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And arrow who is already under fire for don maine the coronavirus christs the. Was and how the virus is forcing muslims around the world to change the way they celebrate the holy month of ramadan. Thank you very much for joining us President Donald Trump has abruptly ended his daily Coronavirus Briefing as a white house attempts to walk back on his controversial comments on how to treat the disease on there is a trump raised the possibility of injecting disinfectant into patients and doctors and Government Agencies rush out warnings against consuming disinfectants like bleach. And he was being sarcastic also in jordan reports. It is fun house briefing on the handy. Started like any other opening remarks from president obama will trump today i signed the Paycheck Protection Program and health care and has been act providing 320000000000. 00 to keep American Workers on the payroll trump then stood aside to allow updates from members of the Pandemic Task force but after 21 minutes and left the Briefing Room without answering anyones question trump has bragged on twitter about creating must see t. V. By insulting journalists and making wild pseudo medical claims but the uproar after thursdays briefing in which the president suggested that injecting disinfectant might cure people with coronavirus may have been trying to cut it short right and then i see the disinfectant but not see that in a minute one minute and is away we can do something. By injection. Or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number of be interesting to check that the president tried to downplay his words earlier on friday night i was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen but the damage had already been done a major Disinfectant Company launched a Campaign Warning people to ignore trumps advice and officials in new york state and in maryland say their poison control hotlines were flooded with calls from people looking for a wonder drug who didnt appear at fridays briefing that dr anthony felt the governments leading Infectious Disease expert and dr Deborah Burkes whose reactions and trumps disinfectant comment was a social media sensation. The us t. V. Networks have been accused of giving trump a platform to scare people and spread dangerous information in exchange for ratings but now there are reports trump maybe cutting back on the Daily Press Briefings in part to boost his standing with voters 6 months before the election Rosalynn George aljazeera. Or a state of new york is the worst hit area in the u. S. Government under cuomo has warned reopening the economy too early in any american state where we dangerous if you say well were done cant stay in the house anymore lets just reopen just. Start business tomorrow lets go what happens thats what happens all the progress we made is gone and all experts or virtually all experts will say not only does the virus spread increase but it increases to a higher point than we had increased the 1st time. Well unlike new york some states in the south of the United States controlled by republicans are easing restrictions in georgia businesses such as james and hair salons have reopened thats despite warnings from the medical community and a gallica has a story. But the 313 store in marietta the doors are open for the 1st time in weeks following controversial guidance from the states governor nonessential businesses have been given the green light to get back to some kind of normal despite the continued threat of the coronavirus the owners here are taking employees back on a voluntary basis and making sure Health Checks are in place these are the stickers that were using us on 3rd street basically theyre pushing me. And letting all of our Service Workers know that theyre having no problem and im sure any type of the. Hard hard drive that in certain restrictions have been lifted on businesses like barbers gyms and tattoo parlors despite data from Health Experts advising the state not to reopen until at least the end of june restaurants are being given the go ahead to open on monday but many Business Owners remain skeptical even with gloves this this this virus stays on the gloves if thats really not every class you pick up you ensure safe no one feels that its yet a good thing to do and not happy about brian camp President Donald Trump a staunch supporter of georgias republican Governor Brian Kemp disagrees with the move despite the loss of income many Business Owners say theyre not a quick to open the doors again our number one. Thought during this whole process is health and safety its not money because money wall ventura show up im a Firm Believer in that but its still if something happens to someone we cant replace people in neighboring South Carolina 2 of the close contact businesses a cautiously reopening with the republican governors blessing here in florida. Pressures are also mounting this state to is run by a republican governor and some within his party want to see businesses open again or than a 1000000 people are filed for unemployment here and Business Leaders are becoming increasingly vocal local officials want to see parks and public spaces open by as early as next week the governor says any easing in restrictions should be done carefully and methodically a small but growing protest movement is adding to pressure an already beleaguered Southern States but as yet the science based data suggest patience is key and gallacher aljazeera. Despite being the worst affected country with over 50000. 00 covered 1000. 00 deaths in the u. S. Wont be part of the World Health Organization initiative thats being hailed as a landmark collaboration well leaders have played speed up development of a Coronavirus Vaccine and ensure that everyone will have access to it our diplomatic editor james means reports its just the place you would have expected in previous times to have seen u. S. Leadership in a Global Crisis and World Leaders coming together with a response the idea of this event to coordinate the search for a vaccine testing and treatments for covert 19 and to make sure all the widely available the world needs this too and it needs them fast. Past experiences has told us that even when tools are available they have been not been equally available to all we cannot allow that to happen and we feel badly maintained requires the most Massive Public us efforts in history data must be shared Production Capacity prepared resources will be wise communities engaged and set asides. I know we can do is i dont we can put people 1st and leaders spoke from all regions of the world technically bringing them all together was a bit of a challenge you know excellence you have in your family can you hear me now yes yes we can hear you back in germany one of the members of the g. 7 a group of countries that were represented. Were now going to continue to mobilize all countries of the g 7 and the g 20 for them to back this initiative i hope that we will be able to reconcile the sinister with china and the us because the fight against covert 19 as a common good for humanity this shouldnt be any divisions between countries we need to join forces to win this battle the fact that the World Health Organization was the host of the event explains why the u. S. Didnt take part President Trump cut all new funding to the w. H. O. Because he claimed the Global Health body had not been tough enough on china the w. H. O. Failed in this basic duty and must be held accountable its a Spokes Person for the u. S. Mission to the u. N. In geneva where the w. H. O. Is based told al jazeera theyll be no u. S. Official participation we were informed of this event last week and we look forward to learning more about this initiative as soon as possible following this event the next phase will be led by the European Union in 10 days time theyll be trying to raise 8000000000 dollars to make sure that vaccines testing and treatment are available to everyone james 0 of the united nations. Well brazil is the worst hit country in latin america with over 3600 guests and medical officials in 5 major cities have warned their Hospital Systems are on the verge of collapse but president j. Boss the narrow has repeatedly downplayed the core of the crisis is fied the Health Minister. Her and the federal police chief and now the Justice Minister has quit accusing boston are of meddling in Law Enforcement reports that i mean youre pulling the shot to fame fighting corruption but on friday morning set your moto resigned as brazils Justice Minister on Live Television he accused president jade both so not of political meddling in matters of Law Enforcement when he fired federal police chief. The day before for his mission unfortunately there is no way for me to fulfill the commitment i made if im not able to do my job if im not able to preserve the autonomy of the federal police to carry out its work on stuff like i said to morrow is considered by many as a sort of anticorruption crusader and a superstar among president joey bull so not has kept it in 2014 more a federal judge at the time was appointed to the biggest political corruption investigation in brazils history a case that led to the arrests of hundreds of politicians and business elites. The investigation code named current which would also lead to the fall of brazilian president dilma rousseff. And the arrest of former brazilian president we seek to lead a c. But. Prior to his resignation said your motos role as brazilian Justice Minister was seen by many as almost symbolic some political analysts believe those departure could have the effect of dramatically over roading show you did also not already do in Building Support base. In the shaken of the political structure in brazil and is as i said in all those the politicians the political analysts that markets are all. Everything freaking out about the resignation because several more was out there may be lurkers of all some areas government in terms of. Their fight against corruption because it was really really strong really. For oppressing a society and they lost their you know. What on friday president defended himself against the accusations made by his outgoing minister new problem you shoot their diets my commitment to the truth without distortions it is not true that i wanted to know about investigations you broke loose in the almost 16 months in which he was in charge of the minister of justice mr said hugh motor knows that i never sought him to interfere in the investigations that were being carried out will sources will. Motos resignation comes just over a week after president bolsa not fired his Health Minister recently came and did the signaling there could be more political turmoil still to come over going to. To argentina now where inmates at a prison have staged a rooftop demonstration demanding more protection from covert 900. 00 thats after a god tests a positive for the virus that is have all reports from outside the jail and by this time. They develop a prison in the city of when a site has taken over inmates. Hundreds of them on the rooftop of the only prison in the city. That we need help we dont want to die here they said were not animals. One guard tested positive in the past week and prisoners say they fear for their lives water and electricity has been cut off. The prisoners say there are many who have chronic diseases and need to be put under house arrest prisons in argentina already have a history of overcrowding and lack of sanitation as in this one weve been seeing the prisoners throwing rocks and the Police Responding use our rubber bullets were also heard several explosions inside and rest has been on the rise in prisons in this country as inmates are fearful of the spread of covert 19. The inmates relatives came to show their support their loved ones released they tried to cross the cordoned area the police did not allow them to say ive never never go visit my husband has a choice be and he should be at home right now theyre going to kill him and that. Was. A federal court in argentina recommended granting house arrest to prisoners convicted for nonviolent crimes or sentenced to less than 3 years behind bars due to the risks of coronavirus pandemic. The measure was questioned by relatives of crime victims this is not the only prison affected there are at least 8 others were inmates are on hunger strike. Coronavirus is a major test for government 11 america prisons are just one of the many challenges ahead. And just see what a sight is. Still ahead on aljazeera. Im just a mere common citizen who doesnt want to see my mother die relatives for more testing on the front line of the u. S. Outbreak and in other news why many people in the pot are still struggling to rebuild their lives 5 years after a devastating actually. Were seeing the last of our violent weather into the southeast of the u. S. Now thats going to slip away across florida pushing across central parts of florida now and that will ease through as we go on through the remainder of sas day much of the eastern seaboard looks fine and dry for the time being but little further north through the Central Plains easing into the ohio valley we are going to see another rough the showers and some longer spells of rain possibly recent thunder as we go on through sassed i thought the west is generate dry some showers up towards the Pacific Northwest into western parts of canada and of course they will turn wintry once again over the high ground but come further south the hate remains on here we do have a heat wave in play across southern parts of california pushing across the 4 corners states tools at the western side of texas l. A. Still getting up to around 34 degrees celsius and it stays hot here as we go on into sunday by sunday out west the weather pushes across the midwest easing through pennsylvania pushing back into new england and will eventually push into that eastern side of canada before drifting out into the open water still a few showers there across the far south of florida at this stage on it too with those showers long spells of rain they will gradually push their way across the bahamas for much of the caribbean is fine and dry. The red cross has provided a lifeline for afghanistans physically disabled one i want to meet through remarkable people risking their lives to help the disabled in between afghanistan on aljazeera. The and. Youre watching aljazeera live from doha a reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump has walked out of his daily Coronavirus Briefing without taking questions after not cry over his suggestion that disinfectants could be used as a remedy for the virus doctors manufacturers and Government Agencies have rushed out warnings against consuming disinfectants World Leaders have joined the World Health Organization to nontrained initiative to speed up work hard drugs tests and vaccines against all that 19 but the u. S. Says it mean to be taking part and brazils Justice Minister has resigned accusing president abbas narrow of interfering in Law Enforcement early abbas narrow fired the federal police chief. Now Nursing Homes in the United States have been on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic with death tolls increasing rapidly advocates say more testing is needed to control the outbreak christian salumi has more. They are the most at risk the elderly with underlying medical conditions making Nursing Homes a frightening place in the midst of a pandemic particularly for family members who arent allowed to visit like Sissy Sanders i am just a mere common citizen who doesnt want to see my mother die after 2 months and more than 11000 deaths in Nursing Homes across the nation shes one of many advocates calling for more testing not just of nursing home residents but also staff. Currently West Virginia is the only state to mandate such testing one Industry Group estimates 2 thirds of Long Term Care facilities dont have access to enough test kits that the Health Care Workers at which the that work at both places walkable sure that are kind of like the silent carriers are the virus and unbeknown to them unintentionally they could be spreading out in the state of new york which has seen the most fatalities a quarter have taken place and Nursing Homes and adult care facilities this one facility the largest in the state has seen 44 of its residents die from fires here Staff Members have their temperatures checked when they report to work but like many possibilities they are clearly tested for the virus the medical director worries his staff will be scapegoated its heartbreaking that being said the numbers really do need to be put into context we were mandated to take over positive patients right from the hospital as soon as there stabilize do you think its a good idea to have those patients coming in to a term care facility or nursing home facility we were doing our job to help help the hospitals with the surges that they had just that the governor has not backed down from that mandate but has promised an investigation says he says thats not enough there are residents and staff are being infected on a daily basis and dying in these Nursing Homes and Public Health officials and elected officials are not understanding that they are in a race against the by arrests and not only way that they are going to win this race if they test test test a race with so much at stake for families against a virus that is yet to be contained christine salumi al jazeera new york. The u. S. Navys leadership is calling for the reinstatement of a captain who was fired after peeling for help to protect his crew from a coronavirus a break captain breck rosea was removed after emailing commanders asking for faster action to tackle the outbreak onboard the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt more than 800 sailors on the Aircraft Carrier have tested positive focal 1004 are in hospital. Muslims across the globe are marking ramadan their holiest month this year now while the traditional rituals include gatherings for food and pray as many people will have to go these because of coronavirus lockdowns people have been banned from islams holiest site the grand mosque in mecca the prophets mosque in medina is also closed for the duration of the fasting period the measures were imposed by saudi arabias government the kingdom has the highest number of infections in the gulf region now every year during ramadan more than 20000000 workers leave indonesias capital to travel back to their hometowns but the corona Virus Outbreak has disrupted that century old d tradition because of a ban on nearly all travel in and out of the country jessica washington reports from jakarta. The bags are packed and theyve paid for the tickets but this family wont be traveling anytime soon nearly all domestic and International Travel in indonesia is now on hold until june yeah well yeah i always travel before its the only time i can see my family im sad but there is nothing we can do we must follow the governments instructions on a normal day a station like this one would be packed with people and it would be even busier in the lead up to that wont happen this year stopping people from travelling to their hometowns should help slow the spread of the virus but it also brings new challenges but those who have lost their income and say they can no longer afford life in indonesia as big city. Hours before the ban came in this was the scene at one jakarta bus depot social distancing gave way to desperation thousands of people trying to get out of the capital before it was too late firing the army because of the announcement from the president about the travel ban many people panicked here is the epicenter of the covert 900 outbreak in indonesia and these travellers could spread the virus to provinces with no Proper Health facilities but many here feel they have no choice anyway is one of them millions of low income earners have lost their jobs because of the virus the factory eddie works is shot indefinitely his rent is 50 dollars each month and he cant afford that now when we hear the corona Virus Outbreak has made this ramadan different to previous years i lost my job im very sad i cant live in jakarta without a job i cant afford it so i decided to go home before the ban this virus hasnt just disrupted the annual homecoming of millions but their livelihoods too just to washington aljazeera to counter. Thousands of people in australia and new zealand have stood outside their homes to mark the national day of remembrance with both countries under lockdown closed and day services were held instead of the traditional events which usually a trance large crowds thousands of australian and new zealand troops died in gallipoli in northern turkey in the 1st world war the memorial there was also cancelled. A french court has backed a ruling restricting what amazon can deliver during the coronavirus pandemic it says the online retailer must limit deliveries to essentials including health items and food the company will be fined if it breaches of restrictions on employees 10000 people across 6 warehouses in france. Now the news not least 12 ranges in 5 civilians have been killed in an attack on Virunga National park in the democratic republic of congo several more people were injured in the ambush the worst in the parks history their own guys home to half the worlds population of mountain gorillas in the last 20 years at least 180 ranges have been killed while protecting animals philip clark is with the school of oriental and African Studies he says hes not surprised by the attack. There were big clashes between the major rebel group that suspected of carrying out this attack and a group called the f. B. I. And the Congolese Army had been at each others throats to several weeks now and it does look like the f d a lot have used this attack on the National Park rangers as a white to show their strength and as a white suit trying to put pressure on the Congolese Army to back off i think perhaps if there is a surprising elements about this attack its the style of the civilian death toll typically when there are attacks in the Reagan National pocket it usually involves the kidnapping of a Foreign Tourists we havent seen congolese civilians being killed in such large numbers inside the National Park and we certainly havent seen this number of ranges killed so in that sense that this is very unusual that the s. D. L. Are is i who to dominate said rebel group the reason that its fighting against the Congolese Army at the moment is that the congolese government is in the process of renewing relations with the Rwandan Government and thats a 20 donated government the Rwandan Government has said to congo you need to run the f. T. A lot in we see this reaching threat across the border we see tutsi civilians being killed inside congo the f. T. A lot have had a recent history of going across the border in into rwanda and so thats the bigger context of this attack today. Now 5 years since a powerful earthquake struck near palm many families this hour waiting to rebuild their homes thousands of people with care and 800000 displaced and cultural and Historical Monuments were damaged as well most of the reconstruction has been completed but the work is not happening fast enough from yet a member for some kathmandu. Its been 5 years since the magnitude 7. 00 earthquake struck parts of nepal. Stand by a stock is home collapsed in the quake tired of living in a temporary shelter her family is rebuilding their house. Near the capital katmandu where 800 homes were destroyed and 7 people died i never can man by many of our neighbors have left their temperature shelters we felt alone so we decided to rebuild our house and. The 16th century town is a draw for visitors contributing significantly to its tourism economy it is home to the temple of much in the not with valleys farmers prayed for rain and a good harvest the temple collapsed during the earthquake reconstruction has been slow some. Differences Organ Donation if reconstruction of the temple we have formed a committee to move forward. National Reconstruction Authority says more than 80 percent of homes and Public Infrastructure damaged in the quake have been rebuilt across the country. The number is significantly lower those behind the reconstruction effort are hopeful of progress so. 400 homes have been reconstructed in the next wanted. People to move temporary shelters rebuild their houses local Officials Say 50 percent of reconstruction is complete but the remaining us may take longer. To farm and community own land but. Until reconstruction is complete many families here will continue to live in temporary shelters. And. Well again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump has walked out of his daily coronavirus Coronavirus Briefing without taking questions after an outcry over a suggestion that disinfectant could be used as a remedy for the virus doctors manufacturers and Government Agencies have rushed out warnings against consuming disinfectants while leaders have joined the World Health Organization to launch an initiative to speed up work on drugs tests and vaccines against 19 the United States says it wont be taking part but the head of the w. H. O. Says a joint effort is the only way to beat the virus this is a learn more collaboration to accelerate the Development Production and. Distribution of rocks sticks into you to explode could beat 9 to our shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the tools to do to defeat could beat 9 to. Brazils government has been plunged into disarray after the Justice Minister quits accusing president of meddling in Law Enforcement says youre more a step down after balsa narrow fired at the police chief he says the president wanted to choose every placement who would be willing to give him inside information or sonera says the claims are baseless and made said a prison in argentina have stage a rooftop demonstration demanding more protection from corona virus thats after a god tested positive prisoners at the jail in buenos aires are demanding to be transferred it. The u. S. Navys leadership is calling for the rains statement of captain brett cozier he was fired this month after appealing for help to protect the crew of his Aircraft Carrier from a corona Virus Outbreak in other news at least 12 ranges and 5 civilians have been killed in an attack on Virunga National park in the democratic republic of congo several more people were injured in the ambush the worst in the parks history your own guys home to half the worlds population of mountain gorillas in the last 20 years at least 180 rangers have been killed while protecting animal house youre upset with headlines on aljazeera ill have more news for you after one n one east afghanistan the heinous to stay with us. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get the case is that others cannot i was just thrown. By to put it on purpose the fires are still more normal in. The way that you can tell the story isnt what can make a difference. Its a fact treat that engine house a day 6 days a week to work here is financed and furious but its not cars or machine to the building its cordys one place to leave at a time. To since he used the great crosses to keep to the center in afghanistan has been a long line of people with disabilities victims of a strikes accidents and congenital illness but no matter how many limbs they make the patients keep coming

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