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Linked to the spread of the virus. And scientists warn the virus can spread through people even if they dont show clear symptoms. The u. S. Could be about to introduce new restrictions after the number of corona virus infections passed 200002 be the highest number in the world President Trump says hes now looking at bans on domestic flights and governors have pleaded for more help and resources but trump told weapons is briefing but thousands of ventilators would soon be ready and he may be able to give them away to other countries in europe italy has recorded its lowest number of deaths in nearly a week with 727 fatalities but spain has reported more than 800 deaths for the past 5 days in a role and theres a new concern a study by researchers in Singapore Says around 10 percent of new infections may be spread by people with no symptoms maicon is joining us now live from washington d. C. Mike we saw a very bullish President Trump earlier on didnt wait compared to the the the president that we saw of the last couple of days he was much more somber. Yes indeed well in the briefing that 2 briefings that were held today one with defense officials including the defense secretary and that was to speak about the war against narco smugglers President Trump insisting that they were attempting to take advantage of the pandemic and then the 2nd briefing the one that weve been accustomed to in recent days along with his medical experts but President Trump was very upbeat compare it to the way he has been in the last couple of days and on that issue of ventilators for example insisting that there are enough to go around now governors in u. S. States have been pleading with the federal government for more medical supplies and particular ventilators new york state for example says it needs to stockpile as many ventilators as possible to deal with the 8 picks up the pandemic which in the current projections show to be by the end of the month yet the President Trump insists that there are enough ventilators and enough he says that the u. S. Could start exporting to countries in need and were building thousands we will fairly soon be at a point where we have far more than we can use even after we stockpile for some future catastrophe which we hope doesnt happen were going to be distributing them the actors around the world will go to italy will go to france will go to spain which isnt you know very hard here well ironically this is the day on which russia delivered a series of medical supplies including ventilators to famine in new york this followed a conversation that President Trump had with president putin earlier this week and which he agreed to by a number of medical supplies including ventilators from russia mike hanna live for us in washington d. C. Mike thanks very much indeed. Well across Europe Health services are under strain from the pandemic with hospitals in the french capital no fall on wednesday italy had its lowest number of deaths in 6 days but its extended its lockdown until at least mid April Paul Brennan reports. Its been more than 3 weeks since italy became the 1st country and side china to introduce strict stay at home restrictions is growing signs of infection rates and deaths are starting to plateau the government announced the parents could take the children out for short walks but the government has also ordered the extension of restrictions to stay in place until april the 13th and probably for longer and the Health Minister has warned against complacency and will be unwelcome form lady we must not confuse the 1st positive signals that we are seeing in needs our police all clear signal data and that if the call projections made by experts showed that we were under the right path and that the drastic decisions we have adopted so far are starting to bear fruit that quarantine has brought Financial Hardship in some cases desperation and thats given rise to numerous gestures of kindness like these Food Bank Donations in naples many residents in the cities old quarter are hanging pastor and other items from solidarity baskets for the benefit of the jobless and poor people without enough to eat those who can give those who cannot take says the sign she really does is the service is a bottle of it all in the same boat and we restore rope in the same direction as the organizer angelo pick only from his balcony without sentiment in mind the European Union has weighed in with a new initiative to support short time working and avoid layoffs and redundancies in the e. U. s hardest hit economies millions of people cannot go to work but they still have to buy groceries and pay the bills companies are paying salaries to their employees even if right now theyre not making money. Europe is now coming to their support with a new initiative it is called shore. Medical priority those finding enough beds and equipment to treat the ever growing numbers falling ill latest figures from france saw a new record of 509 new fatalities and the authorities are transferring patients between regions to spread the pressure more evenly pariss hospitals are now 4 and 38 critically ill coronavirus patients were transferred by high speed train to the city of ren on wednesday in spain where yet another record of 864 new deaths were recorded in the previous 24 hours the temporary hospital created at this Madrid Conference Center has been restocked with fresh supplies every bed can save a life and in this crisis every minute matters paul brennan aljazeera. U. K. Prime minister bars johnson has called it a sad sad day for britain after more than 500. 00 deaths were reported in 24 hours its the u. K. s biggest day on day increase the government says it hopes to prioritise testing for frontline staff within weeks so far more than 2000 Front Line Health Care workers have been infected can i just make it absolutely on the promise to has been very clear about this is as well is that increasing Testing Capacity is absolutely the governments top priority were now at 10000. 00 tests day were rolling out Additional Networks of labs and testing sites and in terms of ph d. For the last 2 weeks 390000000 products have been distributed and of course we will continue to do more and work to make sure that ph is available as you know there is a hotline which is available 24 hour hotline for n. H. S. Staff as well. Iran has shutters parks and deployed police on wednesday to try to stop people gathering to celebrate the last day of its new year festival the countrys covered 1000 death toll has surpassed 3000 all intercity travel has been banned until at least april the 8th but the government has so far all voided a full scale lockdown more than 47500 infections have been confirmed indian authorities are scrambling to trace people who attended a muslim gathering in the capital 2 weeks ago i was 2 and a half 1000 muslims from india and other countries where there are about 113 factions have been linked to the event and 7 people have died from new delhi elizabeth purana reports. Municipal workers sanitize this mosque in new delhi which has become the epicenter of covering a virus cases in the indian capital thats after Health Authorities have relocated 2300 people who were staying in the box accommodation more than 500 have been taken to hospital but sometimes more than 1800 and quarantine of self isolation its thought at least 2500 muslims from around and over the seas took part in the gathering organized by the group. The cyber some of the police will investigate the phone numbers of all the people who are present in the area in that meeting they will also trace where they went and whom they met they will also trace the location of the people whom they have met im asking all these people who attended the meeting to surrender themselves to the medical facilities or local authorities wherever they are. The music of islamic preachers was held in early march but many stayed behind at the mosques accommodation after it had finished 6 a division attendees who travelled to the Southern State of telangana after the meeting tested positive for corona virus and have since died a cleric from 3 and ive heard an indian administered meat who also attended the conference has also died from the virus delhis chief minister has ordered police to follow a case of negligence against the Mosques Administration. In the Current Situation it was completely wrong to have held such a big gathering we are being told that many who participated in it is gathering to have no trouble doing other parts of the country to scary to even think about how many people have come in contact with the disease because of this. There are at least 130. 00 cases linked to the gathering in 7 states and Union Territories a 7 kilometer cordon has been created around a village in the state of tamil nadu after 21. 00 infections which all have links to the gathering in new delhi the Mosques Administration says people stranded after promised in the day of them already announced a National Curfew on march 22nd and suspended all bus and Train Services with just a few hours notice but delhi State Government says people stayed there despite the ban on gatherings of more than 200. 00 people which came into force on march 13th Health Officials have a big task of tracking down not just everyone who attended the gathering but everyone they had contact with and as the group had leakage of faces criticism for staying at the mosque despite the restrictions so too does the Police Station which didnt notice all reports a meeting of thousands of people in a compound next door elizabeth for on al jazeera new day. Still ahead on all just 0 feeding the poor but lebanese helpers so theyre struggling to satisfy demand. People asking for medication people asking for help for their children and diapers and stuff i wish that we can get all that done for them. But. I know theyre mostly good guys across Northern Areas of asia however theres plenty of cabbages been steaming in of the last few hours and this is bringing with it some very heavy rain across much of japan that is fairly fast moving so through the work its way across these more northern sections of homeshare but really staying well to the east of the will be the chance. That the time of 10 celsius in sapporo but where we will see more of this rain and very persistent heavy rain is across the southern areas over china and it doesnt really care as we go on into friday so we could well have some flooding of course weve have already had some reports of landslides in that particular area indonesia some fairly widespread rains in fact we will see some more rains developing across the malaysian instead have had quite a dry spell here but the rains are back in the 4 calls on thursday very heavy again across the whole Northern Areas of borneo a similar scenario as we go on into friday in the middle those widespread shastra much as and again some heavy rains into Western Areas of java is a fairly quiet india it should stay that way we have a cool scenes the weather to the Northern Areas of pakistan but that again is clearing out of the picture so thursday mostly Clear Conditions into the hole and then by friday it is still very warm particular nonpoor with a high of. The hillbilly a harmless caricature of or a malicious label denying a people their culture to justify the exploitation of the Natural Resources that divide in Congress Thing has been so successful that even people in the region believe the stereotype then becomes dangerous its only a region of trash so. Why not trash it whats in a name hillbilly a witness documentary on aljazeera. Or. World war. We want to go to 0 a reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump says the country will soon have more ventilators than it needs and eventually theyll be enough to send some to other countries thats despite many state governors complaining they do not have enough equipment to deal with the spread of coronavirus. Health care systems across europe are under strain from the pandemic with hospitals in the french capital now full 2 planes carrying supplies to restock spains hospitals have arrived while italy has extended its lockdown until mid april. Indian authorities are scrambling to trace people who attended a muslim gathering in new delhi at least 2 and a half 1000 muslims from india and overseas attended about 130 infections have been linked to the gathering with 7 people dead. Well the number of infections worldwide is expected to top 1000000 in the next few days and theres growing evidence that people who seem healthy may be spreading the virus the latest research has come from singapore where they estimated around 10 percent of new infections may have come through those who dont show symptoms well mark especially is the chief medical officer at the association of state and territorial Health Officials hes joining us live by skype from charlotte in North Carolina we appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed how much more difficult is this going to make tracking the spread of the virus. Well its very challenging to track the spread of the virus. When there are people who are infectious but dont have symptoms yet because that makes it just that much more adept difficult to identify who needs to be tested who needs to be isolated but we need to be careful about may have been in contact with that person so this just brings another level of challenges and i think that its important some of the information were getting from singapore from other sources so we can better understand this issue how hard is it going to be to change peoples attitudes from what appears to be the current one in that if they are taking precautions if theyre washing their hands theyre staying at home and so on that they feel that theyre doing enough to actually trying to understand that they may be carrying the virus and they may not even know it well the most important thing i think as far as how people are reacting to this is. The approach that we put into place now social distancing so maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from another person when youre out in a public setting and thats what we weve done a lot of things now in United States and certainly seen this not the countries to just limit crowds in the 1st place but if people keep a distance from each other then the issue of whether somebody is symptomatic or asymptomatic when theyre when theres been the potential of spreading the virus is much less of a concern because theyre keeping that distance and that will keep any kind of infection from occurring looking further ahead a growing concern of course that once we get to a point where it seems that cases are beginning to drop off and strictures relaxed that there may be a secondary spike how much more likely does does this secondary spike become when people dont know that theyre actually carrying the virus. Well it makes the entire long term management of this situation much more difficult however i think once we been through this 1st wave 1st of all we and others have more time to prepare and get ready in case theres a 2nd wave bill the bill to pass in our medical care system so that we can take care of people but also as we have more testing and better understanding of the disease that the hope is after the 1st way we can really contain the infections we can identify people who are sick we can put them into isolation status we can identify people in contact with test those people and ultimately thats the thats the approach that we hope will keep us from having a 2nd wave at all as we know that the World Health Organization up to this point has been suggesting that people who havent been showing symptoms dont need to wear face masks for reasons that it may cause concern and also they they are ineffective in as much that it doesnt stop you getting the virus do you think that that is going to have to be rethought given the fact that again that would there may well be people carrying the virus and in order to preserve protect others they should not be Wearing Masks in public. Well i think that the issue of whether we asked the general public to wear masks that is one were still considering and we might very well go that route i do want to emphasize though this basic intervention of social distancing of keeping a distance of 6 feet between you and other people that really precludes any any need to wear a mask because theres enough distance that there wont be any transmission of infection and i think the masks may be useful just you know adding that extra level of protection particularly in settings where maybe its harder to maintain that distance and particularly in settings Like Health Care settings or even certain shops where sometimes that distance gets a little closer that provides added protection to the Health Care Workers and to the people who are working in the shops so this is something were struggling with d right now and so we have adequate supplies of protective equipment for Health Care Workers anything we might do with the public would probably be made masks or different different type of mask we want to make sure that the really the medical master help them reserve for Health Care Workers as always we appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise in this marketplace here thank you very much indeed for your time thank you for having me well at least 100 sailors aboard a u. S. Aircraft carrier off the coast of guam have tested positive for the virus although none is reported to be in Critical Condition but on a Facebook Page for the vessel family members are calling for the navy to release more information on the health of the crew members now plans are underway to evacuate the ship Shihab Rattansi reports. The number of cases of coronavirus among the some 4000 on board the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt and studly grew nervous several days as it lay docked in guam the crowned dense Living Conditions a perfect viral incubating and that led to this impassioned plea from the Aircraft Carriers captain on monday we are not at war sailors do not need to die if we dont act now we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset our sailors on wednesday the acting Navy Secretary suggested the captain had been overreacting its disappointing to have him say that however at the same time i know that thats not the truth but then later at the White House Coronavirus briefing there was this comment from the defense secretary there seems to be this narrative out there that we should just shut down the entire United States military and address the problem that way thats not feasible its only live and work and in cramped quarters whether its a an Aircraft Carrier a submarine a tank a bomber its the nature of drug business those aboard the roosevelt are now being brought ashore groups of sailors will rotate in and out of coroutine on whom as many sailors as possible should disembark in the next few days those who test negative will be moved into 14 day quarantine in guam hotels those who test positive will be placed in isolation at the u. S. Naval base on the island a core group of about a 1000 will stay on board to be replaced after 14 days by those whove already undergone quarantine they will maintain the ships weaponry and a Nuclear Reactor at some sailors on board the roosevelt told the San Francisco chronicle of their admiration for their captain who they said had looked out for their interests over their mission. 24 years in the navy and now you command a carrier youre almost guaranteed to work to make am i going outside the chain of command or upper level or equal welfare are the men and women who work for him ahead of resolve career case of the roosevelt raises the question of the operational readiness of. The u. S. Navy if amid the pandemic however the u. S. Isnt the only nation facing that question yeah it would weaken our maybe but what about the chinese navy what about you know the Russian Submarine or so its going to impact now everybody and i think what the United States should be doing is taking a lead now in working with these other countries and say what until we deal with this we cant continue business as usual u. S. Officials however insists that werent necessary the roosevelt could be fully manned and deployed immediately she returns the outrigger. A leaked document published in spanish media says doctors have been advised not to admit elderly coronavirus patients into intensive care well told media reports say Health Workers in catalonia have been told to prioritize younger patients however the Regional Government says it did not issue the directive spains reported more than 800 deaths continuously for the past 5 days taking the total number to above 9000 number of infections has now surpassed 100000 russias president Vladimir Putin is now working remotely after the doctor who showed him around moscows main coronavirus hospital tested positive for covert 19 dennis pretend cohosted the tour a week ago a kremlin spokesman said put in is regularly being tested for the virus and that there is no reason to be concerned about his Health Russia confirm nearly 500 new cases of the virus on wednesday bringing the total number of infections to nearly 3000. Iraqs cabinet has met via video link for the 1st time as it battles the coronavirus a political crisis the meeting was chaired by the deputy Prime Minister. Who is leading a caretaker government iraqs been without a Prime Minister since he resigned last november use one that failure to form a new government or hamper efforts to curb the coronavirus iraqs reported more than 700 cases and 52 deaths. Has approved Financial Aid for low income families those who lost their jobs joining its locked down but the spread of infections is deepening what was already the countrys worst economic crisis in decades so harder has more from beirut. Those willing and able to help are stepping in by providing food to the poor and. Its putting further hardship on an already struggling population. There were no. Money is hard in a country where according to the world bank 45 percent of the population live below the poverty line the pandemic could not have come at a worse time for this nation of 6000000. Is bankrupt opponents of those in power blame them for decades of mismanagement. Of the government the politicians they are unable to help the poor we need even if the limited capabilities. The government is promising to do can Prime Minister has acknowledged the state is struggling to deal with the fallout from the pandemic. In the ministry we are helping in the m p t p project about 15000 households giving them food vouchers but as you know we have huge challenges in lebanon we have many many economic problems financial problems many warn businesses may permanently close tens of thousands have already lost their jobs in recent months the government says it prioritized Peoples Health over the economy when it ordered the lock down and wants to prevent another crisis officials are trying to slow down the infection rate so as not to overwhelm the underfunded hospitals. So far coronavirus cases have not been increasing at an alarming rate but keeping people at home is not easy especially in poorer regions like tripoli this is lebanon 2nd largest city that more than half of its nearly 800000 people have been living in poverty for years. And if we are opening our shops because we survive on daily wages but people are only buying their basic needs we ask the rich to stand by the poor as the crisis continues needs are growing while more people sink into poverty. Beirut early testing is thought to be one of the reasons why germanys fatality rate remains low around one percent of confirmed cases in the country have resulted in deaths compare that to italy where the rate is more than 11 percent german scientists a set of start to developing a test for the virus late last year as soon as it took hold in china the coronavirus pandemic has already changed many aspects of life we travel we work and we live experts warn and might even change how some of our cities will look and operate in the future Scott Hartnell has more bangkok. As in nearly every corner of the world there cleaning and disinfecting in bangkoks densely populated low Income Community of clung to it doing everything they can to prevent the spread of covert 1000. 00 from reaching their family and neighbors. Punya has spent all 56 years of his life in klunk doing most as a Community Leader and a volunteer fireman. I am one because we are in a crowded community with lots of People Living here there are 594 households i have to be worried we need to make everyone understand how we should cohabitate use face masks and stay indoors as much as possible. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run today the deceased in no way. Tricked tend to see these in a way also to c. T. And have been planning so they. Can if the new standard not new knowledge and new c. M. E. Urban planners reacted to that flu and other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics and their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just the density its about how all this was put together and how its run theres even a. Very clear and it was. Creating same density is the problem it is something is much more about the design and management of. That its really me the story so for now in those communities with few resources a great deal of responsibility rests with people like the tom a lot of. Everything we do we do to control and make sure the safety in our community. And hopefully at some point soon Community Leaders and urban planners will take what was learned from the spread of the corona virus and stop it from happening again or at least slow it down during the next outbreak scotland aljazeera bangkok. This is our jazeera these are the top stories for us President Donald Trump says the country will soon have more ventilators than it needs and that eventually will be enough to send some to other countries thats despite many state governors complaining they dont have enough equipment to tackle the spread of coronavirus and would building thousands we will fairly soon be at a point where we have far more than we can use even after we stockpile for some future catastrophe which we hope doesnt happen were going to be distributing them the extras around the world will go to italy will go to france will go to spain which is and you know very hard here Health Care Systems across europe are under a strain from the pandemic with hospitals and the french capital now full 2 planes carrying supplies to restock spains hospitals have arrived while italy has extended its lockdown until mid april the u. K. Has experienced its deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic with 563 people dying in hospital the government says it hopes to prioritize testing for frontline staff within weeks more than 2000 Health Care Workers already been infected. Can i just make it absolutely and the Prime Minister has been very clear about this is as well is that increasing Testing Capacity is absolutely the governments top priority were now at 10000 tests a day were rolling out Additional Networks of labs and testing sites and in terms of ph d. For the last 2 weeks 390000000 products have been distributed and of course we will continue to do more and work to make sure that ph d. s available as you know there is a hotline which is available 24 hour hotline for n. H. S. Staff as well iran has shut its parks and deployed police on wednesday to try to stop people gathering to celebrate the last day of its new year festival the countrys covered 1000 death toll has surpassed 3000 all intercity travel has been banned until at least april the 8th but the government has so far avoided a full scale lockdown more than 47500 infections have been confirmed those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after my cuba by phone. And for me to the poles good kids are renowned for their courage on the far. East finds out what it types to join the elite. Media. To make way. For the one. Of the things he would do if he was home

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