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Nomination after crushing victories over brady sat. Thank you very much for joining us the Trump Administration is promising up to a trillion dollars to help the u. S. Economy whether the coronavirus pandemic the proposal includes giving money to individual citizens investors responded positively to the announcement with the us talk markets bouncing back somewhat from their worst one day law since 1907 the number of u. S. Cases of the virus has risen to nearly 6000 and the death toll has reached 100 a White House Correspondent kimberly hocket has more. As ordinary americans cope with the Economic Impacts of coronavirus the white house announced it was pushing congress to make a media Cash Payments to struggling americans what weve heard from hardworking americans Many Companies have now shut down whether its bars or restaurants american state cash now and the president wants to get cash now and i mean now in the next few Weeks Congress has already put forward a bill to provide sickly as well as Food Assistance to children and the elderly it still needs to pass the Republican Controlled Senate before us President Donald Trump can sign it into law. But the new proposed payments which also need to be approved by congress would be part of a package worth more than a trillion dollars. Clued help for the airline and other Industries Hit hard by the slowdown in business this is worse than 911 that for the Airline Industry were going big with this invisible enemy we dont want airlines going out of business we dont want people losing their jobs the Hotel Industry has also been hard hit tuesday mariya the Worlds Largest Hotel Company started furloughing thousands of employees as their hotels see fewer customers but its not just the economy that has the white house worried it says Public Health remains a priority on standby in new york the army corps of engineers to increase Hospital Capacity in response to the pandemic new york remains one of the states with a high cluster of coronavirus cases my hunch is it would probably be quicker if its done at the state or local level but if we can do it quicker we should we were prepared to do that but i think at this point the key is speed still there are signs it will be weeks if not months before life returns to normal beloved events like the Kentucky Derby horse race now delayed until september. And in an Election Year the ohio president ial nominating contest was also called off the American Red Cross on tuesday also put out a call for blood donations the crowded virus taskforce here at the white house says the next 2 weeks will be critical for containing the virus thats why its urging young people to abide by Public Health warnings to ensure more vulnerable americans arent exposed can really help at aljazeera the white house schools restaurants and factories are closing across the globe us governments rushed to contain the pandemic work has halted for comment a fact sure is in europe including both ford and nissan in the u. S. Unions have called for coplands to shut down for 2 weeks and lines are dealing with a collapse in air travel as fast and just cancel their fights and stay home but western countries are taking measures to kick sati economies and as we mentioned the u. S. Is seeking a one trillion dollar aid package it will include 250000000000. 00 in checks for u. S. Citizens as well as a bailout plan for airlines and hotels spain france and the u. K. Have also announced measures worth hundreds of billions of dollars to help their economies weather the crisis kevin cloud in the executive director of the Milken Institute center for regional economy x. He says is a big concern for countries that rely heavily on global trade. Even the Raw Materials countries countries that are dependent on oil and natural gas countries that are dependent on various items like copper or various rare earth metals can have problems if industry idles too much of the demand drops too much and that can lead to some long term challenges in Decision Making you take a country such as venezuela who is already in very precarious position economically the drop in oil demand plus the ongoing price war is putting a significant pressure on them to keep the economy functioning at all for a country such as mexico which is much more diverse it still has a little bit a lot of it is really based on being part of this Global Trading system the real question for a country like that is how much is global trade disrupted how much is the American Economy disrupted and how quickly can all of it come back together but we are going to see a recession were going to see a recession thats going to lay people off or create a diminishment of prosperity and jobs almost every country in the world is going to be affected in one way or another france has become the latest european nation to impose a nationwide lockdown thousands of police are on the streets to find people if they cant go ahead buying food going to work all that invade force on the situation across here. As the noon deadline passed the normally bustling shauns elisei was almost deserted the famous shops and pavement cafes of paris shuttered by orders of the french president only essential movement is allowed now and nonessential activity is being punished with a fine of more than 50. 00 across france 100000. 00 extra police are enforcing a lockdown which extends beyond the streets and into the home of every citizen. To give you some examples a family lunch dinner with friends a Football Game with friends a game of cards all of that which might not normally seem important is now forbidding not just discouraged but the bitterness lets not downplay it each one of those meetings is a moment when the virus can be transmitted. The north a talian city a brasher is in lumber the epicenter of europes covert 1000 outbreak the grave concern across europe stems from the hard lessons being learned here they are going to give me the impression or. What is really shocking something we have not been able to forecast and brought us to our knees is how quickly the epidemic spreads within 2 weeks now 3 weeks since the beginning of the epidemic we put a total of 1200 patients in lumber deep in intensive care and so the freedom of movement enjoyed by europeans for decades has abruptly ended this was the traffic jam at the franco swiss border a 4 hour queue affecting even essential workers like this nurse the question is at dawn. Our patients are waiting for us our colleagues are also waiting for us these are still human beings they are in their beds there waiting for blood tests theyre waiting for us to feed them and here we go we are stuck in the e. U. s external borders are being shut to a ban imposed on entry for non e. U. Citizens for the next 30 days relaxing the east internal borders though is now an imperative we have a lot of traffic jam of lorries transporting goods the flow of goods has to be swift we need these goods for the functioning of the internal market for the moment at least the u. K. Is resisting pressure to lock down its citizens people have been urged to avoid bars restaurants and leisure venues and work from home where possible the government is offering 400000000000. 00 of loan guarantees to support affected businesses and the Prime Minister has appealed for National Unity this enemy can be did. But it is also beatable and we know how to beat it and we know that if as a country we follow the scientific advice that is no being given we know that we will beat but the prospect of a compulsory lockdown is looming italy with more than 2000 coronavirus deaths is the worst affected country outside of china and with more than 3000 new infections in italy every day the burden on Hospital Capacity is almost overwhelming but the rate of infection has slowed slightly in the lumber the region epicenter of the countrys outbreak at least there is a faintest glimmer that the quarantine measures are starting to show results paul brennan aljazeera. Emulation has told us some of the most drastic restrictions seen across Southeast Asia to stop the spread of virus as borders are now closed to tourists and malaysians themselves cant leave for weeks it comes as a country confirms its 1st 2 deaths malaysia has recorded 673 coronavirus cases the highest in Southeast Asia more than half of those stemmed from the religious event late last month at a mosque in Kuala Lumpur Florence way is in kuala lumpur with more on how malaysians have been responding to the restorations. Its relatively quiet on the streets of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia is biggest city but it certainly was annoying just hours before the partial lockdown or the order to restrict movement came into effect there was traffic chaos 1st will talk about the International Border with singapore and these 2 countries are separated by a very Narrow Strait and many malaysians make their living in singapore as many as 300000 people make a daily commute into singapore to to work and study. Hours before the border is closed there was a huge rush to get back into singapore there were long lines people waited for hours in crowds just to get back into singapore before the border was shut and even with in malaysia there was chaos there were huge crowds at bus terminals there was also heavy traffic on interstate highways there were also long lines outside police stations because the police had said people would need a Police Permit to travel into state and police later had to withdraw or suspend that order temporarily because they couldnt cope with the large crowds and theyve said they will look into that order again on wednesday so many Infectious Diseases experts have watched with alarm at whats been happening in the lazio over the last few hours with some speculating whether there could be potential new clusters emerging but many also understand that this is a necessary move that the malaysian government had to implement. And still ahead on aljazeera another postponement in the world of sports as euro 2020 is delayed over coronavirus years and in other news iraqs president named a new Prime Minister but can he break months of political deadlock. Theres a rather intense storm still working its way eastwards across northern sections of the middle east bringing plenty of snow and rain across much of turkey and continuous east was journey over the next couple of days that is moving fairly swiftly so these the closest eyes in istanbul once the storm system has worked his way east was but this one i mean about to being pretty vigorous more snow through turkey very heavy amounts of rain through Northern Syria Northern Areas of iraq and just pushing down into Western Areas of iran now it does then look as it was really beginning to fall apart but it will be picking up some more shows it works its way east was across the caspian sea so just monitor that to see where this storm system has next time which is on the cool side really through the eastern end of the med weve got just 13 in damascus and 15 in beirut meanwhile throughout much of the Arabian Peninsula temperatures are close to average so feeling pretty warm some nice sunshine in doha with a high of 28 now we have got one to scottish really thunderstorms as well in the forecast for the next few days in johannesburg not cold 22 in pretty woman up as we go through the week the rain still fairly consistent throughout much of central and eastern madagascar but again the recent Tropical Cyclone that is well out of the picture weve got the usual scott a childs really namibia up towards the north and weve got mostly dry kiss guys in cape cod a 26. 00. Join the listening post as we turn the cameras on the media india has more than 424 Hour Television news channel morning talkers and focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most the states misleads the public to still be here reflects the. Climate change their editorial shows take a dart believe they have anything to apologize for listening post on aljazeera. The. The earth. Welcome back a recap of our top stories on aljazeera at the administration is from missing up to a trillion dollars to help the u. S. Economy whether the coronavirus pandemic proposal includes giving money to individual citizens the European Union meanwhile has agreed to close the bronx external borders for 30 days as restrictions imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus become more extreme in italy another 345 people have died while spain has reported another 2000 cases and a malaysian has rolled out some of the most drastic restriction seen across asia to stop the spread of the virus its waters and now close a tourist and the nations themselves cant leave for 2 weeks it comes as a country can friends its 1st 2 tests. Now former u. S. Vice President Joe Biden has scored major victories in democratic primaries across 3 states despite the corona Virus Outbreak is now the favorite to take on President Donald Trump in novembers election gallagher reports. Of polling stations in florida arizona and illinois wasnt just the democratic process officials were concerned about the rapid spread of the coronavirus saw low voter turnout furious cleaning and polling stuff not manning the boobs over Health Concerns many voted early or by mail but those that turned out on tuesday were cautious but you know lets say for peer sexts a way all the nuts the best you can do all you can do is just try to stay clean wash your hands limit any public action if you can i mean im going to go home after this im not going to be out hanging out with people so officials in ohio declared a Health Emergency delaying their primary until june the states governor called it an Unprecedented Health crisis that left some voters disappointed i really want to vote you know i want to make sure my voice is heard especially you know from all the years of back in the past where we were you know africanamericans. Despite the confusion concerns and recommendations not to gather in large crowds the night belonged to joe biden the former Vice President now has the momentum delegate counts and is seen by many as best able to take on President Trump all this together. This is a moment for each of us to see and believe the best in everyone of us to look out for our neighbors understand the fear and stress and so many are feeling biden now has an it in semantical lead over Bernie Sanders he didnt address his losses on tuesday instead appealing for more federal help for the pandemic we need to provide a direct emergency 2000. 00 cash payment every household in america every month for the duration of the crisis to provide them with the assistance they need to pay their bills and take care of their families in his remote address to the nation joe biden spoke directly to sunda supporters telling them i hear you sound as movement is still a powerful force in bidens appeal is perhaps a sign of things to come the former Vice President wants to unite both the country and the party and to do that hell need those supporters on board and he gallacher aljazeera miami florida. The International Monetary fund has rejected venezuelas request for 5000000000. 00 to help with corona virus across latin america around 800. 00 confirmed cases have been reported and a mandatory 14 days of self or indian has been imposed by argentinas government for people considered at risk traceable reports he said. By may 2nd every say returned from a trip to the United States a week ago and since then she has been inquiring time with her husband and 3 children. She lives in a quieter about 60 kilometers away from where the site is and has had no symptoms of covert 90 yet we were able to talk to her over the phone from outside her holy. Neighbors help us and bring us food things we need and leave it the door we never had time to go to a supermarket to buy supplies so we depend on them all home buying from the market. Bunnies have received a message from the government saying that querent time is mandatory for 14 days in this neighborhood there are several families inquire in time because they travel to countries affected by the virus in europe china or the United States its a preventive measure imposed by the government to prevent the spread of the virus and those who do not respect it could be fined or end up serving prison time. With 19 has become a challenge for argentinas government that does not want to see whats happening in italy here. Almost 300 foreigners that did not want to remain inquire in time were deported by the authorities in the past few days they were picked up in their hotels and taken to the airport by the police dole of muslim to muslim president out of the farm and this says government measures will likely increase in the next few days and there is no employment there we are analyzing the recommendations of the World Health Organization and they say we need to take drastic measures to prevent the dissemination of the virus. Measures that for now most argentines appear to agree with. When a site is iran has issued its strongest warning yet about coronavirus suggesting many people could die if they keep ignoring Health Guidance a journalist on state television as the public to adhere to travel restrictions iran has temporarily freed 85000. 00 prisoners in response to the pandemic including a british iranian aid worker not an insecure e ratcliffe on monday crowds of conservative iranian storm 2 major shrines which were closed because of the virus zanders ravi in tehran explains why iranians havent been listening to official warnings this is really something that the government has been struggling with since the beginning iranians are so frustrated with their economic circumstances so frustrated with experiencing one crisis after another that when it comes to following the governments guidance regarding the coronavirus the government simply hasnt been able to get everybody on board now it has to be said slowly but surely you can tell the difference there are fewer iranians that are out on the streets there are more people that are following the government guidelines but this idea that millions of people could be impacted as we saw the news reader on state t. V. Say earlier today this is part of the kind of fear that Government Officials have been trying to instill in people of the consequences of not following through is this fact or fiction well we dont really have any Health Official or Government Official quoted here are standing behind this but medically speaking if you follow the epidemiology if the government is not able to get ahold of the spread of the virus throughout the country it could become a hot zone it could become a long term area of risk in which case there there is a chance it could affect millions of People National lanka has close calls and universities to stop the spread of the virus as distracted the School Calendar including 1st some exams which were due to start this week but as me now for nondescript for some colombo some institutions are working around the problem. Teachers at this small school in colombo are ensuring their students dont fall behind in their studies now their dues have closed their preparing packs for home study the government surprise staff here when it ordered all indication institutions to close for 5 weeks to help stop the spread of corbett 19 this was critical basically because we didnt know why the sudden within 45 minutes we were told schools are closing to the 20th of april its not like a corporation where you can put a few fires in the drawer and say well come back to you these are children all schools in sri lanka are no closed as it braces for a rise in coronavirus numbers there are usually around 3000 students coming to this School Every Day but fears of the corona virus has kept them and more than 4000000 like them around the country at home the authorities hope the decision to close schools will help minimize the potential transmission of the virus among children. Sure loved his health chief says the sheer number of pupils interacting with each other within School Grounds would make it difficult to contain the virus not that much as to how to behave in a situation like this you know can you ask your kid do you know where sure hands and you send you an ad does it great so its not easy dr johnson his confident pupils will catch up on their studies when they return to school but says schools must engage with them while theyre the way you would meet. New teachers at la petite fleur brainstorming with parents on how best to use online tools for learning the technology is going to be reviews of everything is old infrastructure the very basis of reporting. That sort of fits together and making use of whats available to students and parents seem happy for now with what theyre offering home study backs and even term exams with detailed instructions i feel very happy now i have more free time but i also feel a surge because i dont get to go from my basketball practice he just hopes the virus will be contained and hell be back with his friends at school by the end of april when a finance aljazeera colomba. Now euro 2020 said to become euro 2021 because of coronavirus the football championship is being passed on for a year the majors big sporting event to be affected there been a strong call to push the tenement back from june and july and it came after days of talks at the governing body u. S. His headquarters in switzerland rather than being held in a single country it was you to be paid in 12 different european nations a Sports Correspondent we let willie weddings and reports the decision may allow the domestic football leagues which are also suspended to be completed in the summer. This is absolutely a decision that you want to have to judge in these circumstances is extraordinary circumstances to delay it live here makes perfect sense that would be something see how he forwards will move into mines in place the 12 cities they were playing it it remains in crisis. If theres any chance further down the line that they might actually consider reverting to just one aspect thats a lot of the down the line i think whats really significant as well is a lot of talk about spoke to everyone who bought the european clubs the players. Representatives about whether the seasons and very well in domestic scenes can be finished and one of the things about. The you can change is it opens up the possibility for matches to be played in some china is expelling a journalist from 3 major American News outlets after the us place restrictions on Chinese State media and meal times the wall street journal and the Washington Post have all had their credentials revoked it follows a decision by washington to designate 5 Chinese Media outlets as Foreign Missions iraqs president has appointed a new Prime Minister but on tag government protesters have immediately rejected his choice adnan out of zofia is a former governor of najaf and heads the Parliamentary Group of former Prime Minister a high dela body he has said he days to form a cabinet simona 14 reports some back that. In the latest effort to end the months of political crisis president barham saleh has appointed. As the new Prime Minister designate it with a clear mandate hold early elections and unite a deeply divided iraq to bring together all the sides heal the wounds on the roofs that was the 1st mission for this man. Is among a dozen names who have been considered for the post and the 2nd person to be officially named as Prime Minister designate since caretaker Prime Minister resigned in the event following the deaths of many antigovernment protesters demanding change just like previous nominees demonstrators were quick to reject who was a member of Parliament Oh i get missed or you know i am a fool as a Government Official he is rejected by the people he is not an dependant he is with elma see a party. The nomination came hours before the imposition of a weeklong curfew to stem the spread of coronavirus protesters accuse the government of using the curfew to silence public dissent i dont want that so why the curfew was chosen at this time so they can get this candidate through parliament so they can force him on the people this is a recluse disregard from the government with regard to the will of the iraqi people we will continue protesting here but on tuesday square was almost empty as iraqis prepared for the lockdown. Months of unrest and the dramatic fall in oil prices have taken their toll on iraqs economy iraqis are also caught up in escalating tensions between the u. S. And iranian backed armed groups many are exhausted and simply want a candidate whole restore stability. So. The prices are going up even our Mental Health is affected for the past 3 to 4 months weve had. That. They brought Mohamed Tawfik a lot here then i dont know who put now we hope that he will bring good things and i wish that the parties and the people will support him. And nonvote a 5th face is the dual challenge of securing support from protesters and at the same time the political establishment they oppose antigovernment demonstrators reject sophy for representing the status quo while Political Parties fear he wont protect it some parties have already come out to say that they will not endorse a candidate chosen without their input in the past the Prime Minister has been a consensus candidate chosen by the Largest Group of m. P. s following secretive backroom discussions but after major Political Parties failed to agree on a candidate ahead of the march 17th constitutional deadline president barham saleh made his own choice that has angered the iranian linked Fatah Alliance the largest bloc in parliament. I want and ill let you can what assurance that he was rejected for many reasons 1st of all he is in fatahs nominee secondly in his statements he was mostly adopting the american and Western Point of view all his stance towards iran was adversarial so to his 30 days to form a cabinet kurdish sunni and some shia parties are likely to back him but without the support of iranian backed groups so he may struggle to secure the majority in parliament simona fulton aljazeera but that. The headlines on aljazeera the Trump Administration is promising up to a trillion dollars to help the u. S. Economy whether the Coronavirus Fund proposal includes giving money to individual citizens. Least of these. In. The world of us which is that this was something that happened its nobodys fault it happened and were going to take care of it will be bigger stronger better than ever before and it will take that will. The European Union meanwhile has agreed to close the bronx external borders for 30 days as restrictions imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus become more extreme in italy another 345. 00 people have died while in spain they have are 2000 cases reported malaysia has rolled out some of the most drastic restrictions seen across asia to stop the spread of the virus its borders are not close to tourists and malaysians themselves cant leave for 2 weeks it comes as a country confirms its 1st 2 deaths the International Monetary fund has rejected venezuelas request for 5000000000. 00 to help with corona virus across latin america around 800. 00 confirmed cases have been reported and a mandatory 14 days of south korean teen has been imposed by argentinas government for people considered at risk Iran State Television has issued its most drastic warning so far saying the corona virus could kill many more people if they keep ignoring Health Guidance its also a temporary freedom around 85000. 00 prisoners and kills 3 of its holiest sites now the news former us vice President Joe Biden has swept to victory in florida illinois and arizona in the race for the democratic president ial nomination is increasingly pulling away from his main rival Bernie Sanders the 3 states held primaries on tuesday despite Health Officials encouraging people to stay home ohio postponed its. China is expanding journalists from 3 major American News outlets up to the u. S. Based restrictions on Chinese State media the New York Times the wall street journal and the Washington Post have all had their credentials revolt it follows a decision by washington to designate 5 Chinese Media out as sad as Foreign Missions those are the headlines on aljazeera much more as always and i website at aljazeera dot com coming up next year its the listening posts to stay with us. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly bored. As the struggle for resources be intensified as some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans monopoly on 00. Comet fire it has rained on the clock but Officials Say they are on i suspect. Though that there are now were going to go through 6 balance to cases plus more than 100. 00 countries with any place you think of interest in new york chicago chicago. Hello im Richard Gaisford in europe the listening post among the media stories that were covering this week china tries to flip the script on covert 19 it has issues with the way the International Media are covering the story right down to where the virus was born the Film Industry in apartheid era south africa how could it busted. And the subsidy that was supposed

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