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Story we listen to after the war saying youll europeans go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the edges 0. 2014 people are revealed to shameful treatment of disabled people and remain new state from. Our investigation is to raise questions about why the e. U. Was from doing some of those institutions now the refresh allegations about the correct mistreatment this time not just in romania but in neighboring countries in the 2nd of 2 special reports sarah spill it has been to poke area to find. In the 1st part of our investigation into the treatment of disabled people in European Union countries we revealed shocking evidence of abuse. Neglect. And incarceration in state institutions. For our 2nd film we start in polk area another country with an appalling past when it comes to the treatment of people with disabilities now praised as a model for using millions in even money to move children from institutions and a way forward to other Member States. One controversial part of the reform is the creation of watercooled small group homes. The claim is that these places for up to 15 children and youngsters are about a family environment community. But during this investigation we gained 1st hand evidence from inside bug areas group aliens evidence which raises disturbing questions not only about abuse neglect but about whether these places really can change life for europes disabled citizens. These are beautiful brand spanking settings but they still remain as the 2 sions people come and go they still do not have their what ptolemy their basic autonomy away say that this is the wrong approach both ethically morally but also legally under international. July this year and were meeting a team from the u. S. Charity disability. Rights international in recent months theyve been inside 24 homes and day sentence one across this country they tell us what theyve seen has left them profoundly shocked. What weve seen is the perpetuation of neglect abuse and segregation it is human lives thrown away despite welcoming interiors in one hand they find youngsters in a car until one naked. Nearby another young woman. Who is well known as down syndrome has been sitting on this party. The last half hour while weve been here. For holloway. Its overwhelming stench and then things this man is in isolation neatly in a locked door while one staff member seemed unaware he was knocked in another suggested it was because they were short of staff was nontruth pant. In another him a young woman is tied in a wheelchair its too big and inappropriate she could have a purpose built chair retaining if someone else pays for it she weighs 800 kilograms and how old we said shes 2627 was 18 kilograms. Later shes untied and put in a caught. She bangs herself she bangs the crib were told theres no specific behavior programs for that its just a lack of stimulation. This 12 year old boy has splints on his arms to restrict his movement. There to protect him from biting him so. He cant bend his arms so he cant use his arms to eat. And theyre feeding him. They will say find this. This is a cage we have to figure out why and when its used to. This is the young boy who was shot in the planet at night seen him with one of the charity investigators many staff say they fear for his safety when there arent enough workers to look after him the charity team is told the boy is blind eye. 25 years ago we documented cages in these institutions theyve gone from being the old wire cage to a nice piece of furniture they blend in they almost look like you could have bought it at ikea but what it was is bars wooden bars totally humiliating for any child and theyre put there precisely because theres not the staff its an outrage that cages would be used today in group homes. Over from the bulgarian Helsinki Commission is part of an Academic Network that satisfy the European Commission on disability if you use these mobile homes or supposed to provide the level of care and the environment thats close to the family one but the majority of the group homes im to be repeated to a large institutional model so the big part of the money was spent on buildings on equipment on furniture but not on salaries on training also a provision or guidance of the people who were supposed to develop this process and to work with this children directly. This argument about inadequate start and craning is to the heart of cathy young people in bunk areas group. Traveling here we were told of concerns even safety if there arent enough workers. We matched to not only men living in it who painted who shared their experiences they asked us to disguise their identities. Matter. Of a distance my simple family down and. Said just a mad dog was just been down. The stairs will feel it just you put it on and we just put all the tradition here but i remember now it was by then that is a person on. For the men and the more robot and minor goes for their mobile regional go right now to try and anomalies that are good for not boring or even threaten us man there is progress. Where through. Hundreds of millions in e. U. Money has flowed from the coffers of brussels to create repayments not only in bug area but in other european Member States. More is poised to be given in the future. But one question raised from our investigation watching the shows knew about the places they funded. The just the grades the whatever bulgaria suggest the auditors. Get here there were more interested in whether the money was spent they were not interested in whether the money for. The child or the prison in need. This footage is from another group had been bug area which has received funding from the European Union which was part of evidence gathered by the n. G. A. Disability Rights International for a recent report. In the corner of the room oped miss and in one of them a young man is lying he has new bedding nothing to do or distract him. In another center thats also been in receipt of e. U. Funds the charities investigators find a boy suffering from the condition hydrocephalus which causes fluid to connect in the brain. Theres a child in the back because i didnt want his head from try to intercept us they wont let us get closer this is a treatable condition if the child had been given a shot but 3 years after having moved from the institution to this socalled group home the child had not been assessed to determine whether or not they received you know medical care. In the same center where severely disabled children and young people need constant medical care and concern about how theyre positioned in beds. Many from the charity has questions about the way this young woman is lying shes concerned it might lead to pressure. Theyre not really any of the pressure on any of the muscles not apparently of the joints ok we also saw many children quickly nicholas. In may she added biting who sells rocking back and forth chewing their fingers. But during our investigations here on occasions not only of neglect evidence of violence against disabled youngsters in a group home which received any money in the past. We came to govern with human rights lawyer another jennifer whos visited a range of group who lives in this country in the outskirts of a city home for around 10 Young Students a place thats been the focus of concern. To the press in january 20. 9th in a bag she walks around and shouts aggressively at the youngster we understand staff work is involved in this incident we removed what did you make of that as a news story its my 1st thought was that this is everywhere its not only there in this kind of said things that are less and so i think. Whats happened youre talking about Human Rights Watch yes exactly when you go around and you visit group homes like this what kind of information to collect about the quality of. The residence at least 1st of all is the observation how the staff is acting with the children usually its something which can all be i hear them because theyre affecting gives us normal and for me all this signs are the most important if somebody is already or hit the towers in front of me or my colleagues if you can imagine what happened while we are nowhere. In banking areas capital an attorney in. Introduces us to a man who knows all about how institutional life can breed a piece you gay son of lived in one of the countrys most need torrijos institutions where he says for 7 years he was forcibly medicated and put in isolation for lengthy periods. He managed to leave when he was 28. Dollars drifted towards it the more its their survival the earlier version of the more. It is because theres a rational its there in little america. Is to get at that it took us back and not the sum of all it. Doesnt was the just not all got the matter. And i forgot about the boy but. He will be took us to the institution where he used to live to find out if anything has changed since he left the institution is still in for and 80 people with disabilities. The director told us we couldnt take our cameras inside or get written is that if youre just as fraternity but we were allowed in where the director revealed plans for new group homes up to 8 to be built with funding contribution from the you but not it seems in the village beyond the homes were built in the grounds nearby. Outside gave us his reaction. Away from the institution q. He tells us of his concern that theyll be no real change for disabled residents. Of the other. Side of the. North noticeable in a district. To fear for Disability Campaign as is that European Union money fuels a model thats far from being the kind of Community Living 1st in physics when there was a clamor to close down institutions in this country. On a journey to the city of stone as a gora leading disability advocate kept a lot of a is furious about how she says money has been spent in her country. After proper care. To say no we didnt waste the money that makes the furious not just going to guess that its a lie. Disabled from a young age kouka has never lived in an institution but today were going to see her friends and to see who still does. She small. But for a gyal look. At the scenes and. So gets our minds. To live our own lives wind theres one divorce or one mind so capable all so willing to live for our life its the old stuff that has brought their status. Outside the city of starters gora we arrive at a state home for 100 disabled people because friend judy miller you see to her friends is there to meet us you see was put in institutional care and here old shes been in this place since 995. It is knowledge bleak impersonal and theres a set regime. With the dining room where everybody expected the common carb meal. Wreckless one and then there. She shares a small room with her friend Christina Booth women a published writer. And recording what institutional life can be like for other residents here. Say are there. So. Check on the other richard that are near the bread top of the. Neck of the chili plenum or the subtle but dont call it the cooktop of now. As a librarian but when it comes to living in this institution she says shes caught in a vicious circle around ngs mean shes not the threshold for state housing she cant afford to pay for adaptations she needs in privately rented apartments. And those are the couple are which are in the support just the ball but in the now going to the to of course to live with an arc of the novel in the show to put off for. Now marker the. Officials have suggested you seem to agree with a suggestion she says at least on how she wants to live her life. Is going to finish the work of the where the percentage the most this in the us well the answer. To him or a little bit of storm a lot of mileage will go to the risk that there was come in a statement about kerry and government dismissed the charity disability Rights Internationals conclusions as tendentious and not representative aiming to underestimates the process of deinstitutionalisation in bulgaria they said they closed 116 specialized institutions and the main focus was the prevention of child abandonment and reintegration into a family as a result they said a very small number of the children with disabilities in vogue area are placed in Residential Care they rejected suggestions money for group homes was spent on buildings rather than staffing reform is funded by the state they said. Over 450000000 euros has been allocated from the state budget adding just 260000000 came from e. U. Funds we strongly deny the statement that there are Human Rights Violations in both gary and group homes. October this year and Disability Advocates are in brussels for a conference one of their key demands is that the European Union stands by an Important Un Convention on the rights of people with disabilities to live independently its called the United Nations convention on the rights of persons with disabilities the un c. R. P. 18 and it was gratified by the European Union in 2010. But campaigners claim building new group aims to disabled children and adults is not all those with the right outlined in the convention Stephen Ireland from the n. G. A. Validity asks an e. U. Commission official about the practice of putting money into these homes. Is there a genuine. Paused slow those practices generally how shit is. Just your. Thank. God we are working on the divisional says he too is fighting on this issue but its not good everyone playing each other so we are fighting your fighting in europe with im fighting a likely spear for it but leave it other than a bit never result and. So should the aide put money into glue pains and where does the United Nations stand on this we caught up with the un rapporteurs in the way. In practice for us what its important is not the size of the place is not how the place looked like. Its actually what is the culture of that plays where people with disabilities are locked the private the rights. And live and the institutional life the the 4 millions into family type. Homes where there are serious concerns that the culture that exists is still one an institution people simply dont believe is that wrong in your zofran thats from the from the. During the course of this 2 part investigation evidence weve gathered in remaining are hungry and bug area has led to serious questions about the european human in the right of people with disabilities to live in the community. And about abuse in institutions in states that have been in receipt of e. U. Money we put those questions to an e. U. Commission director starting by asking about Human Rights Violations on one of the things that weve heard is that when the commission is told about abuses they fail to take responsibility for it the fact is that when we speak about specific cases if they are curious why member state the national us or it is are the one who are responsible for the support the state of play you are responsible for the status of the persons will be the disability is that it is not i mean this is european taxpayers money going into institutions where vulnerable e. U. Citizens are being abused now you will be aware of this particular example which is top us in hungary subject to a very long complaints the Commission Im not going to comment on the group because im not going to go into any individual cases and i think we are here to set of the example and to set the principles hyrst the commission actually sanctioned any countries where they found out abuses have they taken money away have they said stop it you actually done abuses are not acceptable under and we looked. Im willing to see a mouth without any question about it so and as so most if we would look at the information on such a believe me we will go deeply and look into what is happening do you not have people that could marry op human rights reports with funding i mean it would seem the simplest thing to do i dont want us to get into the game between connection of funding and abuses i mean we have heard or should serve of abuses in group aims that have been received of Youth Violence i mean we have that would clearly seem to be something you should be interested in but you dont want to link the 2 things but as you say ive got another little at least at this point an advisor interrupted off camera of course you dont comment on individual cases but of course we have instruments for your friends for those. Who are unsuited discussion about what legal remedies the e. U. Could use in cases where there are abuses to the institution of fatherhood were you sitting there talking so frankly you need to just interrupt our interview of point uses with friends. Of course students. To address them oh so often has that happened this use of these clear instruments to reveal it is a daily fat hair so is it being used gently European Social fund not have any reports of such a reason to stop funding the director told us that Member States do have to produce strategic documents when they want to e. U. Funds we have been. Following each stage of the development of the documents and pushing our Member States to do it in accordance with Un Convention on the rights of the persons with disabilities you brought up the un c r p d which is obviously very significant very significant. Benj now one contention is that the e. U. In Funding Group homes is not funding independent living its funding many institutions which are all the tighter mystics of big institutions and that that should stop what the Un Convention is is does not define what independent living means it is as you rightly pointed in the right approach and the right to base choice for the person with disabilities should make so in this respect a d. C. Or indeed important to ask persons with disabilities what do they want and how do they want one or ponson sorel say were going to stick to the convention were going to push to mean she living which is an e. U. Policy and get on with it this is absolutely what you can do to try to spell it out do you interpret it has been saying and you also fully aware of all responsibilities and are competences when it comes to the independent living so instead of trying to put me in a position of really not doing anything i wish you would recognise what we have been doing and that we have been the really doing a lot but the clear message that i think should be sent and should be really risible is that base a lot of attention care so lot and well do everything that people are being institutionalized. A new European Union budget was agreed this november when while in bulgaria disability organizations are taking the European Commission to court in a bid to stop e. U. Money going into dozens more Residential Homes for disabled people. In response to Global Warming germany is gradually shutting down its coal industry but is it happening fast enough we dont have any time to waste any more we cant wait so were taking direct action to call for the immediate phase out of culture as Climate Change activists challenge communities reliant on the industry for jobs people in power who will win the cold war on aljazeera. A program from International Film a chance. Aljazeera sets the stage for egypt and it will be the life of their lives the life of the ny times did

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