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Refugees and migrants attempting to cross into greece from turkey. In sports fans are banned from bahrains formula one race and if a crane a virus and a strain successfully defend a womens t 20 while coming down against india its kind of a perhaps melbourne cricket. So then italy is imposing tough restrictions on a quarter of its population locking down its 2nd largest city in more than 16000000 people to try and stop the spread of the coronaviruses just had its biggest rising cases since the outbreak began with more than 1200 confirmed on saturday the lockdown includes the entire region of lombardi where the italian outbreak began and where the most deaths have been recorded home to 10000000 people nobody will be able to move in or out of the area and that includes the countrys economic capital milan the lockdown will also impact several other provinces including venice effects you know the 6000000. 00 people restrictions are set to remain in place until early april for torah gate and has the latest. In casual in northern italy people rushed to the train station desperate to leave the city before it was put into lockdown to put it to good effect i read 2 hours ago that they may be putting out an urgent to cream putting in the red zone and because id like to return down south to my relatives i decided to go earlier. Prime minister picante has signed a decree to impose an unprecedented large scale quarantine in the la buddy region home to 10000000 people to limit the spread of coded 19 they seem. Now we have restrictive measures for a much wider area because it wasnt making any sense to say a lot of small red zones while infections have spread all over and in the provinces we listed. This comes after italy reported more than 1200. 00 new infections in one day theres going to be. Many things that again to be closed like jinns cultural centers. All sorts of areas where people get together in large groups restaurants and bars however appear it appears they will be kept open pope francis hes fighting a cold his Council Public appearances and will deliver his regular sunday prayers to crowds at the vatican by live stream and the leader of one of his least 2 ruling parties has announced that he has coronavirus all caught on have you so it is arrived i have coronavirus today obviously ill be monitored like everybody else in the situation i feel fine so it was decided that ill be isolated at home also my familys falling all the protocols to the situations italy is the worst affected country in europe but france germany and the netherlands have all reported a rise in the number of cases while multi slovakia and serbia have confirmed that 1st infections victoria gay to be aljazeera. Spring to summer gallagher who joins us live from london and its really very much the focus of things in europe an extreme measures being put in place. Absolutely and when you consider that youve got more than a quarter of the population now under lockdown it really is quite a surge of dramatic surge and also the measures that have been been put in place as well are pretty strong as well in combination with that youve got basically schools and universities which closed down last week now thats been extended until april the 3rd in addition to that cinemas gyms museums also will be shut off to the public until april the 3rd as well and its not just that as well its a religious ceremony such as funerals and weddings now theyre banned from taking place during this time as well because of course the larger groupings of people there will just make it and provide the perfect scenario for the virus to spread as has happened in other places as well and it is really these are the most radical measures to have been put in place outside of china still with that in place you also got sports and football tournament as well youve had the head of the talian Football Association saying that there will not to be any any games taking place even though they are taking place behind closed doors in sports minister of the country of italy itself saying that they actually should not be taking place at all so all in all very strict bans put in place and not surprising given just the sheer dramatic turn of the spread of this virus nic whats the story across the rest of europe and where you are really really london. Well indeed of course this is not just slowly inhibited to italy as well but its gone right across the continent with new cases also being seen in the balkans as well outside of italy the highest number of cases of covert 1000 it been seen in france for 16 people having been confirmed as having died from. Cations resulting from the virus as well but you have more than 940 recorded cases of covert 900 in the country youve had schools which have been closed which is set to close in certain specific areas where as an organ in the east of the country from monday thats confirmed by the Health Officials there in germany has seen more than 680 cases but no deaths as of yet resulting from cope at 19 and also in spain as well youve seen 480 cases there with 10 deaths and interesting enough as mentioned earlier about how a religious ceremony a group of people going to religious ceremonies such as funerals those one case there were 60 people were believed to have been infected by attending one particular funeral in the north of spain and as a consequence some areas now in that parts of spain including one town are also under quarantine now nick or so you think very much so thats the picture in europe lets go to iran which is one of the other coronavirus hot spots and has reported a sharp increase in the number of deaths we can get more and all this from them but robbery is terror on his own tell us what the latest is. Well nick weve had another record setting day another massive spike in the number of corona virus related deaths 49. 00 in the last 24 hours bringing the total death toll closer and closer to 200. 00 specifically 194 people have died of the corona virus since the outbreak was made public in iran 743 new cases overall in the last 24 hours another large jump 6566 is the total number of cases in this country now the highest level was in the home when this outbreak began it is now into heroin into one province in and around the capital of the country during the Health Ministry briefing earlier today the spokesman did say that the trend of the total number of cases does seem to be going down which is a positive step you also said the spike seen in the death toll the ongoing cases that we see today is a result of infections that have happened over the course of the last week to 10 days so he said if people take the precautionary measures that the government is prescribing seriously then within the next 2 weeks or so they will begin to see the results they will begin to see the circumstances improve and they will begin to see the overall number of cases to go down and that is really the governments goal here to stop the spread to be able to contain it so as to be able to have confidence both in being able to let people continue to move around the country as they wish and being able to really open the countrys many borders and airports that have been closed to the International Community since this outbreak began and were seeing some of the measures the government put in place cleaning and taking peoples temperatures and so forth what are the things that are going on hearing something about flights big regulated now. Thats right ever since this began flights in and out of the country have become a real problem come to. What weve seen is that iran air the National Air Carrier has decided to eliminate all of its flights to european capitals now its really a chicken and egg thing in this situation many European Countries many. Neighboring countries in and around the middle east in asia have not been granting landing rights not only to iranian air carriers but to any flight that comes out of iran to those destinations so weve seen a great number of canceled flights weve seen passengers being turned away at the airports weve seen fights at the check in counters and this has become a real problem not just for iranians trying to get out but the many tourists that do still come to iran and trying to get out trying to get back home we see between 5 and 10000000 annually depending on which numbers youre looking at a visitors coming to iran so there are tens of thousands of people potentially stuck in the country trying to leave and fewer and fewer flights available so Iranian Airlines another iran carrier Mohan Airlines as well as major interNational Air Carrier like emirates and Qatar Airways have either stopped flights entirely or drastically limited the number of flights that come in and out of iran in fact in february last month president Hassan Rouhani even reached out directly to cut there is government saying we must come up with some kind of hygiene measures to be able to screen people so that we can normalize flights between doha and to run generally there were about 20 flights a week that is down to 7 so just one flight a day so it really is a struggle iran finds itself more and more isolated from the rest of the world all right thats a picture of iran zain thanks very much indeed for that lets head over to china where china now where at least 10 people have died in a hotel that collapsed in the countrys southern Fujian Province the hotel was being used to quarantine people to prevent the spread of the virus meanwhile the Chinese Government has reported the lowest number of new infections january katrina you has this report now from beijing. Witnesses say it sounded like an explosion this hotel in chinas Southern Food jan province collapsed on saturday night trapping 70 people most with people being quarantined because of the coronavirus the hotel was designated as a virus isolation ward as emergency teams freed people from the rubble authorities in beijing defended the strict quarantine measures who would nonfossil. If there is a cluster infection a workers have to go into families and communities 40 to help investigation to know every patients history of activities and track all the people who had contact with the patient so they must be quarantined for 14 days the government says tough measures have stopped the spread of the current a virus outside of the epi center who on sunday china recorded its lowest number of new cases since january or only 3 new cases were recorded outside the province and these patients were infected not in china but abroad state media are declaring victory in the countrys battle against the outbreak in a makeshift hospital known as the one her living room has suspended operations jus to a lack of patients. If you like we already one were so happy to see patients discharged one after one more than 80000 people have been infected nationwide some 50000 patients have recovered at least 5000 are in Critical Condition in phrygian authorities are investigating the cause of the Building Collapse the hotels are in a is being questioned katrina new aljazeera aging. Well protesters of taking to the streets in hong kong for a plan to set up coronavirus clinics in residential neighborhoods without consulting locals today there are 113. 00 confirmed covert 19 cases in hong kong and 2 people have died sarah clarke is there and she says todays rally is part of a growing outcry about the clinics well weve had a number of rallies over recent weeks and the one on sunday this is in an area called typo which is in the northern part of the city it was yet another community rally in this that the people here are concerned about these Quarantine Centers or the coronavirus clinics being set up in his district which are of got a quite a high urban density quite highly Populated Areas and they said they concern because number one they worry about the risk of infection in these highly Populated Areas and theyre also and the angry about the government and not consulting the community before setting these clinics up now there are couple 100 people there the right place didnt take long to move in and then we saw a number of other antigovernment or prodemocracy groups join this rally now pepper spray was used on some of the people attending this particular rally and the police tried to disperse the crowd certainly some chaotic scenes in the area of typo with these clearly rallies against a crowd of vice clinics so to regular is placing one of its provinces under lockdown because of coronavirus saudi state media says that most public and private sector work is being suspended in qatif after 11 people there were infected with the virus michel services will keep running in the region and commercial supplies will continue to flow with precautions to keep people safe. Countries in africa have until now escaped the worst of the outbreak but there have been new cases in cameroon and in turkey go on at least 45 infections have been confirmed elsewhere on the continent because reports now from senegal were authorities are implementing measures to try and stop the spread. The corona virus is spreading in africa on tuesday a french couple with flu like symptoms tested positive for the virus in this hospital with multiple new cases many of the nursing and medical staff have been sent home hundreds are in selfimposed quarantined pharmacies are running out of masks and sanitizers some are even resorting to traditional remedies in the hope of fighting off the virus has been in development you need to eat garlic at least 3 times a day and that will stuff carone of ours especially older people have been coming to me hoping that this will protect them when youre going to be i mean dont count on that remedy though the World Health Organization says theres no evidence that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus so far all the cases on the african continent are not coming from china like experts predicted but from europe the outbreak that began in the north of italy is quickly spreading beyond european borders we are not far from the pandemic most on the continent is not enough capacity for example for intensive in senegal an emergency crisis cell has been put in place similar to the one during the 201416 bull outbreak over 11000 people died from that virus mostly in west africa. The government does not want to see the virus spread in neighborhoods like this where theres a shortage of water frequent power cuts and the Sanitation Systems are not up to scratch people here live in close proximity and this is a virus thats highly contagious so Health Authorities say the way to stop the outbreak is Early Detection this is where blood samples of suspected cases are being tested a facility few african countries have and so for professor county avoiding contact including handshakes is a best way to prevent the virus from spreading we need to explain to. Them that they dont need to be afraid they get. Before or prevention aspect while fear of the virus is spreading faster than the virus itself so was misinformation on social media rumors that africans are immune to the virus so that hot weather or local remedies can destroy it with some saying that covert 19 is a western invention its a challenge for african states with the epidemic gaining grounds misinformation has become ass contagious as a virus itself Nicholas Hawk al jazeera the car a plenty more ahead on the news hour including navigating libyas precarious economy we meet the young entrepreneurs determined to build up their businesses despite the long running conflict. Lebanon defaults on its Foreign Debts worth over a 1000000000. 00 as it struggles to title the vice. I was just days ago before the start of the formula one season the bahrain race told funds to stay away so its going to school which are. Not enough for the senior prince is reported to have been detained in saudi arabia u. S. Media reports say the former head of Army Intelligence thats prince knife or not that is among those now being held but there hasnt been any official response from the government is alexy abroad. Saudi state media on sunday broadcast pictures of king solomon with the kingdoms new ambassadors 2 year ago why and ukraine the appearance of the monarch followed speculation about his health after the reported arrests of several princes and dozens of officials in recent days the kings younger brother prince Ahmed Abdul Aziz and the crown princes cousin mohammed bin nayef a said to be among those detained taken by masked men to an unknown location maybe they have. Said man is that area rating or again as rumored in the past you might be considering. Basically have the. The last thing been some man want to challenge there are reports of an attempted coup though some analysts believe crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon is further consolidating his power i understand that after the arrests of these major figures that he then demanded the other members of the family to confirm their loyalty to him and many were expected to tweet or to email him and show that they were behind him mohamed bin solomon knowing his abs has a reputation for cracking down on anyone who opposes him he replaced been naive as heir to the throne and 27 tane forcing him into effective house arrest n. B. S. His uncle prince ahmed was said to be concerned by the crown princes grip on power one of a small group who voted against m. P. s taking over. This is something extraordinary and saudi politics prince ahmed by the past rules of saudi politics should have enjoyed immunity even if he was publicly a little critical of some policy but that immunity is god there is no immunity in saudi Arabia Mohammed bin solomon can get you no matter who you are thats the message and 27 tane dozens of senior members of the royal family and billionaire businessmen around our pan detained at a luxury hotel in riyadh the saudi government said it was an anticorruption drive Rights Groups disagreed one year later mohammed bin salmonds International Profile was further tarnished after the killing of saudi journalist. And the kingdoms consulate in istanbul the cia concluded that the crown prince must have known about the operation if not ordered it himself we know that he is the real power it was some people calling him anecdotally the. Son of the king but person it was actually sovereign power in the saudis to. Report suggests those detained now face long term imprisonment or even death. And accept ryan aljazeera. The saudi view a coalition fight in yemen has carried out air strikes against the rebels in the Port District of salaf is also renewed fighting in our own gylfi in the north the United Nations has called for an immediate end to the military Action International committee the red cross says its aid efforts have been hampered since last month around 70000 people have been displaced leaving families without food shelter and access to medical care. Yemen is in my view at a critical juncture. We will either silence the guns and resume the political process. Or we will slip back. Into a large scale conflict and suffering that you have all ready seen here in mara. Nearly a year of fighting near libyas capital has taken a heavy toll on the economy many businesses have closed and young people have sought work abroad but some entrepreneurs say theyre determined to carve out opportunities mahmud up or why port from tripoli jeepney means a pick me up in the libyan dialect its all right hailing Company Recently launched by 2 libyan entrepreneurs with a move by phone app and Facebook Page jeepney offers rides for people mostly in the capital tripoli technology which figures our driving groups for drivers and calculates the distance and fare is something new in libya we did our soft launch for the application in march 1 month before the attack on tripoli. After about a month when everything happened. We saw significant drop in our numbers we were a bit worried about that but luckily that didnt continue this Company Provides work space for students and Business Owners who cant find it in their own areas with frequent power and internet cuts in many parts of the city especially in the areas affected by the fighting it also provides a safe place for customers we find that with markets and that there are many people like it. That there is a good demand for it. And and you know for any business if you have a with the monk. Then you are ok. The conflict in libya has force had many young people to seek new carriers abroad but despite the challenges in the country some are still enthusiastic about creating their own businesses and bringing new ideas to the market but many here say theyre worried what will happen if the fighting in southern tripoli moves closer to the city center many businesses have been shut down since the war lord hefted launched his military campaign to seize tripoli from the internationally recognized the government in april official figures suggest the war has cost the economy more than 40000000000. 00 that includes losses caused by the blockade of the Oil Facilities by forces loyal to have turned these entrepreneurs say their businesses should be able to this standard declining to stay trivia news they are now hoping the fighting will in to allow their businesses to grow even further but if the battle for tripoli continues these young libyans are unlikely to have many free species leg the. Tripoli the lebanese Prime Minister says his government will not make a debt payment of more than a 1000000000 dollars this year on monday and the herb says currency reserves a dangerously low in peoples basic needs must be given priority so has more now from beirut. Businesses are closing unemployment is rising inflation is soaring and the local currency depreciated by at least 50 percent and now for the 1st time in its history lebanon is defaulting on paying its debt 1200000000 dollars is due on monday the country is facing its worst economic crisis in decades Prime Minister has sandia who took office in january after massive protests toppled the previous government told the nation his administration will work on restructuring the debt which has become too much for the country to bear. Down on without the sour hard currency reserves are at a critical record low as a result the republic of lebanon is forced to default the coming march 9th obligation on the euro bond these funds must be channeled towards securing the basic necessities for the lebanese people 2 people have been on the streets for months demanding a new leadership they have little faith in a government appointed by the old Political Class they accuse of corruption demonstrators have also vented their anger at banks for imposing capital controls but bankers are blaming the authorities for looking for an easy way out restructuring the public that seems to be a way to avoid the other reforms that are necessary to jumpstart the economy and to solve the crisis which is essentially it is structured in the Public Sector some parties in lebanon have been used to look at the Public Sector source of benefits and favors to their political constituency International Donors have made clear there will be no assistance unless reforms are carried out its not just about implementing reforms lebanons government does not have many friends it is seen by the United States and its allies as controlled by hezbollah or any iranian backed group they consider a terrorist organization and they have been trying to contain irans growing influence. In the middle east the only option to secure foreign funding and without risking further isolation is through the International Monetary fund but has the power broker in government has rejected an i. M. F. Bailout it says it would involve taxes and calls the institution a tool of the United States in case for. Signs up to the i. M. F. They will lose some of the sovereignty theyve won the 2800. 00 actions the 1st election that theyve won since 2004 hours and if they lose power this means that they can see that some sort of defeat to the i. M. F. And to the International Community and to the United States lebanons financial crisis has entered a new stage and there doesnt seem to be any rescue plan and as conditions worsen for the people many are warning of further unrest. Beirut. Australia in focus in the weather his rope yes the murray darling basin barrie darling basin which is a huge catchment area and river system that stretches from sudden queens and down to adelaide dance belden and through a city as well that is a cause for most people get there are that level grow things and if youre lucky and youre a pelican you find water that this particular stretch of river the barwon of up with rory does at the start of the system or is a fear and its been dry for ages in fact the whole area for 36 months has been the driest period on record of the records but a 100 years long and even though they had been rain recent he had particularly in the last 2 weeks the summer as only seemed 50 cent of the average fall so this was caused welcome however its just about to finish most the rain falls this town the year and is now fixing further north in the next 24 hours well get more significant showers i think feeding into the system but really the focus is further north in queens and now were setting up now for the monsoon season for the fall north of australia but it starts off of this massive right in the fold increase does so and weve got that for the next 2 days now you might remember quite off we get sightings running through far northern quizon havent seen them yet but cannes itself is getting in tassie and it needs it so there has rain so far here to only 75 percent of what you might expect nic. Still ahead hair around 0 find out why gender based attacks are on the rise in mexico. Although we visit midmarket piece of the creative fiction one of the of the longest running in the flick. And this gymnast makes a strong case for to get her 1st in the thing thats coming up which opens. From algis there is london Broadcast Center 2 special guests in conversation the state the american state steps in and saves compass unprompted uninterrupted people think that racism is having her for vitriol towards black people and theres no understanding of what the time a crazy thing is intimately reflecting on the issues of our time and i realized i was working for something i was evil and i had been a part of the creating at studio b. Unscripted coming soon on the house is there a joint a listening post as we tend the cameras on the media india has a more than 424 Hour Television news channel. And focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most the states misleads the public the state media reflects the same thing. Clonic child to uphold their editorial show it takes a giant believe they have anything to apologize for their listening post on aljazeera. Rule. Or a rule. To. Get you what you want as your a reminder about top stories this hour and a quarter of its ways population has been put under lockdown government tries to stop the current of ours the reason of lombardy home to 10000000 is now in quarantine clued in the economic capital. And never nearby provinces are also affected. Iran has reported a shopping crease in the number of corona virus deaths bringing the total to 194. 00 there are now more than 6500. 00 infections across the country. Before who see the saudi prince is reported to have been detained in what may be a new power struggle in the kingdom the New York Times says the former head of Army Intelligence but its not enough money was arrested along with 3 others that was on friday. Turkish president reza type of wine is calling on greece to allow refugees to make their way into europe is declared turkeys borders open for those hoping to make their way into the European Union causing thousands to try and make the crossing over the past week they didnt understand. What they do not want to stop in greece they only wanted to go through your territory to go to europe why you preventing them we said from the beginning we would open our borders and now i say to greece open your borders and they will go through your territory to go to European Countries you cannot shrug this issue aside or migrants refugees trying to cross from turkey in degrees have described the scenes at the border is something out of a horror movie thousands of Asylum Seekers have gather that turkeys western frontier after the country declared its borders open for those who can to enter your cash and attach a good name has more from the border city of their name. We found home ed in an abandoned building tending to his wounds the iranian amputee says he crossed into greece twice since turkey opened its borders more than a week ago he returned with wounds all over his body. To use the wounded to you know they caught me and beat me while they took me to a cot i back to them and said im handicapped dont beat me leave me alone but they wouldnt listen. On the 2nd floor a temporary family has formed bound by trauma and desperation one strangers now linked by the solidarity a feeling ostracized by other media kids as we might have come from 3rd world countries but were not 3rd class citizens we also have the right to live and have a future for our children in. Afghan refugee missier has become a kind of father figure he and his wife crossed into greece 3 times twice by climbing through a fence and once on a fishermans boat he says greek soldiers stripped the men to their underwear tasered them and when they collapsed beat them with the sticks ignited the 11 off of the judge in a ball of love they handcuffed him and took us to the river bank and kicked us into the river they said now leave some of us manage to cross like a fish some like a duck 2 of their friends couldnt get out of the river we told turkish fishermen that we left 2 people behind they went to search for our friends and we never saw them again. The greek government has not responded to the accusations it has stopped accepting asylum applications for one month and pledged to expel those entering illegally nazir describes whats happening to refugees and migrants who cross into greece as a horror movie. Yet he and home ed plan to make another attempt clinging to the possibility like thousands others that the next time will have a more humane ending. Natasha going to name aljazeera dirname on the Turkey Greece border whatever refugee facility on the greek island of lesbos is cleaning up after a fire late on saturday it happened it a swiss operated one happy Family Center for refugees just outside the capital. Thats balsam has been speaking to aid workers that. As you can see behind me the school is completely destroyed you can see the melted sheet metal and the buckled steel girders of the school roof underneath that there are steel frames of long benches and long tables where the children used to sit the plywood has been burnt its lying in piles of dust on the floor and theres an acrid smell still in the air the fire service was here earlier to see if they could find any clues as to who or what started this fire it could be an accident but obviously at a time of high Political Tension on the island where right wing groups of clashed with volunteers and n. G. O. S helping the refugees there are also suspicions that it might not be an accident this is the school of peace an israeli and joe that operates on the grounds of one happy family joining me now to talk about that project is im not sure han shes a volunteer with school of peace and that i know that its been very tense on the island since the government attempted to build a closed Refugee Centers which would be Detention Centers to replace morea where people are free to come and go and since then people have risen up against almost any refugee activity on the island can you tell me whether you have had any form of threat to the school before no before now we didnt have any form of threats to the school. We have a lot of Power Partners and ive been local community and in the past 2 weeks its completely different than before and we get a lot of play in attack ourself and then n. G. O. S but its a big difference than we feel when you say its been very different to the past in the last 2 weeks how do you mean different i mean before we felt safe around here we felt safe to walk in the streets we love this place we have another very good friends on this island in a lot of people that walk with us and. 3 day in the past 2 days no one is going out of the house people are scared and everyone is suspicious of everyone the 3 walks around there are some words we came after. You know what happens if you go into the wrong places or if you talk to the wrong people we would get we would bring in our car would get beaten oh they would try to go inside our car have you had any. Of you of the refugees that you teach tell you that they have been intimidated. Just mainly the ones that lives in with you leaving that they are worried about going out of the house and into the streets and they dont know how people really. Am in that they prefer to stay home in this. Well obviously this is a very recent Political Development it is difficult to know how long this atmosphere will continue it doesnt help that there is a hostile attitude from neighboring turkey which has intentionally opened its borders in order to promote refugees on the greek territory the greek government has seen that as a threat to National Security that has done much to color the political mood on the island as well. 5 people have been killed by an avalanche while hiking in Central Australia happened in the dutch the mountains its believed the victims were from the Czech Republic the area is a popular spot for trekking. At least 45 people remain missing in southeast brazil days after heavy rainfall caused floods and landslides 35 people are known to have died when communities were engulfed in 3 cities on the coast of south pole and state firefighters and volunteers are continuing their search for the missing earlier this week the region at a months rainfall in a single day. Millions of women across mexico are going on strike on monday to take a stand against gender based violence has been time to follow International Womens day government figures show attacks against women have doubled in the past 5 years john holdren reports from mexico city all of us are allowed to continue i meant them in the us i live in an emotional outpouring on this State University female students reporting professors students and even relatives but they say have harassed or attacked them over the years yes. Its because attorney general has said that more than 10 women were killed that day but behind the number some say is a culture of machismo male chauvinism which in the end helps lead to the violence. Around 20 professors just from mexico State University and now under investigation this student is one of those who complained this was common so compelling bessemer he started asking me are you a virgin what have you done with your boyfriend have you done naughty things yet his conduct is normalized enough in society she says that she didnt know who to turn to from the area give me your answers mr his mrs but i saw his messages i felt alone i didnt know who to talk to in my family or in the police or the student committees even my boyfriend who asked for help just accuse me of starting it all. The submissive objectified woman is a current that runs through Popular Culture in mexico because i believe this is another family runner these are the weather reporters of the 24 hour news. And its a constant on the countrys a popular telling novellus screenwriter and the. Story has a look at as im always seeing story lines in which the women are victims or hysterical bossy and annoying convinces all that yes women are annoying and bossy and sensitive when theyre having their period and its not true. But in the last year more and more women but theyre rejecting how this scene and the violence against them through protests and even street monuments like this one its actually being cleaned and advance of a march thats going to go through mexico citys main avenue this sunday to mark International Womens day. On monday there will be a National Womens strike this movement is only gaining traction John Heilemann out zita mexico city. Thousands of women in cities throughout pakistan have to fight threats of violence to march on International Womens day the demanding tougher laws to protect women from harassment from rape from the message abuse. Is in islam. A growth targets gone to have been rallied by women i read men who are supporting the remand commemorates the International Day for womens. Rights because we think. That a woman was not getting it right. Because many something that decided you i give my life. I never doubted. It cannot be done love. Me as much money when we are leaving in a very dynamic. And hour we need freedom and we need. Her to be a lot of stuff. Already you and harry are divided across that line you have the religious part. They were all. Tearing and obviously against the march rigid also known as the womans march i started in karachi. And then spread across. Here again reconsidered their wide delivery large worn more right for the women however the more religious and can vary development of the i report it is not something i did new here in pakistan and out of court or debate that has been going on for years. Uncertainty surrounding upcoming talks between afghanistans government and the taliban is raising fears of a collapse of law and orders foreign troops withdraw womens Rights Groups in particular are worried what will happen if the taliban regain power for a 100 reports now from kabul. Its a little haven tucked away in a basement in kabul away from prying eyes this was the 1st gym for women only to open here sickie mohamedi chose to name it bo no one but or elite women in the local dialect that were that. Far yet their own needs been 2 years now initially people had different views toward sports because were a conservative society but those who came here have seen good results and felt the benefits of working out so now theyre encouraging us most of her clients are young women who are part of a new generation enjoying freedoms their mothers never had but they are the minority this is a country devastated by 40 years of war and women have always been the biggest victims not only of the taliban kidnapping and rape were rampant during the civil war 2 theres also the high number of afghan widows estimates vary from 600000 up to 2000000 cannot be lost her husband or dead 20 years ago when we arrived to interview her she told us that her 4 month old grandson had died that same morning but being the only breadwinner in a family of 8 she couldnt afford to take the day off she has to work hoping that every stroke of the broom will take a little of the gleeful away. Im really tired of life because i dont have a father or son or husband over a brother im alone and i have 8 daughters im upset because after i wake up i start sweeping i need medicine but when i buy a car feed my family when i feed my family i cant get treatment i really dont know what to do women gained equal rights in a 2004 constitution but nothing is guaranteed if you look at the political atmosphere now you see different groups are talking with each other about sharing of power and political arrangements women are not there actually we have inside afghanistan probably even inside the government but i see the government i mean the tree institutions of government who would think and believe the same way as taliban do navigating through social restrictions is not easy for medina i met her family doesnt know about her workout schedule nor do they know shes a gifted artist shirt. Which i dont blame them because of our society she worries what people will say but we think differently i was born here and need to rebuild my country women must be strong and contribute to society these are challenging times 500. 00 stand the prospect of peace is on the horizon again and there is fear that women could lose out but there is also a new generation willing to fight to protect their rights put up that hamid aljazeera kabul. Still ahead here on aljazeera everyones favorite dog sled place is back joe will have the details and. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of Climate Change informed opinion economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those trees dont even know what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize a indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning for you walk of the new conscious and aware use of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on aljazeera. A journey both dark because if you dont believe theres a very for everything theres a lot of corruption and Beautiful Lake and beautiful lady you have to be very patient and what is also the city has ascended you can see how i was introduced to it though when my father and my most only working for king for how the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from had an allergist sarah. Now the karen f. The minority in maine been fighting for independence for 70 years it is one of the worlds longest running civil wars and has displaced hundreds of thousands of people now a Community Leaders say that the term and to be part of the peace building process that created a puck to do just that there as far as louis reports now from a young girl. The quran of a 2nd largest ethnic minority in myanmar theyve been fighting for an independent state since 949 before changing their demand in 1976 to one for greater autonomy despite a seas fi agreed in 2012 fighting continues but in this part of state as its now called corrent Community Leaders have created a sanctuary the salwen peace park covers nearly 5500 square kilometers and includes villages forest and wildlife reserves here the quran continues that traditional way of life relying on nature for that and practicing customary Land Management to preserve the environment so morehead and internally displaced quran has known war for most of his life. In the past we had to run and hide from the media. It was exhausting when soldiers attacked our village we had to run we took a food supply into the jungle but when soldiers found it they would steal it sometimes they would burn it the village is remote but people here seem content. We live selfsufficient lives we plant ross grow vegetables rice pigs and chickens if me and my soldiers join to attack us we will continue our life this way but elsewhere in state peace hasnt held the fighting still happens by the move to upgrade a road previously used for military operations but quran Community Leaders say villagers are also concerned about the military bases dotted around the parks boundaries. Yes we draw you know maybe a couple of cams allowing people to come back and reassess to base their livelihoods and you know some interior you know kind of projects come in and see how you know things you know moving forward and then you can replicate the park is the 1st of its kind in myanmar indigenous led its founders say its an alternative to top down development but protecting it from encroachment will be a challenge the park isnt recognized by the government. Democratic transition has opened the door to Foreign Investment their plans to develop the area in and around the park including 2 hydro power dam projects on the south. In the quran struggle to protect their community and their way of life theyll have to be prepared to take on corporations to lawrence aljazeera. Or to support his nic thank you well on International Womens day australia have again demonstrated their dominance in cricket theyve successfully defended their womens t 20 world cup title crushing india by 85 runs in melbourne Kevin Calvert has the action. Theres more than one winner in this family was lisa healey smashing a record half century of just 30 balls while her former world cup winning has been much of stock washed after cutting short his tour to south africa with the mens team. Healy sharing a night in standard 115. 00 before holing up to 75. 00 and the player of the match performance. Was opening in the 5th money continued on to a number they can 78 but the strike a messy and imposing 194 for 4 i was. And it just never got going and reply was losing wickets regularly especially to spin it just to nessun and seam and make them short they claimed the final wicket to dismiss india the 99 was a struggle lifting the tie for the 1st time in front of more than 86000 fans just short of the world record for a womans sporting spectacle given calvert how does it. Now are just days to go before the start of the formula one season the teams are on their way to melbourne for the opening race but open was the 2nd grand prix on the calendar already taking drastic steps against coronavirus the bahrain grand prix will go ahead on march the 22nd but fans will be shut out of the stands the country says its trying to balance the welfare of supporters and race goes in the statement they said given the continued spread of covert 900. 00 globally convening a mages 40 event which is open to the public would not be the right thing to do at the present time but the race weekend itself will still go ahead as a televised events. Italian football saudia as back underway behind closed doors as well despite the countrys sports minister calling for the league to be stopped immediately the early game between palm and spa was delayed while the politics played out later one of the biggest games of the season will take place a 2nd place you ventus post into milan who said 3rd in a match known as italys dopy. Danton are important again as usual when you play football in big stadiums it is important to have the fans in the stadium but right now we are in the delicate situation and we need to pay a lot of attention so health comes before anything else for everybody we will have to adjust to that and do things in the safest possible way. Of contact with the league in spain thanks to their star striker lay it all messi the argentine scored a late penalty against wales sausage and lead rail madrid by 2 points but their title rivals can regain top spot if they beat real betis later. Bucketing is fans have been celebrating their latest league title the one a side as club beat him nastia one mil to clinch the argentine title on the last day of the season ahead of arch rivals river plate carlos has got the winning goal its because 3rd league title in 4 years. A judge in paraguayan has ruled former brazilian dean your must remain in jail after being arrested for entering the country on a Fake Passports the 2002 world cup winner and his brother appeared before judge innocency on saturday the pair also be released into house arrest but the judge said they posed a flight risk officials have been given 6 months to complete their investigation in years who is expected to appeal in the coming days. Till hatton has survived a tough day Arnold Palmer invitational the englishman takes a 2 shot lead into the final round a bay hill in florida after shooting a one over 73. 00 hes 6 under for the tournament but in whats been called the most brutal day of bay hill 37 years only 8 players remained under par among them new zealands danny lee a chip in for birdie helping him to stay 3 shots behind. The run up to the take it lympics continue some of the worlds best gymnasts have been competing at the american cup which serves as a qualifier for the games one of those in the running to make u. S. Team is morgan hurt who captured her 2nd all around title in 3 years on saturday the 18 year old putting in a stunning performance on the uneven bars and in the floor exercises as she said look sick to secure her 1st and then picture it. Meanwhile 2 time olympic champions some the cool act won his 2nd all around title he was the top scorer on the parallel balls and on the floor. Everyones favorite dog sled race is back the ideas for odd race got on the way with a ceremonial start in Anchorage Alaska on saturday this year 57 mischas a competing which is the 2nd smallest failed in the past 2 decades the rails restarts on sunday it will take teams 1600 kilometers 3 deep snow into mountain ranges to the bering sea coast and the old gold rush town of ny the winner is expected there in around 11 days time will take him a prize of 55000. 05 former champions are in the race all right that is useful for now peace will have more light nic thanks very much indeed that is it for this news hour but i will be back in a couple of minutes with another half hour news see them. March on aljazeera after theyre also going on the nation witness brings a new film this time from africa for International Womens day as yemens war enters its 5th year aljazeera looks at the humanitarian crisis caused by the saudi led invasion studio b. Unscripted brings a fresh approach to discussing contentious issues and finding common solutions. Everything you need to know about the current Virus Outbreak aljazeera brings you the daily updates from around the wild. The listening posts dissect the worlds media how they operate and the way they cover stories. March on aljazeera. Tropical 3 chinese develop are accused of destroying a pacific power. Wonder when 8 investigates on aljazeera. Winning the programming from International Film made sense. Aljazeera sets the stage for each of them is to appear will be the life of the law is the life of the nines dead everybody is their global expats you get it were going to let the planet go to ruin because were not doing obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on aljazeera. Being a refugee means starting again under. The building a new life in a new country is no easy task but like a private banking. Witness follows one of the last Refugee Families from syria to be granted an american visa. From their personal sacrifices to the families try and. Meet the syrians on aljazeera. All. 16000000. 00 people a quarantine in italy is the government looks down towns and cities including milan and venice and the coronavirus. Iran reports a sharp increase in corona virus deaths bringing the total to 194. 00 but one Government Official says that number could be much higher. And im glad this is out there live from doha also coming up silence from saudi arabia as more arrests are reported after the tension of 2 senior princes reports for power struggles. And turned away

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