military victory the crusades an arab perspective episode 3 unification on aljazeera d. The Financial Impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit hard the u. S. Economy shrinks by nearly 5 percent. Hello im adrian forget this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up airplane manufacturer boeing cuts its workforce by 10 percent as demand for global aviation grinds to a halt

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