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A Smart Technology is deployed in the fight against the virus. Also accused of genocide in murdering a young girl could a trial in germany prove a landmark case in the years edis search for justice. And illustrating how to get the message across we meet artists highlighting the dangers of a virus and one of the worlds most crowded places. Back into the news are 200000 people have now died from kroner virus and the World Health Organization is sounding a warning to survivors and those pinning their hopes on it. Not striking people more than once now it says theres no evidence that those recover those who do recover develop antibodies or any immunity from repeat infections its urging against issuing what are being called immunity passports certificates to those people who recover what chile has announced that it will be the 1st country to hand them out so that people can return to work other countries are looking at tests for the presence of antibodies to help with working when to end the lockdowns and left other restrictions well from london chalons has the latest. The u. K. Is one of many countries that has been looking at the idea of immunity passports this will be a way for people or some people at least to go back to work if they could prove that they already have had covert 19 and therefore its assumed that they have an immunity i would be able to get it again or pass it on but the w. H. O. The World Health Organization is not keen on this idea for this reason well we do certainly understand the intention of trying to see who can go safely back to work who would be a ranch. Risk free or in fact the other people but unfortunately from the scientific point of view we simply dont know if the person who has been infected with. 90. 2. Gets this immunity and if it gets the immunity how long this immunity is lasting now there are always problems with the immunity passport idea to start with for one thing its very divisive if you have some people who are allowed to go back to work and some people arent at a time when most governments are trying to unify their populations and say were all in this together but this verdict from the w. H. O. That people dont necessarily have immunity anyway and also saying that the testing to prove this or not is a bit sketchy at the moment at the best well i think that kills the immunity passport idea for the moment at least until a science can suggest otherwise. Coburn is one of a team of scientists who have been investigating just how effective Antibody Test really are shes a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the university of California San Francisco School of medicine and joins us via skype good to have you with us on the Program Problems arise on several fronts im sure as to who to be tested and whether these tests give an accurate picture of whos been exposed to the virus so our data seem to teach us that at least some of the tests that are being used can give a pretty accurate picture our population level exposure and interaction what we dont yet know is whether these kind of the antibody. Into bodies who are only 8 with anybody that would be protective against future generally call neutralizing antibodies thats work that still needs to be done if Antibody Testing is an indication that youve sort of had the virus as such but not a guarantee that you wont get it again how do you start your sort of methodology in trying to find a treatment or a test that will cover that question. Those are. Those are 2 different questions so in terms of treatments identifying people who have the infection acutely relies on detecting the virus by p. C. R. By molecular tests and thats being implemented essentially around the world but probably not in the numbers that we need in order to make diagnosis rapid diagnosis available to all and thats what we really need to do if youre looking at treatments identifying the people who meet the treatments and then you need to Clinical Trials which are ongoing to test different treatments in terms of their clinical outcomes whether they improve their ability and mortality how do scientists. And tests. My apologies how do authorities and scientific bodies like yourself deal with that sort of type of considering that so youre dealing with a virus from correct in thinking but its life cycle the destruction of it is still something that the Scientific Community of trying to fathom. Well you were you were approaching it as a Public Health problem the way we would for example a new strain of influenza and of course thats the problem no want to have this immunity to start with to this wire us and we still dont fully understand where whether people become immune there probably isnt it that we dont understand it yet we dont know how long it lasts. And so the Antibody Tests are a tool that we can use to assess population exposure rapes and we already know that in places that are hotspots like an area outside of boston a very large number of very large percentage 25 percent or 30 percent of people who were cats were positive to these Antibody Tests its less a tool for individuals than it is for populations how were you sort of coordinating your results so what have you find with the sun to as you might say of expertise whether they are in the u. S. All in europe oil use or that are also trying to find a solution to this problem specifically for the Antibody Test that we were testing weve posted all of our Information Online what we are stating that as we test more apps age more tests and of course were in communication with other people who are developing tests. And at this point one of the problems is that there are very many casts and not enough Evaluation Data to be able to say that one test works with higher sensitivity or higher specificity than another and so thats really what were working on were trying to evaluate how well the tests work in populations and just very briefly how long do you think the process might take. Well we did this in kind of record time when i evaluated test for other diseases its taken months and we basically did this in a period of about 3 weeks to test and we tested 12 different apps ace says thats because we were able to put together a team of scientists who are unable to work on their normal work and so just dedicated all their time to doing this so i think were going to have data actually very fast compared to the way things usually go because everyone is working flat out its an emergency situation indeed mostly what happened certainly with your results in the future for the moment coming from San Francisco thanks so much for joining us on aljazeera thank you. The place where the quote of the gal is walking a significant moment trying to has gone 10 days in a row without any deaths becomes a singapore reports another 608000 new cases and now has the highest daily infection rate in Asia Sarah Clarke reports. More than 3 months after the corona Virus Outbreak the city at the original epi center is standing down some of its medical teams Chinas National Health Commission says all critically ill patients in will have recovered with the last group dispatched from hospital on saturday. The number of patients in severe in Critical Condition and we had city finally became 0 which marks a decisive victory in the battle against the virus means that the covert 1003 men in china has reached International Advanced levels. The government is now focusing its efforts on a rise in imported cases in the Northern Province of helen jan which borders russia china has recorded more than 83000 cases of the virus but a study published in the journal lancet says the numbers could be 4 times higher if they are just presenting with cold symptoms at a time of winter in china then they simply would have got infected so i had the code maybe being diagnosed with having a cold or pneumonia like symptoms and then gotten better 85 percent of cases singapore now has the highest corona virus infection right in asia its reported another spike in its daily cases the majority of new infections a Migrant Workers living in crowded dormitories medical teams have been deployed to step up testing and Health Checks and the government has extended the nationwide lockdown until june but as singapore tightens its quarantine measures vietnam is starting to lift its restrictions the streets in hanoi are still empty but some shops are reopening for business with the Health Authority there reporting no new cases this week. I observe that the governments decision instructions are very. Well thought out and logical and in recent days the outbreak has been pushed back i feel grateful for being a vietnamese citizen its a downward trend being shared in south korea which suffered the 1st major outbreak outside china its government has outlined a 2 year Recovery Plan after reporting the lowest number of cases since the peak in february but the south Korean Health minister has warned citizens to accept the reality that life wont return to normal for some time yet sarah clarke aljazeera a country one curfew has been reimposed in sri lanka until one day a big earliest because of another surge in cases restrictions have been relaxed in what workers that had low risk areas outside of the capital but often unders is following developments from colombo where more than 55000 Police Officers have been deployed to impose the curfew. Checkpoints like this door to the country or all over the 25. 00 districts this one the special task force of the police the sum of 55000. 00 Police Personnel that the Police Spokesman tells us are on the roads policing this complete lockdown over the weekend now the government had hoped essentially to start easing curfew indeed in most of the districts on monday things were eased from 5 oclock in the morning to lakes 8 oclock at night however with a huge spike in the numbers seen yesterday theyve had to clamp down once again not just in those districts but also here in the capital colombo and 4 other districts now these are the scenes this generally very busy street in newgate go to columbus suburb is teeming with people on a saturday afternoon but as you can see the only vehicles that are being stopped and searched are essential services they cause invariably lots of food deliveries Health Service workers and people like that who are the only ones who are allowed on the streets the essential services but everyone everyone else has been urged to stay put in fact 35000 more than 35000 people arrested for violating curfew more than 1000 acres being confiscated by the Law Enforcement authorities indias easing restrictions for its 1300000000 people in lockdown shops selling nonessential goods can go where you can areas considered infection hotspots such as Larger Stores and shopping malls will stop shot Health Officials have reported only 25000. 00 cases and 775. 00 deaths on friday a record of the highest want to increase infections elizabeth problem is in new delhi she says there are some caveats to easing those restrictions. In areas that are considered known hotspots we are seeing shops reopening and people heading out this comes off to the Home Ministry released a statement very late on friday night to come as something those of a surprise saying that all shops which arent in malls marketplaces are allowed to open but with social conditions like everyone has to wear face masks and gloves and still observe social distancing the gloves aspects aspect as they also said that all shops and markets in rural areas are allowed to open nearly 70 percent of indians actually live in rural areas weve had a clarification from the Health Ministry said that now baba shops and salons allowed to open because they dont sell items they Sell Services so not only essential items are being allowed to be sold but not known essential services were not seeing any easing of restrictions in places like delhi most of delhi is considered is filled rather with hotspots and were actually seeing more restrictions and other places like the Southern State of tamil nadu for instance indias most populous state of health and predation has extended the bad public gatherings until the end of june so the situation really depends on where you are in the country but certainly shops being allowed to open is a huge relief to the millions of indians again in hotspots zones who owned small standalone shops. In the us demonstrations are continuing against virus lockdowns protesters say stay at home or doesnt violate their Civil Liberties but its what the government intends to do when society does reopen thats concerning privacy advocates shepparton say has more from washington d. C. Within weeks of 911 the patriot act was passed in the u. S. With no congressional debate it allowed unprecedented surveillance with minimal oversight over american citizens the alternative the government suggested was responsibility for another terrorist attack the laundry list. Needed he had wanted for many years at the time they were sure and says the measures would be temporary but theyve been routinely reauthorized by congress yet mass surveillance proved ineffective counterproductive and the data was being used for purposes unrelated to terrorism it was only 12 years after the patriot act passed with the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden that we discovered the extent of the mass surveillance and only then was the governments bulk collection of information about americans limited now with the spread of covert 19 snowden and others so theres an opportunity to learn from the past systems to monitor everyones location at all times of being formalized in secret at the point these policies are being sought these benefits are theoretical often there is no evidence for them and they may never materialize that keep ability will exist in 3 months in 3 years and in 30 years if we allow it to be implemented today clusters of disease do need to be located swiftly and closed off and smart phone data is being used to locate those not adhering to social distancing requirements but we have few specific details on Data Collection facebook and google have been in talks with the government on sharing information they collect about us Online Advertising companies that track our movements are discussing new covert 1000 Revenue Streams the firm pal into whose Data Collection has been key to the trump ability. Gratian is Deportation Program is creating proven 1000 models for the government i think all abortions are good time for a Century Companies are seeking takes. On to their education and to set themselves up to normalize the techniques i tip ensure profits whats been called for is full transparency exactly what information is being collected by whom how long has it been kept for and how is it being used particularly by Law Enforcement agencies it is traditionally the disadvantage in society who bear the weight of surveillance right you know we talk about the color of surveillance well the color surveillance is black. And thats definitely something to be thinking about when you think about data when you think about health you know when you think about the ways in which could be used in a variety of particularly commercial context or to treat people differently when they should. The consequences of pandemic policy of a Civil Liberties go beyond and the chronic surveillance and president shows a robust debate needs to occur for policies are not good and not after she obertan see aljazeera washington has consulted on the as an independent Privacy Research firm former chief technologist of the us state federal trade commission joins me now on skype from Oakland California could have you with us on the program how worried should the ordinary american be about the tech developments in technology that would allow their phones to be used as an implement to trace them. Well so theres a mounted rush right now to find proxies for information around who is infected with the virus and who they have been in contact with and some of these proxies are things like what information you provide to our mind how telling a Doctor Services that might suggest that youre symptomatic others are things like your location or your bluetooth proximity to other people that would indicate whether youve been in contact with other people or physically close to someone else and depending on the technology and depending on approach there are different privacy considerations for example location is much more sensitive so choose states currently in the u. S. Utah and north dakota have released apps for their citizens that track their location and then well notify them if someone else was tested positive for code at that location that requires essentially for them to broadcast their location to the Public Health authority which in itself is sensitive because your location indicates where you are at all times other techniques such as the one for about proposed by google and apple they collect the proximity of other Bluetooth Devices you have been here but they dont send any data to a Central Authority thereby kind of being slightly more privacy preserving there are still privacy concerns with the technology and 2nd enumerate but the different approaches have different qualities and legally that most of the checks and balances in place right now for the consumer to make sure that theyre giving out the right information but also protected from Larger Companies or even from the Intelligence Services from collecting data other than about the the medical condition or situation that the rain. Right now there are no personally not any protections of such fast moving space for example a lot of this data were talking about isnt covered under it but which is our Health Information privacy law we have in the us things like your location or your Search History wouldnt be qualified as hipaa in this context things are moving so rapidly that i think its likely to be very the kind of its going to be a opt in model likely in the u. S. Unlike say in china but the potential for that opt in to become compulsory is significant sense often you can imagine your workplace or your place of business if you like going to the store would require that you be running one of these apps before your permitted to reenter as as a result essentially causing a commercial after being used for this Public Health crisis thats all really if you want to move around. It in the scenario of cave at 19 the only way to move around and be able to get out of your house would be to download the app ounce and when it to pay is. Technically or else youre going to be stuck at home if you dont want you all details to be revealed what this thats what i suspect again its going to be voluntary and quotes which is essentially saying you have the option to not run this app but you might be prohibited from ri and train in the workplace for example or entering a Grocery Store well not so you can demonstrate that you have the out so it will become compulsory in effect much like it is in other states like china but you know it will be presented in under the guise of a voluntary out that consumers can use oceans the how it does get done eventually estimate action soltani thanks for joining us from oakland calif im happy to be there thank you thanks for having me about. Listen homes in the u. S. Have seen death tolls increase rapidly and theres concern that the elderly will be at even greater risk if theres a secondary spike in infections relatives and advocacy groups say more testing is needed to control the outbreak in these facilities christensen has more from new york they are the most at risk the elderly with underlying medical conditions making Nursing Homes a frightening place in the midst of a pandemic particularly for family members who arent allowed to visit like Sissy Sanders i am just a mere common citizen who doesnt want to see my mother die after 2 months and more than 11000 deaths in Nursing Homes across the nation shes one of many advocates calling for more testing not just of nursing home residents but also staff. Currently West Virginia is the only state to mandate such testing one Industry Group estimates 2 thirds of Long Term Care facilities dont have access to enough test kits you know the Health Care Workers and weve seen that work at both places walkable shirts that are kind of like the silent carriers are the virus and unbeknown to them unintentionally they could be spreading out in the state of new york which has seen the most fatalities a quarter have taken place and Nursing Homes and adult care facilities this one facility the largest in the state has seen 44 of its residents die from fires here Staff Members have their temperatures checked when they report to work but like many possibilities they are clearly tested for the virus the medical director worries his staff will be scapegoated its heartbreaking that being said the numbers really do need to be put into context we were mandated to take over positive patients right from the hospital as soon as there stabilize do you think its a good idea to have those patients coming into her hair facility or nursing home facility we were doing our job to help help the hospitals with the surges that they have just that the governor has not backed down from that mandate but has promised an investigation says he says thats not enough there are residents and staff being infected on a daily basis and dying in these Nursing Homes and Public Health officials and elected officials are not understanding that they are in a race against the pirates and not only way that they are going to win this race if they test test test a race with so much at stake for families against a virus that is yet to be contained christine salumi al jazeera new york. The number of people who have died from credit virus in the u. K. Has exceeded 20000 up by more than 800 in the past day britain is now the 5th country to pass that milestone meanwhile belgium says itll start easing restrictions but in barbara small. Beer i ring. The bell to tell long live the 25th of april long live freedom the words of a former resistance fighter jaring in world war 2 some type of a nazi is stuck at home in the italian capital rome. The nationwide looked means on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of fascism the hanging fly eggs from their windows up and down the country instead of holding parades and the 196 year old former party who fought in the salinas forces thats heartening. Right now depend more important an antifascist demonstrations between must also keep them alive especially at this time because a dismemberment we might destroy everything of the italian Democratic State in the name up and demick it is very dangerous and very uncertain. Its that uncertainty thats behind belgiums approach as it plans to gradually lift restrictions despite having the highest coronavirus death rate per capita in europe from the 4th of may when the 1st shots reopened everyone is 12 or over will have to wear a mask on public transport the governments promising to help the government for their lives not to trash it federal government any different entities are implementing a common strategy to guarantee that every citizen will be see for free at least one protective mask covering both the mouth and the nose bars and restaurants across belgium will start reopening in june but the government says it will bring back restrictions if the medical situation worsens its not an easy question can release. Everything from their heart dont think so because i think we we will have a huge problem here. On the intensive care. He gets are almost 4. In britain where the number of people recorded as dying in the hospital from covered 19 has gone past 20000 people are being urged to be patient and stick to the stay home guidelines the 5 tests we have laid out must be met before we can easies life saving restrictions we must be sure that we can to continue to protect the n. H. S. That there is a sustained and consistent fall in the daily rates of death that the data shows the rate of infection decreases that the operational challenges are met and of course that there is no risk of a 2nd peak of infections. The one in the french capital where restrictions are even tougher this neighborhood cinema is projecting films onto its walls for anyone living near enough a simple way of bringing people together until theyre allowed to socialize once again the dean barber aljazeera. Well still ahead on the news hour marking world malaria day with a warning about the spread of the disease. Hello wind direction strength tells all the Arabian Peninsula most times of the year this is no exception there is cloud as you see it in the caucasus for theres not much further south now that wind is certainly picking up and coming up empty colder of the south temperatures are rising in doha and they like to be with dusty conditions thats true for the next 3 days attempt to oversee drops as the wind direction changes to a northerly to assure mom so heres the picture then on sunday thats the wind bringing the heat and extends through into riyadh as well and then the northerly picks up its quite a strong one its already produced a dust storm in jordan and northern saudi that strong wind will drop the temperatures but bring nothing other than dust by the look of it we still do have clouds and showers in the finals of syria far north of iraq and in turkey otherwise its a fairly dry and warming picture now has turned quite hot recently and saw how close you can tell that from the satellite picture if you can tell where its not like to be there underneath that cloud there is quite a strong wind developing out of the 1st youve got clouds and rains rogerian and tunisia and then you tend to find increasingly breezy conditions in libya but the real heat is a say in the sahara with temperatures in the 4445. 00 range and just the south of that it turns wet. Ill just 0 while goes on a roller coaster journey in the wrong way and discovers how football can empower the g. G. Community itself to lead and identity. Id like to prove to the world cup comes up. I will be able to prove myself to my townsman friends and myself i would be able to play the psychic child for afghan you know its on aljazeera. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world i cover Foreign Policy National Security is very much a political impasse heres the conflict how do we illustrate it are we telling a good story will people get what were trying to teach here in their living outside and make the town this is not the way any family wants to raise their children were willing to get in take new into a place that you might not visit otherwise and to actually feel as if you were there. To know. Oh. Oh. Dont you all just there is newshour with me so hold on the reminder of our top stories the World Health Organization says theres no evidence people whove recovered from coverts 19 develop a new unity to the virus its urging governments against issuing socalled immunity passports due to concerns that could increase the spread of the fire assume china has gone 10 consecutive days without reporting any deaths from coke at 19 the original source of the Global Pandemic is now detecting mostly imported cases and nearly no local transmission of the virus. The number of coated related deaths in the United Kingdom has now surpassed 20000 the milestone has been described as a very sad day for the nation by the medical director of englands National Health service. Is he campaigners are hoping that a genocide trial underway in germany will pave the way for justice against eisel an iraqi man believed to be a member of the group is accused of genocide and murdering a u. C. D. Child the 27 year old is also accused of crimes against humanity war crimes and Human Trafficking his german wife on trial in munich is also accused of killing the 5 year old girl. So. This is late but it is important to say that legal history is being written today its the 1st time in the world that the genocide of the use 80 people has been brought before a court im very grateful that this is a german court and it is also so to speak a blueprint for future trials and thats why were here today to remember the victims one to another. Why you didnt and i know more time with d. M. P. Allegedly but she is the do women a mother and have 5 child as slaves he said to have you mediated punish them and kept them locked up and the most serious accusation in these proceedings is certainly that he said to have tied the daughter to a window of a punishment at 45 to 50 degree thales shes outside in the blazing sun where the child is said to have died. Because of a years of atrocities and i saw which took control of parts of syria and iraq in 2014 its estimated that more than 3000 newsies were killed while i still find because of their religious beliefs some 7000 women were kidnapped and forced into slavery they became victims of Sexual Assault and are they able to return home a number of you see the survivors later fled to germany but the majority are living in camps across iraq. They nighy is a human rights activists and head of bridge iraq thats an organization which supports u. C. D. Victims of the iraq war he says the trial is important to bring justice to the years in the community. Yes unique if it is that. Yes today jim acosta has opened a vicious fight about d crimes that. Suspect committed against the minority the importance of that is that until now unfortunately on most see he has a gun no caulking on National Park not another International Court was opened to do as a trainer for the crimes of isis and yet he sought his court to deal with in iraq and the International Community didnt do much or didnt do enough in order to bring justice actually in iraq very easy in iraq we have no idea that they can about this National Concept people who are suspected to do. These crimes. Under fences that would be seated according to the head are not in germany we are lucky that there is this you know vessel jurisdiction that they can use and actually because i do not side enter a good few months he is a duty of each state to commit because each state in this war has trying to the that you dont have conventions so each state has to make a trial if there is a vigorous doubt about. The kinds of it is not inside. Theyre asked to take. Its well the Health Officials are warning that governments to move fast to prevent a rise in deaths in kenya since the trench will rains have destroyed thousands of homes leaving many homeless. Thriving and those displaced are facing the risk of malaria or a burden mangling. One year old rahima has lost her home and shes sick from malaria. A mother is doing her best to keep her safe in this temporary camp in northeast kenya. Where the baby has been really sick we went to the hospital and they said she had malaria they asked for money to give her medication but we didnt have any so we came back home she hasnt slept shes sick and cries a lot when seasonal rain swept to have village near greece or rising floodwaters from the town river submerged her home with the floods came any mosquitoes putting the people there at risk of malaria its a life threatening disease in hot humid climates across african countries mosquitoes spread a parasite that infected nearly 230000000 people in 2018400000 died in a statement kenyan president hu kenyatta says that we need to learn malaria prevalence from a high of 6000000 infections to 4600000 over the last 10 years. This progress is a result of support and cooperation between the Government Development partners and Frontline Health providers kenya has joined ghana in malawi in a pilot Vaccine Program thats focusing on the worst hit areas. With countries responding to the growing of ours pandemic the World Health Organization says this could directly impact the number of malaria cases its got to take action we need to. Maintain our. Nations. We need to make or. Over. To. Malaria an interest or without the means to give her him a medicine her mother has no choice but to hope shes Strong Enough to fight off the disease has self. Out a cia report from the World Health Organization says that the covert 900. 00 pandemic is causing severe disruptions to malaria medicines this is leading to a weekly increase in cases across parts of africa malaria is present in 41 countries the highest number of infections are shown here in red it occurs mostly in tropical climates where mosquitoes 5 and transmit the parasite to people there were nearly 230000000 recorded cases in 2018 but resulted in about 400000 deaths and the w. H. O. Says if no action is taken the number of deaths could double. Is an organic chemistry professor at the university of cape town he explains the Health Implications if a patient is infected with both corona virus and malaria. Firstly its the impact of covert 19 on not just the malaria of the disease in terms of the clinical symptoms or the pathology eccentrics extra but its also about the impact on the performance of malaria medicines and terms of the effectiveness but its also the other way around is the impact of malaria on cove 19 and or the impact of malaria medications and cause of 19 so often when you have comorbidity one disease can in the hundreds the other disease because of the down time in the economy and of course people losing jobs of course of then malaria medications can become. Very expensive a lot of the poor communities can move really not afford them and thats your for the government apart from the fact that people who are not easily able to assist them in any to cations its also that then they could result to other measures for example health maybe ition self medication or relying on untested remedies for malaria which could have you know serious negative consequences on the disease including the development of with distance. Now some doctors say younger and otherwise healthy patients infected with the current virus are dying of blood clots or a stroke which is when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced strokes can be fatal or destroy the cells responsible for movement of speech and Decision Making a small group of patients have appeared confused experienced seizures or felt tingling in their arms and legs all doctors are looking into whether the blockage is a caused by covert 19 all the bodys tends to fight it off now a medical team in new york has studied 5 stroke patients aged between 33 and 49 who also infected with the virus one died and 3 of them can no longer speak dr are measured is a senior scholar John Hopkins Center for Health Security he says there is still a lot we dont know about the virus. There are individuals that may have no preexisting conditions that are not elderly that can get severe complications from this infection well these are rare occurrences they are important and its really important to collect clinicians to be on the lookout for these types of symptoms and for individuals who may be recovering from coronavirus or having Coronavirus Infections that are young and think their theyre doing well to be on the alert for these stroke like symptoms and get care immediately were definitely seeing people coming to the hospital asking questions about rare symptoms that might or may not may or may not be related to the coronavirus i do think this is an this is the early part of the pandemic we still dont know completely about all the different presentations of this specific virus so its going to take some time before we can actually figure out what is completely consistent with coronavirus and what is less likely and i think this really underscores the need for testing because theres going to have to be a low threshold for testing individuals even those with stroke like symptoms which you would ordinarily think might just be from the ordinary causes of strokes that could be from grow to viruses makes it really difficult for clinicians trying to take care of these patients and understand who is at risk and who is not countries even developed countries in the world what the denominator of infection is how many people are infected what the spread of this virus has been and i think that will take some time but there are what we call ciro surveys occurring where people are looking at an a body levels in communities and were already seeing that those levels are much higher than what people thought probably underestimating diagnosis by 10. 00 to 20. 00 fold so we will find out that this virus really spread very widely and its not something that should be surprising because this is a respiratory virus that can spread efficiently from human to human it can get anywhere very quickly and can have a very wide a wide impact. Inmates of a prison in argentinas capital or continuing a protest demanding more protections in covert 90 they set fire to mattresses and then broke their way through to a rooftop on friday after a guard tested positive for the virus trees about reports from outside the jail in the capital. They developed a prison in the city of one of the site is taken over inmates. Hundreds of them on the rooftop of the only prison in the city. We need help we dont want to die here they said were not animals. One guard tested positive in the past week and prisoners say they fear for their lives water and electricity has been cut off the prisoners say there are many who have chronic diseases and need to be put under house arrest prisons in argentina already have a history of overcrowding and lack of sanitation as in this one weve been seeing the prisoners throwing rocks and the Police Responding use a rubber bullets were also heard several explosions inside and rest has been on the rise in prisons in this country as inmates are fearful of the spread of covert 19. The inmates relatives came to show their support they want their loved ones released they try to cross the cordoned area the police did not allow them to say of the never go visit my husband has a choice be and he should be at home right now theyre going to kill him and that. A federal court in argentina recommended granting house arrest to prisoners convicted for nonviolent crimes or sentenced to less than 3 years behind bars due to the risks of coronavirus pandemic. The measure was questioned by relatives of crime victims this is not the only prison affected there are at least 8 other. Where inmates are on hunger strike. Coronavirus is a major test for governmental lead in america prisons are just one of the many challenges ahead. And when a site is. In israel hundreds of people have turned out for a rally against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu despite coronavirus restrictions but protesters are apparently following social distancing rules they similarly was held last weekend before netanyahu formed a coalition with benny gantz is blue and white party the rivals agreed to a power sharing deal to end a year of political deadlock following 3 general elections that moore who is facing a corruption trial but denies any wrongdoing. In the densely populated gaza strip a widespread outbreak of krona virus would be devastating so far there are 17 known cases but not everyone is taking the risk seriously so some local artist a painting masks to encourage people to protect themselves that are ibrahim as the story. These are to say danger is inching toward the gaza and people need to take precautionary measures against covered 1000. So far officials here insist guards are thieves from Community Transmission and they want to keep it that way theyve shut down many aspects of life in one of the worlds most crowded places. Artists hope drawing on masks will encourage many to wear them in public and raise the level of alert has officials havent asked the population to cover their faces yet but a growing number of people are. Or we want to draw a colorful happy and joyous shape so people will wear masks to help them as in fiction were giving them out free and some people are giving us their own masks to draw on. But the difficult financial situation and increasing costs of masts and paint might and during the shooting. Weve saved some money and wanted to help those who are poor and out of work but we are facing a crisis now the prices of masks are increasing and they are running out of medicine. Another challenge is trying to convince people to take the issue seriously by Wearing Masks pearl advocate. If it wasnt for this project i wouldnt want the mask in gaza were not used to Wearing Masks there are people who are too shy or dont want to look on still some clearly do not feel unsafe more than a dozen covered 1000 infections have been reported in the gaza strip its home to 2000000 People Living in close proximity. It has been under an israeli and egyptian blockade for over a decade that has weakened its Health System and palestinians fear they wont be able to cope with a disease that even britchka entries are struggling with. This means preventative measures including physical distancing or even more important. The police say with the weather getting warmer some are heading to the seaside as its one of the only places left to relax. Some say gazas relatively low number of infections is because its been cut off from the rest of the world for years but it also means that if the virus were to spread here it could have a devastating impact on its people. And deborah he. Well still ahead here on the news hour. On paula recent northern sweden where a rare Court Victory for the indigenous sali people against the swedish state has led to a series of revenge attacks on the right. Place. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise looking at another side of the story out of the information around the outbreak but. The listening post on aljazeera. May on aljazeera will president rhodri go to say succeed in shutting down t. V. Giant abs c. B. S. And by may the fold will have special coverage aljazeera world selection of the best Network Documentaries includes the story of on sunday gyptian composer and musician i leave my despite the coronavirus pandemic honan process ahead with the president ial elections by postal ballots the Emmy Award Winning full clydes is investigating the United States and its role in the world and in the u. S. Election primaries Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden strives to reach the official delicate threshold made on aljazeera. Move. Ward. Off the back under their shoes facing criticism from Rights Groups for leaving 500 rangar refugees stranded on board 2 fishing trawlers now there in the bay of bengal and i believe has been at sea for weeks the bangladeshi foreign minister says the refugees are not his countrys responsibility for some work to rebuild nepal is not happening fast enough 5 years after a powerful earthquake that thousands of people were killed 800000 displaced and cultural and Historical Monuments damaged around i at the limbo reports now from katmandu. Its been 5 years since the badly to 7. 00 earthquake struck parts of nepal. His home collapsed in the quake tired of living in a temporary shelter her family is rebuilding their house near the capital katmandu where 800 homes were destroyed and 7 people died i never cared man by many of our neighbors have left their temperature shelters we felt alone so we decided to rebuild our house and. The 16th century town is a draw for visitors contributing significantly to its tourism economy it is home to the temple of much in the not with valleys farmers prayed for rain and a good harvest the temple collapsed during the earthquake reconstruction has been slow some. Differences organ division. Of the temple we have formed a committee to move forward. National Reconstruction Authority says more than 80 percent of homes and Public Infrastructure damaged in the quake have been rebuilt across the country. The number is significantly lower those behind the reconstruction effort are hopeful of progress so. 400 homes have been reconstructed in the next one to. Temporary shelters. Local Officials Say 50 percent of reconstruction is complete but the remaining may take longer. To farm and community own land but. Until reconstruction is complete many families here will continue to live in temporary shelters. And. A hong kong bookseller previously detained by china has reopened his shop in taiwan he was held for 8 months in 2015 after working at a shop selling books critical of chinese leaders he said to taiwan a year ago when hong kong announced its controversial plan to allow extraditions to china which has since been scrapped. A group of indigenous sami reindeer herders in sweden have been targeted for revenge attacks after a Landmark Court case in january the herders won back exclusive rights to hunting and fishing in their area of the arctic thats led to heightened tension between sami and local swedes aljazeera as paul reese reports now from vsa last or their norwegian border. This is modern day reindeer herding. Swedens indigenous saw me people crossing frozen lakes on snowmobiles to feed the reindeer by hand a symptom of their disappearing pastures here in the arctic reindeer herding so important for and disarm the culture in sweden we are struggling to you know skipping reindeer to survive in 3 and its very costly and puts a lot of strain some families and rainier of the effects of Climate Change and the impact of mining and dams are part of a growing list of problems adding to that strain these reindeer have been moved up into the mountains for the spring and summer where the spike all the dangers that face them they should at least be safe from a new one the to merged over the winter that new danger was a spate of killings of reindeer suspected to have been carried out by swedish neighbors in retaliation for a court case that the Sami Community won against the government and which gave them back the right to decide who hunts and fishes on their land loss all that young is one of those who has found his animals slaughtered in the words. I let my reindeer loose here and a man drove up in seed you dont come here with your reindeer or will shoot them weve already shot civil rights and if i meet you alone in the forest ill shoot you too its been a tense winter most of the swedes are good people but we have this clique that has such hatred towards reindeer and reindeer hooters. Tensions rose in january of to Sweden Supreme Court ruled in favor of the saw meat reindeer herding union of good whose line stretches some 300 kilometers from here near the norwegian border it could set a precedent for 50 other such areas covering hoff of sweden and may also head to plans for more wind and water power plants and mines which have already decimated reindeer passages the government in stockholm has condemned what it described as racism threats and hate against the saw me but hasnt commented on any strengthening of their rights to maybe they. Saw the Supreme Court stated that the International Indigenous rights conventions sweden has bombed by must be observed in decisions affecting the saami we must see changes in legislation and see it applied not least when it comes to mining and forestry. Back up north of the case has caused uncertainty both for swedish hunters you now need missions from the reindeer herd as union and facade me who dont have membership tempering infusions them for what is a rare victory for that people and while the coronavirus devastates the economy the creation of yet more industry on these lands could be a bigger party than giving the salmi a real say in the destiny of the country. Aljazeera vice swayed the thousands of people in australia and new zealand at the national day of remembrance full soldiers lost in walls and peacekeeping missions. With both countries and the coronavirus lockdowns close services were held instead of the traditional events. In the months after the end of world war one as soldiers sailors and nurses were returning home the world succumbed to another enemy the spanish flu which raked its havoc on our already grieving community and constrained our 1st post war and 2nd commemorations. Todays coded 910 demick has likewise imposed its constraints and for good reason war or no war a pandemic is an enemy. New zealands Prime Minister just in the audience stood outside her official residence for a small ceremony today marks the 915 deliberately landing in northern turkey where thousands of australian and new zealand soldiers were killed the turkish memorial was also cancelled. And a 99 year old military veteran has hit number one on the u. K. Singles chart for a charity song supporting the british Health Service. Captain tom moore originally aimed to raise a 1000. 00 for Health Workers by walking 100. 00 laps of his garden instead he raised nearly 37000000. 00. And that is that hes out with me so rahman to me navigator joins us now from london. A. More than a must and the initial response had been inadequate but now it was time for a bible talk a little so that muslims now moved from merely reacting to taking action putting the western crusaders on the defensive with hindsight this is seen as a breakthrough as a revival of the jihad in the muslim near east the crusades an arab perspective episode to revive on a jazzier. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is just a all. The time had come for the p. L. O. To seek a new and peaceful solution. Pursuing a path of diplomacy but what was to turn their agreed withdraw from lebanon into one of the most horrific civilian massacres of modern times women children we couldnt believe our eyes chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution on aljazeera. There is no channel you lead you to live this camp is like nothing youve ever seen. But we want to know how these things affect people we visit me. Even when there are no international. Aljazeera really invests in that and thats a privilege as a journalist. 200000 deaths from the corona virus worldwide as the w. H. O. Warns there is still no evidence that people who recover from the virus will be immune. To watching aljazeera live from london im doubting you navigate the also ahead a major milestone in china no coronavirus deaths for the 10 day running but do the figures add up. The pandemic has just dropped to the supply of vital medicines are

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