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Am. The entity is expanding travel restrictions to the entire country knocking down 60000000 people to contain the coronavirus up break the unprecedented move follows another spike in deaths from the virus despite a strict or an teen imposed in the north of italy Victoria Gate and be reports on the situation across europe. Its a nice curated virus that demick already the 2nd most deadly after china has taken another dramatic turn with more than 60000000 people the countrys entire population on the look down from tuesday. Prime minister is that they contact says hes extending restrictions on movement after another spike in deaths from the coronavirus all public gatherings all banned and schools and universities closed until april the 3rd. There will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be a lawn and zone 2 in the country there will only be its only a protected zone so across the whole peninsula people should avoid all movement unless they are for 3 specific reasons for work emergencies or health reasons. 60000000 people in the north of the country have been on the look down since sunday riots in 2 dozen prisons across italy folate restrictions on face to face visits a modern a 6 inmates died after they broke into the prison infirmary and overdosed on stocks of the heroin substitute methadone. As a warning they posted some pastis which say we can only go inside when a mosque. Visits of one Family Member at a time. This was a hint of what chaos might in see you with the virus were to enter the confines of the prison system it is almost everywhere else in italy these were arrest scenes filmed inside a hospital in the northern town of cremona and also on lockdown the Financial Capital milan one of the engines of the economy europes major stock markets than to frankfurt paris and london all suffered dramatic falls on monday with share prices plummeting as the infection rate saw the Economic Impact of the coronavirus is already substantial and will only grow there are discomforting comparisons being made to the 2008 financial crisis with concerns for the preparedness european banks and businesses. On tuesday elitist will meet to try to come up with a unified response but they wont meet here in person in brussels with it steadily growing infection rate instead theyll be holding a teleconference the circumstances of this unique crisis continue to evolve although not yet into a pandemic says the World Health Organization in which transmission of the virus is uncontrolled now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries the traits of a pandemic has become very real. But it would be the 3rd spondon week in history that could be controlled there are signs of success against the virus in china south korea and singapore but not yet in europe spain looks set to launch whats being described as Shock Therapy measures possibly following france and germany with School Closures and restrictive public gatherings these are moves the government in britain is not yet prepared to make keen apparently to defer the enormous social and economic costs of fighting the coronavirus but that will likely be no avoiding them victoria there. Sabina Castle Franco is an italian gentleness she explains the thanks of the polls mentions i think a lot of people are very frustrated because they its going to be very complicated for families not everybody lives in the same place many people are being separated of course the Prime Minister has said that the transport in cities will will be unchanged so people will be able to get to work if they have to using public transport but what we will be seeing is what weve been seeing in the north of the country until now basically empty cities empty empty streets and no one in shops except if its absolutely unavoidable basically if youre going to buy food and people that are keeping you know at least a meter apart from everybody else there are restaurants and bars and will to organize themselves so that you can sit at a table and be one meter apart from someone else in addition of course the government has on television constantly these videos explaining how you should be behaving washing your hands where ing surgical masks not sneezing in front of somebody but using tissues that are disposable so the country is really having to a doctor a completely different and new way unprecedented lets say way of living. Now the white house says the us president has not been tested for corona virus after he flew with a congressman whos not quarantined himself this comes as donald trump announced plans to soften the economic effect of the outbreak including potential payroll tax cuts the president says a possible tax we need for be substantial and can help support the economy a virus has infected more than 600. 00 people across 34. 00 u. S. States. We are going to take care of them have been taken care of the American Public and the American Economy we are going to be asking tomorrow were seeing the senate will be meeting with House Republicans which mcconnell everybody and discussing a possible payroll tax. Cut or relief substantial really very substantial relief thats a big thats a big number. Were also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting. Help so that they can. Fill a position where that i could ever miss a paycheck will be working with companies and Small Companies Large Companies a lot of companies so that they dont get penalize or something thats not their faults not their fault its not our countrys fault that this was something that we were thrown into and were going to handle it and we have been handling it was in jordan has more from washington d. C. The trumpet ministration is struggling to reassure americans that it has the situation involving the coronavirus epidemic under control this is what the u. S. Vice president mike pence told reporters on monday evening but the president was referring to is that we will have people that test positive and then they get better that its also important remember that people with the vast majority get better completely some some large percentage have mild flu symptoms some have serious flu symptoms but then of course for the for the americans you heard the Surgeon General refer to seniors with underlying Serious Health conditions dr phillips you referred to were committed to lean in to make sure they have the support they need but the white house also noted late on monday evening that in response to reporters questions the President Donald Trump has not been tested for a coronavirus this even though a florida congressperson rode with the president on air force one during a Campaign Stop over the weekend that congressman is now in self quarantine for 14 days because he had been exposed to a person who has tested positive for the virus again its raising questions about whether enough is being done not just to protect the u. S. President but the American Public really large or present from trying to reassure markets plunge in Global Stock Markets on wednesday wall street suffered its worst one day job since the 2008 financial crisis where the dow jones falling more than 7 percent things were so bad that trading was suspended at one point to cool off the mouth down christine tsunami reports from new york. From the opening bell investors were sounding the alarm a massive stock selloff amid growing fears that the coronavirus was evolving from a Health Crisis to an economic one as more people stay. Home canceled trips and reduce their spending Walking Around new york today or even the last few days one begins to see what is real economic pain to come which is empty restaurants and empty stores and circling looking for business that doesnt seem to be there it got so bad that just minutes into trading a nosedive of 7 percent on the s. And p. Index triggered an automatic shut down temporarily halting trading the market stopped for 15 minutes what is that it gives people a chance sort of stabilize get the fire story interested of all sellers interested involved this again from the emotionality of the panic mode and try to get a sense of really whats going on markets open to the news that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the u. S. Had topped 508 states have declared a state of emergency and that oil prices have dropped 30 percent after some Oil Producing countries failed to reach an agreement to reduce production launching a price war new york was the last stop on a worldwide wave of sally all the main european and xs fell by more than 7 percent after asian markets also saw sharp declines. I made so much uncertainty the Federal Reserve which is the u. S. Central bank has promised to make more money available for Short Term Loans to keep cash flowing to Financial Markets other measures may be under consideration but so far they havent been enough to reassure investors that the coronavirus wont take the entire economy christian salumi out to 0. 1 lets find out how. Performing this tuesday rob mcbride in seoul for us so the markets in asia opened about 3 hours ago now how are things looking. A mixed picture this Tuesday Morning the volatility carrying over from yesterday monday with seeing some early drops but again rebounding possibly as a result of technical rebound because of course mondays drops were so big weve saw the nikkei in japan that opens down a big 4 percent but recovering very quickly its down now one and a half percent the hang seng in hong kong that opened one percent down but again making back that ground and now at the moment flat here in south korea the kaspi index is down half a percent it is possibly a confidence has been restored here slightly by measures taken by the government to restrict the amount of short selling thats basically betting that bad news will send the market down further theres been some restrictions put on that sort of trading so generally i think the markets here continuing to take a lead from wall street overnight are continuing to have concerns about the global recession as a result of the coronavirus but you have to say probably also being boid slightly by slightly better news here in asia itself on the control of the corona virus yeah and some good news went with a number of new coronavirus cases in china tell us about the situation there and also in south korea where you are. Thats right here in south korea the daily number of daily new cases has just been released 131 cases now this is the lowest rise for about 2 weeks here in south korea with its continuing a trend that weve seen for several days now that every day the number of new cases it is continuing to drop were not seeing the kind of 5 or 600 new cases that we were seeing last week so it is a slightly better picture and youve got to remember that there are literally thousands and thousands of tests being done every day really targeting high risk groups like the congregation of this church in the south of the country that is the center of some of the biggest clusters that we have seen also people who have flu symptoms people who has met somebody who met somebody who tested positive so all of these high risk groups are being tested and out of 13000. 00 tests that were carried out in the past 24 hours for example they have 131. 00 new cases so its less than one percent of all of these potentially high risk people who are turning out to have been infected which is good news the numbers do start to look good from south koreas perspective and of course in china itself they are continuing to see again their downward trend in fact of the new cases of the coronavirus that they have found theres only been 2 cases outside of province which is the epicenter of their outbreak in the whole of Mainland China and those 2 cases were actually people from outside china coming into the country so again its prompted beijing and also south korea to start looking at entry restrictions putting restrictions on people coming from other parts of the world that would have to be considered now to be potentially more dangerous and for the 1st time south korea is no longer the biggest outbreak of the corona virus outside china rid of is of course the dubious title has now been taken by italy thank you very much for that rob mcbride live for us in so on. And still ahead on aljazeera a day without women and female workers strike in mexico to show what its like without us here in the battleground state of michigan people are going to the polls to vote what could be the deciding day determines who runs against donald trump the general election i give rosendo detroit that story coming up. There quite a mix of weather conditions across areas of the United States in the south is in this building and that is where the heavy rain is going to continue to work its way eastwards california is seeing some flash floods and then we have goal this is up into new york state crisp and dry snow on the ground ice on the trees this is actually miles which is new york states highest mountain in just a couple of hikers that snowshoeing their way across the landscape not being pretty moderate she calls into new york we call 17 degrees than 19 in d. C. On tuesday the rain is on its way quite heavy at times but this is what we call concerns over lightly flash floods into Southern California very heavy amounts of rain coming down on to some particularly dry ground itll work its way for the east was across into our zone as we go through wednesday and the rain of the east that will continue to clear off shore now we get some very heavy rain in the forecast really across much of the haiti and in particular the Dominican Republic this rain really could accumulate over the next couple of days we could see as much as 400 millimeters to northern sections of of the country and that could of course lead to some localized flooding by the time we get to wednesday it does move offshore weve got widely scattered showers really across the entire region but sunny skies in cancun with a high of 26. Perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we would lie on the experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. Of fan testimony we know very it. Was this documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. Our top stories on aljazeera expanding travel restrictions to the entire country knocking down 60000000 people to entertain the corona Virus Outbreak the unprecedented move follows another spike in desk from the virus to spiral strict born to an imposed in the middle pockets in asia expecting another day of losses a score in a virus continues to knock investors confidence japans nikkei fell by 3. 5 percent while saad koreas cost loss less than one percent a straight in began on tuesday and the white house has confirmed donald trump has not been tested for coronavirus us president any amount sponsor soften the Economic Impact of the virus including potential payroll tax cuts. Now european and nato leaders have met the turkish president in a bid to deescalate the growing refugee crisis last month. Open the borders to Asylum Seekers wanting to leave. In the e. U. That name has the latest on the situation in dany near the Turkey Greece border. As leaders met the desperate pressed on seizing the opportunity while turkeys borders were still open but abdul sidon describes a harrowing journey that ended with an arrest by the greek police what i one of the we are im a woman a closed road and the global you want to go is the nod nod to god it was my 3rd of our id rather you died another 31 february 28 hours after turkey suffered its greatest number of casualties since its soldiers began fighting in syria turkish president. Urged awad open the countrys northwest border with greece and. Urged once new policy or an out of frustration with what he says is europes failure to assist it with hosting 3700000 syrians created another refugee and geo political crisis. A huge enough given amount d. C. To key has a Critical Role to play in handling the refugee problem and it needs the help of europe to do it but this cannot happen and i think everyone realizes it now under conditions of threats and blackmail using flying people as pawns greece may call it blackmail but some analysts say turkeys opening of the border is a successful tactic after 2 years of complaining to the European Union to no avail president now has europes attention and is back at the negotiating table for on monday president wants spoke after meeting with the nato secretary general to see their contribution is beyond reason and understanding that an ally in a neighboring country points towards turkey as the one responsible for the wave of irregular migration and i have expressed to the secretary general that we are not going to allow this country to use its Current Situation and using European Union can order to obtain in just against. Top officials said the 2016 migration agreement between turf. The view is still valid however there are missing elements that need to be addressed under the agreement turkey agreed to oppose strict measures to halt the flow of migration into Europe Exchange for of billions of dollars we have expressed very clearly to president our commitment to move forward on these issues provided that this is reciprocal the European Council president called the meetings a 1st step leaving the question of how much longer it would take to end the crisis as thousands of refugees and migrants continue to risk their lives making their way to western Europe Natasha canape old 0 near the Turkey Greece border. Had least 43 people are dead in book enough to gunmen attacked 2 villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the area in the north region close to the border with mali the villages are inhabited by ethnics lining hurt is no ones claimed responsibility for the attack sudans Prime Minister has survived what the government is calling an assassination attempts. Time want hinder the political changes being made since the ousting of all mob a share last year the governor of Khartoum State says a few suspects have been arrested he morgan has more. The monday morning attack happened in the capital hard to name Prime Minister abdullah who was in a convoy of cars when a roadside bomb blast was followed by gunshots he survived the attempt on his life but the Police Motorbike rider was injured within a couple of hours in a photo to prove in his words that hes in good shape and vowed that the attack one gets in the way of saddams transition the government says it was a targeted attack and investigations are underway into who carried it out. And we know that there are people who are trying to target the revolution of the sudanese people and to attack the gains of the revolutionaries but we stress that revolution is going on and the revolution will continue its possible the area was cordoned off and examined by forensics this area behind me is where the explosion that targeted the convoy of stance Prime Minister out the window it happened now you can see the impact of the blast on the walls of that building the windows are completely shattered while sudans government says that the Prime Minister is safe and has not been injured by the incident people are now asking why a Security Breach such as this happened in the 1st place. People living nearby raced to the streets to see whats happened. And what did you hear the explosion was very loud in the glass from all 4 floors broke i went to see and found 2 cars badly damaged in another which i assume was the Prime Ministers car driving away with the security convoy the attack highlights the fragile t. Of sudans transition to civilian rule almost a year after protesters forced the military to move president obama into sheer and replace him with the joint military civilian government but many say the generals remained effective rulers of sudan. Supporters were quick to condemn the attack they say sudans new government is the result of the peoples revolution which they are ready to save guard until the transition to democracy is complete morgan aljazeera hundreds of. Thousands of women across mexico have stayed away from public areas as part of us try called a day without women after sundays mass marches for International Womens day female students and workers stayed at home to show what mexico would be like without them the government estimates about 10 women are killed each day and thousands more go missing without a trace activists claim the government has failed to take attacks on women seriously John Heilemann has more from mexico city more than 10 women a day killed in mexico and this is been happening for some time and in fact its grown in the country they call them the femicide from the city use here and looked over the last 2 days when a place weve been trying to really speak out about this new show about the culture the culture that really gives rise to that and least the problem yesterday we saw of march of 80000 women on sunday that were going through much of the same havent you actually and just today theres so many activities going on women are on strike the rule is that theyre not going to work theres not going to help in the home and. Play without women can be a symbol. A mass murder trial has begun in the netherlands over the 2014 downing of a malaysian airliner 4 men are accused of helping shoot down the plane although they were absent from the courtin are believed to be in russia 290 people were on the mh 17 flight from amsterdam to kuala lumpur it was hit by a missing child while flying over a conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine territory controlled by pro russian separatists the kremlin denies involvement. Let me amar spawn a mentor said to vote on tuesday over whether to amend its constitution the proposed changes include reducing the role of the armed forces but there is strong opposition 25 percent of parliament are unelected legislators appointed by the military changes so the 2008 constitution will only pass if theyre supported by some of those politicians. To us now where a week after democratic president ial contenders joe bidens victories 6 more states are holding primary votes ahead of the november general election and michigan is seen as one of the biggest prizes in the 2020 vote and could determine who is named the next President Donald Trump won the state by about 10000 votes in 2006 same old sport former Vice President joe biden in the lead again sense of Bernie Sanders not during the 2016 election turnout among africanamericans was the lowest in decades. To voters in the states biggest city detroits a protest for food. Members of a large labor union out to encourage fellow black americans to get out and vote in tuesdays democratic primary election in michigan many did not vote in the last president ial election it was won by donald trump i know people that did not get my say see you do not suppose to do this is what happens in 2016 black voter turnout was barely 50 percent the lowest in decades. From 1st won several states with sizable black populations by the slimmest of margins like michigan. This ballpark is home to the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball team just for some perspective in the last election just here in the state of michigan 4 and a half 1000000 people voted this ballpark seats 40000 people and donald trump beat Hillary Clinton by only 10000 votes but when you look in the state of michigan voters have a feel they have a pulse of their votes are poured they thought their votes were taken for granted and when you look at the last president ial election there were not resources spent here in michigan want to give off. Signs of decay in detroit just outside the windows where. Young activists are getting last minute instructions before door knocking for votes. How important is africanamerican turnout in the next election. Its very important. In 2016 it was a very very very close race between trump and hillary. If we can you know make an impact by talking to these voters and get in and understand how important it is to come turn out to vote whether biden or bernie you know we can really swing the state. Are you taking people to the polls you are any plans to keep knocking on doors making sure of it ill leave this with you gabriels andro. Detroit. A u. S. Appeals court has all the band led zeppelin did not steal its 971 mega hit stairway to heaven. Past the acoustic introduction at the center of the long running copyright dispute a band named spirits claims it was stolen from a song they released 3 years before the next step in tune the case has been in court for 6 years on monday an 11 judge panel held a previous decision in favor of led zeppelin. Hello again im fully battle with the headlines on aljazeera italy is expanding travel restrictions to the entire country knocking down 60000000 people to contain the corona Virus Outbreak the unprecedented move follows another spike in deaths from the virus despite a strict orenstein in polls in the north meanwhile markets in asia are expecting another day of losses as coronavirus continues to knock investors confidence japans nikkei fell by 3. 5 percent while south koreas cost be lost less than one percent as trading began on to say the white house has confirmed donald trump has not been tested for corona virus after he flew with a congressman whos not quarantined himself the u. S. President only announced plans to soften economic effects of the virus including potential payroll tax cuts we are going to take care of them have been taken care of the American Public and the American Economy we are going to be asking tomorrow were seeing the senate will be meeting with House Republicans which mcconnell the river discussing a possible payroll tax. Cut or relief substantial really very substantial relief thats a big thats a big number. At least 43 people are dead in brooklyn or faso after gunmen attached to villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the area close to the border with mali no ones claimed responsibility for the attack thousands of women across mexico have stayed away from public areas as part of a strike all day without women after sundays mass marches for International Womens day female students and workers stayed at home to show what mexico would be like without them activists claim the government has failed to take attacks on women seriously. A mass murder trial has begun in the netherlands over the 2014 downing of a malaysian airliner 4 men are accused of helping shoot down the plane although they were absent from court and are believed to be in russia 290 people were on the mh 705 from amsterdam to kuala lumpur those are the headlines coming up next its witness ugandas lady just stay with us. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it down to 0 for you the news and current affairs. When a new monkey would do. He had to leave. You so that could be. How one to one she ok no confirmed the t. V. News channel because he got the no one on the night my. Son was named after. Her own name will come cobble detected and make up. A job i did to demand. A cool name out in

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