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A long down could reopen the economy place long term limits on Civil Liberties. I. Follow the World Health Organization has warned that people who recover from the corona virus may not be immune from reinfection the w. H. O. Says there is no evidence people who developed antibodies were protected from getting it a 2nd time and without that guarantee the Organization Says by some governments to roll out socalled immunity possibly could be risky but an increasing number of countries are easing restrictions India Pakistan spain and some american states are among the latest to lift some of their lockdown measures its now been confirmed that more than 200000 people have died from the virus globally but in china where it all began there is optimism the country has not reported any deaths from the virus for 10 straight dates for which alans begins our coverage with more on that warning from the w. H. O. The u. K. Is one of many countries that has been looking at the idea of immunity passports this will be a way for people or some people at least to go back to work if they could prove that they already have had covert 19 and therefore its assumed that they have an immunity i wouldnt be able to get again or pass it on but the w. H. O. The World Health Organization is not keen on this idea for this reason well we do certainly understand the intention of trying to see who can go safely back who were who would be a van surely risk free or in fact the other people but unfortunately from the scientific point of view we simply dont know for a person who has been infected with. 90. 2. Gets this immunity and if it gets the immunity how long this immunity is lasting now there are always problems with the immunity passport idea to start with for one thing its very divisive if you have some people who are allowed to go back to work and some people arent at a time when most governments are trying to unify their populations and say were all in this together but this verdict from the w. H. O. That people dont necessarily have immunity anyway and also saying that the testing to prove this or not is a bit sketchy at the moment at the best well i think that kills the immunity passport idea for the moment at least until a science can suggest otherwise. So despite that warning the u. S. Is pushing ahead with antibody tests prioritizing Frontline Health care workers on so kastor has more. Im saving hamburger from an anesthesiologist and saying this new york anesthesiologist recovered from cope at 19 a month ago now doctors i. V. Hamburger is among an Important Group of frontline medical workers who hope theyre immune from reinfection center here in new york that said theyre donating all its funds for the blood plasma hes donating is also being studied to treat patients so if you give these this plasma to someone who is acutely infected with corona virus the antibodies that are in the possible for me can hopefully start attacking the virus Health Care Workers are a significant portion of confirmed coded 19 and thats and in the u. S. The federal government reports more than 9000 doctors and nurses are among those who tested positive and the number is likely an underestimate given occupation information was missing from 80 percent of those tracked cases they are folks that you know by by default they take time to rest they know that when they go into health care right so they dont run away from the fire they go to the restaurant that this is actually bringing in one of our ventilators dr hamburger is now a member of his hospitals coded Rapid Response team performing into basins on critically ill patients this is the procedure that is one of the scarier procedures in the krona virus ever because this is one of the virus can be aerosolized hes volunteered to spare coworkers who have not been infected but the w. H. O. Says reinfection cannot be ruled out through antibody tests alone the question of potentially munity needs more study. Meanwhile in maryland a parade of police cars have come to say thank you to hospital workers soon it will be back inside to waiting patients and a virus we still have a lot to learn about. Castro aljazeera Silver Spring maryland. Well in china the earth already is havent reported any new to us from the corona virus for the 10th straight day the virus is believed to have originated in the chinese city of late last year it comes to singapore confirmed 618 new infections making it the country with the highest number of cases in Asia Sarah Clarke reports. More than 3 months after the corona Virus Outbreak the city at the original epi santa is standing down some of its medical teams Chinas National Health Commission says all critically ill patients and will have recovered but the last group dispatched from hospital on saturday. The number of patients in severe in Critical Condition and we had city finally became 0 which marks a decisive victory in the battle against the virus means that the covert 1003 mint in china has reached International Advanced levels. The government is now focusing its efforts on a rise in imported cases in the Northern Province of helen jiang which borders russia china has recorded more than 83000 cases of the virus but a study published in the journal lancet says the numbers could be 4 times higher if they are just presenting with cold symptoms at a time of winter in china then they simply would have got infected so i had the cold maybe being diagnosed with having a cold or pneumonia like symptoms and then gotten better 85 percent of cases singapore now has the highest corona virus infection right in asia its reported another spike in its daily cases the majority of new infections a Migrant Workers living in crowded dormitories medical teams have been deployed to step up testing and Health Checks and the government has extended the nationwide lockdown until june but as singapore totnes its quarantine measures vietnam is starting to lift its restrictions the streets in hanoi are still empty but some shops are reopening for business with the Health Authority there reporting no new cases this week. I observed that the governments decision instructions are very well thought out and logical and in recent days the outbreak has been pushed back i feel grateful for being a few citizen its a downward trend being shifted in south korea which suffered the 1st major outbreak outside. China its government has outlined a 2 year Recovery Plan after reporting the lowest number of cases since the peak in february but the south Korean Health minister has warned citizens to accept the reality that life wont return to normal for some time yet sarah clarke aljazeera britain has become the 5th country its a reported more than 20000 deaths in the coronavirus an increase of more than 800 in the past day and belgium the european nation with the highest rate of faith per capita says it will start easing restrictions that seem baba has more. Dear ill bring. The you are the better tell long live the 25th of april long live freedom the words of a former resistance fighter jury in world war 2 something juvenility has stuck at home with the italian capital rome. The nationwide looked means on the 75th anniversary of liberation through the end of fascism the hanging fly eggs from their windows up and down the country instead of holding parades and the 196 year old former parties and he thought it was a leading forces thats heartening to me yeah. Right now depend more important an antifascist demonstrations between must also keep them alive especially at this time because a dismemberment we might destroy everything of the italian Democratic State in the name up and demick that is very dangerous and very uncertain. Its that uncertainty thats behind belgiums approach as it plans to gradually lift restrictions despite having the highest coronavirus death rate capital in europe from the 4th of may when the 1st shots reopen everyone is 12 or over will have to wear a mask on public transport the governments policy to help it will have them over their lives not to dish it federal government any different entities are implementing a common strategy to guarantee that every citizen will be see for free at least one protective mask covering both the mouth and the nose bars and restaurants across belgium will start reopening in june but the government says it will bring back restrictions if the medical situation worsens its not an easy question can release. Everything from their heart dont think so because i think we we will have a huge problem on the intensive care. He gets or almost 4. In britain where the number of people recorded as dying in the hospital from called it 19 has gone past 20000 people are being urged to be patient and stick to the stay home guidelines the 5 tests we have laid out must be met before we can easies life saving restrictions we must be sure that we can to continue to protect the n. H. S. That there is a sustained and consistent fall in the daily rates of death that the data shows the rate of infection decreases that the operational challenges on met and of course there is no risk of a 2nd peak of infections. The one in the french capital where restrictions are even tougher this neighborhood cinema is projecting films onto its walls for anyone living near enough a simple way of bringing people together until they are allowed to socialize once again the dean barber aljazeera hundreds of people have been protesting against lockdown measures at the polish german border many of them are commuters who live in poland that work in germany poland has been on lockdown since mid march and has also imposed a mandatory to a quarantine for those who enter its territory and in the german cities of berlin and still guards hundreds of people have been demonstrating against coronavirus restrictions chanting slogans like i want my life back they demanded lockdown restrictions are eased calling them a violation of their fundamental Rights Police wearing right here and face masks attains 100 protestors germany has recorded more than 5800 covert 1000 related deaths. A Police Officer has sought a person and so in 2 days of protests the officer fatally shot the civilian while enforcing coronavirus restrictions and has been arrested crowd shouted no police no curfew on friday evening as they burnt tires for the demonstrations continuing throughout saturday the Police Commissioner in charge of the area where the shooting took place has been fired somalia has more than 325. 00 corona virus infections. So to come on the program the worlds biggest lock down a little india allows some small shops to open and why traditional reindeer herders are under threat in sweden from growing prejudice details coming up. Had some rain is on its way into all southern areas of the strait of this should be good news particularly for these eastern portions of New South Wales of course when the rain comes through the town which is well a dip a little bit just 18 celsius via melbourne on sunday but as i say the rain is coming through and just beginning to push into the southeast of New South Wales mostly dry in sydney maybe a shower just late in the day and sunny drop into brisbane into queensland and youll see the system working its way across the tasman sea so some windy conditions with into the south island meanwhile out across the west is fine and dry a little bit of clabber really nothing more than a feeling pretty good in power for the high of 24 and those to much as a little bit lower on monday again system goes through so the ad is a little bit fresher weve got 18 few in hobart again just the chance of one or 2 shot and then off into asia still a few showers across into much of japan some fairly blustery conditions at the same time Clear Conditions for northern china almost a clear across the Korean Peninsula again maybe one to 2 showers just lingering but really the bulk of the rains really to the east of taiwan as we go through sunday and its a clearer picture generally much of central and southern areas of china as of this time much is coming back up again into hong kong 25 degrees celsius maybe some showers on the way to shanghai with your high of 20. Going to the same 9 people have been killed. We in the United States are probably tired. This was a deal with saudi arabia things were done for the saudis and other arabs when they came to britain to be in to help the transcribes do you know. Rumsfeld this meeting saddam is their interest. On al jazeera. Hello again top stories. Of the global death toll from the Coronavirus Process 200 thousands at the World Health Organization says there is no evidence anyone who has recovered from one scene is protected from further reflection and without that guarantee the w. H. O. Says by some governments to roll out socalled immunity passports would be your risk. China hasnt reported any new deaths from the corona virus for the 10th straight day but there are new and growing doubts about the accuracy of the chinese data. The u. K. Has become the 5th country to pass 20000. 00 coronavirus related deaths some european nations including belgium are looking at easing restrictions despite growing. Indias easing restrictions for its 1300000000 people in lockdown shops selling nonessential goods can now open but only at 50 percent capacity areas considered faction hotspots such as Larger Stores and malls will stay shut Health Officials have reported nearly 25000 cases and 780 deaths was about piron is in new delhi she says there are some caveats of the easing of frustrations. In areas that are considered known hotspots we are seeing shops reopening and people heading out this comes off to the Home Ministry released a statement very late on friday night to come as something those of a surprise saying that all shops which arent in malls marketplaces are allowed to open but with sedition conditions like everyone has to wear face masks and gloves and still observe social distancing the gloves aspects aspect as you they also said that all shops and markets in rural areas are allowed to open nearly 70 percent of indians actually live in rural areas weve had a clarification from the Health Ministry said that now baba shops and salons allow it to open because they dont sell ice they Sell Services so not only essential items are being allowed to be sold but not known essential services were not seeing any easing of restrictions in places like delhi most of delhi is considered is filled rather with hotspots and were actually seeing more restrictions and other places like the Southern State of tamil nadu for instance indias most populous state of water predation has extended the bad on public gatherings until the end of june so the situation really depends on where you are in the country but certainly shops being allowed to open is a huge relief to the millions of indians again and on hotspots zones who owned small standalone shops. Muslims in pakistan have observed the 1st day of ramadan with Prime Minister imran khan human calls from clerics to keep mosques open despite the coronavirus pandemics some clerics urged worshippers to fill out mosques saying their faith will protect them from the disease but the government says herbs religious leaders to adhere to social distancing rules. Doctors and nurses in the pakistani city of lahore have embarked on a Hunger Strike in protest against the lack of personal protective equipment theyve been complaining about the issue for weeks the Young Doctors Association says more than 150 medical staff have tested positive for the virus nationwide more than 50 doctors were arrested earlier this month during protests in the city of kut more than 250 deaths have been linked to the disease with more than 12000 confirmed infections sri lanka has reimposed the nationwide loss on until monday after the countrys largest daily increase in cases of the coronavirus 66 new cases have been confirmed over the past 2 days bringing the total number of infections to 440. 00 the majority of cases were recorded of navy sailors who were searching for those evading quarantine the month long lockdown was partially lifted on monday during daytime hours and more than 2 thirds of the country 7 people have been killed by the disease. Demonstrations are continuing across the u. S. Against virus lockdowns thats asked say stay at home orders violate their Civil Liberties however its what the government does when society does reopen that is off more concern to privacy advocates a celebratory reports from washington. Within weeks of 911 the patriot act was passed in the u. S. With no congressional debate it allowed unprecedented surveillance with minimal oversight over american citizens the alternative the government suggested was responsibility for another terrorist attack the laundry list. The talibans community had wanted for many years at the time they were sure and says the measures would be temporary but theyve been routinely reauthorized by congress yet mass surveillance proved ineffective counterproductive and the data was being used for purposes unrelated to terrorism it was only 12 years after the patriot act passed with the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden that we discovered the extent of the mass surveillance and only then was the governments bulk collection of information about americans limited now with the spread of covert 19 snowden and others so theres an opportunity to learn from the past systems to monitor everyones location at all times of being formalized in secret at the point these policies are being sought these benefits are theoretical often there is no evidence for them and they may never materialize that keep ability will exist in 3 months in 3 years and in 30 years if we allow it to be implemented today clusters of disease do need to be located swiftly and closed off and smart phone data is being used to locate those not adhering to social distancing requirements but we have few specific details on Data Collection facebook and google have been in talks with the government on sharing information they collect about us Online Advertising companies that track our movements are discussing new covert 1000 Revenue Streams the for. Patented whos Data Collection has been key to the trumpet illustrations Deportation Program is creating couvade 1000 models for the government i think all it was is a good time for a Century Companies are seeking takes. On their education and to set themselves up to normalize it to a tip ensure profits whats been called for is full transparency exactly what information is being collected by whom how long has it been kept for and how is it being used particularly by Law Enforcement agencies it is traditionally the disadvantage in society who bear the weight of surveillance right you know we talk about the color of surveillance well the color surveillance of black browed and thats definitely something to be thinking about when you think about data when you think about health data when you think about the ways in which they could be used in a variety of particularly commercial context or to treat people differently when they should be the consequences of pandemic policy for Civil Liberties go beyond and act on its surveillance and president shows a robust debate needs to occur before policies are not good and not after she obertan see al jazeera washington all the Southern Transitional council in yemen has declared a state of for emergency and Self Administration in the country south thats made the decision after severely criticizing the saudi backed government claiming it hasnt carried out its duties including failing to improve the lives of yemenis the measures were due to come into effect from midnight saturday the Southern Transitional council is assessed that us movement focus on gaining independence for southern yemen yemens war has been raging for more than 5 years. Thousands of people in tel aviv have staged another antigovernment protest walk in one and a half meter of parts in line with social distancing regulations theyre angry that the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is under criminal indictment in 3 Corruption Cases remains in power after forming an emergency government to battle the corona Virus Outbreak the Coalition Deal was made after 3 inconclusive elections of a last for 3 years some also protested israels coronavirus restrictions saying it stifles their freedoms on worlds military a day Health Officials are warning governments to move fast to prevent a rise in debts a World Health Organization report says the covert 1000 pandemic is causing severe disruptions to malaria medicines and leading to a weekly increase in infections across parts of africa malarious presence in 41 countries that occurs mostly in tropical climates where mosquitoes thrive and transmit the parasite to people there were nearly 230000000 recorded cases and 28 seen which resulted in about 400000 deaths the w. H. O. Says if no action is taken the number of deaths could double one country calling on the International Community to step up Malaria Prevention measures is kenny our recent flash floods in the countrys northeast have brought an increase in insects spreading the disease or a burden on the house. When you. And shes from malaria. A mother whos doing her best to keep her safe in this temporary camp in northeast kenya. And the baby has been really sick we went to the hospital and they said she had malaria they asked for money to give her medication but we didnt have any so we came back home she hasnt slept shes sick and cries a lot. From the time you read the. With the floods came many mosquitoes putting the people there at risk of malaria its a life threatening disease in hot humid climates across african countries musky to spread a parasite that infected nearly 230000000 people in 2018400000 died in a statement kenyan president hu kenyatta says if he needed to learn malaria prevalence from a high of 6000000 infections to 4600000 over the last 10 years this progress is a result of support and cooperation between the Government Development partners and Frontline Health providers kenya has joined ghana in malawi in a pilot Vaccine Program that is focusing on the worst hit areas. With countries responding to the growing of ours pandemic the World Health Organization says this could directly impact the number of malaria cases its governments to take action we need to. Maintain our nations. Traditional tools we need to make or all. Over. 2 point. 0 malaria and interests are without the means to give him a medicine her mother has no choice but to hope shes Strong Enough to fight off the disease has self. Or group of indigenous sorry reindeer harder as in sweden have been targeted by were eventually attacks following a Landmark Court case horace reports from near the norwegian border. This is modern day reindeer herding. Swedens indigenous saw me people crossing frozen lakes on snowmobiles to feed the reindeer by hand a symptom of their disappearing pastures here in the arctic reindeer herding so important for and disarm the culture in sweden we are struggling to you know skipping reindeer to sort of i really in 3 and its very costly and puts a lot of the strains on families and rainier of the effects of Climate Change and the impact of mining and dams are part of a growing list of problems adding to that strain these reindeer have been moved up into the mountains for the spring and summer where the spike all the dangers that face them they should at least be safe from a new one the to merged over the winter that new danger was a spate of killings of reindeer suspected to have been carried out by swedish neighbors in retaliation for a court case that the Sami Community won against the government and which gave them back the right to decide who hunts and fishes on their land loss is one of those who has found his animals slaughtered in the words. I let my reindeer loose here and a man drove up and said you dont come here with your reindeer or will shoot them weve already shot civil rights and if i meet you alone in the forest ill shoot you too its been a tense winter most of the swedes are good people but we have this clique that has such hatred towards reindeer and reindeer hooters. Tensions rose in january after sweden Supremes Court ruled in favor of the saw meet reindeer herding union of getting whose line stretches some 300 kilometers from here near the norwegian border it could set a precedent for 50 other such areas covering hoff of sweden and may also head to plans for more wind and water power plants and mines which have already decimated reindeer pastures the government in stockholm has condemned what it described as racism threats and hate against the saw me but hasnt commented on any strengthening of their rights so maybe they. Saw the Supreme Court stated that the International Indigenous rights conventions sweden is bombed by must be observed in decisions affecting the saami we must see changes in legislation and see it applied not least when it comes to maining and forestry. Back up north of the cases caused uncertainty both for swedish hunters who now need missions from the reindeer herd as union and for salmi who dont have membership tempering enthusiasm for what is a rare victory for their people and while the coronavirus devastates the economy the creation of yet more industry on these lands could be a bigger priority than giving the salmi a real say in the destiny of the country. Aljazeera vice sweet and oh. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera as the global death toll from the coronavirus passes 200000 the World Health Organization says there is no evidence anyone who has recovered from covered 1000 is protected from further infection and without. The w. H. O. Says plans by some governments to roll out socalled immunity passmore its would be a risk and could actually lead to spreading the virus. China hasnt reported any new deaths in the coronavirus for the 10th straight day but there are new and growing doubts about the accuracy of the chinese data the u. K. Government has removed the come here from a list of International Comparisons because of questions over the accuracy of chinas figures Nicholas Thomas is an associate professor who specializes in Health Security in asia says the Chinese Government is not entirely to blame for any under reporting you have to remember that china was the 1st country to be hit so they cut and they got overloaded. And that created major reporting problems for the chinese authorities to actually identify quite a few cases and to know what the true extent of the virus was such china has always been playing catch up with this so to a certain extent the numbers that you just change in the numbers out of beijing was always going to be expected were seeing something similar out of European Countries as well the u. K. Has become the 5th country to pass 20000. 00 coronavirus related deaths people there are again being urged to stay at home even though some other european nations are looking at easing restrictions belgium is looking to open bars and restaurants in june despite the highest per capita death rates in europe india is also easing restrictions for its 1300000000 people in locked out shops selling nonessential goods can now open but only at 50 percent capacity areas considered facts and hot spots and says Larger Stores and malls will stay shuts a Police Officer has sought a civilian in somalia sparking 2 days of protests the officer fatally shot the civilian while enforcing coronavirus restrictions and has been arrested the regional Police Commissioner has been fired somalia has more than 325 infections that today to the headlines 3 winds is coming up next but by. Im counting the cost billions now to save trillions in lost economic output in the backseat. Sort of all produce a covert 1000. 00 test kit for 1. 00 plus u. S. Oil on the line crude sinks into negative territory. Counting the cost on aljazeera. Aljazeera. And welcome again to rewind nor. Since we launched aljazeera english back in 2006 on library of Award Winning documentaries has been growing year by year and heroine rewind were revisiting some of the best of them today were rewinding more than 10 years to a series that looked at the data lives of children in conflict zones weve picked a particularly moving episode and which the filmmakers traveled to gaza where today 45 percent of the population children under 15 all of whom have firsthand experience of the machinery and consequences of violence. The children youre about to meet had all been traumatized by their days had a lives in gaza but as youll see they are somehow immensely inspiring from 2007 his children of conflicts. Gaza. One of the worlds biggest news story

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