Transcripts For ALJAZ Libya Unspeakable Crime 20240713

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Those results are not in yet but some of them are so lets tell you what we have right now early results show that former Vice President joe biden has won the state of North Carolina if you move up just a little the next state in blue is virginia bernie. Lets say joe biden has also won the state of virginia Bernie Sanders as one has helm state vermont so this is not a winner take all the delegate count is awarded proportionally right so some of that we dont know yet but we do know as we said that joe biden has taken the lead in the delegate count 116 coming into the night Bernie Sanders had led the 1st had not won all 4 contests but as a result of the 1st 4 contests in the 1st 4 states he had been leading the delegate count but as you can see Vice President joe biden has taken over so hes at 116 senator Bernie Sanders at 80 and Elizabeth Warren senator from massachusetts as is at 8 there 1991 is the number needed to get the nomination approximately a 3rd of the number that is needed is actually up for grabs tonight in super tuesday which is 14 states and also an american territory so we are getting initial reaction right now from alabama as well joe biden is projected to win in alabama there are 52 delegates up for grabs there and so he will wind up. Portion of that 52 that we just mentioned once we have any more specifics on that we will let you know in the meantime nikica back over to terry all right so rochelle thank you for that well were waiting results from massachusetts the home state of democratic president ial hopeful Elizabeth Warren this is what she told her supporters just a few minutes ago prediction has been a terrible mission and im wondering has got here wrong over and over so. Thank you guys like likes it or mr which im not sure we. Can ask of those that will make ground. Well we deployed teams right across key battleground states for super tuesday our White House Correspondent kimberly how that is in the u. S. Capitol john hendren is at a polling station in charlotte thats North Carolina kristen salumi is in West Palm Beach in florida Mike Bloomberg event there and alan fischer will be joining us from a Democratic Watch Party in austin and robin owens is coming all the way from the west coast in california Bernie Sanders watch bob lets bring in kimberly 1st at the white house we know that President Trump has spent the last few days saying the democrats are trying to oust Bernie Sanders strong words from him whats his strategy then. Oh well the president s strategy 1st of all is to win the republican nomination and doesnt appear that he has any real challenge going on in fact the president has been tweeting in the last hour or so some of the states that he has won but again there really wasnt a lot of competition pointing out that he collected North Carolina also vermont and then the hash tag keep America Great donald trump essentially his argument is is that there is historically low unemployment the economy is doing well and so when beginning was running it was make America Great now the hashtag keep America Great but theres something that hes also been tweeting about as he continues to attack his opponents one of the recent tweets is a video of mayor Mike Bloomberg eating some donuts and licking his fingers and donald trump points out calling him in his bullying tactics minibike this is both unsanitary and dangerous and theres other sort of factor in all of this and that is that donald trump is worried about the economy potentially and the impact because hes running on keeping America Great as the coronavirus continues to potentially sort of broaden throughout the United States now showing up in North Carolina one of these super tuesday states so its interesting that donald trump is kind of making mention of that without actually saying coronavirus this is something that could have a real impact as there are large gatherings moving forward people are voting so its interesting that donald trump is mentioning that almost pointing out as he tries to attack his a potential opponent one of his major vulnerabilities only took him to the white house can really thank you for that lets cross over now to North Carolina where john hendren is there for us now at a polling station john i know you were in North Carolina but talk to us quickly about whats happening in virginia because youve been youve been costing a beady eye there as well. Thats right well joe biden is running up delegates in the south in virginia thats a state he really wanted to win its increasingly turned democratic used to be a much more republican state 99. 00 delegates at stake and as you heard michelle talking about earlier biden is the winner at least the one we have declared their large africanamerican population exit polls show that one in 4 voters both there and in North Carolina was africanamerican thats a group that joe biden has done very well with in part perhaps because of his association with barack obama so big win for him there but now you just heard michelle call North Carolina as well thats 110 delegates at stake there the 3rd largest state in super tuesday among all of those after california and texas and then biden is now hoping that as hes campaigning moves eastward and gets results that tennessee will also be in that winners box and theres a reason he wants to run up delegates in those early states because in the west there are places like california which youll hear about later where Bernie Sanders has an advantage but the big question for many people has been what would Mike Bloomberg do to buy his buy youve just got the he just got people to judge and amy close pulling out of the race and indorsing him and then youve got for the 1st time ever on this super tuesday youve got Mike Bloomberg entering the race or nobody really knew how that was going to affect him he was leading Bernie Sanders here but now its pretty much a 4 person race and by the end of the night biden and sanders hope that it is a 2 person race you still got it was a bit more and you still got Mike Bloomberg and tosi gabber deuce is coming in the Single Digits but those 2 gentlemen hope to come out of this with a battle between the center of the party thats joe biden and the left of the party thats Bernie Sanders. John hendren there for us in charlotte North Carolina john thank you for that lets cross over now to palm beach and. The Mike Bloomberg event in florida 1st of all christians are all old because why is he in florida thats a state that isnt voting. Absolutely but Mike Bloomberg Just Campaign staff told me that theyre here for the long haul that theyre looking beyond super tuesday its quite plain day that mike will not win any states on super tuesday but remember these are not voter take all or take all states that is delegates are assigned proportionally so if bloomberg wins more than 15 percent in any of these states he will get delegates and he is counting on racking up enough delegates to stay competitive and move forward florida is a very important swing state a more moderate leading state Bernie Sanders who was the leader coming into this race was not polling well in florida Mike Bloomberg had been doing good with doing well with moderate voters hoping to capitalize on that so thats why he is here hoping to win over those moderate voters who think that Bernie Sanders may be a bit too far to the left to win against donald trump november and that maybe joe biden doesnt have the staying power that was a more compelling argument before South Carolina when joe biden surged ahead he seems to be capitalizing now from the support of a new club a shark and people who judge the other moderates in the race but you can hear the crowd here cheering for mike hes got a very enthusiastic crowd turned out tonight and he says that hes not ready to to bow out after super tuesday hes in for the long haul hes planning on taking this right to the convention all right of course in some of the West Palm Beach christiane thank you very much for that lets cross over now to austin. Exists alan fisher is there for us now allan we know texas of course the other big prize along with california for super tuesday highly diverse all the candidates focusing there how are things playing out. Well were not going to get an exit poll from texas for a while although some of the polls opposed to the still the texas panhandle and there still voting going on there but just from what we can see across the country this is shaping up to be a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party and not means that texas becomes really important to we see who people here in what is really a republican state see is electable for the democrats because youve got Bernie Sanders winning in places like vermont in New Hampshire and in nevada places that are considered more liberal where weve got joe biden winning in North Carolina hes projected to when and alabama quite substantially hes also expected to win in arkansas possibly also to an oklahoma so suddenly if he wins here it says to his supporters look i can win in places where democrats havent done traditionally well because weve got support among the party in texas so it becomes a real battle for the party the pause here suggest that hes going to win here if you add in the delegate haul in california that would be a significant victory but by no look selectable he didnt after i was 70 didnt after New Hampshire but that went in South Carolina suddenly projected him quite high into the race and people are saying look maybe he can be the guy to beat donald trump and if he picks up those Southern States been talking about that might see to many members of the Democratic Party have still to cast votes in the primary if we want to when weve got to bring the whole party along in that includes moderates and people who in 2016 voted for donald trump but dont like his style of presidency. And the guy to do that is joe biden is another thing thats going to complicate things as well Bernie Sanders is hoping to do very well in california that result will be called quite late but in the next few hours and for the next couple of hours American Television here this was talking that were out in austin has been concentrating really almost exclusively for the last couple of hours on how well joe biden is doing and that then becomes the not accept that this is a very good night for joe biden yeah Mike Bloomberg has won American Samoa but then he paid for 7 organizers and there are 6 delegates up for grabs and so its a very small return on half a 1000000000. 00 of spending and you so this is going to be the narrative for the next few hours that joe biden has done very well in super tuesday and that tends to lead to the 3 ends daryn which is money momentum. I Media Coverage alan fischer of the austin texas allan thank you for that with polls for the primaries in california will close out about fool g. M. T. 400. 00 g. M. T. Thats in just under 3 hours or so from now rob reynolds joins us live from Los Angeles Rob so a few hours to go yet how things like to play out where you are. Not only just a few hours before the polls close there and but also it may be several days even before we get the final results in california because the state is a very meticulous method of call of. Absentee votes and mail in vote but overall all the polls show that Bernie Sanders is leading here in the golden state bear in mind those polls were taken prior to pete put a judge and amy close which are dropping out and giving their support to joe biden what Bernie Sanders is hoping to do here is to replicate the coalition that he created in nevada where he won big that is liberals young people and let tino is hes hoping to have that coalition they respond very well to his message of trying to decrease income inequality and wealth inequality in the country universal health care. Improvements in education and a forgiveness of student debts so we will be looking to see if that is working here you know the latino vote is sometimes referred to in political terms as the Sleeping Giant in american politics d d because lets you know us tend not to vote in the proportion of their size in the population but sanders has been doing a lot of work a lot of outreach a lot of door knocking pounding the pavement in order to change that and to get a large turnout of lets you know voters as for joe biden he is hoping that the more moderate voters and the significant african. American voting block he in cities like this like los angeles like san diego and San Francisco will give him a strong showing Elizabeth Warren unknown at this point whats going to happen to her how well shell do certainly shell need to do some thinking about her future course after all d the results are in on super tuesday and as for Mike Bloomberg i watch television here in los angeles and in the evenings you cannot stand stiff dean minutes in front of the Television Without being bombarded with several Michael Bloomberg bloomberg ads but for all those millions and millions of dollars that hes spent on advertising hes polling d in the low Single Digits here so again that will be something that will be watching here as to how well Mike Bloomberg does and whether he thinks he can continue after california sends in its ballots all right to rob reynolds the in Los Angeles California rob thank you for that all right lets lets get some results now richelle is waiting by the result all right erin at the polls are closed in alabama may massachusetts minnesota and oklahoma so lets give you the lay of the land so far with the a little early results weve got the states obviously in blue are we have some totals so the early results show that former Vice President joe biden won in alabama North Carolina also in virginia the 3 and blue right there Bernie Sanders won his home state where he has been a senator since 2007 that obviously is the next state in blue the state of vermont so lets take a look at the totals right now what we have so far about a 3rd of that number up there 1191 about a 3rd of that is up for grabs tonight on super tuesday so joe biden out to a sizable lead 157 delegates so far coming into the night he was behind Bernie Sanders was leading and that category Bernie Sanders right now has 91 pledged delegates Elizabeth Warren the senator from. The 2 says has 9 and Mike Bloomberg has one that i believe coming from the american territory of samoa or they are allowed to vote in the primaries they actually do not vote for the president but they are having their say at least in this part of the process so right now former Vice President joe biden is in the label see if those numbers if the lead goes back and forth throughout the night in the meantime back over to you Tara Michelle thank you very much ok so candidates have been pitching their positions on major issues and thats important of course for voters as they decide candidates nearly 5 out of 10 democrats think health care is extremely important for the republicans that figures just 22 percent lets look at Climate Change 44 percent of democratic voters and 8 percent of republicans think its important and of course income inequality is considered a crucial critical subject issue even by 37 percent of democrat voters and 12 percent of republicans and race as weve been discussing here tonight with our panel is also among the big issues the 33 percent of democratic voters and less so on the republican side 11 percent and a student debt rises in america 43 percent of democrats and 23 percent of Republican Voters think that education is a critical concern well immigration has been one of the most contentious issues under Donald Trumps presidency and democratic hopefuls have been promising to overturn many of his controversial decisions if elected. On day one we will go on a legal start. Of the 1800000 young people and their parents eligible for talk a program i will send to the United States senate gratian plan the fact is honorable and decent that allows a legitimate pathway to citizenship for 11000000 undocumented people not enough just to go out and say as many candidates have i have a good immigration plan you also need a good plan for getting it and i acted because i dont want to be president just to talk about things i want to be a president to get it done lets bring back our panel again to discuss these issues even further my well lets talk about donald trump i mean all night weve been talking mainly about joe biden Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders everything is shaped by trump isnt absolutely look i mean i remember we were sitting back in november 2016 and. Trump became president and for us it was ok lets get used to the idea of saying President Donald Trump but really even with all possible projections and expectations i never thought this man could be sold resilient so tenacious so disruptive in the american system that hes basically have come to shape must much of life or political life in america we think of president s. As transformative president s like say reagan or consequential president s like clinton or obama President Trump has been transformative in the way hes so disruptive. But also in certain aspects of the american political life like say for example in the judiciary i mean he was able to appoint so many judges whether to the Supreme Court or to the federal courts and so on so forth that hes actually transforming america and hence on every single possible subject in the country he has hes leaving is imprint in a destructive way and that puts the democrats in a very defensive position because they going to have to on the one hand prove why they can beat him and 2 how they can beat him and i think much of the Competition Among the democrats now is who can be true. In the sense that its not just the issues that are addressing theyre addressing the issues visibly how trump addresses them and to be honest trump has not exactly been very deep in the way he addresses the issues hes been very populist very cliched of in the way he addresses those issues and the democrats on the part of the likes of sound those hes been able to simplify those issues much more than say Elizabeth Warren and to reach the same people that trump tried to reach sort of middle class lower middle class working families in pennsylvania michigan others and to tell them that their problems the nightmares are not coming from the government theyre coming from the inequality within the system in america and hence they have to blame the billionaires not the politicians for it in fact the politicians if honest they could be the solution is not the problem for me joe let me bring you in here so i mention 3 words the resilient destructive tenacious even how has trump shaped america. You know you go back to the founding the United States federal state or in the debates around the ratification the constitution the folks who designed the american system were particularly acutely aware of the importance of picking the right president thats why we have this thing you know the sort of elaborate Electoral College system sort of why we were all this trouble and the idea was that we would have multiple mechanisms to make sure that only someone of the right character and the right background and ability could rise to this high office because it has such disruptive potential the presidency is very the hes the commander in chief hes the chief diplomat he appoints the judges hes the right has become the leader of a Political Party over time so making sure that that person right aligns with the countrys core values is absolutely essential now we choose a president from who was able to sort of. Short why are all those safeguards and come from outside the system to pursue an agenda that he and his supporters thought was important but that disrupted exactly right it cuts across the traditional ways of doing things and the practices and standards and norms of american democracy and so trying to to think how youre going to run against this is a democrat right and right sort of strategically right there Bernie Sanders sort of being a lets fight fire with fire and be just as stimulating but from a different direction i think marlons point about it is sort of a different flavor of the same dish rated its populism but are we going to blame the millionaires and billionaires are we going to blame the corrupt and media and the swamp or are you going to put someone like joe biden say look like trump is contrary to the best traditions of our country and lets return to normal in both of those strategies right or we dont know the right one and because it only one President Trump and no ones ever run against the incumbent President Trump before and so these electoral contests are the proving ground to see which of those 2 strategies can can hold supporters together maybe unite the Democratic Party and be strong in the places that they need to be strong to win a general election just in modern joe have really laid out the challenges there that the democrats face whats your thought on trump yeah well i really liked how joe is pivoting to thinking about the 2 different candidates biden or sanders and what might be their strategies right and marwan had mentioned for example that biden. Bernie sanders reciprocally speaking to those those working class but you know biden is very strong with that with that demographics too and for example. You know pennsylvania where thinking about pennsylvania a part of their economy is is is the fracking industry Bernie Sanders has been. 100 percent against that saying that he would stop all fracking in the u. S. Where is biden has had more of a kind of moderate stance on that it may be that the democrats cannot win back states like pennsylvania wisconsin michigan with Bernie Sanders on the top of the ticket and this is really the question that that joe is getting to when we when that when the democrats run against the incumbent President Trump. You know is that is the strategy to get these new voters you know and maybe bring new states into the fray say arizona bring back florida maybe with the latino vote for example or is it to get back to these these democratic states that were reliably democratic i mean pennsylvania voted democratic for 20 years and so which one of those is the better is the better strategy i think that the Democratic Party has signaled they think the better strategy is bidens which would not mean new voters we have to keep in mind that Hillary Clinton got 3000000 more votes than donald trump in the 2016 election im not so sure its about bringing in more new votes but rather changing the minds of the people who are already voting in this electoral process where you want to Say Something about money well look i mean. Again its complicated but it is complicated in the sense that the biden crowd keep talking about the George Mcgovern for us called 972 we can never forget 72 how the democrats lost 49 states but on the other hand work this out and theres people say look at Walter Mondale in 19 eightyfour he also lost. 49 states to Ronald Reagan and he ran as a moderate and look at Hillary Clinton should run as a moderate and what happened to her she lost the elections and so the idea of electability and progressive versus moderate has been with us in the Democratic Party now for a good number of the years i guess what interestingly came in Elizabeth Warren very sophisticated senator professorial does have a bit of a handle on people and speaking and so on so forth engaged and what have you and shes somewhere between biden and sandoz but what is she cheese sandwich shes actually lost between the chairs and she probably wont make it after super tuesday so democrats americans in general the way they look for donald trump visit a whole field of other republican candidates including establishment candidates and no the democrats looking a whole bunch of candidates over the last several weeks and months basically its goes back to establishment candidate like biden and a progressive out of the box candidate like sanders i think it is also generational yes a lot of the young people might not be voting but they are certainly rooting for someone like sanders in the battleground states all the figures now that we have thus far show us that both biden and sanders could beat trump 49 to 44 or 47 to 44 what have you up of course we havent really started in this democrat versus republican. Contest but be that as it may i think for the time being what we have is a serious battle within the Mccarthy Party but yes we do hope once this is over that the do come together because i think biden will not be able to win without sound those voters and senators want to be able to win without the democratic establishment hold that thought. Michael bloomberg is just talking there he is on screen hes in florida West Palm Beach to suspend what he has to say but just before he talks joe you were talking earlier about bloomberg before he starts talking what are your thoughts on him i mean i had the initial rationale for his candidacy seems to be deflating joe biden coming back and also all right lets just talk about this and what he has to say was i want to thank you all for coming on was cheery and i would just going to sit home tonight her and her home my mind watchable television have a drink or 2 but i dont want to thank judge judy as she amazing it will and also a big fax to all the elected officials and florida leaders supporting our campaign the way i already have it was as many dias will be bob buckhorn Keith Chambers and congressman to members ted joyce and Stephanie Murphy it was a her now its great to be here in this beautiful state i know youre not used to seeing a new yorker in southern florida you might want her on but im like the president i didnt come here to golf the it will or to resume no classified information tomorrow largo members of the all along i came here because winning in november starts with florida law all on and if im the nominee let me make you this promise we will be donald trump here in florida and swing states around the country it will have now that night the polls are still open in a number of some. Super tuesday states and as the results come here and here is what is clear no matter how many delegates we win tonight we have done something no one else thought was possible in just 3 months weve gone from one percent of the polls to being a contender for the democratic nomination for president it will all and susie some they dont like the all across america ive been talking with voters and my message is simple i am running to beat donald trump the will start rebuilding our country and to start getting things done it will and i mean big important things like stopping gun violence the one who fighting Climate Change it will finally achieving Affordable Health coverage for all americans the it was this is a campaign for change a campaign for a sanity for honesty was a campaign for inclusion compassion competence and a campaign for human decency it was and this is a campaign to bring our country back together and put the united back in the United States of america it was thats the message ive been delivering not only to democrats but also to swing voters who will actually decide who will be our next president it was and tonight. Weve proved something very important weve proved we can win the voters will decide the general election and isnt that what this is all about the old now well my fellow candidates spent a whole idea focusing on the 1st 4 states i was out campaigning against donald trump in the states with the election will actually be decided like wisconsin and michigan and pittsburgh and iowa not how i want to cross the hour in a home president obama proved that a democrat can win all of those states but in 2016 we lost them all while im running to win them back it will have there and take yeah there were going to get it done the a how we all know trump strategy attack democrats make their plans look unrealistic on affordable one undoable that wont work against us a little while up plans are a sensible workable and achievable and we have the record in the resources to defeat trump and swing states the democrats lost in 2016 like florida the i know we can do it and you know who else knows it donald trauma the will not try it keeps attacking us on twitter today hes senate sweet out urging people not to vote for us i wonder why want clearly trump is scared stiff of facing us and for good reason in every campaign i ran for mayor we built a Broad Coalition that brought democrats and independents and moderate republicans together. Donald trump the other day called me short i said donald where i come from we measure people from the neck up it will allow x. How were going to be donald trump the old i believe we need a leather letter a leader who is ready to be commander in chief not college debater in chief little so if you want someone who talks turkey and who has a record of accomplishment on all the big issues facing our country and who has the resources to beat trump youre a guy who it will allow while trunks we saw i follow facts we spectator and tell the truth my hope career i have been to do it and i believe we need less talk less partisan ship Less Division last tweeting the all and how about no tweeting from the oval office ever again was it was now you have all heard our Campaign Slogan might well get it done let me tell you what the it is it means winning this stuff member and sending donald trump back tomorrow largo permanently it will be was like thats just the beginning because getting it done means finally providing Health Insurance to every american who laksa it was getting it done means passing common sense gun safety laws was a pretty how was i handle a lot of heading it down means making america a Global Leader in the fight. Against Climate Change it was getting it done me creating good jobs with higher wages the janja get done means addressing discrimination and inequality the it was getting it done means creating a pass to citizenship citizenship and finally fixing our broken immigration system in the end getting get guns means protecting a womans right to choose the it will our campaign is a fight for americas ideals and values its a fight to build a Better Future for everyone not to bring back a pass that left so many out its a fight we cannot afford to lose so i need your help and i need your vote and when you talk to your friends and families thank you just tell him if you want quality Health Insurance for everyone not just empty promises if you want to combat inequality with their taxes and better jobs if you support my commitment to Public Education no matter what zip code you i am the it will usually am i believe for opportunity for all and not just for a few if you are ready to protect and defend the constitution of the United States of ohio the it will and if you are ready to clean out the oval office and get. It will all and welcome to bloomberg 20250 i was so youre watching i might do but there are one of his compound writers responding to florida just reminded of course florida isnt voting today but hes out on the campaign trail thats Mike Bloomberg lets bring in kristen salumi whos. But multitasking crossed the mike shes been monitoring Elizabeth Warrens campaign but shes also been tracking mike Mike Bloomberg at this event in florida and joins us live now from West Palm Beach kristen Mike Bloomberg saying the trump strategy is to continually attack democrats he says it wont work with him and that he has the resources to be trump what was he been saying that. Mike bloomberg got into this spring after the 1st 4 knockouts were already shot is making it clear that he is in this race to say that these seas that have hurt beyond super tuesday right now where we are tonight this is a state that is not even voting for another 2 weeks Mike Bloomberg made it clear that he thinks the house to victory in november for democrats is through the spanx state like florida like wisconsin like miami and he like michigan and he is taking out his claim as a moderate voice someone. More centrist than Bernie Sanders and somebody who has joe biden in his sights joe biden clearly having a good night tonight Mike Bloomberg also one of his 1st delegates today the american territory somehow i actually got 50 percent of the folks there and his 1st delegates now obviously that is the small victory but one that can tell the hand he will be looking for in the Southern States as the night progressed is perhaps not winning there whether or not he can get 15 percent of the electorate to support him and thereby win worked out like this again heres my take on this record of being a good manager executive former mayor of new york someone who built. But this is from scratch and this is now worth 60000000000. 00 a lot of that money going into this campaign a half 1000000000. 00 of his own money spent to get so far and i have to tell you if you see out here was actually surprisingly high in attack a lot of people i spoke 2 to say really the only person you can beat on a truck and you know that her and thats why they made a point to come out tonight even. Florida is not on the ballot. While were while were waiting for some more results just its just a final quick thought for me on where does you know whats bluebirds endgame here i mean you may have all this money but he still needs to cross that threshold doesnt he and hopefully get to the convention. Absolutely and he gets the nod zelic yes he can take that to the convention and try. Harder 1st position he has said that the only way he had this is the contested convention that is not of the candidates have a majority big enough majority to claim victory it comes down to a negotiation deal making and thats where he thinks he can help so again despite pressure from. Other democrats with other mainstream democrats now lining up behind joe biden and Michael Bloomberg not showing any signs of backing down looking forward here going after joe biden was a bit were not together still saying race on the left side of the race attacking brings down the 2nd tier characters candidates it will be interesting to see how many delegates they get if its enough for them to stay in the race and continue to menace the front runner. Status with Elizabeth Warren from an its a man youre talking about. Ethics old important issue for Elizabeth Warren she has to win in massachusetts for the 3. Massachusetts is her home state so people will be asking if shes here with me or. Does that mean its all over for her Bernie Sanders though from the neighboring state of vermont also polling very well as the spectator well. I think 1st. Yes its just not the forage for them on the street Michael Bloomberg interesting really. Was polling in the 3rd in massachusetts and cuts and george spends from newspapers and publications in massachusetts the last week the biggest newspaper however did support Elizabeth Warren in massachusetts so it will be very interesting to see where things go 8 whether or not joe biden is now above Michael Bloomberg because of his bounce from South Carolina where he won so decisively because of these indorsements whether the democrats or its a christian tsunami there in the West Palm Beach kristen thank you for thats all right michele something about the woman some more results richelle all right erin so the polls have just closed in arkansas we do not have numbers there yet when we do we will bring them to you this is what we have been reporting though throughout the night joe biden is making extremely strong gains in Southern States a really strong night for him so far hes projected to win in alabama North Carolina and virginia if you go up keep going up up up the east coast to the north right there Bernie Sanders the senator from vermont is predicted to win his home state so if youre keeping count yes the only state that has been call for Bernie Sanders so far tonight is his home state that former Vice President joe biden is having an extremely strong night so lets take a look at the delegate count so far biden has taken the lead right there 100. 62. 00 and pledge delegates coming into the night Bernie Sanders was in that lead position for any sanders is now at 96. 00 the senator from massachusetts Elizabeth Warren is 8 and Mike Bloomberg is at 6 some of those votes coming from the american territory of samoa they can vote in this process they dont actually vote for president so the number to get the nomination 1991 about a 3rd of that is whats up for grabs tonight now of course there is still california ahead there are still faith ahead that senator Bernie Sanders is projected to do very well in but so far so far at least this is the joe bidens night berent. On some other news now at least 20 people have been killed in 140 buildings destroyed as tornadoes ripped across the u. S. State of tennessee is one of the states voting on super tuesday and people there have been given extra time to cast their ballots one of the twisters cause widespread damage in the city of nashville has more. In airy cool take shelter for tennessee residents the siren rules of eluding tornadoes. This is one moving through downtown nashville but there were multiple tornadoes early Tuesday Morning throughout the state of tennessee. The other building right next to us was often our role for our our wall mendoza. Bar the hotel below us was ripped off our stuff and. Cherished. They left tens of thousands without power as the winds damaged and the truth of the put mint that lit up the sky well the 150 people were rushed to hospital we heard sirens going off we heard the wind we were in the basement 2620 seconds later it was done it was gone 20 seconds one tornado hit the ground near downtown nashville and ripped to 16 kilometer path to the citys Eastern Suburbs there are multiple homes damaged there are multiple injuries and we are still in that response our priority right now is assessing the injuries were responding trying to find those who are trapped trying to find those who are injured as day broke the death toll grew and extensive damage was revealed in nashville alone hundreds who left homeless schools courts Public Transportation an airport and the State Capitol were closed officials scramble to find alternative sites for super tuesday voting. Tennessee refers to feel the brunt of americas 202028 of season ballasts. Took a shot down a Syrian Government fighter jet over it lib provinces and escalates its campaign against president Bashar Al Assads forces its the 3rd syrian warplanes shot down in 3 days and there are now worries turkey could come into a direct confrontation with syrias ally russia reports in the turkey syria border Operation Spring shilled is in full swing Turkish Forces striking the syrian armys i mean addition to those towns and Defense Systems theyve also shot down a warplane in southern. The escalation in fighting comes as turkey says its determined to stop Syrian Army Troops from advancing towards the city of idlib the rebels last stronghold of fischel is here say the military campaign has severely undermined the syrian armys capabilities. Undeterred syrian troops took. The city sits on 2 highways the m 4 and m 5 and has changed hands many times over the last few days as fighting continues u. S. Special envoy for syria James Jeffrey and u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Kelly craft visited the border area with syria and met members of the syrian White Helmets the u. S. Is contributing more than 100000000. 00 to address the deteriorating humanitarian situation in northwestern syria humanitarian aid is only a response the real answer is an immediate cease fire and durable cease fire so im very happy to be here this is obviously a moment that we need to make certain that we stress that the Americans Care but at the same time that there has got to be an immediate cease fire. And his father from province their family members are among thousands of people who have fled their villages and settled all the border with turkey. When we were walking out of the village we were hit by ernest reich i lost my hand and i miss my home my school. For the time being and his family have nowhere to go their makeshift camp could turn into something more permanent if the fighting doesnt and as International Calls for an immediate cease fire government and turkish and russia leaders will meet on thursday to try and agree on our buffer zone and the demarcation line that will constrain the movement of the syrian army but damascus remains adamant its offensive wont and until it regains control of all the territory held by the rebels has about well as iraq had time the e. U. Has promised 777000000. 00 to support greeces tens of thousands of refugees and migrants massed on its border with turkey e. U. Officials have been meeting greeces Prime Minister it took them on a helicopter tour to show them the extent of the crisis on the weekend turkey announced it would no longer stop people trying to reach europe going against a deal brokered in 26. 00 thing the situation at our border is not only greece issue to manage it is the responsible responsibility of europe as a whole and we will manage it in an orderly way with your new t. V. Solidarity and determination those who seek to test europes unity will be disappointed we will hold the line and our unity will prevail now is the time for concerted action and cool hads and acting based on our values. Turkey is not an enemy and people not just means to reach a goal thats a good aim as in they took us border village of daughter iran where she says people are desperate to reach europe and will use any means possible. Its only a journey the length of a football field to cross the border from turkey to greece here but its an almost impossible one in the smugglers boat there is also a land border which the Syrian Refugees managed to cross a few days ago soon they were deported back to turkey they remain undeterred. By the fall decree soldiers took our phones our money and our bags and i went back to stumble fact that my bags and return to. This riverbank in the village of di ron has become a campground of hope these families look at the merge river and see all the possibilities europe represent. Syrian refugees his wife and 3 Young Children have used branches donated blankets and tarps to build a shelter to shield against the unrelenting cold wind day and night for 4 days business that it is we need to take a threat im 34 years old and ive seen nothing good maybe my children can see something good we need some space to see our future the Un Refugee Agency u. N. H. C. R. Says countries must not use excessive or disproportionate force against migrants they must process asylum applications in an orderly manner and the International Community needs to increase its support of turkey the country is home to almost 4000000 refugees 3. 7 of them are syria. A few kilometers away the European Council president and the greek Prime Minister visited the border we have not used the time wise since the last migration crisis to address the situation effectively. Its about time that we do it now during 9 years of war syrians have heard similar pronouncements and promises from World Leaders before dia and other refugees weve been talking to tell us this isnt simply about turkey opening its borders to europe its about all countries changing their mindset and welcoming them until then they are determined to push their way in any way they can natasha going to. Die run on the border between turkey and greece italy has overtaken iran to record the highest death toll from corona virus outside of china a total of 79. 00 people have lost their lives. Reports countries across europe a scrambling to contain the virus italy has just recorded a large jump in corona virus deaths and increase its official number of cases to more than 2500 he was already europes worst hit country this makeshift Triage Center has been set up at a hospital in brush to keep suspected covert 19 patients separate from others the National Health institute wants a new quarantine red zone set up near bug that would make 3 in its cities north as the u. K. Updated its number of confirmed corona virus cases to 51 signs of the outbreaks impacts are starting to show there this pub in sorry closed for a deep clean off to someone with a virus visited but on the day the government on veiled its action plan its clear the u. K. Is trying not to overreact but let me be absolutely clear that for the overwhelming majority of people who contract the virus this will be a mild disease from which they will speedily and fully recover as weve already seen. But i fully understand public concern for the moment no blanket School Closures no major reorganization of Health Services no army involvements no advisories against travel not unless things get significantly worse. Time increment which measures if you do it too you end up with a lot of people just rushing or societal destruction on top of the not getting benefits europes big carry is a meeting at an aviation conference in brussels this chief executive exam lines are going to be hit hard by Flight Cancellations there are quite a few we carry are surround the world and in particular asia we are seeing that in europe we see the same france over the last few months weve seen 2 failures so most definitely i believe this will accelerate consolidation in france where wordstar closed the Louvre Museum on sunday and monday the government has to requisition facemasks theres been a run on them in shops and prices have risen we will distribute them to Health Professionals and to french people infected with the coronavirus president mccrone said on twitter. How does it. Now the party led by israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is leading the Election Results but is still one seat short of a majority with most seats counted the likud party and its allies have secured 60 seats in parliament. Netanyahu has claimed victory against his main rival benny gantz was in a general election in less than a year after months of political deadlock the Likud Party Leader says he is confident of getting the 61. 00 missing its need if the majority. Al jazeera how you force explains from western snow. At the moment he is tantalizingly for him at least short of that number and so he for now is coalescing those those right wing bloc leaders in the knesset earlier on tuesday had a meeting in his office with representatives from each of those parties talking about how they move forward there are also reports or at least those interview given on israeli radio by one of the left tenants talking about trying to poach various members of other parties across to try to get a coalition. The the names that have been mentioned as potential targets they came out and said that there was nothing doing and that the other option of course is to try to get a unity government between the main opposition blue and White Alliance led by benny gantz and lee could and some of its partners gantz has so far said that he would not serve with an indicted Prime Minister after member didnt you know faces trial in just 2 weeks and meanwhile the counting goes on 97 percent counted the soldiers and prisoners and diplomats votes they will be counted those postal ballots overnight the several 14000. 00 plus coronavirus special polling station votes they will be counted in special conditions in a tent outside the knesset on wednesday morning there could be further movement yet. All right so thats it for me down in jordan for this news outdone go way out the back in a moment with more on our super to take up stay with us. Once Hosni Mubarak became president so began a story of conflict and isolation on one side a wife and son sights set on succession on the other president the crease in the distance from dejection people d when his beloved grandson died mubarak need to step back but then the flames ignited in tunisia exploded in egypt and everything changed episode 2 of the family. Reunion this time the differences come similar to the cultures across the world so much of what you see and news and Current Affairs does not matter to you. Or. All right welcome to the program its over 200 g. M. T. And were into the final few hours of voting now on this super tuesday millions of americans right across the United States choosing their preferred democratic candidate to take on the incumbent donald trump on november 3rd at stake tonight though 1357. 00 thats about a 3rd of the democratic delegates and 785. 00 republican delegates are both at stake and people have been voting across 14 states plus the u. S. Territory

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