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Air that im laura. Rewinds before youll know that were revisiting some vile most memorable documentaries and taking a fresh look at whats changed since they 1st as a back in 2011 a witness series took us into the lives of mexican newspaper journalists who were covering stories from the front lines of that countrys violent drug war they will have from some of the reporters featured in the episodes to find out how things have changed in the is since but 1st heres the film the deadliest beat. The last general audience hold was a listen just relentless scene a little cool. So i let me send more of me doesnt feel like the kill walk will look at the way young. Women for income into another last year. They were put there are lesbians who make you believe that the put the onus of put it on her daughter may not be. Seen only will see only the a woman for me all of the latter will be anyone yet if indeed. My limit that i will not have a hope of overcoming the at will report that in tulsa set up out of a. Post that i said i said im on about is all the plan laid out of the report the other one of that is he lives over in connecticut the supercenter criminal. Is a local that living not going to be released as they may use in place was electronic cause in the him is a country of qualities as well as in the truck and noble well we know them only plus. My love as the ultimate deal. There and leave us a little in. Love with. In 2006 mexicos president declared war on his nations drug cartels a war that has claimed more than 35000 lives in the state of sinaloa photographers and journalists covering this carnage face the outcome of this brutality with every story they cover. This snapshot of 2 days at 2 different newspapers sheds light on the difficult and dangerous reality these journalists must face every day on this the deadliest beat. The. Information you. Know moderately your money you say but you dont want to see them on this new star and they led him to the california journal matheny but it was again that you. Dont serve god but in my world in a comedy the now yes yes unless you want us to the source of the damage of. The storm. Look to me mainland are you for the well worn out of them by now but theres a Companion Oil one of the earlier policy at 11 but for what their policy is. There was a little middle of those ill go the left out of there. Thats a little better and this is their order. In new zealand. You get involved on the chance to tell allison get em and if you know theres an effort to win one of the more than her daughter. Is in as a loan for top of the. Control of the left out of the. And. Up in the end im. Going to start up in the end. You. Know. But i want to. Research it and do you know this is not the man with. The letterman but some of them. Are going to take. Im going to. Go. With the running of the. Car out with her but i think when they see. What we think were. Going to come up. With. Then i just dont know. Were breaking into the kingdom with a briefing from downing street requests. You should stay at home. Except to shop for food for medical reasons for exercise or for work including caring and volunteering in the Coronavirus National effort we understand how significant these steps are we ask for your forbearance but i think that the public knows that this is important and they know how vital a task it is that we get a grip on the spread of this virus and slow it down the more we follow the rules the sooner we will stop the spread and so everybody has a responsibility to follow those rules and where possible to stay at home. I know how worried people are and while this is a great time of turbulence it is a moment too that the country can come together in that National Effort. As the next step in that effort today we launch n. H. S. Volunteers were seeking a quarter of a 1000000 volunteers people in good health to help the n. H. S. For shopping and for delivery of medicines and to support those who are shielded to protect their own health the n. H. S. Volunteer responders is a new scheme set up so that people can come and help and to make sure that the n. H. S. And the local services that are needed get all the support that they can. I can also. Announce that the call we made at the weekend for people to return to the n. H. S. Has been incredibly successful so far. So far 11788 people have answered that call. 2660. 00 doctors over 2 and a half 1000 other Health Professionals and pharmacists and 6147. 00 nurses and i pay tribute to each and every 1. 00 of those whos returning to the n. H. S. At its hour of need in addition from next week 5500 finally a medics and 18700 final year student nurses will move to the front line to make sure we have the people we need in our n. H. S. To respond to this crisis in total thats over 35000 more stuff coming to the n. H. S. When the country needs the n. H. S. Most finally i can announce today that we will next week open a new hospital a temporary hospital the n. H. S. Nightingale hospital at the xcel center in london. The n. H. S. Nightingale hospital will comprise 2 wards each of 2000 people with the help of the military and with n. H. S. Clinicians we will make sure that we have the capacity that we need so that everyone can get the support they need but no matter how big we grow the n. H. S. Unless we slow the spread of this virus then as weve seen those numbers will continue to rise and thats why its so important that everybody follows the advice and stays at home. The final point i want to make is one of thanks as Health Secretary and as a citizen and on behalf of the whole country i want to thank the staff of the n. H. S. Those who work in social care all of you not just the doctors nurses who normally get mentioned but the pharmacists the paramedics the managers and all star across the board you are the frontline in this war against this virus and we all pay tribute to you youre going to give you all over the next few weeks and i want you to know that we salute you and i will strain every sinew to get you everything you need to keep you safe so that you can do your job keeping all of us safe were now going to go to questions the 1st question is from laura coombs both b. B. C. I feel much like his day and revive her many members of the public today are being told that they should go to work by their boss even though they dont think their work is essential right now in this and they dont feel they can stay safe for the heart for everyone else there a message to many who has not been back here from the government who are they meant to listen to their boss or the advice from the government and classic recent event medics in a different way if people feel theyre not safe at will or what should they do should they say. Well ill give the 1st part of the answer and then ill hand over to jenny as deputy chief medical officer to give the medical view the advice is Crystal Clear which is you should stay at home unless you have one of the 4 reasons which is exercise shopping as little as you have to. For medical reasons or to go to work where that work cant be done at home and if you are a key worker for instance if you work in the n. H. S. And social care then you should go to work because that work is vital in the effort to tackle coronavirus jenny thank you and thank you laura i think the important thing with all of these questions is to take us right back to the 1st principles of why we have asked for these interventions it is to prevent transmission of disease and the rule about the 2 metres is to ensure that we are consciously keeping apart from each other so we do not inadvertently pass on disease if if we have it so i think when youre talking about work environments exactly as the sections say to said there are numerous occupations where you do not need to be at work some of them we have to and we recognize the support of darkie workers is said in providing that service but many dont dont need to be and i think we are encouraging our employers to think really carefully about how they can innovate in the way their staff are working and if they do need to be in the office just to spread people around and i know for example for a few of us who are having to be in environments actually theres an awful lot of space created so you can practice safe distance saying at work i think its a commonsense principle and we all need to apply or both employers and employees. All right so we just heard from the u. K. Health secretary matt hancock and im just hearing there from deputy chief medical officer jenny harris and having talking about how just really emphasizing the need for National Effort this after yesterday Boris Johnson on monday brought a new restrictions and you look down across the United Kingdom also you seeking a quarter 1000000 volunteers to help handle what is believed to be coming in the shape of the coronavirus when its major face felt in the United Kingdom if indeed they are and also talking of a new temporary hospital that weve built has been built in london and will open shortly lets bring in that rory chalons who speaks to us from lewis in the United Kingdom and rory just tell us a little bit more expound for us and what these plans are. Well this new hospital is going to be called the n. H. S. In 1000 gail a temporary hospital presumably this is named after Florence Nightingale the famous nurse from the time of the crimean war. Is a very sort of a popular historical figure in the u. K. Lots of medical establishments are named after her. The hospital will have looks like it will have a capacity for 4000 patients there will be 2 wards each be able to hold 2000 and it will be at the xcel Exhibition Center in london it will be up and running from next week now yet again this is i think the u. K. Taking a lead from things that have happened in other European Countries we know that in spain there are already Exhibitions Centers that have been converted into field hospitals there so this is obviously something that the u. K. Has looked at and decided theyre going to to do that to. Even saying that he is putting out a call for n. H. S. Volunteers they want a quarter of a 1000000 volunteers to come and help out clean in the government is thinking that we are nowhere near the peak of this crisis yet the new u. K. Death toll for the day is 87 that takes the u. K. To 422 deaths thats quite a big jump from the previous day the death tolls that have been around the 50 mark for the last few days so that statistic suggests that this is a situation that is getting worse in the u. K. And these new measures that the Health Minister matt hancock were were was outlining their point in that direction as well and rory we heard from one of the journalists present that the uncertainty that members of the public feel about the way forward with these restrictions and in especially for workers. Yes listening to the radio talk shows today in the morning they were full with people calling in saying i dont know whether to go into work today or not my boss is saying that i should show up the Prime Minister is telling me that my work is probably not essential and i should stay at home but you know how that as we heard the b. B. C. Reporter asking that who should these people be listening to should they be be listening to their boss or should they be listening to the Prime Minister its still not quite clear there will still be lots of people out there very confused about whether their work is considered essential whether they can work at home while they colleagues the simple advice that the Prime Minister thought he was giving yesterday when he was saying just stay at home is obviously in the real world in real life not quite as simple as that and you have sensors like the Building Construction where you know builders are still turning up to work on construction sites they are rowing ok whats going to jump in there because i think were going to get back to downing street to her a little bit more about whats going on well come back to them but later from friends of friends who all corrupting are they allowed to meet in Public Places because he ran between city people and when they do you mean they love to be affectionate to meet each others houses. Well ill take the 1st no i definitely leave the 2nd 2 to jenny and the other to the 1st is that the judgment that we have made is that in work in many many instances the 2 meet a rule can be applied in my workplace in the house of commons you can see it every day and where possible people should work from home and employers have a duty to ensure that people are more than 2 metres apart because as jenny says its about going back to the principles of what were trying to achieve which is to keep people apart so that we slow the spread and the more people follow the rules the faster we will all get through this. Thank you so going to start a new career here in relationship counseling so i would try to very carefully as i worked through this answer and the principle is that we want people to stay in their household units primarily the reason for that is because if you have an infection you are very close with your family members so your risk of exposure to the virus is pretty similar usually across a family we almost expect of another member of the family to get that unless there are upon very very stringent precautions so if your 2 individuals 2 hearts of the couple are currently in separate households ideally they should stay in those households the alternative might be that for quite a significant period Going Forward to things should just test the strength of their relationship and decide whether one wishes to be permanently resident in another household in which case all of the decisions about exercising if you are in you should be on your own or within your household unit would apply so again the issue here is what we do not want is people switching in and out of her so that it defeats the purpose of the reduction in social interactions. Transmission of disease so perhaps test test pretty carefully your strengths of failing stay with the household either together or apart but keep it that way while we go forward because otherwise we will not be working toward achieving our. Make your choice and stick with it. Very good do anything you want to do out of nothing to jenny gave a perfect sense of. If i go to pull war from the folks hot sector of space can you explain to any staff who had to travel on crammed in overcrowded tube trains this morning just what i tried House Building and Office Building is deemed essential work are you considering restricting construction work to just those projects where health and safety is needed and not to be too cynical about it does the fact that Housing Developers contributed more than a 1000000 pounds of the tory Party General Election Campaign have anything to do with a different view taken in england as opposed to scotland where the 1st minister said that building site work should be restricted and stopped immediately and could i ask the so the medics class professor power in the United States President Trump has talked about using over the counter antimalarial drugs to be coronavirus the u. K. s impose an export ban on chloroquine last months was that because were looking at similar treatments here what advice have you gotten terms of those trials being done here. All the decisions that were taking paul are taken in the National Interest this is a largely cross party effort were making judgments difficult and big judgments every day about how best to tackle this virus and that is the only thing that matters and how we minimise the overall number of deaths from the virus and to get the spread down so that we can so that we can get through this as fast as we can and thats the only thing that we consider based on the science and the medical advice of course when it comes to the to the 1st and the best answer is that transport for london should have the true running in full so that the people travelling on the. You are and are spaced out and can be further apart abang the 2 need to rule wherever possible and there is theres no good reason in the information that ive seen that the current levels of chub. True provision should be as low as they are we should have more trains running when it comes to construction and as theres many countries that have made the same judgment that its that you can construction can carry on with people 2 metres apart from each other and of course people need to get to work but the best way to do that is 2 metres apart from others with more trains running when it comes to n. H. S. Stuff theres another reason why we need to services up and running preferably in full so that we can get n. H. S. Staff to their posts and doing the work that theyre doing and so i hand over steve on the medical questions they so thank you paul so you know this is a new virus and so we do not have a tried and tested specific drug treatment that can act against the virus but there are a number of drugs where there is a lot of interest that they may potentially have an effect in the treatment of the virus and the ones that you mentioned which are chloroquine in hydroxy chloroquine those are drugs that as you say have been used in malaria are on that list so there is a lot of interest both internationally and also in the u. K. To learn how those drugs might that is a remote press conference taking place in downing street in london in the United Kingdom hosted by having called the u. K. Health secretary emphasizing really the need for a National Effort this afternoon restrictions brought into place by Boris Johnson the british Prime Minister and seeking a quarter 1000000 National Health Service Volunteers to handle what is believed to be coming more than a couple minutes. In 20100 again exclusive access to a young family in the gaza strip. Fighting for cash for their sick child born with a medical condition curable by routine surgery but caught in the red tape of the health care bureaucracy. Rewind born in gaza on aljazeera. And. The customer al day is a magnet for the rich and famous it highlights the most beautiful beaches in all of europe but ive come here to investigate a dock a side sodomy a place hopes to some of the worlds most elaborate war games for decades dust from explosions and tests has brightened down on the towns and the grazing fields of the firing range exactly what was in them no one knows in the early 2000 local doctors store a spike in the number of unusual cancers in their patients in a country 90 days defense contracts are a source of income but also quite possibly the cause of untold misery after all the inquiries and with military brass now on trial for the people of this island paradise there is a glimmer of hope but the truth might finally see the light of day. In the midst of a coronavirus pandemic china is in lockdown. When one east reports from inside the quarantine company. On aljazeera. Granted our stories a curveball at the Olympic Games and take its being to spend up to a year. Hello im a clock this is al jazeera live from doha also coming india imposes a nationwide lockdown at 1300000000 citizens by minister Narendra Modi says the state has more to it starts from midnight. Spain and prepares for even worse as the death toll surges again and moved

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