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And. China stands accused of any humane treatment of africans during the coronavirus outbreak that includes forceful testing quarantine and a vixen so is this just another form of racism or is beijing just trying to curb the pandemic this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program im Richelle Carey they are chinas key trading partners but some African Leaders have been angered over beijings reporters from a nation against their citizens and demanded answers from the Chinese Government over reports africans are being targeted because of fears they could spread coronavirus a recent rise in covert 1000 infections in china has been linked to people from abroad the Chinese Government is worried there could be a 2nd wave and has stepped up its scrutiny of foreigners African Students and expatriates have reportedly been a victim from their homes tested for chronic virus several times and are being shunned in public the incidence of sparked a diplomatic route with the African Union african governments and the United States and chinese ambassadors have been summoned by african officials in Different Countries and a rare open critique of beijing the speaker of house of representatives tweeted a video of himself pricing its envoy on the reported ill treatment of africans he was heard saying its almost undiplomatic the way im talking but its because. Im upset about whats going on the speaker of the house asked the diplomats to explain scenes that have gone viral on social media platforms that i had states consulate in guangzhou has advised africanamericans to stop traveling to the city and a statement it said this the Police Ordered bars and restaurants not to serve clients who appear to be of african origin local officials launched a round of mandatory test for 1000. 00 followed by mandatory quarantine for anyone with african contacts or guard lists of recent travel history africanamericans also have also reported that some businesses and hotels refused to do business with them. China says its policy towards africa hasnt changed and denies discrimination against what it calls its African Brothers this is what the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson have to say about accusations made by the us. Downton would usually under the Current Situation where the International Community urgently needs to Work Together and fight against the epidemic it is irresponsible and immoral for the u. S. Side to make those remarks and so discord we urge the u. S. To focus on containing the epidemic at home its attempt to drive a wedge between china and africas relationship will never succeed. In response to the recent african sides concerns regarding their citizens in Guangdong Province the guangdong authorities have already conducted an investigation in taking a series of new measures we believe that the issue will be properly solved through the joint efforts of china and africa. Lets bring in our guest now from beijing victor gao Vice President of the center for china and globalization for mohan is gabrielle until a medical student from uganda and from Hong Kong Keith richburg director of the university of hong kong strong alyson and Media Studies Center thank you all for joining us we appreciate it very much. I want to start with you gabrielle like you so youre and obviously which is where this and pandemic started just what is daily life like there now what are the restrictions that you are still dealing with. It is big news but one so far the locals its mostly the Chinese People who are important going to the supermarkets and the banks and shops of foreigners not so much because we havent been created for you havent checked and we havent yet. Sent the Health Courts that we need in order to go to the banks and the supermarkets and all the other places other ways were able to who we can get permission to leave so on sent walk around the streets which is which is better than not being so nice only its not so as far as getting this permission these tests and screenings that are needed for you to kind of go wherever you want it its dealt differently with chinese as opposed to to foreigners its a different type of set up. Its the same set up but it hasnt included the foreigners yet because chinese right now are able to do it but we cant do it so no one mentioned want to wait for us to go out there as for and this is the fear or maybe are not thats too strong a word maybe not the fear or concern of a 2nd wave of these and of this happening is that palpable they are assessed something is that something that you all really feel they are gabrial definitely thinking were good something thats that we all are 8 sticking questions out because still using the last people to think you know and so many people out of the streets but its also you know a lot of people are out and. They actually act but be sure. To. Not shop tomorrow and they were out of the check there but. When you look at you know if there are questions to go to get to it but people that intended to go thinking dont. Go yeah people are very devout if you can going so victor i want to come to you now these reports the videos i understand that that the Chinese Government is by and large saying you know that there is not any sort of campaign of discrimination but what do you see about what is happening there these videos are what they are. Now 1st of all china african relations are very very solid and for some politicians in the United States to accuse china of practice in Racial Discrimination against africas is really a fallacy we all know how. Poorly and terribly have been the Racial Discrimination is practiced by the United States against africanamericans and we call for a stop to such Racial Discrimination secondly now in china who are still very much aware of the law that fight against terror once i realized virus after one moment before we get to point to which i will let you get to lets go back to point one yes there is racism in the United States i am an africanamerican that is separate and apart from what i asked you about what is going on in china that is exactly why i would say the u. S. Politicians can do a better job in fighting to contain the spread of coronavirus in the United States rather than for example falsely accusing china of practicing Racial Discrimination against their. Brothers their Service Sector as they are we have respect for the africas answer let me try let me try again here again by such false accusation victor let me try again im not talking about whats happening in the u. S. I am talking about what is happening and china i am talking about the personal accounts from people who i was you could see the signs that people are holding at the mcdonalds basically telling black people you cant come here this is real that is not the United States i dont want to hear about the United States i really am asking you can you deny this that you really cant. No 1st of all china is still in the middle of this fight against corona virus true lots of things have changed we are not in a normal situation we have massive amount of color and time long constant taking of temperatures constant checking of your i. D. s all possible is for example for all this has a purpose that is to cut off the spread of the color on the virus and anyone should abide by the rules and the regulations many of them are very alienating some of them are very intrusive into privacy as we normally understand and i would say everyone chinese or none chinese asians americans europeans africas etc it is fight against coronavirus we are all in the same bolt so lets listen to what the government authorities have to say thats always carry our id cards and thats always be willing to have our temperatures taken and if they want to take our testing to the test team because you are doing this not only for your own good you are doing this for the good of the whole community ok if they are trying to urge everyone in china no abide by the rules and youre going to show that your point is well taken absolutely china is really in a fight right now to make sure that this doesnt come back and it is a very intrusive situation for a lot of people all over the world and obviously particularly in china so i dont think anyone would have a quibble with what youre saying it just seems that perhaps there is an extra level of measures that are happening to other people actually having to go to keith now that youll come back in a manner and im a kid so what victor saying yes its absolutely true we were in a pandemic things are going to be a little different now but it is clear that it seems certain people are being targeted for an extra level of scrutiny is that how you see this. Its absolutely al i see that and with respect to there you know what im seeing here is that china made a decision she didnt think made a decision that this was contained around late march it was contained in china and then after that you started seeing no provinces reporting that many new cases but they plan that old and new cases of this virus or socalled imported cases now lets lets unpack that a little bit these socalled imported cases are actually chinese citizens returning to china from abroad but the way its been interpreted by many people is that these are foreigners brady and that the seeds and so therefore foreign diplomats have been told not to come to beijing foreigners in beijing have been under a certain increased level of scrutiny and foreigners particularly in one show and especially african foreigners have been subjected to this higher higher level of scrutiny suspicion anger and discrimination and one joke there was indeed a case where i think for several nigerians went outside of quarantine went to a restaurant and infected people since that happened in longo there has been widespread discrimination i think when a restaurant theyve been kept in their apartments keep the testimony or have had a bit of a technical issue but gabrielle also wanted to get inside to stand by go ahead gabrielle and. Ok i want to i dont want to save 80 percent of the imported new case as a were because of the changes that can mean but also the other 20 percent was from the florina so we can truly totally wrote rule out that before i was going to contribute to the anklet it cases so it all went down low the foreigners were being toasted for corn as well. Yeah so its not only the chinese. But also the foreigners gov thats why they were being to. Ok yeah you know gabrielle i want to ask you what is it like just as a black woman living living and will harden even before all this happened just what is your day to day life feel like to you i miss lee you always feel like a stranger when you looked at weird when you get on the subway no one wants to sit next to you or someone comes up their nose so its you know its but you get used to it but its strange its a strange feeling that you can get used to its not or but this is the way to you its going down now being destroyed is creamy to discriminate and very now if you lose what was. My major. In mind dont shoot me its let me be doing knowing that you know so keith i want to i want to ask about that the the feeling that gabrielle is describing so often people something that a government is doing gets attributed to the people its not always the same thing you know some of theres things that the Chinese Government can do that isnt necessarily what you feel from Chinese People like out of the community or asian people depending on what country youre in what is or her experience been its not all the same. If not all the same my experience is that on the official level that viktor is talking about china wants to have good relationships with africa with african countries this goes all the way back to miles of dumb you know who wanted to have her journal our relations let her in countries china today modern china is investing a lot in africa they built the African Union headquarters theyre building soccer stadiums they built the road from nairobi to mombasa on their own to their office and the mask and medical equipment their sunday mass and medical equipment so on to the show level china has great relations with africa they want good Relations Africa on a person to person level a lot of chinese many im not saying 100 percent but many still discriminate against africans they see africans as inferior if a black person like myself who is from the United States and speaks english wants to go teach english in china we would be turned away because were not white they think an english teacher should be white theyre discriminated against in many different ways African Students are discriminated against they talk about it africans in general are seen as criminals i have gone that long go to the area that they call Little Africa or Chocolate City africans have told me that theyre constantly stopped and harassed for their ideas or their passports its very hard for them theyre around places so on a persons or personal level there is a lot of discrimination when you bring this topic up to chinese officials im afraid and im sorry that there but the answer is always yes but you have discrimination in the United States too so its always kind of what about is what about your discrimination against the of blacks in the United States its always that answer without addressing the fact that for example they had a new years eve presentation a couple of years ago for new years eve where they did yes with chinese wearing blackface and dressed as animals and they dressed as monkeys and they put this on the air. On c. C. T. V. And they thought this was ok so theres a very kind of an unconscious discrimination they dont realize victor i want to i want to bring you back in the conversation and your point is well taken yes there is racism in the u. S. And unfortunately something that is happening now is that many Asian Americans are being targeted because of their ignorance about coven 1000 and thats an awful thing and it absolutely should not be happening however. The fact that there seems to be at least when we were hearing it from from gabrielle and there is this same type of at least some level of script discrimination happening in china to how can you not acknowledge that no 1st of all in the chinese history that has being never any institutionalized to discrimination based on color thats a very very important and this sets china apart from many other countries which have institutionalized injustices based on color secondly i disagree with the other panelist i think that china is a big country we have 1400000000 people of course different people have different opinions of cause but i think china as a whole condemns discrimination of all kinds especially discrimination based on discrimination based on color and so on and rami wait do not wait do not distinguish people based on their color ok i think things are better is ok hold out of that we should all be respected victor everybody sees color so lets just put that to the side let me ask you this if youre saying that. Perhaps this is happening but youre saying that this is not something that is institutionalized that if thats the case and the Chinese Government isnt ok with it why dont they put their foot down to make it clear that this is not acceptable and actually do something about it. No i think china is one of the best countries in the world in terms of respecting africans for example of people of color from all parts of the world both as a government as a society at large and on the person to person basis i go with lots of africans actually in beijing some of the workforce see on the Radio Station some of them work at c. G. We are very proud of our personal relations and i do treat them and they treat me as brothers and sisters and i think im very typical of people in china who do see these people as equals rather than for example having this false sense of superiority or if youre already i think people of all colors we are equal under god. The people that are experiencing this and their term makes a good point obviously china is a very populous country were not trying to say that everybody is this way absolutely not but these peoples experiences are real so for people that are experiencing this what what options what recourse do they have. Look very little look when the when the when the virus. When people like get real were stuck there from uganda. You know america took in planes to take their nationals out other countries charter planes take their nationals out a lot of african countries many of them for did not charter planes to take their nationals out and so they were kind of stuck there and so they didnt really have a whole lot of recourse a lot of them a lot of them i dont know what real situation but a lot of students went there because they were given stellar ships or they were invited in by the Chinese Government they were invited in to learn Chinese Herbal and other skills but when push came to shove in a fight and im afraid this has happened in the United States as well xenophobia has come to the top this virus has caused a spate of that xenophobia around the world whether its thailand the United States europe people are closing borders and looking at other people with suspicion even australia has closed its borders saying we dont want any outsiders coming in chinese are reacting kind of the same way except theyve got this Huge Population of africa is living in long joe who are now being looked at was suspicious theyre being looked at as virus carriers theyre being looked at as someone to be avoided because they might not be as clean they might not be following the same rules as we are and so there is someone to be avoided and yes that is happening in the United States against asians not only chinese all asians are being discriminated against and what were seeing senate will be a popping up everywhere and free because of this virus borders are closing ok think that this could have been and you talked about there are a lot of theres a china has a big footprint in africa and weve weve outlined that do you think that this has the potential to have that the sour diplomat diplomatic relations in any way or is chinas footprint just a bad. I think it will sour diplomatic relations i think theres a Huge Population of chinese in africa as this story gets out there and gets legs seeing how africans are being treated in china you might see a backlash against many of those hundreds of thousands of that millions of chinese living in africa there has already been a lot of backlash against chinese in africa a lot of africans are starting to say that chinas big economic footprint in china is benefiting china more than its that it thing africa a lot of countries are going into a lot of debt to pay for some of these big projects that mombasa to do to nairobi railroads for example could end up putting kenya into a lot of debt that they cant afford you know a lot of these countries are starting to say hold on a 2nd were not getting the jobs from these projects because theyre employing chinese to come over and do the job so theres been a lot of criticism of china split in africa and then when africans start seeing how africans are being treated in china yes you could have a very big backlash this could set back chinas africa policy by by many years that terry your thoughts on that. No i dont think so i think good lets face the reality is we are all in this fight against coronavirus and the coronavirus does not discriminate against races all countries or ethnicities is so this is the common lesson we all need to bear in mind less k. United to fight against the coronavirus and as a by a by the rules of every cover man to every country as they are because the strength of any defines defense line is actually determined by the weakest upon so if you have exceptions for example if you allow any group of people to disobey the rules and regulations then the whole line of defense collapses you have to look at the overall majority is interest so i would not care whether it is americas europeans japanese. Asians for example or chinese for example they all need to abide by the rules and if you hear the horrible stories which have happened to many overseas chinese coming back because they do not abide by the rules they are kicked out of the country as to the way they are australians they are other countries it is as its center not black people they are not African People so thats one point i want to make the 2nd point is that what china has been doing in africa is definitely for the good and the benefit of the African People lets continue to do this that every country involved americans all European Countries if they want to do the same as what china has been doing the beneficiary will be the africas more roles are any good in africa rather than less role i have a key point there to recovery ella has been wanting to get in on this on this point go ahead gabriella. Yeah you saying one bit doing. What should be done by every country but according to what i know. Most of the africans went 114 days and went to 14 days where ill give them another 14 days and they didnt do these people all for the Chinese People why i feel like thats meant something if were all equal im not the same label then we should all be going through the same processes you see what im saying a its not the same being when we are being given extra and extra being but being just it twice what twice ok its 19 spent so gabrielle what do you see your future as theyre. Here im hoping way a month or so im able were able to access all these things because right now we we actually have to play for the whole squad but to get that they need to money tell you 14 days to make sure that you dont seek such they can be able to go to the public can use all the banks and. Other ways im hoping to graduate next year and home you know i believe but yes i knew so its been fun but its good to go back home as well hopefully will graduate and then we can have you back on and call you dr gabriella thank you to all of our guests victor gal Gabrielle Attila and Keith Richburg and thank you for watching as well you can see the program again any time go to our website aljazeera dot com you can also weigh the discussion on our Facebook Page facebook dot com port slash a. J. Inside story or twitter our twitter handle is at a. J. Inside story for me Richelle Carey in the entire team for now. Be the hero the world needs right. Washer. 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And the other student i was very fortunate to be awarded a scholarship rewind on aljazeera there are people in the world who want all forms of verification to just go away so we need people fighting against reality trying to see if its a fake video may be in syria but in a different time they risk a great deal to find out the truth in very complex situations that include major global play as weve been targeted 5 Cyber Attacks from russia theyre all dangerous and through this conflict really kept. True for an approach truth werent gonna just 0. The whole d. N. A. Of syrup is to deliver news of people who are subject to the decisions made by the powerful or simply no where to go to ollies people theyre all individuals to children the lawyers with such tools this place has become a complete trust you have to hear all of them and to treat them with some dignity respects. Peter will be here in doha with your top stories on aljazeera russia has reported a now the record daily rise in new infections of the coronavirus with more than 2700 the government says 170 russians have died with the total number of cases now more than 21000 from london neve barker with more policing any kind of restrictions on peoples ordinary daily lives

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