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The Government Faces more criticism over the way its handling of the pandemic. Only. Muslims around the world are urged to stick to social distancing guidelines at the start of the fasting month of ramadan. Global leaders have joined the World Health Organization to launch an initiative to speed up work on drugs tests and a vaccine for covert 19 that will be available for everyone but that was unmarked absence in the United States announcing it would not be getting involved the w. H. O. Is yet to reveal further details of the initiative w. H. O. If chief says its important all tools used for fighting the virus are available to everyone. But experience has taught us that even when tools are available they had been not been equally available to all we cannot allow that to happen today doubly sure is proud to be uniting with many partners to launch the axis to call video 19 tools accelerator or the accelerator this is a landmark collaboration to accelerate the Development Production and. Distribution of vaccines sticks internet beauty export corbett 19 french president emmanuel knock wrong emphasize the importance for the world to unite behind this initiative. Were now going to continue to mobilize all countries of the g 7 and the g 20 for them to back this initiative i hope that we will be able to reconcile this initiative with china and the u. S. Because the fight against covert 19 as a common good for humanity this shouldnt be any divisions between countries we need to join forces to win this battle and the u. N. Secretary general called for equality when it comes to the delivery of a coronavirus vaccine. Needs of the most production and we do believe many are safe and effective can be named in their bill and they. Are not there is actually not to commence for one company or one. Of the world but the vaccine unteachable that affordable safe effectively is the only administers and universally available for everyone everywhere our diplomatic editor james bays is joining us live from the United Nations james the u. S. Very pointedly not part of this but it is going to be difficult to try to roll out Something Like this across the world if the u. S. Is not part of it. You have a Global Crisis and you know International Leaders from around the world coming together to try and coordinate in times past this is when you would have seen u. S. Leadership youd have seen a substantial role from the u. S. You may well as an event like this have seen an address by the u. S. President and he may well have been the 1st one to speak the world really has changed in terms of the u. S. Is central involvement in terms of Multilateral Affairs and that i think is really borne out by this pandemic of course there are specific reasons for it was regard to this event to this is an event being coordinated by the World Health Organization but then again the World Health Organization is the International Body that coordinates all Global Health and is in charge of coordinating International Efforts on the pandemic but of course its the same world who Health Organization the President Trump has condemned in the White House Briefing room and said hes going to cut funding from so very hard for the u. S. To take a prominent role in event like this if it is headed by the World Health Organization al jazeera has reached out to the u. S. To the u. S. Mission to the United Nations in geneva where that World Health Organization is based we got this email back a short time ago from a Spokes Person in geneva it says theyll be no u. S. Official participation in the event we were informed of the event last week and we look forward to learning more about this initiative as soon as possible so holding email from a Spokes Person but i dont thing that stops the fact that there is a glaring absence at this event. James obviously as weve covered in the past donald trump very critical of the way that the w. H. O. Has been handling certainly the alleys stages of this pandemic and yet were seeing now that the w. H. O. Is getting funding from bill and Melinda Gates foundation we know that china has said that it is going to ramp up its funding as well are we seeing let me put it this way is it too simplistic to suggest that this is in some way i sidelining of the u. S. With the w. H. O. And its supporters saying right fine were going to go on our own. I think certainly there are some forces and its quite complicated the diplomatic dynamics going on both at the World Health Organization in geneva and here at the u. N. Headquarters in new york but in terms of multilateral diplomacy the u. S. Is certainly not many countries friend because they dont think that theyre playing their part but there are some who i think really would like to sideline the u. S. And make it quite clear that the u. S. Is perhaps not even welcome at these sort of events i dont think thats true of the majority of the International Community they know that the u. S. Has tremendous diplomatic firepower and also as a country has vast resources it has great scientifical scientific and medical expertise and it has real financial firepower because of course the aim of this is not just to get the vaccine and the testing and the treatments to best treat coded 19 and coordinate all of that around the world its also trying to find money a war chest and theyre going have a pledging conference on may the 4th to try and get 8000000000. 00 and the reason they need that money is to make sure that this doesnt just go to the wealthy in society and the wealthier nations it goes to everyone everywhere as the u. N. Secretary general said and thats going to be difficult thats going to require money clearly the global far far as critical business is just that a business so funding is going to be needed james for now thanks very much indeed thats james bays our Diplomatic Correspondent at the u. N. In new york i want to bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly holic at this sudden moves in the u. S. In a difficult position kimberly any as much that if vaccine is developed by the w. H. O. And its supporters the u. S. Is going to have to in some way buy into that vaccine without actually supporting the organization that has helped to develop it. That doesnt seem to be a concern to the u. S. President will certainly have to pose this question to him he will be appearing later on for a signing ceremony for the Paycheck Protection Program which is a nother funding from congress that will allow to help Small Businesses keep employees on their payroll so the president will be appearing in a number of hours or less and this is certainly a question that is likely to be posed to him but this move in the statement coming from the white house the one that was mentioned by james that there will be no u. S. Official participation and they do look forward to more about this initiative in support of International Cooperation is certainly consistent with Donald Trumps position of america 1st he made it very plain on the campaign trail he said it again most recently when he suspended funding for the World Health Organization that the feeling is here in the United States but at least more specifically in the u. S. Are in rather in the white house of the trumpet ministration that the World Health Organization has failed the United States and that is why there is a review being conducted right now whether or not there is a desire to continue funding it the same time we should point out that this is not a unilateral decision by the u. S. President but one that is inside is supported an elderly controlled by the u. S. Congress the u. S. President already tried to cut the budget of the World Health Organization but this is something that congress ultimately approves but adult terms made very clear that he feels that the World Health Organization in his view is to china centric and hes also blamed it for not declaring a Global Health emergency sooner now of course Donald Trumps running for reelection hes looking for a scapegoat and certainly the World Health Organization has fit conveniently into this package but to get to your your larger point about what the United States might do it couldnt see itself sidelined this is a religious concern and one that needs to be factored into the u. S. Present. Calculations given the fact that some of the old his own therapies in vaccine trials that have been taking place here stateside have not been particularly successful up to this point so when youre talking about a Global Pandemic the america 1st possibility may not be the best possibility and so this is something that the u. S. President will have to consider carefully how could our White House Correspondent is giving us that update kimberly thanks very much indeed ok his company was saying the u. S. President has cause further control over say off to discussing more ways to find code on the virus including using ultraviolet light on the possibilities of injecting disinfectant but medical experts are once again warning about the dangers of trump using his position to tout unproven treatments and brian reports. It was the headline they dominated president Donald Trumps daily news briefing and most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have been killing the virus both surfaces and in the air promoting a theory that sun heat and humidity appear to shorten the life of the corona virus that research is unconfirmed and it may prove not to be true but that didnt stop President Trump broadcasting it to millions and going one step further and then i see the disinfectant but not see that in a minute one minute and is there a way we can do Something Like that. By injection. Or almost a cleaning suggesting disinfectant could be used inside the body but it sounds it sounds interesting to me thats prompted a warning from Health Authorities and the make is of popular kleeneze lysol and day that no one should ingest bleach disinfectant or any other Hygiene Products the us st is for Disease Control says it saw a spike in calls to poison hotlines last month because of peoples exposure to such chemicals which can be harmful even to our skin theres no serious that the guy. Who is there you know i think im here to find that we have him study we dont do that within that lab in our labs its not the 1st time President Trumps used his podium to push what he calls potential cures for the virus there are promising therapies produced by gilliatt and thats. Where m. D. s are. Desart or hydroxy torak when. And. Theres the pack i think is a combination probably is looking very very good and bad according to early trials in china the drug day sivia has failed to treat pain and its too early to know about hydroxy clark aim is not a medical or Public Health expert and doesnt pass on the advice of true medical and Public Health experts and i think most people are smart enough to know that they should be taking medical or Public Health advice from President Trump they should be listening to Expert Opinions as for trumps hate and some theory the World Health Organization pointed to examples where the virus has spread around the equator and Southern Hemisphere they evidence is not providing supporting that theory so im sorry we cannot but the summary is going to have the effect that many people hope but will the president is convinced hes giving hope to millions im not a doctor im here to present ideas but many Health Professional say those ideas could prove dangerous and brian aljazeera. And the u. K. Millions of key workers have become eligible for coronavirus testing if they show symptoms of the illness the British Government has made testing a key part of a strategy to fight the pandemic but its faced criticism over the slow rollout of mass testing lets get more now from the u. K. Rory chalons is in london for us rory lets just talk about this expansion of the testing towards key workers that really is quite significant isnt it. Yeah this is the u. K. Governments really trying to meet its targets the end of the month for 100000. 00 tests being done every single day its no way near that at the moment it says at the moment it has the capacity to do 51000 give or take but the actual number of tests being done not just capacity but she being done seems to be about 25 thousands of the at the moment so its got some way to go. Its expanded the number of people who are eligible for tests as previously it was mostly n. H. S. Star Health Care Workers but also care workers to look after old people in Retirement Homes and that sort of that sort of thing now policemen careers supermarkets work teaches anyone whos considered an essential worker can come down to one of these drive in sites and get themselves swapped in their results sent off to a lab or they can apply for a home testing kits but this whole system has reached a very early fumble in the websites had basically stopped taking new applicants very early on around lunchtime today because so many people had applied and the government said it apologize for the inconvenience and they would try and get more Spaces Available tomorrow rory thanks very much indeed that story johns live for us in london. Still ahead on aljazeera the biggest shipment in years of saudi oil is on the way to the u. S. But it may not make it there were going to tell you why and staring into space for 3 decades well look at how the Hubble Telescope has contributed to our understanding of the universe and. How it welcomes not a look at the International Full costs looking lassie find it dry across northern parts of china and the Korean Peninsula at the buy a little bit of clout here it will slide through through the next couple days we can see some showers just creeping into western parts of japan as we go on through saturday but for the high spots fine and dry warming up in tokyo to around 19 souses a 20 there for soccer 22 celsius for beijing further south you notice there are some showers around into southern parts of china but not as many not as widespread not as heavy as they have been recently and it will turn somewhat dry still as we go on through sunday much of the region actually fine and dry my cast your vote shower there into southern parts of well south received some showers still a chance of the odd shower as it warms up for the 24 celsius on saturday as usual scattering of showers across Southeast Asia indonesia is largely looking fine in try malaysia will see some lively showers shouts pushing up through the mill a potential toilet also seeing some rather wet weather from time to time nothing like the really wet weather that we still have in play across the bangladesh the northeast of india the showers becoming a little more extensive a little more widespread the eastern parts of india as we go on through saturday some showers to the southwest and also franca. From fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. The marching orders into a reminder of our top stories this hour Global Leaders have joined the World Health Organization to launch an initiative to speed up work on drugs tests and a vaccine for covert 19 but there was a marked absence of the United States announcing it would not be involved. Doctors and Health Experts are urging people not to drink or inject themselves with disinfectant to u. S. President donald trump suggested it could help treat covered 19 the white house says his comments were taken out of context. In the u. K. Millions of key workers have become eligible for coronavirus testing if they show symptoms of the illness British Government has faced criticism over the slow rollout of mass testing. Muslims across the globe are marking of ramadan their holiest month of the year but while traditional rituals including gatherings for food and prayers many people will have to forgo these amid coronavirus lockdowns saudi arabia announced 2 of islams holiest mosques in mecca and medina will be closed during ramadan the kingdom has the highest number of cases of covered 900. 00 in the gulf region there are fears infections in pakistan could rise rapidly during ramadan the governments decided to keep mosques open and people gathering to pray must follow social distancing measures but doctors have urge the government and Muslim Leaders to reverse that decision come on following developments from the capital islamabad. Doctors have certainly made a plea and theyve said that the government and the clergy must reconsider that decision because of the threat that disband them a court spiral out of control as far as bog astonished concerned and they say they will not be able to handle that situation now or earlier the bug astonied imposed a lockdown they closed all of the mosque and told people to stay away and pray at home however then the cleric cleric day took matters into their own hands there started defying go in or does that put pressure on the government that they would not listen to the government and that of course led to our top talks between the president and the clerics the government and a buckling under pressure and allowing them to hold these congregational prayers including dharavi prayer which i heard that night and in the month of ramadan and that of course attracts a large number of people that said really age that every days social distancing measures on your dog and what we have been able to find today and that people have not been paying any attention to that some of these religious leader do a scene in large crowds announcing the beginning of ramadan and that of course showed that there is no attention being paid to Safety Measures or indeed a lot of the bridge theyre meant as far as the people are concerned and apprehension that this could all lead to an escalation and a number of corporate 19 cases head in pockets on. As all producers cope with an abundance of supply and low demand caused by the Global Pandemic the biggest saudi oil shipment in years is making its way to the United States but u. S. Politicians are calling for the tigers to be turned to run because domestic oil storage in the u. S. Is expected to be filled up soon and that all reports the kingdoms trying to work out where those tankers can go if washington prevents them from docking john hendren reports. A flotilla of Saudi Oil Tankers is slowly steaming toward the United States and into a chilly welcome for a u. S. Ally is indicative of how desperate these petro states are port to sell their oil to find a place to take me to find a place to place their oil with a coronavirus driving oil prices to historic lows all u. S. Oil storage is expected to be filled in the next month this saudi move to occupy much of that precious Storage Space on the u. S. Gulf coast has been called by some industry insiders an economic pearl harbor a hostile attack on u. S. Soil a coalition of 13 u. S. Senators from Energy States goes even further calling it Economic Warfare texas senator ted cruz writes on twitter 20 tankers filled with 40000000 barrels of saudi oil are headed to the u. S. This is 7 times the typical monthly flow my message to the saudis turn the tankers the hell around cruz says the longtime u. S. Ally is exploiting a pandemic to kill the rival American Shale Oil industry some analysts say hes right what inside arabia rightfully doing as any other oil producer is to get rid of the competition and competition in this case is Expensive Oil shale oil expensive to produce. U. S. Leaders have long nurtured strong bonds with saudi leaders even since the rise of shale oil helped the u. S. Overtake saudi arabia is the Worlds Largest oil producer 3000000000. 00 the fact that saudi leaders are now willing to risk the anger of their American Allies suggests they believe the worlds oil glut wont end anytime soon with much of the world on lockdown few drivers on the road and fewer planes and ships are using fuel oil prices are so low they briefly hit negative territory this week at the chicago board of trade that left some sellers actually paying virus to take it off their hands now many producers are simply storing it and waiting for prices to rise the u. S. Can hardly turn the ships away the saudi government owns them ot the oil refinery in port arthur texas americas biggest issues with crude. Oil refinery you know. Market oil muscle just by your rule even as american politicians lament the saudi incursion the ships sail ever closer john hendren aljazeera chicago preliminary results from mommys parliamentary election the show the governing party won the most votes but not enough for an outright majority initial results suggest the rally from mommy party has won the parliamentary election its estimated to have taken 43 seats while the next closest party has 22 that action as be modded by violence the kidnapping of an Opposition Leader and the Global Pandemic because he has been monitoring developments from neighboring senegal and he says people were scared to vote because of the threat of violence as well as the pandemic. You know we thought hundreds of thousands of people take to the heat of the capital bamako protesting against the government protesting. With the fact that there is so many poor in cuba there and you had to security situation is just getting from word to even worse and so that the union among the the public has been been manipulated into the vote perhaps because they were the threat of armed groups during the election they called for a boycott but also because of the fear of the coronavirus where mali were seeing you have a read of the virus i think. People like you know that that on the day yesterday now the ruling party didnt get an outright majority short of that so there will be negotiations with the other party try to figure out how the National Assembly will look like a unilateral cease fire in yemen has been extended for one month according to a spokesman for the saudi u. A. E. Coalition their original 2 week truce was declared off to the u. N. Secretary general called for a global ceasefire because of the coronavirus yemens Health Care System is already on the verge of collapse and more than half of the population faces acute Food Shortages a small group of protesters has returned to hong kongs financial district and as a show of support for arrested prodemocracy activists there were mosques and kept apart from each other because of coronavirus distancing restrictions last week Hong Kong Police arrested 15 prominent opposition figures in connection with last years mass demonstrations. For 3 decades the Hubble Telescope has been peering deep into the universe and beaming spectacular images of distant galaxies back to earth as nasa marks its 30th anniversary they are hoarding reports and how theyve changed our understanding of space. 54321 and. They started discovering how to place. Window on the universe public is the 1st major optical telescope sent into space taking images from above the distortion of the atmosphere and Light Pollution nasa has called it the ultimate mountaintop when the possibility of a telescope in space opened up astronomers jumped on the idea scientists have used hubble to observe the most distant stars and galaxies as well as the planets in our solar system its most famous photo was taken in 1995 a socalled deep field image showing areas of the universe as they were billions of years ago during 3 decades in orbit hubble has influenced many people back on earth its my job to make things up for a living and constantly use my imagination but hubble and the dedicated scientists behind it take all of that a step further ive been fortunate to work on shows like you are val that star the actor i spent almost 2 decades on star trek a space is kind of. Like you know when you look at the vistas that have been gifted to us by changes not just mine changes. Hubble orbits the earth once every hour and a half giving us a great witness in space hubble was also the 1st telescope designed to be visited in space so astronauts could carry out repairs but early in its Mission Engineers found a problem that shocked them the images sent back to earth were blurred. We dont. Just like i think. The spacecraft just going out of its misery. After 12 years of construction at a cost of billions of dollars astronauts were sent to space in 1903 to fix a faulty lens for your bar or your record. That mission was a success and fantastic images began to be transmitted back to earth when people talk about the legacy of hubble. I think among its greatest legacies will be. Helping humanity understand that you know when things go to space we can in fact theyre not its not hopeless if theres something wrong we can service them in many cases if we make some preparation to do that. But hubble does have an expiry date scientist estimate it should last another 5 years or until its solar batteries stopped working until then hubble can build on its like a c. Revealing yet more images from far depths of our universe well you heard in aljazeera. This is all just here these are the top stories Global Leaders have joined the World Health Organization to launch an initiative to speed up work on drugs tests and a vaccine for covert 19 but there was a marked absence in the United States announcing it wouldnt be getting involved diplomatic editor james bays has more from the United Nations you have a Global Crisis and you know International Leaders from around the world coming together to try and coordinate in times past this is when you would have seen u. S. Leadership seen a substantial role from the u. S. You may well as an event like this have seen an address by the u. S. President and he may well have been the 1st one to speak that world really has changed in terms of the u. S. Is central involvement in terms of multilateral of us and that i think is really borne out by this pandemic doctors and Health Experts are urging people not to drink and inject themselves with disinfectant after u. S. President donald trump suggested it could help treat covert 19 the white house says his comments were taken out of context in the u. K. Millions of key workers have become eligible for coronavirus testing if they show symptoms of the illness the British Government has faced criticism over the slow rollout of mass testing the number of hospital deaths has risen by 684 in the past 24 hours to 19 and a half 1000. Muslims across the globe are marking ramadan their holy earth months of the year so audio rabia has announced 2 of islams holiest mosques in mecca and medina will be closed. But the government in pakistan has decided to keep mosques open during ramadan people gathering to pray must observe social distancing measures but there are concerns the number of infections could rise or unilateral ceasefire in yemen has been extended for one month according to a spokesman for the saudi u. A. E. Coalition original to reach truce was declared after the un secretary general called for a global ceasefire because of the coronavirus the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the stream. Im counting the cost billions now to save trillions the last economic output of the back 800. 00 cent of all produced a covert 1000. 00 tested a 1. 00 u. S. Oil drop on the line crude sinks into negative territory. Cutting across on aljazeera. I am for me ok and in the stream home edition welcome to my house today i should be asking you what seen the show because this show is a q. And a about the clone a virus and Subsaharan Africa weve had your tweets in already thank you very much for those but also on you just jump in the cheap shot ask your questions and you can also be in the streams conversation today i want you to meet the panel i think youre going to be impressed still to regina introduce yourself hi im gina i am an Infectious Disease specialist and i work in johannesburg institute

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