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A whole mean. We get advice from a doctor on what you can do yourself to get extra protection from the fire ants. And also coming up hungry and exhausted hundreds of bricking get our best cute but others starve to death in a refugee. Now donald trump says the number of new corona virus infections in the United States is slowing the president s making the prediction despite his country marking a record 2300 deaths in 24 hours he says restrictions could be lifted and up to 30 states in 2 weeks time but hes also struck another threatening note as mike hanna reports. These daily news briefings up a ported lead to keep the nation informed about the battle against a coronavirus but invariably the president strays off message and today he uses forums to rail against what he described as congregational obstruction in the confirmation of government officials and threaten to Adjourn Congress and then push through his nominations during the recess the senate should either fulfill its duty and vote on my nominees or should formally or june so that i can make recess appointments we have a tremendous number of people that have to come into government and now more so than ever before because of the virus and the problem its a threat against congress that no president has made before perhaps its never done before its never been done before nobodys even sure if it has but were going to do it we need these people here we need people for this crisis and we dont want to play anymore political games many in congress would view this as an attack against a fundamental principle on which this country is democracy is based a system of checks and balances that separates the powers of the executive the judiciary and the legislature thats the latest in a series of actions that would appear to amount to an abuse of executive power and follows a suspension of funding to the World Health Organization that congress had already approved and the insistence that the president has the right to order states to follow the guidelines of the executive in deciding when to lift the mitigating measures President Trump says hell speak to governors before announcing new guidelines thursday making clear these involve the easing of restrictions in a number of states pretty youre ready know will be opening up states some states much sooner than others and we think some of the states can actually open up before the deadline of may 1st. And i think that will be a very exciting time indeed the president ended the briefing with these words big day tomorrow on this days evidence its not clear whether this is a promise or threat. Mike hanna al jazeera washington. Trump has also doubled down on his attack on the wild Health Organization he suggests it deliberately misled the wild in the alley stages of the outbreak. Tragically other nations put their trust in the w. H. O. And they didnt do any form of ben and you see what happened in italy you see what happened to spain you see what happened to france w. H. S. Guidance had failed to control their borders at a very crucial phase quickly unleashing the contagion around the world that was a horrible tragic mistake or perhaps they knew im sure they didnt know the gravity of it but perhaps they knew because if they knew the gravity that would be an even worse offense on the head of the w. H. O. Is calling for unity in the way of trumps criticism when we divided the virus exploits the cracks between us we are committed to serving the world his people and to accountability for the resources with which were interested in due course w. Chose performance in tackling this pundit mic will be reviewed by w 2 as Member States and the independent bodies start our employees to each will try to spot and see an accountability but for now. Our focus my focus is on stopping this virus and saving lives and theres been more reaction to transcripts isnt of the w. H. O. Lets now go to katrina youre in beijing katrina what have we been hearing from china well a lot of criticism in turn of trump and his decision to withdraw funding of the w. H. O. Or state media newspaper global times launched a scathing attack on President Trump today saying that his decision was a move against humanity and setting a horrible precedent at a time when the world really should be rallying behind the World Health Organization it also accused trump of using this move to really put aside situation as ammo to try to bolster his chances of being reelected at the end of this year and also that that this really is just a scapegoat for President Trump that hes shifting blame away from himself from his administration to the World Health Organization an attempt to divert attention from his own mismanagement of the outbreak back home and unsurprisingly china has painted it so the Chinese State media has painted chinas response as as that of one of the lead helping to fight this global fight against the pandemic pointing to the fact that china donated 20000000. 00 to the World Health Organization in march and that its also been sending plane loads of aid medical supplies and also teams of medical experts to various countries in recent weeks to help fight this pandemic katrina theres also been i mean plenty of speculation around chinas transparency throughout this outbreak in your on the ground there in beijing are there grounds for the criticism that weve been hearing. Absolutely there is i mean weve been there has been a lot of suspicion over the past few weeks about chinas numbers that they have been that the downward trend may be painting a rosy picture and in fact there actually is and the according to seated press they did an investigation into the beginning of this outbreak in china and they found that there was actually a teleconference that took place between Chinas National Health Commission and the provincial leaders around china on january 14th and during this particular meeting Chinas National Health Commission actually painted a very grim picture of the situation and they said i quote the epidemic is severe and complex the most severe challenge since sars in 2003 and likely to develop into a major public event and that message was supposed to be taken to the upper edge of the communist party to leak a challenge to president xi jinping so that was generally 14 but we do know that president xi jinping did not allow the chinese public to us to the severity of the outbreak until january 20th so thats 6 days between finding out the severity of this outbreak and actually alerting the public now that may not sound like a lot but experts say that 6 days is extremely significant during that time at least 3000 people were infected and also potentially the virus may according to some experts have already reached the u. S. Indeed katrina you there for us in beijing thank you katrina well as straightly as Prime Minister has praised the World Health Organizations response in the Asia Pacific Region Scott Morrison also says that lockdown measures in australia will be kept in place for at least 4 more weeks more than 6400. 00 cases of the virus have been confirmed there. Well the coronavirus pandemic will bring asias economy to a complete halt for the 1st time in 60 years thats the latest a dire projection from the International Monetary fund the outbreak has taken an unprecedented toll on the region the i. M. F. Says they will be the euro Economic Growth for asia in 20 twentieths the worst of the 1960 s. Its expected to rebound next year but the outlook remains uncertain while nigeria could also be facing the west recession in more than 30 is the i. M. F. Projects africas biggest economy will shrink by 3. 4 percent this year the pandemic and global lock downs have pushed down oil prices and nigeria is expected to lose millions of jobs amid address reports from the preacher the Global Coverage in 1000 pandemic is taking a human and economic toll on nigeria its main Resources Oil demand and the market price is falling wallet wide adding to the crisis a dispute between major producers saudi arabia and russia which has driven prices to their lowest level in nearly 2 decades all the world producers have agreed to cut production in order to shore prices theres been no significant rises yet its not going to be easy for us and that would be president as dawn was the president told us is he does a want. Development projects to suffer whove taken the little preemptive steps and we are very confident that would be shielded from some of these losses that being the specter nigeria cut its daily output from 2100000 dollars to 1800000000 before the Oil Producers meeting a few days ago. And the new agreement has forced another cut in production by a father 417000 barrels a day. Economists say this is leading to plant closures and job losses which there is to meet to be between 15 and 30 percent for now so companies that may have a stellar record now nobody knows where that. They are at the end of the object or have. Absolute. Also a month to be up there yet experts say even for those able to keep their jobs that are no guarantees of doing that for long. Generous a session is projected to continue into next year though at a slower rate representatives of organized labor here are concerned entry into jobs. Injury. Too many already guess injury to life and they want to. You both know. The National Bureau of statistics report of 2900 said i generally had 23 percent unemployment in 2018 but one official admitted that the number could top 33 percent this year and that was even before the current 1000. 00 pandemic and a sharp decline in oil demand and pricing the Nigerian Government is cutting its 2020 budget estimates by nearly 40 percent with negative implications on Financing Development and job creation. I report from the world bank predicts africas economy will lose between 37. 00 to 79000000000. 00 in output this nigeria in particular is expected to account for a substantial part of that loss more bad news for a country which only 2 years ago emerged from its worst recession since 1987. Aljazeera. Still ahead on aljazeera back to school with caution and why parents in denmark are concerned plus. Without the right protected and then there will be people who died because of being out. Past not protective equipment or the lack of it remains a key issue and you can. Find in sunny weather across much of europe at the moment High Pressure very much in charge here we have got areas of cloud and right there is of low pressure around a high so thats bringing some disturbed weather its scandinavia into the Baltic States into that western side of russia and will sustain some rather lively weather there just down towards grace and into turkey we had some snow actually across the great mountains recently it will clear up itll brighten up over the next couple of days wish i could say the same for spain and portugal this area of low pressure here thats going to continue bringing some wet weather in as we go on through thursday and indeed into friday further north that is generally fine and dry some warm sunshine around paris 23 celsius or 20 in london thats not so bad central parts 23 celsius there for vienna still seeing those showers just around the western side of russia on thursday these will ease further east which is we go through friday and notice down to the southeast it brightens up more in the west sunshine coming through here well see some wet weather coming into all and pushing into England Wales southern parts of in the wells and staying on settle there across a good part of spain and portugal some of that wet weather also affecting the far northwest of africa also some showers here with one or 2 showers not in libya. I usually just treat and trace frank assessments why its really struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action we get them behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like eve with theres one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the days global headlines india done enough to nip the spread of the one of ours in the world inside story on aljazeera. And again im just as here today and a reminder of our top stories this hour president on trump says the number of new Coronavirus Infections in the u. S. Is slowing thats despise her record 2300 deaths in 24 hours he says restrictions could be lifted and up to 30 stakes in 2 weeks. Chinese state media have criticized trumps decision to cut funding to the World Health Organization the global times call this a move against humanity orchestrated just to distract from the u. S. President s mismanagement of the pandemic. And the virus will bring asias economy to a complete hold for the 1st time in 60 years thats according to the International Monetary fund is expected to rebound next year but the outlook remains uncertain. Well moving on to other news and more than 2 dozen reinjure have died of starvation on a boat thats been adrift for 2 months off the coast of bangladesh nearly 400 refugees on board the vessel were trying to reach malaysia they were rescued by bangladesh is coast guard on wednesday hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled past acute. Tundra chartres and dhaka with more on what some survivors are recounting. We verified this with the local chairman and elected chairman of the area by area where the incident took place he has a very fight that list 400 people were rescued some probably died and i caught into that one of the survivor who spoke to local people and we have amateur video clips of those survivors said that there were a flood at least 2 months in the sea they couldnt get into malaysia and at least 28 people have died and we cannot independently verify those the news are still sketchy as some local news medias are carrying this this people are what we know for so far its been detained by Bangladesh Coast guard theyre kept in quarantine because theres fear of coronavirus the local people are saying they are kind of afraid of the situation what is complex is we dont know whether they went from rock kind or the tech now for. The local member chairman told us that they are from tech now from our product and there were refugees in bangladesh not from iraq and state we also know this is not the 1st incident typically between november and march many joining us from the camp with the help of the human traffickers tried to cross the sea to get into malaysia because they have relatives there some running a woman have their husbands there they pay for this trip to their trafficker many incident their arranged marriage with the woman thats why many of the victims in these boats are women and children. Returning to the pandemic now and schools and nurseries have reopened in denmark as begins to relax its lockdown restrictions now its among the 1st in europe to try a gradual reopening in order to try to get the economy back on track but many parents say its too soon and have kept their children at home sydney john reports from copenhagen. A long awaited reunion a School Principal welcomes back his students after a whole month i have really missed my school and im excited to meet my teachers and friends to see them again is a very very big pleasure but much has changed social distancing is still required and parents are no longer allowed to drop off their children inside the school worried about the kids and. Im happy but im worried at the center on how ever excited the kids are to see their friends again. Hugging is not allowed. Instead they have to wash their hands. Properly calibrated and sit in the classroom 2 metres apart which requires spreading the children to more rooms been out hiring. Young students to come in and supply our normal stuff so i have enough stuff apart from schools nurseries are also opening today but only half of them are ready to welcome kids due to the new Health Requirements with extra cleaning less furniture and more outdoor classes. The rest will open in the coming days. The kitchen is closed it says this used to be the kitchen area for children having breakfast in the morning its only kids under 11 years old who are back at schools in denmark the rest are still at home and these other lockers for the kids their jackets and shoes are here but theyre no longer allowed to be here in order to avoid them standing too close to each other. While the children here are happy being back for those are at home thousands of parents are refusing to send their kids to school im responsible not the state not the kindergarten not im responsible for catching will keep the children in school for the next few weeks. Perhaps months more im worried about there are those of course and weve been protecting our kids for the last months like mad and now theyre supposed to go ahead of it all and im also worried about the scenario theyll meet based on fear and distance which is not natural for a child. Back to the school this time greek molly you might you might have dont get too close to each other but the children are only allowed to play in small groups. I feel bad for the kids because they want to play together and theyre not allowed to play because im. Hoping he can do Harvard Research is warning that social distancing measures may need to stay in place to contain the corona virus until 2022 in a study published in the journal science a team of that the demonologist say if a vaccine is not developed social restrictions such as School Closes bans on public gatherings and stay at home all those would be necessary in the next few years the researchers say even if it looks like the virus has been eliminated a resurgence could occur as late as 2024 the World Health Organization also warns the development of an effective vaccine is needed to fully interrupt transmission of the virus while Stephan Kistler is one of the lead authors of that latest harvard report and he says a 2nd wave of infections is a major possibility. The idea is that if we have one time social distancing which i think many of us were prepared for theres a very good chance that a large number of people will remain susceptible to infection and that means that when we reduce social distancing those years those people will become infected because the virus doesnt remember that we were sort of acting against it in the past so well see a resurgence of cases and as that happens Critical Care capacity in hospitals will reach its limit again and well have to enter social distancing again so it seems like naturally were going to enter into this intermittent social distancing period and in order to reach a high enough level of immunity in the population to stop that our model suggests that it could take into 2022 so i think there are 2 scenarios that could play out the less likely one is that theres maybe far more in the unity of the population already than we realize and that would suggest that there are lots of asymptomatic infections that lead to immunity that we simply havent detected and if thats the case then we could do the social distancing we could lead that and then maybe there wouldnt be that big of a resurgence but i think for a couple of reasons that thats fairly unlikely i think its much more likely that that basically the scenarios weve just talked about could play out we do one time social distancing and. The resurgent people could occur and i think one of the biggest dangers of doing only one time social distancing is that we could push that peak into the winter when we have seasonal flu circulation and when the underlying sort of characteristics of spread are sort of favorable for corona virus like transmission and we could actually end up with an even larger peak potentially depending on the amount of seasonal variation that there is in transition but thats again another unknown. Around the wild more people Wearing Masks and gloves to try to prevent themselves from being infected by the 19 and there are an increasing number of tips and advice showing people how to eat. Heres how you can take off and store a surgical mask for reuse wear that potentially contaminating the inside the city or friends to suggest so holding a plastic container against and then putting the straps over the outside of its. Duct tape gregory poland who heads the Vaccine Research group and as a profession of infectious to see this at the mayo clinic explain to us the best way to use mosques and thats you know i brought with me a standard surgical mask this has a malleable so that you can mold it over the nose it hooks like this but the way you take it off is this way you never touch the outside of the mask you have to assume that that contaminated and you throw it away then with a glove if you have gloves on the reason you cant reuse gloves very well as the only proper way to take a glove up is to slide a finger under this and peel it off so now its inside out and gets disposed done i would say you wear a mask any time that youre going to be around anybody who is not your Family Member and becoming a match that were talking about is a is a homemade map so this is an example of one that my wife is making so it has 2 layers of very tightly woven. And then an interface layer thats very thick so that when she makes that and the malleable part is just a bread tie she can make a this one happens to be 4 layers thick. Go delivery your ears like this and again when you get home you take it off put it right in the washing machine or into a plastic bag that youre going to wash later these are very valuable in 2 ways number one it decreases the chance youre going to breathe in the large respiratory droplets that can carry the virus and the 2nd thing is that its a memory so you dont touch your eyes nose or mouth and that turns out to be very important well medical work as in some parts of breasts and starting to run out of personal protective equipment and thats despite the government saying there is enough and those who need it most august and now with a growing number of health care walk as infected or dying many are now improvising to keep themselves safe from cave at 19 china has will from around. I do l. T. A. Are a renowned surgeon with many Years Experience in the National Health service Donna Campbell a Health Care Support worker who could light up a room with her infectious laugh just some of the u. K. Health care workers whove lost their lives to covert 19 often for want of proper protective equipment my basic understanding of Infectious Diseases increased exposure equals increased risk of contracting that disease and as and key workers as Health Care Workers particularly we are at increased risk of exposure because we are working with people who have current virus every single day and without the right protective equipment then there will be people who die because of being at work every doctor is a Nonprofit Organization run by doctors campaigning to keep Health Workers safe as well as highlighting how far behind other countries the u. K. Is in the provision of protective equipment or p p e every doctor hears daily from medical staff forced to use improvised methods to keep themselves safe this is happening months after concerns about corona virus were 1st raised by Health Workers in the u. K. And despite repeated government promises that items of p. P. Have been procured in their hundreds of millions and of being widely distributed. As britain nears the peak of its epidemic dangerous gaps remain well im sorry if people feel that the happy failings will be very very clear about that but at the same time we are in an unknown in an unprecedented Global Health pandemic right now it is critics called the home secretarys apology half hearted and the Public Services union unison says the time for excuses are surpassed what were continuing to see significant problems with the supply in social care so you cant staff is still telling us that and there are major shortages weve got some members telling us that employees are refusing to wear face masks. To help close the gaps this group of london based on true printers has pitched in 3 d. Printing visors for n. H. S. Hospital staff was inspired by one very sad story part nurses who are using been back to check out season 3 d. Printers behind us labor to manufacture his facial. Facial it can be reprinted in just under 2 hours and hes inked just some simple elastic and as a team sheet as the laser cut we can ship these out directly to hospitals that desperately need there will be a time for answers time to ask who failed how and when but for now there is only reality to cope with Health Workers in hospitals and care homes across the country short of basic protection as they tend to the sick and the dying and in some cases having to decide whether saving a life is worth jeopardizing their own job or how al jazeera london. Well speaking of the n. H. S. And a british war veteran has raised nearly 15000000. 00 for the u. K. s National Health service captain tom moore was hoping to collect around a 1000. 00 by walking 100. 00 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday at the end of the month but his drive clearly captured the public mood and the money hasnt stopped rolling in captain moore says hell keep walking as long as people keep donating to do his bit for those on the front line and the battle against private 19. Again mrs al jazeera and these are the headlines President Donald Trump says the number of new Coronavirus Infections in the u. S. Is slowing thats despite a record 2300 deaths in 24 hours he says restrictions could be lifted up to 30 states in 2 weeks while Chinese State media has criticised Donald Trumps decision to cut funding to the World Health Organization the global times called it a move against humanity orchestrated to distract from the us is pres the us president s mismanagement of the pandemic. Katrina you has more. State media newspaper global times launched a scathing attack on President Trump today saying that his decision was a move against humanity and setting a horrible precedent at a time when the world really should be rallying behind the World Health Organization it also accused trump of using this move to really politicize situation as ammo to try to bolster his chances of being reelected at the end of this year and also that that this really is just a scapegoat for President Trump that hes shifting blame away from himself from his administration to the World Health Organization in an attempt to divert attention from his own mismanagement of the outbreak back home when the current virus pandemic will bring asias economy to a complete halt for the 1st time in 60 years thats the latest dire projection from the International Monetary fund the outbreak has taken an unprecedented toll on the region the i. M. F. Says there will be 0 Economic Growth in 2020 the worst since the 1960 s. Its expected to rebound next year but the outlook remains unfasten and nigeria could be facing the worst recession in more than 30 years the International Monetary Fund Projects that africas largest economy will shrink by 3. 4 percent this year the pandemic has pushed down the demand for oil and its prices. More than 2 dozen have died of starvation on a boat thats been adrift for 2 months off the coast of bangladesh nearly 400 refugees on board the vessel were trying to reach malaysia they were rescued by bangladesh as coast guard on wednesday well those are the headlines join me from the news here after inside story to stay with us on aljazeera. Be the hero new world news. Washington. Taking aim at the World Health Organization donald trump makes good on his threat to cut funding to the agency he says its failed its duty in the time of chrono bias but what about trump himself and what kind of leadership is he shown in dealing with the pandemic this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im Richelle Carey it will disappear one day like a miracle thats how u. S. President on a trump described the Coronavirus Crisis in the early days and he went on for weeks assuring americans we have it totally under control and now the u. S. Is the worst affected country with more than 609000 kovan 1000 cases and deaths top

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