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Hospital treating people in a Global Pandemic could i get a bit. Traumatized by war now terrified of the virus a look at efforts to prevent an outbreak in the refugee camps of Northern Syria. Also ahead 4 men are executed for a gang rape and murder that shocked india. Coronavirus has now killed more people in italy than anywhere else its death toll of more than 3400. 00 has a past that reported by china with the virus 1st around spain and germany each have more than 15000. 00 cases worldwide according to Johns Hopkins university more than 244000 people have contracted the illness more than 85086000 rather have recovered while total deaths have now supposed 10000. Death toll in the u. S. Is now 200. 00 President Donald Trump says hes pushing regulators to fast track coronavirus treatments including an anti malaria drug but is out officials they say talk that down on that a moment will begin in italy paul brennan has this report. The head of the World Health Organization has called coronavirus the enemy of humanity in this intensive care unit in the italian city of baghdad its easy to see why this footage filmed by the head doctor gives just a glimpse of the life and death struggles taking place across italy and across the world all 80 beds here occupied its a crowded frantic overwhelming place the system is on the brink. Of change will be. 100 percent saturation 80 beds for your 4 recover and can leave in a particular day and normally we identify with to bring in for you or for others we have a very precarious and difficult balance. Isolation is a cold hard necessity family members cannot visit here they cannot comfort or support covert 19 brings a solitary death. Or so when it wasnt you it is perhaps one of the saddest things in epidemics the only way to say dont you out so i do is to not allow contact we try where possible to let them cellphones or video course but sometimes they die when d. S. T. O. Into abated could not happen we know the isolation is a very important sacrifice but it is needed so that people outside will not get sick. Temporary field hospitals try to relieve the pressure the epidemic is roaring through the population here and the doctors are struggling to keep up the widespread shortage of medical supplies is having fatal consequences for the staff could earn you a doctor who was forced to work without wearing gloves has now died of the virus in back of our province alone 110 of the 600 medical staff have fallen ill. We are in full emergency with this coronavirus anemia our personal nurses and physicians are working round the clock countless are were these incredible situation we do not know are wrong the spending year will last under current measures its only 60000000 people are only allowed to travel for work medical reasons or emergencies most shops except groceries and pharmacies are supposed to remain closed until march 25th you see very little if all around we are following on the internet if we. Are on the other end we probably will not do well by. It they fear their elsewhere the restrictions have not been so strictly observed and faced with no visible slowdown in the pace of infections a lockdown is set to be tightened further and the deadline over text and this crisis has been compared to a war at the moment the virus is winning. Aljazeera. There are now more than 13000 cases in the u. S. And as i mentioned earlier 200 people have died President Donald Trump wants health regulators to fast track the approval of drugs to treat the disease including a malaria medication that may not be an option as White House Correspondent in the house of a hoax. Will thank you very much it was great having. U. S. President donald trump visited the federal Emergency Management agency or fema to speak to the nations governors as he struggles to project hes managing the corona virus outbreak. The president has been eager to promote any positive news at his briefing earlier in the day trump announced he was pushing the food and Drug Administration to fast track treatments for coronavirus patients including making available and antimalarial drug theyve gone through the approval process its been approved and they did it they took it down from many many months to. The media so were going to be able to make that drug available by prescription but minutes later the food and Drug Administration commissioner tamp down on trumps message telling reporters the malaria drug was not yet ready to treat cohabit 19 its already approved as the president said for the treatment of malaria as well as an arthritis condition thats a drug that the president has directed us to take a closer look at as to whether an expanded use approach to that could be done to actually see if that benefits patients the f. D. A. Is also working on Clinical Trials for rem disappear an experimental drug but is the f. D. A. Works to speed up therapies the number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Now tops more than 10000 some supplies to treat patients remain in short supply u. S. Hospitals are also asking for more than 100000000000 in direct Financial Assistance from congress for supplies to respond to the. Pandemic where i am why is this the United States of america where a hospital treating people in a Global Pandemic cannot get a mask can i get a swab and i get a test as opposition critics in congress question trumps handling of the crisis the us president continues to blame china with a virus originated while they were much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier it could have been contained to that one area in china where it started and certainly the world is paying a big price for what they did all 50. 00 us states now report coronavirus cases but the White House Task force says half of those cases come from just 3 u. S. States and even with fast track testing new therapies to treat corona virus could still be 3 to 6 months away kimberly health at aljazeera the white house reports have emerged in the u. S. That 2 politicians dumped millions of dollars in stocks after a briefing on the virus i was there castro has more from washington d. C. This is a report that these 2 republican senators essentially sold millions of dollars worth of stocks their investments this was happening right after they received private briefings into just how severe the coronavirus was getting in the United States the 2 republican senators at the center of these accusations is richard burr and Kelly Loffler and essentially it is illegal to trade on nonpublic information and that appears to be what they have done it certainly opens these 2 senators to accusations of Insider Trading meanwhile for the average american specially those nearing retirement age may they may have seen much of those investments for their retirement wiped out as a response to the coronavirus gains in the u. S. Stock market having completely wiped out since the time that President Trump took office the governor of california the most populous state in the u. S. Has issued a stay at home order all nonessential movement is restricted but pharmacies and food stalls will remain open governor Gavin Newsome wants almost 20000 people may need to be hospitalized far beyond the capacity of the Health Care System or the 1000 cases have been reported in the state. For the 2nd day in a row chinas government says there have been no domestically transmitted infections more cases have however been brought in from abroad overall beijing has confirmed more than 81000 a vixen since the operate began and who by province last year most have recovered but more than 3250 people have died from the bride has more from seoul. Weve seen this steady decline for a number of days into weeks now in china and as you mentioned there for the 2nd day running 0 locally locally infected transmissions which is a very encouraging sign it means that in the province of the epicenter in china fish oils there can continue to relax some of the very strict travel restrictions within the province people are continuing to be allowed out for the 1st time for years in some cases for the 1st time in weeks we see hearing reports of businesses getting back to work in who bay of course and other parts of china they have been getting back to work now for for a few with the past few weeks so it is continues to be encouraging but theyre worrying trend here for all of the countries of northeast asia is the number of imported cases a number of the new 87 cases here in south korea have been detected at south koreas airports which is a concern and in china they now have the 39 cases have been reported in the past day and all of those cases have been imported so that is the real concern of all of this part of the world looking at more contagious parts of the world and wondering whether to start imposing stricter entry restrictions pictures and data from the European Space agency have offered more evidence that theres been a significant drop in air pollution of the china this animation shows nitrogen dioxide emissions falling month by month and gas is a byproduct of burning fossil fuels china introduced strict measures to control the spread of the virus resulting in factories think closed nationwide. To other news now 4 men convicted of raping and murdering a student in india have been executed the maid attacks the 23 year old on a bus in new delhi and 2012 then left to die on a road large crowd celebrated outside the jail with the men were hanged on friday a day earlier a Court Dismissed a last minute petition to delay the executions the attack caused nationwide protests and brought attention to indias alarming rates of sexual assault. By lead by me but this is the 1st time that a girl in this country who is ranked has finally received justice today is march 20 and it is dedicated to daughters and women but you can see today my tools well justice. Elizabeth brown is in new delhi has she reports despite the huge outpouring of anger and calls for change after the 2012 attack activists say india is no safer for women. Even before day crowds were gathering outside jail chanting death to rapists they were joined by a very large media and security presence to as the convicts were hanged and thats because this is a day that many indians have waited for for a very long time along with the victims nearby as parents and its a day that has been delayed several times the convicts were due to be hanged on january 22nd but they all use appeals they please at different times and indeed google says that people convicted in the same crime have to be punished together this is the 1st time in india that fool people have been hanged together india does not use the Death Penalty the Death Penalty often convicts went to the Delhi High Court at 10 pm last night 8 hours less than 8 hours before they were hanged and then. There were the victims of a trial by media and Police Torture but the judge just said that you know that had no no foundation womens rights activists say they recommendations about making Public Places safer for women and about addressing the real issues of a patriarchal system that the victim blames either in society or by the judiciary itself that that has not been addressed and that you know until until those issues are addressed and it is not safe of women. Still ahead on aljazeera no less than the u. S. Sanctions on iran the devastating impact of coronavirus for us. In the west someday islands the gateway to astronomy is Great Barrier and. Find out why some tourism operations site called mining has putting the race and the livelihoods and risk. Of. Hello is very wintry still in the Central Plains states more or less really from wyoming eastwards and eastern colorado has this mass here and societies quite warm so when this junction happens when the cold air comes south you tend to inhouse the rain is a severe thunderstorms likely in the Southern States last year in friday is certainly cold and all that comes down to 4 degrees as a max an easterly warms up so its been a big difference for the suns out all the same and that rain sinks south again then goes offshore take intension new york also down by about 10 degrees its spring these things do go up and down its fairly normal is just quite extreme the most of this rain chilling offshore in california but california is now going dry new york then 10 degrees on saturday done to 6 or 7 day after the possibility even of a little bit of snow not going to be Early Morning i suspect who are in the night still cold and where as a caribbean thats never really a problem very rare event to see that sort of thing we have got the continuation of showers if they spawn here and puerto rico and if you follow the winds back to nicaragua as a concentration a crowd of rain here the potential for flash floods just comes to mind maybe in costa rica more like in the truckee or possibly even honduras though not as heavy as a couple of weeks ago. The shocking treatment of disabled people in Eastern European state run caverns in these cages who cannot have access to a toilet or water and the bureaucratic indifference to their plight she has his hands and his fates tied to the bed 5 years after 1st highlighting such abuses people in power returns with a 2 part investigation to continuing mistreatment and neglect europes recurring shame hard to on aljazeera. To. Be watching aljazeera her minder of our top stories this all people have now died in italy from coronavirus then in china where it originated Frontline Health care staffs i hospitals are struggling to cope. The number of people who have died from the corona virus in the United States is now reached 200 Senate Republicans have unveiled a one trillion dollar bill to help the countrys economy whether the impact of the pandemic. For man convicted of raping and murdering a student in india have been executed the man attacks the 23 year old on a bus in new delhi investors die on a road crowd celebrated outside the jail where the men were hanged on friday. Brazilian president sonando is predicting the pandemic will take in his country in 3 to 4 months and therefore no malice he should return within 7 and hes also promising to take measures that will beat the virus off to being criticized for his lax approach in the early days has manolo palo with other developments across latin america. Health authorities in mexico are increasing measures to fight the spread of coded 19 on wednesday the Mexican Government reported the 1st deaths associated with the spread of corona by. Unlike other countries in the region mexico has been reluctant to implement containment measures that could further impact the National Economy on the. Land on the speaking of money its one thing for those of us who have a secure salary is Something Else for the people who make their living on the streets we cant leave these people we need to support that economy in Central America several countries have closed their borders outright for hunter and citizens arriving from sea or from neighboring countries quarantine sites like this one have been set up in the capital. Were strict curfew has been imposed to prevent further contagion i in brazil protesters in several major cities banged pots and pans from outside apartment windows protesting the governments handling of the coded 1000 elbridge which brazils president. Initially referred to as a coach fantasy. Concerns are growing over code 900 prepared this in venezuela where a 7 year long economic crisis has pushed Health Services to critical levels in the capital get aca as Health Workers at one hospital say that water no longer flows through the plumbing and. Hospitals are empty because the medical personnel who work there are terrified of what of contracting the virus because they dont have adequate protection that colombia which announced a mandatory 14 day quarantine to citizens arriving from abroad. Will now block all entry to the country starting on monday joy i have been an outspoken advocate that colombians can mean to colombia and we have a wide window so that what we as signing as until this weekend were going to allow colombians from abroad to winter and for a period of 30 days we will suspend the entry of international travelers. In mexico criticism grows over would appears to be an overly relaxed attitude from officials until now also if isolation and quarantine efforts have been led by citizens and private businesses. Despite the continued spread of coke at 19 the Mexican Government has yet to order the closure of businesses or the cancellation of flights. Mexico city. Syria is it to officially report a case of coronavirus but the war ravaged country is taking steps to stop the spread and provinces kurdish region the location of 3 large camps for internally displaced people Health Workers are conducting sanitizing operations and medical checks syria has already delayed elections shut schools and suspended flights human Rights Groups say doctors have detected coronavirus cases but have been ordered to stay quiet. Time jim reports on the efforts by aid workers to combat the virus. The population so traumatized by violence now terrified of a virus in Northern Syria after 10 years of war and humanitarian catastrophe medics are doing all they can to prevent an outbreak of covert 19 masks are being handed out parents are trying to protect their children but everyone seems to know its not nearly enough. We have very little equipment and supplies not just right here but in all of Northern Syria not vital for the fighters in bangladesh where around 3 quarters of a 1000000 rohingya for me and my. Our in camps youth activists are teaching refugee children about the importance of proper hygiene anxiety in the largest refugee settlement in the world is on the rise warnings from agencies are stark imagine than what it would course in densely crowded refugee camps Community Centers filled with said billions in the war so on displaced people fleeing to informal settlements in places where there is little or no water no washington little hygiene and no health care in greece Doctors Without Borders has urged the government to evacuate refugees from overcrowded camps they say provide the perfect storm for a covert 1000 outbreak we have one what are going to 1300 even more you know we have one toilet for 200 bieber and if we asked people today to go to the doctor if they have a problem there is no doctor to go and if we ask either of these people today to isolate them to know there is no space resolution this week the United Nations Refugee Agency announced that due to severe travel disruptions around the world travel arrangements for resettling refugees are being temporarily suspended reality peering into sites and working very closely with them to ensure that movements can still continue for the most critical of the mission sequences wherever possible as panic over the pandemic spreads around the world refugees and the internally displaced are as always just trying to survive people long accustomed to uncertainty for whom life has suddenly become an even greater challenge mohammed jim jim and jazeera. Zimbabwe is yet to confirm any corona virus infections but the president s declared a National Disaster or public gatherings of more than 100 people are private as a precaution has more from her. Social distancing in many parts of zimbabwe isnt easy victor check a new color at most and bobbins has a casual job but selling on the street hes afraid of catching coronavirus public washbasin being placed around the city but cuts in the Councils Water supply means the taps run dry for hours sometimes days was cant manage the port. But. Maybe. Some. Major problems. Health Officials Say they are ready to minimize the impact of coronavirus should they be an outbreak will consult spittle is one Health Quarantine center in the capital with suspected cases are tested but it only has a few dozen beds the collapsing economy is adding to the problems of the struggling public healthcare sector. Launching the National Preparedness Response Plan on thursday president said zimbabwe has other Health Challenges to deal with. Remember. We. Have some experience dealing with disease outbreaks more than 4000 people died from cholera in 2008 measures were put in place to contain that outbreak but the threat of corona virus has forced the government to take action and implement more drastic measures which include banning public gatherings of more than 100. 00 people a ban on public gatherings i think there is a waiting and sporting events for 2 months while there is no travel ban people from the country will confirm the coronavirus are being discouraged and. Zimbabweans are being advised against travelling abroad until the pandemic is under control mandatory sweeny has been intensified at all ports of entry the government says screening will soon be introduced at all its offices. But with the worst economic crisis in a decade many Public Hospitals are understaffed and lack basic equipment and medicine some worry about the lack of resources to deal with coronavirus if it spreads but government leaders say they are ready and on high alert. Aljazeera. And other news the us has placed sanctions on 5 Companies Based in the United Arab Emirates accusing them of spying hundreds of thousands of tons of iranian petrol are still medical home has more from washington d. C. This is just the latest move just on tuesday the state department announced sanctions against 9 Different Companies in Hong Kong China south africa so what does this actually mean well if you are these 5 companies you if you have assets in the United States those will be frozen u. S. Businesses and people are not allowed to do business with these 5 entities and probably the more biting sanctions is they get cut off from the u. S. Financial sector so any bank foreign bank and the Treasury Department is sending this warning any foreign bank that actually works with banks that do business with these 5 companies they could face additional sanctions so really the big bottom line here is the United States is going to roam the globe to allies to enemies sanction companies sending the message that even though irans been so hard hit by the coronavirus that the u. S. Has no intentions of letting go some terrorism operators in the strain were complaining that being silenced because theyre opposed to a huge new coal mine in the state of Queensland Government approves the mine last air despite warnings about its impact on the already damaged Great Barrier reef bryan reports from the wood sound the audience. In the deep blue Pacific Ocean off the coast of queensland lies a wonderland of coral fish and picture perfect beaches. The Great Barrier reef brings in billions of tourist dollars every year so if youve got to save god to keep him on. But its endangered scientists and environmentalists say from Climate Change caused by the burden of fossil fuels like comb. Tony has been a dive instructor here for 40 years. Hes watched parts of the reef die and fish disappear with Climate Change Global Warming said the reef health is deteriorating significantly and that is already affecting the Tourism Industry despite growing pressure to cut Carbon Emissions the Australian Government has approved what will be one of the biggest mines by the Indian Company adani critics say the World Heritage reef now lies under a cult shipping superhighway and the adani project could see many more lodge ships bringing coal dust and worsening Climate Change bleaching is underwater equivalent of a push for its caused by extreme climatic events spikes in temperature and its incredibly damaging to the corals the government and mining advocates say the mine will bring much needed jobs and money to the state of queensland while adani argues its taking steps to protect the environment the reef stretches more than 2000 kilometers up the coast and supports over 60000. 00 jobs in the region many of them are in terrorism i dont look around me its not hard to say why people travel from around the world to get here. Says jason lloyd recently unveiled her lifes a sculpture which will be sunk in the islands for tourists to snorkel around the decision by the government to back the adani call mine its a matter. And it will see the destruction of the beautiful wreath she says shes been harassed about her opposition to the mine and was told by organizes not to mention it at the event and i thought to myself oh my god thats a short speech im not going to do that not up to everything and i being curious so i thought just stand your ground say what you want. The what sunday Regional Council told al jazeera in a statement it backs tourism agriculture and mining saying it believes they can coexist divers like tony disagree but you have to maintain that hope so that you can get up each day and fight for the future health of the reef many here say a stray has tough choices to make about its future and what sort of country it wants to be. On aljazeera and that someday islands a strain. Youre watching odds are these the top stories well people have now died and its lee from coronavirus that in china where it originated just over 3400. 00 people have died from the disease there Frontline Health cost also hospitals a struggling to cope the number of people have died from chronic virus in the United States is now more than 200 Senate Republicans have unveiled a one trillion dollars bill to help the countrys economy whether the impact of the pandemic so we slash red tape to develop vaccines and therapies as fast as. It can possibly be done long before anybody else was even thinking about doing this and as you know earlier this week we began the 1st Clinical Trial of a vaccine candidate for the virus and that was launched in record time it was just a few weeks and that would have taken years to do not so long ago. The governor of california the most populous state in the u. S. Has issued a stay at home order all nonessential movement is restricted but pharmacies and food stores will remain open gov Gavin Newsome warns almost 20000 people may need to be hospitalized far beyond the capacity of the Health Care System more than 1000 cases have been reported in the state. For the 2nd day in a row chinas government says there have been no domestically transmitted infections more cases have however been brought in from abroad overall beijing has confirmed more than 81000 infections since the outbreak began and who by province last december most have recovered but more than 3250 people have died. 4 men convicted of raping and murdering a student in india have been executed the man attacked the 23 year old on a bus in new delhi in 20 trials and left her to die on a road crowd celebrated outside the jail where the men were hanged on friday. They says he soldiers have been killed during an attack and northeastern mali it happened in talkin about 125 kilometers north of the city of goll no one has claimed responsibility saw. Me as being targeted repeatedly by fighters in the area who have links to al qaida and eisel. Yobs a terror on al jazeera do stay with us people in power is coming up next talk to aljazeera we speak what we will force with when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen to after the war saying your europeans go build United States of you but we will not be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the edges 0. 2014 people are revealed to shameful treatment of disabled people and remain new state from. Our investigation is to raise questions about why the e. U. Was from doing some of those institutions now the refresh allegations about the direct mistreatment this time not just in romania but in neighboring countries in the 2nd of 2 special reports sarah spill it has been to poke area

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