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A covert 19 for 1. 00 oil on the line as crude sinks into negative territory. Counting the costs on aljazeera. Coming together to fight a pandemic the World Health Organization has launched a Global Action plan to develop vaccines on drugs but covert 90 but the u. S. Is not taking part so how do we make sure everyone has equal access to treat this is inside still. Hello welcome to the program. Its being called a landmark collaboration the World Health Organization heads of government and Research Bodies came together to coordinate the fight against covert 19 theyve pledged to Work Together to find a vaccine and make sure everyone has equal access to treatments and diagnostic tests but the United States isnt taking part President Donald Trump as accuse the w. H. O. Of mishandling the crisis well bring in our guest in a moment to discuss the challenges ahead 1st this report from our diplomatic editor james base its just the place you would have expected in previous times to have seen u. S. Leadership in a Global Crisis and World Leaders coming together with a response the idea of this event to coordinate the search for a vaccine testing and treatments for covert 19 and to make sure all the widely available the world needs this to and it needs them fast. Past experiences has told us that even when tools are available they had been not been equally available to all we cannot allow that to happen it was feared to be made in requires the most messy public us efforts in history. Data must be shared Production Capacity prepared resources maybe Communities Inc aged and politics sites i know we can do is put people 1st and leaders spoke from all regions of the world technically bringing them all together was a bit of a challenge you know excellence you have can you hear me now yes yes we can hear you but germany one of 4 members of the g 7 a group of countries that were represented. Were now going to continue to mobilize all countries of the g. 7 end the g. 20 for them to back this initiative i hope that we will be able to reconcile the sinister of china and the us because the fight against covert 19 as a common good for humanity this shouldnt be any divisions between countries we need to join forces to win this battle the fact that the World Health Organization was the host of the event explains why the u. S. Didnt take part President Trump cut all new funding to the w. H. O. Because he claimed the Global Health body had not been tough enough on china the w. H. O. Failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable its a spokesperson for the u. S. Mission to the u. N. In geneva where the w. H. O. Is based told al jazeera theyll be no u. S. Official participation following this event the next phase will be led by the European Union in 10 days time theyll be trying to raise 8000000000. 00 to make sure that vaccines testing and treatment are available to everyone james 0 of the united nations. Lets bring in our guests from grendel walled in switzerland we have dr Anneliese Wilder Smith a professor of emerging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine. In oxford in the u. K. We have in golden a professor of globalization and development at Oxford University and the author of a butterfly defect that in 2014 predicted a Global Pandemic was inevitable and would lead to great economic costs and in boston the United States dr joy g. Shes chief medical officer of partners in health and associate professor of Global Health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School thank you all for joining us im always 1st of all how do you come together and streamline the race to find a vaccine and treatments for covert 19. We cannot do it alone we need to combine the forces to talents and the resources to Work Together to accelerate the development of the next scene it will be challenging we need to speed up and we need to be fast but we also need to be mindful of safety so we need to come together needs to be correlated approach and well funded approaches enjoy a walk in research is in the developing world bring to this or do they risk being ignored and funding instead being funneled to to your up to south korea to china. And thats such a great question and i think one thing that weve seen is that there is amazing scientific talent in the global south was talking just yesterday with my colleagues from rwanda they have many many convalescent cases already and are thinking about how to look at convalescent plasma there some of the countries in the global south are far more prepared to do good prevention so this will give them a leg up on some of the work that that will need to be done so i think there is a lot of great talent but he is going to be difficult isnt it for countries like in europe and in the u. S. To resist the urge to look after their own 1st weve already had the u. S. And e. U. Putting curbs on the export of protective equipment for example could this be extended to vaccines as well for example i think this is a big worry and its absolutely one that needs to be resisted at all costs because clearly a pandemic anywhere affects all of us and you can be in the richest country but no wall will be high enough to protect you from the so it is a i think a risk and thats why those that are manufacturing the vaccines those that are developing them need to absolutely insist that these are Global Public goods and that they roll out everywhere to those in need anneliese a vaccine like this has never been proven a speed before all produced the scale that will be needed before are we being a little bit too big. We have to be ambitious i mean cold it is not a humanitarian crisis we need to speed up we need to scale up and we need to do this together and yes we need to take we have to have checks and balances in place we cannot do much to science the well all over the world good to science but if we do it together and we go not just sequentially but really also in parallel with various efforts with a diversity of neednt then i think well have a pullback plaster joy is it or is it an ambitious target this to try and the race against the clock its a very ambitious target but as my colleague is saying we have to do it this is an unprecedented time although we you know we knew that a pandemic was brewing and i think we need to as a Civil Society as a scientist as as as journalists we need to demand that this is done in the Public Comments as a public good that this is not about profit i think profit is part of whats getting us to this massive level of inequality so i think our solution has to be to fight some of these market market type of approaches because that will not get us to equality and as we see in the United States the massive inequality and the fragmentation of the Health System that we have had increasingly over the last 40 years has made us the epicenter of the epidemic and so we have to challenge at the same time we look to science and we also have to challenge the social systems of distribution because we know that will if we leave it as the status quo will result in a cataclysm in a sea not in a way a little bit that are we being too ambitious setting to Ambitious Goals for ourself working within the system that the globe or the World Economy works in at the moment. It is extremely ambitious this is i think the most ambitious thing that weve done as humanity together we have to succeed and we have to succeed everywhere and if we can succeed with this i believe if we would have learned to cooperate and therefore be much more optimistic that well be able to do with poverty generally or with Climate Change with the other great challenges we 1st ace but its going to have to be led as a Global Public initiative by the w. H. O. And others of pharmaceutical companies and others following the lead and sharing information and were going to need a role are closely well only of the vaccines but the finance that goes with it the risk restoration of societies which have been massively devastated which is unprecedented this is like on after the 2nd world war its going to need the global Marshall Plan and its going to need new institutions and more effective institutions to do that globally and only as i want to ask you quickly about the zeke a plan that youve been volved in which is this attempt to bring a coordinated approach to tackling the outbreak and in latin america it has not been working on something could something similar work on a grander scale for the covert 19 so didnt does it outbreak. Really stimulated also a very Rapid Vaccine Development and with 45 candidates immediately being assessed and then when it went into human trials but as you then know and this occurred epidemic of agent and and so basically today to be so do not have as you have extreme. Just offered just you to do to the mere fact that we are not able to do face retail at a time when i know more cases globally. Some called it i think is different could it will be with us it is not going to go away but also for co it we may have problems in the face a trial in because because of the epidemic is moving quickly and so setting. The face for a child will be challenging and it just needs the global coordination to do so joya of the moment dont we have nations working against each other all seem to be in a sort of a race to find yes they want to be they want the prestige of being asked 1st off were going to change lives yeah i think and this is where i think the the example that i think is important is the action of Civil Society globally to roll out antiretroviral medicines as a public good and the creation of the global fund to fight aids tb and malaria the sort of protest that this technology of the triple therapy should be available to everyone when that work started in the early 2000 there were fewer than 50000 people on antiretroviral therapy in africa today there are 22000000 around the world now we need something at a much more rapid scale but i think the mechanisms for solidarity and global participation are there are flexibility is in the World Trade Organization treaties i think weve got to really rethink what these Public Health cracy is mean to us as a Global Society and i think there are some blueprint for that and some of the activists movements that have allowed us to scale up hiv and i think we need more of that collaboration and solidarity. And we are nations all working against each other at the moment on the in the race to find a vaccine they want to be 1st they want the prestige they dont seem to be that keen on on collaboration. Well i think theyre the scientists on collaborating and theres been the most amazing sharing of the genomes theres been real collaboration among scientists globally from china and including the u. S. Now and the governments in the Public Policy people who have rarely been antagonistic and of course the u. S. Turning its back on the world at this crucial time as a government has not helped at all because the last thing you want is tensions between the great powers or as china is going to have to be part of a solution with the u. S. If theres going to be a global rollout of vaccines and of course europe has a Critical Role to play in that as well as well as institutions like the Gates Foundation and so many others so the politics can be toxic but i think weve really got to insist that this goes beyond politics this is not about politics this is all of our lives that are stake and the future for all of us anneliese at the moment to help us again that understand a little bit the science of this is work being repeated around the world are people sharing information as much as they should or is there more of a race to beat 1st with different treatments or vaccines. Some competition is healthy and competition will speed up the development so im not against competition it has to be that the challenge of competition is its later in an equitable deployment so so currently there are at least 9090 candidates in develop and pretend its all development and 6. Scenes are now in clinical face one trial so def been given to humans and they and they use some of you some use a similar platform some use different platforms we need to remember this is a high risk endeavor some big scenes will fail and some maxines will succeed we have to stay diverse we have we just have to invest and i rez it even if there is some to click ation and some of these that scenes are kindly and that race well will be successful but also remember every do want more than one next scene we need more and the reason why we need more than one is the scaling up no single next scene will we will not be able to scale out and manufacture to the needs of the population with one single vaccine so its good to have competition and that its wise to keep the competition and the control so that we that we all as a so we need to coordinate some of this so that were all aligned towards the same goal and that is an equitable access and a scaling up of delivery in when you were writing back in 24 saying about the threats of a new global another Global Pandemic you then wrote how new ways of working are acquired through this stop issuance of creative coalitions of government but when corona Virus Outbreak started it was really every man for himself European Countries notably when all our own way and ignore e. U. Pleas for a collective approach a government is likely to be as collaborative in the search for a vaccine as you suggested they needed to be those years ago. Well i think if this comes at a terrible time in joe pollard the u. S. And china were ready in a friction before this. Europe had all sorts of tensions within it as well so its not a good time very different to the 2008 financial crisis where george w. Bush picked up the phone to the chinese and other leaders to get a Global Solution and china helped more than any country in the world at that point so this is a different time my sense is that we need to work through them and overcome the resistance of certain governments i think europe has got itself together a little bit late d but it is now building that capability and we heard it in the statements from the president of europe yesterday and what we will see is those that are prepared to Work Together creatively do so within the u. S. It might not be the federal government but the c. D. C. The centers for Disease Control and others will come to want to separate and my hope is that eventually governments will be dragged to the table but we cant allow the reluctance of certain governments however big they are to stop this endeavor its fine tuned port and for that so yes we knew need more urgently than ever creative coalitions governments that will do things pharmaceutical companies academics Civil Society have to Work Together joy or this is something where once upon a time the world might have looked to the u. S. For leadership are we missing it. Oh my gosh i mean i feel so deeply ashamed at the lack of appreciation of science and one of the things i would say is to echo what he and was saying about you know the worst time this is right wing movements around the world have really dismissed science and we are in a kind of post reason environment in many countries that used to serve with some at least intellectual architecture and this is whats i think most frightening and this is a reason im more hopeful about the global south my colleagues around africa they believe in science and their leadership believes in science and so i think the dismissal of different. Work different kinds of treatment i think we we have to look to strong Civil Societies and leadership that believe in science and reason and then the other thing is i think whatever we do aqua the distribution and whether its a vaccine medicines p p e has to be part of the global architecture and i think dr ted grossest been an exceptional leader and that way really trying 1 to shine a light on the countries that you know stand the most to suffer from this and so i think we need to look to Civil Society we need to look to science. And really reject this very right wing antiscience rhetoric thats coming out of a lot of governments including mine is that something you finally found yourself working against working against the challenge of trying to persuade people to accept the science. No the infant to make the fake news because there is a theory says the anti sent the sentiment against science that have so impaired the response to comit and we are partly to be blamed for the the slowness of our response i think this is a wake up call more than ever that signs should drive our response to Public Health and not politics and so so i think the the movement yesterday with with a debit or launch of this and president a partnership is very important and i think the message that were the words that jeremy fire said at the end was together we can together we will and together we must we must give hope to our populations people are anxious economies are falling apart we just need to hold on to science now now more than ever in theres no real leverage that the developing world will have in all of this is there if its the u. K. The you or the u. S. Spending tens of billions of dollars on the research and theyre going to get the benefits 1st ali i think the leverage is the fact of the systemic risks that are only pandemic now and the solving of this pandemic requires that all countries in the world solve it otherwise it hasnt gone away and stopping the next pandemic which could be all those horrible to think that even worse than this one requires that all countries in the world have decent Health Systems have the capability to defend their citizens against pandemics and that we stop them spreading globally so i think no more than ever theres been a demonstration that no country can be an island no region in the world no matter how rich is going to be able to defend itself and that this is either solved for all of us or for all of us and if people havent woken up to that fact in the rich countries there really dont understand what causes pandemics so im optimistic that this will really be aware. Up call and teach governments and individuals citizens around the world that we need to Work Together on that we are only as strong in humanity as our weakest links joy when new treatments or vaccines in. Whos on that theyre going to be initially supplies are going to be limited whos going to get it for Health Workers it comes with active outbreaks is it infection hotspots is it those with the fattest wallets. Fat as well its and i think you know while i agree with everything that yan is saying and annalisa saying about you know we have to think about all pandemics affecting all of us the sad reality is they dont affect all of us equally as we all know and what im worried also is about famine and the knock on effects of this in very poor countries like india like molasses. And the slowdown of the Global Economy so i think it has to be more than just to say all pandemics affect all of us but somehow the building of International Coalitions of solidarity to say equity and fairness has to prevail and i think this is what im most worried about is the you know the slow the the Global Economy that slows down here in the United States is terrible and there are many jobless people but we are going to see famine in places like yemen and places like india in places like haiti and i think weve got to think about and had no other kind of Civil Society architecture that says somehow we are all standing together because were going to need more than the vaccine more than the medical part were going to need a massive social uplift of people around the world who are so vulnerable and i dont see that happening without a very Strong Movement on lees whether these new treatments of vaccines need to go. Well the current hot spots are and the hot spots are changing as we know so and it does come like a rolling tsunami and seems to be a fact different people at Different Countries in different stages. And yes thats when india of course Health Care Workers at the 1st group that would need to m b c thanks him and all abominable populations. And lastly with with you then in how when these end of innovations appear how difficult is it going to make sure that that deliver that fairly rather than as a joy it was saying to those of the fattest wallets i think joes absolutely right what this pandemic has revealed within our countries is the stark inequalities of Health Provision whos affected most is the poorest not only in terms of a Health Impact but also economically they dont have savings that theyre out of work and this is going to be true within countries as it is between countries so this is going to be devastating for development we need a massive ive estimated 2. 00 trillion dollars plan globally to is help countries that are overwhelmed by this economically as well as medically in terms of how this is going to have to roll out with vaccines my view is that were going to have to insist that the global institutions like the w. H. O. Like the as that are developing the the vaccines. Distribute them equitably according to need its going to be the massive i think really ramping up of many pharmaceutical companies instructing them giving procurement to those that are prepared to do verse and i think with societies including Civil Society everywhere were going to have to insist as happened with hiv aids that this happens ok we are unfortunately out of time for the moment but thank you very much for your insights to all of our guests to talk to annaliese wilder smith to professor in golden and to dr joy and thank you for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is a. J. Inside story from a Bernard Smith and the entire team here in doha by. 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