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Back by police in turkey as they march for their rights on International Womens day. Italy has suffered another shot spike in deaths from corona virus this is happening on the day that it put 60000000 people thats a quarter of the population in lockdown 366 people are now known to have died from the virus an increase of 133 people since saturday that makes it a country with the highest official death toll behind china more than 7000 infections have also been confirmed with a knockdown involves the entire Northern Region of lombardi where 267 of those deaths were recorded so thats really where the virus is concentrated home to 10000000 people and the Financial Capital milan no one can move in or out of the area the lockdown has also been imposed on 14 other provinces including venice affecting and all the 6000000 people those restrictions are set to remain in place until early april so again begins our coverage. A city deserted a region under lockdown milan italy is economic heart is almost unrecognizable hardly anyone in the shopping malls its famous squares as the army keeps watch over an almost surreal situation this is an unprecedented crisis in this countrys recent history will look as thats richard in the not me. What is happening in my city is worrying me and its also sad because milan is a lively city and to see it like this today is almost a defeat for me i never would have thought this would happen milans my parents or airport has now suspended all flights its neighboring airport now restricted to running only domestic flights but that hasnt stopped people attempting to get away. Fearing further contagion leaders of italy southern regions have warned hundreds of thousands of its citizens who went to work or study in the north of the country not to return home but groups of people continue to arrive from milan arriving with their masks on but there was no one to test them for covert 19 the harsh restrictions are designed to slow down the spread of the disease but there are fears that it may be too little too late hospitals in the affected region have been inundated and sick residents are now being asked to stay at home a stretched Health Care System is struggling to keep up with the increasing numbers there are no more valuable beds in hospitals and actually the current hospital which serves about 500000 people in all the area of course is little thought on doctors got infected so there are nor more intensive care beds available. Away from italy there were further increases of the virus all over the continent in france at least 900 people have died from the virus with more than 1100 cases recorded in the country and there are nearly 800 people infected in germany one German National diagnosed with covert 19 has died on holiday in egypt last italys lockdown is the most stringent outside of china containment may have come too late for some areas slowing down the virus is spread may be the best option for now. Aljazeera. Countries around the world are setting up a measures against the virus france is banning all gatherings of more than a 1000 people saudi arabia has suspended all schools and universities nationwide in response to the virus with the Education Minister announcing Virtual Schools are going to be established during the suspension earlier the kingdoms interior Ministry Announced that its place in the Eastern Region of the chief under a temporary lockdown all 11 people in saudi have tested positive for corona virus in qatif but the government says that commercial supplies the region will continue its that public and private sector work is going to be suspended in the middle east and globally iran is the hardest hit country it reported a sharp increase in infections on sunday saying more than 6 and a half 1000 people have the virus and 194 have died aljazeera. Is in the capital tehran and says the government is hopeful the outbreak will soon be under control. Another massive spike in the number of corona virus related deaths 49. 00 in the last 24 hours bringing the total death toll closer and closer to 200. 00 specifically 194. 00 people have died of the corona virus since the outbreak was made public in iran 743. 00 new cases overall in the last 24 hours another large jump 6566. 00 is the total number of cases in this country now the highest level was in home when this outbreak began it is now into run into on projects in and around the capital of the country during the Health Ministry briefing earlier today the spokesman did say that the trend of the total number of cases does seem to be going down which is a positive step you also said the spike seen in the death toll the ongoing cases that we see today is a result of infections that have happened over the course of the last week to 10 days so he said if people take the precaution airy measures that the government is prescribing seriously then within the next 2 weeks or so they will begin to see the results they will begin to see the circumstances improve and they will begin to see the overall number of cases to go down and that is really the governments goal here to stop the spread to be able to contain it so as to be able to have confidence both in being able to let people continue to move around the country as they wish and being able to reopen the countries many borders and airports that have been closed to the International Community since this outbreak began meanwhile in the United States a Top Health Official has admitted that when missteps that delayed Virus Testing disease expert anthony found she says the government might consider shutting down sections of the country hit hardest by the virus American Military is restricting travel to and from italy and south korea by that and large outbreaks well despite those concerns president says he will continue to hold political rallies. Well its a shifting story in asia with the Chinese Government reporting its lowest number of new virus infections since january but that bit of positive news comes after at least 10 people were killed when a hotel being used for quarantine collapsed in the countrys south katrina you has the latest developments from beijing witnesses say it sounded like an explosion this hotel in chinas Southern Food jen province collapsed on saturday night trapping 70 people most with people being quarantined because of the coronavirus the hotel was designated as a virus isolation ward as emergency teams freed people from the rubble authorities in beijing defended the strict quarantine measures who would know. If there is a cluster infection workers have to go into families and communities 40 to help the investigation to know every patients history of activities and track all of the people who had contact with the patient so there must be quarantined for 14 days the government says tough measures have stopped the spread of the current virus outside of the epicenter who on sunday china recorded its lowest number of new cases since january or only 3 new cases were recorded outside the province and these patients were infected not in china but abroad state media are declaring victory in the countrys battle against the outbreak and a makeshift hospital known as the living room has suspended operations joo to a lack of patients. If you like we already one were so happy to see patients discharged one after one more than 80000 people have been infected nationwide some 50000 patients have recovered at least 5000 are in Critical Condition in phrygian authorities are investigating the cause of the Building Collapse the hotels are in a is being questioned katrina new aljazeera beijing. Police have used water cannon to fight off thousands of refugees and migrants who were hiding stones at them from the other side of the border with turkey thousands of migrants have been counting nessun last week in turkey declared its borders with the e. U. Open takesh president wanted to open the gates and allow my grans to travel further into europe is just me in the officials in brussels on monday to tackle the issue on migrants and refugees trying to cross from turkey into greece have described scenes at the border as something out of a horror movie and sasha going to name has more on this now from the border city of. We found home ed in an abandoned building tending to his wounds the iranian amputee says he crossed into greece twice since turkey opened its borders more than a week ago he returned with wounds all over his body. To use the wounded they caught me and beat me while they took me to a car i back to them and said im handicapped dont beat me leave me alone but they wouldnt listen. On the 2nd floor a temporary family has formed bound by trauma and desperation once strangers now linked by the solidarity a feeling ostracized by other me because. We might have come from 3rd world countries but were not 3rd class citizens we also have the right to live and have a future for our children in. Afghan refugee nazir has become a kind of father figure he and his wife crossed into greece 3 times twice by climbing through a fence and once on a fishermans boat he says greek soldiers stripped the men to their underwear tasered them and when they collapsed beat them with the sticks 11 of them. Being cuffed him and took us to the river bank and kicked us into the river he said now leave some of us. I managed to cross like a fish in some like a duck to of the friends i couldnt get out of the river we told turkish fishermen that we left 2 people behind they went to search for our friends and we never saw them again. The greek government has not responded to the accusations it has stopped accepting asylum applications for one month and pledged to expel those entering illegally nazir describes whats happening to refugees and migrants who cross into greece as a horror movie. Yet he and home ed plan to make another attempt clinging to the possibility like thousands others that the next time will have a more humane ending natasha going to name. A dern name on the Turkey Greece border. A fire meanwhile is ripped through a Refugee Center on the greek island of les boss in the 2nd such such incident at a facility on the island in less than a week after unknown assailants torched a Reception Center from. Reports. The school of peace burned to the ground 3 years to the day after it opened that date and recent Political Tension caused by a far right faction of islanders targeting Refugee Charities has raised suspicions about how this fire started investigations into the cause are ongoing the school had been closed for 2 weeks because of the tense atmosphere on lesbos refugees living in the islands refugee camp and moria were told not to come it doesnt feel like the same place when i walk in the states dont feel safe at the moment i love to see places now we doesnt feel safe anymore. And when we go when we drive around sometimes we get stabbed and we get west and then there are some words. That tension came after the greek government tried to build a Detention Center the islanders dont want to replace the overcrowded morea camp and became much worse after turkey opened its borders to refugees who want to go to europe greece sought to defend its borders and push the migrants and refugees back many greeks see the turkish policy as a deliberate assault hundreds of people on lesbos demonstrated against allowing turkish policy to convert a humanitarian issue into a National Security issue the use people they disband of people against i understand and we were not prepared to do that but we need to ask you know for here we need to find other kind of susan this solution. Lead to the i think this was not hes not going to do what. Because they mean these people do not not not sure. There are thousands of children among the 22000 Asylum Seekers at moria camp many of which have never been to school because of war and violence in their countries there is no formal school for them on the island and their only chance to have an education is in charity run institutions like this one the school is entirely ruined steel girders and sheet metal have buckled under the heat desks and benches reduced to ashes the school of peace which is privately funded says it will launch an International Fundraising campaign to help rebuild a much needed facility jumpstart ople us aljazeera lesbos. Coming up on the program the saudi king makes a rare parents out of the reported arrest of 4 senior princes box room is about his health. 298 chazz 298 victims families for passing the long awaited m. H. 79 to trial in the netherlands. Had a vessel some good rains across the areas of australia nothing like of course we have seen lately but as a say that is plenty more on its way and so much so that this is not some of the pictures we are finally enjoying yet again these republicans you can see here on the ball whenever the reason im showing you this is because this has been a dry riverbed up until very recently so the rains a say doing a lot of good weve got more in the fall calls for monday weve got some fairly heavy amounts of rain to the north of New South Wales which actually is where the river is and then very scattered throughout much of queensland now quite a bit cooler or it will be sliding by choosing across into new zealand we have that next system pushing in the rain some fairly stiff winds as well so a drop of about 10 degrees and christchurch just 18 celsius on choose amy want to perth remains fine and dry and pretty warm as well with a high there of 33 in the showers continuing through much of the Cape York Peninsula and down through northern sections of queensland and then into asia now weve got some very heavy rain still across the southern areas of china we could well see some localized flooding it has been very persistent but notice this because as we go through choose day it does actually carry away from china some good dry conditions but look at this eyeballing it of rain heavy at times through much of japan the Korean Peninsula and mild in support. Of. Perception. Its validation we believe what a receiver but in one my time we cant see everything. We rely on the experiences of others and the legacy set of previous generations. Of that testimony we know very little. With this documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. The earth. Quick recap of the headlines now its only a suffered another sharp spike in deaths from corona virus a day after putting a quarter of its population under lockdown 366. 00 people are now know to have died thats an increase of 133 since saturday. And then iran has reported its highest number of corona virus deaths within a 24 hour period bringing the total there to 194. 00 there are now more than 6 and a half 1000 infections across the country and a top u. S. Official says that was the missteps which delayed Virus Testing the u. S. Military is restricting travel to and from italy and south korea. Were following other stories as well this hour a 4th senior princes believed to have been detained in saudi arabia according to u. S. Media reports the former head of Army Intelligence prince nayef been ahmed is among those now being held theres not been any official response from the government alexey obrien reports. Saudi state media on sunday broadcast pictures of king solomon with the kingdoms new ambassadors 2 year ago why and ukraine the appearance of the monarch followed speculation about his health after the reported arrest of several princes and dozens of officials in recent days the kings younger brother prince Ahmed Abdul Aziz else elbowed and the crown princes cousin mohammed bin nayef a said to be among those detained taken by masked men to an unknown location maybe they have. Said man is that area rating or again has rumored in the past you might be considering. Basically have the case and the last thing been some men want to challenge there are reports of an attempted coup though some analysts believe crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon is further consolidating his power mohamed bin solomon known as n. B. s has a reputation for cracking down on anyone who opposes him he replaced been naive as heir to the throne and 27 tane forcing him into effective house arrest n. B. S. His uncle prince ahmed was said to be concerned by the crown princes grip on power one of a small group who voted against m. P. s taking over. This is something extraordinary and saudi politics prince armored by the past rules of saudi politics should have enjoyed immunity even if he was publicly a little critical of some policy but that immunity is god there is no immunity in saudi Arabia Mohammed bin solomon can get you no matter who you are thats the message. And 2017 dozens of senior members of the royal family and billionaire businessmen around our pen detained at a luxury hotel in riyadh the saudi government said it was an Anti Corruption dr Rights Groups disagreed one year later mohammed bin salmonds International Profile was further tarnished after the killing of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the kingdoms consulate in istanbul the cia concluded that the crown prince must have known about the operation if not ordered it himself we know that he is the real power it was some people calling him anecdotally the. Son of the king but a person who was actually the sovereign power in the southeast. Reports suggest those detained now face long term imprisonment or even death. Alexia brian al jazeera. At least 6 people have died in avalanches in Austria Group of walkers were swept away by falling so low on the tax time Mountain Range 5 bodies have been recovered and its the victims are from the Czech Republic and then further west a Police Officer on a Training Exercise was killed by an avalanche on the clock in a peak. A day before the trial of 4 men accused of murder for their roles in the downing of fly m. H. 17 over ukraine the families the victims have been protesting outside the Russian Embassy at the hague 298 chess symbolize the number killed when the Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down 6 years ago by a missile fired from territory held by pro russia separatists the families are angry about russias lack of cooperation with the investigation a step valsin explains. For 6 years relatives of passengers on flight m h 17 have been waiting to find out who is responsible for bringing down the plane over Eastern Ukraine they hope to trial in the netherlands will give them answers it was the most deadly single incident in the war between Ukrainian Government forces and russian backed safra this that continues to this day up to 298 people on board 196 came from the netherlands many of them having for holiday in Southeast Asia 4 suspects are being charged with murder for allegedly helping transport a russian book anti Aircraft Missile which investigators say brought down the plane russian former military and Intelligence Officers ego get in. And syria gay dubin ski had high ranking positions in the separatist army in Eastern Ukraine theyve made it clear they wont attend the trial of will be replanted by a lawyer for moscow has denied any involvement and accuses the investigators of fabricating the evidence saying phone recording is released by the Investigation Team afaik social media analysts say the socalled sin petersburg troll factory also accused of interfering in the u. S. 2016 elections send out tens of thousands of tweets in the hours and days after the plane came down promoting the russian narrative some researchers say it was a well organized this Information Campaign designed to create confusion. See this goal everything is used they are not really bothered by the fact that they are contradicting themselves although that one day they saw it was occurring in a fighter jet and today it is ukrainian that brought down the plane and tomorrow it will be occurring in fighter jet again russia has offered to hold a trial here in moscow but the dutch government has rejected that for some russians this proves that the trial wont be fair or just clear that this is a politically motivated trial. And from my point of view it was it was right at the time to give away the black boxes to hold and because from the little beginning it was clear that the black boxes will be used against russia asked if you would change his mind if the evidence presented in the dutch court is convincing he said there is very little chance of that a recent poll shows that only 10 percent of russians believe that russia was responsible for the downing of im age 70 but thats 5 times higher than what it was 6 years ago but many say that with francis of the russian government will change its position a very slim because the polls always maintain that it was never involved in the war in Eastern Ukraine in the 1st place step process aljazeera moscow. Or bring you some news from libya now where one civilian has been killed 3 more in a hospital in the capital tripoli after a rocket hit a house close to the International Airport the u. N. Recognized government is blaming forces loyal to warlord 25. 00 to have been trying to capture the capital for almost a year the tea grapples as the only operational airport in tripoli now a rally to mark International Womens day care guest on this time violent often lost men attacked a protest as demonstrators have gathered in the main square the capital bishkek when men Wearing Masks barged into the gathering and started tearing banas apart but hes detained around 60 people including dozens of female activists they say womens rights are deteriorating in the fullness of the republic and as a resurgence of right wing ideology and then thousands of women have defied the threat of violence to take to the streets of pakistan a large group of ultra conservative men pelted the campaign is with stones shoes and sticks as they try to march in the Capital Islamabad Police had to forcibly prevent the counter protesters from reaching the women the demonstrators are demanding greater reproductive rights and an end to socalled honor killings at least a 1000 women a killed each year in pakistan for that perceived immoral behavior. Well from one as iris to mexico women across latin americas biggest cities are taking to the streets to mark International Womens day in chile thousands have been marching through the capital in the wake of broader demonstrations of a social inequality they are demanding justice for those women hurt during the protest movement which began last year. For human rights says more than 430. 00 women were injured over 3 months and a large launch is also taking place in mexico out of a nationwide women strike on monday protest as a focusing on the Alarming Number of women in the country which has more than doubled over the course of the past 5 years money rappel is in mexico city monies are you seeing from the pitches that inequality gender inequality and violence is truly a Global Challenge tell us about the specific problems and hardships women that are in mexico face. But certainly so maryam and these demonstrations are taking place all over latin america amidst a larger broader economic unrest thats taking place as the haunted it continues to convulse of the state of mexico in the case of mexico it is as you mentioned gender based violence women here are calling on the government to do more women here are upset despite this very festive atmosphere you could hear people people cheering people chanting people singing there are also some of the more radical factions of the of this feminist movement. Whose tactics have been criticized by many but what we hear from them is that theyve tried to pick up protest peacefully theyve tried speaking to the government and their voices havent been heard so its time to smash windows its time to of to to paid walls thats what theyre saying read what the what the writing on the wall is weak they dont want any more femicide they dont they want to end to gender based violence and according to the governments own statistics and their own polling 66 percent of women who were polled over the age of 15 say that theyve experienced some sort. Of emotional or physical abuse 41 percent of women polled say that theyve experienced some form of Sexual Assault this is the governments own numbers and with the levels of impunity that mexico continues to suffer its believe that those numbers are actually much higher so while this is very jovial out this fear theres a lot of chanting a lot of see theres also a lot of anger and that anger stems from the fact that some 10 women are killed every day in mexico area and it doesnt end today International Womens day because the ogun i says that are planning a strike nationwide from monday tell us more about what we can expect tomorrow that. Absolutely and these marches by the way this war say is not without precedent there are tens of thousands of women that are out on the streets of mexico city down the main avenue of mexico city but its not without precedent this is part of the larger feminist movement that has been building up in mexico for the last several months as you mentioned theres been an alarming increase in femicide and violence against women in the country so this is in many ways just a precursor to other events that are going to be taking place on monday there was an on the president a National Strike with thousands if not over a 1000000 women that could potentially participate in a day without women and National Strike where women have vowed to not go to work on monday so again this is part of a much Larger Movement that continues thank you very much from mexico city where their son lee is a a lively and passionate crowds an iraq plan thank you. I want to take you through the top stories now just to recap a quick recap of the headlines this hour suffered another sharp spike in deaths from the corona virus just a day after putting a quarter of its population under lockdown 366 people are now known to have died thats an increase of 133 from saturday the illness will spread pretty rapidly since the 1st cluster of cases was discovered there with more than 7300 infections confirmed. There are nor more. Beds in hospitals and actually the current cost because which says about 500000 people in all the. Of course tediously 2000 doctors go to affected saw that are normal or intensive care but its available and so basically italians are asked to stay you toolman when they get fever lets say that the faultline used the current i mean these is the pharmacy elsewhere in europe france is banning all gatherings of more than a 1000 people in response to the virus and then in the middle east saudi arabia has suspended all schools and universities nationwide earlier on the interior Ministry Announced the Eastern Region of tif will be placed on the temporary lockdown all 11 people in saudi youve tested positive for the virus in the region of teeth iran has reported its highest number of corona virus deaths within a 24 hour period this brings the total that 294. 00 but there are now more than 6 and a half 1000 infections across the country. In the United States a Top Health Official is admitted there were missteps that delayed Virus Testing disease expert anthony found she says the government might consider shutting down sections of the country hit hardest by the virus the American Military is restricting travel to and from italy and south korea where there have been large outbreaks. In all the News Greek Police have used water cannon to fight off dozens of refugees and migrants who holing stones at them from the other side of the border with turkey thousands of migrants have been camping since last week when turkey declared its borders with open the turkish president is to open the gates and allow migrants to travel further into europe hes to meet officials in brussels on monday and then families of the 298 people who died when their Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down 6 years ago have been protesting outside the Russian Embassy at the hague for men accused of murder for their role in the downing of m. H. 17 will go on trial there on monday thats it for myself in the team here in london witnesses coming up next on aljazeera meeting ugandas lady justice. Then they just news as it breaks the fostering service in some posts to start from early next year but the coronavirus al franken could put the brakes on the project and slow down construction with detailed coverage we know that more than 40 people were killed in the violence and officially 350 people were injured from there around the world they werent enough to create a logistical problem for the greek will sorties but they were enough to make many of the people of lesbos arent yours. When you monkey live you would do. He had to leave me alone soon it would be. One to one she ok no quite fun had to be removed. Because he fell and i was on the run. I am. Not. Sure that. If i was there. Yes sir while in the arcade

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