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Crisis is impacting mexicos lucrative Tourism Industry. Its also coping with the pandemic how to protect your Mental Health by practicing social distancing. Its 1600 g. M. T. Lets bring you the latest on the Coronavirus Crisis nations around the world are imposing more unprecedented measures by the day to reduce the number of infections vietnam is barring entry to all following those starting on sunday pakistan is suspending all International Flights for 2 weeks and finland and bosnia have reported their 1st deaths now weve got 2 correspondents on the story this hour in the u. S. Where more states are imposing lockdowns were going to be speaking to john hendren in chicago and as more European Countries report new infections the u. K. Is also seeing tighter restrictions lets go to john hall 1st in london jonah we have these new numbers from europe and we are seeing these tougher restrictions whats been happening. Here you catch us here in the u. K. Just 24 hours or so after virus jumps in the british Prime Minister introduced. Greatest intervention if in all time by the government into the way people live their lives here the way that business and economy and the economy runs in an effort to try and stem the infection rate and also to the whole of the possibility of a colossal depression when all of this is over so as of midnight friday night the entire hospitality in attainment sector here in britain was ordered by the government to shut down thats everything from us and restaurants to theatres cinemas health clubs jews Leisure Centers and so on that its going to practice now people coming to grips with these enormous changes in the way that theyre going to live their lives here and itll be sometime i think before we have a full understanding of whether thats all being taken up efficiently across the country where there might be gaps where there might be people flouting those new rules 2 points to make here. Is that a wave of panic buying over the last week in 6 months that seems supermarket shelves do need of goods has been addressed by the supermarket to distribute the senate there is no shortage of food here supply chains it just fire and the problem is oversight demar more than a 1000000000. 00 worth of food extra food in households in britain and there ordinarily would be limited use stop doing it dont panic buying by only what you need us and if you go around the other big source of concern has been the preparedness of the Health Sector the National Health service here for what is expected to be a rapidly increasing wave of infections sort of the peak of the epidemic here shortages of personal Protection Equipment i. C. U. Been spent where it is the same sort of that weve seen elsewhere although more acute to britain because of a decade of cuts with the big announcement by the government in the last hours of a recent unprecedented deal. Private sector Industry Private hospitals essentially giving themselves over to the National Health so it is not for free but not for profit either that is going to free up a lot of additional capacity Something Like 20000. 00 extra staff a 1000 beds as well andrew dental it is which is at least some cause for parking lot of them as we look pretty sharply picture of the day he said i dont know thats just why not a little bit and look at europe if we can particularly italy im just saying on the Wire Services at the moment that the coronavirus death toll in the worst affected Italian Region lumber of the rises by 546 in the past 24 hours to 3095 now my understanding is lombardi is actually a very wealthy area the Health Services there are very effective obviously this is going to be very concerning not just for italy but of course across europe as well. Yes the north of italy is considered to be more wealthy than the south of course its been the Financial Center it is the epicenter of the outbreak it hit here and a big concern for the government in italy is the extent to which these infections and move south towards much poorer areas of italy that new figure you mentioned theyre pretty high over 500. 00 the last 24 hours the previous 24 hours was 600 72. 00 well higher than that and i recall it in the course of this entire crisis bear in mind that at the height of the crisis it would happen in china the highest single day death toll there was and 50 that gives you some idea of the sort of crisis and the scope of the crisis that italy is still facing 2 weeks after major restrictions on the freedom of movement were introduced and already there are concerns by the government there are people beginning to pull out those restrictions which of course gives rise to the specter that will face every government as they try and tempt out the way people live their lives the way people move how sustainable is it al along could you force people to remain indoors the other big country coming up the track behind italy is staying 5000 extra infections in a 24 hour period more than 300 deaths in a 24 hour period the last 24 hours there never one week into their restrictive measures and the officials in spain are saying look we expect the numbers to go up and to keep going up possibly for another week or 2 before you begin to see whether these measures are having any effect its all done a lot for us in london donna thanks very much indeed. Well as we mentioned more u. S. States are establishing unprecedented lock down rules telling tens of millions of americans to stay at home new york illinois in connecticut followed california in rolling out sweeping measures that means all but essential businesses are going to be closed and that people should only leave their homes to go to the supermarket pharmacy or to the gas station where john hendren is joining us live from chicago john i want to talk about the economy 1st of all can you give us an update on what the u. S. Government is doing to try to make up for the economic fallout from this pandemic. Well congress is negotiating a trillion dollar bailout bill and if youre a Big Corporation like mcdonalds or an airline you are likely to get direct assistance from the government under this particular bill if youre a Small Business youre likely to get an offer of loans that you would have to repay however if you are a citizen youd be much better off living in the u. K. There is not a Generous Program being offered here at least not currently this bill hasnt been totally negotiated and negotiators are are talking about it still today on saturday but you could get up to 1200. 00 a month that is for people making up to 75000 and interestingly if youre particularly poor and dont pay taxes you only get 600. 00 a month that brings you to about the Poverty Level at the federal Poverty Level here in the United States was not a Generous Program nothing like what you are seeing in the u. K. A lot of democrats are trying to change those numbers that is from the Republican Senate the democrats were in the house in those 2 houses will have to negotiate this bill ultimately but the bottom line is there will apparently be there is a general agreement that there will be bailouts for businesses there is some concern that after the financial crisis of 20089 a lot of companies simply bought back their own stock to increase its value get bonuses to the executives and democrats have said they dont want that in President Trump has said he doesnt want that will see what his allies on capitol hill do dont millions of people in the u. S. Being told to stay at home of course youre one of them because youre speaking to us from there whats happening. Thats right this is what lockdown looks like here at least in illinois right now and one in 5 americans is under lockdown about 75000 im sorry 75000000 of the 350000000 americans is on lockdown but by the end of the day we expect new jersey to join that thatll bring it to about 83000000. 00 thats close to one in 4 americans who will be essentially on lockdown now the way it works here in illinois is youre supposed to stay home but you can go for a walk hike you can walk your dog you can go to the supermarket the pharmacy or the gas station but youre supposed to keep a social distance of about 6 feet from people most of those stores are open for abbreviated hours interestingly Liquor Stores are actually considered essential services here as media as it would be able to do our job but for most people are staying in their homes and theyre not really going out very much and the idea is as an epidemiologist for the state of illinois said. That the people weve been seeing in the new those who are sick now are the people who got sick a week ago and that many of the people that were seeing out in society could be transmitting the disease because they dont yet know that they are sick and thats the purpose of this lockdown the governor of new york andrew cuomo said in a News Conference just a few minutes ago that theyre having a problem with young people in particular and weve seen this on beaches in florida where people have gone out and there is still partying there theyre gathering in large groups and the governors message in new york was stop doing that he said youre not superman you can get this virus and more importantly you can spread it to the vulnerable populations for whom there could be very Serious Health consequences john hendren reporting to us from our chicago john thank you very much being. Well its important to remind ourselves that the vast majority of people who contract covered 19 do recover we spoke to one such patient in iran who says getting sick was a traumatic experience and over the cell and also about 3 weeks ago i had shortness of breath i couldnt breathe i just thought it was because of a cold i even visited a doctor who said it was nothing important and prescribe some simple medicine as shortness of breath continued i visited a doctor on march 2nd and he noticed that my blood oxygen level was much lower than normal he sent me to a hospital emergency situation i was examined and had a chest x. Ray then in the lab after i was tested they looked to be afraid of me i was told that i was probably tested positive is all you can kill your of course i was fearful it was a strange fear for me i am an optimistic person in general the feeling when i entered the hospital 6 and where patients were waiting to be divided into rooms anxiety was running high in the ear some were coughing strangely some were screaming when you suddenly faced something that youve heard about much in the news and the fake news on social media that creates fear inside you then you feel all you hoped for and thought about suddenly are raised to the ground or despite the rising number of deaths in infections irans leaders says he may lift the restrictions in 3 weeks simba striving is in tehran. Since the beginning of this outbreak for the iranian government there have been 2 Major Concerns the Economic Health of the country keeping in mind this is a country that has been debilitated financially by american sanctions for years now and the 2nd consideration has been for the government a public that has lost patience with it a public that sees it as relatively speaking unpopular so really the president here d trying to strike a balance between addressing this Public Health crisis and maintaining the economic stability of the country Going Forward and maintaining the social political stability remember this is a country that has lost patience with its own government over a series of crises that the countrys experienced in the last few months and this is also a president who in one of his 1st appearances since the outbreak was announced in the country came on state television spoke to the iranian people and said that in his estimation the outbreak would be over in a matter of 3 days now that was weeks ago having said that the latest figures might suggest some reason for cautious optimism let me give you what the latest numbers are from the Health Ministry in the last 24 hours the new number of cases is 966 down from 24 hours previous and the new number of deaths is 123 down from 24 hours previous still very large numbers still striking figures in terms of the spread of this virus but this does indicate a relative downward trend still ahead and al jazeera we speak to an aljazeera colleague about life under lockdown in chinas hu bay province. And worried that afghan refugees returning home from iran could be bringing the virus back with them. You. Know iraq has broken out of a prison in northern sri lanka and mates at the jail in the city of port are angry that those suspected of carrying the virus are still being kept in the prisons hospital sri lankas government imposed a nationwide 60 hour curfew starting from friday that have so far in 65 cases 26 of them had returned from italy well lets speak to me now from london whos in the capital of colombo shes joining us on skype mel give us an educational thought happened and is there anywhere the patients could go. Basically robe what happened was him but this isnt a the North Central part of the country in honor of the proto had been sort of having issues over the last couple of days tension had been building with a suspected case of corona virus within the prison population and there was a lot of concern that this particular image of the all the suspect is the kind of out of station had not been moved out of sight so things had been bubbling and then reached ahead from the reports were hearing during the course of the day today there was a sort of a faceoff between the prison authorities and prisoner reports indicating that prisoners had busted out of some of that so some of them had sort of got on top of the roof of the prison and there was sort of chaos reigning in the prison obviously the special sauce was being called in according to some reports that we heard and that obviously had been some shooting that had taken place obviously to bring the situation on the controls and within all of the meal a were hearing that one prisoner was killed and up to 3 of the had been injured drub so obviously tensions are high throughout the country given the sort of fears with the coronavirus we are on and an island wide curfew that was declared dead at 6 pm on friday evening right throughout to monday but basically were now hearing that in most parts of the country that curfew will be lifted on monday but there was to be 3 districts where the curfew will be reimposed including the capital colombo but the rise again is an indication of the level of tension a fit and concern with regards to the spread of the coronavirus robe miguel thank you very much indeed. In Asia Thailand reported more than 809 new cases the biggest daily jump in the number of infections so far taking its total to 411 in singapore its recorded its 1st 2 deaths from the virus to view gopalan reports from hong kong where she says the government there is stepping up measures to stop the rise. Soldiers on the streets of the thai capital taking up the battle against a growing number of crew in a virus cases thailand reported its biggest single day jump in infections led by those who attended a boxing match at an Entertainment Complex earlier this month. Around 5000 people were among the crowds and have since dispersed across the country the whole way there was news about other people from the boxing circle was sick they do news was headlining all over the place and i was stressed as i realized i might have it as i have never felt any of these symptoms before. The spike increases the number of infections by 25 percent taking the total past the 400 mark from the start of the year thailand has been vigilant in trying to keep high risk visitors out of its borders its a tough call for a country which relies on tourism and now another setback to its economy as the government imposes a partial shutdown of its capital singapore also reached a grim milestone with the announcement of its 1st 2 coronavirus fatalities on saturday theres been a surge in cases this week but the Health Minister was quick to reassure the nation i know singaporeans will be worried and anxious we must stick our reach and not give in to office we have announced a series of save distancing measures yesterday and all to thats a sort of precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe. In south korea a slowdown in infection rates this week proved short lived with 147 new cases reported on saturday south korea is still the 2nd most affected country in asia behind china its rate of infection is significantly down from the peak at the end of last month but Public Health officials warned that any recovery remained fragile and cluster infections could still emerge and theres hung that he may feel that the Current Situation has improved a lot compared to the past but we continue to see Group Infections in flow from Foreign Countries i myself breaks at various work places. South korea has been fighting the virus through widespread testing without resorting to the lock downs. Heavy restrictions of movement which helped china contain the spread of life in china is slowly returning to normal after reporting no new local infections for the 3rd day but the authorities have warned that imported cases have risen by more than 200 percent this week with an increase of dozens daily all from overseas the government is taking measures to screen and quarantine passengers arriving into the country many of them students from europe or the United States hong kong had managed to prevent a rise in cases even at the peak of the outbreak in china but the city is now facing a surge in infections with a number of cases more than doubling in a week the rice was mostly due to residents returning from overseas but the government is highlighting another issue people in hong kong have been vigilant from the start on the streets and in Public Places its hard to find someone thats not wearing a face mask but after months of taking precautions taken away from crowds and social distancing many are now dropping their guard and that the government says is the biggest risk to the city and the main reason theyre expecting a 2nd wave of infections pollen are jazeera Hong Kong Hong kong is an aljazeera cameraman in chinas horbury province they went home 2 days before restrictions were put in place on january the 23rd hes been in quarantine ever since he says life has changed considerably since the initial lockdown. The highway was closed the train station was closed. The community the Residential Community the compound i live was you know sealed off all the gates were sealed off just. You know manned by this Community Workers the number than cheers so basically everybody stays at home that was that was that was a real real lockdown so nobody would be able to you know get out from on these county you know the whole bay provisional government has removed the deadlocked on in the region in this province except the capital city was so basically people can move around can walk out of home can move around and go back to do a normal life so you are outside or. If you just came here and got stopped you can you can go you can go back to your own place your own provinces and to work where you but you can either go there you know buy a car you drive yourself or take these you know chartered bus you know this government arranged bus to go there. But still the activities evolving big crowds are not allowed in this county. Up to 50000000 jobs in the Global Travel and Tourism Sector added west because of the corona virus pandemic and in mexico right now the easter holidays are critical john horgan travel to the coastal town of acapulco to show us how the income of thousands is in jeopardy. Miscarry sun and sand give more than 4000000 people work its Tourism Industry is vital for the country now its under threat. Man these are years in the resort town of acapulco is wondering if this easter usually high season it will instead look like now. I mean. This is my work my family depends on it i have a wife and children who depend on me so i hope they can control the coronavirus and we have a good easter. The 1st signs are great some cancellations already magda and family here but plan to cut their holiday sure can bring out some of it yeah but not here. Were going back home tomorrow because were already nervous and seeing on the t. V. That something could happen and the truth is theres very few people here. Other famous resorts like cancun cozumel and los cabos depend on International Visitors especially from the neighboring u. S. But no cruise ships are coming from flights or down this beach or many other parts of mexico would usually be full of tourists come easter instead this time around a lot of people are going to be wondering if their jobs and their means to provide for their families are going to be able to survive this. I could pull calls taking measures spraying down buses with chlorine checking tourists they going to hotels will be it with this fall to the moment are instructions from authorities who are similarly ineffective misapply ones ordering bows to close state ones then reminding the. Restaurant owner salvatore says this is the law. Place he wants to be right now but hes got little choice. Were not a new neither and were scared too but someones got to serve the tourist because if we dont die of the virus will die of hunger instead. Some remain optimistic the acapulco room temperatures and humidity will offer protection but an i. E. D. Is not known to coronavirus is not going to arrive in a couple but on a virus just gets too cold climates and here is too hot even got a sales pitch have a look at the merchandise here in acapulco its warm come here to pass your quality. Even if its head in the sand thinking it chimes with the rest of the citys attitude to hope and hold out john home and how does it or i could pull cookie. Cutter says every effort is being made to protect its Foreign Workers during the coronavirus pandemic most of the 417. 00 factions in the gulf nation are among migrants many of whom live in labor camps theyve been quarantined as a precautionary measure in some areas cordoned off to contain the outbreak qatar has long face criticism about the treatment of Migrant Workers in the case of the Industrial Area let me assure you that the government is doing everything in its followers to support. The local residents and safeguard your health and well being extra medical services were mobilized to the area and idlers checkups are being taken and peace lets all remember that this is only a temporary period that should be over soon or later a nation wide curfews come into force in jordan people are being told to stay home unless its absolutely necessary to leave all shops across the kingdom have been ordered to close the information minister says those who violate the curfew will be jailed. To afghanistan now what at least 22 people have been diagnosed with cut on the virus but with limited checks along the border with iran with the virus is spreading rapidly Health Officials worry the number could quickly grow killer was all the reports. These refugees are back home in afghanistan their life in neighboring iran came to a standstill when the new Coronavirus Spread across the country with no jobs and a growing pandemic they decided to leave the moment because im put on my friends and i we all came back to afghanistan we left even though that we were still old months worth of unpaid salary the situation is very serious there i saw with my own eyes how people were buried in mass graves. About 3000000 afghan refugees live in iran Health Leaders now fear many of them could be bringing the virus both with them. When refusing started to come back in light february we had about 1300 people every day just yesterday we had over 13000 people we used to make that around 90000 people have returned to afghanistan voluntarily the biggest cluster of infections has been recorded in the Western Province of herat which shares a border with iran many refugees returned unchecked raising panic in nearby communities and reports emerged of infected patients fleeing hospitals modern theyve got to make out their carers are they coming back in a russian and a chaotic 2nd start says those who are infected with the virus would definitely contaminate their friends its a really serious issue for the ministry of Public Health. To try and limit infections clinics have been set up along the border stephens checking temperatures and teaching groups just how easily the virus spreads forswear one of my well water fortunately we increased our staff we are registering people depending on their provinces now we have temperature guns and we will install a scanner to check them. But with thousands of people returning from iran Health Officials fear this pandemic will spread further into afghanistan. Lucidly young al jazeera. Still ahead in aljazeera were going to take a look at how people in france are adjusting to restrictions on movement because of the pandemic. Thats already been through a cholera epidemic now the poorest country in the americas is having to confront the coronavirus. Welcome back will begin in northeastern parts of asia you see this rain moving from eastern china the yanks across the East China Sea and clipping the southern parts of japan system likely here cheri day i think for many areas but you know said pretty warm day for tokyo highs of 24 degrees celsius as you move the forecast through into monday were going to see a change of wind direction for tokyo so a big drop in temperatures for still a fair amount of dry weather at times and a lighter rain across more southern parts of china all that just towards the coast we could see a pepping up here in the course of the Day Hong Kong should be largely draw and fine with temperatures of 26. 00 degrees a few showers likely into northern parts of vietnam into Southeast Asia looking pretty wet across at the moment so i sort of course a sunday some heavy showers here a few showers to singapore in kuala lumpur. About general though southwest will see some heavy downpours and so the ways it looks to be pretty wet at times into south asia through the course of sunday some showers across eastern parts of india up into the poor through towards bangladesh otherwise the draw i just wanted to show us in the south and then as we head on through sunday into monday will see a rain developing across parts of pakistan but still staying dry night poor guys of 37. London broker to special guests in conversation people think that racism is having personal vitriol towards black people and theres no understanding of what systemic racism is unprompted uninterrupted success comes with opposition if youre not. For her. There is not a family in britain i believe that has not been touched by empire be unscripted on aljazeera when the news breaks down for started with the ins and getting what is going to presentation and economic development. When people need to be heard the top leadership world where the potential to ferret feel the virus weeks before the public told of those dangers aljazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continue such plans to close the city to bring you the winning documentaries and life. Youre watching our visitor a reminder of our top stories this hour the death toll from coronavirus and italys worst affected region long body has risen by nearly 550 in the past 24 hours and brings the total number of dead in the country to more than 4500. 00. The u. S. Has closed its borders with mexico and canada for all nonessential travel tens of millions of americans are being told to stay at home. Irans coronavirus death toll has surpassed 1500 after reporting 123 new deaths that president Hassan Rouhani says hes considering lifting restrictions by the beginning of april. And south africa the number of people infected with corona virus has risen sharply to 240 the countrys Health Care System is already struggling the people worry the pandemic could overwhelm it entirely amid a mother has this report from johannesburg. Doctors detected the 1st case of covert 1000 in south africa earlier this month over the past 2 weeks more than 150 people have been treated for the virus as the government tries to contain the outbreak many are worried 28 year old stepson quater is one of the 7000000 south africans with hiv he says with an already compromised immune system his priority is to keep safe in feels like its another. Reload of a sort their reaction really ill evolute in some been there is a lot of fear and words People Living with hiv it was in their denial of seeing what if they get infected whats going to happen why dont you choose that whats the next steps millions like to pull have no option but to use often overcrowded public transport while private taxi operators have promised to disinfect and provide Hand Sanitizer many have been slow to implement the new guidelines Public Hospitals and clinics are normally crowded with people waiting for hours to see a doctor they are concerned the corona virus could easily spread when you come to our part of the world our Public Health care systems are broke

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