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25000 and we will look at an election in the time of pandemic South Koreans head to the ballot box with their masks their gloves and sanitized. He is accused of failing its basic duty and in doing so u. S. President donald trump is halted his countrys financial contributions to the World Health Organization he says the w. H. O. Not only mishandled the outbreak but covered up how it was spreading out of china the u. N. Says though this is the worst possible moment for money to be withheld and trumps critics insist hes just trying to shift blame away from himself the support from washington with mike hanna. And what has become a pattern president used his podium to break reporters if you keep talking ill leave and you could have it out with the rest of these people if you keep talking im going to leave and you could have it out with that. Just allowed me to introduce the number of prominent members of big business the Construction Labor Workforce International union of operating engineers Jim Callaghan north America Building Trades Union sharon mcgarvie is a lot of friends of mine laborers International Union of north america terrio sullivan and to sharply criticized the World Health Organization announcing his administration would suspend funding had the w. H. O. Done its job to get medical experts into china to objectively assess the situation on the ground and to call out chinas lack of transparency ironically President Trump is on the record praising trying to perth transparency in dealing with a virus having what was described as a friendly phone conversation with president xi at the end of march and subsequently tweeting we are working closely together much respect once again President Trump appears to be ignoring the principle of the separation of powers legal experts argue that he does not have the right to suspend funding that has already been approved by Congress Another constitutional crisis is looming. And despite repeated cautions by the countrys Health Experts President Trump insisted mitigating measures could be eased or listed in a number of u. S. States by the beginning of next month but he walked back an earlier contention that the decision was his to make by confirming that the question of lifting restrictions or not it would be left to each individual governor though the white house would still provide guidance were going to pick a date were going to get a date thats good but its going to be very very soon sooner than the end of the month this on a day that new york city announced its most dramatic rise in the fatality rate Health Officials for the 1st time included the deaths of those presumed to have died of the virus even though they had nothing to says positive this increase the death toll by more than 3700. 00 in a single day driving up the number of People Killed in new york city to more than 10000 and increasing the overall u. S. Death count by 17 percent to more than 26000 thank you all very much stock figures that not even President Trump action against the World Health Organization can distract from mike hanna aljazeera washington president transco little rivals at home were quick to react the u. S. Democratic National Committee put out a statement heres part of it trump is willing to put Global Health further risk to trying to deflect blame from his own failures the American People know the truth it was trump who ignored warnings for months. Well leave the us there for now look at russia where the outbreak is expanding rapidly for the 4th straight day there has been a record day in the rise in new infections more than 3300 of them in fact bringing the total to nearly 25000. 00 the government says at least 198. 00 russians have died Health Authorities say they could run out of hospital beds over the next few weeks well update that situation now with lawrence lee in london good morning lawrence russia not a country i would say thats in the headlines as much as others on coronavirus but these numbers are worrying. Well yeah i mean so the total number of cases is going up very sharply though the number of deaths so far seems surprisingly low given that but anyway even if you take those figures that face value russia has lots of number of different problems. First of all countries 140000000 people vast obviously very sparsely populated places a full 10 percent or more the whole population of the Country Living in moscow so that presents a particular problem for the capital because im saying this is someone who lived in moscow for 3 and a half years but the hospital there in the capital are pretty terrible and so its no surprise that. The ortho which is a worry is about the strain on the Hospital System and its no surprise as the president has been talking. A couple running out of hospital beds in a few weeks and just like the u. K. Thats all about calling the army in for help so thats one problem and the other problem kemal frankly not to put too fine a point on it is how absolutely unhealthy Many Russians are Life Expectancy is really low alcoholism is rife vast number of people smoke all of these things are really really dangerous when you have a risperidone disease as dangerous as this one so you know i think i think russia has a lot of problems and its the lack of resources frankly and the way in which over a number of years a few people in moscow have seized all the power and seize all the money and made the rest of the country so much poorer thats not going to create a lot of problems for my thinking weeks. Lawrence tell me about why the europe i dont know thats very broad but the fact is there are a lot of countries there in Different Levels but it seems to be struggling as a whole to come up with something some sort of cohesive response. Yeah i mean there are similarities kemal of the moment because youve got a number of Different Countries which are all starting to talk at the same time about coming up a lot down in small ways spain italy austria denmark are all talking about variously bits of the economy going in construction or the schools selling and this sort of thing because obviously the economic damages is vast and as we said before the problem for the European Commission and the European Union as a block is how do you get 27. 00 countries to behave in the same way which is what they usually like to try to do when the epidemic is different stages in each of those countries so you can if you want sitting in the European Commission you want to avoid what happened the start of the crisis which is mass panic and border closures and countries hoarding medical supplies and not dealing with each other as they should have done how do you actually then start to get countries to bear a in a much more structured and he said way as you gradually start to come out of it so the pressure the European Commission bogalay and is going to give a News Conference in a bit in which shes going to talk about how to start to get countries to work a bit Better Together than they did at the start of the crisis and thats going to evolve things like apps and Contact Tracing and countries behaving together to try to match all their data to see if you can get a much better paneuropean response that all sounds very nice of course and lots of privacy concerns which of the European Union will test peoples results to where they want to share all their data in this way and it will all set the big test what the European Union is prepared to act as a body as opposed to a lot of individual countries being a whole lot to do by brussels but the signs i think are the moment countries do want to try to get this right particularly because at some point they got to start within the borders and thats going to be very dangerous potentially in terms of spreading the virus back across the continent. Thank you for all those updates thats Lawrence Lady in london now south korea where voting is underway in a parliamentary election one of the worlds 1st National Ballots to be held during the pandemic though she is of course required to wear their masks and gloves and to maintain social distancing more than 10000 people have been infected in south korea and at least 220 have died this is robert bride in the capital seoul reporting on the strict measures that have been put in place across all the polling stations. There is a its almost a point of pride here in south korea South Koreans will tell you they have never missed an election even during the korean war 952. 00 they held an election so while a number of ballots local ballots around the world in various countries have been canceled or postponed they were determined to go ahead with this corona virus or not but they are taking special precautions where at a smaller polling station in downtown seoul d we havent seen a huge number of people here some of the. Busier polling stations are out in the biggest suburbs in the Residential District but all of them are the same all put in place the same precautions when you come into the polling stations 1st of all you have no guided down an entrance way you have to keep a one meter separating you from the person behind on the person in front and then as you go through youre already assumed to be wearing a mask of course you have your temperature taken interesting lee if you have a fever or a temperature youre not turned away but you are sent to a special voting booth of your own and then everybody has a Hand Sanitizer put on they all have to die on the throw away gloves in order that they can go and then get their ballot go into the booth and then cast their vote and interestingly also in the way that you cast your vote here in south korea is that you have a chop a small stamp inside the voting booth you take your paper you take your ink chop and then choose your candidate but what people here have a tendency to do especially the Younger Voters is that they will as a mark of having achieved their votes they will also put a check up on their hand you take a picture of that upload it to social media just to show your friends that you have voted while the authorities are not very happy about things like that that the time of pandemic. Now there is a diet forecast thats been put out for the World Economy the International Monetary fund since were heading towards the worst financial downturn since the Great Depression of the 930. 00 s. And fish has more on that. Internet. Monetary fund a stark warning this is a crisis like no other as unemployment lines go around the world as manufacturing grains to halt in many sectors as businesses are forced to close the Economic Impact of the covert crisis is biting the i. M. F. Issues regular reports on the Global Financial situation 3 months ago they were predicting widespread growth coronavirus has radically changed the landscape we are projecting Global Growth in 20224 to minus. 3 percent this makes the Great Lockdown the worst recession since the Great Depression and far worse than the Global Financial crises one of the biggest drops will come in the european euro zone which is expected to take a hit of 7. 5 percent the u. S. Where the president is pushing to reopen the economy is looking at a contraction of nearly 6 percent japan 5. 2 percent down the same as latin america in china where the pandemic began and has begun to reopen its economy its expected to record growth of just over one percent the i. M. F. Is predicting that if things dont deteriorate there will be a rebound for the Global Economy in 2021 but one economist warns that might be short lived i think hes going to run into a lot of headwinds in terms of the kind of the drag thats going to come from or that the big shock thats happened over the past quarter in terms of bankruptcies in terms of lost jobs and that is going to weigh quite heavily on demand and that is why governments and Central Banks have been stepping up stimulus to try and give the economy this extra boost when it comes out of this shock this induced like the shutdowns. One area seriously impacted the Airline Industry its seen its passenger numbers drop by half globally airlines no think theyll lose more than 300000000000 dollars this year much more than expected the i. M. F. Is urging countries to walk together to beat the pandemic saying there is no tradeoff between saving lives and saving livelihoods alan fischer aljazeera for junior. Our pandemic coverage continues in a moment and already struggling with instability in poverty after decades of war weve a look at how afghans are bracing for courage 19 and a crisis takes a toll on new yorks transit workers hundreds of them are getting sick. Weve got High Pressure dominating the weather across much of europe at the moment that means largely settled weather the high x. Is the lid on the atmosphere keeps the skies clear but around those areas of High Pressure we do have a reserve low pressure weve got unsettled weather sliding in the crust scandinavia down towards the southeast corner and we got a nasty little system which will push into spain and portugal over the next couple of days has some rather wet and windy weather slide again heres 17 celsius in that cloud in the rain there for madrid further north were getting up to around for some of the values london. 1516. 00 degrees but a 21. 00 in paris warm sunshine and it will warm up that western weather that we have into scandinavia snow over the high ground there for norway pushing over towards finland towards thats the eastern side if you just 7 celsius there in moscow got some wet weather once again down towards the southeastern corner 18 celsius in athens itll brought not nicely for athens temperatures hovering around a similar valley the wet weather you can see started to push away drying up too across many northern parts of europe warming up 20 celsius in london a 23 in paris those temperatures will meanwhile across northwestern parts of africa we have got cloud of rain slide again it will turn wet across northern parts of iraq and. Join the global conversation possible to the people that expand their brains maybe have a different view this is a dialogue with women in cambodia are in fact selling their hair we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to trace everyone has a voice tell us what you think and youll come to say she could be a law right here in the street we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progression not perfection on aljazeera. Latest developments in the corona virus pandemic now donald trump is suspending u. S. Funding for the World Health Organization he says the agency mishandled the initial response to the pandemic critics though so trumps deflecting blame for his own failures the 4th straight day russias reported a record daily rise in new infections more than 3300. 00 cases confirmed bringing the total to nearly 25000. 00 the government says at least 198. 00 russians died and virgins began in south koreas parliamentary elections one of the worlds 1st National Votes to be held during the pandemic people are required to wear masks and gloves and to maintain their social distancing. Sweden has reported a shop rise in corona virus deaths they were 114 confirmed on tuesday from 20 the day before overall nearly 11000 people tested positive in sweden and more than a 1000 of died countries taking a far more liberal approach to the pandemic resisting the National Lock downs that other countries have taken and the number of new cases in germany has risen again after declining for 4 days another 2400 infections were reported on wednesday bringing the total to more than 127000 with 3200 deaths. Indian police armed with batons have challenged protesters crowding a Railway Station in mumbai tensions boiled over among people blocked from getting home as the National Lockdown continues heres our india correspondent elizabeth purana. It was the breaking point for many of these Migrant Workers stranded in indias Financial Capital a few hours after promised in that interim already announced lockdown will continue for another 2 and a half weeks at least 1500 people gathered outside a Railway Station theyve lost their jobs and theyre demanding transport to take them to their home states. We arent getting anything here the government promised to provide money and other amenities but nothing has been delivered yet we have nothing to do now weve got small children and they arent getting anything to eat what should we do. One by Police Deployed extra offices in the bandra area of the city. The local police tried to reason with them but a battle group became aggressive and police had dual use my force to dispose them this is the 3rd protest by Migrant Workers in recent days last week workers in the city of sort at the state threw stones and set tires and vegetable carts on fire they said their salaries hadnt been paid they didnt have enough food and wanted to go home. And a day later police in delhi say Migrant Workers staying in a homeless shelter said the building on fire after fighting with the shelter staff over food police said 4 people jumped into a nearby river after they were beaten by staff one person drowned promise to modi acknowledged on wednesday that the lockdown to combat cars at 19 has been particularly hard on indias millions of Migrant Workers and daily wage earners. I am well aware of the difficulties you have faced sample food some for moving from place to place and others for staying away from harms and families hundreds of thousands of Migrant Workers started walking home after the lockdown was 1st announced 3 weeks ago leading to the Biggest Movement of people across the country in decades and defeating the purpose of the lockdown the government had announced aid for 800000000 of indias poor but its clear that help isnt reaching everyone and tuesdays protests showed people arent waiting on the promises of more help to come elizabeth purana aljazeera new delhi. Afghans have lived through decades of war now theyre bracing for the challenge of coded 19 viruses threatening millions of people there and putting more pressure on the government which has been criticized for the way its handled the print eric and support from hash. An operation to disinfect the city of heroes is in full swing. A task force has been sent out to clean the streets hospitals and government buildings to counter the spread of coronavirus. The western afghan city is the epicenter of the outbreak the 1st cases were linked to people returning from neighboring iran Health Officials are scrambling to prevent a rapid spread of the virus. That are. Our biggest worry now is not the virus coming from iran but rather an increasing community of fictions inherent province the virus is spreading fast among families were not able at this stage to track all those infected people but so far 30 percent of those tested came up positive. In a country where family connections are strong the authorities are struggling to convince people self isolate. Allotment is among the millions of low wage workers badly affected by the restrictions imposed by the authorities to contain the pandemic after years of war afghanistan faces many challenges instability poverty and the declining economy but that by then what from the last 27 days i was not able to go out to the marketplace to some watermelons because of the lockdown now we are running out of crucial food items our time such as flour rice and beans other murders wife tested positive for covert 19 a few weeks ago fatima was treated in a local hospital and she has since recover we met her the moment she was released from the hospital. After my admission to this hospital doctors gave me medicine and also injections after a few days they took blood samples and the tests came at negative they asked me how i felt i told them i was feeling very good now im going home. As the virus spreads fast thousands of afghan refugees have returned from iran and pakistan in recent weeks. In herat Officials Say they are taking all necessary measures to contain the pandemic failand out of all of the plea in my word that there is no yesterday we have stopped enough food items so we can help 400000 people our goal is to ensure enough food results for as long as the log on continues were also working on improving Health Facilities. But for a country seeking to heal the scars of war the pandemic poses more challenges to a government thats already struggling with shortage of ventilators masks and has set its eyes. But ill just. Take you through some other world news now libyas un recognized government as it now controls the countrys west coast its forces attacking a number of towns and cities from the warlord for hafter an all setting their sights on a nearby airfields mounted up the wide reports now from one of the seized towns. Life is gradually getting back to normal in the coastal city of sobriety in western libya forces loyal to the internationally recognized a government are taken control civilians who fled the city when have to this forces seized it 3 years ago but now returning home. We dont want military rule we rose up against a dictatorship in 2011 not to have another one now we want a Civil Democratic state thats what weve sacrificed for on monday health or the forces were driven out and lost control of many areas in the west of the country before the pulled back to a debate so the. This is the operation of house to us forces and the city of silverado thats been hit by a government war plain as infantry forces crossed into the city. So broad as location is important because its along the International Coastal highway that links the capital tripoli to the tunisian border the west coast cities are also imposed and because they dominate the Gas Pipelines that supply your dope in response to their defeat in the west of the country have to his forces have been targeting residential areas in tripoli the indiscriminate shelling of civilian facilities is raising International Concern we are very concerned about. About the situation. Yes collation of violence in libya i think its frankly alarming we see in many areas close to truly we have seen weve seen the destruction of Health Facilities and frankly for the last month for more than a year weve been calling out not only the destruction but sometimes the targeting of Health Professionals the Government Forces say theyre mobilizing to move towards a with a debate which has been used by half that as warplanes to target southern tripoli. So parata. Now the w. H. O. Says the Ebola Outbreak in democratic republic of congo is actually still a Global Health emergency calls were all focused on corona virus but the d. L. C. Had been hoping to announce an end to the a bold outbreak which started back on august 28th however there are more deaths and infections in the eastern city of benny an epidemic this killed more than 2000 people from u. S. President Barack Obamas indorsed his Vice President joe biden in his bid for the white house obama said he believes biden is the candidate that America Needs to help it recover from the pandemic bidens former rival senator Bernie Sanders has also endorsed him after dropping out of the democratic partys nomination race at least biden to take on donald trump for the white house in november ukraines government says a forest fire near the Chernobyl Nuclear plant has been put out it went within a kilometer though of the sign for the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident environmental activists say the government covered up how bad things really were including the risk of a spike in radiation. Lets go back to corona virus now which of course is Hidden Health another Vital Services everywhere as more and more people get sick that includes public transport workers in new york is dr as clean as engineers all putting themselves at risk is to keep the city moving their bellies on the reports. Theyre the bus drivers and subway workers. The people they keep millions of new yorkers moving from point a to point b. More than 2000 new york transit workers have tested positive for corona virus and more than 50 have died from a maker nesta hernandez a 58 year old bus driver his son said his dads life was about work church and family cutty dad sent to go who worked the night shift as a subway station cleaner in the bronx who leaves behind 3 kids and a husband and Warren Tucker known to his colleagues and friends as big tuck he was a bus mechanic at the central Maintenance Facility in brooklyn. In a place like new York City Transit workers our 1st any would not be able to respond. A without our workforce they are out there every day putting themselves in harms way exposing themselves like. A heavy price for. Being a transit worker is very hazardous many times their lungs are exposed to diesel fuel or steel dust these are underground train tracks. And over a quarter of the workers will be 5 years old have some sort of preexisting better if you. Add it all up here are 374 children to. The metropolitan Transit Authority or m. T. A. That runs new yorks buses subways and commuter trains ramped up efforts to sanitize everything sometimes as much as twice a day to make it safe for the city to be in charge. Hundreds of thousands of masks and millions of gloves have been distributed to help keep workers healthy and theres a new campaign called heroes moving heroes to bring attention to all they do and to the most difficult circumstances keeping a city moving in times of a pandemic even if it means risking their own health and maybe even life gabriels on doe. New york. Well take you to the headlines now and aljazeera dont trump is suspending u. S. Funding for the World Health Organization he says the agency mishandled the initial response to the pandemic critics though say trumps deflecting blame for his own fate yes. One of the most dangerous and costly decision from the w. H. O. Was its disastrous decision to oppose travel restrictions from china and other nations they were very much opposed to what we did fortunately i was not convinced and suspended drabble from china saving until numbers of lives thousands and thousands of people would have died are the coronavirus headlines and for the 4th straight day russia has reported a record daily rise in new infections more than 3000 300. 00 cases confirmed bringing the total to nearly 25000. 00 the government says at least 198. 00 russians and dies. Voting has begun in south koreas parliamentary elections one of the worlds 1st National Votes to be held during the pandemic people are required to wear masks and gloves and to maintain social distancing sweden reporting a sharp rise in corona virus deaths another 114 were confirmed on choose day up from 20 the previous day overall nearly 11000 people have tested positive and more than a 1000 have died in the sweden has taken a more liberal approach to the pandemic resisting the National Lockdowns of other countries. The new account number of new cases i should say in germany has risen again after declining for 4 days another 2400 factions were reported on wednesday bringing the total to more than 127003200 germans have now died. The World Health Organization says the Ebola Outbreak in democratic republic of congo is still a Global Health emergency d. S. E. Had been hoping to announce an end to the outbreak which started in august of 2018 but there are more deaths and infections in the eastern city of beni in an epidemic thats killed more than 2000 people and in other news former us president Barack Obamas endorsed his Vice President joe biden and the bid for the white house bidens former rival senator Bernie Sanders has also endorsed him after dropping out of the democratic partys nomination race at least biden to take on donald trump in the general election in new. York today with the headlines on aljazeera the stream is next. Talk to aljazeera. What will force were when you saw that document story we listen to after world war saying youll be in to go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and the stories that matter on which is iraq. Welcome to the stream im femi oke i more and more people off the sting africa to reconnect with that pos and its helping inspire them in the present day we look at how the African Diaspora is really examining the culture at sea for months and struggles of the ad system is through travel at how its empowering them you can join the conversation through twitter i need. To know where youre going you have to know where you have come from that is the loose translation ascent cofa it is like a

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