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A race is to track down thousands who attended a religious event and spread the virus to several countries. The World Health Organization says hes concerned some countries still arent doing enough testing to prevent the spread of corona virus more than 8000 people globally are now confirmed to have died after catching the virus the number of reported cases has passed 200000 italy has reported 475 new deaths the highest death toll for a single day of any nation since the 1st case was detected in china late last year malaysia is racing to track down potential corona virus carriers after it confirmed its confirmed cases jumped to 790. 00 nearly 2 thirds of those a link to a religious gathering late last month that spread the virus to at least 6 other countries and despite many governments and now seeing massive stimulus packages asian european and u. S. Markets have plummeted again as well as oil prices u. S. Markets were suspended for 15 minutes for the 4th time d in a month the dea marber has more. As the number of recorded coronavirus cases soared past 200000 the World Health Organization announced the 1st trial of a vaccine was on the way the start of a long battle this virus is presenting as we. Didnt to it but its also an unprecedented opportunity to come together as one against a common enemy an enemy against humanity in the german city of one foot theyve been queuing to get a free test because 19 and theyre losing patience but here in france it is a socialist organ is it so badly organized as the man behind me who waited for 6 hours yesterday when he actually belongs in bed in a televised address to the nation chancellor merkel appealed to the public not to underestimate the crisis this is l. This is serious take it seriously we have not seen a challenge like this in our country since reunification know since the 2nd world war which depend so much on us acting together and in solidarity with each other. In some parts of europe the Health Service is just cant cope because of a surge in cases in eastern france 6 coronavirus patients had to be flown by military plane from bellews to the south of the country for treatment. Across france theres a big incentive not to be out in public if you dont have a certificate allowing you to leave home the police can find you up to 150. 00 thank you. Ed spade theyve already arrested dozens of people for going out since the lockdown started at the weekend but its not stop these housebound madrid residents from protesting theyre demanding for mccain quote carlos to makes millions of dollars he reportedly received from saudi arabia to the Spanish Health system. In london it is quieter than usual but nobodys big told to go home for something the british capital the incremental approach is right i think the steps have been put in place are very wise. Lets face once again try to avoid the panic if i think im going to fall in love down a band things its going to be able to. Be a lot worse for peoples well being but in parliaments Prime Minister Boris Johnson face demands to take a more proactive stance when well ill be waiting so lonesome us testing im wrong i asked social distancing measures may be just suggestions on wednesday johnson did make one long expected announcement after schools shut their gates from friday afternoon they will remain closed for many peoples for the vast majority of peoples until further notice so different stages in the outbreak and different responses but the challenge for the medical world and for societies in general is immeasurable nadeem aljazeera. Saudi arabian government says its reduced spending as a result of low oil prices during the coronaVirus Outbreak crude oil prices have fallen because of concerns over the pandemic coupled with an existing price for war between saudi arabia and russia the finance minister says theyve temporarily cut public spending by just under 5 percent thats 13000000000. 00 but he said saudi arabias economy was still Strong Enough to resist any long term effects major stimulus plans by World Governments have failed to establish market concerns about the impact of the coronavirus the dow jones closed 6. 3 percent down earlier trading was suspended for the 4th time in one month because of huge sell offs or prices have also plummeted to an 18 year low as the pandemic hits demand the New York Stock Exchange will close its Trading Floor on monday and temporarily move to fall electronic trading. The white house economic adviser larry kudlow says there are plans for a further 252300 1000000000 dollars to be injected into the u. S. Economy to help businesses through the pandemic so as President Donald Trump says hes invoking legislation to ensure theres a quote supplies a face mask ventilators a White House Correspondent complete how could reports. Facing increasing shortages of medical supplies like masks and ventilators on wednesday u. S. President donald trump told reporters he was invoking the u. S. Defense production act right after and finish with this conference over signing it its prepared to go the 950 s. Wartime law allows the Trump Administration to expand production and access reserves of protective gear necessary to prevent corona virus from spreading the 1st 1000000 masks will be available immediately u. S. Defense secretary mark as 1st says the military will also be deploying 2 floating hospital ships one near new york city the other on the west coast to increase Hospital Capacity as the number of corona virus cases is now in all 50 states the actions come as the u. S. And canada announced a closure of their border for all nonessential travel in the attempt to halt the spread of the virus nearly 200000. 00 people cross the border each day trade wont be affected. Still the u. S. Auto industry is feeling the effects of the virus for General Motors and Ford Chrysler have announced theyre partially shutting down factories due to the pandemic. The white house is lobbying congress to pass several legislative packages collectively amounting to more than a trillion dollars to flood the u. S. Economy with cash mr ation says its hoping to ease the burden on businesses Like Airlines and individuals who are losing income but opposition democrats believe overall response is still too slow were behind the 8 ball on tests and were soon going to be behind the 8 ball on i. C. U. Beds beds and ventilators as more and more people get sick the administration didnt Pay Attention to tests and now were paying the price chinese virus but in the midst of the effort to combat coronavirus trump is insisting on calling it the chinese virus even as reporters asked whether the president is being racist generous istead of the letter of it comes from china thats why its a posture trump insists is appropriate given he sees himself as in a sense a wartime president now leading the fight against what trunk calls americas increasingly virulent invisible enemy thank you over the kimberley help get aljazeera washington. The bill has just passed the u. S. Senate that should make testing easier than for more lets cross live now to mike hanna in washington d. C. Mike whats in the new bell. Well it does propose some 100000000000. 00 which will go to a variety of things including as you say providing free testing for all buttressing an Unemployment Insurance fund and providing free paid sick care for a number of u. S. Workers this is the 2nd bill thats gone through Congress Last week there was an 8000000000. 00 bill that went through and that was dealing directly with containing the virus this one is likely to be signed very soon by President Trump its now gone through the house now gone through the senate but still questions about exactly how effective this bill will be and mike how effective is it really impacting the lives of americans. Well lets just take a look at that issue of testing this bill does provide for free testing but then of course the question is are tests available which it does appear still they are not the slow rollout of test kits continues secondly it does not apply for treatment treatment can cost tens of thousands of dollars but this kind of covers only the testing the other issue that has been pointed out is a question of paid sick leave the bill does provide for paid sick leave for some categories of workers but it excludes any company with more than 500. 00 workers or any company with less than 50 workers now obviously these are the Big Companies the walmarts the mcdonalds the wendys and they are not required in terms of this bill to provide paid sick leave for their workers so there are a number of loopholes here but still any incentive any impetus into the economy obviously would be welcomed at this particular point the house and the senate are working on a nother build together with the white house thats expected to release some trillion dollars into the economy focus on that over the next few days mike hanna in washington d. C. Thank you. Chile has declared a National Emergency after the number of corona virus infections increased by a 3rd over the past 24 hours the country has the most number of cases in latin america with 253 infections confirmed the government has closed borders and banned gatherings of more than 500 people to try and contain the spread. Lucien newman joins us live from the chilean capital santiago lucier so these measures come into force quite soon how are people preparing for what could be a change of the way in which people do things the change of pace a change of life. Absolutely you know its already changing the way people do things. The only thing thats not changing at least so far are the street protests today marks 5 months exactly since the social outburst began in this country there have been daily protests behind me you can see riot police where what has been ground 0 until now and there are about 300 people all around this area just a few minutes ago the riot police came out with tear gas water cannon pepper spray to disperse them the people have been coming back now what they will do after tomorrow though when this state of emergency goes into effect and the army can go out onto the street is another matter altogether its not quite clear whether they will defy. Whether they will defy the government orders to stay off the streets right now in fact its 200 people. Excuse me the power of the pepper sprays getting to be at 200. 00 people is the maximum thats allowed to be out now but most likely the president will 2 declare a curfew and he has already said that large groups of people will not be allowed in any number in Public Places to keep him from getting from catching the coronavirus more frequent spreading and there is a lot of fear so people are staying home people are loans have been clothes Shopping Centers have been closed discotheques restaurants the country the city has already spent countless already shutting down on its own even before the formal order is given presumably by the weekend to isolate the capital which has the largest number of cases. You see in human incentive thank you. So to come more on the coronavirus pandemic plus the days other news u. S. Democratic president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders says hes reassessing his campaign after joe biden wins all 3. Days. Worlds most intriguing cold case a boxing gallery. He was for informational priceless paintings stolen 30 years ago. For. Howler the monsoon rain promised for Northern Australia when it was a false promise is not much the better in the fall crosses not much harder theres more action down here through the great history and by that storm systems running through tasmania thats dragging heat with it so weve got high temperatures in melbourne and adelaide well above the average in the low thirtys per school down to 25. 00 in the sunshine that will start a war of the game with some showers for we in the land but there are many showers elsewhere a few in tropical queens and on the east coast carla seacoast but no more than that we should see more than that melbournes temperature will last till the end says they were back down to normal or fading a bit below it but the skies remain dry most of time occasional shower the ns a weekend. Now israel is way to japan this is a system of that starts in china and runs up to japan which is seasonal its just trying to form itself that was bitterly but its said to be producing significant rain for china is doing the same again for thursday which will affect hong kong and taiwan then the Southern Islands of japan and then it eventually works up into southern home shoes so humid eventually wet day i suspect in tokyo the rain just comes in goes out so its a sunny day for your friday but a windy one if youre on the west coast with further rain to come. The shocking treatment of disabled people in Eastern European state run caverns in this case you can not have access to toilets or water and the bureaucratic indifference to their plight she has his hands and she states to the best 5 years after fast highlighting such abuses people in power returns with a 2 part investigation to continuing mistreatment and neglect europes recurring shame part 2 on aljazeera. Reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera the World Health Organization says isolating testing treating and tracing every suspected case of corona virus must be the backbone of the worlds response to the pandemic this is italy reported another 475 deaths its biggest one day jump yet. U. S. President donald trump says he will invoke the defense production act special panel is ensuring the private sector can ramp up production of emergency medical supplies a response to the pandemic to medical ships are also being mobilized. Major stimulus plans by World Governments have failed to establish market concerns about the impact of the coronavirus trading on wall street was suspended for the 4th time in the month the dow jones close 6. 3 percent. Malaysia has closed its borders after recording its 1st 2 deaths it also has 790. 00 corona virus infections nearly 2 thirds of the infections have been traced to a 4 day event at a mosque in kuala lumpur attended by thousands of people Florence Larry has this report. Hours before malaysia shut its borders thousands of malaysian workers who normally commute to work in singapore every day brushed to lean students also formed long lines at bus terminals as confusion over whether campuses which shut prompted many to try to leave 2 police stations were crowded after people were told they would require permits for interstate travel only for police to temporarily withdraw the order even after the partial lockdown was imposed social distancing was forgotten as by is rushed to supermarkets to stock up on essential i mean rushing in the lobby of. These events where. They believe. We should be more Infectious Diseases experts have watched with alarm at whats happening here the director general of health has warned of a possible 3rd wave of infections if people dont obey the governments order to restrict their movements malaysia has confirmed its 1st decades and reported a sudden spike in covert 19 cases in the last few days many linked to a 4 day gathering of muslim missionaries at a mosque near kuala lumpur 16000 people from malaysia and abroad were there the government says its managed to trace more than 8000. 00 of them so far but already those who attended the event have carried the virus back to 6 of the Southeast Asian countries elsewhere astray as Prime Minister made an unprecedented announcement we are writing the travel ban on the strivings to level 4 for the entire world that is the 1st time that has ever happened in australias history the travel advice to every astride him is do not travel abroad do not go out of the service. These strain governments also banned all nonessential indoor gatherings of more than 100 people but from who bay province in china the origin of the corona Virus Outbreak more cause for optimism medical workers from other provinces whove been helping to cope with the crisis are going home as the number of new cases continues to for south korea reported fewer than 100 new daily cases for the 4th day in a row both china and south korea apparently demonstrating how they are winning the war albeit with different methods china by placing severe restrictions for everyone and south korea with aggressive testing fluently while important programs returning to pakistan from iran are complaining about squalid conditions and a lack of medical care in a quarantine camp former and current residents of the remote tough town border camp say it lacks Running Water and people can only wash once every few days thousands of pilgrims are staying there and its reported that no attempt has been made to separate the sick from the healthy the tough times border was closed on monday but pilgrims can still reenter subject to 2 weeks quarantine where pakistan has confirmed its 1st death the Prime Minister has addressed the nation calling for calm as the number of coronavirus cases there past is 230 imran khan says the government is taking all necessary precautions to in his words win the war against the virus pakistan has already closed its borders with iran and afghanistan shrines in gyms have been closed in the capital islamabad while sin province the hardest hit region is under lockdown u. S. Troops in iraq are being relocated to larger bases to be better protected from an increasing number of attacks it comes after the most recent series of rocket strikes targeted a base north of baghdad killing several coalition person now retaliatory strikes by the us killed iraqi civilians some out of 14 reports from baghdad. The body of it is laid to rest the 23 year old was one of 6 People Killed in what the u. S. Calls defensive persuasion strikes on the type hezbollah in southern iraq but family says he wasnt a fighter but a daily laborer working at the airport who had nothing to do with the iranian backed group. He worked inside the airport getting paid 8. 00 per day now that hes dead whos going to think about his kids his wife his mother wears or guilt. Leaves behind a pregnant wife 2 children and a family consumed with grief like many other iraqis the family is angry at the u. S. And the iranian backed groups for settling scores on iraqi soil this conflict is between iran and america its none of our business they should go out and fight it out between themselves. The u. S. Strikes followed a barrage of rockets fired at the Taji Military base north of baghdad on march 11th killing 2 american and one british soldier the pentagon described the u. S. Response as a success we assess that each location stored weapons that would enable lethal operations against u. S. And Coalition Forces in iraq we also assess that the destruction of these sites will degrade khateeb his balls ability to conduct future strikes but the american reprisal was followed by a 2nd rocket attack on target just a day later raising doubts about the effectiveness of the us military action. A total of 9 people were killed and 16 wounded in the latest 3 tit for tat attacks most of the casualties were members of the Iraqi Security forces who work with both sides and. We dont accept being in the middle while the 2 sides to rate their weapons against each other this is caused a lot of damage for the iraqi army the Iraqi Joint Operations command denounced both the u. S. And what it cautiously calls the other side for not respecting its authority as the highest military body and for not giving it a chance to manage the crisis that injured when there was no chance to finish the investigation into the 1st rocket attack the american side directly reacted with a strike on a rocky facilities that included the army bases in employees and also the other side started their attacks which only complicated the situation. But the Iraqi Government has never attributed blame nor has it published results of investigations for any of the 2 does. The rocket attacks the targeted the coalition over the past 6 months the Iraqi Government appears on the willing or able to stop the groups responsible for attacks on bases that house call this an personnel instead it has called for the implementation of the jan your wrist problem entry decision to expel all foreign troops from iraq the coalition has begun withdrawing soldiers from smaller bases to consolidate them in your locations and although u. S. Officials say that this move is not related to the latest rocket attacks it could pave the way for a partial troop draw down over the next few months seen on a faulty aljazeera. Reports reaching out to the clashes have erupted in the yemeni port of socalled fighting started when u. A. E. Black backed gunman tried to storm the port to acquire a military equipment container originally from the emirates it had been seized by local authorities 2 days ago Police Reinforcements intervened no casualties have been reported. U. S. Democratic president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders says hes reassessing his campaign after rifle joe biden scored a hat trick in choose days primaries the former u. S. Vice president won by large margins in illinois arizona and florida giving him almost on a saleable lead ohios primaries were perspire own because of concerns over the coronavirus and he got to get reports from miami. At polling stations in florida arizona and illinois wasnt just the democratic process officials were concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus saw low voter turnout furious cleaning and polling staff not manning the boobs over Health Concerns many voted early mail but those that turned out on tuesday were cautious so you know lets say for pierce x. Stay away all the nuts the best you can do all you can do is just try to stay clean wash your hands limit any public action if you can i mean im going to go home after this im not going to be out hanging out with people so officials in ohio declared a Health Emergency delaying their primary until june the states governor called it an Unprecedented Health crisis that left some voters disappointed i really want to vote you know i want to make sure my voice is heard especially you know from all the years of back in to pass where we are you know africanamericans people despite the confusion concerns and recommendations not to gather in large crowds the night belonged to joe biden the former Vice President now has the momentum delegate counts and is seen by many as best able to take on President Trump all this together. This is a moment for each of us to see and believe the best in everyone of us to look out for our neighbors understand the fear and stress and so many are feeling biden now has a new insurmountable lead over Bernie Sanders he didnt address his losses on choose day instead appealing for more federal help for the pandemic we need to provide a direct emergency 2000. 00 cash payment every household in america every month for the duration of the crisis to provide them with the assistance they need to pay their bills and take care of their families in his remote address to the nation joe biden spoke directly to sun to supporters telling them i hear you sound as movement is still a powerful force in bidens appeal is perhaps a sign of things to come the former Vice President wants to unite both the country and the party and to do that hell need those supporters on board and he gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida now 30 years ago to burgle isnt boston carried out whats being called the heist of the century they stole 13 rare works of art including several by the dutch moss to rembrandt which havent been seen since also in jordan looks into one of the art wells most intriguing cold cases at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in boston a 30 year old mystery still brings pain and questions who bluffed their way into the museum tied up the guards and made off with 13 rare paintings drawings and objects where the works now. 2 of the most important works that were stolen the concert by their me are just one of 36 of his works in existence and christ in the storm on the sea of galilee by rembrandt his only painting featuring a seascape scene reports that the stolen items are worth 500000000. 00 or more and pragmatically thats a fair estimate however i like to to point out that the pieces that were stolen from the gardener really are the true definition of priceless ness because they can never be solved they can never be replaced a few years ago the f. B. I. Thought this Surveillance Video could solve the case it shows an unidentified man walking through the museum after hours just one night before the heist but that and other clues just werent enough to help investigators another problem it turns out both suspected robbers died a year after the theft the message to the public if you know something its ok to come forward we acknowledge the fact that any or all of these pieces could be in the hands of individuals who had nothing to do with the original theft or may not even know that theyre stolen 30 years on the museums 10000000 dollar reward sits unclaimed while curators and Law Enforcement hope these works one day will return to the gardners walls rosalyn jordan aljazeera washington. Remember you can find much more in all of our stories of course including the coronavirus on our website just era dot com adobe taking over in 30 minutes time dont go away stay with us on aljazeera. Italy has reported 475. 00 new deaths the highest death toll for a single day of any nation since the 1st case was detected in china late last year the World Health Organization says its concerned some countries still arent doing enough testing to prevent the spread of the corona virus to suppress control the a. P. To mix canned threes must i usually test treat and trace if they dont transmission chains can continue at a low level then resurge ones physical distancing measures are lifted w. H. O. Continues to be common that isolating testing and treating every suspected case and tracing every contact must be the backbone of the response in every country major stimulus plans by World Governments have failed to a stock market concerns about the impact of the coronavirus trading on wall street was suspended for the 4th time in a month the dow jones closed 6. 3 percent down the british pound is trading at a 35 year low against the u. S. Dollar he was President Donald Trump says he will invoke the defense production act special powers ensuring the private sector can ramp up production of emergency medical supplies in response to the coronavirus pandemic to medical ships are also being mobilized one on the countrys west coast and one on the east. French police have find more than 4000 people for violating the nationwide lockdown the restrictions were imposed on monday in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus people are only allowed to leave their homes to buy groceries go to work or pharmacies 264 people have died from the respiratory illness an increase of 89 over just the past 24 hours. And in other news u. S. Democratic president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders will talk with his supporters and assess his campaign after rival joe biden called how tracon chooses primaries the former u. S. Vice president defeated sanders by large margins in illinois our zona florida those are the stories stay with us people in power. As the wealth battles the coronavirus pandemic well bring you the latest developments from my around the outside. With updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. Kuranda virus primetime special coverage on aljazeera. 24 people to review the shameful treatment of disabled people remain new state from. Our investigation that raises questions about why the e. U. Was from doing some of those whose. Now theyre a fresh allegations about mistreatment this time not just in romania but in neighboring countries in the 2nd of 2 special reports sarah spill has been to both kerry and

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