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Over its handling of the pandemic. Sweden staff told jumps again with 170 people dying in 24 hours suggesting its relaxed approach may not be working. And the big win for ruling party in south koreas election which saw high turnout despite the coronavirus. Less than 24 hours after u. S. President donald trump announced that he was Holding Funding to the World Health Organization the number of coronavirus deaths across the United States has passed 30000 thats according to a tally by the voters News Agency New York and new jersey alone account for more than half of those deaths residents there have been told to prepare for a new normal when their economies are eventually reopened new york state Governor Andrew Cuomo says people will be ordered to wear masks when a safe distance cannot be maintained. Well the head of the w. H. O. Says he regrets Donald Trumps decision to suspend its funding over the w. H. O. His handling of the corona virus pandemic heteros then yesus says the w. H. O. Is reviewing the impact of the funding withdrawal and will work to fill any financial that the u. S. Is the agencys largest though and are providing it with around 400000000 dollars last year trump has accused the Un Health Body of severely mismanaging the pandemic when we divided the virus exploits the cracks between us we are committed to serving the world as people and to accountability for the resources with which were interested in due course w. Chose performance in tackling this pundit mic will be reviewed by w. Just Member States and the independent bodies that are employees to ensure transparency and accountability but for now our focus my focus is on stopping this virus and saving lives. Well trumps decision sparked widespread alarm and condemnation house of representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi called it senseless and dangerous and said it would be challenged billionaire select philanthropist and microsoft cofounder bill gates whose foundation is actually the agencys 2nd biggest donor face on twitter halting funding for the World Health Organization during a World Health Crisis is as dangerous as it sounds their work is slowing the spread of covert 19 and if that work is stopped a no other organization can replace them the world needs the u. H o now more than ever well lets cross to mike hanna now who is in washington d. C. For a set mike 1st of all clarify one thing for us i mean the president is saying he wants to stop the funding to the w. H. O. Can he and even if he needs to get approval from congress do you think hes likely to get that. Well thats a difficult question to answer basically congress and particularly democrats in congress arguing very strongly that no the president has executive does not have the right to suspend funding that has already been approved by congress this in terms of the principle of the separation of powers but the president denies that the president s advisers argue that he does have every right to do what he wants with regard to funding that has been passed through congress now the democrats are arguing this is exceedingly similar to President Trump deciding to hold up funding to the ukraine something that he was in fact impeached for by the house by the congress so they see this as very similar that the president does not have the constitutional right to hold up funding that has already been passed by congress but there is ongoing discussion within the administration it is insistent that it has the right to do so that the executive has the right to do so with regards to his relationship with china and with the World Health Organization his administration contending that yes he can decide what he wants to do in terms of relations with International Bodies such as the w. H. O. Congress has been highly critical of President Trump for cutting off this particular funding this is what a spokesman for the center for Disease Control has to say. If you see and heard a long history of working together in multiple operate throughout the world as we continue to do in this one and so weve had a very productive Public Health relationship we continue to have. And of course my kid this happening on the same or not the same day but weve just heard now that the number of deaths across the United States were getting this from the horses news agency the total tally has passed 30000 tell us more about the situation in the u. S. And i guess you know if this is that of a for across the u. S. But obviously there are hot spots. Yes indeed new york city remains the epicenter of the pandemic within the United States and new york state as a whole accounting for nearly half of the total of more than 30000. 00 this is continue to be the situation new york city having more deaths per capita than any other area in the world at this particular point in time now its has been insisting that it needs more federal systems and terms of one particular issue that is Testing Health experts agree with the governor of new york state and other governments throughout the country that it is impossible to completely end this pandemic or come to it without widespread testing certainly any talk about a timeline towards lifting the restrictions is meaningless unless you have the clear data that is obtained from widespread testing and is not only testing for positive or negative with a virus its also the diagnostic testing after the people who have recovered from it because these are the ways in which hotspots can be isolated in which future highs are hotspots can be targeted and certainly this would be an absolute key in terms of 1st of all country in the ongoing spread of the pandemic and secondly beginning to think about some kind of timeline to ease the mitigation measures that are in place across all 50 States Mike Hanna with the latest on that from washington d. C. Mike for the moment thank you. Well dr amish alger is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins center for Health Security and he joins us now via skype from baltimore sir thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera now assuming that donald trump does come through on his threat his promise to take away the funding from the w. H. O. Were talking about 400000000 dollars last year it is the largest single donor to the organization how do you think the loss of that money could impact the work that w. H. O. Is doing now and crucially in the coming months when the corona virus will keep on spreading beyond your appending u. S. Hopefully the w. H. O. Is currently funded for their operations that are ongoing right now and that this threat from the president will not stifle their ability to respond because we definitely need them to be doing the work that theyre doing they are the premier world world health Public Health agency and we need them to be in those countries helping advising them trying to understand what what what resources need to be brought to bear in controlling these but these the outbreak in all of these Different Countries and its something thats very crucial that we dont want to see hampered. How do you think this affects the hill reputation really because of course there have been some criticisms leveled at the organization specially the way it had been most governments have had some kind of accusation laid at their door the way for the way theyve handled this corona Virus Outbreak but what do you think it will do to the w h os reputation or are you confident that actually most countries have kind of said what donald trump is trying to do it definitely undercuts the w h os authority during a pandemic when we need them however there are there is criticism there are legitimate criticisms about the w. H. O. On how they may have handled this pandemic in the early stages with specifically which china and chinas transparency chinas draconian methods including the suppression of free speech and the expulsion of western journalists that occurred and i think that those are important things need to be addressed the w. H. S. Susceptibility to political pressure but thats something to do after that. And. After the ebola outbreaks in 2013 to 2014 i dont think the doing this in the middle of a pandemic is productive and it could actually be harmful. You mentioned middle of a pandemic i guess we dont really know how long that this pandemic could go on for as ive said it does look like some European Countries may have reached its peak some places in asia but it does keep on spreading worldwide what impact could it have as perhaps the show will shift its focus from European Countries and the west to other developed countries as it started to do already who may well need even more health because theyre less wealthy less developed than the countries that have been hit so far this to me is the crucial rolled along the way joe please because this is a Global Pandemic and no country is going to be safe from this virus until its control in all countries and there are developing nations that are going to rely heavily on w. H. O. Expertise w. H. O. Person now w. H. O. Guidance and we want to make sure that individuals have the confidence of the w. H. O. When theyre helping these countries get through their pandemic in thats the important part this is what why this is a dangerous move even for the United States because we will not be safe from this virus until its controlled and other nations and those other nations are going to rely on the w. H. O. Heavily that are amish just senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins center for Health Security service thank you so much for having shared your views with us thank you. Now in other developments 20 of the Worlds Largest economies have agreed to put the debts of the poorest countries on hold the g. 20 nations agreed to freeze that payments for a year and urged private lenders to do the same in all top e. U. Leaders are urging Member States to Work Together on gradually easing lockdown measures the European Commission has warned that moving too quickly could have devastating effects sweden appears to be paying the price for its softer approach to the virus its death toll has jumped sharply in the past few days now the total is 1203170 deaths were reported on wednesday and thats up from 114 the previous day and this cases rise in russia to the launch of digital travel permits to help police lock down have calls that long queues and crowds at moscow metro stations for britain has more now on the situation across europe. With 19 europe its member countries divided along national creating a patchwork response strict lockdowns in some more relaxed and open in others the disunity prompted many to question the very relevance and future of the European Union project so the question of when and how to consider lifting those restrictions is problematic italys spain austria finland and denmark have this week begun the tentative path to normality but key you headquarters in Brussels Commission president wants the European Union to set the pace and she warned that in the unions borderless member area that piecemeal strategy will undermine even monday in tasks we will not want to have people moving from one member state to the next member state to use the shopping opportunity and therefore it is very important that the coordination between neighboring Member States is an excellent one Good Neighbors speak with each other in spain the number of new deaths fell slightly again on weapons day and some sectors are reopening but the country still has one of the toughest lockdowns in the view and in the 1st parliamentary session since controls were 1st imposed there was a heated debate about exit strategy they said to me you know this by 37000000 spaniards have been confined for a month without any hope other than 2 more weeks of lockdown because you are incapable of carrying out a plan for must testing to normalize the situation of it. I mean theres a lot of my stance and the confinement no to working because we began with the daily infection rate of 35 percent some today we are at 3 percent a little and thats also a consequence of increasing the number of tests so were taking tough measures that are effective because theyre protecting and saving lives and theyre benefiting spaniards regardless of where they live on. Russias Virus Outbreak is still very much on an upward trajectory and restrictions got even tighter on wednesday creating 2. Traffic gridlock around the capital moscow with very few exceptions anyone outdoors now needs a permit in the form of a machine readable q. R. Code but with Security Officers having to check each one manually big crowds built up at the entrances to Moscows Metro stations making a nonsense of the intended strategy of social distancing and limiting movement on social media the citys mayor said he had intervened to prevent such scenes being repeated all of which risks losing sight of the ongoing struggle of medical staff and their stricken patients with more than 85000 deaths and rising europe remains the worlds worst hit region in terms of coronavirus fatalities. Aljazeera. Of course when it comes to deaths per 1000000 people spain has been the hardest hit country and earlier are just there as mohammed june spoke to spains foreign minister. She echoed the call for consensus among its nations in managing the Economic Impact of the pandemic 1st as why we are a European Union this is where we think with our we are in the north or in the south in the store in the west of europe its europe that needs to exit the crisis its europe that needs to strengthen its internal market and its ability to be a Global Player and for that its europe that needs to invest in a neutralized. And you can watch that interview in full on talk origins there which for us there is 1630 g. M. T. On thursday april 16th. Now one european country which has taken a much softer approach to tackling the virus is sweden where the best toll has risen again sharply a further 170 deaths were confirmed on wednesday out from 114 the previous day and much lower figures at the weekend more than 1200 people have now died from the virus in the country and nearly 12000 have tested positive sweetness come under increasing criticism for resisting the lockdown measures of the opted by other European Countries well for more on this lets speak to analisa villar smith whos a professor of emerging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine she joins us live via skype from going the volga in switzerland madame thank you so much for joining us here on aljazeera so we have seen an increase in sweden its not i guess the kind of exponential increase that weve seen in other countries when they started approaching their peak how worried do you think the swedish government should be when looking at these figures. This is government needs to be worried. The most important indicator that the situation may be worsening is the exponential growth from day to day so i suspect that that sweden will have a slower curve than the other countries but it will still see a smaller tsunami. So i guess you know a lot of people would be looking to sweden saying well you know theyve had an increase and thats so obviously of all the other countries that implemented much much stricter lockdowns so is it something about the timing of the sweden when they started putting in social distancing or is each country so different that ultimately its difficult to find a one size fits all sort of cure for this disease or attempt to keep the numbers down. Indeed i should warn against a direct head to head comparisons of countries every country is different different population densities different age stratification and sweden clearly is actually at an advantage its further away the population density is militancy low the received a fewer importations them than other countries and therefore it is later in the epidemic phase every country is the different stage and we should not compare countries directly with each other so what do you think of the factors then that should be looked at carefully when trying to assess whether it is worth implementing a very strict lock down which obviously has Enormous Economic effects which in turn can be devastating for a population. So indeed every government will its a very fine line between the Public Health needs and and and wearing against the economic damage as a sweden has taken its own decision and has opted for a softer approach as we said with less strict. Enforcement of social distancing relying on the on people taking responsibility themselves just as for example now yes one of these in contrast to paris where where theres very very strict lockdown. And sweden is later in the outbreak so it looked good initially but as you know with this virus you know it is a slow growth and then suddenly theres exponential growth and this is where sweden is not just at the beginning of and this reduced government its very very open that they have set that will. Implement stricter measures when they do see this rise in cases. Just very quickly weve seen the European Commission ask for some kind of coordinated approach to the lifting the gradual lifting of lockdowns because youve just said that all countries are different and you cant really apply the same rules to all of them how the necessary do you think at least a pan european coordinated approach when it comes to easing the lockdowns is. So indeed we can hold easter lockdowns at the same time because every country as it is is at a different stage however i think a european approach is necessary so that we can learn the lessons from each other and and then move together with similar measures and that also applies measures for 4 for the exit strategy but for the time being sweden or some other kinds are clearly behind the curve so theyre locked down cities will be different to for example italy that can now start thinking about relaxing some of its measures annelise while there smith professor of emerging Infectious Diseases at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine madame thank you for your time. And coming up on this news hour from london a back to school with added a social distancing denmark eases some coronavirus restrictions starting in the classroom and the deadline passes for a Coalition Agreement in israel so what happens next well be live in west jerusalem. But 1st south koreas parliamentary election has resulted in a big win for the governing Democratic Party and even a high voter turnout its one of the 1st countries to hold an election during the pandemic and many see it as a referendum on the governments handling of the crisis rob mcbride reports now from seoul. As soon as polls opened it became clear people were turning out in large numbers if they were worried after weeks of social distancing they didnt seem to show it. I think theyre doing it quite safely i think theyre taking measurements theyre doing it quite right. Theyre koreans and people around the world are equally concerned but we shouldnt cancel we should hold elections regardless 2 days of early voting last week so record numbers of voters including coronavirus patients able to vote in specially segregated polling stations. Special arrangements are also being made for the thousands of south koreans currently in self quarantine to leave their homes and vote so long as theyre not showing symptoms at the end of regular polling some stations are being kept open just for them. This outbreak has changed the way Candidates Campaign and what theyre campaigning on. The issue of north korea has been significant in all elections until now tell young ho used to be the north Korean Deputy ambassador in london until his defection and theres now one election in south koreas most affluent district gangnam everything is buried by a quote 19 now and north korean Issue National Security Issues are no exceptions to this Current Situation the leader of a Minority Opposition Party and charles to a medical doctor by training volunteered to help out in the daegu epicenter for 2 weeks days parties popularity has improved the 1st 3rd. And president through in jail in was lagging in the opinion polls with domestic scandals and poor Economic Performance until his handling of the outbreak which has been widely viewed as a success one of them led i got more interested in this election because of coronavirus and im looking at how politicians are responding to us. On the tits on a president moon has handled the outbreak well ill vote accordingly. The majority of the electorate it seems agreed this ballot giving moons governing Democratic Party a convincing win and giving south koreans a further milestone in the long struggle back to normal life Robert Bright aljazeera so. Well speaking of elections the latest deadline has now passed for israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival benny gantz to form a Coalition Government the 2 were supposed to finalize an agreement on monday but asked the israeli president for an extension to complete the talks but have expressed the desire to secure a coalition as the Coronavirus Crisis in israel is for small if they can form one israel can face its force the election and 18 months to get latest after mary for center joins us live now from west jerusalem i guess it was it was going to be difficult harry but what do we think went wrong in this final round of negotiations well yes it seems very strange given that just a short time ago now benny gantz the main Opposition Leader broke with his partners in the opposition and decided to bring his own party into government with Benjamin Netanyahu said he was doing out of a sense of statesmanship and patriotism at a time of National Emergency and yet here we are all over again the reports coming out of the negotiations suggested that dance had been giving way on a number of things among them the prospects of annexation in the occupied west bank hed wanted a delay on that but there was a big row it seems over judicial appointments gantz certainly reported in the local media as being angry about perceived walk back on commitments given by netanyahu during the talks but he gave a pretty conciliatory speech on monday there is another thing thats been at the core of this as well though each mans Prime Ministerial ambitions Benjamin Netanyahu wants to make sure that there is legislation that doesnt allow the high court to decide that someone under indictment on corruption charges as he is may not be allowed to form a government and benny gantz wants to see it legislated that there will be an ordering of a deal that would see him take over as Prime Minister in 18. And it seems there has to be agreement on that either ok so the deadlock the deadline has passed me what happens next because i know were potentially looking at the force election in 18 months but whos to say that another election would yield any different results affectively from the previous 3. Well thats as may be that there are a poll that suggests that netanyahu is likud has fared well electorally out of this Coronavirus Crisis that there has been in many countries around the world a bit of a rallying around the flag effect and netanyahu has certainly been very much front and center of the response very deliberately so and so there is a suggestion that in that he may well get the votes he would require to form a right wing bloc without benny gantz in government should there be a 4th election before we get to that point what happens next is that the mandate that president rivlin gave to benny gantz when he got the most recommendations from the from the new knesset that is now expired and so he has 2 options you can either give it to netanyahu to see if he can form a government or he can just hand it over to the knesset the Israeli Parliament giving any member of the knesset he can get enough recommendations the prospect of forming a government but and that is the that the course of action that does appear likely given the signals coming from the president s office but thats only a 21 day period if these 2 men they still would have a chance to form an Emergency National unity government during that period if they dont then it automatically goes to a 4th election one thing that benny gantz does have in his back pocket is the leadership of the knesset as speaker of the parliament and he has with his previous allies in the opposition threatened you know with legislation which would prevent him from forming a government because of his corruption charges that the case due to start in may will that be enough of a lever to use against netanyahu to try and stave off those 4th elections which do look relatively positive from the position at the moment we wait to see were doing herefore set with the latest from westerville slim thank you. And theres lots more still to come in listenings hour including calls to release under. Documented migrants because they cant socially distance us the tension and the picking in last night merrick how while its down why the economic downturn caused by the current virus could be even worse in pouring nations. However it will find in sunny weather across much of europe at the moment High Pressure very much in charge here we have got areas of cloud and right there is of low pressure around a high so thats bringing some disturbed weather its scandinavia into the Baltic States into that western side of russia i will sustain some rather lively whether theyre just down towards grace and into turkey we had some snow actually across the great mountains recently it will clear up itll brighten up over the next couple of days wish i could say the same for spain and portugal this area of low pressure here thats going to continue bringing some wet weather in as we go on through thursday and indeed into friday further north that is generally fine and dry some warm sunshine around paris 23 celsius or 20 in london thats not so bad central parts 23 celsius there for vienna still seeing i shall just around the western side of russia on thursday these will ease further east which is we go through friday and notice down to the southeast it brightens up more in the west sunshine coming through here well see some wet weather coming into all and pushing into England Wales southern parts of indian wells and staying on settle there across a good part of spain and portugal some of that wet weather also affecting the far northwest of africa also some showers here with one of 2 showers not in libya. Save humanity i really really not getting anywhere near. Alaskas far north a pristine environment thats become a battleground with the trumpet ministration keen to let Oil Companies start drilling some and to remote communities are tempted by the promised wealth we live here we make the rule not their own but others bitterly opposed we should not have to trade our culture for oil and gas crossing the high peaks of the Arctic Circle to investigate the people in power at the edge of the earth on aljazeera talk to aljazeera we want your thoughts were when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying you have been to go build you know the stage of you know we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00. The welcome back heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera the head of the World Health Organization says he regrets the tribes the subject to suspend u. S. Funding for the agency over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic this is that thats told in the u. S. Is reported to have passed 30000. Meanwhile the death toll in sweden which has resisted lock down restrictions has risen sharply again with a further 107 deaths top e. U. Leaders are worn. That easing restrictions too quickly could have devastating effects and this case is rising in russia the launch of digital travel permits to help police the lockdown of course the long queues and crowds at moscow metro stations. Germany is one of the countries that will begin lifting some restrictions from nest next week with some shops reopening and final year students going back to school early in may schools and nurseries have already reopened in denmark its one of the 1st countries in europe to try a gradual reopening to get its economy back on track but many parents say its too soon and have kept their children at home seeming john reports now from copenhagen a long awaited reunion of principal welcomes back his students after a whole month. I have really missed my school and im excited to meet my teachers and friends to see them again is a very very big place but much has changed social distancing is still required and parents are no longer allowed to drop off their children inside the school worried about the kids. Im happy put on words however excited the kids are to see their friends again. Hugging is not allowed. Instead they have to wash their hands. Grass properly calibrated and sit in the classroom 2 metres apart. Which requires spreading the children to more rooms been out hiring. Young students to come in and supply our normal stuff so i have enough stuff apart from school nurse shes also opening today but only half of them are ready to welcome kids due to the new Health Requirements with extra cleaning less furniture and more outdoor classes. The rest will open in the coming days. The kitchen is closed access this used to be the kitchen area for children having breakfast in the morning its only kids under 11 years old who are back at schools in denmark the rest are still at home and these are the lockers for the kids their jackets and shoes are here but theyre no longer allowed to be here in order to avoid them standing too close to each other. While the children here are happy being back those. Thousands of parents are refusing to send their kids to school im responsible not the state not the kindergarten not im responsible for catching will keep the children at home in school for the next few weeks perhaps months or im worried about their hours of course and weve been protecting our kids for the last months like mad and now theyre supposed to go ahead of it all and im also worried about the scenario theyll meet based on fear and distance which is not natural for a child. Back at the school its time for a short break molly you might have dont get too close to each other but the children are only allowed to play in small groups of 4 i feel bad for the kids because they want to play together and theyre not allowed to play together. See me john copenhagen. 668 sailors assigned to the french Aircraft Carrier showed the girls naval group have tested positive for the virus many of them are on the Aircraft Carrier when it returned to port in 2 long on monday at least 31. 00 sailors have been hospitalized and the French Defense Ministry Says testing is ongoing earlier the french Prime Minister announced that Health Care Staff in frances most stricken areas will receive a bonus as well as higher pay for overtime amazon meanwhile says it will temporarily close warehouses in france after a Court Ordered it to limit deliveries to essential goods such as food and medical supplies the company has 6 warehouses across the country the law will be closed for at least a week from thursday amazon employs about 10000 people in france and hundreds of refugees in the French Quarter of cali are in a more precarious situation than ever because of the pandemic the authorities have promised to move them to a safer place but so far that hasnt happened that there has more. Few ferries leave cali for the u. K. These days the roads and streets of the northern french port are quiet people are staying indoors during frances lock down but a drive around the edge of the city reveals the pain inside is not possible for everyone. In the cold hundreds of migrants and refugees all crammed into tents with little opportunity for social distancing until u. S. Left ethiopia 4 years ago like others here he wants to reach the u. K. Hes worried about coronavirus and says the police in cali are making a frightening situation even worse but because from the dont know anything they just get through but the beauty of this is fair and unfair for these new to come not to be things not to go for only safe and better life in which to a good education local authorities promised to shelter the majority of the migrants during the lockdown but activists say most are still outdoors some volunteers also say the police tried to prevent their work. The regional prefect has put restrictions on charities since a lockdown weve continued working but the police issue us with warnings when we distribute food or blankets this is the reality on the ground at a time when the president is calling for solidarity these days officials put more effort into disrupting charity work and clearing camps that helping people who are in need with limited resources the volunteers have had to find creative ways to adapt to the Health Crisis and minimize risk weve had change our distribution method to reduce the amount of contact we have with people. Wearing. Protective equipment that were able to remove when we come back and that or washable. The vans fitted with hand washing stations so we can keep washing our hands and cleaning the wilbury. So we take the word out people throughout distribution to try to make sure that everything says cleaners sanitary as possible Charity Workers across france of called on the United Nations to urge the french government to do more to uphold the rights of migrants and refugees in cali and protect them against the coronavirus pandemic we need next year not over him as you heard on a National Level weve seen strict measures schools cafes shops closed people combined indoors but here there are 1200 People Living in terrible conditions these people immune to the coronavirus know that they have the same right as everybody else to be protected against the virus and thats what were demanding at least 2 cases of coronavirus have been detected among migrants in cali activists say they could be many more emanuel has urged people around the country to stay home to protect the most vulnerable few could be more vulnerable than those who fled conflict and pull the t. And a forced to rely on handouts and sleep in the cold natasha aljazeera fronts last month u. N. Secretary general antonio terrorists called for a global ceasefire so the world could overcome the coronavirus france is now putting forward a proposal hoping to secure backing for this resolution or diplomatic editor james pais has the latest. As the g. 7 group of countries prepare to meet on the pandemic one part of the International Community the u. N. Security council has been paralyzed by inaction it still hasnt come up with a resolution that its been able to pass on coded 19 that sym part because initially some countries said it wasnt a matter for the Security Council and there was an unseemly wral between the u. S. And china the u. S. Wanted to call the virus the womb hand virus now though progress is being made from its has been pushing a new draft and the french ambassador interim ote interview with me told me that he thought it was possible they could have a resolution in the next few days everybody you know that doubt different views on the planet did it i think we had doing really really good try to race now i really hope that reach out and be in a position to take action in a coming days in a Security Council 15 men burst of ghana and make sure that we agree on this decision of for cities in the countries on the agenda out there can see that and. Agree on other humanitarian truths to be a vote to fix endemic in all these countries. Its now more than 3 weeks since the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorists called for a global ceasefire what will be the secretary generals view if and how important would such a resolution be it would be send in a street really strong and powerful message if the secretary general corporate local sees was backed by a Security Council resolution the Member States will decide that the Security Council members will reside pretty we are very pleased with the the impact its had and the residents the secretary generals call. Well as im told whats in the current draft of a Security Council resolution doesnt go as far as the secretary generals call for a global ceasefire instead theyre talking about as a sation of a still it is in all the conflicts that are currently on the Security Councils agenda. There are more than 33000 undocumented refugees and migrants in the u. S. The tension centers waiting for their deputation hearings but Holding Facilities are overcrowded making social distancing almost impossible rights activists say the migrants are sitting ducks for the coronavirus and are demanding their release rob reynolds for reports from los angeles. Urgent plea from behind bars dont let us die from cold 19. Deaths because theres an intimacy. And that is to. Dozens of men held in close quarters in an immigration and Customs Enforcement or Ice Detention Center made the video pleading to be released they are not able to handle. There is no screening even those who wish to employ didnt know really. Where clerk american detainees say they cannot remain the recommended distance from one another and are not provided with Hand Sanitizer man asks or gloves this is a cruel and completely out of way to deal with the crisis at hand it does not comport. Medical expert advice and it actually makes sitting ducks out of detainee as isis already its legal action by the American Civil Liberties union of Southern California has won the release of a handful of detainees including charleston de cause of an undocumented immigrant born in believes they called agreed to speak about conditions inside but preferred not to be videotaped because right now. Everybody everybody. They called said he lived in a cell block with 80 men 4 to 8 men to his cell one. You know you. Want. He hundreds of family members and supporters held a drive by protest rally at a Detention Center in arizona demanding that detainees be released immediately they liken the facilities to death camps and you want a member eating lunch and basic basic human rights and every so far the government has refused to consider a large scale release of detainees and even though most of the country is on lockdown ice agents are still busy arresting in confining undocumented people i should also immediately stop arresting people and putting them in these dangerous conditions and facilities the a. C. L. U. And other immigrants rights advocates are asking the courts to intervene as soon as possible before its too late aljazeera los angeles Brazils Health minister has refused the resignation of a senior Brazilian Health official leading the countrys fight against a coronavirus senior members of Brazils Health ministry of men at all those with president jade both set out over the virus also that has played down the gravity of the outbreak and that pact local governors over lock down orders local media have also been speculating that the Health Minister himself will be fired in a matter of days. The pandemic could set back more than 50 years of growth and stability for latin america its predicted to be badly hit by the Global Economic downturn because its already struggling with widespread inequality are latin america editor of the scene human reports now from santiago. Alexander guy this is trying to make enough to cover one days expenses selling secondhand electrical goods on the street its illegal but he has little choice made and i thought the police many a city police are let us work because its going to get worse if we cant sell now well have to go out and steal later. My credit here are laughing and they say theres nothing worse than kicking someone when theyre down and thats exactly what code 1000 is doing to latin america if i was a white but all the restaurants close so now im trying to survive doing this just to pay the rent. The pandemic cut the region on an already poor footing with anemic Economic Growth rising crime and social unrest fanned by severe inequality the forecast now is even more bleak. Greece in various standing. Extreme. To me. And. 200. 3 even these fears. The biggest problem is unemployment and many latin american countries are too insolvent to provide viable economic rescue plans for small and medium sized businesses. Venezuela ecuador argentina and most to Central America and deep in debt already but all without exception will have a hard time keeping their heads above water even after the pandemic subsides between 19952015 tens of millions of Latin Americans woes home poverty and into the lower middle class many of them were able to buy apartments like the ones you see here now these are precisely the people who stand to lose everything i mean the. The i. M. F. Predicts the region will suffer its worst recession in half a century last may depend on if and when latin americas main trading partners china the u. S. And europe recover nothing is certain at this point except the regions main weakness a structural inequality that will take much longer to cure than the pandemic you see in human aljazeera sunday at all. Emirates airline has begun rapid on site covert 19 testing for passengers before allowing them onto its planes passengers flying from the bike to tennessee on wednesday were the 1st to be tested blood samples were taken at checkin with the results taking around 10 minutes and red says its working to scale up the capabilities and provide the service for other flights still ahead in this news hour a return to some sort of normality after libyas u. N. Backed government regains control of the west coast plus. The great bell rings out again a year after the french cathedral was devastated by a fire. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such to mount as a global power develop into the Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the stream we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and in Farmington Energy solutions for future generation the british are nearing future. A policy imposed decades ago pregnant woman part. Lets take you straight to the white house the rose garden board President Donald Trump is about to hold his daily News Conference about the. All of American Society is engaged in mobilized in the war against the invisible enemy. While we must remain vigilant it is clear that our aggressive strategy is working and very strongly working im at it new cases are declining throughout the new york metropolitan area cases in the detroit and denver metro areas are flat washington d. C. Baltimore philadelphia and st louis are showing great signs of progress and new cases in euston in new orleans are declining the battle continues but the data suggests that they should what we have passed the peak or new cases hopefully that will continue and we will continue to make great progress these encouraging developments have put aside a very strong position to finalize guidelines for the states on reopening the country which will be announcing were going to be talking about that tomorrow well be having a News Conference tomorrow sometime during the afternoon were going to be announcing guidelines and well be talking about various states and its very exciting its been a horrible time to see such death and destruction especially when you come out of what was the greatest economy in the history of the world the greatest weve never been an economy like what we had produced but well produce it again and i think well produce it again very fast the medical and Health Care Advances weve made are critical to our continued progress weve rapidly developed the most expensive and accurate testing system anywhere in the world and have completed more than 3300000 tests to date we have authorized 48 separate coronavirus tests and the f. D. A. Is working with 300 companies and labs to widen our capacity still further. Today abbott labs announced that it is developed an Antibody Test that will determine if someone has been previously infected with the coronavirus and potentially developed immunity its a great test the company says these tests could be available to screen up to 20000000 people in a matter of weeks my administration is also distributing best amounts of medical supplies to states across the country through project air bridge which has been an amazing success we have completed 44 flights and these are flights a very very large airplane pts. Massive cargo planes. 44 flights of critical supplies as of today an additional 56 flights scheduled in the near future we have some very brilliant people working on this its logistically incredible what theyve done and weve also been working on this with the military and these people have been the genius of all of them together has been incredible to watch in total through all channels the federal government has developed and delivered 39400000 n 95 masks 4c3x1w5x7w surgical masks and 10200000 gallons we ordered 500000000 masks and theyll be coming shortly and weve distributed 100000000 man asks following our use of the defense production act g. M. Announced that its 1st ventilators come off the Assembly Line in kokomo indiana great place they did it in 11 days from start to finish a remarkable testament to the ingenuity of the American Worker g. M. Will ship over 600. 00 ventilators this month alone with thousands more to come and we have other companies doing something similar and i think they said that theres a brief clip that we have of General Motors sent to us by General Motors and i think they might be wanting to play that for your benefit place. And you get a little bit nervous when you saw there was a clip about ready to be played but that was sent to us by General Motors and we thought it would be a good one to play its amazing it said you know what theyve done in a very very short period of time theyre now making thousands of ventilators and theyre coming out of the factory very rapidly at a clip that nobody can even believe but we have others also doing it and these are very high grade ventilators so were helping a lot of people and at this moment nobody needs them and we have to remember during the surge nobodys needed them for weeks now but well have them for stockpiles and very importantly were going to have them for other countries because nobodys able to do things like we can do and were going to be able to help other countries that are having tremendous problems to put it mildly my administration is using every available authority to accelerate the Development Study and delivery of therapy is so important therapies. Treatments and ultimately what we want to come up with is a safe exene but frankly the therapies to me are the most important because it takes care of people right now the vaccines have to be tested so it takes a longer period of time but we have some Great Potential therapies already and well see how theyre working well be able to report on that i think over the next week or 2 tremendous progress has been made at least 35 Clinical Trials of promising therapies are now underway so 35 different Genius Companies if you look at aids if you look at a ball if you look at so many things theyve come up with the answers to so many things that you wouldnt believe that and were very honored to be working with them they include the antivirals and. Also and they are something which is incredible keeps the virus from multiplying a mechanism that keeps the virus from multiplying immune therapies that prevent the immune system from overreaching to the virus and convalescent plasma treatments that use antibodies from the blood of recovered patients so we have a lot of patients who recover and theyre so happy to have recovered that the 1st thing they do is say we want to give our blood and they do that its incredible we have thousands of people that are doing that they recover they feel they have an obligation because theyve gotten such great care and a lot of them didnt think they were going to make it as the entire u. S. Government works to combat the Global Pandemic it is absolutely essential that the key positions at relevant federal agencies are fully staffed and were not allowing that to take place through our congress that just not just not giving it to us we have many many positions that are. Unstaffed because we cant get the approvals the democrats are holding us up we cannot get approval. Weve gotten judges because we go through the process i guess were up to 448 federal judges and that weve gotten because we focus on it we take the maximum time because dont matter who the judges they take vast numbers of days and hours to provent leaves no time left for others very unfair system if a judge is going to be approved in one hour and one session it doesnt matter theyll take the maximum number of hours and days youre talking about days to get one judge approved and were close to 250. 00 judges but. Because of the way theyre doing it theres no time for anybody else and many of these people have been waiting for 2 and a half years we have a couple that have been waiting for a while longer than that they are currently 129 nominees stuck in the senate because of partisan obstruction many of nominated for vacancies that must be filled to assist with the Coronavirus Crisis and the resulting economic challenges in everett over the couple of years well i didnt fill positions i dont fill positions in some cases we dont need the position and im all for that but in many cases you do but we cant get them approved by the democrats they wont release them to positions include the director of National Intelligence to members of the Federal Reserve board of governors the assistant secretary of treasury for Financial Markets of the you know of the United States and the undersecretary of agriculture responsible for administering Food Security programs and sonny perdue whos going to be speaking today saying please can i have this man can i have this particular person approved as soon as possible hes been telling me that for a long time and the democrats wont allow it to happen again and every single judge every nominee we have goes through a maximum. Or at least they go through a long process so it takes days and days and theres no time left and its just a concerted effort to make life difficult an example is michael pak hes my nominee for the c. E. O. Of the broadcasting broadcasting board of governors and hes been stuck in committee for 2 years preventing us from managing the voice of america very important and if you heard whats coming out of the voice of america its disgusting with things they say are disgusting toward our country and michael pac would get any do a great job but hes been waiting now for 2 years cant get him approved the senate has left washington until at least may 4th the constitution provides a mechanism for the president to fill positions in such circumstances the recess appointment its called the senates practice of gaveling into socalled pro forma sessions where no one is even there has prevented me from using the Constitutional Authority that were giving that were given under the recess provisions the senate should either fulfill its duty and vote on my nominees or chit formally adjourn so that i can make recess appointments we have a tremendous number of people that have to come into government and now more so than ever before because of the virus and the problem. We have to do it and we have to do whatever we have to do that made it very very difficult to run government i dont think any administration has done anywhere

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