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Being reported. One of the national headlining story fighting intensifying in libya between warlord Khalifa Haftar and the internationally recognized governments well have the latest from tripoli. And in sport professional baseball has made its 1st appearance of 2021 is hosting games behind closed doors with mannequins replacing real spectators. Lets get going with this news from south korea where at least 116 people who were cleared of the corona virus have again tested positive south korea reporting 51 similar cases last week it is raising concerns in the government as it tries to stamp out the rate of infection mcbride joins us live on skype from so rob whats the latest whats going on here. It is a worrying development this is a phenomenon that epidemiologists in the center of Disease Control here have been studying for quite a while the months this Large Population of people here who got sick towards the end of february beginning of march who got the virus who were there not treated in hospital or treated at home and some 7000 of those people have recovered and as part of their their own going treatments or have gradually been retested and worryingly there has been this trend of finding now more than 100 cases amongst this population of several 1000 people who have tested positive again so these were people who were clear and they hit had tests either in hospital look at clinics in Testing Centers it proved to be negative and more than 100 now have now tested positive 7 questions here for the experts is what is causing this is this a real infection that people coming into contact with a carrier and getting the infection again or more worrying they use a reactivation that somehow they were may not have been asymptomatic and they may not have been in fact its certainly on the face of it infectious but seem to possibly still being carrying the virus in some dormant form possibly deep in body tissue that somehow has managed to become reactivated so it is a worrying trend here does that mean that there has been a problem in testing and does it mean certainly that there are many more questions about this virus that the experts simply dont know about it could it be mutating in some form so there are questions and of course there are questions that a report does only here in south korea but also with epidemiologists the world over who are in the thick of it as this as the pandemic advances here in south korea they are very much in the control phase they have brought it under control but more of these questions really now. Remains to be answered and theyre looking at very actively trying to understand that and the science of it will help thanks very much well lets try to unlock this story for you joining us here on the news Archie Clements whos a professor of Infectious Disease epidemiology at the Curtain University in Perth Australia he joins us from there clements what does this mean. So i think one thing that probably hasnt been easy i think recognize. 9 diagnostic test is that there are any for any disease. And even with an extremely highly sensitive and specific diagnostic test like the b. C. R. Tests that are part of our if you just think very about numbers of the population and for disease which is a very low prevalence you will expect to see a number of people on that if they dont actually have the disease which is called the positive big value of the test so its one possible explanation is that whereas they did strongly large numbers of people they tested a number of those they were just above the actually and not infected. The other the other explanation i think its potentially that the intentions are is the this is doing and there are the cases are reactivating or all the viruses being picked up i think whats very very unlikely is that these people are. Infected by other or. Theres plenty of evidence to suggest that there is quite as for them in response to the action with corona virus and that should protect people from invention for a period of time whats not currently known as how long for but it cannot be just interruption if theyre not being reinfected because of exposure to other people why they are presenting with the virus again. So i think there are a couple of tension explanations one is that the bar has always been there for a plan that wasnt that well another potential explanation is that they may have been that they get information. And it was a false positive test and then they made sense of that would be a big problem so that and i think that is the reason that are we not being public extensively in the media and i think i think the why wasnt the value of a positive as the core of arts where youre testing large numbers of people for a disease that isnt shouldnt be its a it is a potential. Issue in a country what area where theyre. Able been tested ok doing the testing testing is the key thing that all the countries around the world need to do given that is this number of people who have been infected again who havent necessarily been reinfected theyre showing the symptoms perhaps or they will do in the immediate future of having been infected again for you is that an acceptable percentage of era statistically speaking because so many people are being tested or is it back to square one for south korea when it comes to fighting this thing because if you go 100 people who are now weve now got it again they need to track and trace the people that those 100 people have all been in contact with. So i firstly i dont think there is any evidence emerging that its becoming symptomatic again if that. Was the case then that would be very concerning but i dont believe that theres any clear evidence that that is the case. I think even as ive said with that theyre either a large number of people being tested for a regulation but one of arson and in most countries that is still anything infecting a very small percentage of population you will see a high. As it is right and i think that is to be expected you need an almost perfect test to avoid that situation what the critical thing is is that people need to you can interpret the data correctly and so you know when youre monitoring population of. The 20000000 people as you do in south korea and youve tested half a 1000000 people you will expect a number of false positives. But usually in a pandemic with these are rapidly im changing way in learning more about the bar to be expected that thats not enough that this will have limitations but the important thing is the Public Health response so. And then of course erring on the side of caution so if it were testing positive they need to be our isolated contempt for incentives that happen and so much of the something needs continue certainly ends up recession this is the thing they say for a considerable time to come when it comes to social dismissing when it comes to measures approaching either a partial or total lockdown does it not reset the clock however when youve got people presenting with the virus. No i dont think so if you look at the number of cases in south korea now it is substantially lower than the number of cases that ok during the pagans upgrade which happened at the very beginning of march i think the thing in south korea that has been a little bit in sending is continued bubbling a lot of sort of between 70 bases for the last month so we havent seen extinction of the epidemic in korea and south korea as in as a result of this such a distance and so that suggests that there is Ongoing Community transmission there. It may well suggest that some of the false positives because of the very large number of people interested. I think i think that means that you know that the scale of such of this incident happened there and the scale of test and treat and isolate thats happened there has not resulted in the extinction of the epidemic yet. Thank you welcome russias reporting is large is daily increase yet of more than 2 off 1000 new cases the government says 148 russians have died and the number of infections has now surpassed 18000 the government to spend years reforming the Health Care System to make it more efficient but critics say its left hospitals too short of beds doctors and nurses step as in moscow. This is one of 3 major Infectious Diseases hospitals in moscow a city of nearly 13000000 people 2 of its buildings were recently demolished when the covert 19 pandemic had already started last year moscows mayor announced that a new hospital will be built here but its unclear when. Has 4 years protested against health care cuts. I think whats happened here is a crime and maybe prosecutors should look into it i want to officially demand that prosecutors should get involved and find out why it needs to pandemic they demolish one of the Major Centers in moscow to could packer late some statistics show that nearly half of all hospitals have been closed nationwide here in this video opposition figure ilyushin estimates 60 hospitals were closed in moscow alone the government calls it optimize ation of health care merging hospitals are turning them into poorly clinics in an effort to be more Cost Effective but experts say in reality this often meant closing them down this hospital was close in 2015 and an estimated 400 medical workers lost their jobs or even if they didnt close a hospital we could have received 570 patients thats how many beds we had officially im an infection ist this profession has its own specifics we know how to follow an anti epidemiological regime there were no cases of into hospital infection and our hospital. Medical workers around russia have been complaining about the lack of protective equipment and the heavy workload they are facing working with grown up patients yes lisa truss if the same happens us what we see in the south of europe we can fail to cope even in moscow i dont know how the situation will develop its impossible to predict but this teaches that you cant sort lessly reform the Health Care System you should think what the consequences might be what risks appear. As a result of it. Most Co Authorities have not responded to our requests for comment a new Infectious Diseases hospital is rapidly being built outside the capital and bets have been added to existing hospitals but medical experts say details spittles led to specialist covert 900 patients need they fear these measures might not be enough when russia reaches its peak of the epidemic that fasten aljazeera. Ok lets bring in dual hes the principal russia analyst for vera sgt maple crofts a global Risk Consultancy organization he joins us on skype from london bill welcome back to the news come the russian Health Care System cope with what its going to have to cope with well thats a huge question right now there really is a shortage of reliable data about. The coverage and advocacy of health care across the country and your correspondent mentioned the hospital our capacity in moscow which while it is increased is probably likely to be among the best in the country into places like. Inboard and rural areas where health care is reportedly almost nonexistent facilities are are less for quick less clean and more medical are paid a lot less and you know we dont know about standard training so what we will probably be focusing on most of the information coming out of the Capital Region moscow and St Petersburg its important remember this is a huge country and you know the national Health Care System. Is facing real real d its going to face massive strain because of this other numbers that were learning about just in the past 24 hours out of russia are they credible. Well its really difficult to to say on that one certainly the number of cases reported in russia so far is far below what we would expect as your previous correspondent professor common said partially this is simply due to all tests are going to have certain issues with the liability there is also question about the availability of testing and the availability of the chemical agents needed to make these tests but theres also certainly a political element here prior to march 1st there were only 3 reported cases of 19 in russia. And this simply isnt credible we did see an uptick in cases of pneumonia in moscow which were likely to have been the. Coronavirus case and now whether these were simply misdiagnosis or whether we were seeing a little size kind of down playing the pandemic crisis or the potential dates coming in here its difficult to say at this point. But as were seeing these new numbers coming out. You know everywhere suffering under or everywhere is suffering from a lack as doing and again when we think of the sheer size of russia when we think of the distribution of resources between regions and between medical staff and regions its very difficult to say that were getting an accurate picture of the pandemic across russia and of course this has barrie large repercussions for when youre talking about prioritizing that of resources when youre talking about transporting them between regions when youre talking about an acting maybe more severe orenstein herself isolation. The Political Organisation ok one final point when we talk about the size of the country of the regions any crisis inside or outside the russian borders mr putin is generally always front and center hes always there he is the face of russia when it comes to covert 19 within his own country is he hands on or hands off. This is one of the interesting points youve been taking a very hands off approach and this is for a number of reasons 1st off the pandemic presents the kind of problem that cant be easily solved with the kind of administrative resources or extra police or or any tool box that hes used to using secondly combat in the pandemic is going to require a lot of very unpopular measures weve seen in cities across europe go into lockdown and you know obviously theres been you know this is not been an easy time for anybody the National Leadership ordering that is something that could affect popularity and his authority really depends on maintaining thats popularity ratings additionally you know theres a degree to which the russian population has only started taking this seriously recently and thats due to the fact that they dont trust official information an official media source its you know theyre theyre not unaware of the kind of country theyre living in and the real danger to is that he gives and were urge he tells russians to self isolate and they stop doing it and the worst thing going to happen in an authoritarian state is that the reader gives an order and its not a big so what hes been sticking to is trying to do the relatively popular measures the nonworking period as its called while devolving the responsibility to regional governments to implement a kind of self isolation regimes or take some initiative to combat the spread of the pandemic problem there of course is that in a system that has been designed for vertical control that has been you know discouraging of initiative this is a very new reality for these governors and already were seeing some conflict between the Federal Center and the kind of initiatives that governors have been taking to try and combat the spread there are little thank you so much for joining us here on the news out of london. Thank you china is reporting its highest number of new virus cases in almost 6 weeks the Authorities Say 108 people are infected over the past day mostly travelers returning from overseas while that number is low its adding to concerns of a possible 2nd wave of Coronavirus Infections lets stay in china lets go to circle correspondent monitoring that aspect of the story out of hong kong just unpack the numbers for us and the potential consequences here well those numbers from the National Health commission in china as you mentioned its 108 cases most of which were imported from overseas and a large number have been reported coming from the in the northeast of china this is an area a province called heilongjiang thats a province a province by state bordering russia and china is now building a makeshift hospital in this particular region trying to deal with the increasing number of infections coming from the northeast and also put in strict new border controls in that particular area due to the number of infections of the chinese nationals coming from russia back into china now those measures included in the capital of the harbor they put in place some stay at home orders for some of those residential compounds where theyre identified some of the clusters as well as in the cities the border of russia or public gatherings have been banned across the entire province and Train Services have been stopped in parts of that region theyll also be Health Checks on all arrivals coming in to that particular province and thats obviously mainly from russia that the mandatory testing of the crowd a virus when they do arrive as well as a 28 day quarantine scenario the local authorities have also already put the city the borders of russia into a lockdown last week thats got about 70000 people in that particular city now russia and china that share about a 4300 kilometer border between them and as a result of the spark of these cases that are coming in from russia its clearly putting a number of the the hospitals and that particular region its testing the capacity of how they can deal with the increasing number of infections that were seeing in china as a result sarah thanks very much. The Chinese Government is rejecting allegations from africans who live there of racist mistreatment the government says the reports are an attempt by the u. S. To harm chinese relations with african countries African Students in one job say theyre being a victim from their homes and heritage as Health Workers step up testing for imported infections the u. S. And the African Union calling on china to take immediate measures. Monday morning in spain has seen some nonessential businesses reopen after. Almost 3 weeks another 517 deaths linked to the virus were also reported thats fewer than on sunday the loosening of the lockdown is being criticized by spaniards worried about a resurgence in 19 more than 17000 have died so far with close to 170000 confirmed cases not her joins us live from madrid so 1st off whats your reading of the laces numbers that we have. Well it turns you mention according to Health Minister sources spain has received reduced to define a 117 new fatalities from college 193005 100 new new people infected by these numbers are going down its doing it in a very slow way that were entering the famous face of us about a station that the government was talking about but this is going to be very slow weve seen how all the law down measures have been reflected in these data the 1st 15 days of the lockdown and instead state of emergency we have to remember that since 14 but of march until april 25 weve got weve got the state of emergency at lockdown that has been extended all the 15 days are being reflected now we did that and what were going to face in the in coming weeks will be the toughest measures taking 2 weeks ago where the nonessential workers and economy were back and so these people are returning today to work or going back to work or the government has getting out the guidelines of the practical to follow for all these workers they have to know and the owners of the companies have to supply or provide personal protective equipment people have to keep will not change its to meet a social distancing and have to avoid taking public transport we have to remember that the pattern of travel like the subway is one of the hottest spots of the spread of the corner virus because youve got the plenty of people together so the Police Officers were there 2 days and 6 oclock in the morning where its providing all the people that were taken the public transport the can go to work in that without the means were supplying mass to all these people were hit with so all of these returned to work after the tougher measures of the lock down this doesnt mean that spain percentages look down these deescalating this means just that will lift it theyve got Spanish Government has lifted a little bit economy again to go back to work because spain was facing a real critical situation will face an economic its now your worst. In the spanish civil war 936 so the government took the decision of lifting all this stuff from measures and this prompted a big criticism among all Political Parties even inside probably government and were just going to date back to work saying that this was very early to go back to work because they couldnt keep all the social distances to meijers they didnt have that the personal project which meant and the situation still is very very delicate so we rightly facing the 2nd wave of the outbreak called the court of arsene steyn after these few weeks martyr thanks very much ok across the border to france where the month long lockdown in france is expected to be extended for several more weeks being announced tonight with the suspects on Easter Sunday in paris shoppers were out in force on the popular route as well as ignoring isolation and confinement rules many were not Wearing Masks could 19 has already claimed the lives of more than 14000 people in france with around 135000 cases lets talk to Nicholas Thomas hes an associate professor at City University in hong kong hes also a specialist on Health Security and the editor of infections diseases and security he joins us from hong kong Nicholas Thomas welcome to the news hour how can we have separated by a Mountain Range and a border one country easing restrictions and we suspect when he addresses the nation tonight the french president will say no actually were probably locking done for another 3 or 4 weeks. The reality is you cant this is though this were seeing at a global level where countries are adopting different strategies even when theyre being similarly affected now if we cant maintain the quarantines of social isolation or social distancing enough to get that curve flattened so that were not going to see a resurgence in the disease later on or were going to be doing is playing catch up to a disease that moved from being a pandemic once off to being endemic in a number of countries around the world for you from the stance of the standpoint of analyzing the security implications of this what does this tell you about individual politicians you know the u. S. President donald trump watches 2 sets of numbers clearly the dow jones how the economy is doing and his own popularity figures he was tweeting about it 4 days ago 3 or 4 days ago miss your macro however his popularity is down 39 percent but he seems to be putting the good of the people above his own political success at some point in the future. I think i mean irrespective of what type of political system were looking at whether it be a liberal democracy or an authoritarian system politicians always have to focus on the the feeling among society but they also have to lead because people do understand the fact that there has to be some sacrifice if were going to get ahead of this now unfortunately were seeing some politicians playing to very much the base political mood which is putting politics ahead of Health Policy and ahead of good science saying that we can restart the economy that we can all be back to work within a week or so that just doesnt play out to be fair i need Public Health emergency always does balance the health against economic and social considerations but in most cases were not there yet and the major problem with covert of course is that a large proportion of all the cases are asymptomatic we simply dont know how many cases there are out there and so even if we get to the point and were seeing this in china where a very extreme reaction which would seem to be very successful for a long time has been relaxed were now seeing. Possibly new infections arising as a result of asymptomatic infection as well as the important cases that your reporter was talking about earlier on not wishing to cern glib or slightly sarcastic i guess as well whats the point of doing a partial lockdown why not do always go for in complete and utter lockdown because there was this idea around 2 weeks ago which was if you shut the country dont for 3 weeks you get rid of the virus into but that in amongst all the graphs that weve seen for 2 months i guess theres another graph which is the longer the disease goes on or the longer the lockdown goes on a politicians popularity carries on sliding. I mean this is the question if you go for a full lockdown youre going to have economic fallout now if you go for a full lockdown this is a lesson from spanish flu almost a century ago if you go for a full down full lockdown early. You do protect yourself and you can restart the economy much more quickly the trouble is especially as were seeing in europe and in north america the early signs that came out of asia the early warnings were largely ignored or at least not fully acted upon which means these countries are now playing catch up that means that lock down the social isolation period has to be longer but its that counts they cant seem to do a full lockdown because of now the economic considerations as your reporter on spain was talking about there are weaknesses in a number of these economies which are creating counter pressures to the Public Health response some president s some Prime Ministers have been tilting towards or actually saying there is light at the end of the tunnel is there light at the end of the tunnel so. Id always like to be optimistic and say there is the biggest concern i have as the number of asymptomatic cases we dont know how many yet numbers are ranging anywhere from 40 percent to over 60 percent but that could be a lot lower than that the simple truth is until we get a handle on how many asymptomatic cases we are we do we do have out there we wont actually know if weve contained the disease or not and the danger then becomes that it could linger on and continue on into a 2nd or 3rd wave of infections Nicholas Thomas good to get your opinion on where we are today good to talk to you thank you. Thank you. Iran is reporting another 111. 00 pushing the nationwide total past 4 and a half 1000 iran is the worst affected country in the middle east but some businesses classified as low risk well they did reopen on saturday the president Hassan Rouhani continues to urge iranians to follow social distancing measures. Time for the weather is a bit like spaces and good stay at home weather actually for your nap os of the world will set for you peter dont bother washing the car before thursday at the earliest ok on a cloud hitching up on the satellite picture right across saudi arabia pushing across cots and other side of the gulf all the way across into around the same significant rainfall actually over the past 24 hours or so and there is more where that came from this system is not moving too quickly to suit so through the remainder of monday there will be more rain coming in across costs are across that other side of the western parts of iran see some heavy burst of all the way across into afghanistan were already here in doha seeing a couple of millimeters of rain today and i think as we go through the next 2448 houses so we could see as much as 15 to 20 millimeters a significant amounts of rain choose a dozen that you look quite sistan but you can still follow that line of showers down towards the southwest over the Arabian Peninsula or the way up towards afghanistan more showers longer spells if i look at wednesday thats going to be the day where we see some very heavy rainfall coming through say simply downpours so the possibility of that station down into the u. A. E. Youll see some lobby showers to with some thunder gusty winds and that weather thats pushing all the way down into southern parts of saudi arabia paid everson thanks very much well talk to later im sure still to come here on the news for you from aljazeera there is doing this is that as a possible opportunity for them to actually make more money. Health insurance in the United States the pandemic is highlighting confusion within the industry. And the oil price is how they reacted after a groundbreaking deal by opec and other big producers. And this was news with andy after a career threatening crush this 4 time Tour De France champion says hes close to full fitness. Talk to al jazeera. What you will force were when you saw that document for the post we listen to after the war saying youll be in to go build you know the stage of you we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter which is there are. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the u. S. Its role in the world on aljazeera there are people in the world who are all forms of verification to just go away so we need people fighting against reality trying to see if its a fake review maybe in syria but in a different time they risk a great deal to find out the truth in very complex situations that include major global play as weve been targeted by Cyber Attacks from russia but there are dangers in through this conflict really kept. Truth from the popes truth werent on 00. Welcome back youre watching news our live from doha im peter dhabi these are your top stories at least 116 people who were cleared of the corona virus in south korea have again tested positive is raising concerns for the government as it tries to stamp out infections. Russia is reporting its biggest daily increase yet of more than 2 and a half 1000 new cases the government says 148 russians have died with the number of infections surpassing 18000. Chinas recorded more than 100 new infections its highest in 6 weeks most came from people arriving from overseas but no new cases have been reported in highway province we have break was 1st detected. In other news a total of 661. 00 taliban fighters have now been released by afghanistans government after it freed another 361. 00 on monday its all part of the agreement with the u. S. Towards talks to end the conflict on sunday the taliban released 20 government prisoners in kandahar province the u. S. Special envoy to afghanistan says it is an important step in the Peace Process Zalmay Khalilzad urged both sides to accelerate their efforts to free more prisoners. Forces loyal to libyas internationally recognized government have been making gains in the fight against the wall or after the events of the city of sort of man and theyre continuing their advance earlier the tripoli based government launched airstrikes against have to risk forces killing 7 people his fighters have been trying to capture the capital and overthrow the government there for the past year now live to tripoli. Joining us from there whats the latest information you have for us. Will. The government of National Accord says that its forces have recaptured the city of sort of about 70 kilometers to the west from the capital letter a plea which has been under the control of forces loyal to the world a lot of plea for help to for the past 3 years now the Government Forces are advancing and taken control of also look ations in the Eastern Entrance of the city of sobriety to other coastal city of sobriety about 80 kilometers to the west of from tripoli is very strategic because it has been the stronghold of have to his forces over the past 3 years now the Government Forces say that they have been preparing for this operation through all the strikes they have been targeting get strategic locations including the Operation Home for have to his forces in both cities of sort of man and meanwhile other forces loyal to the government of National Accord from the city of as wattle which is close to the tunisian borders are now moving also to support the Government Forces this. Said bad for have to his forces can give the chance to the Government Forces to take control of the whole coastal highway from tripoli until the tunisian border is in russs de of crossing get turner in case the Government Forces take full control of the city of sobriety we know that this could be a major setback for have to as possible because as you know peter that have that has been relying on these 2 cities to air besiege the capital tripoli in many occasions hes been calling on his forces and sobriety and sort of man to move on the capital tripoli but this said back and also we in his forces positions in southern tripoli Government Forces say that they have been trying. To cut the supply line coming to have to the forces in the city of so brought down someone from the woods here. In. Southern west of the libyan capital so this is a major setback to have the us forces and we know that the Government Forces are now aiming at taken control of the whole highway connecting the capital tripoli to us is did crossing terminal on their. Borders the government say that they have not lost many soldiers as of yet but we know that there are many soldiers of belonging to the government of National Court have been reportedly wanted in this battle were getting news from sort of man and sobriety saying that the poor have to the forces are now fleeing this city. That specially after they have some fly in line have been cut by their Government Forces as you know that in the city of. And the city of sort of the have been controlled by the seller 1st met sally movement fighters thats a conservative ultra. Puton movement fighters that have been. Legions to their world lord i have to Peter Markman thanks very much the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson says he owes his life to the doctors nurses who treated him in i. C. U. For coronavirus however Health Workers say their lives are being put at risk because mr johnsons government is failing to provide them with enough protective equipment is a word. Britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson left hospital to continue his recovery at his country residence he was discharged after a week 3 nights of which he spent in intensive care i have today left hospital after a week in which the n. H. S. Has saved my life no question its hard to find words to express my day he paid tribute to those who looked after him. Ive seen the personal courage not just of the doctors the nurses but of everyone the cleaners the cooks the Health Care Workers of every description physios radiograph was pharmacists who kept coming to work kept putting themselves in harms way kept risking this deadly virus the number of people who died in hospitals after being infected with corona virus in the u. K. Has now surpassed more than 10000 the u. K. Government says record amounts of personal Protection Equipment is in the system but staff treating the sick say there are still vulnerable im sorry if ministers feel that they have supplied adequate p. P. To n. H. S. Staff but thats simply not the case of what we are experiencing on the ground and its just i dont want to be seen as heroes were not martyrs and we dont want to die in the line of duty we just want to be protected so that we can do our job across europe people are grappling with this crisis the number of deaths in spain rose again after a few days of dropping slightly no wonder then that theres no letup in efforts to try to stop the spread of the virus and corona virus is stalking frances care homes killing some of its residents care workers here face a grim task trying to reassure the living while dealing with the deaths. At the paris Funeral Homes and private Funeral Homes are completely overwhelmed so it means that some corpses stay 34 days in the bed. Dream on the bedroom floor. This weekend should have been one of coming together for many families and friends tomorrow easter instead many of europes capitals are empty the landmarks deserted the churches closed the pope delivered his easter mass in a much scaled down service at the vatican 100000. 00 people usually gather in st Peters Square to listen italy remains the epicenter of europes coronavirus outbreak other places though of beating the full force of this human disaster and he would aljazeera. The Worlds Biggest Oil producers have agreed to the biggest output cut in their history prices rose on the news but gains were limited because about the move will be enough to stabilize Energy Markets ravaged by coronavirus michel a palace. On pick a cool his abandoned in Vienna Institute the group and its allies meet virtually remotely agree to cut Global Oil Production by the largest amount in history 10000000 barrels a day thats about a 10 percent reduction. Oil producing nations agreed to the cut last week mexico wouldnt sign refusing to drop its output so our lawyer President Trump weighed in the United States in discussions last night with mexico saudi arabia russia. Dealing with opec nations. We are trying to get mexico as the expression goes over the barrel trump then offered to reduce u. S. Production further to make up for mexico conscious that Lower Oil Prices could be terminal for americas shale industry. He tweeted sunday the big oil deal with opec plus is done this will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States there are 10000000. 00 Jobs Associated with this shell industry in the United States and thats a huge constituency for President Trump President Trump doesnt need any more job losses in the last 3 weeks alone weve seen 17000000 jobs lost because of the. Global demand for oil has evaporated by around 30 percent to do covert 90 planes are grounded streets deserted and just as the virus forced entire nations into hibernation saudi arabia exacerbated the imbalance ramping up its oil output in a bid to northcotts picture rival russia out of the market the glass seemed to us benchmark west texas intermediate promising from 63. 00 a barrel in january to 20. 00 a barrel in late march and more than 2 decades lower we see this as really a monumental achievement i mean if you had told us we can a half ago that saudi arabia russia you know it states were going to come together to forge and agreements to cut 10000000 barrels a day and that actually was more for the market at the most people would not believe that. But pulling prices back to profitability may still they need months off even with the biggest oil cousin history is still an oversupply or the numbers are i popping the decrease its perhaps not enough and when the outlines of the deal was announced on thursday after an initial spike prices actually fell produces banking that of countries stick to the deal or oil back as a wanted commodity in 2021 shallow ballasts 0 well stay with us story alessandro pub a horse Vice President of crude for august media thats a Price Reporting Agency for the Energy Industry he explained earlier why the u. S. Is likely to be affected the most. If we consider that oil that Oil Inventories are going to keep rising because the opec cuts are smaller than what you know just a 3rd of the actual drop in demand that weve seen as a result of the pandemic actually we should expect prices to resume their drop quite swiftly into the 2nd quarter tensional be sending the price of dog u. T. I. Down to 10. 00 per barrel or even lower which is the price at which their us production and the shale producers seem texas and new mexico are actually forced to cut down output because its no longer profitable to keep keep pumping out those prices because its below their operating costs its likely that the brant price brand representing their benchmark for prices in europe and somehow the middle east thats well connected to dubai price that that will not fall last march but the price of dog duty i asked the benchmark for u. S. Production which affects the economics of the shale patch in the u. S. Will have to drop significantly to trigger those production costs because otherwise oil is going to keep flowing and we in the absence of any significant recovery in demand storage may be fooled by the end of may so before then we have to see that deep contraction in prices to make it on profitable for that barrow to be used. Several Health Insurance companies in the United States say they will cover testing and treatment for covert 19 however some doctors say there is a lot of confusion of the payments including who will ultimately end up covering the bills she have or tensing is in washington. For a pass when donald trump announced this earlier this week i met with the leaders of Health Insurance industry who have agreed to waive all d copayments for coronavirus treatments it just highlighted a particular confusion the u. S. Faces as it deals with the pandemic alone among developed countries the u. S. Health care system isnt universal but run by for profit Health Insurance Companies Even after the Affordable Care act or obamacare was passed in 20 term 30000000 remain without Health Coverage and the number of under insured those whose out of pocket expenses for treatment is over 5 percent of their income has risen 50 percent over the last 9 years to an estimated 44000000 in fact when donald trump was speaking in early march no Insurance Companies were covering treatments now congress has forced them to cover testing and some companies are covering treatment for a limited time but its a confusing perhaps work for patients that leaves many Unanswered Questions well what if you test. Is your bill going to be higher. It its impossible to that question in addition your coronavirus test is covered but your visit to a physician may not be if other covert diagnostic tests are conducted like a white blood cell count or chest x. Ray that all actual coded 19 tests they may not be covered the millions with employer supplied Health Insurance may face large out of pocket expenses even hospitals covered by Insurance Companies perform procedures not covered by insurance and the list goes on in the best of times patients and doctors often dont know whats covered until the bill eventually arrives my greatest sadness as a physician is that i often dont have the answer to that question when someone asks me how much is this medication going to cost we often dont have the answer especially with the added layers of a hospital ization the pandemic highlights another issue that was already a problem prior authorization Insurance Companies requiring doctors to prove the treatment is necessary a process that could lead to delays of 1. 00 to 3. 00 days in freeing up hospital beds crucial time during a pandemic a recent American Medical Association survey found the process led to death or disability in 30 percent of cases and that was before the coronavirus a prior authorization its a question to the clinical saying are you sure and we dont trust you seems a little inappropriate for quick efficient Compassionate Care such practices have contributed to insurance companys massive profits since obamacare was passed and now according to former Health Insurance executive turned whistleblower Wendell Potter the industrys expected to clean up as a result of the coronavirus theyre saying this is that as a possible opportunity for them to actually make more money and to have a net savings if you will some of the c. E. O. s even told wall street financial analysts that theyre expecting that because spittles and doctors are canceling a lot of routine care also the executives are saying to. Wall street that if we have to spend more money than we had it dissipated this year we will just raise rates for everybody next year thats what they do and they can get away with it because there is no other game in town its a tremendous challenge this Global Pandemic how some specifically local characteristics here in the u. S. She ever turns the aljazeera washington. Disney being affected by the coronavirus as well 43000. 00 workers at the worlds biggest theme parks in florida are being laid off indefinitely after the u. S. Parks were closed this time last month. Still to come here in the news for you well hear from a leading voice in the olympic sport that believes that the name for spawning this years tokyo games puts athletes lives at risk. Storm dummies chris froome on his balcony someplace in france is there any sports talk about this a little bit in song one actually will be coming to that in a minute said in a mainstay a leading voice in olympic sport believes the delay in postponing the games did put athletes lives at risk rope taylor of global athlete also says many sports men and women now need financial help all events are suspended global athletes is the independent body that police competitors is should have more of a say and how the sports are run and were talking a one percentile that is make your are making a lot of money and thats one percent of the entire big population. Mostly can barely get by cover their rent alone because its a really unique breed because they devote everything every hour of their day to achieve that dream and im speaking with a few outfits were talking what it meant for postponed for another year and a half and one of the things they said was we had 4 months to go to the games its been so tough ive been mentally and physically drained and now ive got to wait another year and a half so were concerned about Mental Health were concerned about their finances and thats where were both National Committees and really like to see the International Olympic committee and the Paralympic Committee step up and provide some support for all athletes that are going through this difficult time the i. O. C. Has billions of reserves and i think theres a use of good will need to be happy to distribute some of those funds directly to the office but we have so many questions that wed like to see the International Committee be more transparent what are the cut off time lines and dates is this pandemic is hitting countries of a different time at a different rate in a different. Thats going to provide a level Playing Field for athletes globally depending on how long this goes they may have some countries that are opening up you have a freer flowing society than others that are still shut down so we want to see some type of a roadmap how do you the cut off date or allows outfits that ability to successfully train before the games and to allow a safe and healthy preparation olympic and paralympic athletes are continuing to try as best they can carry on their soccer fans say here is part of its paralympic synchronized swimming same at the moment she has no access to a pool of size working theory scenes on the terrace of a house. Me again i miss being with my team mates spending time with my coaches hugging them i miss them a lot i want to go to channel so much so i hope that in one year everything will be following that we can all restart our lives. Oh professional baseball has made its 1st appearance of 20 twentieths highwire and is hosting games behind closed doors organizers are still terms of create some sort of atmosphere cardboard cutouts of mannequins dressed in same colors are filling some of the empty seats theyre also drawn playing round bots. Or one of my sports all time greats Stirling Moss has died at the age of 90 he did win 16 of his 66 f one races but will go down as perhaps the best driver never to clinch the world title on a geyser oscar reports. Known as mr motor racing Stirling Moss was at the top of the sport in arguably its deadliest era the heyday when there was plenty of speed hundreds of thousands of fans but little in the way of safety born in 1029 into a racing family most his father alfred competed in the indianapolis 500 while his mother was english womens champion in 1936 and a great moment in a career that spanned 14 years Stirling Moss won 16 formula one grand prix in the 1950 s. And sixtys but he never claimed the world title finishing 2nd and 3rd on several occasions. But he didnt just excel in formula one must posters have a record 212. 00 wins across 107. 00 different types of cars in total but they strive i misstated arguably his greatest achievement was victory in the 1955 mil media a gruelling 1000 mile road race through italy where he finally beat his greatest rival 5 time formula one champion one Manuel Fangio by nearly half an hour. But most his career ended early at the age of 31. 00 after a horrific crash in april 1902 left him in a coma for a month. Quite honestly i have too much pride if you like to want to go in racing and by myself Training Ground at the back i just dont recommend that. Thing to do i mean if you if you and your punch drunk i reckon you get out of it he later admitted hed retired too early but was a regular in the paddock influencing the Younger Generation of drivers who would themselves go on to win World Championships but the lack of a world title never bothered moss. And in the exclusive position of people saying well he should have won they never did so thats gives me the exclusivity for being just a one time World Champion when there are other guys out there with 7 like michael but the most important thing to me really is due respect to my other drivers one last lived his life in the fast lane his wife said he died peacefully at home in his sleep in london. And 4 time Tour De France when a chris froome says his recovery from a horrific accident is almost completes the 34 year old speaking during a virtual race on sunday the british rider spent more than 3 weeks in hospital after breaking several bones when crushed into a wall germany training run last year the recovery is going really well i dont go so far as saying its pretty much complete. I mean i am still doing some exercises i just strength and that that right side which was injured but its back into training. And thats going really well. Ok by size force looking from and the thanks very much sammys here from 11 back from 13 ill see about by. Throughout history human kind has come together to prevail in our darkest moments this is a moment for pretty much the ups. Laying low saving humankind by really really not getting near every generation has its moment where individual sacrifice makes way for the good of those who come after this one is ours. Eyes only test. And trace frank assessments why is it its only struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action really get them behind her informed opinions its going to be much more challenging in a place like haiti where theres one ventilator very relieved people in depth analysis of the days global headlines as india done enough to nip the spread of the out of hours in the inside story on aljazeera. On counting the cost from the Health Emergency to Economic Disaster could the world be heading for another financial crisis and as workers because their jobs at a faster pace in the Great Depression whats going to governments do to help and who is falling through the cracks. Counting the cost on aljazeera. One day i might be covering politics as usual and the next i might be current protests. From serbia hungary the whats most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can play the headlines in the most human way possible. Here and i just you know we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. South korea reports more than a 100 people initially cleared of the coronavirus of tested positive again. Im sam hes a band this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a record rise in the number of infections in russia also cuts in health care funding. Spain allows some nonessential workers to go back to work because 517 new coronavirus

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