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Public gatherings the World Health Organization said rapidly rising numbers are a sign of a more Efficient Government response any country in the face when epidemic when it looks for cases will find. And if we call that a bad thing it is its a sad thing for the people who have the disease but its much better that we understand the extent of the problem so we can move towards a more aggressive target of surveillance and we hope that that will lead to the kind of control measures that could help push this virus but among the more than 3300 lives lost around the world so far most have been among the elderly whose less efficient immune systems make it hard to fight off the virus in france where new infections jumped by 200 on friday president emanuel visited a retirement facility. Im asking all fellow citizens to act responsibly to make this sacrifice i know it is sometimes heartbreaking but we must avoid visiting our elders as much as possible the European Union with its open borders is proving a haven for the spread of coronavirus italy remains the worst affected country but germanys catching up across europe a tiny vatican city has reported its 1st case as has serbia and in britain Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a 50 1000000. 00 investment into Vaccine Research and faster testing methods. Early signs of the virus continue to spring up in africa and the middle east cameroon and senegal join nigeria and south africa in registering their 1st cases this week that is the head of the uns will program sounded a stop warning if coronavirus continues or create panic around the world it is an economic downturn of until the european leaders and leaders around the world you dont have enough money set aside to address the needs in Africa East Africa west africa and the middle east right now and if theres a next economic downturn on top of the economic downturn that exist now in syria and lebanon it absolutely could be a catastrophe i mean absolute devastation and there was more bad news for the Airline Industry already operating on margins with losses across the industry from travel restrictions of council bookings estimated to top 100000000000. 00 the german carrier lufthansa announced plans to scale back up to 50 percent of its Services Worldwide others may soon follow suit jonah al jazeera in all the headlines a fragile ceasefire in syrias last rebel held province it live appears to be holding some 24 hours after it came into effect turkish president and russian president about him a person is a 4 opposite sides of the conflict declared a pause in the fighting off the negotiations in moscow have been some reports of sporadic fighting in southern parts of the province and there been no major clashes meanwhile refugees and migrants at the border between turkey and greece have been caught between volleys of tear gas as riot police from both sides try to keep them away tens of thousands of people have been trying to cross into greece since last week when turkey declared its borders with the European Union opening but greece says those trying to enter doing so 2. And the spanish coast guards of rescue dozens of refugees and migrants from the Atlantic Ocean 46. 00 men and 2 children were rescued from flimsy boats a mile off the coast of the Spanish Island Gran Canaria Canary islands have seen a sharp increase in the rival of migrants as patrols in the mediterranean are also on the rise for coming up next the program the family with the 2nd and final part of the his new mubarak story starts now. On the 3rd of august 27th the trial of the former president of egypt Hosni Mubarak for corruption and ordering the killing of protesters began in cairo. Along with mubarak in the cage where his 2 sons and demand his former interior minister and 6 x. Police commanders. But lets say you ought. To know. What was the 83 year old former dictator thinking all in the courtroom that day. Was he perhaps reviewing the journey through life that had brought him to this place. On. New years eve 2000 the world comes together to celebrate the coming year millennial. Put it comes the hope of new beginnings. But not in my. List then 3 months. Egypt had already celebrated something rather different. And yet tried that for me. 3 election of president Hosni Mubarak for the 4th time. What a contrast from his promise 18 years. Previous. Number. In his 1st speech when he became president for the 1st time he said that he wouldnt stand for more than 2 terms. That his speeches wouldnt last longer than 20 minutes but his wife wouldnt appear in the media and unlike others buildings on public monuments wouldnt be named after. This a you want to show you how to implement it better that. The president that took office in 1008 to one was a totally different person from he who was in control in 1990. And waterboard the promises that timi back in those early days of. All. Of them were forgotten. That. The battle of the people around him would all say you are leaving what would we do without you you have to stay there this pressure was not just from the hypocrites around him but also for a bus family i dont mean his close relatives but more the honest broker less people surrounding the need for mrs initially chose him to keep mrs lowder in the background. Yet in the 1st years of his push to see. Did tended to minor activities which were accepted by the general public the princess of wales was accompanied by the wife of the egyptian president mrs bush then a stamp went by she became more and more. She was ambitious to be center stage. They didnt advertise your white but Suzanne Tebbit no. Suzanne mubarak was huff which. Her mother coming from the tiny coal mining village of fun to protect. Me parma the daughter of a humble coal miner never lived to see this moment. Meeting Queen Elizabeth as egypts firstly. Could life get any better than davis. In 1930 just says her husband embarked on his 2nd term suzanne too was emboldened to start her 1st major public project. But eating for all resulted in millions of books being distributed to the egyptian public that little cost over the following 17 years the only catch the president s wife was on the back of instead of the off. Here. She had the passion for art and music in particular classical western arabic music where. She was a good reader who had obtained a masters in sociology at the American University in cairo. The history of terms. As our president being more and more power his wife created her own court surrounding herself with ministers and top. She had no status within the constitution she was just the president s wife but it was almost like the 1st lady left the 1st ladys back your presence was amazing in yesterdays speech the speech was excellent egyptians are hypocritical to whoever is in power with that has a little of that the end up being turned into little dictatorships that will. And this to you star has words is truly also. Why Suzanne Mubarak called the spotlight an eldest son now. Was a changed man. With his bachelor days behind him he was no also a father. Baby muhammad named after his grandfather had the right in 1907 to charm the president and perhaps to remind him of a happy childhood he himself never enjoyed. Them. How madonna was always playing with a toy pistol. If officials walked in they would have to play with mohammed and act dead when he shot them. But of course and with. If he didnt fall mohammed would get very angry. This happened once when a senior official came to visit the president. Could be a bomber took aim and fired the man looked at him and smiled he looked at his grandfather and asked why he didnt die. The president of the demand and said why didnt you die lie down youre dead and the more. The president and his grandson were playing. The president. Was playing his escape. And the plaything the influence his name could carry throughout. With a weapon. In the late eightys began expanding into partnerships that many businessmen regarded as dubious most but again about. The 2nd there was no reference to his name in any of these partnerships. The acceptable form of words was to call him facilitator. As he had the ability to influence ministers to facilitate the work. He. Made. Some of the stories in egypt about business conducted by mubaraks sons became a lawful matter and there is in fact a famous joke an owner of a cafe had photos of all the 3 president s talk to. A guy walks into the cafe and asks who these guys are all know on cers this is not either of the 1952 revolution president s. War and this is the father of my business partner. Was accumulating wealth and influence in his own country his. Wasnt exactly his he learned. Where he had been since then the 1980 s. What he may have been doing behind this and the unsubstantiated rumors of Money Laundering right publicly it was simply bank of americas chief. But it seems he was biding his time for greater things that could. Have been to london a few times and he invited me to dinner at a restaurant behind. What. He was very keen on internal egyptian politics and would ask or comment on a number of issues. I really felt this is where his interest in Public Affairs that. June 2000. President and the birth of the 1st republican didnt state in the history of the add a book. City is half is a lesser died after 3 decades. d smeared on a shot at. A deli messier its. A lot of b. S. We didnt days of discussion of the syrian core situation had been amended to allow his 34 year old son bush the ophthalmologist to become president. The movie. Where syria. Others were inspired to full. Agreement. With the president bashar assad to power after his late father. Was preparing his son Saddam Hussein was preparing his sons a day or. Was preparing his son see him and now. So became a trend of succession in the region this motivated as a wife and mother. And. For Susan Mubarak it was like a light had been switched off. The chosen one would be here youngest son who i know had returned from london not only should he be thrust forward to succeed his father in due course but the brilliance of the scheme would mean that a new president. Would have no interest in prosecuting the mistakes of the old president Hosni Mubarak. It could all be. Flawed world i live and get my for him Suzanne Mubaraks insistence on the triumph of the succession project wasnt just political of him and it was as much about her maintaining her social status. Move the shifting from the president s wife to becoming the president s mother. Similar to the queen mother then that i am now a month from our work and there was an important psychological factor here true that in so much as suzanne saw herself is the woman made a success of and she was now preparing another mubarak her son. The 1st step in getting manners eventually elevation to the presidency was for him to join the only National Democratic party which if nothing else was not the democratic nor national. From the outset imagine began to maneuver easily to quality in the pocket in less than 2 years the excellent banker was head of the n. D. P. Politburo a powerful committee specially created for. All of the going out of his father respected his intelligence claiming that he had finished his exams in a shorter time than movement which meant he saved a whole year his father really thought he was clever and generally respected his opinion. Having taken over the party the genius son also assumed responsibility for his fathers office. But only we know how to get to the president was to go mad. But there was still. The president himself was showing no signs of wanting to step aside in favor of his boy. Out of the authorities from what had order initially he was against his son succeeding him not so much out of concern for the country but more because he was generally selfish and wanted to remain in power to the extent that he once said what would i do if i left presidency chop onions how the heart of mustard. Whatever material things like that what that means movember 2003. Dishonest. As the president spoke in parliament he collapsed. Line on. Egyptian Television Oprah largely cut away from the moment but the act was quite literally falling apart. Then just over 6 months later he failed it again. This time he traveled to munich in germany for back surgery. It was raining it was terrible. Because he was in such a severe pain he couldnt walk. He was really really suffering and and his situation was like the weather. Is one and a half hour surgery was completely on event for and the president was on the road to recovery. But as he did cooper a kid in his german hospital room or circulated in egypt that he had died on the operating table. It was simple enough for obama to put paid to the stories by making a Television Appearance but he was also anxious to get back on. This was always my impression that he wanted to go back to egypt as quick as possible to show that hes ok and then i remember the 1st thing in the days after the operation. This goodness to walk as much as possible and to walk stance i remember this because he said i want to leave as quick as possible but i will not leave if im not able to walk down the gangway from the. To show that im. Back again and fit. Within days of his return mubarak was clearing to act the strongman again. He shuffled his cabinet introducing new faces most of them businessmen and members of the mans n. D. P. Party. In the streets of cairo we called it. Mubaraks cat but who framed them was a hard as the new generation came on the scene his son his sons friends and a small group of businessmen everything began to change it was like an old man passing the speeding wheel to his son leaving us all to crash it had been acquitted of a. Mans ambitious agenda for seizing power from his aging father was getting more obvious. As the time approached for another president ial election in 2005 some said it was the moment for government to make his move. But the old man was not going to go without a fight my art well for our white house. To do that kind of subtle messages from his father to us for. A while wasnt really ready. And that he needed to stay with that bunch but if i go back if there was one kind of constant threat. With the bark there was this kind of sense that he was irreplaceable. Only he understood egypt only he could manage egypt and i think that even these kind of subtle messages about son were kind of part and parcel of his indispensability to to ruling egypt should stop. In. September 2005 and the president who had once promised to stay for only one term was camp. Painting for his 5th in office. And he also had a further surprise for the electorate. This time thanks to a cool situation changed they were allowed to vote for other people. The trouble was that the rules were sort of natural that only nonentities could stand against the man who had ruled our country for a quarter of a century. No one was surprised when his new mubarak one eye lens right. For the 1st lady plans for a smooth succession for her son so that she could progress to 1st mother may have been temporarily frustrated. But the reality was that she still dominated the project that was the mubarak presidency. Then she settled on none of the dishes planned. Or obsession with winning the Nobel Peace Prize to the extent that she supported his appointment to nisco so as to help get her the prize if you will. Than it was the women m. P. s movement so she could get the nobel prize she traveled the world making speeches receiving whatever prizes she could. She created reading for all she visited children i mean she did everything but none of it was spontaneous it was all done for the purpose of furthering her personal glory that. America is sure it was below. Them who knows what did you grow. And dia most of inspired Suzanne Mubarak to believe that she could possibly be a candidate for a Nobel Peace Prize. But what was certain by 2008 was that her husband now approaching his 80th birthday was increasingly isolated as his wife and his son protected him from uncomfortable truths. The president didnt always receive all the information that he should have he just got told stuff that wouldnt upset him if it was something that may disturb him we were usually told not to tell him just to make sure he was always in a good mood. I couldnt believe it when the film the president shared came to the movie theaters of each of them unless im sad because i ordered. A book and they loved each was a huge hit and the talk of the streets and i. Were talking about. Them in a chemical politically on ice everyone knew that although the producers said it was a fiction this was really the true story of an isolated president comes like a nice guy whose only reliable informant about what was going on in the country was an un important function. Of people who go on to come across. As either the course of the falcons are shrinking. In the film he was a ship. In reality he was muhammad i shoot the president personally make a bomb just. Rubble down on the campus on the way how would he say it and when that man woke up he was like im master so no one could laugh talk or say anything to him. In the car but everyone was serious. And it was as if we were. It was. So i was the one who would speak to him tell them a few jokes make him laugh until he would then Start Talking about Politics State affairs or just generally socializing. Oh my limited going to im sure in. America. In the movie the fictional president s henchman fire in his shift because of his relationship with the. North. Korea life then mirror got a year after the film was released i sure was removed by mubaraks. They realized that i began talking to him about some relationship. Including his son succession. To them i appeared to be dangerous. When i received a call from the minister of information saying that. You will no longer see the president. But it continued as if nothing had changed with the. 2 countries. That said it was more a message to. Rather than to the. Conflict over the presidency had reached its peak. Isolated and exhausted yet still fighting. On the 18th me 2009 the old man was hit by a family tragedy. Business leaders is by no grasp our. Business leaders is by no grasp are. Or. How i Maryam Namazie in london a quick look at the headlines the number of coronavirus cases worldwide is now believed to have reached 100000 with italy having the 2nd highest number of deaths behind china iran recorded a dramatic rise of over a 1000 new cases in 24 hours since thursday while the spread of the virus is beginning to test at the mattick relations with japan and south korea gauged in a tit for tat battle over travel restrictions while the Health Organization says rapidly rising numbers are a sign of official government responses. The contrary in the face when epidemic when it looks for cases. And if we call that a bad thing it is its a sad thing for the people who have the disease but its much better that we understand the extent of the problem we commend the move towards a more aggressive target of surveillance and we hope that that will lead to the kind of control measures that can help push this most back meanwhile crude oil prices of plunged more than 5 percent as talks over a cut in production have ended without any agreement russia is refusing to support the car planned by the oil cartel opec arguing that its too early to predict the impact of the corona Virus Outbreak on the demand for global energy. Our other top stories a fragile ceasefire in syrias last rebel held province of it live appears to be holding almost 24 hours after it came into effect the turkish president. And the russian president Vladimir Putin who support opposite sides in the conflict declared the pause in fighting after negotiations in moscow have been some reports of sporadic fighting in southern parts of the province but theres been no major clashes. Well this is the refugees and migrants at the border between turkey and greece have been caught between volleys of tear gas as riot police from both sides try to keep them away tens of thousands of people have been trying to cross into greece since last week when turkey declared its orders with the European Union open but greece says those trying to enter a doing so illegally and then spanish coast guards of rescue dozens of refugees and migrants from the Atlantic Ocean 46 men and 2 children rescued from flimsy boats one were a mile off the coast of spain the Spanish Island gran canaria the Canary Islands have seen a sharp increase in the arrival of migrants recently. Well our program the family focusing on Hosni Mubarak now continues but i will be back after that with the news out at 2100. 00 g. M. T. And about 25 minutes time. As we egyptians need food president personally mubaraks 5th to move were confronted with a Charm Offensive orchestrated on behalf of his son. Both the people and the president at the targets of the or spitters. And i will get my view is that there were pressuring him to create a new status quo. Whether they were working in the realms of journalism takes there was saying we are on the scene and we will make the succession of iraq real. A public political reality. Back by anonymous benefactors with apparently thought only spoke its game and was portrayed as the only choice to guide the country to a new sunny future resolutely thought that maybe a few other kohima like the could because it had to feed on the fact that not only was he the great economist equipped with solutions. He was youthful derided. And didnt mean strike or. There was just one truck egyptians simply didnt like. Him much of that he was at again very similar in character to his mother hes a very conservative person who wasnt open to conversation lacked social skills and to an extent had little or no charisma to. Knock off the other with his communication skills were very limited he didnt have the skills and perhaps he never believed how important training is or of possibly acquiring the skills. Unfortunately the guy felt that he was good enough already and sadly the people around him were treating him as a victorious federal of egypt and he. Had meant that as a game plan as personality was not the only obstacle trusted egyptian leader must certainly have a 1st lady and gay man at 44. 00 was still single or got about me a good the because his mothers main concern was to get him at it. She told me at the Wedding Party that she wished demand would go on over to a group of beautiful girl who were dancing and just pick 1. 23 year old mahmoud was massively younger then the aspiring president. But who knows exactly why or how she called gomez. If he committed going to synagogue at their man his age who prefer a younger woman why not it is what he wanted and there are also girls die like older men the ones with power and prestige so i couldnt tell whether she completed the picture or he liked the plan model not. She didnt look like an egyptian her figure wasnt really egyptian it was more like a model a bit like Claudia Schiffer because she was all pretends the whole month of. The private wedding ceremony was held at the president s favorite resort shuttle machine on the 4th of may 2007 the president s birthday. They knew mr and mrs mubarak were then able to throw themselves into the key matter in hand staying in the spotlight so you could be portrayed as the president in which to show. Themselves meanwhile the actual president stubbornly refused to leave the stage. The debt. To change. On the 16th of may 2009 the president s favorite grandson 12 year old mohammad son of one was struck down by amnesty. 2 days later he was dead. In. What really made Hosni Mubarak collapse was the death of his grandson mohamed. In that allen west and i was aware of the relationship between him and his grandson from. The Hosni Mubarak mohammeds death was literally a box done. After that he constantly want black tie and refused to remove them. The president was a broken man. He didnt even attend the funeral of his beloved. As he locked himself away in his home. Of the kind of a super low that i think losing his grandchild represented and a huge blow to him if only he had resigned that. He had every reason to go but he missed the opportunity of his own good one till the very last moment. It may not have been obvious to the egyptian people but the old man had in fact given. As he greeted president obama in cairo 2 weeks later he made little effort to disguise his grief. He was ready to step down but to the proctors in his household the timing was met tracked. But. He stay on until such time as he could gracefully me queen forgot to go through the motions of standing in the democratic election should you read for 2011. Because for them the president was shocked by this loss and wanted to retire. So that Mubarak Gamal and a few others would resist and insisted on him staying in office on condition that power would be transferred to give when the time was right. He had them. I but the best laid plans have but we are going wrong. In march 2010 mubarak felt sick again. The president and his entourage flew too high to the injured and. The official line was that he needed his call relayed the removed. And apparently new egyptian surgeon could be trusted to perform the operation. It was not an Emergency Operation such as when you have a life threatening disease and you need an operation within some days or even within hours it was not an emergency it was an operation that was needed. As the patient was made comfortable in this room at the high ideal University Hospital his wife and son were anxious to know that he would survive and not die an untimely death. Certainly they asked me whether mr mubarak will be able to go back to his work his work as the presidency and the answer was yes we will do whatever is necessary to get him back to his regular work. I am accordingly happy to announce this morning that the president has fully recovered from the effects of the successful surgical intervention conducted on him exactly 3 weeks ago. Shorn of his make up the president looked his age as he left how do the after 3 weeks through cooperation. This time there would be no celebratory descent from his plane on his own steam as there had been with his previous return from hospital. Would dismiss be the end of his presidency. That the bum wad that it was decided that on the 4th of may 2011 the president s birthday he would give a speech and announce his resignation so the good man could contest free and Fair Elections and that about the boom the certainly would be formidable competition it would have been fair of course and good money but it would certainly win even by 50 percent plus one would open the thems if mia their loss. Before you could emerge triumphant from the president ial elections of 2011. Needed to secure his power base by ensuring that parliament was filled with his political views. The parliamentary elections of december 2010 were so blatantly corrupt that new egyptian believe there is a one game as n. D. P. Cronies took almost every seat. For the whole world where he came out with his direct interference wanted to build a different country not based on institutions so he sought to create a parliament matching his vision and. You wanna go to a parliament with no opposition until he inherited power entirely confident that no one in parliament would oppose him and that i can never know how than the neck of the parliament will. By the end of 2010 game and mobarak controlled parliament and the cabinet and the party. But one crucial piece was missing. Egypts armed forces number a half a 1000000 and a state within a state. That generals the air marshalls and the admirals accepted mubaraks senior as one of their all. But barak jr. Was closed with a vengeance. Ordinance and the whim of course not the armed forces would not happy with. Because they did not see him as sufficiently qualified to lead the country were that. Whole and thats a man mubarak never approach of the armed forces there was a barrier between the are meant for. So there was no basis for acceptance or compromise. With a in egypt on me would i have accepted a president get mad mubarak or would have staged a military coup will now never be. History was to take a stranger. To december 2011 man known food say learn tunisia set fire to himself he spoke to w. Should that would spread throughout the arab. No dictator would be safe in his day though not everyone could see what was coming down the road if we had conversations with mubarak and the people around africa need to say look you need to you need to recognize that this could happen in egypt to this is this is the time for you to open up but again he was quite dismissive of. The sort of solace from the sea. After the success of the revolution the fear of them. And suzanne went on sedatives. And as soon as they ran out of them a private plane was sent to collect more that they did with what. I had been the type of thing that hed modeled what the military except he barak refused to take any as he never believed that anyone would dare to do the same to him as it happened in tunisia. On the 25th of january 2011 the flames of rivers that had been so successfully lit in tunisia they reached egypts shores. Within days the call to freedom had become. The nun scuffle full force was not even the protesters who took to the streets on Mission Cities could not believe that this stopped. But even mubaraks former secretary of information could see that the end game was being played. Im afraid of that i appeared on state t. V. The next day of the revolution and told him of his eyes that he needed to maintain his legacy dismissed the cabinet that they purged the parliament of skeptical politicians that thought that a foreign one and that it should only begin before friday prayers he just didnt listen people were surprised by what i was saying but i could see the future i could see the people in Tahrir Square what fed up and what and going to stop. Was the but i did not listen to his cold war advice as friday prayers and did on the 28th of january 2011. Egypt exploded. Was. I was there was. No glad to simply did not understand that this was something new. I was i was i was. The. Mubarak mark the country with his habits was through 3 decades. He was an accommodating man. He found the safest way to solve any problem is patience with patience till it dissolves when the momentum fades away. By the end of the deal. Under pressure from the voters to the police withdrew to be replaced by the army and a curfew was imposed throughout the country. This was the president s 1st response then he offered up talking to the protest. Very late for i didnt he appeared on television a couple of to remember who. Were some for will call you for. At the bottom of the because the new wall that i didnt want to have the. Will has no no were. As far as mubarak was concerned he had done his bit and the people who should be set. So thats his country continued to he turned his mind to other matters or can leave new york. I received a call from him on the day the government resigned. He called while i was in the Cabinet Meeting i was rather cautious and was wondering what was going on but he asked about the book fair and what our plans were i replied that we had cancelled it since your excellence he did not attend so he asked me to open it tomorrow i said tomorrow i wont be a minister and all the publishers have left already. He was convinced. President obama the same thing given everything thats going on there is a possible. Youre not reading it correctly. And just wouldnt go far for this. I think in a complete state of denial after his speech tonight i spoke directly to president mubarak. He recognizes that the status quo is not sustainable and that a change must take place he couldnt understand why why many cars behave with him. In such a way. That you know if you see. One the president. Ive got to give the team that. I have done the law and order to see that in between us of the 90 days we keep them continuing the strong and. Suddenly he gets with all of just. Chance in the house. Who all tell me i missed my wall total could live mostly youd want to so you. Wow up to a negative what the facts come out of that was that the woman saw that while the arab league. Was i would tell you why they you know i though you may be. A while again. The president it seems was living in his own petard little universe oh previous to the fact that is days were numbered. There were fights between. Particularly on wednesday the 9th. The situation in the country is collated. The streets were getting angrier and people threaten to march on the president ial palace. But that. Was on that could have been his brother going and threw him to the floor and said you do your fathers legacy you destroyed the family and made us full to where we are today. Suzanne said there lemon thing in front of everyone and jimmy. Amidst these scenes of chaos and family fist fights and with an angry crowd good fun seeing on the president ial palace. On the 11th of february the president i need realized that he was. He would leave cairo for his Country House i didnt see do sort of sharma shake. Already. There was a real family crisis when the president decided to travel to sean michel suzanne and demand both refused to travel with him the Armed Forces Issued an ultimatum to both gmail and his mother demand whiskey and traveling and tried convincing his mother but she refused and said this is our house we have already taken everything and we are not leaving had to physically drag her to the plane and push her inside that we have a lot of similarities among the regime. If you had to hit the roof or lassie about a letter your top model we had been led to rather use by how much. The monsoon bra is a. Little quirk in which i love her. Let your daughter chew and blair. Along with more from one of the star on the order. Of the. 6 pm on friday the 11th of february 2011 who proved to be as. The future haste to the books studied by young egyptians as any in the many thousands of years. At this almost 30 years of dictatorship. Came to our. Suzanne and demand to mrs dole has by that time. Was formally laid to rest they were on their way. To meet with the formal press. Unlike the mood in the streets. It was not a happy. And the most of them took with them than the days when she ought to have been shot a machine if she wasnt aware that the president had stepped down when she was told she was outraged and shouted out we are all going to be destroyed and we should have to pay the price for this with you with them and he has looked. Old already and nick i mean what i mean i want to. Know how much closely i say youre. Sick. If you go up to. But in. A word if youre. Old already and was said by you he opted to hide. Your mocked up but. From president. To presume. The man who once had absolute was no simply a convicted gimmick going to go on. In a Military Hospital on the outskirts of cairo he lived a broken. Faced only view with is inevitable death. What it finally came it for that for all my box pretensions to be a lot of material there would be no family to you steve. Welcome back we begin this time in australasia weve seen some very heavy showers affecting the coast of queensland extending down just into New South Wales there are still some showers that are still fairly heavy but its generally a dry pictures and some showers across the Cape York Peninsula stanny across into animal and Western Australia jimmy looking fine perth the present day with highs of 27. Months of s. T. S. Ester is still around its now threatening new zealand tied in with a frontal system in the us likely to bring some very heavy rain to the western coast of the south thought and of new zealand during the course of such a day and through into sunday so strong winds as well but flooding is certainly highly likely about stage it should be largely draw a picture for sydney with highs of 23. 00 degrees heading up into northeastern parts of asia were seeing a thaw taking place across northern parts of japan sapporo coming above freezing for the 1st time in quite a few days and in davis a trend which will continue as we head through into sunday but at that stage weve got another area of low pressure bringing some heavy rain across the far south of japan i say of course southern parts of honshu and tokyo could see some rain at times but for much of that should be dry with highs here a 14 degrees celsius. On counting the cost why the nurses he said rate cut just isnt good enough to save the Global Economy from the impact of the fast spreading coronavirus scientists race to find a vaccine to stop the epidemic plus the environmental damage of drilling for oil in the republic of congo counting the cost on aljazeera. 0. Hello im. Watching the news hour live from london coming up the global number of coronavirus cases reaches a major milestone as many as 100000 people could have been infected. Virus testing kits are delivered to a cruise ship off the california coast on the mainland billions of dollars and made available to fight the outbreak also coming up this hour an uneasy calm in Northern Syria almost 24 hours after a cease fire came into effect in a province

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