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A white house that continues to try to put a positive spin on very negative news but thats going to become increasingly difficult because the numbers are expected to continue to rise in terms of the number of americans that are filing for unemployment claims in the United States in fact its expected that in the coming weeks that number that were at right now in the low 20 millions well it could double because the reality is that over night its predicted that roughly 46000000 americans lost their jobs and the only reason those numbers arent up at 46000000 right now is that the states where they processed these claims just cant cope with the sheer number of claims theyre overwhelmed theyre using antiquated Computer Systems and as a result the numbers we have are not really reflective of how many people dont have a job right now and just to make matters worse quickly the money that had been in that big rescue package the 2. 00 trillion dollars rescue package from congress well 350000000000. 00 of it was for Small Businesses so they could keep people on the payrolls but unfortunately that money ran out today and the effort to get another 250000000000 through congress it failed and so right now there are even more people that are preparing to be out of work the you know director of the World Health Organization has warned countries not to rush to lift restrictive measures the continents total number of coronavirus cases is nearly doubled to about a 1000000 in just 10 days while the president of the European Commission admits mistakes were made in responding to the pandemic yes it is true that no one was really ready for this. It is also true that too many were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning and yes for that it is right that europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology. But saying sorry only counts for something if it changes behavior and the truth is true that it did not take long before everyone realized that we must protect each other to protect ourselves the u. K. Government has announced the extension of social and economic restrictions for at least another 3 weeks foreign secretary dominic rob says now is not the time to give the virus a 2nd chance more than 13000 people have died in the u. K. And there are over 140000 confirmed infections the very clear advice weve received is that any change to our social distance social distancing measures now would risk a significant increase in the spread of the virus that would threaten a 2nd peak of the virus and substantially increase the number of deaths it would undo the progress that weve made to date and as a result would require an even longer period or the more strict of social distancing measures. Brazils Health Minister has tweeted that president jaded both so that all has fired him the 2 have clashed for weeks of how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic also merrill has repeatedly played down the gravity of the outbreak calling it a little. Nigerias a Security Forces have killed 18 people while enforcing coronavirus lockdown measures thats according to the National Human Rights Organization thats more deaths than the 12 that the virus has actually claimed according to government figures the army and police of being deployed to enforce restrictions restrictions in lagos. And states the pandemic is expected to cause asias Economic Growth to store that 0 percent for the 1st time in 60 years it is expected to rebound next year. Those are the top stories i have more news in half an hour. This is a film about women who had to abort their daughters. Men who can no longer find a wife. About girls who are kidnapped for that reason. And about desperate parents. Im not happy i dont come with you know. I eat only. Ones. She is a province in Southern China panshin dont envy my shan or parents who are searching for their daughter 3 year old pan shooting disappeared a month ago without a trace. At 1st nobody believed that something terrible could have occurred in this peaceful village where everyone knows each other but the search for her has remained fruitless. Wow me. You pussy out. Finally he had those items out of the family all the time you heat it up thats. All that remains for the parents are their memories and baby photos from happier times. To get her. To. Focus areas. To conquer about. Or. Do you knows a lot of despairing parents he works for a Relief Organization throughout china they are already 200000 volunteers searching for missing girls such as pan shooting. To go there are very high you know. How it was a few other area. And if one is other than what it was ago. Or the general political there its hygiene once you have read all. Your developers off without that its all quiet your old boss and then john magaw had a better harder. There is a shortage of millions of women in the worlds most populous country 135 boys are born for every 100 girls in some provinces of china. This is the result of an experiment that started decades ago on the other side of the world in the usa after world war 2. It was the era of the economic miracle people in the west were doing better than ever before if not for the fear that their prosperity could soon come to an end a big concern was constantly growing populations due to medical advances especially in developing countries. Affluent americans started a new Movement Together they wanted to curb the large numbers of Children Worldwide most of them were men from well known scientists. Like john d. Rockefeller the 3rd they were people with influence and connections to the highest levels of the american government. Their foundations continue to exist today the Ford Foundation the Rockefeller Foundation the Population Council they triggered a rising tide of fear of a population explosion that soon also spread to other countries and they formed the head of worldwide measures taken to decimate the population of the impoverished. This has been examined by Matthew Connelly as story and a Columbia University in new york he has researched in detail the development of this movement from its beginnings to its impact today Arbitration Council saw its not just her control the rate of population. But also to address problems of the quality of population so they have an explicit mandate to try to do something about the growth of the fertility rates among people who they thought you know what eventually take over the world if something wasnt done to reduce fertility rates across the board but especially among people who they thought would be poor parents and would have even more poor children. This way of thinking also took hold in american politics in 1966 u. S. President lyndon b. Johnson attached conditions for receiving Development Aid one of them being that recipient countries must reduce their population. It was a time of drought and starvation in india. The president spoke on the phone with the secretary of agriculture. Around the corner. Of the president. But if you want to. Exhibit a i dont want to get. There by the way im over 30 but what are you out on the road. I dont know but i dont know what i ought to get out of. Character but. He stopped food deliveries until Indira Gandhi down to the demands. Accusations were made that the west had imperialistic intentions with its population control for i checked. The department was founded at the United Nations in 1969 the un f. P. A. The United Nations Population Fund through this ostensibly neutral path western governments channeled millions into population control in developing countries the major donors besides the United States were sweden Great Britain germany and switzerland. South korea was among the earliest testing grounds for population control the country was devastated after the korean war at the same time there was a baby boom with the highest birth rates in the world the United States participated in the reconstruction from the very beginning population control being high on the agenda. These 4 careen women grew up in a village 200 kilometers from saw and still remember the war and the time that followed. By now all that has him actually talent. Look even. Sillier than they really are you want all my. Days on power to. Slow the video im on. To my poor video more. Who called it that period only i. Want to also look credible and it doesnt look like we dont really want there may have been down. To campaign american with all who feel a divided government that the long walk long long looked to cookie in. The western family planners formed armies of socalled Health Workers in cooperation with the korean government thousands of them combed the country registering fertile couples urging them to use contraception contraceptives publicly distributing that would have previously been inconceivable in south korea as well as in other parts of the world. Here in the us mortals are going to know them their indian woman is lying then people actually are in the. Group i legit uncle who are good to know got them all who we all know with their own when their. Payments are to condone so on but more i did you to know why our. Western come. Donated buses and jeeps that were converted into mobile medical units documents show that their task was not Health Promotion the Population Council an American Foundation expressed a clear cut mission to the Korean Ministry of health. These vehicles are given to help improve Living Standards in korea through a vigorous attack on the problem of excessive population growth. Cut it is a tree. Trunk at the. Model car. There are 2 at the new clientele you know that what all of us egg that fish. Will probably im going to cover just like you are more likely to will. Instead of letting citizens plan their own families family planners made having fewer children a citizens duty they were not interested in fighting poverty but only in preventing the poor from having babies. Mobile clinics in india went to secluded villages as early as 956 because indians were also supposed to have fewer children. Western family planners flooded the country one of the pioneers was the american dr Sheldon Siegel he founded apartment for reproductive medicine in one of the largest state hospitals in new delhi and trained indian medical students. Although early versions of i. E. D. S. Had fallen into disrepute in the west siegel smuggled them to india in 1964 he declared them as Christmas Decorations at customs and had them inserted into the utero of women without the knowledge of the government. In a letter he wrote. The present approach is to distribute the ones i have on hand to private gynecologists we are also inserting some in monkey. My feeling is that in the long run it may be faster to quietly accumulate evidence from these sources before trying to press for wider distribution and government Family Planning clinics i do not want to raise the question with Health Minister dr yaar if the answer is likely to be negative because we would then be in a precarious position if we pursued human studies at all. It didnt take long for the Indian Government to give the green light the United States agency for International Development even send nonsterile intrauterine devices to india serious complications often a rose sometimes with fatal consequences. Despite this the family planners increased the pressure. The Indian Government cooperated they said quotas for sterilizations an i. U. D. Insertion paying doctors and Health Workers premiums who are an educated women were the main targets the bait money and exchange for their fertility. So you have the system where people at every level were big being given money money from the United States from the United Nations from sweden from norway money to agree to sterilize ation or money to get other people to agree to sterilization even if in some cases that eventually been rounding them up and trucking them to camps where they were sometimes sterilized under the most appalling circumstances. Sheldon siegel visited one of these camps in 1962 he described it to his superior i spent sunday at a womens sterilization camp and found it fascinating after the surgeon sows up the abdomen the ladies get off the operating table by themselves and walk out of the operating theatre i can honestly say that the operating conditions and adherence to sterility that dr and i observed in doing our hysterectomy is in monkeys for actual insertion are infinitely better yet who can argue with success. d and the situation in india got out of control in 1975 the government of india gandhi forced 8000000 women and men to undergo sterilization this dark chapter in Indian History became known as emergency period. The idea of population control what was so seductive to National Leaders people like Indira Gandhi was the idea that they could achieve maturity in one generation and they could do it with crash programs even if it required taking some risks even if were some people were going to get hurt this was something that was going to make india a modern nation and was going to improve everyones welfare in the long run what they didnt understand though is that in many rural societies these children were their parents only source of security in all these right and not only that but in poorer societies even children in many cases are able to support themselves and help their parents even from a relatively young age. People or places like the Population Council or the Ford Foundation they realize that parents and poor societies in many cases prefer to have songs that what they began to think was if only they had some way of helping those parents determine whether the fetus was a female or male then they might along with abortion they might have a quicker way of reducing fertility rates the head of the Population Council determines a clear direction in 1967 augmented Research Efforts leading to improve contraceptive technologies or practical methods of determining the sex of an unborn child so that parents could be assured of a sun. In the early 1970 s. The time had finally come scientists develop chorionic villas sampling or c. B. S. With this method a child sex could be identified before birth. Abortion was forbidden in almost all developing countries Sheldon Siegel and his colleagues used their connections to the highest ranks in the u. S. Government and with great success. And we kissinger was u. S. President gerald ford secretary of state at the time in 1974 document that was long kept classified he demanded the massive 50 population of developing countries and declared abortion to be an indispensable tool for population control. No country has reduced its population Growth Without resorting to abortion. Where women in the United States were still heading to the streets to demand the right to control their own bodies American Foundations and politicians were pressuring developing countries to legalize abortion. In the following decades a massive surplus of men was created in asia through the abortion of daughters the consequences are omnipresent in india today once again those who suffer most are girls and women of low Socio Economic standing like 19 year olds the jena. Poor and the poor law maybe said on a lot of. Todays said jean ellis with her brothers family he is her protector and saved her life 3 years ago when she suddenly disappeared from her village. Flashback after vanished shamsul sold everything travelled 2000 kilometers to new delhi and reported her disappearance to the Aid Organization of nobel laureate. There are a lot of things that nobody can. Think yeah. Right. Shamsul was not able to accomplish anything on his own even the police turned him away several times when pressured by the Aid Organization the police finally took action in the village where it was being held. A woman claiming to be mother in law pulled out a marriage certificate the shortage of women is particularly extreme in the north and indian state of hard. Parents desperately look for wives for their sons. The village elder ultimately explained what happened to such a. God let me tell you. Theyre going to. Let you know im not the mother. The truth finally came out when the residents turned the girl over to the police the entire village had collected money to buy the jena. For a number of bachelors she was married to one man and abused as a sex slave by 7 others this is one of the consequences of the severe lack of women in the. City its not an exception. Traffickers go through slums looking for girls when they disappear hardly anyone goes looking for them the traffickers are often acquaintances our neighbors. Girls and women like suffer the consequences of population policies introduced an expedited by western family planners 50 years ago in india. Selectively goods and have only boys so this was created by those who ordered academic medical profession promoted by a Ford Foundation and a lot of other in jews with 100 the whole project. I think that the students were here. So about 5. 100 people who were bored of. The gynecologist. Was trained at the same hospital where Sheldon Siegel carried on his research. I was thrilled with the project the research going. And how to find water its a boy or girl before burke. Says its a girl of course. Prenatal sex determination was the biggest breakthrough in population control this way girls were aborted on mass and birth rates were duce 2 fold fewer babies were being born and fewer girls that could later bear children. Daughters are weeded out in china as well one in 5 boys presently born one later not be able to find a wife mother so worried they advertise at countless marriage markets for their surplus sons in shanghai theres such a market every sunday in peoples part. Was it the us or so that aware we were we. Were under the. Window you know. Our the day our marks how we went. There how was it we seen. You had some interest. Jacen says thats a teaching to see if. These are mothers who have only one son because they were permitted to have only one child this was the chinese strategy for population control. Alaskas far north a pristine environment thats become a battleground with the trumpet ministration keen to let Oil Companies start drilling some of its remote communities are tempted by the promised wealth we live here we make there will not there but others bitterly opposed we should not have to trade our culture for oil and gas crossing the high peaks of the Arctic Circle to investigate the people in power at the edge of the earth on aljazeera. Medieval western society it was a Feudal Society that detail to keep the wind out of the ball and as soon as the pope ended his speech some people stood up and said god will sit down at the entrance to the city was horrific they killed people in the streets in their houses and in. The crusades an arab perspective that the sold one shot. On a jazzier. Throughout history human kind has come together to prevail in our darkest moments this is a moment for pretty much the ups. Laying low saving humankind by really really not getting near every generation has its moment where individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who come after this one is ours. The. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on aljazeera another 5200000 americans have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic its the 4th consecutive week unemployment claims have surged the outbreak has forced the closure of all nonessential businesses at least 22000000. 00 people have now lost their jobs in less than a month before the pandemic unemployment in the Worlds Largest economy was at a near record low. Meanwhile the europe director of the World Health Organization has warned the countries not to rush to lift restrictive measures the continents total number of coronavirus cases as nearly doubled to about a 1000000 in just 10 days meanwhile the president of the European Commission at mits mistakes were made in responding to the pandemic. The u. K. Government has announced the extension of social and economic restrictions for at least another 3 weeks foreign secretary dominic rob says now is not the time to give the virus a 2nd chance more than 13000 people have died in the u. K. And there are over 104000 confirmed infections the very clear advice weve received is that any change to a social distance social distancing measures now would risk a significant increase in the spread of the virus that would threaten a 2nd peak of the virus and substantially increase the number of deaths it would undo the progress that weve made to date and as a result would require an even longer period where the more strict of social distancing measures. Brazils Health Minister has tweeted that president bush so that o. Has fired him the 2 have clashed for weeks over how to respond to the corona virus pandemic also narrow has repeatedly played down the gravity of the outbreak calling it a little flu and the jury as a Security Forces have killed 18 people while enforcing coronavirus lockdown measures thats according to the National Human Rights Organization thats more deaths than the 12 that the virus has claimed according to government figures the army and police have been deployed to enforce restrictions in lagos the capital of and. Barking that the confrontation in some areas those were the top stories the politics of population control continues next that ill have the news hour for you in just under half an hour i do hope youll join me then thanks for watching by. Affluent americans started a new movement most of them were men from well known scientists to the super rich like john d. Rockefeller the 3rd together they wanted to curb the large numbers of Children Worldwide. So you have the system where people are everywhere being given money money from United States from the United Nations from sweden from norway money to agree to serve our money to get other people to agree to sterilization prenatal sex determination was the biggest breakthrough in population control this way girls were aborted on mass. Daughters are weeded out in china as well one in 5 boys presently born were later not be able to find a wife. U. S. President Richard Nixon and his secretary of state Henry Kissinger arrived in beijing in 1972 it was a historic meeting with moussa tongue about the balance of power and the mutual commitment to world peace. There is no reason for us to be enemies. Neither of us domination over the other. Neither of us seek to stretch out our. And weigh the world. With the fear of the americans of chinese supremacy and thus the supremacy of communism was great and the fear that chinese population growth seemed unstoppable. After nixons visit the floodgates opened for western family planners the Chinese Government had a sympathetic ear for them. Modest success or Deng Xiaoping introduced the one child policy millions were trained as lay Health Workers the socalled barefoot doctors their mission distributing contraceptives all over the country and ensuring that couples only had one child. In. The. Way of. Your. Family planning became a matter of state if anyone expected a 2nd child and they faced draconian punishments. The government used graffiti on building facades warning people to obey you can beat it out you can kill it you just cannot give birth to it. Although the media reported forced sterilization and abortions the west donated money to the chinese Population Program at 1st this only came from organizations like the Ford Foundation but 1979 even the United Nations Population Fund a 50000000. 00 to the Chinese Government. An employee of i p p f one of the donor organizations sounded the alarm. I think that in the not too distant future this will blow up into a major press story as it contains all the ingredients for sensationalism communism forced Family Planning murder of viable fetuses parallels with india etc when it does blow up it is going to be very difficult to defend. But the warnings were not only ignored the u. N. Population fund also presented china with an award for outstanding contributions regarding Birth Control who they choose to give it to it wasnt a reproductive rights advocates you know it wasnt to people whose lives were risk because or trying to campaign to get people and especially women the right to own and control their own bodies it was just the opposite they decided to honor the leader of chinas course of population control program a chinese general. You know who had presided over the most egregious period in the entire history of that program and they chose to honor Indira Gandhi who was responsible for what until then was the worst Population Program of all the emergency Period Program in india. Why did the u. N. Population fund support countries financially that forced people to be sterilized and have abortions. You have to bring money to improve the kind of contraception they used. For that why you are improving their health you also have to be in a country to be able to talk to authorities to say you have invited us in case a better way of helping your women tell me the whole rationale for giving in there on the 1st population or ward after the start as a forced sterilization a for many people as well as to the chinese. Now. Need to be very clear. That goes our exact given by the United Nations and by states. It. Struck. At that time the United States was the most important member state contributing 40 percent of the budget was the u. N. Population fund simply the puppet of its benefactors. 40 years after these population policies supported by the west over 30000000 chinese men remain involuntary bachelors because of the shortage of women. This is why millions of unemployed men from rural areas move to the cities as Migrant Workers they aim to earn money to improve their chances of finding a bride. Leapin works in a selfie stick factory near hong kong at 27 he also does not have a girlfriend yet. On your way. Down there and for no its for the lets have more than i and. Im going out with my family were full. Of that. And the way. You. Have in the. Thats on was young i mean yeah so you know whats her. Going. The number of corn goon continues to increase especially in the countryside Chinese Women prefer well off men from the city. Chinas problematic a lack of women will not change in the coming decades current birth records show a continued gender imbalance amongst newborns. Parallel to the increased lack of women the trafficking of girls prostitution and child abductions have risen dramatically in china. The activist to un visits to parents of pan shooting the little girl who disappeared but he has no good news there is still no trace of their 3 year old daughter. Im gonna. Push it off until i hear. From mendoza content our community how you know you may know a trace message of how your meal conason mom where are they a mailshot is a commission as im sure no knowledge to the cell she hosts heisenbergs he. Knew. The girls are often abducted by someone from the village before the child reaches the person who contracted to have are taken she will have passed through many hands with each transaction the price goes up ultimately the product girl costs roughly 8000. 00 and for the buyers the deal always pays off. But they are urged a lot of very young daughters and they are unsure of what i am about i think officer under a valid honorary on the toughest charter there was a did you know someone would be yours if you put on a very solid title that you like in other years yada blah. So you got that you to avoid a busy are ya for lump of the human heart of the leader in riyadh bio jali i owe her i would you know be toss away. To some mama. Who were there. You know you have been a hot young woman team in phase how guys in you know. Doughboys a deal need. To go towards and i thought you also neal your fussin a lot to need. To need the council on that or the how the. Where you dont source on high density. Statistics and just show the higher the surplus of men the higher the crime rate and the number of Violent Crimes against women. The american political scientist Valerie Hudson researches and teaches the impact of this surplus of men at the bush school of government in texas. Youre creating a pool of already socially disadvantaged young men who are already predisposed to challenge the established order now you deepen their grievance there is no hope for them to finally become adult men within their Society Without taking more drastic action. Statistically the majority of crimes worldwide is committed by young unattached men when men enter into relationships or have children the likelihood of them committing a crime decreases. Valerie hudson views asias massive surplus of men as a serious threat to global stability. When you get instability and violence and insecurity and the 2 most populous nations on earth i dont see how that that can spill over into Global International relations whether were talking about the rise of china whether were talking about the future of indias locker c. In all of these questions are affected by whats going on with the women of india and china. Meanwhile the Indian Government reacted and outlawed sex determination in the early 1990 s. And yet they have never been as many abortions of girls as today because with alter a sound Technology Sex determination has become cheap and safe. Despite the ban it is only a question of money to find a doctor who is willing to break the law and reveal the gender of the unborn child. The middle class in india is growing and as expected educated indians want fewer children little has changed about the preference for sons especially in the upper class. Ameesha was 25 years old when she married a computer scientist. Her father in law was a high ranking government employee. In india the bride must pay the grooms family a dowry ameesha gave her inlaws an apartment. Having a son its like winning the lottery for some people in india. My love. Or load of love or money they give the one i learned gave me now. Though the book. May move would you believe that us and the media covered them would you tell him dr gates our dr because i dont want to give up the magick wishing but the good as they jack up that i was only go to iraq as a live world with a good day a month that youre going to be lowkey with the other doctor and all that ok dear mother people some of. The way which are low level doctor will they get the word us really and i know will be. There was that i was able your question with the mandible was me out there with the me that was working with. Art right here about. What to me were the main marian as i plainly. Even really when we get im. Pretty they were both the bad maybe bored get the memo make a buck out of barely even. Time we wanna guess a bigger game. Or maybe grainy. Radko girls imaging market. Are good the way danny theres a need. For a woman to be cast out by her inlaws is nothing short of the societal Death Penalty in india. So. As in china and india the lack of women of marriageable age in south korea has now become a problem. Youll get half your truth are going. To none of that i mean doc you go. Round and. Have a good turn monitored and get to number. 5 on monday honey. I gag and you put our cooking not law we could but i knew what. The body. Was recording so. Its not. A lucrative business has emerged around women as a commodity that which is missing in ones own market af. Their decades of selective abortion is simply imported from poor and neighboring countries. But south korea faces another problem nowadays south korean women do not want to have children at all lation is drastically declining once again politics has intervened with drastic measures whereas young women 60 years ago were encouraged to have abortions now it is strongly frowned upon and criminally prosecuted to terminate a pregnancy. Young and wang she song 2 students from seoul recalled what they learned at school on the subject of abortion. Paul. Paul. Some luck how to push an insult but pair up with their words i love all. Around with our pick our. Look at who are skinny are who. Keeps the key to all. These young women examine the subject of abortion for their masters thesis. Beaune was soon who directed the Womens Development institute in seoul for 25 years is an advisor to the students. The students tracked down dubious agencies that are betrayed illegal abortions for large sums of money once again women are the victims of population policy illegal abortions bear great health risks but the south korean government holds on to the ban of abortion today their mission is offspring at all costs. Also hambone my. Hometown take it out of our song and move on to get on with. Our song a talented guy. And i mean i dont. Cook and im hopelessly mean up hamas and. Stuff that was these. Dishonest korean government has gone so far as to publish a map of seoul on the internet showing where women of childbearing age live the darker the pink color the creative the selection for men seeking a wife. The Chinese Government has also noticed that a Society Without women will die out in the long run a 2 child policy has been introduced in hopes of regaining a gender balance and solving the problem of an ageing population. The government is again resorting to advertisements on building facades this time it is for daughters and therefore for potential future mothers. No girls no daughters in law. The government in india is also backpedaling it also wants to motivate people to give birth to daughters there is one Information Campaign after another once again the Indian Government is offering incentives. Whoever gives birth to a daughter receives 35. 00 u. S. Dollars and a think you letter from the ministry of health and family welfare. The gynecologist puny baby is familiar with the pressure on pregnant women he too performs abortions but never when it is a matter of the sex of the fetus doctor a baby does not think much of the new government programs. Give me one reason how how i suppose as a guy as a woman shes pregnant who has never been to school has been the day she was born she was told that shes because shes a woman and then she gets pregnant in a new home with 7 other people are telling her every day that will you know youll lose everything that you have 11 if you produce a girl how do you go for it by showing some streatley or writing a poem or inventing the Television Spot no it doesnt work now the ultimate solution is of course that people start. Respecting girls more than boys. They wanted to protect the world from a population explosion but they waged war on the poor not on poverty they supported education and Economic Security of women birth rates would have gone down on their own instead they forced contraception sterilization and abortion. History is repeating itself the u. N. Population fund still use a 60 percent of their aid fund for Family Planning and once again private foundations demand population reduction at the time they base their arguments on scarce resources today it is Climate Change. Makes me nervous just as a the 1950 s. And sixtys it was the rockefeller and Ford Foundation that issued marching orders to people all over the world it makes me nervous when i hear its the Gates Foundation now because of its money thats preying upon a role in Global Public Health Similar you know when back in the 19 fifties and sixties you had leaders from all over the world agreeing that population growth was a crisis right and agree that the United Nations had to implement crash programs it makes me nervous now when people talk about the crisis of Climate Change and how it is we might even have to engage in crash programs. Today africa is the main focus for population control the world bank and the un Population Fund are currently pumping millions into Family Planning on the 2nd largest continent and a large American Corporation is supplying the ultrasound devices as in china south korea and india people in most african countries prefer signs. Hello once again welcome to look at the International Focus is looking fine and dry across a good part of australia some plus 3 showers are rolling through the bite into the southeast and going on the cool side here we have got a little bit of shabby rain just pushing through maybe into the far south of victoria porfiry could see some showers pushing over towards melbourne both of that is fine dry and sunny 26 celsius in sydney wanted to showers there up towards that northeastern corner of queensland but ozzy dry for the most part and that set of the case over towards the yet the southwest perth at around 23. 00 degrees in the sunshine i dont see much sunshine across new zealand over the next dial so we have got that wetter weather sliding in ahead of that should be dry but a fair amount of cloud around lots of rather wet weather making its way towards the Korean Peninsula at the moment as well this big area cloud thats sliding outs of that eastern side of china through the l. S. A. Fairy wet weather coming in on this system so much of the Korean Peninsula will see some heavy rain and yes it will make further progress most of the fine weather you have in japan on friday because come saturday that rain really will set in with a vengeance its going to be heavy at time the possibility of some localized flooding but brought the skies to gradually make their way in behind. Every generation has a higher purpose. Ours is just a. Man mine is on trial from rape to genocide the government stands accused of committing atrocities against the injured people want to one needs to investigate on aljazeera. Bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as favorite i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 2013 in 2014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head comparison ysaye versus conventional cigarettes which one do you think is healthier my opinion i think theyre both dangerous take no on aljazeera. One of the really special things about work in progress here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel recurrence region better than anyone else would think it is either very challenging live but it is good to be because you have a lot of people that are deployed on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story so ill just mend it used to deliver indepth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. This is aljazeera. Hello im Barbara Sarah this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes the white house is to unveil new guidelines for reopening the economy as jobless figures paint a stark picture of the Economic Impact of the corona virus the new normal for a bit longer the u. K. Government extends its lockdown restrictions for at least 3 more weeks why are people from minority backgrounds more likely to get seriously ill from covert 19 in the u. K. An inquiry attempts to find out

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