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Optimism in china no new domestic cases of coded 19 and dangerous air pollution levels are coming down. Also ahead this half hour the execution of 4 men brings to an end a rape and murder case that shocked india plus. Im a mix you are brown in the wet Sunday Islands the gateway to australias Great Barrier reef. Find out why some tourism operators site commenting is putting the race and livelihoods at risk. The coronavirus is now led to the deaths of more people in italy than any place else in the world and at the moment theres no sign of the infection rate slowing just over 3400 people have died in italy suppressing the figure reported by china where the virus 1st emerged chinas death toll stands at more than 3200 but for a. 2nd consecutive day its reported no locally transmitted cases in the u. S. There are now more than 14000 confirmed cases and 205 deaths President Donald Trump says hes pushing regulators to fast track of it 19 treatment including an anti malaria drug but his own officials later talked that down iran has Just Announced another 149. 00 deaths bringing its total to more than 1400. 00 nearly 20000. 00 people have been infected with the illness the president Hassan Rouhani is calling on iranians to stay united to tackle the crisis in just a few moments well cross live to lawrence lee in london for more on the developments out of europe 1st lets speak to. Who joins us live from tehran so how are these numbers stacking up. Well there the trend is certainly continuing were continuing to see the deaths continue to be reported at pace the number of overall infections continue really seemingly unimpeded so the government struggling still weeks into this outbreak to contain the virus and the spread of covert 19 in iran now the speeches for the celebration of the persian new year come at a very somber time both the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Hassan Rouhani recognize this in their speech saying that there has been hardship but they hope things will get better now these speeches come the day after the United States imposed yet more sanctions on iran related sanctions this time on 5 entities helping allegedly to helping iran trade oil a few years ago based out of the United Arab Emirates and both of the leaders addressed the issue of sanctions the Supreme Leader said it has made the country stronger and Going Forward the country must continue to focus on Domestic Production to continue to be strong in the face of sanctions and president Hassan Rouhani said sanctions which all leaders of argued have been one of the biggest problems for the country in terms of combating coronavirus that had a compound in effect. Making it very difficult for iran to come back to the spread of the virus president rouhani said that sanctions a forced iran to be less reliant on oil and develop its an economic infrastructure and the Economic Outlook has been positive now many people will see this is a difficult thing to recognize especially in such difficult Financial Times but he did try to strike an optimistic note and told people to look ahead and stay strong together heres some of what he said. At the end of the iranian year we encountered an uninvited and destructive not only us but more than 152. 00 its the coronavirus it could jeopardize Peoples Health and business with unity hard work and cooperation we will put this virus behind us we will do it with the if its. Now irans foreign minister job odds are if hes also made statements this morning he had a phone call with his counterpart from japan and he told the Japanese Foreign minister that the biggest problem iran is currently facing in terms of trying to fight the spread of covert 19 argue ascensions any characterize them. As u. S. Economic terrorism that is threatening the health of the iranian people and he called on japan as he has called on many members of the International Community to buck these sanctions to ignore these sanctions and to help iran overturn unilateral u. S. Sanctions zain thanks very much. Well the number of corona virus deaths in spain has jumped by one quarter to more than a 1000 with almost 20000 confirmed cases reported from there and in italy the death toll has overtaken china just over 3400 people have died from the disease pushing the Italian Health services to breaking point is paul brennan. The head of the World Health Organization has called coronavirus the enemy of humanity in this intensive care unit in the italian city of baghdad its easy to see why this footage filmed by the head doctor gives just a glimpse of the life and death struggles taking place across italy and across the world or 80 beds here occupied its a crowded frantic overwhelming place the system is on the brink. 100 percent saturation in. 3 or 4 recover and can leave in a particular day and normally we identify we have to bring in free or for others we have a very precarious and difficult balance. Isolation is a cold hard necessity family members cannot visit here they cannot comfort or support covert 19 brings a solitary death. Yes there was no how many because if you did is perhaps one of the saddest thing in epidemics the only way to say dont throughout so id is to not allow contact we try where possible to let them. Or video course but sometimes they die when d. S. T. O. Intimidated cannot happen we know the isolation is a very important sacrifice but it is needed so that people outside will not get sick. Temporary field hospitals try to relieve the pressure the epidemic is roaring through the population here and the doctors are struggling to keep up the widespread shortage of medical supplies is having fatal consequences for the staff who could on you a doctor who was forced to work without wearing gloves has now died of the virus in back of our province alone 110 of the 600 medical staff before until we are in full emergency with this corona virus anemia our personal nurses and physicians are working round the clock countless are were these incredible situation we do not know are wrong these funding will last under current measures its at least 60000000 people are only allowed to travel for work medical reasons or emergencies most shops accept groceries and pharmacies are supposed to remain closed until march 25th you see very little if. We are following on the internet we. Are on the other end we probably will not do well by. It they. Elsewhere the restrictions have not been so strictly observed and faced with no visible slowdown in the pace of infections a lockdown is set to be tightened further and the deadline over text and this crisis has been compared to a war at the moment the virus is winning. Aljazeera live to london and our correspondent there Lawrence Lisa lawrence just getting off with whats going on in italy clearly the medical staff there playing a game of catch up as best they can. Yes but as paul said theres certainly not winning it at the moment its the exponential rate of rise thats really alarming 2 days in a row now where theres been well over 400. 00 deaths each day if you extrapolate it clearly and it stays at that level youre looking at 3000 deaths a week and thats really terrifying stuff big rise 2 in spain there the problem in italy seems to have been brought about because they reacted soo late because the hospitals and fall people are getting sufficiently elwell still at home that its too late to do anything for them when the other time they go to hospital and so its the countries that are behind the curve where its really is now the supposed to be looking at this and thinking well perhaps we should be reacting differently to the way that its really did when it mismanaged this at the start so germany for example is now suggesting that at the weekend if people are refusing still sue abide by the measures its already brought in they might. Extend them and make them harsher austria is saying its seeing some level of progress because hes to non of the people stay indoors but its other countries like for example the u. K. Which havent said theyre going to be any sort of lockdown on the transport will stay open for the time being with the probably should be the place is really to worry about because if you look at the graphs the rates of roys in the u. K. Is sharper than where it was at the equivalent time in italy a few weeks ago and thats whats leading a lot of scientists in countries like the u. K. In the us and elsewhere where people arent being locked down properly to say that when it does get really bad in a few weeks time it could be even worse than it where italy is now and plainly its got a very good Health Service and it cant cope so what would happen in all these other countries ok lawrence thanks very much. As well lawrence was mentioning germany there just announcing 20 new deaths and an increase. Cases overnight by almost 3000 thats raised the total 214000 germans are being urged to keep their distance from others to curb the pandemic well worldwide the number of deaths linked to corona virus has now surpassed 10000 people thats according to the Johns Hopkins university trackers track of the virus that weve been following here on aljazeera take a look at the number in white 10031 in red it shows the number of cases is now topped more than 245000 around the world but its important to look at the number in green that shows more than 86000 people have recovered well as we were saying earlier for a 2nd day no new domestic kovac 1000 cases have been reported in china but there are still concerns about infections coming in from overseas the economic standstill has also reduced levels of pollution difficult pollen has more now from hong kong she says many people are concerned about a 2nd wave. China has no new domestic cases and more significantly there are no new cases in who bay province if you remember that is the ground 0 the epicenter of the virus where it 1st surfaced late last year but china is now warning of what it calls imported cases that 39. 00 new cases in one day all of them are brought from abroad so theyre stepping up screening and for the 1st time all International Passengers traveling into beijing will be sent to government Quarantine Centers what is also a huge concern is the situation in hong kong we have seen the largest jump in cases since the outbreak started there are 48. 00 new cases 36. 00 the of those from abroad lending to the governments warning of imported cases saying that they are now going to screen all passengers all International Passengers whether hong kong residents or not will now have to go into quarantine sentence Quarantine Centers there also are warning of a new wave experts are saying that what theyre calling Community Clusters now are expected to rise as people are dropping their defenses you know hong kong has been under sighted vigilance for the past 2 months and many people are dropping their defenses. Some International Schools against government recommendations are also opening. Still to come here on out to 0 the coronavirus puts the brakes on north americas car industry will tell you what it means for drivers and the car manufacturers. However courts are improving weather pushing across japan now ive had an area of cloud and rain bright skies coming for you heres a weather system there out into the northwest pacific becomes the sunshine warm sunshine its a tempest in tokyo getting up to around 21 degrees celsius mostly wanted to shout to northern parts of honshu for a time of the west the weather across the region as into central parts of china this lot of cloud and rain will ease out through the East China Sea heading towards q shoot and increased. While the cloud a murky and wet 2nd half to the a weekend behind that is fine and dry for the Korean Peninsula 15 celsius beijing around 22. 00 degrees but the showers will continue across central parts of china just not as intense as they have been a recently that we have seen some showers recently across northern parts of india still a fair bit of clout there across Northern Areas of india pushing up into northern pakistan around the foothills of the himalayas always a chance seeing some bits and pieces of cloud and ronnie might catch a shadow too over towards addition towards west bengal mavi seeing one or 2 showers to just over towards the southern parts of carola brightens up here as we go on in sousse sunday more in the way of sunshine for all. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged sat and some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanished its a big business smuggling sample it will take to say theyre in the sand is fair to say this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so profound tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al jazeera. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top story so far this hour iran has recorded 149 more deaths from coronavirus bringing its total to more than 1400 pandemic overshadowed the persian new year iranian leaders are calling for an end to u. S. Sanctions so the country can receive medical supplies. More people have now died and its of the from coronavirus complications than anywhere else in the world including china where its originated Italian Health care staff say hospitals are struggling to cope. For a 2nd successive day however no new domestic covert 19 cases have been reported from china many chinese are worried by the threat of infected foreigners flying in and importing a 2nd wave of covert 19. More now on whats going on in italy francesco body as a journalist in lombardo in the north she describes what life is like in the countrys worst affected region. Get it we are somehow 2 weeks ahead compared to the rest of italy so while in the rest of italy intensive care beds. Go out here we have an oxygen. Sauce get outside or you know theres no place the nearest hospital now if you call now these emergency number would be immediate on one hour and a half away from here like he wore at least you can see the wonted or the day the last time here you know relatives have no access it to all to all speed belts and Bessie Kelley you know or you cant even when they have the sick person a tour they have to stay more than one meter away so when we arrive you know with ambulance you see south breaking because you see in ma that a father or a song more often you know they cant even touch their relatives i mean they have to watch. By distance you know this kind of agony because its really hard when the when you know you cant breathe or you have no oxygen and you cant even touch you know your father or your mother its something ive never seen you knowing c. D. O. In iraq at least you can touch the dying and here you are really dying you know or in or in in front of your family francis is trying to bring back more than 130000 citizens who are stuck in cities around the world because of coronavirus the French Senate has also passed a bill that would extend the governments Emergency Powers to tackle the pandemic and it goes before the National Assembly later on friday the countrys been a long time since tuesday freelance journalist Miranda Lindsay in paris and says people are not taking the isolation measures more seriously. Then for some it now is the main step people who are in lockdown needed a special document to in order to leave their home its not quite as strict as italy where its a total lockdown but you are still allowed to leave for 5 different purposes that the government has deemed to be essential and so when you do leave your apartment its just a document that you can download from the government website and fill it yourself that essentially says your name your date of birth your address and you can tick off one of the reasons the essential reasons for why you need to leave your home. In the 1st day i think they were there was a fine of 35 euros if you were caught on the street without it the interior Ministry Said that their 4000 fines were handed out that 1st day and theyve now increased the fine to 135 euros and ive when i was Walking Around earlier i didnt personally see any Police Checkpoints or blockades but i have heard from very from quite a few people around the city that there are now checkpoints and plainclothes policemen kind of spreading out in different neighborhoods checking that everyone thats on the street drivers and pedestrians alike all have this document so its really the enforcement now making people think twice about you know when they leave their home how theyre behaving when they leave the home and now just really taking again all of these precautions that theyve set out and making sure that people really adopt them into their daily lives in saudi arabia domestic flights and all local transportation has been suspended for the next 2 weeks and the 2 main mosques in mecca and medina are closed the kingdom has reported 274 cases and no deaths. Syria is yet to officially reports a confirmed case of coronavirus but the war ravaged country is taking steps to stop the spread in aleppo province is kurdish region location of 3 large camps for internally displaced People Health workers are conducting sanitizing operations and medical checks syria has already delayed elections shot schools and suspended flights human Rights Groups say doctors have detected coronavirus cases but have been ordered to stay quiet. Across the United States mexico and canada Call Companies a closing them manufacturing operations in reaction to the pandemic john hendren has that story. The view from 10000 feet across north america the coronavirus is idling one auto plant after another. At ford where one worker has tested positive for the virus all Assembly Lines in the u. S. Canada and mexico shut down on thursday General Motors follow suit on friday infield chrysler is staggering closures throughout the end of the month honda nissan hyundai i n tesla plants will all be closed by mid april desperate auto dealers are offering bargains to buyers willing to brave the trip out doors in my view the best time to buy a vehicle in your life you know here in about 0 percent for longer terms refinancing your house you know if youre feeling confident and you know youre going to get through it dont miss a chance to really get a great deal the shutdowns of the big 3 detroit automakers came at the request of the United Auto Workers union which represents 150000 workers at the plants to be idled hospital managers agree now is the time for dramatic steps as a country we have to wrap our heads around that except it be willing to change our daily lives for now be willing to trust the in fact zip disease communities recommendations. Pivot how are behaving every day as a nation so that were ready for this even if the auto manufacturers and their workers all weather the shutdown without major problems there could still be bankruptcies among smaller businesses from parts suppliers to car washers. But the industry is in much stronger shape than it was following the financial crisis of 2008 in 2009 and where the virus started there are new signs of hope well as the old dusty sneezes everyone has a cold factories in china are already opening. And activity seems to have started picking up there and i think thats a direct consequence of the fact that they seem to have gotten the lightest under control ford and g. M. Are considering repurchasing their plans for making vehicles to ventilators for coronavirus patients. Until the auto Assembly Lines can restart john hendren l. G. 0 chicago ok lets step away from all things coronavirus the next couple of minutes to other news 4 men have been hanged in india the gang rape and murder of a woman 8 years ago a shocking ordeal made headlines around the world unprovoked nationwide protests the government since introduced tougher rape laws but human Rights Groups say the changes havent made india any safer for women elizabeth purana reports from the capital new delhi. It was the moment many indians had been waiting for the 7 years and before dawn on thursday they counted down the seconds to the 4 conflicts were hanged. No one in the country was more related than the parents of the victim because the law doesnt allow rape victim to be named the indian media calls her that means the fearless one. The crime that was committed against her is always going to cause me grief but i am proud that if she were alive today id be called a doctors mother and today i am proud that i brought her into this world and now i am known as no bias mother i couldnt save her life but for to get her justice. Its 7 years since nearby and a male friend on a bus journey in delhi the 23 year old physiotherapy student was gang raped by 6 men and her friend beaten before they were thrown out onto the side of a broad. Their ordeal led to some of the biggest protests ever seen an india with widespread demands for justice not only for bya but better protection for all women. India has consistently ranked as one of the worst countries to be a woman. Such men arrested for the attack one of them was found hanged in jail and 2013 another who was 17 at the time of the attack was released after serving the maximum sentence of 3 years in a reform center. The 4 remaining convicts were hanged on thursday morning after they exhausted all of their mercy please. This is not just a before but for all women of this country it is a day of justice and security. Since their bias attack the government has introduced tougher laws against rape such as the death sentence in cases when the victim dies but Rights Group Said there was no evidence that the Death Penalty so as a deterrent as a society and as a country all gays is being fixed on the gallows so that we look at. The very many other things which the state should have done to keep women safer and more free and which the state has absolutely chosen not to do. The number of reported rapes in india has increased by 34 percent since 2012 the gang rape and murder of an 8 year old and 2018 and a 26 year old in hyderabad last year both lead to fear the nationwide protests womens rights activists say they are forcing a patriarchal system that claims the government they urgently needs to do more starting with making public spaces safer for women and the Justice System rather than passing tougher laws which they say dont work in deterring crimes elizabeth problem aljazeera. At least 13 soldiers have been killed during an attack in the north east of mali it happened in about 125 kilometers north of the city of go no one has claimed responsibility so far. Scientists say the Great Barrier reef has been damaged after one of australias hottest summers on record theyve started flying over the reef to check on how much coral has been bleached by the warming ocean environmentalist blame the burning of fossil fuels like coal because of a Climate Crisis as alexia bryan reports now from the white Sunday Islands tourism operators say coal mining is putting the reef and their livelihoods in danger. And the deep blue Pacific Ocean off the coast of queensland lies a wonderland of coral fish and picture perfect beaches. The Great Barrier reef brings in billions of tourist dollars every year so if youve got you save gaza came on. But its in danger of scientists than environmentalist say from Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal tony has been a dive instructor here for 40 years. Hes watched parts of the rain die and fish disappear with Climate Change Global Warming said the reef health is deteriorating significantly and that is already affecting the Tourism Industry despite growing pressure to cut Carbon Emissions the government has approved what will be one of the biggest mines by the Indian Company adani. Critics say the World Heritage reef now lies under a cult shipping superhighway and the adani project could see many more lodge ships bringing coal dust and worsening Climate Change bleaching is under water equivalent of a bush far its caused by extreme climatic events spikes in temperature and its incredibly damaging to the corals the government and mining advocates say the mine will bring much needed jobs and money to the state of queensland while adani argues its taking steps to protect the environment the reef stretches more than 2000 kilometers up the coast and supports over 60000 jobs in the region many of. Are inter is that im look around me its not hard to say why people travel from around the world to get here. Is just a lloyd recently unveiled her life a sculpture which will be sunk in the islands for tourists to snorkel around the decision by the government to back the adani call mine its a matter. And it will see the destruction of our beautiful wreath she says shes been harassed about her opposition to the mine and was told by organizers not to mention it at the event and i thought to myself oh my god thats a short speech im not going to do that not after everything and i being curious so i thought just stand your ground say what you want. The what sunday Regional Council told al jazeera in a statement it backs tourism agriculture and mining saying it believes they can coexist divers like totally disagree if you have to maintain that hope so that you can get up each day and fight for the future health of the reef many here say a stray has tough choices to make about coal its future and what sort of country it wants to be. Brian aljazeera and the what Sunday Islands astray. Recapping our top stories here on aljazeera iran today recording 149 more deaths from coronavirus bringing its total to more than 1400 the pandemic overshadowed the persian new year iranian leaders are calling for an end to u. S. Sanctions so the country can receive medical supplies paul yonah saw. At the end of the iranian year we encountered an uninvited and destructive guest not only us but more than 150. 00 of them. Its the corona virus that could jeopardize Peoples Health and business with unity hard work and cooperation we will put this virus behind a certain one into it with the efforts of our doctors much more people have died in italy from coronavirus complications than anywhere else in the world that includes china where it originated Italian Health care staff say hospitals are struggling to cope meanwhile the number of deaths in spain has jumped by one quarter on the previous day to more than a 1000 for a 2nd successive day no new domestic 1000 cases have been reported in china many chinese are worried by the threat of infected foreigners flying in and importing a 2nd wave of the disease germany in the last hour announcing 20 new deaths and increasing cases overnight by almost 3000. 00 raised the total 214000 germans are being is to keep their distance from others to curb the pandemic in saudi arabia domestic flights and all local transportation has been suspended for the next 2 weeks and the 2 main mosques in mecca and medina they are closed the kingdom has reported 274 cases and no deaths in other news 4 men convicted of raping and murdering a student in india in 2012 have been executed in large crowds celebrated outside the jail where the men were hanged on friday the Court Dismissed a last minute petition to delay the executions the man attacked a 23 year old woman on a moving bus in new delhi she died from her injuries days later the attack sponsored nationwide protests and Brought International attention to indias alarming rates of Sexual Assault at least 30 soldiers have been killed during an attack in the north east of mali it happened in tarkington about 125 kilometers north of the city of god a dream will keep you company in the coming hours i will see you bright and early tomorrow from 7 g. Up next inside story. Theres coronavirus carnage on the way for refugees aid groups warn of potential disaster for already vulnerable refugees and migrants in crowded counts worldwide with carers sick volunteers gone and governments overwhelmed what needs to be done to save them this isnt side story. Hello and welcome to the program im dating handwashing and social

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