Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240713

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Lesson the universe is desperately trying to teach us and the lights go out for 60 minutes around the world in honor of earth hour time to reflect on just whats happening to the planet. Hello everyone another surge in the number of people who died from corona virus in europe this saturday is the continent struggles to contain the outbreak spain is the headline number at the moment 832 people have died in just 24 hours brings the total number of dead there up to nearly 5700 since the outbreak began italy is also struggling to control the pandemic there you may remember friday it recorded the highest death toll of any single day anywhere in the world that was 919. 00 people dead in 24 hours and also a 21. 00 day government lockdown in india. This is affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of Migrant Workers Public Transport Services are suspended millions of them are stranded so they are now on foot on hundreds of kilometers just to get home a quick reminder of the global picture through the Johns Hopkins university virus tracker which we use coming up 2615000 confirmed cases with over 28000 deaths and 135000 recoveries we should point out as well when you look at the world map you can see the obvious hotspots though the size of things in asia has definitely gone down compared to what weve been talking about europe and the United States which dont forget it has the highest number of infections anywhere in the world right so this hour were going to talk to john hall in London Development in the u. K. And europe they want to start there with matter hereto in madrid these numbers it must have the most terrible impact on people in spain not just the the workers who are trying to buy Health Workers who are trying to save people but the national psyche. Yes well carol carol numbers for today more than 800 people have died of coroner virus. As 24 hours bringing the death toll after nearly 5700. 00 but not only death toll but also people infected in spain have reached a. Number of 72000. 00 cases considering the 15 percent are under 15 percent of these people infected are Health Care Workers and what about the situation in madrid itself it seems to be particularly bad there is just that just the numbers thing the largest a large city or is there a particularly bad situation there. Yes my dissertation is really bad that madrid has become ground 0 of coronavirus and spain is the candidate that and at the center of the pandemic and 50 percent of the dead toll is from madrid weve seen how all speed of hospitals are overwhelmed we see how the municipal funeral home was all 12 and they had to convert these i was framed into a mortgage and yesterday they reported to us that the market was not enough so they had to to put all the costs in these court in madrid. Have her sorry. Health minister sources have a green lighted the army to to move corpses from one place to the other we have to remember that the spanish army has been taking different tasks about tasks like like to take to disinfect 18 airports train stations care homes and now they have been green lighted by the Health Ministry to to transport all these crops from one place to the other so this is the actual situation right now in madrid thank you for the update not a 100 in madrid spain. Were going to look at london in a moment with joan hall but i was just having a quick look at the map here just to see the latest numbers out of the u. K. 14500 confirmed cases in the death toll is up just over 750 in the u. K. Now jonah hull for us here is up on i think its Primrose Hill you are today jonah now obviously youve got a live t. V. Camera on people there i dont know how they behave or if they behave differently but what sort of numbers of people and social distancing if youve been seeing out on a saturday. Or 5 days now into the latest set of restrictive measures announced by the government on monday night people are required to stay at home theyre only to go to work if they absolutely have no choice sensual journeys only out of the home to this. Market to the pharmacy to exercise once a day to walk the dog or whatever and only for as short a time as possible theres been lots of reports of people at hearing quite strictly to those rules and properly so but also lots of reports of people not doing that the parks and green spaces and beaches and recreational areas across britain in the spring sunshine have been very busy on that Primrose Hill as you say on top of Primrose Hill a magnificent view of the london skyline over there and you can see lots and lots of people enjoying that view sitting on benches walking hand in hand among the cyclists the joggers the exercises the people walking their dogs the people out with their kids kicking a ball this is not i think what lockdown is supposed to look like theres a Farmers Market at one end of the park and down this lane here the other into the park theres a very pretty high street where the butcher is open and the wine shop is open in the bookshop and the delis and coffee shops albeit operating a very limited service there is a lot of evidence of social distancing going on here but as i say this is not what lockdown should look like the police have been out and about they have new powers to enforce the lockdown for whatever reason for the time being theyre choosing to exercise those powers quite gently just trying to urge people to move away and one constable we spoke to said he was particularly frustrated he said almost none of these people should be here under these circumstances and all of that will be of concern to the authorities as the epidemiologists tell us that britains peak is perhaps 2. 00 to 3. 00 weeks away the infection rate multiplying doubling every 3. 00 to 4. 00 days what the government may choose to do next to try and reinforce these measures i dont know but as i say i think these scenes particular as the spring weather. Comes upon us will be of concern and just on that government is everything still running as it well as well as it can i guess when the Prime Minister and the Health Minister of tested positive the government still trying to say business as usual. Yes new normal in every way really here Boris Johnson is in isolation in number 10 downing street the Health Secretary matt hancock is also in isolation they both tested positive in the last 24 hours since then the chief medical officer professor chris witty is also in isolation and he hasnt had a test but hes showing the symptoms these are the 3 people most closely involved in the fight against britains corona virus pandemic as the Health Service desperately tries to scale up its capacity for that peak as i say expected in 2 or 3 weeks time it is worrying that these 3 men are out of sight but they insist that they are still very much in control thank you for the update jonah hill up on Primrose Hill in london this saturday well after more than 2 months of lockdown restrictions are being eased in chinas city this is where the corona Virus Outbreak began people are now allowed to enter the city but its 11000000. 00 residents are banned from leaving until the end of april sarah has that story and more from around asia. Life in here by province is returning slowly to normal more cars are back on the Streets Police are on patrol but its Health Checks not traffic fines being issued. Im here to pick up my 2 children and we are going to see one program the 2 children have been in who wins the traffic is very small china has announced a temporary ban on all foreign visitors starting this weekend even those with visas or residence permits will be denied entry only diplomats and flight crew will be exempt chinese and Foreign Airlines will be limited to one flight a week because of fears of importing a 2nd wave of the virus from a brought up to 65 days in lockdown for its 11000000 residents the city of blue hand has downgraded its signal to low risk traffic can now into but no ones allowed to leave the city until april the 8th government workers a sterilising train stations are preparing for the arrival of the 1st inbound trains where a. Long time no see would have been discriminated against because im for a new hand but i hope people dont treat the people awful hand like a fire if its a fucking margarines with china is winning the battle i read the news on the train that china is now trying to block people from coming here and preparation this will help us get back to work and im proud to be chinese. Walked through testing stations are in operation at south koreas airports to enforce tired Health Checks on arrival the government reported 146 new cases on saturday thats the highest number in a week with a rise in imported cases from europe and the United States and japan confirmed a record daily increase of more than 50 new cases following a surge in infections in tokyo this week japans Prime Minister shinzo is appealing to millions in the capital and surrounding regions to avoid nonessential travel until april 12th here in hong kong the government has enforced tough new. Is to encourage people to stay at home from saturday all cinemas gymnasiums and time at bennys will be closed for at least a fortnight and public gatherings will be limited to 4 people as the city tries to stem the number of local transmissions aljazeera has obtained pictures from inside one of the governments Quarantine Center is one person held bear after being in contact with a flight crew member who tested positive says rooms were sterilized protective gear wasnt provided and Health Checks were random hong kongs health to pop the reply is that its followed the guidelines to clean and sanitize all quarantine facilities sarah clock out 0 hong kong thousands of indias Migrant Workers have left new delhi and are returning to their homes after losing their jobs during the nationwide lockdown this was the scene on saturday huge crowds of workers leaving the capital its estimated millions of jobs will be lost during the lockdown also many Public Transport Services have been cut forcing some to make the journey on foot. As per annum is in new delhi for us and so is the mass migration is happening actually right across the country. Thousands leaving delhi kemal and thats just the Capital Region many more are on the move as you say on foot around the country and tire families including the very old and just you know babies sometimes walking or being carried hundreds of kilometers says to return to where theyre from india has something kemal like 120000000 Migrant Workers and when the government announced around a week ago that it was going to order all bus and Train Services to stop we saw this great desperate rush at buses and bus and train stations with Migrant Workers you know just trying to get home and a lot of these people because their daily wage earners they have to work every day to survive theyve lost their jobs they can no longer afford to pay rent where theyre staying their Company Accommodation has been shot so that has been the situation for them over the past week and you know weve seen people walking along highways on train tracks obviously with everything shut theres no restaurants open and they have very little money they have no access to sanitation yesterday we saw. Something like 300 people crammed into the back to contain the trucks trying to cross the borders the border between the states of telangana and maharashtra and temperatures of nearly 40 degrees so an absolutely desperate situation in the country for millions of people i spoke to Amnesty International earlier and they were telling me that this lockdown has unleashed a humanitarian disaster for millions in india. I showed you the map of the u. K. Just a little while ago looking at 759 deaths there from corona virus weve just had new numbers from the department of health its up by 260 there are now 1019 confirmed deaths from corona virus in the u. K. And 17089 infections are just over 17000 people infected and the death toll now over 1000 in the u. K. Latest numbers from the department of health now in the news ahead. Weve always had challenges with inequality in our Education System and this new shift has really exacerbated that its the poor students who suffer the most as u. S. Schools nationwide switched to virtual classes during the pandemic. And latin america feels the effects too but why some countries not following the trend to go into lockdown. High pressure dominates the weather across northern parts of china so where it does stay dry and 5 were still seeing bands of cloud getting squeezed out of the southern half of the country or rowing out into the open waters feeding some very heavy rain to wards to pan so thats the pictures we go on through sunday february weather pulling away from sensuous southern parts of conscientious guys come back in behind temperatures to struggle to get to maybe 6 is the sevens there for tokyo theres that wet weather across southern parts of china still has to go on through monday pushing out further east was q shoop so when there is q she will see some wet weather warmer in tokyo and around 30 degrees celsius with the southerly wind and largely clear skies warm enough to across a soul and beijing so well see temperatures here getting up to 70 or 80 degrees lots of sunshine lots of sunshine to across parts of india. China russia the philippines fine and scattering of showers there 3 malaysia big downpours here straddling the equation as they should do the seasonal rains and still some very heavy rain now into western parts of malaysia over the next couple of days meanwhile we see some very heavy rain making its way towards afghanistan more than possible pakistan that will continue to create further reese was the monday. To. Be u. N. Fact finders accuse the berms military of genocide this is a political if you think there. Do you believe the nobodys a fascist or poor kids dont have all gone they. Wouldnt vote the recognize the both sides have no gentleman grievances against the other climate this is the foundation of climate back then and that is why the palookas must face. To face with up. On aljazeera. Route already. Voted. This is al jazeera with the latest on the corona virus pandemic in spain more than 800 people have died in the past 24 hours it is the countrys highest number for any single day nearly 5700 have died there since the outbreak began a more than 72000 are infected also officials in the u. K. Just in the last few minutes released the latest death toll there it now stands at 1019 the u. K. Is currently on day 5 of a lockdown but many people arent abiding by those rules widespread reports of people heading out to parks and beaches to enjoy sunshine despite an order to stay home. And a 21 day government lockdown in india has left millions of Migrant Workers stranded Public Transport Services are suspended some people now traveling on foot thousands of people in fact for hundreds of kilometers back to their villages and towns an update from iran now where our 139 people have died of corona virus in the last 24 hours the latest figures pushed the death toll up to over 22 and a half 1000 with more than 35000 infections the fight to contain the spread of the virus in the Islamic Republic has been hampered also by the spread of misinformation nearly 300 people died after drinking toxic methanol over recent weeks after believing it protected against the virus and more than a 1000 people are in Critical Condition as well. We turn to the u. S. Now which has the highest number of cases worldwide upwards of 100000 people infected there is hospital struggle to treat the rising number of patients this report from rob reynolds. The u. S. Navy hospital ship mercy sailed into Los Angeles Harbor equipped with 1000 hospital beds and 800 medical staffers they will treat patients who do not have coded 19 freeing up space at l. A. Hospitals for an expected surge of coronavirus cases the u. S. Now has more than 100000. 00 confirmed cases at its capacity today will add a 3rd more available beds and it full capacity 2 thirds more beds to the fight here in Los Angeles California governor gavin newsom thanks President Donald Trump for facilitating the ships deployment he says the numbers of corona virus cases and deaths will rise steeply over the next 3 weeks theyre seeing surge numbers that put them on track within a week to be aligned with where new york city currently is if they see the kind of increases they experienced yesterday in new york city is the countrys hardest hit location doctors there say they dont have proper equipment to care for sick patients every time that i. V. Finished it im just very frustrated because we are doing everything that we can so help me more and see every want to treat everyone but we have limited resources and not as much support new York Governor Andrew Cuomo says the peak number of cases is still weeks away now were looking at about 21 days for a possible apex so we want to do everything we can to be ready for that increased capacity. That could hit us in 21 days so i say my friends that we go out there today and we can coronavirus a thats what i say the motion is adopted. In Washington Congress passed a 2 trillion dollar emergency aid and relief bill this bill is the most consequential piece of legislation that many of us will ever boat on the American People need help and they need it now the bill gives bailouts to major corporations affected by the pandemic extends Unemployment Benefits and provides Cash Payments to families President Trump quickly signed it into law this is going to Save Companies that are incredible companies for that are going to need some help because of what happened a month ago they were outstanding they were having the best year they ever had and then we got hit and so well help them out its thousands and millions of jobs trump repeatedly praised his Coronavirus Response the federal government sent a hell of a job in spite of trumps boasts new hot spots are emerging in chicago detroit dallas and philadelphia a disturbing sign of things to come rob reynolds aljazeera. Schools across the u. S. Have been closed most with eval notice and many state and local officials are unsure when classes will resume during the state of virginia schools already been canceled for the rest of the year had a high and looks now at what all that means for families and students. The fields are empty the playgrounds deserted and all across the United States School Buildings sit empty more than half of the country students have been sent home leaving parents to try and become teachers instantly thats especially difficult for parents of children with special needs everyone is trying to figure this out and the real key is to be listening to special needs families and parents and kids to understand what their needs are so we can adjust to this new reality can she make should be in a better position than most he used to be a teacher but given his son his special needs he says its been a struggle i was trained as a mathematics major. But it didnt teach me how to help somebody whos have a trouble reading and thats a given granted students trying to learn how to read were problems they have difficulties reading is going to be hard for them to be able to solve those questions. Studies have shown children from lower income families struggle to retain knowledge over the summer because in many cases their parents are not able to help them study and experts fear this long delay will hurt them disproportionately weve always had challenges with inequality in our Education System and this new shift has really exacerbated that in an enormous way were seeing some kids being sent home with homework but instruction with devices and some kids being sent home with nothing and so we really need to take that seriously and invest in those kids and families right now in Fairfax County virginia superintendent scott broadband says they are providing why fight a students without internet and computers to students who dont have one but he acknowledges even with all of that some kids will fall behind any kids that we find. Struggle and dont get. Learning as well as they need to over the next couple of months were going to be looking at how we can provide Additional Support either in the summer or into the next year but hes in charge of a very wealthy School District all across the country millions of students wont have access to the technology they need to keep on track meaning they will fall behind another hidden cost of the corona and. Particularly aljazeera. Apple has launched a new website and phone app in conjunction with u. S. Government agencies to help keep people informed about coronavirus its created a screening tool that asks users about their symptoms their recent travel and then suggests whether they need to be tested also offering information about the disease and guidance on whether where to seek testing and care jordans reported its 1st deaths from corona virus the victim an 83 year old woman most of the cases are in the Northern City of repeated the government has blocked entry into that area and the rest of jordan is on a curfew only Grocery Stores are open. In a little over 3 hours the lights on major landmarks around the world will be switched off for 60 minutes to mark earth hour this is when people are invited to think about how their lives and activities are affecting the planet and chapelle is this report now on how well the cea coronavirus is making the event a little bit more significant. A symbolic annual event with powerful images earth hour has been a moment for millions of people to come together and think about our impact on the world around us this years event takes on new name as billions take part in another shared experience in the night with all that is happening with the current virus the white house at 10 this interest super special activity with your household you can prepare a counter that then as it sat in the evening which of all electricity injuries have company and why not talk about all the wonderful gifts that Mother Nature has to offer you know the things that we look forward to doing once that isolation is lifted and we can all be out there with again and enjoy the Wonderful World we live and let us learn the lesson the universe is desperately trying to teach us at the time that we are spending in isolation not of been investing in situations like the i were in a moment well look for a silver lining. There is one in terms of climates. Reduce levels of pollution due to the coronavirus underneath all this started breathing again and its a sure sign that we need to have our needs how we do things when things go back to almost. Satellite imagery from china has also demonstrated the reduce human activity is leading to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. Something environmentalist say is benefiting planet earth as cities and economies come to a halt to the rest of africa. While many of our Landmarks Office buildings and apartment blocks go dark for 60 minutes 7600000000 people are being forced by events or Mother Nature to realize what else just isnt working. Has always been the power of people uniting people across the world showed us only each other and for the planet that we all depend on so this 2020 with glee he burchill so whether. He wants to be depressed the nature of joining in the local and immediately. Raise the words is a major and help your nature or show how well the. Organizers say now more than ever is the time to unite to safeguard our future and the future of our planet and schapelle aljazeera lets look at some other news voters in guinea have overwhelmingly back to new constitution which paves the way for president off the conde to stay for another 12 years leaders boycotted sundays referendum which had been delayed after observers raised concerns about impartiality the referendum led to months of violent protests and the killing at least 32 people on polling day after 6 years of delay mollies parliamentary election is due on sunday the president is hoping the vote will bring peace after years of attacks by armed groups linked to al qaeda but the main Opposition Leader was kidnapped a few days ago while out campaigning nicolas huck has the story. Where is. Its a question his Party Members are asking since malis Opposition Leader vanished on wednesday he was campaigning in timbuktu for the parliamentary election when gunmen attacked his convoy several of his entourage were killed but he was kidnapped along with 11 of his aides living in fact they were kidnapped by an armed group whose identity we do not know they are armed men for us yet on identified we must be clear on that. While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack Security Forces suspect an al qaeda affiliate. While mostly mean which is active in northern mali to western hostages were released in northern mali earlier this month after 15 months in captivity. And this you do it is a joint of the release of the prisoners kidnapped and became a fossil but held in mali is taking place without any negotiation with the alqaeda linked group says its willing to negotiate a Peace Agreement with the government but its 1st demanding 15000. 00 french and Un Peacekeeping soldiers in mali leave and the parliamentary election be cancelled. Candidates have avoided campaigning outside the capital because of fear of attacks by armed groups and many voters fear venturing out because of the threat of the corona Virus Outbreak still president. Announced on wednesday that the election will go ahead as planned. The general even of months the election will be held on march 29th that is to say this sunday and in scripture this respect for the barrier measures the government will do everything to make it happen. But most registered voters have not picked up their electoral cards and hundreds of thousands have been displaced from their homes by the violence in north and central mali. With attacks by armed groups a curfew imposed to prevent the spread of covert 19 and now the disappearance of a leading political figure many millions are wondering whether its worth the risk to come out and vote because hawke aljazeera. Half past the hour on aljazeera and these are the top stories officials in the u. K. Have released the latest death toll figures from coronavirus 260. 00 new deaths with the total now at 1019. 00 it is officially day 5 of the lock down but many people dont appear to be abiding by an order to stay at home the latest regulations require people to only go out for essential trips in spain more than 800 people have died in the past 24 hours that is the countrys highest number for any single day nearly 5700 people have died there since the outbreak began and more than 72000 are infected now to herrera has more from madrid. Being at the center or the ground 0 or the whole pandemic cannot cope anymore with the cost of all the oil that bodies all the people have died that have died and diminish people for not Funeral Company had to had to open an ice rink to take their all the people that have died but the kind of coal there anymore and they have a range to separate set up everything in migrates courts so the situation is quite critical right now. A 21. 00 day government lockdown in india is left millions of Migrant Workers stranded Public Transport Services are suspended and some are not travelling on foot for hundreds of kilometers back to their villages and towns in iran 139 people have died from corona virus in the last 24 hours the latest figures pushed the death toll up to over 2500 with more than 35000. Infections the fight to contain the spread of the virus in iran has been hampered by the spread of misinformation nearly 300 people died after drinking toxic methanol believing it protects against the virus and more than a 1000 people are in Critical Condition and jordans reported its 1st death from corona virus the victim an 83 year old woman most cases are in the Northern City of a bid the rest of jordan is on a curfew and only Grocery Stores are open and the u. S. President has signed a 2 trillion dollars aid package to help people and businesses cope with the effects of the pandemic america has the highest number of cases worldwide kevin else along with the news are in half an hours time up front with the hot sun is next. Im counting the cost as the Global Economy has a recession the dollar creates be the enemy. The coronavirus india grapples with a Financial System riddled with that. Cold in the middle of a crisis. Can do the close on i just feel. When the right to free speech conflicts with protecting minorities how should democracies respond and do muslim communities have a particular problem with the principle of Free Expression or has been unfairly targeted the debate over free speech i dont from special. With hate crimes on the rise across the west recent debates around free speech have become all the more pressing from all humans in the us about whether White Supremacists should be given platforms to say bigoted things to claims that free speech is

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