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A lock down a little. To get from the numbers not just a village. To reap doubling of Public Health at 1st. Class a president in denial about an hour as comments rejecting social distancing are deleted by twitter because of fears they put brazilians at risk and the race for a vaccine scientists across the world works to find a way to protect herself from coal that 19. Would begin in the u. S. Now the global at the center of coronavirus cases more than 3000 people have died over a 1000 in new york state alone the worst affected region across the country more than 160000 people are infected after dismissing the dangers posed by covert 19 in the early stages of the outbreak u. S. President trying now says his administration is ramping up testing. Today we reached a historic milestone in a war against the. Coronavirus over 1000000 americans have now been tested more than any other country by far not even close and tested accurately how just as wrong reynolds is in a sign Jeanne Meserve reports that many individual states as struggling to get enough testing kits despite claims of widespread testing there is no independent. Tally of the number of tests that have been conducted across the states but the governors of a number of states are at odds with the president. From virginia to montana to illinois the governors are all d saying that they need more tests as well as more whitman. Across the United States extraordinary efforts are underway to convert. Existing spaces into hospital spaces in new york a hospital tent system went up in central park today inch cog the Largest Convention center in the United States be converted into a 3200 bed to civility for coronavirus patients and in here in california the governor you have a newsome says that the cup the state will need 50000 additional ospital bets over the coming several weeks. Elsewhere for the 3rd consecutive day spain has reported more than 800 deaths in the previous 24 hours and in italy after 2 days of declines the number of deaths rolls again to 812 but there is some hope that infection rates are slowing in both countries hold bread and reports. Even with stringent restrictions empty streets and ever tighter regulations imposed daily declared coronavirus cases in europe have now exceeded 400000 continue to rise for the 3rd consecutive day spain reported more than 800 new deaths in the previous 24 hours and after 2 days of decline the number of new deaths in italy spiked upwards again and 812 but new infections are slowing to get down from the numbers not just stabilize requires a redoubling of Public Health efforts to push down it wont go down by itself it will be pushed down and thats what we need congress to focus on france is shuttling patients around the country to reduce pressure on the hardest hit regions the infection rate is proving relentless and 418. 00 deaths in the past 24 hours take france past 3000. 00 fatalities in paris hospitals are full and doctors have to agonize over who gets a bed and who doesnt sit but that. Is not fear but rather a stress to stanley pay force to make choices that we dont want to make and to find ourselves in situations where we have to choose which patients we could in the intensive care as recently as 2 weeks ago russia had just 10 official cases of covert 19 its fast approaching 2000 now and rising in moscow the city mayor has shut parks closed shops and brands nonessential journeys addressing regional leaders by video link russias president has urged other regions to follow moscows example of. All measures necessary in the situation. Should be taken even if those not involved in the problem consider them a bit excessive for russia today but as they say god helps those who help themselves but while millions huddle in the homes around the world hundreds of thousands of stranded european tourists are still struggling to reach their us after 2 weeks in quarantine this group departed from peru on monday with assistance from diplomatic staff we have about 300 people. Neverlands and there is about 100. 00 european lie from him for them to their countries 19 is reminding us how vulnerable we are how connected we are and how dependent we are on each other in the eye of a storm like. Scientific and public olds tools are essential but so are the military and kindness we sorely dirty humility and assuming the best of each other we can and we will overcome this together extraordinary heroic efforts are being made voluntary efforts medical efforts and diplomatic efforts faced with a Global Pandemic responsibility is on all of us to be part of that effort to paul brennan aljazeera. And also latin america is shutting down to fight the spread of the virus their worries limited access to Health Care Means it would devastate the poorest communities but brazils president is still downplaying the danger posed by the pandemic saying the economy must be the priority and force. Or maybe my money lives in a little just outside all of us capital. Like many other latin american countries the government has imposed a mandatory quarantine for all citizens but my money who works as a taxi driver is afraid about how shes going to feed her 8 year old son. As a mother it is painful because you open your refrigerator and see it empty every day the food runs out as a mother i dont know what im going to feed my son what are you doing as a mom i stop eating for example 3 weeks ago i bought some chickens because i was working with my taxi i keep the chicken for my son i dont eat my son is the one who eats i prefer that my son eats and not me. Coronavirus is just starting to spread in latin america and governments are taking harsh measures to control it theres over 10000. 00 cases in the region and those figures are likely to increase in argentina president aware of the farm and this has just extended the ongoing quarantine until mid april thousands have been detained in argentina and the militarys using helicopters to control compliance with a quarantine. Security forces are controlling the entrance to the 50 on one side of their detaining im confident that we will know that the army will be on the coming or the challenge. Of a government that that if it necessary measures that we ban the threat of the virus. But there is one country whose president remains in denial about the dangers of kovi 1000. 00 brazils jail youve also not all who insists governments should prioritize economy obviously the virus is there and were going to have to face it were going to have to face it like men not like children were going to face the virus with the reality of life were all going to die someday. On sunday 2 of his tweets were deleted by twitter because they violated the rules of use by potentially putting people at greater risk of transmitting the virus the polls were videos of the 2 that the president took in the Federal District contrary to the guidelines of his own minister of health who recommended that people stay at home as a measure to fight the coronavirus. In brazil slums n. G. O. S are stepping up efforts to help the poor investment and Social Security in the country is being reduced from year to year in the last 4 years and believe it in this year in the middle of the of the current of the virus from them and were having with the actions on. So thats absolutely crazy Government Action is the only way millions of people in the region have to survive the months ahead because i will undeceive when a society is well lets talk to title ribeiro about the situation in brazil in how the president is handling this crisis is a journalist and founder of the brazilian report which is an online magazine has via skype from sao paulo the savile very good to have you with us on aljazeera so why is president abbas a narrow seeking to minimize this pandemic and is his messaging his approach is it resonating at all with resonance. A lot of times for having me present also the other is doing the political calculation what hes doing is in brazils political system the president can only do so much and state governors and mayors have a lot of power so his putting the burden of stopping the economy on local administrations. And if they work because every single governor in brazil has split at least some restrictions in place some fall for this is where i am we are the largest the most populated state it was ill with the countrys economic heart and the for a week now the state has been quarantined and we were going for it in for at least 7 more days so if these measures work and the country can at least 6 some normality in the short term future he will say you see i told you it was not thing he said time and again that its just as therefore that we have seen worse spend them mix that over 9 the age to age one n one pandemic was worst. And his calculation is if the country stops if unemployment explodes his Approval Ratings which are already low to go even further down right so our brazilians feeling about the way hes handling this then it is messaging resonating at all with my right that a fair one 3rd of brazilians think hes doing an excellent job handling this spend dammit who are these recipients. Well of been impose sure that while the president has retained his Approval Ratings most stuff brazilians gennaro the real with how hes handling the covert 1000 crisis still they approve of his overall job but yes his message does resonate with a lot of people especially young males lower middle class yesterday we had motorcades and several state capitals asking for the country to resume a normal way to vittie so the president s words are actually having the correct thoughts factor a lot of regents here yeah and you know a lot of people of course compare him to donald trump but even donald trump his ally has changed his rhetoric somewhat do you think this economy 1st hand that john said that that a burst now is putting forward might cost him politically ultimately i think it will certainly cost him because d companies are already laying off people its impossible to just go back to normal life because the problem is not the restrictions not the current it is the virus and if we still have the virus that we still have problems so a lot of corporate is are regularly off people the economy minister just the mouse today that then you will suspend the unEmployment Data to disclose the Employment Data for now and last week we saw in the us that we had a Record Number of people filing for unemployment so the government wants seems to be actively withholding this important data that my cast boss another politically thank you thank you so much for talking to us about this gustavo ribiera president and general joining us afam salpeter thank you for your time. Thank you all right still ahead on al jazeera people are ordering more groceries online as far as social distancing measures well hear from employees in the u. S. Who say the company they work for is making sure that any safer than going to the shops plus critically under equipped warnings 15000000. 00 children are at risk of an outbreak in conflict zones in the middle of this. Hello and welcome back the weather in the Arabian Peninsula is largely fine and dry beautiful conditions are expected in cattle weve lost the dust which was floating around the atmosphere in the course of sunday into monday and now look at highs of 29. 00 degrees on shoes day 31. 00 in dubai where weve got cloudy skies for the towards the north showers coming out of turkey through into northern parts of iraq and through into iran also some heavy rain across parts of afghanistan pushing up into the hindu kush as move the forecast through into wednesday more rain likely across eastern parts of turkey stand also into northern parts of syria began looking fine meca 38 degrees moving into africa weve got scattered showers across ethiopia weve got some showers also further south into more southern parts of kenya looking wet in places for tanzania for the towards the south well likely see some pretty heavy rain affecting parts of namibia during the course of choose day and missed some convergence and that we have extend southwards into south africa the sotto so expect some heavy rain here looks as though it should be largely drawing cape town with highs of 21 johannesburg not very into about the either meanwhile scattered showers on the eastern side of madagascar but it should say the dry and fine in town a refund. Before any official investigation into the tragedy of flight m h 70 was completed the website of passage as claims to have connected the dots only real identity of one of the bag was reviewed by the Investigations Team at belin cat has identified the 2nd southern citizen journalism investigations trust has generated 3 transparent dont believe theres the evidence. That in fact true for an approach truth was coming soon on aljazeera. Welcome back our top stories on aljazeera President Donald Trump says the u. S. Is now testing more people for coronavirus than any other country but testing for catheter is lower than some other countries and many say governors say theyre still struggling to access enough testing kits to fight the outbreak more than 3000 people have died in the u. S. Due to illness is links to the virus for the 3rd consecutive days spain reported more than 800 deaths in the previous 24 hours and after 2 days of decline the number of deaths in italy rose again to 812 but there is some hope that infection rates are slowing in both countries and most of latin america is shutting down to fight the spread of the virus but brazils president is tell downplaying the danger posed by that and demick saying the economy must be the priority. We want to bring you up to date now on the work thats being done to find a vaccine for covert 19 its a task that normally takes years but as need a reports from london there are plans for human trials within months. Scientists are at war with covert 19 dozens of laboratories are now battlegrounds of the race for a vaccine here at Oxford University volunteers blood samples are prepared for testing ahead of the 1st human trials of a vaccine the blood will be checked for bodies and any t. V. Cell responds to the virus t. Cells could recognize and destroy infected cells. And here in germany warm Small Company poll funded by microsoft billionaire bill gates says it too will soon have a vaccine ready for human trials it may look like slow work but things are moving a breakneck speed it can take decades to develop a vaccine this lab much sooner people are saying well that. 18 months of course is a much much shorter normal development for frictions that could be. Even 10 years. This is the enemy corona means crowd in latin named because of the spikes on the virus his outer coat this crown is also its weakness the vaccines under development to contain the genetic sequence of this surface spike which primes the amine system to attack the virus if it later infects the body but what about those most at risk of contracting the virus symptoms can range from a runny nose to a sore throat to a fever but it can escalate quickly among people with respiratory problems or Underlying Health issues its a full blown pneumonia one team of british scientists believes are best line of defense lies deep in our lungs. Theyve developed this inhaler to help restore levels of a substance called interferon be terror in peoples lungs vital for removing viruses from the body unhealthy lungs lack interferon peter levels also naturally deplete with age which is why elderly people are more at risk of contracting the virus patients with lung disease diabetes preexisting raskin that they get the information wants a diary for 2 weeks to increase the viral immunity and to prevent the virus from replicating and eliminating the virus more facts of. The virus has led to an acceleration in engineering this rapid covert 19 test has been developed by the german company. Blood samples are inserted into the cultures for analysis it takes 2 and a half hours for a result and its 95 percent accurate but it could be many bombs before the equipment is readily available meanwhile a number of firms including the british bucky make a decent airplane make a possible Formula One Team mclaren are now racing to develop breathing aids to beat. Those Single Company all the poetry can do this alone it requires International Effort and resources the worlds best brains have been mobilized of great use hope lies in science needs barkha aljazeera london to asia now and hong kong wont be reopening its border with Mainland China despite the number of infections theyre falling chief executive carry mom says the measures will stay in place for now she also says the government will launch a 2nd round of funds in its anti epidemic package the territory has confirmed 682 cases 4 people have died lets get an update on the situation in the region and speak to sakaki in hong kong lets start with hong kong way you are whats the latest from there any improvement in the situation. Well the hong kong chief executive carrie lamb has held her weekly press and shes actually announced the fact that shes now concerned about the doubling of cases in the last week in this is obviously the hong kong residents returning to the city as countries around the world close their borders we had 41. 00 new infections confirmed on monday and as you mentioned thats takes the total to 682. 00 now most of these cases being brought back into hong kong are imported cases so not the local transmission or the hospital martin here has a suggested that they cant situation is severe says it struggling to cope with the overwhelming number of cases in these hospitals and as a result the Afghan Government to consider other facilities like sporting facilities and stadiums to be used as isolation wards to look after or consider cater for those particular people who got the mild symptoms and dont require the oxygen facilities now a carrier has said the government will make this wait to try and consider how to manage the increasing number of cases in the city and she said around 2 to 3000 people are returning to hong kong every day and as i mentioned most of these are hong kong residents she was asked about reopening the borders in light of the falling cases the number of infections in china the latest figures from there was 48. 00 on tuesday shes ruled that one out and said the board is forming close until my but the government is also concerned announce that they will consider all looking to consider this 2nd round of stimulus funds and thats to help those businesses and households struggling to cope with this crisis but she has warned the city to prepare for the latest figures from february and the retail and south figures theyll be released the softening on tuesday actually wore the city that these will be the worst on record and elsewhere more restrictions in japan sour. What japans case is now total around 2000 kroner virus infections and then the urging citizens not to travel to 76. 00 trade countries or rage and says about a 3rd of the countries around the world theyve also issued a level 3 travel warning to its citizens urging them not to travel to the likes of us canada china south korea and the United Kingdom now this is on top of an additional 20 countries already on that list and then ive said from europe and the Prime Minister the deputy Prime Minister have confirmed that they will avoid attending the same gatherings to avoid infections and the government however has ruled out declaring a state of emergency theres been some pressure on the government to consider this but theyve said they will not rule the scene although they will not declare a state of emergency in japan just yet because they are concerned it will wreak havoc on economy already battling to deal with pandemic so i think you for that update clock live for a sailor in hong kong now theyre warning safety 1000000 children and their families are facing critical medical shortages as corona virus spreads the charity save the children is calling for greater access to hard to reach areas in conflict zones in the middle east it says in northwest syria there around 150 ventilators and only 148 intensive care beds the area seen around a 1000000 people displaced inside of december more than half of them children save the children always also warning that gaza is a severe risk its a densely populated area but as just 70 i. C. U. Beds and 62. 00 ventilators for around 2000000. 00 people is already a humanitarian crisis in yemen and with only a half of the countrys hospitals fully functional and outbreak there could be devastating. Is a spokesperson for save the children in the middle east she told al jazeera about the scale of the problem in syria gaza and yemen. We looked at the healthcare use both of. These areas and it turns out to more than 2000000. 00 children and their family is untold. 7000 honda the intensive care unit beds and eventually so this is a being and you way. If there is called without a big all of wouldnt have gone through years of conflict in the case of and the Health Care System has to have any damaged and so yeah and human plagues on a. Medical clinic out of use now and admission to the prevention is very difficult in those areas so if there is a major outbreak and i have a yemen. Northern syria we feel the worst of it in populations mexico has declared a public county emergency and impose a series of new measures aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus people over the age of 60 as well as those with preexisting Health Conditions have been told to stay home mexico has more than a 1000 confirmed cases with 28 deaths so far now in the u. S. Says been a wave of strikes across the country as work as demand measures to protect their health during the pandemic she had her times he has a story. Insta carter is the u. S. Is leading grocery delivery for valued at 8000000000. 00 it employs some 200000. 00 people called trumpets who pick items from supermarket shelves for customers who order through a phone app and it says it will add 300000. 00 more shoppers to meet demand during the pandemic as people self isolate in their homes the company is presenting itself as a key service to prevent the spread of covert 19 and the shoppers it employs as hash tag household heroes but thats not how the shoppers themselves feel their recommendation was so absurd it was for a customer to you know stick their hand out their door and for us to try and get in their idea which is it would be funny if it werent so dangerous as part of the gig a commie insta call it says its just a Software Platform hiring independent contractors so workers exposed daily to infected surfaces and supermarkets have to buy their own Hand Sanitizer and disinfecting wipes and insta cut doesnt provide Employee Benefits like sick pay theres a false sense of security in ordering grocery delivery that its mitigating risks and its not exposing you because youre sheltered well the reality is that we are coming in contact with the virus and we are going to become actors of this virus because we dont have proper personal protective equipment and we dont have any. Of the pandemic spreads so to do wildcat strikes across the United States Shipyard Workers in maine poultry workers in georgia sanitation workers in pittsburgh the moment protection if theyre the ones who are going to keep society running what has or has a way its a very important one because we have copayments for any type of deal we risk our life every time we have a congress that work is an Amazon Warehouse is of also going to strike around the country demanding protection this strike in Staten Island on monday the latest action your order is handpicked by a pro. National human faced with a strike in secant says it will soon supply Hand Sanitizer as institute a system of bonuses for some it will pay workers up to 14. 00 days of sick pay for those diagnoses with creative hours until early may but with many workers uninsured and tests in short supply its difficult for instate workers to qualify or workers also want an extra 5. 00 an order in hazard pay the upsurge in industrial action sparked by the pandemic is combining with a trend that was already underway in the u. S. Last year we had the most strikes and weve had in more than a decade and now as we confront this and workers are afraid anymore take big risks because no worker wants to die for a job that doesnt treat. Workers are scared of losing their jobs theyre a lot more scared of losing lives the pandemic is highlighting the deep economic fault lines in u. S. Society as it becomes clear that those often with the fewest Labor Protections and lowest wages are the ones whose labor is essential and that society as a whole is only as safe as they are she returned see aljazeera washington finally the tokyo lympics have been given a new start date the Opening Ceremony will now take place on july 23rd 2021 the games were pushed back a year because of the kind of virus uplink. The headlines on aljazeera President Donald Trump says the u. S. Is now testing more people for corona virus than any other country but testing the capitol is lower than some other countries and many state governors say theyre still struggling to access enough testing kits suffice the outbreak more than 3000 people have died in the u. S. Due to the due to illness its linked to the virus. Today we reached the historic biles to honor a war against the. Coronavirus over 1000000 americans have now been tested more than any other country by far not even close and tested accurately. Coronavirus cases in europe have now exceeded 400000 continue to rise for the 3rd consecutive day spain reported more than 800 deaths in the previous 24 hours and after 2 days of decline the number of deaths in italy rose again to 812 but there is some hope that infection rates are slowing in both countries most of latin america is shutting down to fight the spread of the virus but brazils president is still downplaying the danger posed by the pandemic say the economy must be the priority mexico meanwhile has declared a Public Health emergency and impose a series of new measures aimed at slowing the spread of the virus people over the age of 60 as well as those with preexisting Health Conditions have been told to stay home mexico has more than a 1000 confirmed cases with 28 deaths so far. Hong kongs leader says it want to be reopening its border with Mainland China despite the number of infections theyre falling carrying also says the government will launch a 2nd round of funds in its on time epidemic package they are warning 16000000 children and their families are facing critical medical shortages as corona virus spreads the charity save the children is calling for greater access to hard to reach areas and conflict zones in the middle east and uganda has ordered an immediate 14 day nationwide knockdown in an effort to slow the spread of the virus last week the president banned public transport closed the countrys borders and urged people to stay at home. With the headlines on aljazeera plenty more on aljazeera dot com coming up next a sister to stay with this. Frank assessment why its really struggling to cope with the number of coronavirus page bill you take really aggressive action with them behind the curtain didnt depth analysis of the dates global headlines inside story on aljazeera. And youre in the stream today a rhythm and recidivism well discuss the new documentary showcasing how music can help the incarcerated adjust to life in and out of jail share your thoughts tweet us at a. J. Stream or leave a comment on our live you tube chat and you too can be in the stream. A new documentary 16 bars chronicles the lives of 4 inmates at the Richmond City jail in the us state virginia their stories and songs give the audience a raw look into americas criminal justice system

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