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Different counties before they were restricted to the home county or the home city and people will be able to enter who bay as long as you have a green tracking codes if you come from elsewhere in the country you can enter the province so this is some freedom but in reality this is freedom in theory quite limited freedom because there are still no trains buses or planes leaving her bay province the only thing is that people can board to leave the province seem to be charted trains or buses taking workers pacifically from the home county to another factory or other place of work outside the country you cant just willy nilly need a view have to have a good reason and somebody to receive you at the other end and also its up to the provincial government whether theyre going to accept workers from who pay problems we have to remember even the restrictions are easing this talk quite a lot of fear around china around a possible 2nd wave of infections and a lot of provincial governments are simply not allowing to be residents at all and they jean for example has very much closed its doors to anybody from cuba a province still now while many restrictions are being lifted in china other countries are preparing for the worst most of Indias States are now under lockdown nearly a 1000000000 people have been ordered to stay in their homes nationwide curfews are in place and domestic flights have also been banned thats in addition to International Flights india has reported more than 460 confirmed cases and now 9 deaths. Soldiers in spain have found elderly patients in Retirement Homes abandoned and in worst cases dead in their beds the military was sent to disinfect care homes in one of europes west hit countries spains defense minister says the government will come down hard on Retirement Homes that are found guilty. I know the majority are fulfilling their duties they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of the resorts to the care centers ive seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds. Or fronts is entering a 2nd week of lockdown as coronavirus cases and deaths there continue to rise the french government is urging people to be more disciplined and to stay indoors to stop the spread 100000 Police Officers have been deployed to enforce those restrictions while u. S. President donald trump says hes considering how the country there can reopen for business as soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections on monday u. S. Politicians again fail to pass a trillion dollar stimulus bill the closure of many nonessential businesses in astray or has led to an estimated 1000000. 00 people losing their jobs overnight the government has scrambling to provide financial help but experts warn that many businesses will not recover from the crisis well in iran nearly 2000 people have died from the corona virus with another 25000 infected and Health Ministry says its expecting a huge surge in cases as the numbers get more alarming by the day iranians have been to follow preventative measures tehran says u. S. Sanctions make it difficult to tackle the outbreak. Zimbabwe has reported its 1st deaths from the pandemic just days after confirming the 1st cases in the country the government has closed schools and ban to launch gatherings but there are concerns about his ability to handle the outbreak meanwhile guinea has recorded 2 new cases of the virus and the International Airport in the capital conakry has been closed until further notice in uganda there are 8 new cases bringing the total number of infections there to 9 all the new patients are ugandan citizens who recently returned from dubai and africas most populous country nigeria now has confirmed cases and one death from the pandemic theres now a ban on all International Flights and land borders are closed well those are the headlines next up with sound walls. We bought the house about 2 years ago hoping that we would be able to retire here but from here you could see how much sand weve lost underneath the house. The world is running out of sand consumed by industry and construction stolen and transported by criminal mafias around the world red dot com to have them put it all got up at the foot of creativity i like the op im not exactly. Washed away by rising sea levels we have been in the middle of the indian ocean for the last 5000 units become just. Lost to human greed and stupidity. When we use that sand that means we loose. Our life. Weve never needed so much sand so badly with beaches and entire islands already disappearing who will live in the sand worse. For most of us san makes us think of days at the beach sand castles and sunshine and once the holidays are over we slip back into our busy lives. But is feeling the sand between our toes or caught in our bathing suits the whole story. Does this so familiar substance play any other role in our daily lives. Sanda is what i like to call an unsung hero. Its because there are just endlessly examples. Of the way in which sand intersects with daily lloyds which we all really. Commonly aware of. Sand has quietly infiltrated every corner of our world melted and transformed into glass it sits on every shelf. Its also the source of silicone dioxide. A mineral about an hour winds cleaning products detergents paper dehydrated foods hairspray toothpaste cosmetics. And an astounding variety of other products we use every day. But its. Mended such as. You. Think about your computer. You know and it can be manufactured if you do not have high quality said. The minerals extracted from sand are at the core of our Hyper Connected Society they form a basic material for microchips without which our computers Credit Cards Bank machines cell phones and many other devices would not exist. Sand even alps or supply in our airplanes the plastics lightweight alloys of the fuselage and jet engines even the paint and tires are all made with sand. Its almost become like a the air we breathe we dont think too much about it but you cant live without it. And the industry with the biggest appetite for sand. Construction for the last 150 years sand mixed with cement to form concrete has shaped the contours of our increasingly urbanized world. Because of its low cost strength and ease of use disgrace larry has become the dominant Building Material around the globe. The quantities used are astronomical. To build an average house it takes 200. 00 tons of sand. For a larger building like a hospital around 3000 tons. Each kilometer of highway devours 30000 tons. And to build a Nuclear Plant the estimate is about 12000000. 00 tonnes. Production of sand exceeds 15000000000 tons. And that is a quantity that is so huge that its beyond imagination how much is 15000000000 you dont know because no other resource is used in such vast quantities as sad maybe with the exception of water. So where in the world does that much sand come from. Lets just say the sand men who work in the aggregate business have not been affected by the economic downturn. Behind air and water sand is the most used commodity in the world. Business is booming but meeting this demand is not always an easy task sand is not something thats easily found like you might think it is used to be that youd have a sandy gravel deposit and youd simply go and dig it up out of the ground so youd have sand to make your roads bridges and buildings up but that type material is all been taken away its gone abuse it already. With the positives of service and exhausted we started dredging rivers for sand but this is lead to flooding. Now weve turned to the oceans for sand. To satisfy our seemingly insatiable appetite for sand weve been dust for allies extracting it from beneath the waves. And the workhorse of the industry is a dredger. A giant tanker equipped with a suction arm capable of pumping huge quantities of sand to the surface. The right bessel in the right location can pump up to 400000 cubic metres of sand to the surface every single day. Each dredger cost anywhere from 25000000. 00 to 200000000. 00. But the sand is free. So the thousands of tankers combing the worlds oceans at every incentive to suck up as much sand as possible for their increasingly hungry clients. Is an astonishing example of this appetite within a few decades this fishing village has morphed into a mecca of modern architecture its a sandbox for developers were no fantasies too grandiose. But as projects. Of sand using huge volumes of sand and Construction Projects concrete and indeed just making more land as has been doing with the with the artificially constructed island. Landfills or even bigger consumers of sand and concrete. With a booming economy the emirate launched them bitches expansion project. After the year 2000 with the price of real estate soaring as a result of speculation Developers Bet that it would be cheaper to make land than to buy it. The selfproclaimed 8th wonder of the world cost over 12000000000. 00 and devoured more than 150000000. 00 tons of sand dredge from the coastline. With a giant palm still under construction flying high in the seemingly Endless Supply of money and sand embarked on an even more extravagant project the world. The world is an island paradise where unprecedented opportunity can be found it is almost as resort official archipelago of 300. 00 islands designed as a map of the world absorbed 14000000000. 00 and 3. 00 times as much sand as the. The worlds. A place to magination. Today the world is a mirage the work site has been abandoned since the onset of the finance. Crisis in 2008. Deserted island is now parked in the sun awaiting the uncertain day when millionaire buyers will again descend on to buy and restore its glory. To kill the Corporation Managing the palm in the world the crisis is more than financial overdevelopment is totally liquidated by his natural Sand Resources and you think well fine of course dubai is on the edge of that theres a theyve got old asylum they need like all the gulf states dubai has sand everywhere so why doesnt the emirates simply help itself to the desert. Desert sand is the wrong color end of sand for building a lot of fishel islands why because deserts and all that the grains have been blown around by the wind and is typically very round and very smooth if you want to use it to build an island they dont stick together you need sand that that is more angular rougher rougher age say that naturally sticks together. See sand is perfect for island building and construction but its in limited supply sand is not a sustainable resource. Although its own stocks are exhausted dubai is far from given up. The burj khalifa at the time of construction the worlds tallest building was built with sand from half a world away. We have a saying in english which is selling sand to the arabs which is obviously a joke. That thats actually come true in the case of the by. 3500. 00 Australian Companies exports into the Arabian Peninsula their profits have tripled in 20 years accounting for a 5000000000. 00 jackpot. And australia is just one small part of a global trend that reliant on importing sand from other areas you see is this huge trade around the world moving from one another for different purposes such construction and land reclamation. Singapore is another city at the heart of the sand wars. And 30 years the country known as the switzerland of asia has become one of the richest in the region during this time the population has more than doubled and the 63 islands that make up this city state are bursting at the seams singapore is sort of lying on the import. For its very existence in the land mass is literally increased 20 percent over the last 40 is and thats largely been recognitions so literally pouring sound into the sea to create new land. Singapore is already transformed 130 square kilometers of water into land and is planning to add another 100 square kilometers by 2030. Having devoured all its own reserves its for ratios appetite is targeted at its neighbor supplies. One after another cambodia. Malaysia and indonesia have each decided to ban trade with singapore but its addiction to sand is not easy to restrain. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins from neighboring states. Suspicions of sand trafficking hang over singapore and the dozens of barges still to the brim which imo daily and its important prove that the city state has found an alternative source but where does the saying come from. Tommy guns beer. Guns are. You come here every day every week. This is what is driving the visuals of. What. You saw in. Your individual. To. Your 4th division job or your 3 of us a couple of. Things to local traffic in Networks Singapore and dealers with false identities working for fictional Companies Continue to find supplies of sand in neighboring countries. But the other come. But it. Is it is the word invisible is a state of but this is the. Cloth along with the tacit support of the government the most loyal client. The son trades in singapore is that hes the hypocritical as the mass of the pa crissy as far as were concerned its the status build itself as you know environmental leader in the region and in particular the. Global sun thats but that companies will bring imports of that country it should be its a human rights violation of its environmental degradation and damage the livelihoods of local people. The effects of underwater dredging are far from but. Much of the ocean floor is rocky or covered with only a thin layer of. We are breaking into programming here on aljazeera because in the last few minutes japanese Prime Minister shinzo abbay now says hes honest the i. O. C. The International Olympic committee for a one year postponement of the tokyo lympics and he says that these will now these summit games will be held by some 2021 at the latest he says that he has been in touch with the i. O. C. With with this Senior Management and has confirmed with them that the tokyo lympics will not be cancelled but it will only be postponed for one year now this is going to be allegedly a complete olympics that includes both the summer games and the paralympics and. Couching this as proof of victory over coronavirus so essentially when they are held eventually in 2021 it will be a celebration of a victory over the virus as well while youre watching very very. Recent pictures that weve just gotten in of Prime Minister shinzo of a from japan speaking about the decision a huge amount of International Pressure has been building over the last weeks and days to eventually postpone the 2020 games they will now at the very latest be held in some 2021 well lets now go to our Sports Correspondent leigh wellings who joins us live hes been covering this from the beginning well this is clearly no real surprise given what weve been seeing over the last 24 hours and this mounting International Pressure but why this decision specifically now could they just not hold out any longer. This is of course exactly the loosely were expecting and there is a goose no choice its just a case of where it was going to come and now we are there at the point where this extraordinary decision has had to be made in these extraordinary difficult unprecedented torrent the only times a little bit games have not taken place when shutting before a jury in times of war and of course times this Coronavirus Crisis has been compared to a war its affecting all corners of the globe and there was none to impression comes on the International Olympic committee to let everyone know where they stand now this is not easy not easy for japan to tokyo which is a law that everyone at the i. O. C. Because they have to consider things like the legal situation they can just disregard this regard are they have to think about the logistics of how his mind up and where they stood with insurance with with athletes with stakeholders with broadcasters that cant just like these decisions and that everyone of us follow on they need to speak to people about it attitude. Of tokyo rose as the i. O. C. And ive been saying another another speedy today and the expected a decision to come well within the deadline the i. O. C. Dont themselves because this is the big one sport all over the world has stopped theres no sport of the any its all been played and everyone has an interior pics and so lets just get the names out there and then all the detail can come in due course so at least i will saying thats now because of the pressure that we saw over thats our statement canada and australia by saying that they wouldnt be sending athletes to that to the games is that what pushed it over the line. You know that really has actually happened to sonora rather than hinted when people saw Canada Australia or poland and germany another sign that we really urge you to convince of that actually was welcomed by the young go see it actually helps their position legally in terms of how its framed and actually led them into a position where they knew that time was running out to make this decision that athletes in a very sort of suffered with this as everybody how to know where they stand that theyre in a position where even training was becoming dangerous so yeah we were in this position where it had to be taken by the i. O. C. Imagine if you then look a year ahead and the likelihood that the olympics and paralympics will be together. In the summer are of 2021 so in the same kind of position that it was before people will then say well what about the knock on effect on other Sports Events how does out of some of the world that its championships in oregon take place it will with a 2021 well you could alter the grid is i really doesnt matter does it people hundreds of fight karrar is everywhere surely a sports event thats much more of the leading picks in the region if you didnt take place in the run up to the olympics they will make it work and then actually we can Start Talking about a celebration as the japanese Prime Minister is pretty and how differently of course and youd expect the world to be a far different place in 2021 that it is at the moment well i mean as we are saying it will be a very different place how is this all going to pay out for athletes i imagine athletes whove been training their whole lives for this moment and how will they be taking this. Would there be no decisions that are split whether or not they want to participate. Yeah i mean i dont think youd be out to find hardly any athletes decide look we want this to go ahead in july because it would be good theres no limit it can go in july and in fact its a push to say they could have a nice this is it which was explored has been looked at by particularly the japanese organizers of this and in pics but actually athlete is a job sometimes we get now i think you know our job theres a folie a cycle and peaking and training at the right time its all string really important to them that they go through the right practice the best one qualifying events and then you get to the tons of complaint now all of this changes and all of this has to get done at it but again everything is used up by the current violence crisis because its ok you have to change after dark you have to possibly is this is getting funding. You have to get thing across the cation the zinj is all of these things are relatively small compared to health and safety and i think that was one of the driving things if this is a limit its been dishonest not just a Sports Writer this is a member event that was getting to the point where people were getting very anxious about the hensons like this is the absolute 1st thing to do is. To spawn and then people can start putting the very complicated procedures in place and actually of course were not far more about where we stand with it passing down their load in 2 or 3 months or when the and it is just to typewrite they ship by then well know far better how we stand the next year. Well if youre just joining us just in the last few minutes japanese Prime Minister shinzo has said hes asked to the i. O. C. For a one year per sporting event of the tokyo 11 pics and that these will now be held up by some a 2021 of the latest and Prime Minister saying that this will be a complete olympics that includes the summer games and the paralympics and that they will be held as proof of victory over the coronavirus we are speaking to our Sports Correspondent leigh wellings whos been covering this for us from the beginning let me ask you about the logistics of this as we were saying the only other times in history that the olympics have been moved or canceled where for world one and world war 2 i see actually and in 1940 they were initially supposed to be held in tokyo they were moved to helsinki and then eventually cancelled so could we actually even though were now seeing a postponement see a cancellation the bench. Thats a really important poor report work cancellation it as being used a lot in the past few days and not try to sort of push it away because of the language that my contacts are using at the International Media committee and the common sense data. Cancellation was always going to be far less likely than a perspiring the bespoke macos allows the games to happen and actually i dont want to be in any way this is about the huge just tickle problems but why women and kids analytics take place in 2021 this is the reality now world is fighting this pandemic its changed everything why couldnt lympics be stationed at ship so when the cancellation was be years i was very aware that i am one of the reasons it was because actually from shore wins for reasons and when you look into the lives of these bespoken can cause issues where there is a cancellation can activate all kinds of policies and ones that that money can be regarded but actually the chances of them just sign this Tokyo Olympics and everything thats been prepared for everything thats gone into it they just wont happen that was it was going to be. Less likely scenario in finding a way to perspire and yes other Sports Events will be hugely affected me one example bitterly think about folk when they think about links because its not one of the schools we 1st associate with it is getting more and other thinks the swimming and the only bit of a lot of them. Look out past the vocal calendar is going to go in when eventually spoke with years well actually we need it but actually how these tigerland exciting price is going to be hard for the local as it leads the government to be part of the law again i think you have to look at that philosophically more in. In terms of the competition really more. Time. And data will have to see how it all unfolds in the coming weeks months and years potentially wellings there our Sports Correspondent whos been covering this for us from the beginning well lets get more on the political implications of this our correspondent rob bryde is in seoul and hes also been been looking at this issue rob i want to talk to you about the running the ramifications of this for japan i mean asian markets weve already been seeing it been taking a beating from the Coronavirus Crisis and now this is even more bad news for the japanese economy. Absolutely i mean this was as we just explained that i mean this wasnt a case of if but when the announcement was going to come i think the comments that were being made by shinzo are just a week ago were already hinting that they were looking at some sort of postpone that but of course questions over a postponement seems to be the hardest word and its taken him this long to actually accept the fact it has to be postponed and to actually make this announcement because of course this is the crowning glory if you like of his whole premiership he was the Prime Minister who went out determined to bring the olympics to japan and he managed to achieve that he just had a rocky start there were problems with the stadium youll recall there was even problems with the original logo for the olympics and has been marred by control of a city but in the past few months it did seem to be on course they opened up the big Stadium National Stadium in tokyo in preparation for this it was all looking good and this is as you mentioned a hugely important for the japanese economy it has taken a real battering not only from the current coronavirus but also through last year there were various disasters economically fought for japan such as the typhoons that it had to contend with there was a controversial a tax hike on goods goods tax that was introduced which deflated the economy and weve seen actually in the past we expect specked in the 1st 2 quarters of 2020 to be in recession well now with this announcement many economists are expecting that recession to continue especially impacted by the coronavirus through 2020 that may sting porns thing now fish and so our day is that it happens during his turn in office because of course he is due to leave office towards the end of 202021 the autumn of 2021 the most important thing will be to have think games before he leaves office this will be his swan song. Thats wrong mcbride there correspondent speaking to us from seoul thank you very much rob well lets remind you of the other top stories on aljazeera at this time chinas hu bay province where the corona Virus Outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions its been under lockdown since late january when the government shut down roads railways and airports while most of Indias States are now under lockdown nearly a 1000000000 people have been ordered to stay in their homes nationwide cafes are in place on domestic flights have been banned thats in addition to International Flights india has reported more than 460 confirmed cases and now 9 deaths well those are the headlines the news will continue here to witness do stay with us on out of there. The. Why. Not. Leadership. Leave. Me alone i think. I. Was. Born in kenya and all must be pretty damned. In the. Midst. Of. Whoa cost. Or. She has expressed. I know you know by now. By now one of them i. Hope i stand on a similar way when to say that i can see how a couple of people. My. Only thing that you see i knew you know. I dont. Know. How. Much percentage of government. That is not always the. Best im going to get. Him on his best to run right. In most. Cases does bottom and. Now for. Being what can be smiling mr. Peterson on your smeared. 6 year old back yard in king and im kidding. Oh go past this in the article. And i made a cut last woman off. Into the midst of us. That. The time not for marsh wahaha crow but you know cop i just want to push the corner we cannot do that wow. Yeah lot think it will carry my stomach to shake and i can we will cheer harvey or shine again were nice to sheena piece of how corny yes yeah. She democritus does some awfully. She along with all the entire boy she will be. With them alone they say and see the bass with them what i will call the account of. The. Now son and the name. Of the old and most to me and. You wont even. See said. It thats ok look to me at the new gate of the east and in any of them most of them more than a. Now and then to send up the one that never missed the many a good night im listening only to 6. Day. None of us. Who are was. On. Their school get all their talks again because we give an example well know all of them and see most and get up when the you know example is being accepted cox slowly kill file the populace will miss c. N. N. Until you run up all these and still have us out there and then get those and get on the dick sinking into an easy one so we can solve any think you will have a civil and yes king on both ends of spittle until this is open. And see my sister 3 just as in i caused the im a gone bully all im avoiding. Is it then yet again my sister blows history and i and sandra day but im definitely more the model the sort the queen thought a golden boy in the guilt over heels of. His get along foam in the kyoto stuff posted the guy good mood but its a good look but it was his woman who looks a good example is will get along tell him feel less lonely must feel by the. Light you saw through the big dont mean on the sun to have a more diverse. Star any reader time or current in the command corners to her power born of underside openers just. Cut anyone her your size you are even like your oh no were going to a new. Rocket she had many ever more shia now you are getting taller somebody calling your guy gaining cater to you know studies cook at the long pull me out. Part a single video by casanova clearly vehicles going to have called think is the more garcia move the boat the guy never been sailing the date in your life when you see. Him. Now i was home i meant to say goodbye cokie is how youre going to come by and. Oconnell keep becoming yet. More bad to have the most lovely man and. Ive been in a mist that i have a boy toys even if hes. Ok. Now i know whose turn fundamental to the court. For snow. Will. Have a big hour away. And i. Nice to have been a she was really. Into patel to push him out of bed this. Point to your cat. Have it come out would have. Completed. And. Hell. Have to testify youre going to hold back. The need never to have read that by them will not believe this man right here right now a little girl. Oh find it. Bad. Yes yes. Yes tell us where the girl. Who. A little time off will play. And charlotte. By the 2 of them must make the house and couple maybe. It will be. Time to shine but i may not really get to. Go with them and so i want to be here. In me. But i. Want to. Thank you. For you. Were here expects. Me he. Who would want. To play them off guard. That he. Could. Look. Good. Because you know someone from. There you want me to. Talk of. The past with. Someone. Who has. Just come off work on. My. House and wash it. Off if. Its any. Research or books or hospital you call and. Leave it there she is doing something youre doing out of the limited space that you have a sense that youve been there so. I would never let it wind that we are here because for me its if you dont need. To bend down to me to let it will be done you know that it will be a lot you can take what comes here yeah thats ok i dont think oh no he doesnt hes going to get ok just measure him out of humanity for me and multiple men from there came up to make a Body Campaign for the benefit of the front people like you neal. Ok pat youre. Going. To get killed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We. Get this done find. A. Bit. On. This. Little. Bit of. Good. And i and my whole goal right. Back. To you. Was. Fish that im not going to be better. To go through. This whole. Going to work. On. More harm. Than good. Ok. For you to look that up just because it was a good doctor so have i thought gives i like a much softer style are looking. To get. Cheered. Us. I question mark your mentor thats how fires are screwed up to. The i. Home on the north bay like d. A scoop a ski jack i call a myth and who left and you said project you should get a little pussy. A sign yes. 2 i. Think thats why they are going up or down the lot of course. A lot of ok. Got hit. By the by going to. A lot of money to pay got to. Know that im not going to. Believe you have a. Kid i. Did i say. It. Its ok. Oh ok. Youre going to. Come off well if you read off your wall. Well not only if i say i. Know youre. Funny. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Theyre good with that in the way that they fear. That theyre right so we come. Here to tell them i am. No i. Want to. I want to give you. A very funny. At the Fair Exchange your one little question that at. Charity hospital or youre talking. Yes. Or no nukes on theyre going to be anyone have a. Mind of having fun im going. To have asked you a question. Maryse think the sharia law cant in any. Way. Cast a tool in that yellow car you my me go. And hell of a tandem has lost some of the equal rights one eliminate or either that or that they were young is clear and he doesnt know where you are scoreless are presented one of i dont know but i think youll now go and look at the need to be hoax or the best he can come back ok im screwed if its. One other arielle of the other you know that theres a im squealing that the men are seen against the valid us and im backing off but the men arena that the me that was going to answer that are never empty or were going to my local a comic con on the local who want to go to the southeast. At us terror state any. One of our good looks of us and us. In the us to toss. The earth. Hello times is more dramatic clouds in the Argentine Pampas not immediately sees nothing really there at the moment big clear area bursts the showers moving north through brazil following the sun in fact reassess was does look cajun cloudy but nothing more than that there is a developing line down here which i think by wednesday could be significant thunderstorms again drifting up towards where as there is across the river plate and probably into a year ago they might disagree also after that but the immediate future still sees a drop in rio with the showers for the north and brazil up to the north of the continent showing themselves to some degree in the caribbean but the massive cloud has been hispano recently and weather ego and some of the Leeward Islands and that still will see some of those showers passing through nothing too dramatic i dont think theres also a bit of a buildup down the coast in nicaragua and costa rica which is consistent with this time of the mexico looks very dry at the moment california is as you know seems to rain and stay reason being the still cloud in that general areas. So there will be a bit more of the next few hours or something of a noreaster blowing in this part of the us but the significant blue here is rain significant thunderstorms in relatively warm air over georgia for example and around the appalachians from be fun. Model the central most always on the love god we are the ones traveling the extra mile the autumn media gogol we go dear and we give them a chance to tell their story. Have amnesty and this is the news hour live from die hard coming up in the next 60 minutes. Per spurned by announcers coronaviruses force the games to be pushed off for up to a get. Spain for pez even west as the death toll such as again and more than 5000 Health Workers are confirmed to have been infected. Easing restrictions where the al

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