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New yorks governor appeals to President Trump for more cooperation in the fight against covert 19 rejecting his push to open up the economy so. We speak to a Health Expert on why widescale screening is critical to containing the corona virus outbreak. And weve used it since ancient times to ward off disease find out how compact is being made into an even more powerful tool against the virus. 9 trillion dollars thats how much the International Monetary fund says could be lost from the Global Economy over the next 2 years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic that means Global Growth would shrink by 3 percent which is 30 times worse than the 2009 Global Financial crisis the i. M. F. Chief Economist Says its the worst economic shock since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. Flattening the spread of coal with 19 using lock downs allows Health Systems to cope with this crises which then prove permits a resumption of economic activity. In the sense there is no tradeoff between saving lives and saving livelihoods countries should continue to continue to generously support their Health Systems perform widespread testing and refrain from trade restrictions on medical supplies the worlds ally ins are also suffering they stand to lose more than 300000000000. 00 in revenue this year thats the latest forecast from the industrys representative body i asked her and the u. K. Is economy could shrink by a staggering 35 percent over the next 3 months that would more than double unemployment and take public borrowing to its highest levels since the 2nd world war. Lets cross live to alan fischer whos with us in the journey or so alan the i. M. F. Says that Global Growth could fall by 3 percent due to this economic shock caused by the coronavirus pandemic to put that into perspective thats greater than the g. D. P. Of germany and japan combined. And to put it in perspective remember the suffering that was caused economically after the crash in 20082009 well it says its a great deal worse than that its just 3 months ago that the i. M. F. Issued its normal quarterly view and looked around the world and said look we think theres going to be growth in about 160. 00 countries this year it was a fairly loosely outlook just shows how much the corporate pandemic is essentially change the entire economic landscape here theyre saying that theres just so many countries that are going to suffer because of this and this is really just the baseline no theyre predicting that in 2021 a number of economists will come back theyre saying there could be growth of about 5. 8 percent which is an incredibly good figure even though its starting from a little beast but they say a lot of things have to go right for that to happen one of them is that there is no 2nd wave another is that countries start to come out of the shutdowns that theyre in at the moment and do so reasonably soon but the i. M. F. Are very clear look you cant go trading peoples livelihoods for peoples lives that is the most important thing and therefore the governments of the world have to walk together to make sure that the Health Services in each and every country are robust enough to handle this and then when that is done they can start looking at some sort of organized Global Response to the economic problems banding together at the i. M. F. Very keen that there isnt de globalization to use their words after this and that countries think they can do things on their own the insist that this has to be a job tackled by all the countries together to make sure that the world gets through the crisis that its facing economically and as there is alan fischer reporting live there from home in virginia many thanks indeed allan the pandemic has brought air travel pretty much to a standstill with many Airline Flights grounded theres no certainty as to when to travel restrictions will be eased out a Serious Business and economic status added ali says the Industry Needs massive Financial Support to survive the crisis. The Airline Industry employs some in the region as 65000000 people directly and indirectly and so you know theyre expecting 25000000 jobs could be lost over the next 3 months unless governments step in we help now we had in the United States that the Trump Administration has said theyll give 60000000000. 00 to the Airline Industry but the end industry has it has been reluctant to take those on because part of that money comes in the form of loans and quite rightly so many people would think and some of that money cannot be used to why back shares or dividends or any or all right pay executives huge bonuses as had been the case in the previous previous financial crisis in 2008 so theyre reluctant to take the money and when you look at the for instance in the u. K. The British Government has said listen you know were not going to hand out huge bailouts to help put the airlines and where it will take each airline case by case and see see what support we can offer but the 1st port of call you need to go to your shareholders to get your money and youve got British Airways now theyre in the process of for learning 30000 employees so this is a very real economy kind of stuff this is peoples lives being effect saved and we put this into the wider context because the Global Tourism industry is such a Huge Industry its about almost 92000000. 00. Is the actual value of it and it employs more than 300 people around the world and its not Just Airlines its hotels its cruise ships and its your air b. N. B. S. You know little the little guys are suffering as much as the big guys. As we reported the u. K. Is facing a big Economic Contraction and an increase in unemployment because of its measures to stop the virus spreading britains finance minister receives sun access that he believes measures that hes already brought in will mitigate some of the impact we cant protect every business and every household but we came into this crisis with a fundamentally sound economy powered by the hard work and ingenuity of the british people and british businesses. So while those Economic Impacts are significant the o. B. Are also expect them to be temporary life out of Charley Angela who can give us some analysis from london the chancellor there referring to the o. B. Of the office for business responsibility which says that the u. K. s economy could shrink by as much as 35 percent due to the pandemic the chancellor says will not necessarily whos right. Well the chancellor was stressing that the office of for budget responsibility has put out a projection it is not a prediction it is not a forecast it is modeled on a very particular scenario that scenario is one where the country is knocked down as we are now for 3 months and then follows thats followed by a partial lockdown for another 3 months thats not what the government has announced its not outside the realms of possibility though because we know that they are considering varying levels of social distancing for 12 months but what hes saying is that the got the countrys economy was very strong before this crisis happened and it will bounce back quickly and the o. B. Are has said it could bounce back quickly they they agree on that but 35 percent contraction in one quarter that would be a bigger contraction than this country saw during the spanish flu during the 2008 financial crisis through training world war one or world war 2 so it is a very alarming. Scenario that they have modeled now the chance that the finance minister has acknowledged there is going to be some short term damage to the economy how could there not be businesses are closed people are pulling out of investments the government has already rolled out a bailout package to the tune of 415000000000. 00 but what hes saying is that the the health of this countrys the health of this countrys economy depends on the health of the people of this country and the look down measures must stay in place until we are sure that that infection rate is of reducing plateau ing and if it is lifted before the damage would be even greater so hes saying the best way we can help the economy now is by staying home complying with the government measures and and writing out this crisis. As Charlie Ensor reporting live from home in london many thanks did charlie but soon after doing this movie whos. An economist at the university of warrick in the u. K. Hes with us to discuss the grave repercussions economic repercussions of the pandemic dennis the i. M. F. Says that 9 trillion dollars could be lost from the Global Economy over the next 2 years. Its the worst economic shock since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. No doubt many of us can remember the 1930 s. Or the Great Depression put it into some context for us how does it compare for example to the the financial crisis of 2009. It would be even worse than the financial crisis of 20082009 if you look at the balance economies at the time income is on average friend down by 6 percent so that means you can buy roughly speaking 6 the cents less than what you usually buy and the big difference is actually for you emerging economies economies because in the great financial crisis they eat out positive growth smaller but still positive growth in emerging economies to date are predicted to shrink so the burden on emerging economies will be even more us a lot of World Leaders are predicting a very quick v. Shaped recovery what do you think is that going to happen. I think it to be shared recovery is unlikely for 2 reasons one it would require that depend on it to stop almost immediately but this seems unlikely they will probably be thought out breaks therefore you cannot go back to normal well very quickly the 2nd reason is that the longer this crisis drags on the harder it will become for the economy to recover because the structure of the economy starts breaking by that i mean unemployment might and relationships between firms might break or might get strained that makes it harder they could also be financial repercussions if cannot pay their bills and they default on their bangle elams this might actually have repercussions on the finance sector the harmony and all that would make an Economy Economic recovery slow and not be shaped right so what want to governments have to do now to to to limit the impact of this financial crisis and you had the the finance minister of the u. K. There saying that the measures that hes taken will limit the repercussions. Thats right and government should its so cold its workers and firms they should pay out wages to avoid people from getting laid off and becoming unemployed and they should also extend loans to businesses and that has to happen very quickly because the longer that you wait the more businesses will go down again the biggest problem here will be an emerging economies because their governments dont have the fiscal cliff to pay out wages or to support their businesses on top of that we need International Coordination theres no point in one economy having an outbreak of corona virus again at some point later was the rest of the economies are recovering we need to coordinate d and Work Together and whether we get a shaped or an l. Shaped recovery how long will it take what will the Global Economy look like once we have gone back to normal i mean it will be having about some will well there will be a new normal it will look quite different in some ways for example i suspect some changes to a ship and International Supply chains in particular were already seeing discussions around those issues at the moment a lot of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products get imported to say the u. K. From china other countries i dont think that will be acceptable as at the same extent anymore d a lot of those supply chains will be really nationalized all of those things will have to be produced domestically the french president said similar things and on top of that i hope we will see a big expansion in health care in a lot of countries again mainly emerging economies health care is just not widely available and we need major investment in that section of the economy regards to what you display thanks indeed dennis novi the economist at the university of warrick in the u. K. Thousands of people in mumbai gathered to protest about an extension to indias nationwide lockdown Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that it will go on for nearly 3 weeks longer but Migrant Workers are demanding government aid to be sent back to their home states and india correspondent elizabeth for autumn reports. It was the breaking point for many of these Migrant Workers stranded in indias Financial Capital a few allas also promised in that interim already announced the lockdown will continue for another 2 and a half weeks at least 1500 people gathered outside a Railway Station a few hours after promised in the interim already announced lockdown will continue for another 2 and a half weeks at least 1500. 00 people gathered outside a Railway Station that lost their jobs and theyre demanding transport to take them to their home states now because. We arent getting anything here the government promised to provide money and other amenities but nothing has been delivered. We have nothing to do now weve got small children and they arent getting anything to eat what should we do. One by Police Deployed extra offices in the bandra area of the city was for us the police tried to reason with them but a bomb became aggressive and police had to use my force to dispose of them this is the 3rd protest by Migrant Workers in recent days last week workers in the city of sort at the state threw stones and set ties and vegetable carts on fire they said their salaries hadnt been paid they didnt have enough food and wanted to go home. And a day later police in delhi say Migrant Workers staying in a homeless shelters set the building on fire after fighting with the shell to start over food police said 4 people jumped into a nearby river after they were beaten by stuff one person drowned promise to modi acknowledged on wednesday that the lockdown to combat call that 19 has been particularly hard on indias millions of Migrant Workers and daily wage and is. I am well aware of the difficulties you have faced sample food some people moving from place to place and others for staying away from harms and families hundreds of thousands of Migrant Workers started walking home after the lockdown was 1st announced 3 weeks ago leading to the Biggest Movement of people across the country in decades and defeating the purpose of the lockdown the government had announced aid for 800000000 of those poor but its clear that help isnt fiction everyone and tuesdays protests showed people arent waiting on the promises of more help to come. Out of. This is the news hour from now to 0 still to come on the program diagnosed with coke at 19 but ask to keep on working will be speaking with a nurse in new york city plus its this short straw. In just a right day in canada the Coronavirus Forces transplant patients to keep waiting for the lifesaving surgery of. New yorks governor has called for more cooperation from u. S. President donald trump after trump said that he alone has total authority to decide if and when the the economy reopens andrew cuomo said thats not accurate and the trump is trying to start a fight. The president will have no fight with me i will not engage it ive sat here every day for 44 years asking new yorkers to remember that this is not about me its about we i understand your personally can inconvenience i understand youre frustrated and stressed and anxious and youre feeling pain think about week think about get it get past yourself and think about society and think about your family and think about interconnection and act responsibly for everyone else this is no time for politics and it is no time to fight the life out of washington the White House Correspondent kimberly how could it whos reporting for us from home today. That the governors rices name the president is trying to start a fight here boy. Yes hes trying to start a fight because he cares so deeply about restarting the u. S. Economy excuse me. He cares so deeply about restarting the u. S. Economy and even though he has been listening to Public Health officials hes very keen to start it in states like new york which are one of the drivers of the u. S. Economy are among the drivers of the u. S. Economy and as we know the social distancing guidelines are set for the end of april 30th at least nationally and the concern is that the president is eager to reopen may 1 because hes trying to get the economy back on track because thats whats going to he believes helped him win reelection and so the president is fighting hes not only combative with the new York Governor Andrew Cuomo but he was combative with white house reporters who he criticizes for the coverage of this blaming him and saying that he may have missed signs that could have led to even more deaths now the u. S. President tweeted for his part that regarding andrew cuomo that he seems to want independence over reopening the government and that wont happen or reopening the economy and andrew cuomo answer saying thats not an accurate statement in my opinion so the 2 men have pitted one another in just very quickly the reason theyre arguing is because there is a difference of opinion over law constitutional law the u. S. Law under the constitution grants governors power over state commerce and the federal government over interstate commerce so both men are making an argument it may have to be decided in the courts medical expert to answer the phone she can believe has been speaking it appears the president still has confidence in him he hasnt yet been 5 whats he been saying. Yeah well he had and there had been great speculation over whether the president would fire anthony fallacy given the fact that he had been quoted on some of the American News networks as saying that have there been social distancing sooner lives could have been say save now Anthony Fashion for his part spoke in the last 24 hours saying that it wasnt tiredly true the way it had been phrased and he went on to reiterate that the president has listened to him in both cases where if he recommended that there be social guidance put into place and he believes that the president will listen to him again but having said that he also spoke to the economy and the president s eagerness to reopen the u. S. Economy saying that it isnt something that can be turned on with the flick of a light switch the thing we absolutely have to have in place we better have in place is the capability of very efficiently identifying isolating Contact Tracing getting people out of circulation if they get infected because once you start getting close to then youre really in trouble so to me we have to have something in place that is officiant and that we rely on and were not the bottom line is that reopening the u. S. Economy may not happen all at once or all across the board in fact it may happen in different sections because the pandemic has hit this very large country in different ways at different times so what weve seen already are groups of governors one of the east coast one of the west coast working to gether to decide when their region should reopen but again this is happening independently of the u. S. President who has claimed that he has total authority over this decision and White House Correspondent kimberly hell could report of washington can believe anything. Health workers in the us of been forced to make a choice between personal safety of their duty many are overlooking the risks of the carrying on with the job one of them is theres a return boat a mass a major new york City Hospital she explained to us earlier that shes been cleared to go back to work despite testing positive for corona virus because shes now asymptomatic i think theyre trying to send the message that you know if we keep everybody home that has positive we probably wouldnt have that many staff to help us out with probably collapse the system im in my opinion which i partly agree with and they understand that. When i i made the announcement to my colleagues when i found out on sunday i was working and i said to them im positive i have the virus and you know many of them are concerned and i had one colleague who isnt you know compromised who spoke to me personally and said you really shouldnt be here you know and i emailed my you know my manager my supervisor and they basically told me that im ok to keep working as long as i dont have to. Even though i may be contagious and i offered i said you know take extra precautions ill be sure you know to keep my distance and you know do what we have to do thats what it is right now but i think our major concern right now is just you know the fact that we are short on p. P. I was just informed earlier this morning from a colleague that we didnt have any protective gown and then when they were sent they were only allowed to use one for the ship for all the patient. Which i think is an acceptable. We have a simple message to all countries test test test thats been the World Health Organization chiefs call for countries ever since the outbreak was declared a pandemic but mass testing has been a big challenge not just for developing and poorer countries even rich nations like the u. S. Have struggled to screen people on a wide scale dr patrick tang is division chief pathologist sidra medicine medicine here in doha he joined me in the studio earlier to explain the 2 different types of coronavirus testing and why theres a backlog we know that the border testing is one of the cornerstones of controlling this pandemic the problem right now is that so many countries are affected all at the same time and Everybody Needs testing at the same time so there just isnt enough supply some of the supplies that you need for doing the testing this is a viral swab so this is a swab that we would put into your throat and then theres a smaller version of it that you would put into your nose this is to try to collect the virus from the person that is potentially infected and then we put it into the tube here and there transport is to the board tori we have these very fast machines that can test for one or just a few samples at a time very rapidly sometimes some of them can do it in 5 minutes some take about an hour or a bit longer and then we have also very high throughput systems where we need to screen hundreds or thousands of people at a time so then you would take hundreds or thousands of these tubes and you would put it through this system that could then test for many many people in 3 to 4 hours if you just got infected and now youre very infectious at the early stage of illness its more important to look for the virus if youve been infected in the past then then the virus might no longer be in the upper respiratory tract in this swab might not pick it up and then its important to look for the immune response to that in that case you will be looking for the antibody. These are specific to the corona virus and in that case you need a blood sample and then with the blood sample we look to see whether you have antibodies against covert 90 so this this is a little cartridge where you would apply a drop of blood to that little window there and then the liquid we carry up through the filter paper there and then if you see once one line one band on the test that would mean that youre negative and just like a pregnancy test if you see 2 bands that means youre positive so that means that you have antibodies against covert 19 it means that youve been exposed in the past and then depending on the type of antibody that you have you might also be potentially immune to the virus we need a combination of both tests we need theres still going to be some people that are acutely infected that are still infectious and and potentially driving the outbreak causing secondary spread of the virus so those kinds of people would need to swab and then the other people that dont have symptoms that might have been in fact in the past would need the antibody tests to see if there are new. Dr patrick time will just as critical as testing is of course the need for a vaccine to fight the virus there is a race on globally to make one not china has approved human trials for 2 experimental vaccines as it tries to prevent a 2nd wave of infections state media announced that one vaccine is being developed by a biotech firm of the other by the China National pharmaceutical group the countries now trying to contain imported cases of the virus especially from they bring russia so a clock is in hong kong and china wants to fast track the production of vaccines these vaccines where vaccines will be developed in partnership number one with a Biotech Group based in beijing in the 2nd partner is one based out of this is a pharmaceutical group and as i mentioned has been confirmed by china but chinas already got a vaccine or trial in place and that particular trial its audience that 2nd phase the 1st phase of that trial looked at the safety scenario of that vaccine and the 2nd one is now introduced by perceived control groups have certainly gotten at this stage 500 volunteers have signed up but we can now confirm weve got 3 vaccines in place in china but the National Health Commission Said it cant pass must pass various conditions before they can enable mass production certainly theyre trying to fast track this and china certainly has an advantage as the 1st nation to be able to map the genome status of the corona virus and we have some license numbers coming out of china were looking at a particular area now russia a province in china that borders russia and weve had 409 infections coming from russia into china of the last few weeks the current number of cases in china is 89 as of today and this particular province accounts about 79 of those cases as of tuesday and as a result these cities put in a number of Border Protection controls checkpoints in that area that healthy they get Health Checks on those people coming from russia into china weve also got mandatory coronavirus testing from all those chinese nationals coming from russia into china theyve also set up a hotline to allow for those people in this particular province to report the illegal arrivals coming from a. John is also deployed a number of extra resources and medical teams from where you have and the south to that area and it seems that particular region is now the focus of what they could believe might be a 2nd wave of infections into china lets broaden this out and look at whats happening on a global scale to fight against the virus there are at least 70 potential treatments in development 3 of them are at the clinical stage which is when human trials begin outside of china the u. S. Is the only other country now doing human testing but some experts warn against rushing the process they say doing so could result in a vaccine that weakens our bodys ability to fight off the virus on its own americas top medical experts on the phone she has said that a vaccine could be ready within 12 to 18 months while Health Officials elsewhere say it could take even longer all those worry the crucial steps of the trial process of being skipped we spoke with that earlier with john nichols a clinical professor of pathology at the university of hong kong. Normally with the vaccines you start off with small animals and then move to the prime its an end to the humans but it seems of this one that theyve gone straight to the humans which is a very Bold Decision i think the other issue is that you notice that theyre all using young volunteers and this is actually going to be a big problem with this vaccine is that because the most of the mortality in this disease is in the elderly and in the elderly they dont mount a very strong immune response and thats called immune senescence the best thing should actually be to see what the antibody response is in the elderly rather than the young because thats that the target population which has the highest mortality because if you remember you know weve got an aging population in hong kong during summers and 11 percent the population was over 65. 00 now its 18 percent so if they have the best use of this vaccine. Should be really how much is going to prevent a serious disease in the elderly vaccines cant be rushed in because as was mentioned earlier is that if you rush a vaccine too much and you get side effects and thats going to have really deleterious effects and we also raise i know what percent of the population needs to have the munis heal vaccinations effective things like measles you need about 95 percent so be it because we really dont know at this stage what the prophethood immunity is challenging to know what amount of the population will have to have the they antibodies either through natural infection or i mean all vaccination to be for it to be really effective. Were going to weather update next here on the news then the 1st payments from the u. S. Stimulus package set to reach americans but will it be enough to get them through the crisis plus already struggling with instability and poverty up to decades of war well look at how afghans a bracing for covert 90. Or the last couple of days to say some rather lively weather into central and southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula still see this large band of cloud which stretches across yemen saudi arabia. Into iran and its down so was yemen where weve seen some very heavy rain recently weve had some flooding here in the capital in santa ana has caused a major disruption as one would expect the wet weather is set to continue across southern there was a saudi arabia through us here in qatar we saw a couple of millimeters of rain yesterday i think tomorrow going on into wednesday we will see more in the way of some very heavy showers with some thunder rumbling away and that will stretch his way into that western side of iran as well still there on thursday gradually clearing away as the day goes on but i wouldnt be surprised if we do see some localized flooding as a result of that gusty winds as well the showers there set to continue down towards the south there across yemen you can follow those showers in syria ethiopia into somalia down into the rift valley quite a crop of showers to on the other side of the continent just pushing over towards the gulf of guinea a lot of the showers there running across a good part of western Africa Liberia seeing some very heavy showers along with sierra leone by the middle of that week. A history of guerrilla warfare. Placed on the global stage. Name for an organization created for a stateless population. Before fighting for their land why did the p. L. O. Fight for independence from their arab neighbors. Chronicling the turbulent story of the struggle for a palestinian homeland p. L. O. History of a revolution my knowledge is in. Subzero temperatures the stream altitudes. This is where the hard part because of the extraordinary journey. To touch it you start braved ordinary joy to. Do high up theres no oxygen. Just to experience life simple pleasures. Risking it all in kurdistan on aljazeera. Or. Like him thanks for being with us ill be doing ok adrian for the good here and with the news out from aljazeera the headlines in stash a lot of free fun says the coronavirus pandemic will cost the worlds economies 9 trillion dollars over the next 2 years the warning comes as countries around the world face prolonged lockdowns. Walter lines stand to lose more than 300000000000. 00 in revenue this here thats the latest forecast from the industrys representative body i os out. Thousands of people have gathered to protest against a nationwide locked out in india most of them michael work has put them on the aids and to be sent back to that home states Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended the measures by nearly 3 weeks. The pandemic threatens to leave millions more americans hungry as companies lay off workers but food is going to waste at the same time as his party call hay and explains why. Its happening across the Country Rivers of milk dumped down drains and ponds millions of leaders wasted by farmers who say they cant sell it the reason about half of their customers are closed restaurants bars School Cafeterias all shuttered but at the same time store shelves are mostly empty theres very little milk to be found and those that can find some are being limited to how much they can buy Wisconsin Dairy farmer marty halleck says the problem is that milk package for restaurants is not the same as the kind they can sell in stores now. Plants were sent out to our bottle now in certain container so i. E. The schools where Small Computers well you know a lot of people will buy them small containers and store a minute and then to be honest with the. Issue from storage in trucking and now there is a new concern about the countrys meat supply meat packing plants are tight quarters and his workers get sick but the coronavirus plants are closing across the country analyst steve meyer says he expects more plants to close especially as it peaks in certain states at the end of may but he says the country will not run out of meat remember that a plan to get out does that mean that the hogs disappear i suppose hogs are still out there they will have to be slaughtered and processed at some point and. So as long as the plants are permanently down were not running out and no this is happening while tens of millions of americans go hungry with so many out of work this is what Food Bank Distribution now looks like all across the country from california to pennsylvania florida to texas miles of cars lined up for a box of free food were looking at an increase of 17100000 people over the course of the next 6 months when they see that access coming into the hearts some of them smile and some of them cry its been an increasing trend up until now americans have spent more money at restaurants and bars their Grocery Stores that is what the supply chain was built for bringing the country to this point so much fresh food wasted when its desperately needed the most political gain and jazeera washington. Just a couple of weeks of the posse in the largest stimulus package in u. S. History politicians in washington and now working on another trillion dollar boost to the u. S. Economy the 2. 2 trillion dollar emergency relief package donald trump side on march 27th includes relief for businesses as well as cash handouts of 1200. 00 each to millions of American Workers plus more families with kids but many were left out including millions of taxpaying immigrants who lacked legal status and dont have a Social Security number the house cleaners elderly care workers and others a parents a bore than 3000000 children who all american citizens democrats are pushing for has a pay of up to 25000. 00 for essential workers from surgeons to shelf stackers for the duration of the crisis an idea the president says he supports douglas all taken is president of the American Action forum and joins us now live via skype from the washington d. C. Good to have you with us douglas the stimulus package its no conventional stimulus is it and no not at all the most important features are the loan programs for Small Businesses or Large Businesses and those are intended to cause the economy to grow indeed they are designed to essentially give the economy bridge financing through the pandemic keep the businesses front went bankrupt the workers should be coming the test from their employers make sure they continue to get a less of a standard of living and then hopefully on the other side of the worst of the independent lockdown we can restart the economy but douglas is it going to work. It certainly is the right thing on paper of the problem when we us economy was essentially that customers disappeared overnight they didnt go to restaurants they didnt go to feeders they didnt get on airplanes stay in hotels and that limits companies scrambling for cash a lot of Financial Market turbulence as people sold everything trying to raise cash on the Federal Reserve has provided that cash now theyre trying to take it injected into these businesses it is the right thing on paper but the issue is can the government execute quickly enough and broadly enough to sustain the economy for a couple of months the cash out of 1200. 00 each to millions of American Workers then are beginning to land on the doormats i mean thats been remarkably quick really hasnt it stunning weve been through this before in 2001200820 extension 098 took 68 weeks to do physical checks to peoples residences at that time this is you know less than a month and there are healthy Bank Accounts are available to households its a remarkable drop i think quite impressive. State government differ with the president on opening up the economy again that the timing of doing so youve seen the president s tweets today and Governor Andrew Cuomo has a response does the u. S. President have authority over states does he choose when to get the economy going again. I know the u. S. Constitution was very carefully written by states to give the federal government a list of powers and they retain the remainder for themselves which includes the right to grow whos are in the streets curfews are all the things that are the physical security surrounding the lockdown of the coronavirus so that they have that authority the president does not and if you think about it the u. S. Doesnt have the same conditions on the ground in every state some states will be able to reach them quickly others will have to go longer and so its better not to do it in one size fits all across the country really gives total douglas many thanks indeed douglas holt sink in there in washington to do it hospitals across canada many old transplants and other surgeries a been put on hold to give priority to patients suffering from covert 19 thought to say the delays are not only frustrating but dangerous as there is down a lack reports from toronto. Mistrustful but just t. V. And day by day. 15 year old to leah allie needs a double Lung Transplant she was told to prepare for surgery earlier this month but because of covert 19 most transplants are on hold to leah and her mother lisa are sheltering at home determined to stay healthy well i had to kind of keep my son about well just as much as shes in the novel because im her primary caregiver so. For him and her medication all that stuff thats my job operations like to live as have been delayed because the risk of her getting cold at 19 with a suppressed immune system is simply too high cases like this mean lungs that someone else had agreed to donate before they died cannot be used Current Technology allows us to preserve and fav an organ for about 24 hours there is no technology existing that would allow us a phrase that are going down for a month or something until the. Feds say those arguments are gone and lost them a different challenge faces kidney patient pariss scanned and a Graphic Designer and photographer hell get a new kidney from someone whos still alive whats known as a living donation but these operations are also suspended he needs twice weekly dialysis but that means traveling outside his home risking infection and i dont want to complain too much because i am lucky enough to. My family somebody to do is offering to. So that that is really. You know most of the people hes not as lucky already some 200 canadians die each year awaiting Organ Transplants depend demick will certainly lengthen that list what were trying to do that again you know were just trying to balance the breath and the band and try to try to do whats best for them and it very heartbreaking. The only way to restore hope for people like paris is scanned into leah alley and others is to bring the penn demick under control so medical staff can begin helping patients with conditions other than cold 19 daniel lack aljazeera toronto. Russia has reported another record daily rise in new infections with more than 2700 reported on tuesday the government says that 170 russians have died with the total number of cases now more than 21000 may have bucha is monitoring russias outbreak from london he says that moscow is planning to introduced robust surveillance measures to tackle the outbreak. Every day where hearing of more more infections and more more russians dying according to the kremlin the number of infections is going up roughly between 16 and 18 percent a day and is now currently when it comes to new infections 2774 president Vladimir Putin has been very open and somewhat stark with the russian population themselves saying that the worst is very much yet to come particularly in the russian capital which is thought to be days if not weeks ahead of the rest of the country lets not forget how big the country is 11 time zones for blood of our stock in the east to the russian capital moscow in the west rolling out restrictions rolling out standards high standards in health care is going to be extremely difficult nevertheless 18 new hospitals are being commissioned the hope is to have 95000 beds ready for any influx in numbers when it comes to restrictions of course shops are shuttered in big cities like moscow and St Petersburg people or to stay at home we know that there is some sort of plan in moscow to introduce digital permits to allow certain people to access their cars but there are also the threats of heavy prison sentences of up to 7 years for people flouting the rules and regulations that house thats how seriously the russian government are treating this also reports of but help some very robust surveillance measures being introduced the human rights watchers are concerned about remaining in place long after this pandemic is over. The daily death toll in iran has dropped below 100. 00 for the 1st time in a month to iran reported 98. 00 new deaths bring in the total to over 4600. 00 over the last few days the government has been easing restrictions allowing businesses to reopen and some travel to resume. People in afghanistan have lived through decades of war now theyre bracing for another challenge coded 19 the virus is a threat to millions of people and is putting more pressure on the government which has been criticized for its for its handling of the pandemic. Reports. An operation to disinfect the city of heroes is in full swing. A task force has been sent out to clean the streets hospitals and government buildings to counter the spread of coronavirus. The western afghan city is the epicenter of the outbreak the 1st cases were linked to people returning from neighboring iran Health Officials are scrambling to prevent a rapid spread of the virus that. Our biggest worry now is not the virus coming from iran but rather an increasing community of fictions inherent problems the virus is spreading fast among families were not able at this stage to trick all those infected people but so far 30 percent of those tested came up positive. In a country where family connections are strong the authorities are struggling to convince people self isolate. Is among the millions of low wage workers badly affected by the wrist watch and imposed by the authorities to contain the pandemic after years of war afghanistan faces many challenges instability poverty and the declining economy. But that by the mother that you are from the last 27 days i was not able to go out to the marketplace to sell watermelons because of the lockdown now we are running out of crucial food items at home such as flour rice and beans other hers wife tested positive for covert 19 a few weeks ago fatima was treated in a local hospital and she has since recover we met her the moment she was released from the hospital but. After my admission to this hospital doctors gave me medicine and also injections after a few days they took blood samples on the test came out negative they asked me how i felt i told them i was feeling very good now im going home. As the virus spreads fast thousands of afghan refugees have returned from iran and pakistan in recent weeks. In hereat Officials Say they are taking all necessary measures to contain the pandemic failand out of all it deeply in my word that there is no yesterday we have stopped enough food items so we can help 400000 people our goal is to ensure enough food reserves for as long as the log on continues were also working on improving health facilities. For a country seeking to heal the scars of war the pandemic poses more challenges to a government thats already struggling with a shortage of ventilator masks and hand sanitizer. But ill just 0. Just ahead on the update on libyas ongoing civil war where the internationally recognized government is making gains against the forces of war califano after. Get away from the pandemic lets look at a developing story making news this hour libyas u. N. Recognized government says that its made gains in its fight against the war. Officials in tripoli say the forces have taken control of 7 coastal towns and the Prime Minister insists that his forces will continue to move. Faces of pulled back to an airbase in the southwest of libya fighting has intensified between the 2 sides in the last few weeks despite calls for a cease fire after the launch the offensive to take tripoli last year aljazeera mahmud up the one head is in one of the captured libyan cities reports that the recent gains are significant for the un backed government. It was a swift take over according to the government to military sources partly because of the Turkish Air Force supply with the government it was as you know that began forces have been targeting get half the force locations in the city of sobriety and many other locations in the west of the country ahead of this operation this ignorance of this city so broad is that it stands on the way between shipley and the teacher borders and whoever controls the broth or can easily control the International Coastal highway linking the capital tripoli to the tunisian border this but authorities here tell us that they are now starting procedures to bring back those who were displaced those who were forced out of their homes by half those forces the years ago from many other cities they are trying to bring them back to the city and they are also trying to bring the life back to normal as you know that it was a fierce battle over the past 2 days between have those forces and forces loyal to the government of National Accord and now the government to say that they along with their plan to move towards a witty aide base theyre also planning to focus on the polling heifers forces that tax in southern tripoli part of the force have been thought of think it is attention areas in tripoli with random rockets as any action to their defeat in the west of libya we end with a story about human ingenuity in the face of the pandemic crisis for centuries has been used to repel such bacteria viruses a company in chile is now using the metal to combat a shortage of mosques across latin america the singer newman reports from santiago. The ancient egyptians used it to sterilize Drinking Water the french physicist Victor Bullock discovered it could stop the spread of cholera indeed its well known that the Antimicrobial Properties of copper kill bacteria and viruses chile the Worlds Largest copper producer has built an entire industry on antimicrobial copper threaded clothing and copper surfaces now a startup called copper 3 d. Has taken it a step further. This facemask is made with polymer and one percent nano copper which is extremely fine powdered copper at a nano metric scale in other words a very fine particle this increases the active Microbial Properties of that copper exponentially. The mask is made with a 3 d. Printer it seamless waterproof and contains 3 copper least filters on the inside and that they like anamika but the political these cotton filter is reusable and can be washed while 2 others are disposable underprivileged to an end 95. 00 mask they also have copper which the n 95. 00 does not. The design is now available to anyone with a 3 d. Printer. We lifted the pattern and published it on our website last month under the open source system and in 48 hours it was downloaded millions of times around the world we stopped counting up to 7000000. 00. Martina says tests in chile show its 99 percent effective against viruses like sars the cousin of cole the 19 and the Us National Institute of health is reviewing the mask for possible certification. Professor bill keevil of the university of southampton has long argued that copper ions electronically charged molecules kill viruses by destroying their genetic material and a more recent paper in the new england journal of medicine says copper is the surface on which cultured 19 survives the least time these grubs or medical gowns with copper are new in chile theyve been around for years but they havent been widely used because theyre more expensive than normal cotton but after this and the now having gowns with anti Microbial Properties may very well become a requisite worldwide meanwhile with the United States blocking shipments of everything from respirators to surgical masks to latin america and beyond. Is hoping a private or Public Entity can contribute to mass producing these masks for hospitals as part of the 1st line of defense you see in human aljazeera santiago. Lawrence and london here next on aljazeera thanks for watching life about. Save humanity i really really not getting it were news. There are people in the world who want all forms of verification to just go away so we need people fighting against reality trying to see if its a fake review maybe in syria but in a different time they risk a great deal to find out the truth in very complex situations that include major global play as weve been told to 5 Cyber Attacks from russia theyre all dangerous and through this conflict reading. Truth and approach truth werent on our just 0. The un published the most comprehensive study of life on. They found 1000000 species face extinction thats more than 12 percent of known life on. Earth while on track to destroy the much Oil Infrastructure on which our world to head the report identifies the 5 main drivers of this big logical crisis 1st the way we use and abuse our pilots resources 75 percent of the land and 2 fads of the Marine Environment have been severely altered by human activity exploitation of species through over fishing and hunting Climate Change caused by our Greenhouse Gas emissions. Pollution and finally the how to create ton local ecosystems by invasive species. Who are supposed to say the decline can be slowed even stopped in some cases but to do that we must transform our relationship with. The. This is a crisis like no other the i. M. F. Warns the coronavirus pandemic will cause the worst recession in almost a century which could cost the world 9. 00 trillion dollars. They arent a this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. Migrant workers storm a Railway Station in mumbai protesting over the extension of indias not

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