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A 2nd wave of corona virus infections does not take all. And we report from india where a lockdown made this a large the size and some to. Follow for the 1st time in days in these daily death toll from coronavirus has fallen but still more than 650 people died there in the past 24 hours Prime Minister just up a continent says the pandemic which has claimed the lives of nearly 5 and a half 1000 people in italy is the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 and spain will now extend its data from urgency for a further 15 days 10 percent of all cases there have been Health Workers germany is banning public gatherings of more than 2 people and the chancellor Angela Merkel will be isolated after being in contact with an infected doctor while in colombia at least 23 were killed in a prison riot caused by coronavirus panic visitors have been banned from colombias prisons in an effort to stop the spread well its been another busy day with developments across the globe for which allan spigots our coverage. It is a mark of the severity of italys situation when its latest coronavirus daily death toll can be viewed as good news 651. 00 new fatalities more than anywhere else in the world but still fewer than the nearly 800 italian dead announced on saturday. Unfortunately today again we register a death toll of 651 people numbers are lower than what we reported yesterday but we must not lower our guard. Prime minister koizumi is calling it the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 all nonessential businesses are being shut for the time being russia is dispatching congo planes of military medical aid to italy. Germany is banning gatherings in public of more than 2 people and chancellor Angela Merkel is in quarantine after contact with an infected doctor. Spain the state of emergency is being extended till april 11th after the governments announced nearly 400 new coronavirus deaths and the pandemic appears to be taking a particularly high toll on Health Workers. But another figure that is what Morning Hours on the one that is affecting the most people involved in the Crisis Response is the number of Health Care Professionals affected. These are 3475. 00 and it represents 10 percent of all cases and. Greece with more than 600 firm cases is to impose a curfew on monday in the United Kingdom as you can see its quiet but there are still people out on the streets and thats because even though the government to shut down many businesses its advice to stay inside and socially distance yourself at the moment fall short of an outright order but Boris Johnson is hinting that if people continue to ignore this tougher measures could follow i take this is vice seriously follow it because its absolutely crucial and as ive said throughout this process we will keep the implementation of these measures under constant review and yes of course we will bring forward further measures if we think that is that is necessary the u. K. With 281 deaths could be just 2 or 3 weeks behind italy says the Prime Minister. Al jazeera london. At least 23 people were killed when a riot broke out in a colombian prison spurred on by panic over the corona virus 83 others were injured during the unrest at a jail in the capital bogota its the latest in a number of prison riots across the country with many fearing an outbreak behind bars visitors have been stopped from entering all prisons to try to stop the spreads and asunder and kitty is in bogota and he says there are concerns across latin america about countries abilities to manage the outbreak. The minister of justice confirmed that 23. 00 inmates died there and another 83. 00 were injured during these overnight riots at the modelo prison the main man prison in the capital of colombia bogota also that sent in Prison Guards were injured 2 of them are in Critical Condition these prisons are overcrowded the cemetery conditions are very bad then this could explain why people there are so worried so concerned of the possibility of out break of coronavirus inside the prisons however the colombian government is insisting that there are no cases there in any of these prisons at the at this point so it also tells us that tensions are rising aim colombe as bogota is going through is 3rd day of a lockdown before a nationwide choir in teen will begin on wednesday look almost all the countries are taking measures on the sinai daily bases the latest one on sunday was believed. And now its a nationwide quarantine for 2 weeks starting this evening also the state of sound following brazil will also go on shutdown for another 2 weeks but most countries are saying look the situation here is that this is not europe is not the United States Health Services are limited we cannot have the same kind of scenario that were seeing playing out for example in italy in the united in the past few minutes the president of the United States President Trump has been giving his daily News Conference on the coronavirus heres what he had to say. Critical in americans continue to follow the federal governments guidelines showing border. About social distancing nonessential travel and handwashing. Defeating this unseen enemy requires the help and commitment of every single american and in the United States where one in 5 people are now under lockdown new yorks mayor says the city has more than 8000 confirmed cases of coronavirus officials in the hardest hit areas are warning of major shortages of critical medical supplies as the virus continues to spread through all 50 states there are now more than 27000 confirmed cases in america and at least 340 deaths lets get an update from castro she is joining us from maryland so have these numbers changed at all heidi and what more did the president have to say a few moments ago. He did bring the latest numbers that ive seen from Johns Hopkins university is that the total number of confirmed cases in the United States tops 32000. 00 so that puts the us now only 3rd as far as how the order of countries of how many how many cases are in each country which is just behind china and italy as far as President Trumps response he continues to give his briefing right now but he says that he is a has deployed more federal supplies to the states of new york california and washington that within 48 hours those states should be receiving these. Deliveries of masks and respirators and other medical supply shortages that weve heard the doctors and nurses complain about issuing warnings that theyve had to go to Hardware Stores war go on social media begging for donations just to give through the current number of patients and of course the expected peak of the coronavirus in the United States is still many many weeks away so theyre all projecting that this will be much worse before it gets better as far as the number of deaths in this country that has already been a 400 across the country year with as you say one in 5 americans now under orders to shelter in place of this unprecedented response to a pandemic and the President Trump again it taking criticism from some state governors mostly democrats who say that he did not take Decisive Action in the beginning of this crisis that he should have had more preparation and that theyre still waiting for him to take a more definitive leadership role in forcing companies to use the defense protective act to. Manufacture more of these masts and other equipment that isnt so dire need at this moment yeah maybe just very briefly where do things stones on the economic rescue package. Well thats still being discussed in Congress Democrats and republicans apparently in negotiations with both sides hoping to come to an agreement within the hour this would inject more than a trillion dollars into the u. S. Economy with possibly checks to the average american and also a rescue package for Small Businesses and assistance to states in their Public Health response but really underscoring how urgent the crisis is now an additional member of congress has announced that he too has received a positive test this being rand paul the republican senator from kentucky along with 2 other members of the house all right heidi appreciate it thank you for that update from marylands more than a 1000000000 indians have been asked to stay indoors during a daytime nationwide curfew with a number of cases raising every Day Health Care Officials Say the country is now at a critical stage elizabeth purana has more from the capitol. In a city of nearly 20000000 people the streets of delhi were practically empty on sunday and it was a similar picture around the country but most people understanding the need for the lockdown. This curfew that has been imposed by the federal government in every state is good because in maharashtra in mumbai the case is increasing fast. On normal days this area is bustling in every league crowded but everyone is understood important and is taking care of themselves but if anyone is coming out we are telling them to follow their nutritional information and take a half way through sunday the government announced it will extend the curfew in the 75 districts with confirmed cases including in the capital new delhi. Or metroid passenger trains and interstate buses have cancelled this service is until the end of the month places of worship closed their doors those in charge of Indias Health care system say the country is at a critical stage we are apprehensive about an escalation of the epidemic but on full guard trying to prevent further injury from our side as well as containment as quickly as possible within the country no International Commercial flights are allowed to land in india and to the 29th of march after performing the least number of tests among the affected countries which was increasing concerns that could be leaving many cases undetected the Indian Government has expanded its criteria and brought in private hospitals to double the number of Testing Centers from around 50 to 100. People around the country broke the silence on sunday evening by coming out on their balconies to show their appreciation for Health Care Workers it was a moment of unity and supporters the Government Faces the challenging task of limiting the spread of a country with the worlds 2nd biggest population and is a problem al jazeera new delhi still. Come on aljazeera the worrying rising coronavirus cases across the yeah frickin continents countries begin taking drastic action and. Sit on the pavement. From coldplay to life play the musicians try to lift spirits around the world. But. I would still go some place in places of shabby right across all possible straight us we should do the wet season continuing well whether theyre just around the Cape York Peninsula but for much of all its fine in trial of a few showers just around the east coast of New South Wales pushing up towards the Sunshine Coast burst but 20 celsius last a fine and 5 victoria laurie fine and dry as well but 10 degrees colder in melbourne at around 80 degrees or some rain pushing across South Australia just teasing out of the malabar well see some fighting dry weather over towards that western side of the country perth around 34. 00 degrees celsius that rain that we do have just around South Australia could be have enough to produce some localized flooding for a time to study something to watch out for still a few showers there just around the east side of the south wales and into wards queensland as well weve had some showers to some of the wintry data just making the way across across japan pulling out of the way the bright skies now coming back in behind what is woman that has been recently 17 celsius the top temperature there for tokyo and also for a saka so i wanted to choose day it cools off a little a few showers still in place fondant rather cross the Korean Peninsula but some west of where the central and southern parts of china. Perception is validation we believe what we see but in one life time we cannot see everything that we would life if you and he experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. Of that testimony we would you know value. With this documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. Over. And over again the top stories on aljazeera italys Prime Minister says the coronavirus pandemic is the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 another 651 people died there on sunday and spain will extend its state of emergency for a further 15 days and germany will ban public gatherings of more than 2 and. At least 23 people were killed when a riot broke out in a colombian president spurred on by panic over to corona virus 83 others were injured during the unrest at a german the capital bogota. More than a 1000000000 indians have been asked to stay indoors during the daytime nationwide curfew with a number of cases rising every Day Health Care Officials Say the country is now at a critical stage. In asia the number for infections and deaths are still rising but most of the new cases are said to be a quarter not locally transmitted thailand has now reported its largest daily increase with just under 200 new cases taking the total to nearly 600. 00 the figure holland has this update from hong kong. This is what it looked like during bangkoks 1st day of a partial shutdown its normally buzzing shopping areas and commercial centers fell silent in line with government orders to close malts restaurants and schools for 3 weeks thailand has so far resisted the severe lockdown measures imposed in other parts of asia but finally gave in after a spike in corona virus infections this week has been one of them i want the government to implement more intensified measures still not addressing the right thing us part of the more still open so people still are in about. Infections in thailand by 30 percent on sunday its biggest jump so far taking the number of cases to nearly 600 the Health Ministry says most of the new infections are linked to boxing match which had thousands of spectators earlier this month and the fires is spreading because mostly young people are not heeding calls to stay at home until recently thailand had managed to contain the outbreak by tightening its border controls early on from the beginning of the year the government bans anyone are arriving from high risk areas and starting from sunday anyone who visits must present a health certificate. Its a measure that other countries in the region are now just catching up to cases in singapore doubled this week to more than 430. 00 mainly due to travelers from abroad the Health Ministry says 80 percent of cases in the past 3 days were imported so from tuesday the government will block short term visitors and transit passengers only residents and citizens will be allowed through and they will have to face a 14 day mandatory quarantine china is facing similar problems all the new infections over the past 3 days came from overseas but on sunday a new development. 45 new confirmed cases imported from abroad were reported. On march 21 there was one new confirmed domestic. That may have been too close contact with an imported. Chinese officials fear cases from overseas made night the crisis again in response authorities there have tightened border restrictions from monday all International Flights to beijing will be diverted to other cities where passengers will be screened for the virus before getting back on the flight to the capital where they will spend 2 weeks in quarantine all travelers into hong kong too will be tested the city has experienced an unprecedented surge in the past week recording 44 new cases on sunday bringing its total past 300. 00 hong kongs chief executive says the situation here is at a critical moment with both locally transmitted and imported cases rising daily after relaxing social distancing measures earlier this month the government is once again telling people to work from home limiting Government Services postponing exams and warning that schools may remain shut for much longer the bigger pollen are jazeera hong kong. Well the financial fallout from the virus is growing with more airline suffering as demand plummets emirates one of the worlds biggest carriers is suspending most passenger flights from wednesday keeping on a small number of destinations jobs wont be lost but staff do face pay cuts Turkish Airlines also halting almost all of its International Flights an Army Helicopters are being used in lebanon to spread the stay at home message they circled over cities across the country with safety messages being sent out from loudspeakers lebanons borders ports on airports have been shut until the end of the month it has 248. 00 cases of coronavirus and 4 deaths. The World Health Organization has warned african countries to prepare for the worst more than 1000 people have been diagnosed with the corona virus in 42 countries across the continent. Takes a look at how some nations are responding. Until recently most countries in africa have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic now cases are rising across the continent many countries like south africa taking similar precautions as the rest of the world cancelling International Flights closing schools and land borders. In nigeria africas most populous nation of nearly 200000000 people schools have shot and theres a limit to religious gatherings you can see the. Most to be looked up to the one 3rd of the noble congregation. To look into the people to understand the stories mauritanias normally busy capital is quiet with authorities imposing a nighttime curfew to encourage social distancing. Nations like the democratic republic of congo have dealt with a Health Crisis before the most recent Ebola Outbreak that killed thousands of people this time its president is taking no chances calling for bars and restaurants to close but casual workers who dont and a lot may lose their jobs. But no customers come today and theres no point in sitting tables the ban on International Travel and Sports Events is affecting people in zimbabwe punters here say with sports games canceled fewer people are turning up to betting houses and Street Vendors in this township say they have no choice but to work some are worried about what is to come. There are typhoid in the past and struggles to overcome. Our 3. Im not. Prepared for this with more than 20 cases reported in cameroon hospital staff in douala are preparing for the worst. And demand for Hand Sanitizer is growing but despite measures put in place to limit large crowds. Some streets are still busy cameroonians are calling for tougher controls. The government must take tough action against people im a shopkeeper and i respect the standards to try to keep things clean and avoid big markets. In kenya Health Workers have been disinfecting local markets but the World Health Organization says african countries need to do more to enhance their capacity to detect the virus early isolates and track patients were he to mohammed al jazeera. And other news of these 10 people have died as violence continued to mark controversial referendum and parliamentary election in guinea halls of close in a vote on a constitutional change that opponents think would let president out of conde stay in Office Despite nearing the end of his torture of limits at least 2 m. P. s were arrested before sundays election there were several attacks on polling sites and some were unable to open on time for the vote. A strong earthquake has struck causing widespread damage and panic a 15 year old was reported to be in Critical Condition and 16 others injured it all comes during a partial coronavirus lockdown zeros in marin a brick hollow has more. Several earthquakes hit the capital of croatia the city o. Zagreb but the strongest one was at 6 23 am with the epicenter 7 kilometers northwest of the capital city of zagreb after the earthquake which lasted 10 seconds the people in panic ran away on the streets. Gratian government also the creation president and the mayor of the capital city zagreb killed in a merger. And they told the people not to panic currently the creation army by a part this and police are cleaning up of the streets some of the buildings are damaged especially in the city centers and doctors are fighting to save the life of a 15 year old brute person who is in Critical Condition also this comes in a situation where where is also the coronavirus epidemic droit so people are told if they are staying outside they should have at least 2 meters distance from each other not to not to make more even a problem with the spread of the corona virus. There are unconfirmed reports that Syrian Government forces have withdrawn from a strategic town on syrias border with turkey this video such show syrian troops pulling out of co bani local sources told aljazeera 20 tanks and several vehicles left the area Syrian Forces seized the kurdish town last october as tensions with turkey increased. Qatar in the u. S. Have facilitated the 1st direct talks between the Afghan Government and the taliban on a prisoner swap the qatar foreign Ministry Says all parties emphasize their commitment to reduce tension and resume talks in the next few days last month washington and the taliban signed a deal in that ending the 18 years of war the agreement included the release of 5000. 00 taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government in exchange for a 1000 Afghan Security forces personnel held by the taliban. With hundreds of millions of people around the world forced to stay indoors entertainers especially musicians are finding it tough to reach the masses so theyre going online hoping their melodies can ease the pressure if isolation rosin jordan has the story. At a tell him of contagion and physical isolation the. Musicians who thrive on the energy of the crowd are feeding that energy back to the social media hi my name is chris is this on chris martin of coldplay raising money for the w h os Global Pandemic fund so i thought what would be nice to check in with some of you out there and see how youre doing and where you was and what i could do for you. The famous pop stars such as pink. And a local favorites Like Washington d. C. Is just untrue and are reaching out mainly because they want to ease peoples minds you know were going to the Grocery Store and people are people are fighting over you know the last remove toilet paper people are a little bit more worked up and they are normally in life. Perhaps the most inspirational. The ordinary women and men taking to their balcony. And to their sidewalks to enjoy a melody or 2 of course at a safe distance. Is a professor who studies and practices Music Therapy she says music helps people feel sick and in control jerry writes. Given the things we need to relate with each other we use eco nuts to make sense of. So seeing this neat this immediacy and this need to activate and ignite our artistic beings as a way of coming together. John lodge and followed her place chris martin to the online stage to help raise money for covert 19 really i think somewhat her question is actually a guest on my twitter its a good so honest its by Stevie Wonder called loves in the. Stretching hands and voices beyond the stage to soothe a worried and anxious world i hope. There will. Be a. Slow in jordan aljazeera washington. And for a. While many people around the world are living under heavy restrictions at the moment including on the Spanish Island of majorca where the local police subban trying to lighten the mood while on patrol. Good. Cause. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera italy is Prime Minister says the coronavirus pandemic is the countrys toughest crisis since world war 2 another 651 people died there on sunday and spain will extend its state of emergency for a further 15 days germany will ban public gatherings of more than 2 people while chancellor Angela Merkel will enter self isolation after coming into contact with an infected doctor. Often. Being in public is permitted only with people from the same household always one other person who does not live in the same household at least 23 people were killed when a riot broke out in a colombian prison spurred on by panic over the corona virus 83 others were injured during the on rest at a jail in the capital bogota its the latest in a string of prison riots across the country with many fearing an outbreak behind bars. More than a 1000000000 indians have been asked to stay indoors during a daytime nationwide curfew with the number of cases rising every Day Health Care Officials Say the country is now at a critical stage all metro passenger trains and interstate buses have cancelled their services until the end of the month. The financial fallout from the virus is growing with more airline suffering as demand poets emirates one of the worlds biggest carrier is suspending most passenger flights from wednesday keeping on a small number of destinations jobs will be lost but stuff face pay cuts and Turkish Airlines is also halting almost all of its International Flights in the u. S. Where one in 5 people is under lockdown new yorks mayor says the city has more than 8000 confirmed cases of coronavirus officials in the hardest hit areas are warning of major shortages of critical medical supplies as the virus continues to spread through all 50 states and Army Helicopters are being used in lebanon to spread the stay home message they circled over cities across the country with safety messages being sent out from loudspeakers lebanon has 248 infections of coronavirus and 4 deaths. Thanks for watching aljazeera up next is witness meeting finlands iron grandpa then to the news in less than 30 minutes time thanks very much for watching but i. As the world battles the coronavirus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the wilds. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Coronavirus pandemic special coverage on aljazeera. See. The im sure. Were. Going to leave you. To the border

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