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Trump says he wants the u. S. To reopen for business seaton house more americans get infected. Were not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem started out as a purely medical problem and its not going to go beyond that. Bought into the program the restrictions are starting to come of millions of chinese in the province where the corona Virus Outbreak began at midnight on tuesday he will start allowing some travel just as many other countries are introducing more drastic measures the region of more than 60000000 people has been under lockdown since late january when the government closed roads railways and airports but residents will soon be allowed to leave once they get a tracking code confirming that their virus free but the one exception is the city of the worst affected area. Katrina are you is our correspondent following events for so the chinese have an answer as restrictions about to be lifted at the epicenter of the outbreak i mean what sort of changes will there be for people really in the province practically as well as those in will hand. Thats right so from january 23 that almost 2 months ago nobody was going in or out of prove a province 60000000 people were affected as you mentioned now starting from midnight people in kuwait province will be able to one to get in a car and drive freely around the province theyll be able to use public transport go from different cities to different counties you may be able to enter who have a province if you have a green card and if you have a Green Health Code certifying that you are virus free you may also in theory be able to leave a province now there are some important caveats at the moment the only way to leave a province will be on a chartered bus or charge a train taking primarily workers from who pay province to other workplaces around the country there are still no or public trains planes or buses leaving could be a problem so though there have been 3 airports that have announced that they are opening so we do expect more flights in trains to be open over the next few days but the 1st flight that we could find and out of a problem so far is is not until this weekend and also its really still up to the provincial governments around the country to decide whether theyre going to let people from who be in beijing for example is still very much close to anybody from crew bay province so there is still a certain level of wariness about this infection and nobody wants to see a 2nd wave of infections in the country so people are still paying attention to this or wall who may be the sort of focus state you might say in china one of the covey answers you as you mentioned just a moment ago for those traveling around china for those wanting to enter the country itself there must be some issues that. Thats right so they seem to be quite confident that the main threat from her bay province is no longer that theyve had almost 0 cases from q. B. In the past week but what they have seen is a rise of imported cases beijing government gave a press Conference Today saying that 95 percent of all new cases across the mainland are actually imported cases and currently there are 427 imported cases mainly people green sections from the u. K. Spain italy and iran and because of this different states different provinces and different cities have increased checks for people traveling between them in beijing itself theyve done diverted all International Flights so International Flights can no longer land in a beijing airport theyre being diverted to 12 other airports around the country for people to be screened and tested and all International Travelers to china must be checked for the coronavirus thats every Single Person traveling to china at the moment at a smaller level in beijing where theyre particularly worried because at the moment were seeing about 8000 arrivals to beijing every day alone theyve increased checks that every residential compound every office you must give you details they check temperatures quite regularly and also quite worryingly because the main focus now is on imported cases there seems to be this increasing suspicion of foreigners in the city and there have been some reports unfortunately that some hotels and restaurants are no longer allowing any foreigners to enter the really. Well the new restrictions are being lifted in china other countries are preparing for the worst most of Indias States are now in the lockdown nearly a 1000000000 people have been ordered to stay in their homes nationwide curfews are in place and domestic flights have been banned and thats in addition to the International Flights india has reported more than 460 confirmed cases and 9 deaths well doctor and if she her 3 years a medical doctor at calcutta rescue a charity providing medical and Educational Services in west bengal joins me now on skype from gun dock in sicamous good to have you with us on the program thank you very much for your time what hurdles in your opinion do medics face when trying to deal with coronavirus in and outside of a hospital or clinical environment. Oh in india the major problem which we have seizing currently is the cute black and charge of our own personal protective equipment to begin it and the other major problem is that a long bitch that called 900 patients we have thousands of other patients battling that other diseases as well so we are having a hard time balancing that and the other major problem the ethnicity of the quarantined facilities. There you know the educated literate people who are we entering the country from of who are trying many ways to reach the problems and. Yet need to work rats running only on the phone thankfully says so let me do you host 2 parties which involves gathering work more than 100 people who later on yes it was it because she like about her talents like ok she could have had on a on a lot of issues or lets just focus in on one in terms of the way the government in your opinion is it good up for the numbers that are going to be affected you talk about the fact that there already are people in hospital or about to go to hospital with preexisting medical issues what are indias facilities like both in the public and the private sector for gearing up for those extra beds that are required. As you know as you know our population so what i mentioned oh youll be do have a lot of the existing cases so keeping that in view the government has has equipped the Central Government in students and hospitals to all of very good extent but however at this moment to be arche the bill off between 260. 00 thats a positive but if it is going to enter the next 2 years and then grow and raise exponentially then i need not that is a threat and i think what new country is. What she needed. Indeed i mean from from the people you have spoken to or even met lets talk about the quarantine procedures at the moment obviously not everybody is observing those quarantine procedures as you suggested what advice are you giving to those people that really cant get to a medical facility or cant be seen by a medical professional for one reason or another in terms of if they are suspicious they might have covert 19. You know what we have done to our country to begin with this we have installed 3 automated call it to you so anytime you call any indian number you will have a computer talking to you telling you the basic symptoms and the cautions that you did they have in force just look at every rare every new shannon has been advertising the same and we as medical professionals have been. Advertising at propagating the strain in our social media accounts and like domination i come from there are many of the right solutions which work and more here are 3 and we are working day and night to get to the theme problem. So yes iran has being going on in a very astutely signal but i doubt that the people are the. Problem what that means. In terms of those people that dont have the technology of a mobile phone and india is renowned for having a large proportion of the population that lives in poverty doesnt have access to medical facilities doesnt have access to the simple thing as we take for granted a mobile phone what sort of help are you giving them as part of your charity. Yes so that is what i talked about we do have a number of organizations n. G. O. S as nongovernmental as well as governmental who are at least imperious remote areas of the country addressing to the same problem but yes it is not enough and we need to do a lot lot more because right now at this level of this pandemic has only effect at the height of the components thats not my country you want to see if stuck to the lower economic strata and it becomes a Community Problem it is going to be its going to spread like wildfire yes dr de chattery thanks so much for joining us from gun talk in sick and good to have you with us thank you over to europe now our soldiers in spain whove been sent to help during the crisis have found elderly patients in Retirement Homes abandoned and in worst cases dent in their beds they military were sent to disinfect care homes in one of europes worst hit countries an ice rink in madrid has been converted into a temporary mortuary the covert 1000 victims of spains defense minister says the government will come down hard on Retirement Homes found guilty speculum entirely and i know the majority are fulfilling their duty they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of their visits to the care centers ive seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds or. Livia is madrid resident joins me now on skype from the capital good to have you with us on aljazeera can you just a mystery just describe the atmosphere where you are right now and what it feels like to be in the sort of isolated scenario. Height marring well to be honest yes most fear it nails rarely very rarely so were all very anxious about the situation we out and. We cant go out. And just a few times that we go out. Experimental is that everybody is no worry about the situation yes when you got this good and you see. That they were by him there are no such as what they are doing because they want to go back home as fast as they can so its very sad situation that were experiencing here in the capital of the country so give it give us an idea globally what it was like right to the beginning of this crisis for you and your neighbors and your family because there was maybe a change of mood from the initial outbreak to a scenario that youre facing now which is locked down and severe restrictions. Yes well i used to tell the word before actually i was able to work from tuesday and it will look dumb to country wasnt writing so these few days before everybody was very relaxed you know and everybody was mistreated they were have been. Planted in the tear out the shops were full and even demetrio so it was very very different they own friendships they too friendly when you started to see that nobody else was not even with us they. I was well i was working at home but also stacey as we knew that we had locked on friday i went to the supermarket on bicycles not as well to do some sport at home so own 1st day evening even if we had and the lockdown yet i could feel that. The people where preparing themselves would look down because the shops where nobody was there i live in this is and so my neighbor who always is full of people every day every time it is a night or even its on sunday morning their marriage like you do it is a city full of life 24 hour 7 day ive had the pleasure of being in madrid i know exactly what sort of a buzzing city it is so therefore what is it like for you not to be able to meet communicate talk with face to face your neighbors friends and family who either live in the city or live beyond it. Well its very typical actually myself i not from the city and from a city exult well we were allowed to tell that working i decided to stay in egypt because my parents are elderly people theyre not very all but i you know what i wasnt sure at the time. Being you have to to not so i decided myself to stay to do it so its very difficult in this situation being. Far from my family being far from my parents but it was the best decision because if i could be in fact its live there is would be yes well and also how i am talking with my friends by sky were you seem to place him in every day even on weekends i used to have. Drinks before a lot and. Sundays so were trying to do this with that skype. To be honest now i meeting my neighbors that ive never met thats true so this is the only thing that i fight of the situation that we are talking to our neighbors we got through the balconies we asked to our elderly other neighbors if they need things so. Thats how you can cope livia or its go thank so much for joining us from madrid for all of us here aljazeera keep safe thank you. Still ahead here on out is there are increasing patrols in France Police crackdown on those who venture outside without a good reason. And 1000000 people out of work overnight as australia closed all nonessential businesses those stories after the break here on aljazeera. The. Helos got very warm very quickly in northern china there is still wintry weather its a long way ahead of the way now and this lack of climate is the suns got to work and weve gone past the docks so days along with a nice 20 degrees in beijing 18 so and 6 in tokyo there are at or above average and the spring rains are trying to show themselves a good scattering of pretty big suns to a big areas in china through hand northwards the southern yellow sea was showers not far as honest as they will be but far away from hong kong with the temperatures mid twentys with increasing humidity the big rains come out of china again a developed over the East China Sea is rolling into south korea eventually reach some honshu by the end of thursday yet more rain in fact where we have seen a few showers over india but the significant rain is more light we have a pakistan even northern pakistan up in towards kashmir another probably you call it a western disturbance and it wont be the last of the season otherwise a shower well scattered but more than they were a few days ago which is hardly a great surprise tempers are on the rise there 36 in that pool and about 31 in new delhi the Arabian Peninsula is dry than it was unless you happen to be down in yemen and its not. But. Every year 50000000 tonnes of electronic waste is thrown away the majority is illegally dumped in developing countries right now electronic waste is the most traded as of this with retracing the tech through the criminal organizations making big profits and asking why the west is turning a blind eye. Manmade on the waste trail on aljazeera. The war room with. Her old world. Book about youre watching aljazeera arms the whole robin her order of our top stories chinas hoop a province where the corona Virus Outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions its been under lockdown since late in january when the government shut down roads railways and ports also the Indian Government is urging hundreds of millions of people to stay home locking down the early every state domestic flights as well as people traveling into india. And soldiers in spain are found elderly patients in Retirement Homes abandoned and the worst cases that its the military was said to dismiss act homes in one of europes worst hit countries. France is entering its 2nd week of lockdown as coronavirus cases and continue to rise the french government is urging people to be more disciplined and stay indoors to stop the spread 100000 Police Officers have been deployed to enforce the restrictions the reports from. In west of 6. French Police Officers patrol the beach on the french caribbean island of guadalupe as french authorities tighten controls in their overseas territories to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Book which shows weve been through a lot in the police force whether its the bombings the yellow vests whether Something Else i never thought that one day id have to check people on the beach or ban people from swimming or Walking Around for a virus its incredible in mainland France Police of increased patrols to crack down on people who venture out on necessarily checking people on the ground and sustain them from the air and this is the latest weapon in what french president emanuel macro a school war in the coronavirus drones urging people to stay in doing so. We need to send a message to people that they shouldnt stay on the street this is about prevention not repression were not here through just a people issue fines it is to tell them to stay in your own homes. These offices of being deployed to enforce the confinement rules people may only leave home to buy food or medicines travel is allowed for essential work a permit is needed for each daws. So this is the permit it is a letter that you have to print off every time you leave the house you can hand write it as well and it gives your name and address in the reasons for you leaving the house so that could be to go food shopping or it could be to go and buy medicines but if the police stop you and check in you dont have this letter or you they can find you. And for multiple offenders that fine can be the equivalent of up to 4000. 00 u. S. Dollars and 6 months in jail. Mcgraw says that unless people are paid rules and stay home the government will impose tougher restrictions nighttime curfew have already started in a number of cities and nationwide one is being considered giving up freedoms clearly isnt easy but its coronavirus cases and deaths rapidly climb in france the government says people must accept that their actions can help save lives treasure butler aljazeera western france lawrence lee heres our correspondent joining me for london brought in all of the Broadcast Center i thought you were lawrence like a lot of the broadcast central you could have you with us again thats what the view was like. Lets just talk about sort of obviously grave situation across europe it continues to be grave on a serious note knows those numbers continue to rise. Yeah lets just just walk through the numbers to start with spain as weve been saying hes another record high yesterday whether it was 6000 new cases 514 deaths from 496 the previous day so completely going the wrong direction i mean terrible things as we as we know coming out of spain nice ring to the small producer. Was telling us america there are still people breaching the lockdown so very much of the same tricks of it silly and everyone is looking to the figures coming out of a city not to see if theyre going to go down from its peak of 796 on saturday for the 3rd day in a row the World Health Organization was saying this morning that there is what just what the describes a glimmer of hope that its only might be starting to get through the absolute worst of this but obviously terrible terrible costs on the other sides youve got germany another 4. 00 and a half hours in cases in germany and yet only 28. 00 deaths for the robocall institute so a completely different ratio of the number of cases to 2 its of the mortality there still trying to work out in germany why theyve been so successful whether its so much testing whether people are best keeping apart from each other that in some of the countries but i think particularly if theres going to be a 2nd wave at some point and it isnt. It isnt got rid of completely in europe i think germany is going to be key to figuring out what best practice looks like in future indeed and closer to home where you are in the u. K. Huge moves on a monday evening waiting to spread to stem the spread of the virus now and people waking up to a new reality that the country hasnt seen for decades. Well no but its only the same as everywhere else so you know brits i think you know they have any reason to feel hard done by and indeed there was a poll this morning for polio in additional you gov that suggests that Boris Johnsons announcement last night that huge numbers of television news. About 93 percent of the population and so based on that even though you can still see that she trains in london being of the crowded this morning theres theres a general sense that people recognize whats happened on the continent and the the ease in this country even though they seem to move relatively late compared to other places its still sufficiently early to take a base of pressure off the Health Service in the void those 2 terrible spikes in cases that have been have been seen. In spain and italy the police here are very keen to say they dont want to go down the road of fines and force months and all those sorts of things you know in fun 500 euros for using a pastry in the dark that the point that theyre making which i think is really well made is that the subpoena amounts of pay oppression attached to this and people are saying to each other youre not going out and almost a community starting to self police if this is going to work for the moment lawrence lee thanks very much for joining us from london. Well in the u. S. President gul trump says hes considering how businesses are to reopen a soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections and politicians on monday again failed to pass a trillion dollar bill to stimulate the economy auditor castro reports. The streets of manhattan are empty reminiscent of the days after 911 but within new yorks hospitals doctors say theyre under siege the number of cases across the country has soared we dont get control of this in the next 2 to 3 weeks our Hospital System to be overwhelmed under mounting pressure from state governors President Trump says his administration has shipped 8000000 respirator masks hes also signed an executive order to prevent the hoarding of critical medical supplies but if you are sitting on add on a warehouse with masks. Surgical masks you will be carrying a knock on your door for more than 100000 americans are under orders to stay home despite the growing number of cases trump says he hopes to reopen the country soon were not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem started out as a purely medical problem and its not going to go beyond that just not going to allow that to happen meanwhile Congress Remains at a stalemate over a nearly 2 trillion dollar economic rescue package the republican plan stalled by Senate Democrats the bill still includes something that most americans dont want to see. Large corporate bailouts with no most no Strings Attached the government is also fast tracking experimental drug treatments one endorsed by President Trump as a possible game changer against the corona virus has not been a proven effective in a clinical setting and in arizona man who self medicated with a drug to treat his corona virus has died heidi joe castro aljazeera maryland. Well the closure of many nonessential business is no stranger to an estimated 1000000 people losing their jobs over night from sydney reports. This is now the new normal in australias biggest city locked up shops empty restaurants and streets businesses that are usually filled with paying customers are closed or near empty as more people so far so light and cities go into lockdown the closure of many nonessential businesses in australia like pubs and cinemas led to an estimated 1000000. 00 people losing their jobs over the night and its small and medium sized businesses that a bearing the brunt of this economic crisis stephen spade runs sydneys oldest pub which is now closed hes just laid off 45. 00 workers and doesnt know how hell pay the bills without more government intervention. Still you know still i mean were still paying for palestine were going to take our future i should running weve had the high now of the scene stuff as well long queues of newly jobless people a snaking around city blocks all facing an uncertain future and in need of financial help in terms of finances the rug has been literally pulled out from underneath us for somebody like may there is no. Possibility of any work coming forward until productions start up again while theres a lot of uncertainty around how long this help profitable loft the big question is whether through all businesses will be able to weather the storm until then especially with a global recession now i very real prospect. Governments across the world are targeting Small Businesses with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans tax breaks and regulatory relief but many are questioning whether the measures will be enough to soften the blow especially with experts predicting unemployment rates of well over 10 percent. In developed nations where expecting this shock to manifest itself in unemployment going well through 10 percent a typical level of a modern recession towards 20 percent very quickly that is mass unemployment the likes of which we havent seen since the Great Depression as the number of coronavirus cases grows so too with the shutdowns and social distancing measures right now many of those out of work are finding it hard to know what will happen next gage aljazeera sydney. We want you all to 0 with me still rather a reminder of our top news stories chinas hu province where the coronaVirus Outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions its been under lockdown since late january when the government shut down roads railways and airports the Indian Government is urging hundreds of millions of people to stay home locking down nearly every state domestic flights in our band has well as people traveling into india soldiers in spain have found elderly patients in Retirement Homes abandoned and in worst cases dead in their beds the military was sent to disinfect care homes in one of europes worst hit countries spains defense minister says the government will come down hard on Retirement Homes found guilty speculate mentality and i know the majority are fulfilling their duties they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of their visits to the care centers has seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds so the number of deaths in italy where the death toll has passed 6000 has declined for a 2nd straight day the u. K. Has now joined the countries under lockdown itll be in place for the next 3 weeks. France is entering a 2nd week of lockdown coronavirus cases and deaths continue to rise the french government is urging people to be more disciplined and stay indoors to stop the spread 100000 Police Officers have been deployed to enforce the restrictions us President Donald Trump says hes considering how the country can reopen for business as soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections on monday u. S. Politicians again failed to pass a trillion dollar stimulus package and the closure of many nonessential businesses in australia has led to an estimated 1000000 people losing their jobs overnight the government is scrambling to provide financial help but experts warn that many businesses wont recover from the crisis and zimbabwe has reported its 1st death from the pandemic just days after confirming the 1st cases in the country the government has closed schools and large gatherings but there are concerns about its ability to handle the outbreak and you can follow those stories on our website at aljazeera dot com obviously the coronavirus globally is what were reporting and well continue to update that for you throughout the day thats news so far more than half an hour next on aljazeera is inside story with Bernard Smith. Test every case the World Health Organization says its crucial in the fight against the corona virus pandemic but only a few countries are conducting widespread testing so what are the challenges and how can they be overcome this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program im Bernard Smith isolate test and trace thats the urgent message from the World Health Organization to combine

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