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City with the virus was 1st detected well have a live update on life after a long. And a mission to save lives cuban doctors traveling to virus affected countries reject claims theyre being used to spread propaganda. Welcome to the program in the u. S. President donald trump says social distancing guidelines should stay in place for another month to slow the spread of the corona virus it comes as the number of deaths linked to the virus in new york state rises above 1000 well across the u. S. At least 140000 people have now been infected meanwhile British Health officials are warning it could be 6 months before strict social distancing measures are lifted well the u. K. Was put under a partial lockdown just last week and in china some people are going back to work with the virus was 1st detected the city of will hand has been under strict quarantine for 2 months more and thats not a moment but 1st this update from rob reynolds in the u. S. So empty beaches are a sign of the times in Southern California as most residents follow a statewide stay at home order. More than half of the 50 us states are now under those orders intended to. Slow the spread of corona virus the federal government extended until april 30th its guidance that people maintain social distancing with the number of confirmed cases and deaths rising one of the countrys top Infectious Disease experts says the final toll could be very high looking at what were seeing now you know i would say between 10200000 cases but i dont want to be held to that because its deaths i mean were going to have millions of cases but i just dont think that we really need to make a projection when its such a moving target governors like new yorks andrew cuomo painted a sobering picture i dont see how you get past that kerr without seeing thousands of people pass away louisiana is already running short on hospital space but were on a trajectory currently to exceed our capacity in the new orleans area for ventilators by about april the 4th and all beds available in hospitals bob out april the 10th. Michigans Detroit Auto Show is canceled and the Convention Center where its usually held will be converted to a Field Hospital we see thats astronomical rise weve got hospitals that are already at capacity illinois governor said he desperately needs more testing kits the white house has promised millions of tests for weeks now and theyre just not here in a briefing President Donald Trump made the shocking an unsubstantiated claim that the shortage of masks and other protective equipment in hospitals maybe because nurses and hospital staff are stealing them theyve been delivering for years 10 to 20000 masks ok its a New York Hospital very its packed all the time how do you go from 1222300000. 1220000 masks 2300000 even though this is different somethings going on and you ought to look into it as reporters where the masculine are they going out the back door i dont think its hoarding i think its maybe worse than hoarding earlier trump tweeted with evident pride that his daily briefings were getting Great Television ratings higher than some popular reality shows robert oulds aljazeera. Well as a virus spreads across europe leaders and Health Officials are warning their citizens that restrictions could stand place for months for brennan has this report. A steady procession of hearses bring the latest virus victims to the temporary morgue set up in madrids largest ice rink on sunday spain recorded another daily death toll of more than 830 people such a small increase on the previous day is seen as a glimmer of hope that the situation remains critical. It is very likely that the outbreak is evolving properly thanks to everyones efforts having nearly 20 percent of our cases recovering statistics but it is true that the number of people going into intensive care units is doing creasing and there are many regions operating at Maximum Capacity and many other regions quickly getting closer to this limit yes yes autonomous. The u. K. Has recorded its 2nd successive day of more than 200 new deaths and the government has put the entire country on emergency footing unprecedented in peace time asked about the timescale for the current restrictions the answer came a could be many months so i think 3 weeks for review 2 or 3 months to see whether weve really squashed it and that about 3 to 6 months ideally and lots of uncertainty in that then to see which point we can actually get back to normal and it is plausible that it could go further than. Theres been criticism in controversy over the limited scale of the u. K. s testing regime but there is evidence the capacity is slowly increasing this drive through test center in the car park or an Animal Adventure park at chessington has opened specifically for National Health Service Workers the Royal College of nursing britains largest nursing unit estimates that up to 20 percent of the u. K. S Health Care workforce is currently at home self isolating these Testing Centers will bring certainty allowing potentially hundreds of nurses to return to the front line of nursing at a time when the Health Care System needs the most. In france overwhelming pressure on congested hospitals in some regions has made it necessary to transfer patients to other areas these patients are being taken by train from the ground este region to new aquitaine and some french patients are being transferred to germany for treatment by combination of German Military plane and French Military helicopter. We need to free up some space when you free up a space it gives you room for a new patient and that saves a life so there wont be a gridlock on hospital resources for those of us but. Across europe coronavirus restrictions have left the streets almost empty but the grim prediction is that it will get worse before it gets any better. Aljazeera. Well south korea is the latest country to announce cash relief for people affected by the virus the country reported 78 new cases taking the National Tally to almost 10000 roman bride joins us live from seoul in just a moment but 1st lets get the latest from china with katrina you katrinas its the 1st working day in woo han how are people getting back to then normal lives after months under lockdown. Thats right months indeed. For 2 months 11000000 people have been confined to their apartments now some people who want us still not able to leave home but those who have jobs have been given permission to leave the residential compounds so a number of essential industries have started back up and that includes the car industry the steel and cement industry and just around town things are starting to look more like normal the roads have reopened the subway has reopened some shops and morals have opened back up after 2 months of being closed for business and inbound trains are starting to also arrive in one and weve seen on state media thousands of people streaming into the city now there are still travel restrictions on Outbound Travel is restricted until april the 8th now since the beginning of the epidemic weve had about 50000 people more than 50000 people infected in one city alone and more than 2500 people have died but now in recent days weve had 0 almost 0 cases reported in washington and in the wider who bay province and the government really has declared victory over the outbreak and theyve also tried to hush any fears of a 2nd wave of infection saying that one is actually one of the safest places now in the country because people have been isolating for so long up to 60 days now people have been confined to their homes president xi jinping toward neighboring judge on province on sunday overseeing some of the resumption of some factories there and his message is very clear to the rest of the country they want to get the economy started again and these officials have heard that message and theyve heard it and also theyre under tremendous pressure to keep the number of new infections down and certainly there are fears and skim skepticism about these recent numbers saying that these officials may not be so free or may not be so willing to report new cases because over the recent days china has reported almost nor local infections are to continue their invasion katrina thank you lets cross over now to rob mcbride he joins us from the south korean capital seoul rob so what more can you tell us than about these emergency Cash Payments to families to to help ease the pain of the economic slowdown. Absolutely this is the Disaster Relief fund is similar in size and the kind of amounts of money youre talking about to other developed countries that have all announced similar similar stimulus packages what it means is that for a family of 4 they are entitled to 820. 00 u. S. 1. 01 off payments no you have to earn below a certain limit between a certain below a certain amount to qualify for this so its very much 18 that some of the poor families here in south korea some of the families whove been worst affected by the Economic Impact of this Health Crisis and denouncing it the finance minister basically confirming what everybody here in south korea has known for weeks that really every part of the economy has taken a huge hit from this the businesses that have gone out of business restaurants etc and although ordinary household so this is aimed at giving a stimulus pumping money into the economy the country is economically ticking over it is running better restaurants are open businesses are open although people are for a certain extent working from home but it is a way of trying to get things moving again and in addition to that to move jay and the president here also announcing that he will have to pass another supplementary budget earlier this month in march they passed a 2nd supplementary budget and now they have announced that theyre going to have to introduce another want to the tune of tens of billions of dollars as they get the Health Crisis under control to try to try to deal with the economic damage that this is left there in seoul rob thank you. Time for short break here not a 0 when we come back from Fashion Designer to making face masks a small businessman in lebanon says the call to help the country with much needed medical supplies. And were going on a bear hunt in new zealand a Childrens Book comes to life for kids under lockdown more of that stay with us. Welcome back there was a lot of dust in the atmosphere in qatar on sunday but i think by monday were going to see a slight improvement in conditions generally pretty warm 28 degrees 34 degrees over into boy so weather conditions around the region generally looking fine fairly light winds meca 33. 00 degrees for the northeast or rather unsettled conditions across parts of iraq and through into run and eastern iran still some heavy rain but thats pushing away into afghanistan and some of that is likely quite heavy as it moves further east over the following 24 hours so couple were looking at just 6 degrees during tuesday stage a few showers across syria but otherwise much of the Arabian Peninsula fine just one or 2 showers in parts of yemen so lets move across into eastern and central parts of africa looking fine across many parts of ethiopia may see the odd shower but i think generally looking fine for the southern parts of kenya seeing some showers wet in parts of towns in there the congo will see some heavy downpours for southern parts of the continent like to see where to find conditions across much of madagascar to southern areas could well see some showers in this circulation which is developing also look at heavy downpours across southern parts of angola down into the maybe it could be a wet one when took for the south it should be largely dry and cape town. In the midst of a good run a virus damage china is in lockdown. What i want to report from inside the warranty company. One out of the. In one lifetime we cannot see everything with our own eyes but i had testimony we would know very. Quickly this documentary is that open your eyes on aljazeera. Welcome back a come out of the top stories here on aljazeera President Trump says he wants to extend social distancing from month to slow the spread of coronavirus the u. S. Has recorded at least 140000 infections but the governments top Infectious Disease expert warns deaths could reach 200000. Italy has recorded a drop in the number of deaths for a 2nd day the infection rate in spain has declined but more than 800 people died there in the last 24 hours bringing the total to more than 6500. And its the 1st working day since restrictions were loosened in the chinese city of where the virus was 1st detected the city had been under strict quarantine for 2 months theres only been one reported case there in the last 10 days. To other news chads president has announced a new military operation against the armed Group Boko Haram defensive follows an attack by the group that killed 92 chaldean soldiers a group of stepped up attacks in the east of the country in recent months or back to the crown a virus pandemic an australian measures have been toughened up to contain the spread of the virus theyll now be a ban on gatherings of more than 2 people in public but theres been cautious optimism with the Prime Minister saying the rate of infection seems to be slowing the country has 4000. 00 confirmed cases from sydney nicola gage has more. Well like many other countries around the world measures to reduce the spread of current virus in australia are branching out by the day and while we arent in a stage of lockdown at the moment people last till going to work from midnight on monday people will neuer longer be able to gather in Public Places if there are more than 2 people that has been reduced down from 10 and the message from the government is it is that you should be staying at home unless its absolutely necessary so if you cant work from home the only reason people should be leaving the house is to go to work to exercise or to go to the shops or a medical appointment now on top of the closures that we saw last week with hotels and pulps and other venues closing the areas that people have been going to to socialise will now be closed down as well that includes outdoor pocs outdoor playgrounds and these state governments who really be enforcing these new measures and the question really is whether restraint will be a bang these new measures if they dont there will be harsh penalties of on the spot fines for anyone who doesnt follow the rules or tight restrictions such as not time curfews are enforced across several latin american countries but other nations are taking a less drastic approach in their fight against the virus. This update now from mexico city. A cruise ship anchored off of panama as Pacific Coast began transferring passengers to another vessel on sunday at least 4 people have died aboard the sand and a dutch cruise liner that became stuck after panamanian authorities announced that no ships with confirmed coronavirus cases could transit the panama canal this is the voice of an american passenger aboard the same damn whoever can open the ports to us youd be eternally grateful and abide by whatever regulations you have for us. We just need to be able to start the process of getting home because other places have closed their doors to us 4 people are now dead and that is on the head of other people along the way who turned us away please help us. In venezuela 55 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered from china on saturday the supplies included face masks and ventilators and they go out and tell me 500000 fos test kits have arrived there the 1st fastest kits for the offensive and the next phase for us to control and prevent cave at 19 meanwhile venezuelas Opposition Leader one continues to denounce the presidency of Nicolas Maduro is also calling for more International Aid to the tune of 1200000000. 00. We propose an Emergency National government that includes all sectors of political society. Leaders in Central America continue to intensify containment efforts on sunday the government of honduras announced that a National Curfew restricting freedom of mobility would be extended into mid april. Not all countries are applying the same drastic measures brazilian president. Seen here meeting supporters on sunday maybe the most reluctant world leader when it comes to cope with 1000 containment efforts calling the virus quote a little flu. Local governors in brazil however have begun calling for stronger measures in lieu of a federal. Containment policy no horse in that house mexicos president has also faced criticism for taking what many have called a relaxed approach to the Global Pandemic though mexican authorities on friday call for people to voluntarily stay in their homes and help flatten the curb of contagion now many come and they didnt feed the only way to reduce the transmission today is to all stay in our homes for a one month period. Mexico has resisted implementing more drastic measures 2 thirds insist the policies in place are based on scientific evidence. When authorities around the world are trying to find ways to enforce quarantines and in Colombia Police are getting creative in medina funeral car carrying a coffin and wreaths are seen driving through the City Broadcasting a message for people to stay at home and later police entertain people by singing and in the city have at least are using drones with loudspeakers to get the message across. But more than 800000 Health Professionals cuba has one of the highest doctor patient ratios in the world the island nation is sending medical teams around the globe to help with a virus a sponsor often at no charge at all listed as more. Another Early Morning another ceremony to bed Health Workers farewell last week a troop of cuban doctors were dispatched to italy. This week medical professionals have been sent throughout the caribbean to grenada jamaica and today st kitts and nevis 29000 cuban doctors and nurses are working in 59 countries around the world as confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so this demand for cuban medics medical services at the islands main export raising more than 6000000000. 00 for the states in 2018 but the communist rule dial and doesnt charge for the thousands of doctors who work in more than a dozen low Income Countries in latin america and africa. The same goes for Disaster Relief where cuban physicians have provided Emergency Assistance to millions almost a 1000 keven doctors arrived in haiti after the 2010 earthquake where they were the 1st to set up medical facilities amid the rubble. Get mad there will be more than 12000. 00 people willing to fight a bowler and right now there are thousands of cubans willing to complete these missions while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expand influence experts on the islands Health System draw a different conclusion the root of it in addition to cubas own Health System which provide universal coverage in over thought access is really the belief that cuba is one of a number of developing countries that is trying to make life better for it population there. From the moment were born in this country we receive an education based on humane principles of the principle of solidarity and internationalism is at the forefront of that this isnt about politics or ideology its about humanity youre making a big sacrifice why are you willing to go. For a look at men is a see cause there are other people that need me people that is sick and dying and that isnt right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them. At augustan aljazeera. Train carriages in india being converted into isolation units for virus patients theyll be placed across india to reduce the burden on hospitals and to Train Services have been suspended until april 14th after a nationwide lockdown was introduced last week theres more than a 1000 known cases in the country. After months of political and economic turmoil in lebanon itS Health Care system is under quick to deal with the coronavirus hospitals are already overwhelmed but some businesses are stepping in to help expects. Work has come to a halt for many in beirut but for Fashion Designer tony ward who specializes in gowns business is slowly picking up in a different way i dont know. I mean. We 1st made these masks for our own employees and they can be worn in a very simple way and also washed his garment factory shifting from its usual production lines to helping local hospitals by making masks body suits and bed sheets. They put me in contact with the director of a fake area of the hospital and he told me that they have a big shortage of bed sheets because they are preparing a new department we decided to buy fabric involve our staff and Work Together to make. As lebanons doctors and nurses work on the front lines to contain covert 19 private and Public Hospitals are feeling the strain theres not enough money and medical supplies items that are normally imported its prompted other businesses like this plant that usually makes dental floss and diapers to step into design ventilators. Maybe after this outbreak we will learn a big lesson or lebanese can have an impact on the future percent and reality not always depend on whats coming from the outside and asked for help. Lebanon is already facing an economic and financial crisis according to Human Rights Watch the government has not given any money this year to the publicly funded refeed curry hospital in beirut where most cases are being treated and it only gave 40 percent of its jews last year while infections increase those running businesses like this hope the very put it can help prepare lebanon for whats may come mohammed al jazeera. Libya has announced 5 new corona virus infections bringing its number of known cases to aids medical equipment that was recently rushed into the war torn country is being distributed by libyas military forces fighting began last year when the war norden even hostile launched an offensive to retake tripoli which is held by the us recognized government now the airline and Tourism Industries were among the 1st economic casualties of the pandemic we spoke to quetta Airways Group c. E. O. Ill back us he says its a major setback for the industry bounce back that theres been difficult but persevering we have our passengers that are all over the place where we have to take them safely back home we have received a lot of requests from embassies and governments around the world to help citizens to be taken back to their homes and to their loved ones and cut that i was just serving the the World Community if epaulettes around the world start closing down and airspace are being blocked it is of course natural that got there it was for this completely stuff flying but for the time being we have a Skeleton Service that is flying around and this for the foreseeable future will continue airlines and the evolution industry plays such an Important Role in our lives these days that this industry will rebound like it did previously of course this time it is very serious much more serious than 911. 00 we havent have faced such a situation in the last 100. 00 ias so now we have to wait and see but at the end it will be survival of the fittest and we want the terrorists to be one of those survival success stories. Now i 3rd of the worlds population is now living under lockdown to contain coronavirus in new zealand some turning to teddy bears to support their young and themselves some of bellas explains. We going on a bear hunt when not scared that much of that from the pages of a Childrens Book to the streets of all clint children hunting for teddy bears and peoples windows the game is a way to entertain children living under lockdown but going on to be had probably cant get out yet because i know. Simon would that help. These ilands coronavirus lockdown came into effect on thursday for 4 weeks citizens can only leave their homes if they were going to Central Services or going to the supermarket or for health care or to go for a walk with the people they love what we experience and accept that people will go for a walk they will take the children outside to get fresh air they might look for tb some windows spread as they pass people keep your distance dont talk to others just stay within your bubble and if youre in wellington and youre walking in the local neighborhood you might see one in my window her fiance followed up with this append and a beer looking down from the residence Near Parliament and its not just in new zealand this was in washington d. C. And texas as coronaviruses spirit teddy bear hunt so follows from sydney to toronto and london they have started from Community Groups spread to cities and in new zealands case a nation age poor print is a geotagged beer. The psychological boost goes beyond children helping those isolating a home to feel part of the community while staying apart weve all been there on the one night he said a lot of attention and way cheering everyone from christchurch as we made it its easy to get the sense that we were just a candle or hostile place and us and it will all divisive in war. And if you look at washington monster weve things keep him and shout human stretchable at it. I think it would help keep it going a shallowness of what we want help each other all absolutely. Lovely thing breaking out of little caves flowing around all over the world looking for j. P. We see Michael Rosen wrote the book were going on a bear hunt 30 years ago he said hi to. Aljazeera asked for comment but was told he took sick with virus symptoms still his words a coming to life supporting children and adults through the spend demick shell of dallas which is era. Time for a quick check of the headlines here this hour u. S. President donald trump says he wants to extend social distancing from month to slow the spread of coronavirus the u. S. Has recorded at least 140000 in sections more than any other country. Because youre talking about a potential of up to 2200000000 and some people said it could even be higher than that so youre talking about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from the us. And so if we could hold their own as were saying 2100000 its a horrible number. Maybe even less but 2100000 so we have between 10200000. We all together of done a very good. In china some people are going back to work and where the virus was 1st detected the city has been under strict quarantine for 2 months but there are fears of a 2nd wave of infections in china as people are counting the virus returned from abroad. South korea is going to make emergency Cash Payments to nearly 2 thirds of households to ease the economic damage from the virus so has also imposed a compulsory 2 week oren teen on everyone arriving in the country from abroad. Italy has recalled the drop in the number of deaths for a 2nd day the infection rate in spain has also declined but more than 800 people have died since saturday a total of more than 17500 people have now died in the 2 countries. In the u. K. Health officials are warning it may be 6 months before life returns to normal more than 1200 people have died the government introduced tight restrictions on Movement Last week australia has tightened up measures to contain the spread of coronavirus gatherings in public of more than 2 people are banned the Prime Minister says the rate of infection seems to be slowing and libyas announced 5 new infections bringing its number of known cases to 8 medical equipment recently rushed into the country is being distributed by libyas military forces fighting began last year after warlord and eva have to launch an offensive to retake tripoli thats held by the un recognized government. So those are the headlines the news continues here on out as they are after one of the states in terms of watching. From the aljazeera London Bureau caught that entire t. V. Special guest in conversation when you say a lie a 1000000 times that the comes to fact you then can create whatever narrative you want on from uninterrupted and i realized i was working for something that was evil you know being a part of the creating at maria ressa meets Christopher Wiley the death of journalism is only the 1st signal for the death of democracy a studio unscripted on aljazeera. In the midst of a coronavirus plant in china is in the. Beijing capital of the worlds most populous nation stands deserves. Millions of residents a force to stay behind closed doors in moves now being replicated in countries across the board. This episode of one i want to east we report from inside the quarantine capital of beijing

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