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Sudan after its Prime Minister survives an assassination attempt on his motorcade. Italy is extending restrictions on movement to the entire country after another spike in deaths from the coronavirus 463 people have now died from the virus initially an increase of 97 from sunday 60000000 people are already under lockdown in the north of the country but the Prime Minister does epic want to says the same restrictions will now apply to the rest of italy from tuesday all public gatherings will be banned in schools and universities closed until april 3rd. Which is that a few there will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be as a lawn and zone 2 in the country there will only be its really a protected zone so across the whole peninsula people should avoid all movement unless they are for 3 specific reasons for work emergencies or Health Reasons stephan a very generous any talent journalist based in milan he joins us now via skype stephan of edge and i thank you for joining us we just heard is that the quantity there the italian Prime Minister explain roughly what the new measures will entail how easy are they going to be to be implemented across the country. Its not going to be easy i think. What we can say is that the same measures were applied in the north of italy today and. There are for example fines for those who do not respect the preparations. But in the end today there was there was no i mean no no kind of no kind of measures like these who are implemented there is a kind of so certification form people have to fill up. Were allowed to go to supermarkets and things that are necessary but its not clear yet what is meant to be necessary so its not going to be easy to implement these measures i think they tell them government so far has been criticised for the way that its conveyed to certain messages for making the situation quite confusing and not explaining clearly what was going to happen when would you say that this is a similar case we didnt see the whole of his epic on his News Conference but did he actually give details in you know how far people were allowed to move are people really expected to stay home can they stay in their cities or their towns was that detail actually given. Not so much the message was very simple and short and it was the same measures who are going going to be going to be spread to the rest to be to leave schools are going to be closed on to a proof 3rd and basically this is this is it they were not there or not it was not specified would what the details are we can think that the same measures for the north will be spread to the south so this will mean basically a lot of activities closed but its very much all up to the private companies to decide whether they want to stay open or not people can go to work supermarkets bars are open so it is not like Everything Everything closed at the moment and after the sort of red zone in places like milan and was announced in the big cities like milan on the on lockdown you saw a lot of pictures of people getting into on the trains heading to the south of italy as this measure of by the Prime Minister being implemented to stop that from happening so its not so much about moving from one village to the nearby village but more the big movements from the land to the south for example. This is probably what would these new measures can console in the sense that the perception is changing the law the perception of the buyers changing milady those been changing a lot in the last 2 weeks we went from 0 to almost 1000 people infected in just 2 weeks so the perception of the government and the people is changing the real problem is hospitals of the moment intensive care units in the north there are almost fool in some areas system in the south that we believe generally were 30 in the north so i think this is the main issue for the government the moment 7 of 8 janay an Italian Journalist based in milan stefano thank you thank you now a plunge in oil prices triggered by a dispute between saudi arabia and russia has sent stocks plummeting on Global Markets which of course were already spooked by the coronavirus billions were wiped off the value of Major Companies on monday londons footsie 100 suffered its biggest one day force since the Global Financial crisis of 2008 the index closed 7. 7 percent down hong kongs hang seng index fell 4. 2 percent thats biggest one they fall in 2 years and that spilled into other asian markets trading was halted on the New York Stock Exchange for 15 minutes when the dow jones tumbled more than 7 percent shortly after it opened it closed almost 7. 8 percent down well earlier i spoke to one a who is a professor of International Business and strategy at the university of surrey explained why the markets have taken such a hit. Its clear to me that there were 3 things that we needed to consider when we looked at this kind of perfect storm as youve highlighted one is that the China Environment was slowing down right so the economy was slowing down the 2nd thing was that was impacting the supply chain consumer demand was falling the 2nd thing connected to that was that you had these kind of localized break outs right so so the kind of outbreak kicked in in italy we see this in japan and so this kind of cascade into financial distress and what were seeing today is just a perfect storm as a result of that well the u. S. Army says its europe commander may have been exposed to the coronavirus and the self monitoring the tenant general christopher of ollie and several Staff Members attended a conference in germany last week where one at the was infected President Donald Trump has been meeting his economic advisors to the scotts the governments response to coronavirus us media reports the measures being considered are paid sick leave aid for Small Businesses and tax the fur for the travel industry to trump us played down the threat of the virus and was seen shaking hands with supporters in florida roslyn jordan joins us live now from washington d. C. It was and i guess quite a mixed message from the white house or perhaps not even that makes that the president perhaps not taking the viruses seriously as seriously as other World Leaders are taking it do you think well get any clarity from him when he next addresses the country. Well certainly the mixed messages have been coming almost from the beginning of the diagnosis of the 1st cases here in the United States and the us President Donald Trump has been roundly criticized for essentially ignoring the advice and knowledge of the government Infectious Disease experts even contradicting them during president s over the past couple of weeks the president was supposed to be in the White House Briefing room in the past half hour or so weve now been told that the Daily Briefing on the u. S. Response to coronavirus will not be happening until 2030 g. M. T. Thats in about 20 minutes or so from now but certainly the concern that the president is under cutting the message from Infectious Disease experts about the need for people to what take this seriously to try to think of the common good and to try to protect the health of those people who are perhaps immunocompromised or are Senior Citizens and who may not be able to fight off what would be for younger people a mild illness that is really raising a big political concerns for his reelection bid its also the fact that it seems that whenever the president has something to say about the corona Virus Outbreak that the Financial Markets here in the u. S. Seem to react quite violently and traders end up selling off a stock that has also been going on for the past week or so given how seriously the u. S. Stock markets reacted on monday to the ongoing fight between saudi arabia and russia over oil prices it will be very interesting to see barbara just how the president tries to calm the country and indeed the Global Economic markets when that briefing eventually takes place at the white house and will indeed rosalynn join in with the latest there from washington d. C. Ross thank you. Well thing in the u. S. A cruise ship thats been forced to stay off the coast of california for the past 4 days is just being allowed to dock in oakland at least 21 people on board the grand princess cruise have the coronavirus the ship is carrying more than 3500 people and was barred from returning to port in San Francisco because of the infections fences surround the oakland ports and buses have been lined up to take passengers into medical care or quarantine crew members will be quarantined and treated on board. And this really has become the 1st country to enforce a mandatory 2 week quarantine for all new arrivals as it tries to limit the spread of the virus that the city applies to both citizens and tourists. They were most of the complex discussions we reached a decision everyone who comes to israel from abroad will be put on a 14 day call in to this is necessary to protect Public Health Public Health comes before Everything Else this decision will be valid for 2 weeks at the same time we are making decisions to maintain the israeli economy. So to calm this half hour after the European Union issues a stern warning over the migrant crisis turkeys president heads home in a hurry and in a fight for their lives women across latin america stop work in the war action against gender based violence. Hello there plenty of rain showers across northern sections of australia its that time of year we see the seasonal rains which are referred to as the monsoon rains you can see plenty of indicating where the showers are still a few more very welcome shot just to push off that eastern side of the queensland and also New South Wales so 24 degrees for you in sydney on choose day maybe the chance of wanted to show us what you will notice is more showers in the forecast across new zealand the time which is a really come down quite dramatically in the last couple of days as that system has worked its way across meanwhile in perth across into Western Australia temperatures actually about 8 degrees above average the mid thirtys 35 celsius as we go through wednesday and to the north into when a bit of a drying session on the middle day over the week and then again weve got fine dry conditions across much of the south and again the charles as he watches through eastern New South Wales and some fairly heavy rain as well pushing across much of the Cape York Peninsula particularly heavy rain on its way through much of japan as we go through tuesday this rain is heavy we could have some localized flooding and in particular some cons because weve had a lot of snow recently that weve got this real warm up in place the heavy rain comes in so dramatic snow melt is likely on the calls cooler on wednesday 8 celsius in sapporo on a sunny wonton shanghai with a high of 60. An app that sees for the blind and a robotic arm for the disabled. By jungle straightly an engineer is inventing tools to help people gain independence. Sanny running his or her side and that will put the ability to recognize objects all the fire and say that people with for better vision will be able to recognize everyday objects women make science robo gals episode full on aljazeera. Back heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera italy is extending restrictions of on movement to the entire country after another spike in deaths from the coronavirus 16000000 people are already under lockdown in the north of the country the Prime Minister does that pick on the same instructions will apply to the rest of the country from tuesday all public gatherings will be banned schools and universities closed until april 3rd a plunge in oil prices triggered by a dispute between saudi arabia and russia. Markets already by the. Billions were wiped off the value of Major Companies on monday. There are some positive news though on the outbreak despite more reported cases in south korea the rate of increase in 11 days while china has reported its lowest number. Since january. Afghan Officials Say the president will issue a decrease for at least a 1000 taliban prisoners to be released this week paving the way for the government to begin direct talks with the group the pentagon also says the u. S. Military has begun withdrawing troops from afghanistan as part of its agreement with the taliban earlier president ashraf ghani inauguration was marred by a rocket attack this says his rival a beloved dolla actually held his own president ial inauguration all that then hamid reports from kabul. It was a day marred by controversy guests were told to arrive early in the morning only to discover a delay to the inauguration ceremony of president a shove that while they waited u. S. Envoys. Was trying to bridge a political rift between the hani and his rival. By mid afternoon the 72 start of any 2nd term was finally under way. With the u. S. Envoy and other afghan and foreign officials in the audience. Ronnie took his oath of office promising to uphold the constitution and bring security while this ceremony is happening not a president ial inauguration unfolding not very far from where we are and thats the one. Main competitor behind him and he says that he is the winner and the legitimate president of afghanistan taking the same oath his rival. Abdullah rejects the result of the president ial election in september and is calling for a rerun. Plan by master had them a dog named if i accept the food to happen during the election it would be witnessing the end of democracy if not in favor of the country with government according to the demands needed of people we will bring change. To the ceremony was the populist fishers of foreign delegations here. The down with the enemy of the law his supporters jumped it was but it was also they marred by violence. While the 2 men were being sworn in and i would run and jump into. Several rockets were fired at the president ial compound landing very close to where he was giving a speech. The president remained at the podium defiantly opening his shirt to show he wasnt wearing any protection. I so claimed responsibility for the rocket attack monday was a Public Holiday for avalanche the streets of kabul where unusually empty what was supposed to be the start of a new chapter turned out to be a day when political rivalry toward a country apart a little put out the. Thousands of women across mexico stayed home from work and from school as part of a strike and billed as a day without women the streets of mexico city were eerily empty of women throughout the day strike was a matter of hours after an unprecedented number of women filled the streets to protest against rampant and rising gender violence on International Womens day throughout the city mostly men could be seen commuting to and from work. You know case it means to stop the violence they need to punish those who commit crimes and i dont know if they should be muchos or judicial system that really punishes the copious thats what were asking full child holeman is live for us in mexico city jordan obviously mexico for a variety of reasons as a country them a fortune he sees a lot of violence anyway how women specifically affected by it in that country. Well theres a very sort of stark statistic more than 10 women a day killed in mexico and this has been happening for some time and in fact its grown in the country they call them the famous sides the from the sea the u. S. Here and although over the last 2 days women have basically been trying to really speak out about this and also about the culture the culture that really gives rise to that and least that problem yesterday we saw a march of 80000 women on sunday that were going through mexico city very close down the same when you actually and just today theres so many activities going on women are on strike the rule is that theyre not going to work that theyre not going to help out in the home and the limmer is a day without women and be a symbol headers but they are doing so mike to tease and weve just met luce julie who outside of the National Theater you guys are going to be playing a Football Game youve got youve got your football here. And whats whats the reason why you playing in this place well we think that its really important to occupy spaces that were thorough originally for and by men on this is our way to tell everyone that these spaces are ours too and to fight the gangs discrimination and violence stereotypes and everything that is trying to buy a leans against us what does this day mean for you. I dont think ive seen a National Womens strike commits go over the years that ive been here what does this day mean for you well these days special for us because we tuk and yesterdays and manifestation because we are still angry we are saying re about everything thats happening to us everything everyone is attacking a suspicion the men 10 women are dying every day in may he go on needs its enough i mean we are raising we are really really really angry and. This is our way to tell everyone that we are here we are people we are human and we are not tolerating these anymore do you think after these 2 days which do seem quite sort of historic this something as i say that in a decade here ive never seen the amount of women the been coming out but do you think the in reality it will change anything going through ports in the country what he has to i mean we are not longer tolerating these and we are making everything i mean its not just enough the politicians or people around us i mean we have to work with our family our fathers our brothers our friends everyone to make a change every hour change about these we have to make them see what is going through and what we are living here. What are you living for can you give our audience there is in other parts of the world a suit of a sense of what its like the reality of being a young woman here in mexico you know its really dangerous for us to go outside i mean its not the same for women and men men men and they can stay out late in restaurants and playing football going to where we were in its safe for them but for us its like everyone in the chat and on what sub we are like where you im on a taxi im going to come on now you are on these who were and im going to my house after our our games and everyone is sharing their. Location to really drive against everybody and and these these groups we are making. Only women and we are taking care of each order so its always a. Every hour worth taking care of you just going to the street and everyone. Looking at you and you feel uncomfortable on the metro they have these. Vagabonds special for women and its because we are. Harassed and violated every days so its like really really uncomfortable to not be able to do your everyday life without feeling safe thank you so much for speaking to us so here you have a propos game going on but across mexico City Activities in this area is a day without women. To home and with the latest there from mexico city john thank you. So those Prime Minister abdullah has survived what the government is calling an assassination attempt a convoy of cars carrying the leader was attacked by a roadside bomb and gunfire in the capital khartoum and doc escaped without injury hippa morgan has more now from the scene. The monday morning attack happened in the capital hard to name Prime Minister abdullah who was in a convoy of cars when a roadside bomb blast was followed by gunshots he survived the attempt on his life but the Police Motorbike rider was injured within a couple of hours did a photo to prove in his words that hes in good shape and vowed that the attack one gets in the way of saddams transition the government says it was a targeted attack and investigations are underway into who carried it out. I know were not we know that there are people who are trying to target the revolution of the sudanese people and to attack the gains of the revolutionaries but we stress that revolution is going on and the revolution will continue its path with the area was cordoned off and examined by forensics this area behind me is where the explosion that targeted the convoy of stance Prime Minister abdullah happened now you can see the impact of the blast on the walls of that building the windows are completely shouted while sudans government says that the Prime Minister is safe and has not been injured by the incident people are now asking why a Security Breach such as this happened in the 1st place People Living nearby raced to the streets to see whats happened. To you when the explosion was very loud in the glass from all 4 floors broke i went to see and found 2 cars badly damaged in another which i assume was the Prime Ministers car driving away with the security convoy the attack highlights the fragile to saddams transition to civilian rule almost a year after protesters forced the military to remove president almighty bashir and replace him with the joint military civilian government but many say the generals remain the effective rulers of sudan. Supporters were quick to condemn the attack they say sudans new government is the result of the peoples revolution which theyre ready to save guard until the transition to democracy is complete morgan all does their own. At least 43. 00 people are dead in booking a fast so after gunmen attacked 2 villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the villages in the north region which is close to the border with mali nobody has claimed responsibility but the villages are inhabited by ethnic herders who are often targeted by vigilantes for their alleged links that i saw and al qaeda. A source in the french presidency says libyan warlord he for have would sign a cease fire if it was respected by fighters backed by the internationally recognized government after reportedly committed to the cease fire after he met with president emanuel mccrone in paris despite a peace Conference Held in berlin in january fighting is increased in libya as foreign weapons flood in or oil ports are closed and rival alliances wrangling over revenues from africas Largest Petroleum reserves forces loyal to half that have been fighting for control of the capital since april last year. European Union Leaders of war and the turkish president richard type out of the han must respect the 2016 refugee deal after a tense meeting in brussels that of that met both European Council president Charles Mission and nato chief stoltenberg in a bid to drum up support but left without attending a planned News Conference turkey contravene the 2016 refugee deal when it opened its northwestern border with greece 10 days ago saying it could no longer cope with the influx of people from syria. But meanwhile germany says it will lead a coalition of European Union nations willing to take in unaccompanied refugee children to go see actions are underway to bring in 1500. 00 children with germany taking in what its calling an appropriate share its something that greece has been requesting for months but its also reports from the greek island of lesbos it doesnt address the whole problem. At 14 and 17 years of age and are unaccompanied afghan minors theyve been in morea refugee camp for months but havent managed to apply for asylum because all forest trees are overwhelmed with applications. Says at 60 his father is too old to make a living as a builder and his 14 year old sister is taking in sewing work to feed the family i told my family that quite where we live is not a good place i can find money i can study i discussed it with them and they sent me here 17 year old silas from syria is relatively lucky hes one of about 400 minors staying in Boreas Police protected area for vulnerable refugees but before that his life was heard. By the 7 months i lived on the mountains around here i survived by doing jobs for people in the last month i was taken into the facility for miners but before that i slept on the ground without blankets or bed i often walked barefoot and was miserable i knocked on doors and beg people for scraps and even now there is no education for activities for young people like saleh there are a 1000 young refugees like him lesbos most of them living in these olive groves now covered in huts there is a high risk of exploitation abuse because they do not have any parent without electricity without heating we are in the middle of the winter so also risk of getting sick we also not sufficient. Medical capacity to respond to all of the needs greece has asked for European Union to take 4000 unaccompanied minors it cant house and educate in january serbia e. U. Country agreed to take about 100 and last month france said it would take an unspecified number so the German Initiative is the 1st systematic attempt to reload. Please you but the german plan still wouldnt absorb even half of the unaccompanied minors here and greece is demanding more for 5 years the e. U. Has failed to agree on a common asylum policy or to set up a permanent system to relocate Asylum Seekers from its southern periphery greece is left to fend for itself a sign of how reluctant europe is to acknowledge the problems at its borders or to formulate a unified response other than to throw money at them jumpstart ople us aljazeera lesbos. You can find out much more on that story on our website a the address al jazeera dot com. And now reminder of the top stories on aljazeera italy is extending restrictions of movement to the entire country after another spike in deaths from the corona virus 463. 00 people have now died from the virus and easily an increase of 97 from sunday 60000000 people are already under lockdown in the north of the country but the Prime Minister just epic on the says the same restrictions will apply to the rest of the country from tuesday all public gatherings will be banned schools and universities will stay closed until april 3rd. There will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be as a lawn in zone 2 in the country there will only be its really a protected zone so across the whole peninsula people should avoid all movement unless they are for 3 specific reasons for work emergencies or Health Reasons. A plunge in oil prices triggered by a this feud between saudi arabia and russia has sent stocks plummeting on Global Markets already spooked by the coronavirus billions were wiped off the value of Major Companies on monday some falls were the biggest since the financial crisis of 2008. So thats Prime Minister abdullah has survived what the government is calling an assassination attempt a convoy of cars carrying the leader was attacked by a roadside bomb and the gunfire in the capital khartoum undock is skate to that injury but a Police Officer on a motorbike was injured ashraf ghani has been sworn in for a 2nd term as afghanistans president inauguration though was marred by a rocket attack and while that was happening his president ial rival ability to help his own ceremony claiming that he was anxiously the countrys legitimate leader hes calling for a rerun of septembers election. At least 43 people have died in book enough after gunmen attacked 2 villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the villages in the north of region which is close to the border with mali those a war the top stories stay with us women that make science is next speaking with one of the world leading Tech Developers and were going to have more news for you coming out of the in half an hour and hi well see you tomorrow thanks for watching by. With the plummeting birthrate and families moving to the cities south koreas rule schools are shutting down one on one east meets the grandmas who is saving these schools while finally getting an education on aljazeera. A. Little further up. And i like your i read about very bug eyed people they would think well then you can have the thing that we have around here to help you angela you know but when i when im old i want to work with robots i want to build robots. Are you. There ready yet. Whenever i go there so maybe

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