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Fueling anti asian racism in the united states. And austria joins 3 other European Countries of making the wearing of face masks outside the home compulsory. Hello as growing numbers of people follow the advice of governments and stay home cities empty and businesses shut up shop the rapidly spreading coronavirus continues to yield a bleak string of statistics spain has marked another record high 864 me more people have died in the past 24 hours while infections have passed 100000 its hope though that the peak might have been reached the World Health Organization says the number of deaths internationally has now doubled in the past week and in the next few days the 1000000 infections mark should be passed wall street slumped on the news that the us should be prepared for as many as 2 140000. 00 deaths the dow jones dropping more than 800. 00 points or 3. 8 percent and a further 563. 00 people died in the u. K. Its worse they lead death figure 2000 Frontline Health workers have also tested positive to the virus were a challenge has more from london. With the n. H. S. Nightingale hospital a few days from opening the u. K. Has recorded its 1st day of more than 500 deaths 563 died in the countrys hospitals in 24 hours more will have died elsewhere and the peak of the u. K. s epidemic is still 2 or 3 weeks off the need for this vast new coronavirus Field Hospital is clear managers say its open holes are an advantage when the work force is absolutely missing so we can come back see what flights nice and doubtful says which is if we can see you then we absolutely can make sure that your site well cared for we have been our speech ready to open this week and we will be when its fully operational there could be 4000 beds here and other u. K. Field hospitals all to follow. The u. K. Showing that it can ramp up Hospital Capacity like with the mega projects and h. S. Nightingale london the government is facing increasing criticism for other aspects of its Coronavirus Response like the comparatively limited amount of testing that still being done fewer than 10000. 00 a day this week several times that amount to being done in Germany National Health Service staff q would drive through Testing Centers but many are being turned away they said without confirmation any more. So the test off was also on the stand. Or the problem is just a test of the test you need to suss the front lines of all sort of close to the front lines of all possible on the then section of a patient. On tuesday news broke of the u. K. s youngest known victim yet a 13 year old boy is male muhammed up to one hob who had no apparent Underlying Health conditions because of the need way that this virus itself is no one else is allowed to be around the individual and that means youre on your deathbed in your last moments alone and he was a young boy aged 13 without his mother without any sibling on his on his deathbed in the last moment and thats very hard to digest but largely covert 19 hits hardest older people and the already sick Prince Charles has released a video statement after recovering from his own encounter with the disease as a nation we are faced with who found it challenging situation which we are really to witness threatens the livelihoods businesses and wealth of millions of citizens none of us can say when this will end but indeed we do and he praised the medical staff who he described as battling heroically to save lives in hospitals across the country. Aljazeera london well Health Care Systems across europe are under a strain from the pandemic with hospitals in the french capital now for 2 planes carrying supplies to restock spains hospitals have arrived while italy has extended its lockdown until mid april holbourne and reports. Its been more than 3 weeks since italy became the 1st country and sayd china to introduce strict stay at home restrictions is growing signs of infection rates and deaths are starting to plateau the government announced the parents could take the children out for short walks but the government has also ordered the extension of restrictions to stay in place until april the 13th and probably for longer and the Health Minister has warned against complacency and on the be a more conform daily premies we must not confuse the 1st positive signals that we are seeing in these hours of an all clear signal data and that is to call projections made by expert showed that we are under the right path and that the drastic decisions we have adopted so far are starting to bear fruit that. Quarantine has brought Financial Hardship and in some cases desperation and thats given rise to numerous gestures of kindness like these Food Bank Donations in naples many residents in the citys old quarter a hanging pastor and other items from solidarity baskets for the benefit of the jobless and poor people without enough to eat those who can give those who cannot take says a sign shes really are all of us is a service is somebody that were all in the same boat and we restore rope in the same direction as the organizer angelo pick only from his balcony with that sentiment in mind the European Union has weighed in with a new initiative to support short time working and avoid layoffs and redundancies in the e. U. s hardest hit economies millions of people cannot go to work but they still have to buy groceries and pay the bills companies are paying salaries to their employees even if right now theyre not making money europe is now coming to their support with a new initiative. It is called shore. Medical priority those finding enough beds and equipment to treat the ever growing numbers falling ill latest figures from france saw a new record of 509 new fatalities and the authorities are transferring patients between regions to spread the pressure more evenly pariss hospitals are now fall and 38 critically ill coronavirus patients were transferred by high speed train to the city of ren on wednesday in spain where yet another record of 864 new deaths were recorded in the previous 24 hours the temporary hospital creates what this Madrid Conference Center has been restocked with fresh supplies every bed can save a life in this crisis every minute matters paul brennan aljazeera of the World Health Organizations warned of a rapid escalation of the coronavirus saying there will be a 1000000 confirmed cases in the days ahead over the past 5 weeks we have witnessed a near exponential grows in the number of new cases reaching almost every country turkey story an area the number of days has more than doubled in the past week in the next few days we will reach 1000000 confirmed cases and 50000 does. 138 people have died in iran in the past 24 hours making it the 6th country to record more than 3000 coronavirus fates polities their more than 47500 people infected iran has banned all intercity travel until at least april the 8 and parks were closed on wednesday to prevent people from getting together to mark nature day a traditional festival that families usually celebrate with picnics inns it authorities are scrambling to trace people who attended a muslim gathering in new delhi after a spike in corona virus cases tied to the events at least 2 and a half 1000 muslims visited the headquarters of the to. Choose day which has since been sealed off at least 128. 00 infections have been linked to the gathering with 7 people dying and at least 100. 00 sailors on board a u. S. Aircraft carrier have tested positive for covert 19 the captain of the Theodore Roosevelt told the pentagon the virus is spreading uncontrollably but defense secretary marc asper says its not the right time to move people from the ship Victoria Gate be reports. The captain of the u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt reported the 1st case of corona virus last week the Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier has since doctors reporting guam a u. S. Territory in the western pacific the pentagon says most of the 5000 sailors must stay on the ship its captain says it does not have enough quarantine and isolation facilities in a letter to Navy Commanders captain brett crazier wrote we are not at war sailors do not need to die if we do not act now we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset acela is the u. S. Navy says its testing everybody on board and the situation is under control and sailors who have been flown off the ship are currently doing fine none of them have been required to be hospitalized because their symptoms are very mild than their x. And pains in those types of things sore throats but nothing that required hospitalization so they are in quarantine now on guam u. S. Defense secretary mark s. Best says now is not the time to evacuate the ship i dont think were at that point nor are we are moving a lot of supplies and assistance medical assistance out to the carrier in guam were providing additional medic medical personnel as they need it pleased to report that none of them are seriously ill. The u. S. Navy says it will take sailors off the Aircraft Carrier on a rotating basis its a plan that seems to fall short of the Decisive Action called for by the ships captain Victoria Gates and their activists and researchers in the us are reporting a surge in the number of racist incidents in hate crimes targeting asian people because of a coronavirus outbreak some Asian Community leaders accuse President Donald Trump of fanning the flames of prejudice after he labeled the disease the chinese virus reports from los angeles. What racism in the time of pandemic a young woman wearing a mask is that attacked in a subway station senate side. An elderly woman is chased by a bully trying to squirt and sanitizer on her. Harassment and assaults against Asian Americans are up sharply. Or. So to see outbreak of covert 90 we have seen an incredibly disturbing skyrocketing increase in the number of hate crimes racist attacks acts of discrimination against change americans cant just sense he was crossing a street in Madison Wisconsin when a woman began screaming at her made it i cant hack it and she called us like 30 cheney. She said a bacteria asking tom to me either out of other people there who are watching the situation and nobody did anything professor russell june helped set up a database tracking hate incidents maybe 75 percent are name calling harassment for or just yelled at for saying you know get out of here you have the crime virus so it can present a rational is cost off President Trump has repeatedly identified coded 19. 00 as chinese i would like to begin by announcing some important developments in a war against the chinese virus Asian American Community Leaders say trump is whipping up hate and you can see it and our reporting center when he makes a statement about the chinese fire us i mean only after this an uptick anger and discrimination against americans racist attacks and pestilence are linked in history when the black death ravaged europe in the 14th century mobs killed thousands of jews accused of spreading plague some of trumps fellow republicans. Like this texas senator blame the virus on chinese customs and china is to blame because theyre of the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that so many of these remarks are based in misunderstanding. The signs but also based. Phobia and racism and a lack of tolerance coronavirus is not the only contagion stalking the u. S. The virus of hate is running rampant to rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. Is there a life from london still ahead on the Program Countries call on south korea for help after its approach towards the coronavirus proved to be successful also ahead. On poll recent sweden where i approach to the coronavirus has made the odd one out in western europe. Hello the pencil wintry weather across Northern Areas of europe as well snow in the full cost as well Central Regions mostly skies and then to the southeast a good mix of rain and also some very cold air in place a festival norway is the snow thats been coming down to the north there is some more as a say in of the 4 calls and then this is hungry now what youre looking at actually a pickle grows and these torches have been lit to keep any frost from forming. In these apricot trees so where that may will be in place for a few more days conditions remain clear and will see cold in the nighttime hours well see the remnants of that rain and snow working its way across away from the balkans in greece pushing cross into turkey very unsettled to the north again most snow across areas a scallion a view particularly the high ground as strong winds gusting winds across the u. K. Some areas of rain but the good news when it comes to spain is it finally that rain is pulling away so friday should be a much dried day what about a cow tickles mainland europe and still those winds pretty strong in areas of the north but it does mean that system pushing away from spain it will be taking the rain but they get into morocco algeria and eventually into news here but look at this temperature here in libya 30 celsius in tripoli on thursday thats because the winds are coming from the interior they come from the north as a go through friday so cooling off 20 celsius the chance of some showers. Join the global conversation. Expand their brains maybe have a different view this is a dialogue women in cambodia are in fact selling theyre here we dont know how much theyre getting paid for it its hard to track its hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and your conversation could be a lot right here in the we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progression not perfection on aljazeera. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera the u. K. Has experienced its deadliest day with 563 people dying in hospital from the coronavirus more than 2000 Frontline Health care workers have also been infected on a number of corona virus infections in spain has passed 100003rd country to do so more than 860 people have died in the past 24 hours but there are hopes the peak has been reached. On the World Health Organization says the number of deaths internationally has more than doubled in the past week it also expects the number of infections to reach 1000000 in the coming days. Police in kenya have ordered an investigation into the death of a 13 year old boy his neighbor say he was shot dead when police opened fire to enforce a coronavirus curfew in the capital on monday its not the only example of Excessive Force by police during the outbreak malcolm webb reports from. Yaseen moir was just 13 years old. His family say he was shot dead by police on monday evening. They were enforcing a curfew here in kenyas capital nairobi problem is the government and his uncle told us he was at home on his balcony with other children when a bullet hit him in the stomach they are covered as well to do people even he was abducted by that time to be what i did the more digging the bodies. As we know. You know even a deadly w. Should double. The governments brought in restrictions to try and slow the spread of covert 19 the curfew killed yaseen before the virus yaseen has been laid to rest his family say they want justice and theyre not the enemy ones who arent happy with kenyas curfew. In the port city of Mombasa Police used tear gas to break up crowds before the curfew began Rights Groups please and making things worse we believe that the curfew is necessary in order to flatter the crowd but we dont necessarily think that we do not believe that people at the same time actually helps fight against corporate 19 to be really frank weve seen more deaths at the moment from violent policing than weve seen from. In the western city of Kisumu Police also fired tear gas to close a market in forcing another one of the new restrictions the people depend on markets for income and food restrictions are making life harder and as the virus spreads people are expecting a greater lock down in the weeks ahead the president has made a rare apology for Police Brutality police say some of its officers are being held to account. And the police chief has altered an investigation into yaseen his death his family say they will welcome justice but it wont bring him back malcolm webb aljazeera nairobi kenya. Swedens response to the virus has divided opinion people in urban communities feeling theyre part of an experiment some schools remain open and large gatherings were still allowed as recently as last week whole race reports. Weeks after the 1st coronavirus case was confirmed in sweden life appears very much as normal in the cities and towns. People are still allowed to gather in groups of up to 50 while isolation is a question of free will the socalled swedish model getting support at least on the streets and i think theyre having the right positions like having your schools open and so on as long as you wash your hands and keep a distance its feels like if youre not in the risks and new should be out its difficult to see so far so good primary schools remain open after the Health Agency said it doesnt believe children are strong transmitters of covert 19 testing of which has been minimal with measures to increase it only announced on tuesday beginning with hospital staff a letter criticizing the hands off approach was signed by 2000 people in swedens medical community but plenty supported as well. In most countries politicians take the decisions and they want to enforce strict law. And show strength in sweden the leading politicians including the Prime Minister told that we should trust the experts the opposite strategy to have a complete lockdown is not sustainable and the worst thing is that the epidemic might heat back again and the Lesson Learned from history is that we should do everything we can to avoid the 2nd and the 3rd way here in the ring could be area of stockholm many believe they are in the firing line of the 1st wave after a number of somali elders were among the 1st to die from corona virus. Swedish somali Community Leaders are worried about places like ring could be where social and economic problems make people especially vulnerable to the virus and its knock on effects the somali Youth Organization has been spreading awareness of the pandemic in older peoples Mother Tongue but fear it may be far from enough the throne wants their. People live very closely together many have Underlying Health problems and that means they can die they dont have any way they can escape the virus spreads. For those with the means summer houses on stock homes archipelago providing extreme isolation with some swedes deciding to stay for months while the crisis passes the world is fighting a virus that can infect anybody anywhere sweden is hoping its own strategy in this battle proves to be the right to pull reese aljazeera stock im glad im a putin is working remotely after the doctor who showed him around moscows main coronavirus hospital tested positive for a covert 19 dentist cohost of the tour a week ago where the 2 shook hands without wearing protective equipment a kremlin Spokesman Says the president is regularly being tested and that there is no reason to be concerned about his health well theres a global debate about whether everyone should wear surgical masks while in public the w. H. O. Says only those who are showing symptoms or caring for a coronavirus patients should wear them but some countries have already made it mandatory a sarah hire us reports. In this video we would like to tell you what we did differently and mayor i would like to help you to do the same choosing to wear a mask or not is no longer an option for those living in the Czech Republic because every citizen now has to wear surgical masks by law during the pandemic and across the country people have mobilized to make and distribute homemade moss for the entire population number of other European Countries are also introducing similar measures on wednesday austria banned people from entering supermarkets without swearing a mass. For comment because its not part of our culture its going to be a big change but its necessary to take this step and further reduce the spread. While local authorities in the german city of you also making it mandatory for shoppers the government in berlin warns it could give people a false sense of security the debates about masters happening also in other parts of the world on sunday czech Prime Minister on bridge bobby shirred u. S. President donald trump to adopt the same approach and reduce the spread of coronavirus with the highest number of cases in the world u. S. Health officials are contemplating whether to recommend Wearing Masks in public. Physical overall shortage of protective gear putting at risk doctors and nurses who are at the front line of fighting couvade 19 since the pandemic started the World Health Organization has advised against people Wearing Masks unless theyre infected with corona virus or caring for others who are but others in the medical field say the masks are needed since not everyone will show symptoms must remember that certain numbers are. Actually asymptomatic so they even dont know yet in fact and actually you start to transmit it even before you go well. So i think universal masking is or to. Be the number of confirmed cases rising in many parts of the world the need for medical protective gear is greater than ever but for now some Frontline Health workers have been forced to recycle the masts and gowns theyve already used so i dont hire that aljazeera and for the 1st time china has added covert 1000 patients who show no some terms to it daily count 130 such cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours 1500 others have been put in quarantine the Chinese Government has repeatedly changed its counting the thought methodology leading to confusion over the exact number of cases reported katrina you has more from beijing. Beijing this week is very much on the defensive about its coronavirus delta because recently a local transmission seemed to have slowed to a trickle we were seeing 0 cases all single digit cases reported daily over the past week and the government all but declared victory but the public felt very differently they had been concerned for some time about these asymptomatic cases that is people with covered 1000 who do not present symptoms now china has never added these to its official tally against World Health Organization guidelines saying well authorities maintain that they didnt have any solid evidence that these cases will infectious in the community but over the weekend in recent days in china there have been some very well publicized cases proving that people have caught korvin 1000 from from asymptomatic carriers and now the government really has changed its tune from today on wednesday theyve are going to start reporting daily new a cement asymptomatic cases so weve got 130. 00 bringing the total of these cases asymptomatic cases to 1367. 00 now in china the government has said that even though or they havent added these to the official tally previously they have been protecting the community saying that even that these cases have been quarantined for the requisite 2 weeks when they have been discovered but people still are quite angry and also its raised a lot of questions here because this isnt the 1st time china has changed the way that its counted coroner virus cases actually change the methods a number of times over the past few months and people really are critical and skeptical about these government figures now south koreas fight against the corona virus is continuing to receive more praise with 121 countries calling on saw to help them with testing at one point south korea the 2nd largest outbreak of the virus after china but has now decreased its rate of new infections to bought a 100 or fewer a day robert bride reports from the capital. Along the banks of the 100 river many people are doing what they havent done for weeks venturing outside enjoying the spring sunshine and the Cherry Blossom but with reminders everywhere to maintain social distancing of at least 2 metres apart other signs warn that as crowds build the avenues of cherry trees will have to be closed. I guess its ok for people to see the Cherry Blossom enjoy it before they close a road on the whole south korea has chosen not to enforce the kind of harsh measures adopted by neighboring china also now emerging from its own crisis. Tashan the International Community should consider their own situations and review both the chinese and south korean approaches and apply the measures that would be east in their own countries south koreas guiding principle in fighting the disease has been to get the voluntary support of the public rather than imposing lockdowns or completely closing borders with the outbreak seemingly under control its a strategy that appears to have worked. The governments transparent handling of the outbreak has won the general trust of the people and although new cases continue to be reported theres a feeling the worst is over why should this be enjoyed as you know i was at inchy airport i was being tested for the virus at the walk through testing station personally i dont think we are in a serious situation at the moment sort of hollow. Their own very. Looking at other parts of the world which are now in the midst of crisis were just starting to grapple with what south korea has already gone through is reason for many here to be thankful robert bride al jazeera so. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera the u. K. Has experienced its deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic with 563 people dying in hospital more than 2000 Frontline Health care workers have also been infected the countrys new hospital is expected to open in a matter of days and the number of corona virus infections in spain has passed 100000 thats a 3rd country to do so more than 860 people died in the past day another record high for the country but there are hopes the peak has not been reached the World Health Organizations warned of a rapid escalation of the coronavirus saying there will be a 1000000 confirmed cases in the days ahead over the past 5 weeks we have witnessed a near exponential grows in the number of new cases reaching almost every country turkey story an area the number of those has more than doubled in the past week. In the next few days we will reach 1000000 confirmed cases and 58000 does 138 people have died in iran in the past 24 hours making it the 6th country to record more than 3000 coronavirus fatalities there more than 47500 people infected iran has banned all intercity travel until at least april 8 parks were closed on wednesday to prevent people from getting together to mark nature day a traditional festival that families usually celebrate with picnics into fortys are scrambling to trace people who attended the muslim gathering in new delhi after a spike in corona virus cases tied to the events at least 2 and a half 1000 muslims visited the headquarters of top league which has since been sealed off at least 128. 00 infections have been linked to the gathering with 7 people dying for the 1st time china has added covered 1000 patients who show no symptoms to its daily count 130 such cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours and 1500 others have been put in quarantine europe today its for the headlines on aljazeera the stream is coming up next. And im really glad when youre in the stream the sex trade is a nightmare for the millions of women and girls who fall into it but surviving is unhealthy battle and ram deafening is latest chapter of the comic book series prei shakti indias 1st woman super hero and the rape survivor returns to shed light on the challenges survivors face trying to get back to a normal life today we meet the woman behind priya and the last skulls. Serious was born in the aftermath of the brutal gang rape and murder of a young woman on a bus in delhi in 2012

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