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A Global Pandemic we go back to where it all began the wildlife markets of asia the being blamed for the crisis. So yes the u. K. Is closing in on the grim figure of 10000 kroner virus related deaths as we go to where its the new hot bed of the pandemic in europe and the number of casualties just keeps on climbing another 917. 00 people have died of the disease in hospital taking the total to almost 9900. 00 Health Officials have warned the outbreak is yet to reach its peak and the british home secretary says police will use new powers including fines to enforce lock down measures the start figure is highlight the gravity of this National Emergency. The devastating impact of this virus and the unprecedented but necessary action that we are taking to tackle it is affecting every aspect of our daily lives but my message to anyone still refusing to do the right thing is clear if you dont pay your part our Selfless Police who are out there risking their own lives to save others will be unafraid to act of fear british interior minister lets speak tomorrow to mars you joins us on skype from london. 980 fatal it is yesterday friday 917 today these numbers are still very high. The numbers are still very high and theyre expected to increase further in the coming days and weeks actually this is in line with expectations as the emergency starts to reach its peak you can see the daily death toll reaching the 1000 level just there abouts here in the u. K. And in fact the last few days the u. K. Already surpassed and spain for recording the highest number of daily deaths now interestingly you also hear in a from the director of and it chaps england Stephen Power and he was saying that there has also been a flattening in the number of confirmed cases and also in the number of hospitalizations and that is really important so and thats not just in london but also in other parts of the country but he did say that it will take some time for us to see the effect of that in the death tolls that goes because of this time lag with the virus it takes time for an infected person to start to show symptoms and then those again in time before they deteriorate to the point of needing to go to hospital and sadly they might die and so because of that timeline you are likely to see a continued increase in the death toll in the coming days and probably this week. The british interior minister pretty big tells us his story of Health Workers think there have been failings to get personal protective equipment to that has been a big problem in the. Yes this is been a big issue over the past few weeks and we have seen another raul actually playing out today with the Health Secretary matt hancock saying that frontline n. H. S. Staff should over the use the equipment and that is something that has really not gone down well with doctors and nurses in this country now that the government has conceded that there have been issues with the supply of personal protective equipment and then also issues with deliveries getting that supply to where its needed and theyve been doing things like using the military to expedite those deliveries that have been a sense that perhaps the situation was improving but we have had today another warning from the Royal College of nursing and the British Medical Association saying that there is still a shortage of supplies and that doctors and nurses are being placed in a very unfair position as to be said its not just those people that are working inside hospitals its ambulance workers that it have to go out and deal with suspected cases of covert 1000 of the people working inside camps lets talk thought to be a real crisis a hidden crisis in some ways inside right now because were seeing a lot of people affected and its not the death toll in the Community Within gallons is thought to be quite high but thats not yet feeding through into these daily government figures because these death toll figures that were getting from those deaths that take place inside hospitals and so you had these associations and trade unions saying that doctors and nurses are being placed in a very unfair position because they are having to continue to treat patients while putting themselves at risk and also while a putting possibly their families at risk if they contract the virus so yes theyre having to continue doing their jobs as some of them in a situation might want where they might end up contract ing and spreading the disease all right thanks. In london. Well after the virus immersion china the epicenter of the disease soon shifted to europe the overwhelming overwhelming hospitals and forcing tens of millions of people into lockdown there are questions about whether the European Union will survive now because of what critics say was a muddled response or honestly as this report try jeffrey i am not sure. If you cast your mind back to the days before everything changed this is extraordinary how badly things were misjudged how it all went wrong this video was shared by the mayor of melanne on february 27th when politicians in northern italy were either blaming migrants for the virus or insisting the countrys Financial Capital had to remain open for business as a piece of politics it was catastrophic this messages had a huge impact and probably led people to underestimate what was happening here after a couple of weeks both had all these politicians had to apologize for the. More than a week before thats tens of thousands of football fans have descended on the san siro stadium in milan to watch the Champions League game between atalanta and the spanish club for landsea its now widely suspected that this was the trigger for the virus to jump countries. As the days turned into weeks the sheer horror of the situation turned into a daily reality. 300 dead 4056708 day its a repeat of just under a 1000. There was no where to put the bodies they used an ice rink in madrid the spanish capital absolutely on its knees by now europe was in a flat panic its famous open borders were closed by march the 11th the u. S. Had banned. Flights from the shan going to area and inevitably the ban was reciprocated business stops unemployment rocketed. European unity was nowhere to be seen amid allegations of countries hoarding protects of medical equipment and not sharing it with italy and spain no member state can handle this crisis on their own and because in this crisis and in our union more generally it is only by helping each other that we can help ourselves not only could europe not agree on ways of helping each others economies there were enormous differences in the response to the pandemic sweden didnt go into lockdown at all germany tested as many people as it could for the virus and had a much lower death rate than other countries hungary boned elections and handed all power to Prime Minister viktor orban to the consternation of much of the European Union. France began the same grim should actually of cases as italy had a few weeks before and the u. K. To weather countries under funded Health Care System was feared to be under such strain of the army helps build new hospitals in exhibition senses. Prime minister Boris Johnson had to be rushed into intensive care with the virus and is only now beginning to recover europe felt like it was in disarray delivering. One of the biggest questions about the new reality is what it says about us and our ability to adapt to a situation none of us have ever known company. In some ways has brought out the best in people to share trauma east slightly above communities spirits on every european balcony. People try to find the positives like cleaner air will clean a war so everyone knows the day will come when the police wont fine people for being outside and theyll be a vaccine people in europe and beyond will tell their children about what it was like to live through the virus the problem is what happens between now and then. Barnsley aljazeera in london. The United States is on the brink of overtaking it to me for the highest number of coronavirus related deaths on the planet in new york state though the spread of the virus is showing signs of slowing with hospital intensive Care Missions declining but new yorkers are now bearing the financial brunt of the book as kristen salumi reports. Its been called the crossroads of the world but these days no one is going anywhere just ask taxi driver nicolay hand hear people talking. About it he says his few customers are mostly hospital workers now that all but essential workers are expected to stay home in the city of nearly 9000000 taxis are essential to make you know. Least easy 300. 00 a day plus now. If i make a 100 times. I can be lucky. New york the center of American Culture and commerce now has more coronavirus cases than any single country even the famously busy Grand Central station is eerily quiet during normal times 3 quarters of a 1000000 people would pass through here each day now as empty as public spaces are hospitals are full and overflowing. Public hospitals in particular have been overwhelmed statistics show that while the elderly or those with preexisting conditions make up most faith tallies minority communities have been hit disproportionately hard me. And doctors and nurses are under tremendous pressure a shortage of protective gear like masks and gowns is only adding to the strain for nurses like sara dowd who came out to demonstrate being kind of thrust into the situation without everything we need without the resources we need to do the best job possible and. That has a psychological affect the feeling of being helpless scenes of refrigerated trucks as makeshift morgues and Funeral Homes struggle to contain the enormous loss of life have been traumatic even for notoriously tough new yorkers and for those who remain healthy nearly a month of school and business closures are also taking a toll thousands of Small Business owners are struggling to survive like jeff george who owns a martial arts studio auto the biggest thing is continuing to be able to pay the rent and pay the utilities and pay the employees right we want to we want to be able to sustain them as much as we and. Thats important to me. Still new yorkers like eric kerry and his wife are finding ways to bring people together from their rooftop with music even if for now they cant get close inspired by scenes in italy and spain theyve been holding a nightly socially distanced party cannot wait to have a big party after this and invite the whole lot over to our lovely roof deck and be able to have everyone there and enjoy a song and a drink together. But Officials Say that time is still weeks if not months away kristen salumi aljazeera new york. Well i can tell you that in the past few moments the United States has overtaken its lead to register the deaths in the world thats a total of 18860. 00 and thats according to tracking by Johns Hopkins university so lets take a closer look at how the country got to this point its 1st confirmed case of the virus was announced on january 21st in Washington State at the 1st death came more than a month later there were just 24. 00 confirmed infections at that point but epidemiologists believed tens of thousands already had the virus at the time testing was limited by the end of february fewer than 500. 00 people had been screened in the past month the number of cases has soared to more than half a 1000000 thats the most in the world more than 2100 deaths were reported on friday and that is the highest single day toll or jeremy mayer is an associate professor at the shell school of policy and government at George Mason University and he says that donald trump is responding to the crisis with the november president ial election in mind. I think we are seeing dont trump as weve always seen him trying to sell bad news as good news not only in politics but throughout his Business Career i mean were talking about a man who went bankrupt 4 to 6 times and always declare himself a winner this is what he wanted a reality t. V. Show presidency with him as the star and even though his own advisers are telling him hey ok start the briefings and then get off stage and let the experts talk he literally genetically at the molecular level cant resist being the center of attention so americans are going to have a choice do we want more of that were do we want Something Else and the other thing i would say is were going to hear a lot about china between now and november trump just put a new ad up in the last 2 days that links joe biden to china and says the virus was chinas forms he did get a search but it was a very small sort of we have this effect in america as in many other democracies called rally around the flag whenever theres a crisis of almost any serious kind people support the president but his effect was incredibly small he got to about 60 percent approval in his handling of the virus is now at about 48 percent approval and a majority disapprove by contrast george w. Bush wasnt very popular up till 911. 00 skyrocketed to 90 percent approval and stayed there for about 5 months so trump got a very small boost and if he fails to convince enough americans that hes doing a good job then he could really lose a remarkably big landslide election to joe biden. Still ahead here on aljazeera curfews are imposed in 31. 00 provinces across turkey including the biggest cities of istanbul and ankara. I will tell you whos developing an alert to let you know if you could be infected does it infringe on privacy. Hello the nose a bad couple days ahead across central and southern areas of china finally get a breather from the very heavy amounts of rain that weve been saying however all this county can see that is an indication of where the next area of weather is heading is pushing across into key who is a go through sunday and it will work its way steadily into more southern areas of honshu some very heavy amounts of rain coming in with this system and some very strong winds as well as fairly slow moving and its fairly large too with some very strong winds to really funneling at a loss of moisture so a very unpleasant day to start the work we mean lot across into china it is mostly fine and dry 22 in hong kong and very warm in beijing and this case guys the high over 25 widespread shahs and thunderstorms across much of indonesia but through sunday the rains becoming really quite heavy across into laos coastal areas of vietnam and then as we go on into monday those rains working the way southward through thailand and very heavy particular along these coastal areas across into cambodia as well and the rains of course very extensive particularly across into somalia say we go through monday and then in india its a mostly fine picture we have got want to showers into canada that also be developing into bangladesh in the far northeast still staying very hot in the interior. The birthplace of democracy but ethnic turks from the northeast tell a different story they bounce to control our religion our believe their religious leaders jailed journalists silenced schools closed and a surge in the far right they say that if you dont like police you can both hurt. Im dirty and most of the people in power investigates western thrice contested space on aljazeera. But again you know what she does or amount of the top stories this hour and confirmed cases in the United States have been skyrocketing in the months since the pandemic was declared critics of President Donald Trump say his slow response is largely to blame. The United Kingdom as reported another 917 coronavirus related hospital deaths in the past day taking its total to nearly 10000 Health Secretary on the epidemic is yet to reach its peak. Hundreds of cases have been confirmed in cameroon but Health Officials fear there may not there may be many more that are unreported now its launched nationwide testing some address reports. Health workers in chemicals race to contain the spread of copied 1000 infections go to go testing is underway in several regions of the country and for good reason. The virus has been spreading here and all forces here the number of infections could be higher than reported on the fos day of this operation at least 100 new cases were discovered. In the key. There is one a group of Health Workers in the field 25. 00 suspected cases while in the same time another group is cleaning and fumigating suspected areas every Community Leader is involved in the process. The number a surgeon infection seen in the 1st week of testing is raising concerns among the population. But imo its the fear of death thats got to everyone if you get the virus youll be put in quarantine for 14 days with no chance of leaving her alone but there are bills to pay 1. 00 must earn to do that and that starts social distancing is the hardest of all we also fear african governments may not contain this pandemic this will result in total chaos in africa at the end of it all we may not be able to do anything but cry and lament. Like many african countries camerons Health Care System isnt prepared for that but the mic experts say if you defections get out of control here it could be catastrophic. Their fortys in the city of bora are moving ahead to convert the city stadium into an isolation and Treatment Center they anticipate a rise in infections and not everyone in the city is willing to be tested for the virus a source of concern for Health Officials along with plans for testing a decontamination of public spaces is also on the way but thats not enough to come some cameroonians. Would be if western countries with all their facilities and equipment counting huge losses what do you say of africa when infections reach a peak it is really scary for everyone im waiting to see but to be frank things dont seem right the more you think about it the more you want to give up. African union and other regional bodies say they are working with individual governments to provide equipment and supplies to deal with the pandemic but for institutions and states struggling to fund their operations its hard to say if that support will come soon enough to avert a Major Health Crisis on the continent comedy greece. More than 30000000. 00 people in brazil have signed up for emergency Financial Relief is locked down restrictions impact the economy and the government is trying to streamline the payment process itself to thousands lined up at tax offices this week because of bureaucratic hold ups informal workers are entitled to claim 118. 00 a month. Onto turkey which is put its most Populated Areas under a 2 day lockdown to try and contain the spread of the virus bakeries hospitals pharmacies and workplaces making medical equipment theyre exempt the restrictions of due to end on sunday at midnight cinema thats more. It was like a regular friday for istanbul probably many assume that because the weather would be nice for today and tomorrow sunday and also it is were afraid that more people would be going out yes the cafeteria is Restaurants Public places shopping malls theyre all closed down but of course it is difficult to control all those people and there was a conflict between dons opinion the governments opinion and what the Science Board has been recommending so far and yesterday we heard from some Science Board members that some of the it is some of the Board Members some of the doctors were commending lockdown for the weekends a couple of days in a week but it is just for this weekend for now but many expect that it can continue for the coming weekends as well but so far for for the president s address on a major full lockdown is not possible and this is what the minister the mayor of istanbul has been urging for but it is good for turkey these 10 days its very critical as the numbers off the. Death is rising but for yesterday for last night the reason for that couse was that this was an unprecedented announcement for a lockdown and the circular wasnt issued its simple tennis the with the lockdown thats what people got panicked people thought all bakeries would be close pharmacies would because and they flocked to the bakeries that to get bread even though it was just a 2 day. The spike turkey has suffered many military coups and many curfews what course its not easy for people especially given the current economic tension in a cell in turkey its not is a for people to accumulate stuff food in their home and they need to go out. One of the pandemic has caused a spotlight on asias socalled wet markets and the risks that they pose scientists believe the crowd of ours originated in a market trading wild animals in a warning years may find some of the images in jessica washingtons report disturbing before his customers arrive pallas ponto spends the morning preparing his most popular dish its called a traditional best meat curry popular in some parts of indonesia hes followed this recipe for decades but the recent outbreak of covert 19 has got him worried so the beginning of a ive been reading the news about this virus i wonder is it the same type of bat that we use ive never worried about disease until now maybe it has to do with how we prepare the meat. The trade of live wild animals for food medicine clothing and more has gone on for years but as the world grapples with the outbreak of cope with 19 the risk it poses to Public Health is now under scrutiny. Its believed the virus most likely emerged from this market in ruhani probably involving bats but also possibly other animals such as penguins the market in rouhani is still closed and the beijing government has issued a temporary ban on similar live wildlife markets elsewhere in china but there are many similar markets around asia trading wild animals like this one in indonesia north so the way i see province thats snakes and other wildlife as well as dogs and cats are all sold here and live in cages stacked on top of each other. When you have different animals in such close contact it is possible for cross species infections to happen other diseases can also be transferred between species and then infect a human. Ending the exotic wildlife trade completely is almost impossible many peoples livelihoods depend on it and the trade goes on in many corners of the wells Animal Rights activists say Wildlife Conservation isnt just about saving animals lives but humans too. People have exploited nature and wildlife they catch them from spaces where they should be free when you combine that with poor hygiene markets it is a risk a lot is still unknown about this virus and exactly how it began but what is clear is that this isnt just a global Health Crisis but an environmental one too jessica washington aljazeera jakarta also imports the latest in a growing list of countries and companies to ban the Video Conferencing platforms zoom teaches there are banned from using the app for remote lessons because of what the government describes as very serious incident a local media say this includes men showing obscene images to teenage girls during a zoom lesson apple and google have announced theyre working together to develop a technology that will alert people when theyve been close to anybody infected with the virus has this report. For many of Us Technology is a major part of staying in touch during lock down from online workouts to church services. And birthday parties. Its helping bring our communities together but take knology also has the potential to alert people when theyve been close to anyone infected with the virus. Google is teaming up with apple to develop apps to do just that its a rake a lab aeration between the American Companies whose operating systems power 99 percent of the worlds smartphones but some fear the technology could also lead to more unwanted scrutiny of our private lives and personal data googles Business Model is to track googles a surveillance capitalist google makes its billions by tracking every move you make on and off the web apple and google say pretty say transparency and consent at most importance and as if it and they will openly publish information about their work for others to analyze governments worldwide are working out how to take knowledge we can help us to identify sick people and stop the spread of the virus some countries including poland israel and singapore already use peoples handsets to monitor their quarantine or send coronavirus alerts. South korea is joining hong kong and using electronic wristbands with some uses asked to send a photo of their home to prove theyre in self isolation thats aimed at getting the lockdowns and border restrictions lifted as soon as possible its very new new technology its very interesting but a lot of people worry about it in terms of the persons freedom were going to take a look at that a very strong look at it will it you know pretty said the kind of in china where the outbreak began last year most codes dictate where the people can leave the house and where they can go Digital Rights activists say such apps need to be designed so they cant be misused so today its often were not china we never make you you know make you use this but what happens tomorrow when its on every i us device and every adult device and we start using the law downs and we say to people you want to go back to work you can but heres the cab yacht you have to turn it on you have to opt into it you know but you get your choice you dont have to go to work but if you want to go to work you got a. Scientist said mit take knology alone it wont be enough to eradicate the virus instead it will need peoples commitment and real life brian aljazeera. So this is out there these are the top stories and confirm coronavirus cases in the United States have been skyrocketing in the months since a pandemic was declared critics of President Donald Trump say his slow response is largely to blame more than a half a 1000000 americans have been infected the u. K. Is reported another 917 coronavirus related hospital deaths in the past day taking its total to nearly 10000 Health Officials have warned the outbreak has yet to reach its peak and the british home secretary says police will use new powers including fines to enforce measures. These stark figures highlight the gravity of this National Emergency the devastating impact of this virus and the unprecedented but necessary action that we are taking to tackle it is affecting every aspect of our daily lives but my message to anyone still refusing to do the right thing is clear if you dont pay your part our Selfless Police who are out there risking their own lives to save others will be unafraid to act more than 30000000 people in brazil have signed up for merge and see Financial Relief as locked down restrictions impact the economy the government is trying to streamline the payment process after thousands lined up at tax offices this week because of bureaucratic hold ups. Turkeys most populous areas are all under lockdown after the government imposed a surprise curfew due to last 2 days that affects 31. 00 provinces including the 2 biggest cities system bor and ankara singapore is the latest in a growing list of countries and companies to ban the Video Conferencing platform soon teachers there are banned from using the app for remote lessons because of what the government describes as very serious incidents local media say that includes men showing obscene images to teenage girls during a lesson poll and google have announced working together to develop technology that will alert people when theyve been closed to anybody infected with the coronavirus the idea is to help governments roll out to run on both Android Devices and i phone its all right up to date with headlines here and odds are more news coming out right of the people about. Greece has a proud reputation as the birthplace of democracy of government by the people for the people but to the ethnic to kish minority of ptrace in the countrys north east who say theyve suffered decades of discrimination from the state thats not have it seems today weve been to investigate

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