With the top stories from europe including germany reveals plans to take in child refugees as the talks with turkeys president over the border crisis with greece. From the country to be canceled until april to slow the spread of coronavirus footballs governing body fee for the sides to postpone asian qualifying for the 2022 world cup. Welcome to the new spread fear of coronaviruses starting to have a major Global Economic impact on top of the growing human cost us stocks plummeted in the opening minutes in new york even forcing a temporary halt in trading president. Is due to meet with his economic advisors in the coming hours that stock market plunge was also influenced by all prices dropping around 30 percent on monday the biggest fall in almost 3 decades and thats amid a price war between saudi arabia and russia moscow refused to join the plan by major Oil Producing nations aimed at cutting output and maintaining prices stock markets across asia have continued to fall continuing the sell off that began nearly 2 weeks ago and billions of dollars has been wiped off the european markets just hours after opening with the u. K. s fitzy 100. 00 losing almost 9 percent of its value or kristen salumi has been following the u. S. Market and it has been a very bumpy ride on monday morning christine. Yes and now into the afternoon as well the standard the s. And p. 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial averages are both down more than 7 percent at the moment theyre trading some 17 percent lower than highs this year its been a very very difficult morning across all sectors of the economy what happened is investors woke up to news not only that the asian markets were down and that the european markets were down trading lower but the virus continues to spread in the United States and states here are weighing how to deal with that as more cases come out theres more than 500. 00 confirmed cases now in the United States 8 states have declared emergencies in order to deal with that so theres a knowledge meant that this is a problem thats spreading from. A Health Crisis into an economic crisis effecting more businesses as people stay home cancel travel spend less and so on and then you have those oil prices as well amid this cutback and travel you have Oil Prices Dropping and inability of Oil Producers to agree to reduce their production further and they are causing the markets to panic basically Federal Reserve the u. S. Central bank did take some steps to try to rein in the fear and the panic to increase money in the markets they took steps to put money into short term borrowing overnight thats supposed to create money in the markets and keep things going but as weve been seeing all day investors are very worried and theyre moving into safer havens like gold with their money Treasury Bonds government Treasury Bonds but the yields there are all time low so what were seeing signaled in the market is that this may be. Moving beyond wall street to main street as a problem the concern being that as the Health Crisis continues that could take longer for the u. S. And other markets to recover and then you start getting worries about recession down the road even though the fundamentals of the u. S. Economy have been strong investors start to worry that any prolonged impact could start affecting profits in the bigger economy and then ultimately lead to a recession of course again Federal Reserve trying to calm those fears but right now the mood on wall street is one of deep concern if not outright panic certainly jittery christine for joining us from new york from new york to go to washington d. C. And the White House Correspondent for us is joins me know a kimberly of course the New York Stock Exchange rattled by whats going on on monday morning and what has to assume that the white house and the president will also be rattled and watching very carefully whats going on across the markets not just in the u. S. But also europe in asia. You know theres no question about it this is ministration is watching very carefully as weve reported the u. S. President will be meeting with his economic advisors we know that he is already and route back to the to the washington d. C. Area where he will shortly be at the white house to discuss some of those options which we understand were included relief measures for individuals industry as well as businesses that are impacted as a result of any potential economic downturn or even prolonged quarantine if that becomes necessary for some individuals so reducing that Economic Impact is certainly one of the things that will be discussed but in the midst of all of this the u. S. President is continuing to downplay the risk of infection from coronavirus and take a look at the one of the later tweets the president has put out in the last couple of hours he writes so last year 37000 americans died from the common flu it averages between 27070000 per year nothing is shut down life of the economy go on at this moment there are 546. 00 confirmed cases of chronic virus we know that number has gone up slightly with 22 deaths think about that i think that many people are having some trouble here in the United States with the president continuing to look at this through a political lens instead of viewing this is kind of the Public Health emergency that his own Public Health officials are treating it as such in fact the c. D. C. And other Public Health officials now cautioning the elderly those with fragile immune systems to begin stocking up on medications they may take regularly even food preparing for the fact that they may have to do some sort of self quarantine or even force quarantine the Public Health officials looking to slow the spread as the number of cases the United States continue to be diagnosed even as the u. S. President sending mixed messages and really trying to downplay the risk of coronavirus here in the United States can believe that its joining us from washington d. C. Brought in a host. Which triggered it. Oil prices have fallen by as much as 30 percent the steepest drop in almost 30 years a crisis described as heaven no equal in oil markets history the market turmoil began when saudi arabia the Worlds Largest oil exporter started a price war by announcing plans to boost production that followed fridays meeting in vienna by the organization of the Petroleum Exporting countries pick russia refused to join the cartels plan to reduce production at countering the decline in demand from china usually the worlds Biggest Energy consumer but damaged by the coronavirus crisis. The saudis are angry because other countries like russia are unwilling to participate in Oil Production cuts so this we will show you the bosses we can produce at much lower cost. But the oil price lump could have widespread consequences beyond hissing remarket the International Monetary fund suggest saudi arabia needs prices to be at about 80. 00 a barrel to balance its budget the price fall will also hurt major Oil Producing nations venezuela and iran under pressure from u. S. Sanctions a prolonged price collapse could mean they struggle to fund things like education and health care especially during the global corona Virus Outbreak. Spread of white as is control or. Recovery in the Capital Markets because. It has caused huge damage to the Global Economic americas Shale Oil Industry could also be in trouble it needs prices to be relatively high to make a profit Many Companies are heavily in debt and may not be able to make repayments leading to job katz this seems to be the kind of move that russian leaders might have actually decided was in their interests. Not good for russias economy but if it causes even more paying u. S. Economy it might be something that theyd be interested in the consumers though it could mean less pain at the pump with the price of petrol expected to fall. Aljazeera of Christian Lawrence is a Senior Market strategist robert banker and he joins me now live from new york good to have you with us on the program so i mean whats your reaction to the fall that weve seen in the dark jones index would you say that it was expected considering the global circumstances well i think everyone was of the view that equities would open weaker on monday morning particularly in light of the price war that started in the oil sector over the weekend but i think its safe to say the size of the moves have been nothing short of extraordinary the last time i can remember moves like this was back in the crisis in the r 8 or 9 period and its been very dramatic indeed and not just in the equity space of course weve seen fixed income really significantly hitting that 31 basis points in the 10 year u. S. Treasury yield really was quite remarkable of course that are we heading really towards a perfect storm you know all oil markets are falling businesses affected by the coronavirus it doesnt seem to hopeful for you might say the ordinary man on the street when he looks at sort of how this how this might play out for him or her. Certainly i mean a perfect storm is a great way of summing it up you know back when we had the financial crisis there was a lot of talk of when does this hit main street well with the coronavirus in a way it started main street the coronavirus is both a supply side shock and a demand side shock which is why its having such a huge impact on general perception we know that companys earnings are all going to fall as a result of this people arent spending as much by the same token not as many people are going into work and making things so it is both the supply and demand side double whammy if you like and then when you add the oil story on top this is a huge huge huge disinflationary impulse globally so i think its fair to say we will see a global recession this year and we will see a u. S. Recession. We are actually already calling for you or recession before the coronavirus kicked in but this certainly speeds that up if that has actually sort of tipped the balance and in laymans terms how the news that saudi arabia and russia disagree on Oil Production levels to impact not just on the core of the virus crisis but also about the in every persons pocket around the globe because it does affect us eventually trickles down affects the way that we live and how we spend our money. Certainly well the fall in oil prices really has an impact on the economy through a few different channels one is that you mentioned actually we could end up seeing lower gasoline prices for the consumer which can mean that they spend more in other areas but it generally means that Consumer Price inflation tends to fall a little with a little bit of a lag is that feeds through to the gasoline prices but the other thing it does i know this was alluded to earlier by one of your previous speakers is it puts a lot of pressure on the u. S. Shale gas industry a lot of these companies very highly leveraged and these Lower Oil Prices they might struggle to pay back that debt so we could end up seeing quite a few of these oil and Gas Companies ending up in bankruptcy which is again 1. 00 of the reasons why were seeing this this negative mood across markets and this decline particularly in energy share prices because you lawrence its good to have your insight thanks very much for joining us from new york well a cruise ship thats been held at sea for several days off the california coast is due to dock in the next hour at least 21 people on board were affected with the coronavirus rob ruggles is live for us in los angeles i mean rob weve been hearing about the ship fire the president when it arrives the port what do you know in terms of the protocol around looking after those on board. Well there its a procedure thats been set up was outlined by the governor of california gavin newsom as well as Public Health officials and what is going to happen in a little less than an hour from now when the grand princess docks at the port of oakland is that passengers who are feeling ill who are showing signs of distress will be taken off 1st they will then be taken to area medical facilities the rest of the 2500 roughly 2500 passengers will then be disembarked they will have their temperatures checked for fever before they get off the ship and they will then if they are showing signs of illness theyll be treated taken to medical facilities otherwise theyll go into quarantine the people from california about 900 on board who are from this state will go to a nearby air force base Travis Air Force base and the remainder will go to other military facilities in the u. S. In texas and georgia and the people who are on board the grand princess who are from other countries will be flown by charter aircraft back to their home home let homeland as you mentioned so its not quite clear exactly how many people on board have come down with coronavirus of the coast guard last week sent 45 test kits to the ship 21 came back positive for the virus most of them from the members of the crew the whole process of emptying the ship will take about 3 days according to governor newsome but well continue to monitor the events of the arrival of that ship with you through the day thanks rob. Now european leaders are preparing to hold an emergency teleconference as the virus spreads across the continent italy has become the 2nd worst affected country after china with almost 2000 new cases on sunday jan hall reports. Italys coronavirus epidemic already the 2nd most deadly after china has taken another dramatic turn riots in 2 dozen prisons across the country followed restrictions on face to face visit in modern or a town inside the northern Quarantine Zone 6 inmates died after they broke into the prison infirmary and overdosed on stocks of the heroin substitute methadone. The room. As a warning they posted some posters such say we can only go inside wearing a mask that only long as its a one Family Member at a time. This was a hint of what chaos might in syria if the virus were to enter the confines of the prison system it is almost everywhere else in italy where a quarter of the population is under quarantine these were rare scenes filmed inside a hospital in the northern town of cremona and also on lockdown the Financial Capital milan one of the engines of the economy europes major stock markets from milan to frankfurt paris and london all suffered dramatic falls on monday with share prices plummeting as the infection rate saws the Economic Impact is already substantial and will only grow there are discomforting comparisons being made to the 2008 financial crisis with concerns for the preparedness of european banks and businesses. On tuesday e. U. Leaders will meet to try and come up with a unified response but they wont meet here in person in brussels with its steadily growing infection rate instead theyll be holding a teleconference the circumstances of this unique crisis continue to evolve although not yet into a pandemic says the World Health Organization in which transmission of the virus is uncontrolled now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries that of a pandemic has become very real. But it would be the 3rd spondaic in history that could be controlled the bottom line is we are not at the merits of the virus there are signs of success against the virus in china south korea and singapore but not yet in europe spain looks set to launch whats being described as Shock Therapy measures possibly following france and germany with School Closures and restricted public gatherings news the German Bundesliga football matches might be cancelled wasnt welcomed. I think its totally exaggerated its a bit threatening particularly this area of course but i think the hype is completely data rated these are moves the government in britain is not yet prepared to make apparently to defer the enormous social and economic costs of fighting coronavirus but there will likely be no avoiding them jonah how aljazeera. The very latest from there we can join charlie and. Italy has been the focal point in terms of the European Focus on corona virus they really have taken the strain medically socially economically like what to be stressed enough. Absolutely and in the last few hours the death toll in italy has increased from 3662460 3 and the number of people infected with covert 19 has increased from 737529172 an increase of almost 2000 and as jone explained in his report these 16000000 people under lockdown are facing very extreme corinto in measures this is across the countrys financial and industrial harbor incorporating milan and venice it will hit the economy hard already seen Health Care System under enormous strain with the head of the crisis unit in the long body region thats one of the affected regions saying that it is just on the brink of collapse and there are reports of staff there having to set up intensive care units in the corridors of hospitals in the Emergency Rooms in the operating theatres putting a lot of these already critically ill people at greater risk and as you heard in june as report were also seeing a worrying situation develop in the countrys prison so really italy is under strain on many fronts economically health wise and in the prison system and that situation looking at those recent numbers is only going to get worse but of course look you all will be the british Prime Minister hes hoping that they will be the sort of replication of the us closer to home where you are. When you are a little earlier the Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a press Conference Following his cobra meeting thats the Government Emergency Committee and he said that the u. K. Will be taking a very different tack to what is being seen in italy very different measures he said that theyre occurring as we know here there are currently no social distancing measures in place but lets listen to what he had to say. We remain in the containment phase of the outbreak but watching what is happening around the world our scientists think containment is extremely unlikely to work on its own and that is why we are making extensive preparations for a move to the delay phase were preparing various actions to slow the spread of this disease in order to reduce the strain it places on the n. H. S. The movie can delay the peak of the spread to the summer the better the n. H. S. Will be able to manage so interesting lee interestingly they do not think here that screening people at ports taking their temperatures will make any difference nor do they think that banning public gatherings like were seeing in france italy and spain will make a difference in the spread of the virus that is inevitable the government here is saying that the scientific advice is clear that acting too early creates its own risk and aim as he said is to push the peak of the outbreak into the summer and the timing for introducing any measures is absolutely crucial but the caveat here of course is all of this could change if the country when the country not if when the country enters the next stage of contagion for the moment charlie thank you but there are others reported another 43 dozen coronavirus raising the total 237000 factions are confirmed when the airlines have stopped flying to iran as it struggles with one of the worlds worst outbreaks. In other news the Prime Minister has survived what the government is calling an assassination attempt. There is going but the attack wont hinder the political changes being made since the else thing of. The monday morning attack took place in the sudanese capital of heart on Prime Minister Abdullah Hamed was in a convoy of cars when gunfire and an explosion went off near his vehicle he survived the attempt on his life but the police might bike rider was injured within a couple of hours ham docked tweeted a photo to prove in his words that hes in good shape the government says it was a targeted attack and investigations are underway into who carried it out. I know were not we know that there are people who are trying to target the revolution of the sudanese people and to attack the gains of the revolutionaries but we stress that revolution is going on and the revolution will continue its path with you that. No one has claimed responsibility the attack highlights the fragility of sudans transition to civilian rule almost a year after protestors forced the military to remove president on one of bashir and replace him with a joint military civilian government but the generals remain the effective rulers of sudan and of showing a reluctance to hand over power to civilians. Prime minister hun doc has vowed that the attack wont get in the way of sudans transition sort of that. He has more from the site of the explosion. This area right here is where the explosion targeting the convoy of sudans Prime Minister abdullah him do it happened now you can see the tape that was blocking the access to the area it has since been removed but you can see the impact of the blast on the windows of that building which has been completely shattered by the blast we heard from sudans Government Spokesperson saying that this was a car bomb that was targeting the Prime Minister in an effort to derail the Transitional Government we also heard that the Prime Minister is safe and in a safe location and that hes doing well and that nobody has been injured besides a traffic officer which was part of his motorcade now theyve also said that there were gunshots that followed the explosion so people are now asking how a Security Breach happened why was this allowed to happen on the convoy of the Prime Minister it of course comes at a time where sudan is facing an economic crisis people have been lining up for bread and fuel for the past few weeks and the countrys currency has been dropping against the dollar but people are out here in the streets to voice their support for the Prime Minister there saying that this has been the work of the former ruling party which has repeatedly put out statements saying that it will derail the government which it views as illegitimate and they say that unless justice and accountability and investigation is conducted then they will not back calls and they want to know why the Prime Minister was targeted at this time specifically so a lot of people out on the streets the Sudanese Professional Association which has been spearheading calls for protests have also put out calls for more protests to supports the Prime Minister so were seeing that this has caused a lot of tensions that despite seeing people out here theyre saying that the Prime Minister needs to be provided with more security and that they will be out here to guard not only the Prime Minister but the revolution that brought him to power. At least 43 people are being killed in attacks in northern kenya 1st so the government says 2 villages were targeted near the regional capital this is the latest attack in africas the hull region where violence has worsened over the past year armed groups linked to al qaeda and i still have targeted Security Forces and civilians explosions from a suspected rocket attack have interrupted the inauguration ceremony of afghanistans president ashraf ghani. The last did not appear to take place near the ceremony but garveys political rival Abdullah Abdullah held a powell swearing in both men are laying claim to the presidency after a disputed election in september. There are reports saudi arabia has released 2 princes arrested in part of a club down on security interior minister of the lizzies been saad the been found his father were amongst dozens of officials and members of the royal family said to have been detained in recent days to the kingdoms most prominent voyles are still being held there the kings kit their King Solomons brother and nephew both seen as rivals to crown Prince Mohammed bin sole known still ahead here on the aljazeera news hour mexico finds out what its like to have a day without women we have the latest on a nationwide strike and in sport the friend who showed the strikers how it started with a one to gold in beijing leaves office. Hello the rain that was pretty heavy for a time in iran is now going east the system is now in afghanistan and pakistan producing rain and snow of course up in the harbor and up in kashmir tails off the time it gets to southern pakistan the next system developing is one thats with fact western turkey was rain and wind this brought temps down in ankara to about 60 theres a forecast to tuesday of course ill tend to fade away the suns out on wednesday its looking quite a nice day the rain if anything probably pep up in pakistan afghanistan iran kashmir in particular well for the snow again but between the 2 its quite dusty weather lightish breeze temps in the high twentys the low thirtys throughout iraq down towards the societys hasa still on the western side around the red sea the wind isnt much of a feature here but it is for the west there has been in north africa for a few weeks now but this time were back to the western med so its that northerly bringing clouds and sherry rain probably thunderstorms to our gerri tunisia and libya it will do that through tuesday and then push the showers further into the desert of libya during wednesday keeping the temperatures about the same now that wind has been a feature throughout the last few months is weakening now but temperatures are on the high side 4041. And that c. Is for the blind and the robotic arm for the disabled. A Young Australian engineer is inventing tools to help people gain independence. But also. All the. Women make science gals episode 4 on aljazeera. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans monaca on a 0. All. Or. All. Of my career watching aljazeera news hour with me sell romney a reminder of our top stories u. S. Stocks have plunged in the opening minutes of trading in new york as concern over the spread of coronavirus starts to have a major Global Economic impact asian and european markets also saw major sell offs oil markets have plunged to amid a price war that the impact of trade a virus is having the price of brant crude is down by around 20 percent and the European Union leaders are set to hold emergency talks Via Video Conference to coordinate the response of the outbreak the number of new cases in the e. U. Continues to grow rapidly italy is the worst hit with 463 people dead and more than 9000 in section. Turkeys president recipe the one is in brussels for talks with European Union leaders barbara sara has more from our european Broadcast Center in london barbara. So hill thank you yes the turkish president is calling on syrias nato allies to support to them in syria or turkey and russia are backing up opposite sides are going to also once europe to take more of the responsibility for the refugees crossing from syria to escape the war thousands of refugees have been clashing with greek border patrols since their van reopened the turkeys northwestern border with greece 10 days ago now in contravention of a 2016 deal with the e. U. Meanwhile germany has revealed plans to take in some of the underage refugees and migrants alongside other European Union nations a German Government statement said that negotiations are underway to bring 1500 children currently in turkish camps over to the e. U. With germany taking in what its calling an appropriate share many children in the camps are unaccompanied by adults or in need of Urgent Medical treatment. When the cash a good name is in the turkish city of dear now on the border with greece now and thats what is turkey looking for during these meetings with nato and european leaders. Turkish president russia is looking in one word for more now European Union and nato leaders have said that meetings tonight with the president early on are hoped to be a 1st step indeed escalating this crisis since president opened the northwest border with greece and ball garia on february 28th turkey says more than 142000 people have crossed into europe greece strongly disputes those numbers saying its only about 2100 but what is not in dispute is that this move by president early on created another refugee and geo political crisis e. U. Leaders have described opening the borders as a kind of blackmail with migrants used as pawns but one analyst says in one respect it has already worked for 2 years president erdogan has been complaining to the e. U. That it has not appropriately shouldered its responsibility for hosting 3700000 Syrian Refugees now a president early on is sitting at the negotiating table and early on its important to note made this move on february 28th hours after turkey suffered its greatest loss of life on the battlefield in syria 34 soldiers killed in a Syrian Forces airstrike he had been asking nato to give turkey support on the battlefield and that is something he is likely to bring up during his meeting with nato and e. U. Leaders erdogan also wants more than just money analysts say they do not expect him to simply resume abiding by that 2016 agreement with the e. U. Billions of dollars in exchange for strict controls at the border they say that earlier one wants to see the e. U. Doing more. Or than just providing Financial Assistance natasha good name in the air now on the border there with greece that hash of the moment thank you. An official in the french presidency says that the libyan warlord honey for half tiger would sign a cease fire if it was respected by fighters backed by the internationally recognized government after reportedly committed to the cease fire after he met with president obama and the crowd in paris the official said there were no plans for mccrone to need to or speak to the head of the tripoli government for years said forces loyal to have that have been fighting for control of the capital since april last year despite a peace Conference Held in berlin in january fighting has increased in libya the trial of 3 russians and the ukrainian charged over the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight m. H. 17 has begun in the netherlands the boeing triple 7 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine in 2014 during the course like there killing all 298 people on board 193 of the victims were from the netherlands and that investigators have led a joint International Investigation into the disaster need barker reports. The dutch judges and to the special court there Schiphol Airport in solemn silence at the start of a trial of mass murder. No danger though many have waited a long time for this the day that the mh 17 criminal trial really begins as a consequence of this atrocious disaster 298 people men women and children died. A case of this complexity and magnitude is unprecedented in the netherlands among the dead 80 children entire families gone and now all 4 men stand accused of their deaths 3 russians and a ukrainian they were named by investigators as ego get in a former colonel in russias f. S. B. Intelligence service he was given the title of minister of defense in separatist held Eastern Ukraine 2 suspected members of russias military intelligence to g. R. U. Also on trial so gay dubinsky and pull out of the 4th suspect is Ukrainian National leonid card schenker believed to be a pro russian separatists commander all 4 men were absent from called believed to be in russia arrest warrants have been issued for russia doesnt extradite its citizens and the kremlins question the legitimacy of the court the trial will continue without them i do hope the judge had so many evidence on this table that the one thing. Guilty as relatives. Looking fairly forward to start of this process because it is so important to find the truth of the joint Investigation Team formed by australia belgium malaysia the netherlands and ukraine found that the plane was shot down by russian book surface to air Missile System brought into ukraine from russia this is the crime scene reconstructed from remaining wreckage the kremlin denies involvement. It was meant to have been a routine flight from amsterdam to kuala lumpur. Instead the passengers of the boeing triple 7 became victims of a foreign war. If found guilty the 4 suspects could face life in prison little is known about who will testify before the court the identities of some witnesses may remain secret in a trial thats expected to take several years to reach a verdict leave park at aljazeera no more from london a little later an hour lets go back to some handle. Thank you barbara if europe is government is blaming design flaws for the boeing 737 months crash there a year ago a faulty sensor reading is blamed along with the erroneous activation of an anti storm system its implicated in both the Ethiopian Airlines crash and a similar 737 next question indonesia 346 passengers and crew died in both disasters boeing suffered major losses as it waits for industry regulators to approve new software and give takeoff clearance again. The National Strike is underway in mexico called a day without women following must marches on sunday for International Womens day female workers are staying at home they say theyre showing what mexico is like without them well john holeman is live for us in mexico city so are the ladies that are participating getting their point across john. I think they must be to some degree because in mexico city we just been on the main ive been you and its not completely deserted but theres a lot less traffic theres a lot less people there and when you go down into the cities metro system which is usually jam packed and theres actually carriages in that metric system that it just for women because of so many incidents of groping and harassments those courage is as well seem to be almost empty at the moment mexico city metro workers as well that are women sort of also going on strike and thats affected people going through so this is a very strange day mexico city let me tell you where i am now this is a sort of architects and Design Office you can see the empty chairs are the women that havent come to work today there is one person here thats coming specially just for us to have a talk with us and share with her office and thats it i use. It i use for coming in that you are an Industrial Design at this has your office and youre on strike today while youre on strike ways to day important because i believe that as a mexican women we have an opportunity here to have a heart beat by all instances about bios we have endured since we have knowledge of it so this is really important for me for my friends for myself for my family from a nieces so theres a change in the conceptions about women and biomes about among them so there are no more by and no more friends say and we can be secure and safe in our homes our workplaces and in the street and as you say in mexico at the moment were talking about more than 10 femicide murders of women every day but apart from that the culture the everyday instances of being a woman in mexico city how are women affected yeah well in makes parents since i was teeny here on the subway. Guys trying to cup. Feel or in industry i get cut call when i have a dress on or shorts or even when its hurt so its really annoying that you cannot be sure and save about what you wear or where you are in i mean even in the workplaces before people have look at me like oh they miss here too is our let me like couple that not come afield but maybe trying to be inappropriate with me so thats really annoying and i think about that one thing thats been talked about about the women strike of today is that of course your company you were telling me has been very understanding about it but for women maybe working class women or women theres a lot of them in the Informal Sector things on so easy for them know in the in the in the capital city and around the country yeah i have the privilege to have a very understanding boss says who talk with us about it and for those women for working women is even difficult to have a protest and to strike because they leave day by day and if they dont go to work today to sell their candy or is an axe or food maybe they wont have money enough to sustain themselves and their children or their families so its really important that those that have the privilege to the strike to raise their voices use it so all women have benefit from this thank you so much for speaking to us but city cerise and of course another thing thats happened about this when the strike im really a wave of protests over the last year is the president of mexico has reaction hes indicated at certain points that he thinks that conservative interests might be behind this he says that it might be the product of neo liberal ideology in the past in mexico so to move people sort of especially women criticizing how hes reacted to this but to day a day without women a symbol head is as the hash tag has been here in mexico really seems to have been having an impact. John thanks very much john home in this case city a campaign meant to name and shame and to government protesters in indias most populous state has backfired on the government after the top quarter pradesh ordered their immediate removal the alarm about the high court call them an unwanted interference in Citizens Rights chief minister yogi aditi enough had called for hoardings to warn people protesting against a new citizenship law which opponents say discriminates against muslims. Well Donald Trumps trip to india last month the calls much phones the u. S. President and Prime Minister Narendra Modi attracted huge crowds but its left many wondering who benefited most from the visit Tony Berkeley has more new delhi. As a political spectacle it was hard to beat pomp and circumstance and mutual admiration from the leader of the most powerful country and a man who wants to be a player on the world stage but the relationship between donald trump and indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi is about more than just compliments its about trade money and its about china sports picked up towards india is based on location geography and economic potential. If you take all these into account theres more the country an issue which can offer any kind of a balanced. United states india as an essential buffer to the growing expansionism of china in the asia region. The u. S. Has the most powerful navy in the world but india is the dominant power in the indian ocean and the risk concern that beijing may spread its power in the South China Sea indias area of control things that set of models itself on america on that ability to project power across the oceans to be a Global Player to have to be able to influence outcomes in Distant Shores and distant parts of the world so to that extent china is almost certainly going to expand its going to foray into the indian ocean and the indian navy will have to contend with that. More than 40 percent of the worlds oil passes through the indian ocean is the lifeline for the economies of many countries china has developed bases and ports in east africa and sri lanka it is currently operating 9 naval ships in the indian ocean but there are concerns this may increase india is an essential Early Warning system with a string of strategic listening post in the region. India has just agreed to purchase 3000000000. 00 worth of attack helicopters from the us but its military capability is far below that of china which spends 4 times more on defense in addition the indian navy is in need of upgrading it has just 2 aircraft carriers for example compared to chinas 10 and is scaling back plans to expand its fleet because of costs for india having a powerful friend like the United States is important but it doesnt want to make an enemy out of china either the 2 countries fought a border war in 1982 over disputed territory and there are still unresolved issues but india is well aware of the strength and capability of asias growing superpower to much of the indian public it seems the indian Prime Minister got more out of the trump visit but critic. Say it was simply que dos and indorsement the real substance belongs to the us with india having to turn an american line that previous indian governments have resisted such as how it deals with iran the options are shrinking because trump is also making it a world outside the chinese influence where it is you know you will if america has a problem with it im you will not deal with it and even the india of 2030 years of the good fight we could economically would have been able to play the russians against the americans and continue dealing with iran because and do it will be a sort. Of they have to face the chinese threat and big ben have to do what they want america to quiet of them and that is actually the Current Situation in which were operating. India is having to perform a delicate balancing act because the u. S. And china continue their battle for global dominance its hoping it wont become Collateral Damage tony berkely al jazeera delhi. Senators in the philippines of launched a Supreme Court challenge against the president s decision to scrap a long standing Defense Agreement with the United States the senators argue that the president. Cant unilaterally scrap any agreement approved by them the philippines has been one of the closest u. S. Allies in asia for decades and critics fear he selling up to china. The swedish. Said now has died at the age of 90 he starred in nearly 200 films and t. V. Productions but was perhaps best known for his role as a priest in the 1973 horror classic the exorcist he also collaborated on about a dozen films directed by fellow swede bergman in later life he won a new generation of fans with his work on the series game of thrones. Well still ahead in spalls the baseball player hit in the face by a ball traveling at 160 kilometers an hour. Of story to the world. About histones born or his peter so thank you so much mondays match in the italian 30 are kicked off as should all but it could be the last game played for quite some time the countries the limpid Committee Said it would suspend all sporting events until april as italy battles to contain the coronavirus are break the Olympic Committee is responsible for all italian sport it said it would request the government to create to enforce the ban until april 3rd it came minutes before such a small 0 hosted in the evening game said he armatures have been going ahead behind closed doors but that looks like it will no longer continue it could put the season at risk of cancellation for the 1st time since the 2nd world war the decision does not affect international or continental competitions but European Club football has been facing problems to Wednesdays Champions League match between paris sen man and brasier dortmund will be played with no fans the British Government said that it has no plan to the strict sporting events footballs governing body fever has decided to postpone the World Cup Qualifiers in asia in march and june after meeting with the asian football confederation. And this week 6 nations rugby match between france and ireland is off until october due to the french policy that bans gatherings of more than a 1000 people. Over in the u. S. The biggest tennis tournament outside of the grand slams has been cancelled the indian wells was due to start on tuesday. Japans football and baseball leagues have announced further delays to their seasons but the tokyo 2020 olympics is still should all to take place on time however this weeks a limb pick torch Lighting Ceremony in greece will take place without spectators it still wont please the local mayor in a limpia though because he wants to move the whole thing to may. Qualification for the 2020 olympics continues apace 28 boxes of book day spots at the asia oceania knockouts in jordan it was a painful day for syrian heavyweight. Soon as he came close against new zealands wool number 6 david leka he knocked down the commonwealth champion but couldnt capitalise instead it was nico who reached his 1st olympics on a unanimous decision this event is being held in amman after being moved from New Hampshire at the center of chinas coronaVirus Outbreak. Cameron zambias womens football teams are battling for a place in the Tokyo Olympics the 2nd leg of a qualifier is on tuesday with cameron leading 32 and aiming to continue a meteoric rise for the womens game over the past decade poll restricts. Cameroon football fans have become well acquainted with success on the african continent and sometimes beyond. I now the achievements of the mens team are beginning to be matched by the women being a lioness is on the brink of qualifying for their 2nd lympics even if the 1st leg of their play off against zambia didnt quite go to plan i the team ranked 57 places below them scoring a pair of goals in the cameroon capital day i although cameroon did edge it with 3 of their own to give their growing army of fans hope when they watch tuesdays return like in lusaka from a far. Up on the streets of your own day putting on the green red and yellow of cameroon is a distant dream for most whether male or female but as the Womens National team has got stronger so too have attitudes changed in a traditionally male the main zone. We didnt used to go to watch the girls because we thought football was only for boys but we see now that football has no social class it does not choose a tribe and many families push their daughters to play football and. Look for busing nowaday inspire us we never used to imagine that womens football could reach such a level now they motivate all of the youth of cameron. Football of us here found the lionesses hard to ignore 2 world cup knockout rounds in a row from the debut and 2015 and then africa cup of nations a year later that brought hundreds of thousands of pounds to watch them on home soil immense success from the 1990 world cup onwards providing Fertile Ground for the women from cameroon is one of the greatest nation on the ground. And so it was only. A matter of time reading that that we know and also and got up to speed growing up looking at all these legends people that make a new come to and want to be like them so you have to go all the way to george i mean not somewhere and so and now to think that look even to me the gods can do this we can do it at the number stage and we can go out and sign zambias 2 away goals could make them the story on tuesday they hope calmer and often the 2nd like whoever reaches the olympics will hope to continue the up what kind of africas female football is once they get to take her. Home race how does era. But Major League Soccer season is only a couple of weeks old but we may have already seen the goal of the year when it was schooled by a defender looks like hes lining up for a shot at the center back jacob lessness is going to be. Better as jaco bless my soul to follow delphia union from 40 yards out against al a. F. C. The 1st goal in m. L. S. For the norwegian saints about but philadelphia could still only manager 33 draw. So the n. B. A. And the lakers won the battle of los angeles against the clippers Le Bron James and Anthony Davis combined for 58. 00 points to end the clippers 6 game winning streak the lakers have now won full in a row and remain top in the west with the clippers and sick. And the n. B. A. s number one draft pick zinah williamson put on a show for the new Orleans Pelicans plenty of trademark moves and 23 points from the young says they beat the Minnesota Timberwolves by 30. 8 spring training in Major League Baseball but that doesnt mean teams are taking it easy on each other. This was Texas Rangers will be coloring the getting hit in the face against the l. A. Dodgers it was traveling nearly 160 kilometers an hour he was eventually taken to hospital when x. Ray showed hed fractured his jaw. Ok most sports news coming up for me a little bit later ill see you then so thanks very much peter and thats news from up opposite next to the telephone from london from a pizza saying. As the world battles a potential new pandemic well bring you the latest developments from around the globe with updates about travel restrictions on how to protect ourselves. Run a Virus Outbreak special coverage on. The consequence of poor. I got the pictures of russia will be served in the marine corps for next year and to church 95 that just doesnt go away. For a living out of the truck for the last couple years. Is homeless aljazeera follows a group of u. S. Veterans much iced by war. As they struggle to get their lives back shelter. In 2013 cases of gang great shock to asia and the world its almost like young men taking shelter on aljazeera asked men in cambodia what drove them to commit violence against women i dont know whether its rape im doing it because a condom for the girl a male in 2016 has anything changed normalization of violence against women unfortunately i think is still a very common pattern around the rewind its a mans world on aljazeera. Now all jews are. With every. A dramatic drop in oil prices sent shares plunging around the world in markets already reeling from coronavirus fears and tensions over italys new virus containment measures sparked riots in prisons and the deaths of 6 inmates. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up. Celebrations in sudan after its Prime Minister survives an assassination attempt on his motorcade plus

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