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Living on the edge some American Farmers are getting nervous about coronavirus as the spring planting season begins. And sport kobe bryant receives one of basketballs highest honors former n. B. A. Superstars who died in a Helicopter Crash earlier this year has been inducted into the sports hall of fame. Because this news are in spain where there is calls for it thanks to little hope as the latest growth virus figures have just been released Officials Say another 674 people have died there but its the 3rd day in a row that the death toll has followed the number of fatalities a down 135 from the previous day in fiction writers also slowing the Prime Minister has said the countrys long down measures are working hes asking parliament to extend them by 2 weeks. Meanwhile iran will allow low risk Economic Activities to resume from saturday and your facilities have been reopened and 2 thirds of government Sector Workers will head back to work despite warnings from Health Officials of a possible 2nd wave of infections and the us president all from says americans should prepare for the toughest week yet the number of infections there has exceeded 310000 almost 808000 rather 500 people have died so far trump is deploying the military to new york where the operate is at its worst were going to be adding a tremendous amount of military to help supplement the states thousands of soldiers sows thousands of medical workers professionals nurses doctors and it will be a large number it will be will be telling them over the next very short period where theyre going and theyre going into war theyre going into a battle ill have more on that from mike hanna in washington in a moment but 1st lets go to spain with the editor is joining us via skype skype ma says so some encouraging signs from the latest figures that have come out. Yes came. Reflect a slow down trend we have reduced 212130759 factions and 6000 new positives in the last 24 hours 12400 death toll and 674 fatalities we have to say that both figures the new positives and the number of fatalities are the lowest numbers in the past 10 days so these reflects the slowdown trend we are seeing and we might be reaching the peak of the curve the Prime Minister a bit of sound it was mentioning yesterday the maximum number of people infected he also announced these to extension of the 15 days more of the lockdown space lockdown of state of emergency until april 24th. Even as these encouraging signs a pair of ears say the pressure on the Health System is still great wed spoken yesterday about some ventilators that had apparently been held up on the tarmac in turkey whats the latest there. Well we have we have to say that yesterday is all in all the media spanish media was reporting that the spain had to chase a cargo of 150 ventilators to china and what they were doing they were doing the overlay in that this was retained by the car some so we have to say that Foreign Affairs minister yesterday stated that this was not true that this was wrong because ventilators were put to cherokee the lady of all these ventilators was because of the restriction of sporting medical care from turkey so far enough as minister of the town tell it like you and i was yesterday on twitter that turkey had green lighted all out dryest because medical supply in the next hours. Thank you for that update there martha editor live for us from madrid. Iran has just reported another 151 coronavirus deaths there have also has also been a drop in fiction cases for a 5th consecutive day meantime some people will be going back to work in iran next week same strong views into iran with more on the easing of restrictions. Weve heard from Health Officials over the last few days and weeks that things can go back to normal too soon but the president when he made this announcement president rouhani began by saying that all branches of government are onboard with the plan that they have moving forward so making it clear that the government is according to him speaking in one voice despite the warnings of normalising too quickly from Health Experts saying that that could bring on a 2nd wave here president Hassan Rouhani did say that in terms of the details of what is considered low risk and high risk those announcements will be made over state t. V. In the coming hours but we can surmise that what they consider low risk is anything that doesnt compel too large of a crowd to form people can work from home they can open Small Businesses remember this country is a place where the majority of businesses are small to medium so really those environments will begin to see life coming back to life returning to some kind of normal he said that even though those shops and other organizations may begin to start their engines again they have to observe Health Protocols social distancing that still has to be the key element of how to go about doing this its always been a balance between fighting a Public Health crisis and making sure the countrys economy does not go bust he also acknowledged that iran and iranian people are still operating in unknown territory they dont know whether or not this will continue for a long period of time whether the country will become a kind of reservoir for the virus so he said things will be taken one step at a time but we have to remember that the countrys main concern all along has been that the virus might do what sanctions could not which is bring the countrys economy to a standstill and thats really what theyre trying to fight against at this time. Before it is adi is professor of world studies at the university of tehran and he joins us now on skype from tehran thank you for your time as weve been reporting that the peak of daily new cases in iran was only 5 days ago we just heard 151 people have died in just the past 24 hours we know asymptomatic cases can still spread the virus how risky a move is this the opening up of the of the country. Well you know the. Iranian government is dealing with no way this is true High Commission or a committee that decides on what steps the country needs to take so its not him one man show it is not just president rouhani whos going to decide hes acting as the spokesman of that High Commission for kroner why the us and the people who take spirits physicians who are. Saying that some of the measures that iran employed in the last number of weeks can ease a little bit but not much and as you know there is disagreement on these issues in all countries in. The United States and europe experts who disagree with each other and they have the same thing if you have disagreements it is not the king them people disagree they object if you never know tomorrow or day after tomorrow the president could come and say that its going to extend the Current Situation for one week this is this has happened before he has done this before said hes going to ease a selections then he didnt do it we have seen that all around a while and we have seen that all around a while and that i guess my question is is iran being pushed into. Its economy quickly of you know getting people back to work quickly because of the pressure on the economy but potentially putting peoples lives at risk. No doubt the legal sanctions that iran is facing from the United States is hurting irans economy and one thing the government wants to make sure is you dont want people hurting economically so much. Not going to be able to recover from. It so the basic idea is to find that balance of making sure the economy functions at limited level and at the same time youre not in then during peoples lives finding that balance and answering that question is meant to be. Do you personally feel this is premise ya whats your take on it you know im at work right now i teach at the university of tehran and im doing my work at university so d you know and then you know it depends on the person im about 50 years old so i i feel if i followed the health. Sections i mean the im at some work that someone whos older than me a more cautious on as the existing condition may not do that and i think what the iranian government is trying to do is basically have a functioning society at the same time that the economic difficulties that you will have with people losing their lives is not going to overlap over the country and you know 100 tillis doing better than a spain or italy or United States at thank you for your time effort as adi professor of world studies at the the city of tehran thank you. The streets of iraqs capital remained unusually quiet as authorities extended nationwide curfew and curfew until april 19th most Public Places have been closed and soldiers have been deployed to enforce the lockdown hundreds of people have been arrested for violating it iraq has reported more than 800. 00 coronavirus cases and nearly 60 deaths as i mentioned earlier u. S. President donald trump has warned americans that the worst is yet to come mike hanna is in washington d. C. He says the peak of the virus is expected within the next 2 weeks. New york contains roughly a 3rd of all infected people fatalities throughout the whole of the United States the death rate there continues to rise alarmingly and whats alarming too is that its continuing to spread within new york itself a neighborhood like long island for example is showing a massive escalation in terms of recorded infections this just shows how quickly it can jump from barrow to bearer and then of course from state to state and this is what the Governor Andrew Cuomo was talking about earlier on in the course of the day saying that new york its the fire its a blazing fire and that is the one that has got to be put out before it spreads to other states theres a great awareness from other states particularly neighboring ones of the degree of which could happen to them what is happening in new york state but one again must mention as well its not just restricted to the eastern side of the United States showing a massive increase in infections an area like detroit also showing a massive increase of infections so although in various parts of the United States the infections rate remains low to moderate it can change at any time this is the warning that were hearing from the government scientists from the physicians who are advising the president the only way in which the rates can go down they continue to stress time after time after time is to practice mitigating factors. Plenty more ahead on the news all including. More than 350000 you peevish many tourists stranded around the world of finally home not the 250000 still looking for a way back to pass a virus is basic roof look today under a microscope it looks like a bull with dangling. Explain coronavirus to children a daunting task for families while school into a lockdown and the kids are at home. And in sports. Football league enjoys a rare glimpse of the global spotlight far riskier with that story. Lets go to greece now where authorities have quarantined a 2nd refugee camp near athens after a 53 year old man tested positive for corona virus about 1800 People Living in the camp are being screened for war lets cross to johnson whos joining us live by skype from athens in greece so john just how can you tell us. Well this is the 2nd camp thats been placed and locked in a space of just 3 or 4 days as a result of a positive test the great concern here is for the greek government is to move with speed because this campus you say holds about 1800 people the entire thats more than the entire infected population in greece right now which stands at 1673 so you can see how that such a camp with People Living in close quarters might very quickly overwhelm medical authorities by doubling the number of infections and the fact that this is the 2nd camp is also of concern the 1st one proved to produce about 24 cases 24 infections partly because all sources were lucky the 1st case was a pregnant lady who gave birth in athens hospital and was diagnosed by a stroke of luck while she was giving birth speed therefore with the camps is key so that you can quickly isolate the families that are affected and prevent it from spreading to the entire camp. The 2nd thing that concerns because thirtys is the ethnicity about 90 percent of the residents the Asylum Seekers in these camps are afghans and fairly or unfairly afghans have come under a cloud of suspicion during the Coronavirus Crisis because the. Standard route to greece is through pakistan then iran and then turkey and the fact that they pass through iran makes them highly suspicious degree course thirtys back in the end of february when turkey opened its borders to the European Union for refugees recall thirtys said the threat of a coronavirus pandemic in. Action through these new flows of refugees was one of the reasons why they close the borders with turkey interesting lee there have been no cases of in of infection in any of these new arrivals since march the 1st. The the interactions weve seen among refugees are among people whove been here for many months. And this is the final point it may be somewhat unfair Many International aid groups and the European Union have insinuated to the greek authorities that it may be somewhat. For greece not to allow these neurons was an opportunity to apply for asylum on the basis that because they carry this extra suspicion and threat of infection they should be treated separately and kept in separate courses and quickly to put it back to their home countries given that there are no infections among them as yet that may be a strengthening argument in favor of allowing these people retroactively to apply for asylum in europe thank you thought out that they dont stop us live from athens. A quarter of a 1000000 European Union citizens are expected to be flown home soon in a large scale repatriation effort by their governments 350000 others mostly tourists have already been airlifted from all of the world by chartered airliners and military aircraft reports. It could be a hospital reception but as bolivias airport the countrys airspace is closed part of measures to contain covert 19 it came back to life on saturday after the French Embassy organized an exception to get european tourists home but i remember. Actually my return date had expired the airline hired rescheduled it for the end of this month but we know this is going to take longer because covert 19 is spreading i found out about the repatriation flights undecided to return. The story repeats in peru where french spanish and belgian citizens all buses bound for an earful space this weekend. The German Government has repatriated nearly 200000 of its citizens including this group in south africa on friday all flights have been grounded there but an exception was made this week. If you think its a good thing to turn the crank say people. Because. That way we also know that half of them in africa e. U. Governments have been relying on commercial airlines but with fewer flights every day the block is resorting to a mix of charset and military planes e. U. Institutions are also helping to cover costs when their passengers have more than one e. U. Country they focused only on tourists not a used citizens living permanently abroad we had brought home more than 350000. 350000. 250 sars and remaining and many operations on the way things become more difficult every day in january daily commercial flights peaked at 118000 around the world now there are just 27000 or 100. 00 yr lines have completely or nearly completely stopped service its pushed the burden increasingly on to governments like france which seem to playing for more than 100. 00 nationals to the indian cities of cochin in mumbai in chartered an air France Flight to pick up nearly 200 swiss belgians germans and british people in moscow. Some time and probably true leave simply because im not 100 percent sure that the information about the epidemic here in russia is reliable unfortunately e. U. Citizens looking for security at home even if home is where the global outbreak is at its worst charlotte dallas aljazeera. Tens of thousands of palestinian workers and israel are returning home before the jewish passover holiday but with the increasing numbers of infections in israel the Palestinian Government is warning of a disaster of those who are caused on isolate themselves when they arrive it ever has more from the occupied west bank. Palestinian leaders say theyve managed to control possible sources of Coronavirus Infections except one tens of thousands of palestinian workers in israel at 1st the Palestinian Government and israel as those who commute daily from the occupied west bank not to do that and remain in israel for a few weeks but scenes like these angered palestinians israeli buses leaving workers showing carona like symptoms by the side of palestinian roads that and the growing number of infections in israel led the Palestinian Government to ask workers to return home. Jobber oday a father of 6 came back to his village of their ahmad near him a lot hes in quarantine now with 8 other workers. Are israeli employer was cain on having us work at 1st otherwise he would have replaced us and that would have harmed us financially lysa he asked us to leave and the work is storms. Most workers have israeli permits and travel to israel and its illegal settlements through military checkpoints others sneak through by roads in the hills its almost impossible for the Palestinian Authority to track all arrivals Community Based committees especially in the mood villages or helping with movement restrictions. So for the Palestinian Authority is trying to organize medical checkups for returning workers those who test positive for the virus are taken into compulsory Quarantine Centers while others are asked to self i salute. And weve asked israel to test workers for infections or that they are allowed them to come back in separate groups so that we can give them the medical services they need. Workers in israel for met only 20 percent of the palestinian workforce with more people now asked to stay home the already weak economy will suffer further damage. From their jobs and. Well but rather will have the effect. Overall. Even the ability of actually going to rebound once some of these measures are but its not clear whether israel would allow those workers back after the passing of the quality the Palestinian Authority cannot fully control the movement until for jewels ive been trying to appeal to the workers sense of civic duty but its hard to tell if that gamble were going to do that but he melters you dont you look you played with bank. The head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis is holding its just celebrations in a practically empty same paydays basilica it is the most unusual celebration of the holy week in history is a live picture from vatican city and the event is usually held with thousands of people filling the swell solemn but of course brought a virus concerns of meds that is not the case this year. With cities on lockdown schools closed and children at heart and many families and caregivers around the world facing with challenge of how to talk about toy to their kids about proud of us next hour brian got some tips from a few experts. On the streets of gaza human sized virus works around raising awareness about covert 19. An effort to make learning about the virus engaging and accessible. Its a challenge caregivers around the world are facing is a sure way to explain the battle against an invisible enemy the pandemic is keeping around a 1000000000 children away from school its really important to be honest and tell the truth and sometimes people say well how can i tell the truth my child or so young and thats ok we can tell the truth using age appropriate language watching our childrens reaction being sensitive to the level of anxiety unicef has helped publish a story called my hero is you to help adults who may be struggling to find their own words to explain why the world has been turned upside down so the virus is basically looked at under a microscope it looks like a war with dangling. New zealand science educator dr Michelle Dickinson uses videos to tell kids this superheroes viruses on a mission to destroy the virus by washing their hands she says the activities help children feel like they can control something when everything normals been put on hold children are talking to other Children Online and they. Talk about the series youre in trying to shield your child from the well actually learning some ation from and maybe arent actually going to go up in these unprecedented times many homes and also workplaces and schools and the hours. Being cooped up inside and putting extra pressure on families its really follow what we say but they even more a what we do and how we act so we want to be aware of her own emotions and manage those. Im modeling not anxious which sometimes means acting a little bit calmer in the meal and i but its so important to show our kids that we can be calm and in a time of stress we may not be like this by demanding entertaining kids stuck at home but the experts say we all have superpowers up our sleeves to find this pandemic stay home be kind and use soap because basing the coronavirus really is in our hands and legs here brian aljazeera talk to alex had a kid as a psychologist and behavioral as scientists he joins us on skype from russia them in the netherlands thank you for coming on the program so i heard there in a dixies piece the advice to children adults are aware of how unprecedented this pandemic is in terms of you know what weve experienced in modern times what kind of impact is that having psychologically the fact that we dont know how this is all going to play offs. Absolutely so 1st of all i think the whole uncertainty that were dealing with today is is causing a very kind of fearful situation in the sense of are some people its eventually going kind of like a survival mode in them and i think the uncertainty of what it does and especially the being restricted and our homes and for especially for long 2 periods of time this can of course have negative effects not on to our Mental Health but also to our colleagues at the paramount and also to our physical health as well what kind of practical advice would you have for people who are feeling perhaps anxious or stressed because of whats happening in the world. Absolutely so i think one of the key things that we need to take into consideration is as we were well i think what was happening is that were losing this kind of sense of control and when we lose a sense of control we automatically want to have control over the environment that were actually in so such lets say for example the Living Environment so some of the things that we could potentially do is to have set up boundaries for ourselves so lets say have worked foundries or living boundaries so have physical spaces where we can do our work or also sometimes have separate spaces where we can move away if we do feel very anxious and stressful the other thing that i would recommend in this case is maintaining social contact even though you might have your family at home or youre with your partners at home and very important to have social contact outside of their home environment we can use technology to do that nowadays as we need to always have a sense of the reality and also understand whats happening around us because that also helps us to feel very safe and gives us that kind of sense of control as well i think interested to read about this idea of comparative suffering the idea that we judge ourselves 50 ending out of sorts of the lockdown because other people in other parts of the world have experience it was things whats your advice for people who might be judging themselves because if how theyre feeling about the lockdown. Well i think what what this what this situation is doing is that we have come into a heightened sense of reflection and so having these feelings about how cells and other people is a very natural process and why i think one major recommendation that i can give is to reflect and see yourself as living in your home isolated as a time of being in a cocoon as a caterpillar is in a cocoon it has time to reflect and also time to think about what it can do and whats important to him self or herself and other people i think that is a 1st step because that helps you to really take charge of yourself and then also helps you to consider and also have show more. Gratitude animosity so no animosity but more be more reflective of other people at the same time you mentioned earlier some of those practical things people can do setting up pot you know sometimes that negativities and what about the importance of basic things like you know nutrition exercise and those important at this time well i think so absolutely because of studies actually show that long terms of a long periods of time of social isolation can actually have also and negative effect on your on your or your physical well being and so we need our physical wellbeing also to help us but honestly through lets say deal with a possible infection so exercise eating healthfully is very important not just only for our moods mcgrory much also for our physical health and also boosting for amuses them so thats something that i definitely advice really get to get your advice there thats an if and a psychologist and behavioral scientists thank you. Well time now for the weather hair is evident thanks very much kamal lots of warm sunshine across europe to be enjoyed from maine dos of course if youre looking outside you can see lossy clear skies on the satellite picture but as i move out of the way this is not the area of cloud just down across the southeast rather wintry here actually in this position in greece would you believe yesterday significant snow fall here still some snow to come but he will gradually turn to rain in there is a flood risk as we go on through the next couple of days it stays very disturbed right down across that eastern side of the med greece pushing into the nasty little area of low pressure but to the north that we call this area of High Pressure and around there is of High Pressure the winds travel in a clockwise direction so were pulling in that northerly wind thats the cool direction other side of the high is a southerly weve got some very strong winds but theyre pushing very warm air in across a good part of western europe say 2021 celsius there in london in paris and if anything that warmth just shunts its where a little further east which as we go on through the next couple of days staying on the cold side for greece and for turkey temperatures very disappointing so the moment what weve got is that cloud and rain heavy downpours possibility of some flooding but prices cause will gradually make their way in from the west as we go on through the next few days with more warm sunshine for all by midweek in. Thank you very much for that service and still to come here on Al Jazeera Al kazakhstan and kurdistan theyre getting coronavirus help from the rich and famous but questions too about where that money is coming from. A unique look at how artists are reaching out to absent audiences during the coronavirus all break. And in sport the Union Representing premier League Football is head sultan of to cut salaries. Joining the listening post as we turn the camera lens on the media india has more than 424 Hour Television news channel morning talkers and focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most the states misleads the public to still be here reflects this they. Want to challenge uphold their editorial showing take a dart believe they have anything to apologize for their listening post on aljazeera. Before any official investigation into the tragedy of flight m. H. 70 was complete the website of one citizen journalist used to have connected the dots in real identity one of the members of the by the Investigations Team at delhi camp has identified the 2nd subject as citizen journalism investigations trust is generated through transparent dont believe me theres the ever. Better truth and approach truth coming soon on 0. Youre. The. Daughter of sara reminder of our top stories this hour the number of new coronavirus related deaths in spain has fallen for the 3rd day in a vote special forces reported 674. 00 deaths on sunday compared to 809 a day earlier. Iran is reporting another 151 deaths but the number of new infections there has decreased for the 5th consecutive day president Hassan Rouhani says low risk Economic Activities will resume on saturday thats despite warnings of a possible 2nd wave of infections. Donald trump is warning americans to prepare for the toughest weeks yet of deaths from chronic virus is a number of cases apos is 310000 nationwide and that it treat is being sent in to help you know. Farmers in the United States are regarded as being a High Risk Group for corona virus thats despite working in the vast open fields of the socalled farm belt in the Midwest Farmers their fair shortages of both food and work if the virus spreads into their real communities reports from chicago. Here in americas bread basket the corona virus has yet to descending force on the nations farms. But john keefe never knows its coming and the timing could hardly be worse some people are going to get sick the numbers are out there the history of this virus is were not going to avoid it like most farmers key for the raises corn soybean and chickens is already used socially isolated but the average u. S. Farmers 58 and a half years old putting them in the High Risk Group for the Global Pandemic that is yet to reach much of Rural America a lot of younger farmers arent worried about it all. Im of the mindset that im probably not going to avoid it im going to get it and id rather get it now well in the past Year American farms have endured damaging floods a trade war with china and now a virus that threatens their workers and their ability to transport food to market if we shrink the labor pool this year thats going to be terrible all the emphasis is on the supply chain and my biggest fear is the Transportation Industry we constantly have a shortage of Truck Drivers so Truck Drivers need to avoid this virus. On chicagos Mercantile Exchange and throughout the midwestern farm belt agricultural income fell nearly 10 percent compared with last year and that was before the virus with stocks riding a roller coaster on wall street and coronavirus shattering one business after another pharmacologists say taking belts who mean more frugal shoppers then theres the worry about getting livestock to market meat packing plants or labor intensive that would be the biggest problem would be even have processing plants lets say had to shut down even temporarily its going to drive down price for a while because youre going to have a back in the supply chain. John key for says farmers can get through the short term but the longer the crisis lasts the more strained americas food supply will be if this becomes a long to law endemic theres going to be a lot of people relying on us farmers until then keefe naren farmers like him are doing their best to stay isolated and in good health john hendren elgins era chicago. The United Nations is worries that america could become a major covered 9000. 00 homes fox the Uns Economic Commission says the effects of the pandemic among to push millions more into policy the virus was slow to hit the air but the number of infections junk shop play and months. Police in colombia are making a song and dance to in a way release people from their house arrest. However once confined during lockdown offices in the capital bogota our plan to keep the music going for as long as the emergency lasts as well as lifting spirits standing courage and exercise police say their campaign is a reminder to stay at home and protect themselves. The 2 week nationwide lockdown in uganda means millions cant go to work and many are struggling to put food on the table aid is being distributed by the government to around one and a half 1000000 ugandans designated as the most vulnerable public transport is at a standstill orders are closed never once being urged to stay hard to contain the spread. Countries in central asia such as kazakhstan and neighboring kurdistan have urged businesses and citizens to donate to emergency funds for the Coronavirus Crisis but while the donations are welcome some are questioning where the moneys coming from or been forester walker reports. On a man who loves expensive things seeings millo a rapper in cuba star last month he claimed hed spent 80000. 00 helping communities in quarantine. Accused on social media of publicists seeking his rent insulting the kick his public for their in gratitude landed him in jail. Private donors of testing kits mosques and food have had a better reception from the get go but the powerful clan behind this Health Campaign are unlikely philanthropists the metra emo of so under investigation for Money Laundering up to a 1000000000. 00 janet with a video widely shared on whatsapp says when trouble came all those calling us corrupt went silent its very much ramos and you know. Little actors like them arent doing this on purpose in order to capitalize on this politically actually like a lot of people are appreciating it you know maybe saying that. Theres going to be a different time when we get you know like our given our source all the government and the well right now our country mighty and we dont care who is giving that mind and that mind. Donations to support the governments fight against coronavirus have totaled over 700000. 00 in kyrgyzstan but in neighboring oil rich kazakstan more than 30000000. 00 has been raised as the line up of opinion when 1st president Nursultan Nazarbayev appealed to the wealthy his daughter dinara and her husband to more coolly buy i have responded with 10000000. 00 thats small change given their vast wealth last year swiss media reported that the family purchased this chateau on lake geneva for more than 60000000. 00 there is no separate that really is well over the number of people a group was there for payment is legal and legitimate theres a perception that it was grabbed that was stolen and sought your couple or that they can this money not legally. Give them back and this is not enough. When the higher topping the list in the region is a leash it was man of was becky stands president says the billionaire has given 20000000. 00 towards the construction of a new hospital in touch cant regardless of its origins private wealth in central asia is helping to fight the virus and for some that alone is reason to be thankful robin for a steelworker aljazeera. To government soldiers and libya have been killed in the latest fighting and the government of National Accord based in tripoli says 170 fighters for warlord holy for half that have been killed starve the past 8 days lets get more now from al libya cost on that from what i dont have to say in the capital my would say was a u. N. Call for a global ceasefire because of coronavirus that doesnt seem to be having an impact in libya whats the latest. Welcom perfectly all calls for deescalation gun unheard confrontations are still going on in southern tripoli in several axes between the forces loyal to the internationally recognized government and others loyal to the warlord highly for have to military sources with a government of national called say the house that has forces started shelling get their positions and also all shilling get into areas with indiscriminate. Rockets rockets random rockets landed in several residential areas in southern tripoli and also in near the city center the lake. Neighborhood today but meanwhile the Government Military sources say that they have been targeting have to his forces log ations with air strikes over the past week and today near the. East of the city of misrata Government Air force targeted have to the forces positions including get a detachment of military detachments and also military vehicles to the world a lot of that have to the Government Forces have lost 4 fighters today and they say that they have pulled out from the city that neighborhood in tripoli but meanwhile the Government Forces have achieved advancement on the ground in other axes like. And where there will be a neighborhood in tripoli the same again i ask you i just want to see if i sound live and lets now especially going to the. Military intervention with the government of national chord can we pivot and talk about the coronavirus there because as i mentioned this u. N. Warning asking for a cease fire is because of the warnings around how the current virus may cripple countries that are already embroiled in conflict how many quantifiers coronavirus cases have there been in libya and how prepared is the country for the spread. Well disposed of the. Civil cases have been recently reported at least 16 cases so far and one death an 85 year old woman died of a virus recently in libya but still nevertheless libya remains one of the least affected countries by covert 19 thats partly due to the isolation of the country as you know kim that the country has been suffering from instability and use over the past few years and that has made it as a leader from the outside world not many people are tempted or encouraged to come to libya thats why the country remains one of the least affected countries what caused it 19 but nevertheless many people are warning including Good International organizations that if a possible break. Sweeps or happens in the country that could result in. Just thats partly because theyre weak Health System in the country and that country is all of the rival factions in the country are not given a chance to authorities to face covert 19 kim thanks for that update there libya correspondent well hit china has released a prominent human rights lawyer from jail. Was serving 4 and a half year sentence after being convicted of subversion of state power so a park has more from hong kong. Confirmation from his wife via twitter that he was released from jail at 5 am on sunday morning the family had requested that he be returned to their home in beijing however the authorities have kept him in an apartment in june and province and that simply because hell be in quarantine now for 14 days so hes yet to be reunited with his family now he was arrested in 2015 as part of a Chinese Government crackdown on human rights lawyers we know around 300 or so of those lawyers were either arrested or they disappeared and interrogated some even reported torture now this crackdown has been referred to as a 709 crackdown simply because of the date as a result that was they the 9th of july now when he said 4 and a half years of job but he did this appear was incommunicado for about 3 years and as a result his wife heavily campaigned for his case to go to trial hes got the last of those human rights lawyers to remain behind bars and in 2018 he wants to finally tried his case was tried after the campaigning by his wife and he was sentenced to jail but his wife the last time she saw him was it last year in june so certainly some good news for his family of the release of this human rights lawyer on sunday in china. Still ahead on aljazeera and sports some of basketballs all time greats receive one of the sports highest on as far as here with that story. I usually test treats and trace frank assessments why is it its always struggling to cope with the number coronavirus failure to take really aggressive action leave them behind you heard informed opinion its going to be much more challenging in a place like e ds with theres one ventilator 3000000 people in depth analysis of the dates global headlines india done enough to miss the spread of the one of ours in the inside story on aljazeera we know whats happening in our region we know how to get to places that others cannot i was just throwing tear gas by the police on purpose until you had the time and its programming to go live to go live to where another story that may not be mainstream is happening the fires are still no more in our country. Never mind minor and the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. Summed up sports has far kim thank you so much kobe bryant has received one the highest honors in basketball a former n. B. A. Superstar who died in a Helicopter Crash earlier this year has been inducted into the sports hall of fame brian headlines a group of 9 players who were elected into the 2020 class american played his. Entire 2 decade career with the l. A. Lakers before retiring in 2016 ryan was killed in january alongside his 13 year old daughter gionet others he was 41 years ords albright was regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time he won 5 n. B. A. Championships and was named an all star 18 times he also won gold medals with team usa at the 20082012 olympics and said he was looking forward to the olympics returning to l. A. In 2028 ryan had also been racking up accolades off the court in 28000 his movie dear basketball won an oscar for best animated short brian is survived by his wife an asset and 3 other daughters. Credit accomplishment and honor and burke strongly proud of him obviously we wish that he was here with fans. To celebrate. But its definitely the. Career theres some solace in knowing that he was probably going to be a part of better 2020 hall of fame class. Also joining bryant in the hall of fame is tim duncan he played for the San Antonio Spurs threw out his 19 year career and was a 5 time n. B. A. Champion kevin arnett was another to get the nod one of only 4 players to win m. V. P. And defensive player of the year he claimed his one n. B. A. Championship with the Boston Celtics in 2008. By the union that represents english premier League Footballers has questioned the wisdom of reducing players salaries the premier league and u. K. Government are putting pressure on players to take a pay cut professional Footballers Association says a proposed move to lower wages by 30 percent could actually damage the countrys National Health service the p. F. A. Claim it would result in an annual loss in tax contributions of more than 250000000. 00 in a statement the union said what effect does this loss of earning to the government mean for the National Health service was this considered in the premier League Proposal and did the Health Secretary matt hancock factor this in when asking players to take a salary cut the b. F. A. Added its our priority to finalize the precise details of our commitment as soon as possible this impasse comes at a time when some clubs are putting nonplaying staff on temporary leave european champions liverpool join that list on saturday it means 80 percent of their pay will now come from the u. K. Taxpayer with only the remaining 20 percent paid for by the club is their Sports Correspondent leigh wellings. There really was no need for this drug oh so this position and this time its something that could have been result much earlier was all the criticism came in and its a really unnecessary spot remember the parallage is watched and enjoyed around the government and i think the attention has got also the police by the cops themselves actually going to the u. K. Government and saying we want to throw some on the outlying stuff so were going to lanes that 80 percent of their wages paid by the you take out and theres a bridge clubs which is the latest liverpool of the european champions and theyre saying we want people who dont actually like it was to actually to see you take government funding we dont pay the other 20 percent so none of this has been well received and has been a lot of attention on it from u. K. Politicians the other side of the courtroom actually those politicians people have looked at them in simple what are others who work each others work implemented donations to your party why not turn your attention on them so the whole thing coming future mess that didnt need to happen at a time when there were no more important things in the u. K. Government needed to do. That football is continuing in corners of the world previously ignored by the majority of fans they think gee stanley began its new season as a plant that has everything played behind closed doors a Central Asian country is yet to officially report a single case of the corona virus infection by g. The sun has ordered its borders and closed and stop issuing work permits to foreigners that its off adoration says its now hoping to secure broadcasting deals with Sports Networks around the worlds. Nicaraguans top league is also enjoying new levels of attention games in the Central American nation are being played in empty stadiums but are being broadcast online but many players are unhappy saying they werent consulted about the decision to keep the league going there are 5 confirmed cases in the country so youll see what games are being played behind closed doors thats one of the measures were taking to protect players and all of them are following strict hygiene rules with soap and antibacterial joe also club doctors are checking their players during training sessions and its not found all seen anyone with symptoms that one of the worlds most famous horse races has taken place but due to coronavirus restrictions Computer Generated images were the stars of the show and algorithm decided the winner of the Virtual Grand National which is normally contested over real fences in the United Kingdom potters corner one this version of the rex. Ok and that is all your sport for now can back to you thank you so much for. The crowd of viruses devastating just about every industry including the arts with festivals exhibitions and Film Productions being canceled thats left millions out of work that is nicola gage discovered some artists are finding new ways to connect with their want again says. Inside his studio. Experimenting with medium and color hes acclaimed for his bright and eye catching creations but normally there in the form of sculpture with the spread of coronavirus postponing all of his future commissions hes trying something new i think at the moment im just being a bit crazy and experimental i just think you know i have made all this work is meant to be shipped out and to make work in these Different Countries what else am i going to do some working on these massive paintings and i havent done that before with public gatherings banned artists are searching for new ways to reach audiences and most are turning to the internet and herschel is sullivans gallery upcoming exhibitions are still going ahead just without people physically there the exhibition will be online theyll be artists interviews online statements online so you really shifting the physical experience to a digital experience. Musicians are also adapting strongly in orchestras have been streaming performances online but are now broadcasting previous concerts after social distancing measures titans. And fans that normally play to huge crowds holding Digital Music festivals Live Streaming from their living rooms one after the next audience members cant see each other but they can communicate through the k. Board and during night to support the industry greatly as this keeps going. We can find a way so we want it is fair to say the artists social Media Communities are popping up to help Artists Network in isolation but right now many online endeavors have little chance of bringing in any significant long term income a story is spotty predicts that haul 5000000000. 00 in revenue could be lost in the next 3 months alarmed and despite office trying to adapt without more. Government support many businesses say they may not be able to survive times of crisis are really extreme mode so i would be really surprised if we dont see a wave of cultural outputs of artists engaging with these times of isolation dealing with technology if there is any Silver Lining the engine hopes these Uncertain Times will lead to more people appreciating out when they can again experience it up close gage aljazeera. But thats it for me kimbell for this news on that dont go away sammy said on will be back in just a moment with more of todays news. Vs and for me to the polls good because the renowned for their courage on the 5. 1 i want to find out what it tikes to join the elite for a guy. On aljazeera. The dissolute mother waits on the border between ukraine and russian occupied crimea for news of her missing son. Numerous young 3 men have disappeared following her arrest these disappeared other victims of a crackdown on the top population of crimea by russia since its occupation in 2014. Before the invasion of 2014 crimea was a part of another country ukraine really formed when the soviet union broke up into separate states but Many Russians including the president had him here put in were unhappy with this. Russia is determined to keep its alleged abuse of human rights away from public scrutiny. As the only Indigenous Group still openly opposing the tradition russia sees this Muslim Minority as a threat. Told to aljazeera we will full swirl when you sold that document for the post we listen to after the war saying you know you have been to go bail denied the stage of you know maybe to be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the aljazeera. Spain says 674 people have died in the last 24 hours from the coronavirus down by more than 130 the day before. Hello im sam is a band this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. Back to work for some irans president announces low risk activities will resume despite fears of a 2nd wave of infections

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