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The us becomes the latest scene of a mass shooting. And conflict through the eyes of children a sneak peek at 2 critically acclaimed movie at the Berlin Film Festival. Helo the United States and south korea have indefinitely postponed joint military exercises as a result of the corona Virus Outbreak south korea has recorded its highest number of cases in a single day so far pushing the total number of people infected to almost 60 and hundreds in the middle east saudi arabia has announced its temporarily holding visas for both the on the pilgrimage as well as for people entering from affected countries iraq has closed schools universities and banned public gatherings as well as flights from several countries qatar has. Ordered the evacuation of cats ari and kuwaiti citizens from iran due to the spread of infections there in the us President Donald Trump has appointed Vice President mike pence to lead the response against the corona Virus Outbreak in an hour long press conference played criticism of his handling of the issue and over in europe france has recorded its 2nd death while italy has confirmed its wealth a man who returned to brazil after visiting visiting italy has now become latin americas 1st case and globally there are more than 81000 cases of corona virus that have been recorded in 44 countries and territories lets get an update from mcbride hes joining us from seoul so how did south korean officials come to that decision to temporarily suspend joint military exercises with the United States because of the virus. Theres been a growing expectation of this i think it would have been a surprise if they hadnt called off these exercises this is a government that is telling its own people to avoid crowded places to avoid mass assemblies and so it couldnt very well host war d games that bring thousands of troops together we already know that there have been a number of south korean soldiers who have contracted the virus and the 1st case being recorded with u. S. Forces here in south korea there are restrictions on access to bases and some quarantines are in place at a number of bases so this was expected meanwhile the south korean government is facing the growing challenge of the creasing number of countries now 40 that have imposed travel restrictions on travel to south korea and the south Korean Foreign ministry is protesting against some of those asking some countries to reconsider the south korean position is look we are we are being completely transparent about our numbers here yes we have a crisis but we telling you how many people are being infected and these are all the measures that we are taking we are taking every preventative measure that we should be doing and that in some ways from the south korean point of view as far as its citizens are concerned it does believe that in some cases they are being unfairly stigmatized and is that number of 1600 infections that south korea is reporting expected to rise. Absolutely i mean this is a big jump 334. 00 new cases being reported and we are told that further investigations are made especially in the daegu area down of the southeast of the country which is the epicenter of this we can expect far more cases to be added to that tally but also looking at it from a slightly different angle more positively this is also the result of increased testing youre now having fouls and tests being conducted as part of this growing effort so you can expect to see a growing number of cases being discovered we have 500 extra medical staff weve been told today thursday at work down in the daegu area and also were being told that the medical chiefs there that are organizing this operation theyre having a long hard look at the tree arge that is done down there how you prioritize the cases because there is a growing acceptance that you cannot hospitalized everybody with these hundreds of new cases being discovered and that around half the new cases if there are fairly mild symptoms will have to be treated at home but it is difficult just briefly with the 13th death that we have now had from this coronavirus was said to be a man in the seventys who was being treated at home who had fairly mild symptoms but deteriorated very rapidly and was on his way to hospital in an ambulance when he sadly died so it is difficult because peoples conditions can change very quickly all right thank you. Korea has threatened strengthening measures to fight the coronavirus all cross border traffic has been halted with the 2 largest concentrations of the virus on the other side if its borders with china and south korea north korea has yet to report any cases but state media have hinted that an uncertain number of people have been quarantined after showing symptoms our correspondent Kimberly Halkett is at the white house with more on how the u. S. Is responding to the virus. Seeking to reassure an increasingly nervous American Public u. S. President donald trump made a rare appearance in the White House Briefing room to downplay the threat of coronavirus the risk to the American People remains very low trump the klein told point to socalled corona virus czar as some lawmakers in the u. S. Have urged instead naming Vice President mike pence as the point person to lead the u. S. Response to the growing outrage were doing really well and mike is going to be enjoying a report back to me Top Public Health officials are warning americans to prepare for more corona virus infections in the United States the degree of risk has the potential to change quickly and we can expect to see more cases in the United States the trajectory of what were looking at over the weeks and months ahead is very uncertain but even with those warnings trump continued to contradict the message of Career Health professionals with his all i dont think its inevitable probably will it possibly will it could be at a very small level at a larger level whatever happens with totally prepared the contradictions have left americans looking to local officials for guy gets across the country state and local leaders are seeking to calm fears in atlanta well be ready for whatever comes in iowa. And even in americas most populated city new york in the case of hong kong iran italy japan singapore south korea taiwan thailand it just stands to reason that anyone coming in needs to be screened and they have symptoms they need to be quarantined in 2018 the Trump White House shut down the office previously dedicated to preparing for global epidemics claims thats had no impact on response but critics in congress disagree this is she. What hes doing is late. Too late the name hopefully we can make up for the loss of time trumps also defending the 2500000000 request from congress to fight coronavirus even as some members of congress say its not nearly enough and were getting far more than what we asked for and i guess the best thing to do is take it well take it President Trump also told reporters the United States is rapidly developing a Coronavirus Vaccine but Top Public Health Officials Say such a vaccine is still more than a year away can really help get aljazeera the white house indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm after 4 days of violence in new delhi 27 people have lost their lives and more than 200 injured in hospitals theres now anger over the decision to transfer the capitals 3rd highest ranking judge after he criticized both the central and state governments as well as the local police force tony brooklier reports from delhi. The who after the street battle subsided wednesday was a day hindus and muslims mourn the loss of loved ones after some of the worst violence delhi has suffered in decades this is the funeral of mohammad for can a father of 2 who was killed when the violence began a few days ago he was on the way to shops to buy food for his kids at a bus stop i received a call saying that my brother has been shot i couldnt believe it i was with him an hour earlier i rushed to the hospital but i found that he was already dead he doesnt know who was responsible. Both sides of the Community Hindus and muslims have suffered outside the morgue of the state run hospital relatives await the completion of postmortem examinations on victims so they can take the bodies for cremation or burial. This man says his nephew died from a bullet to the neck he says it was fired by a muslim as. Someone who would win but when he was pressed he says he never witnessed the killing was the violence stopped after a group of muslim women were persuaded to abandon their city in protest at a block to busy road and angered hindu nationalists and the government sent in Paramilitary Forces and Rapid Reaction units to reopen the suburbs. The death toll is rising and hundreds of injured people are being treated in 3 local hospitals many of the dead are said to have died from Bullet Wounds its not clear who was responsible. There was a physical cost to these of the scarred remains of muslim owned businesses in cardwell nagar in northeast delhi some people have lost everything the major violence may have stopped at least for now but its been so damaging the question is how long will it take communities both muslim and hindu to heal and how can they ever fully restore trust. Lawyers have started the Legal Process for those who were sponsible for inciting the violence to face justice the protests against the new citizenship law which started in december were joined by people from all religions of minorities across india there is a concern now that hindu nationalists may try and turn this into a religious issue i am seriously concerned about this is the players from this movement is going to be given a religious shape which is in fact not after 3 days of silence Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent out a tweet calling for calm and for peace and harmony to be restored the streets are quieter but the death toll is expected to rise and the repercussions of what happened here are likely to affect not just the capital but also the whole of india well lets find out about these repercussions bring in tony berkley his joining us from new delhi so now that the violence has subsided what happens next tony. I think weve moved now from the streets to the courts there are moves afoot to find out exactly how this violence started who was behind it was incited and names have been mentioned the courts are actually getting involved in fact you mentioned in your introduction about the high court the judges there have issued what is known here is f. I ours 1st Information Reports and thats what the police need before they can launch an investigation and in those f. I. O. S. Theyve mentioned a number of names that they want to be looked at and one is the name of capital mishra hes a member of the b j p party thats the party of mr modi the Prime Minister and he is the name person weve heard more and more on the streets when weve been out the person whos been inciting the violence and causing all this because if you consider you know since the beginning of december theres been very little violence in delhi people have been staging Peaceful Demonstrations and then suddenly all of a sudden this violence was out poured and lots of damage we have seen generally that this damage has been to businesses muslim businesses not so much but buy homes so there is a question here to find out who started this and why i was also concerned and anger about the lack of intervention by the police here because basically for 3 or 4 days they did nothing they stood by and watched the stories of in fact compliance of some police in helping the hindu nationalists in this outpouring of violence and why was it that it took 3 days for the Prime Minister of this country mr morsi to make any kind of statement so theres concern about lack of activity lack of intervention here and if that intervention had come sooner then we would have had so much of so much loss of life so i can also report that now the death toll is up to 31 so theyre still feeling the scars of what happened in the last 4 days every single day here or a tourney thank you very much. Still ahead a. Turkey says it will push back Syrian Government forces in Northern Syria as the number of displaced people near a 1000000. The army deploys across as opposition leaders call for a boycott of some constitutional referendum. Welcome back weve got quite unsettled weather across the levant on the Arabian Peninsula the moment now the west weather system moving through skimmers really quite nasty conditions into ron has been very cold temperatures just the north of freezing and winds blowing quite considerably weve still got some snow around as well further south weve had strong winds here in tow visibilities not being very good and certainly not see much where sunshine the winds blowing the flanks quite strongly in this frontal system continue move its way through the rest of the potential so we got a strong wind blowing through the course of thursday on the other side of the peninsula we got red light winds down through the red sea so fine in mecca highs of surtees 3 and then as i move the forecast through to friday we should find that the wind just easing down a little bit still not particularly warm sunny 23 is a mix wind as long as the wind drops it shouldnt feel too bad q. H. You look at my so of 22 moving into eastern parts of africa and south of here weve got trough of low pressure bringing showers in here so expect further heavy downpours over the next 24 hours and that continues then through into friday heading into more southern parts of africa are looking more unsettled here now is a preview of rain expected particular across the eastern cape. Perception is validation we believe. We can do everything that we would life if you experience it. And the legacies of previous generations. Testimony we value to. This documentary that open your eyes. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera the United States and south korea have the spoon joint military exercises as a result of the corona Virus Outbreak south korea has just recorded it highest number of cases in a single day pushing the total number of people infected to almost 1600. U. S. President donald trump says his country is ready for any outbreak of coronavirus he added that the u. S. Would spend whatever is appropriate to combat the elements trump also appointed Vice President mike pence to manage the countrys response. Indias Prime Minister in a remote he has called for calm after 4 days of violence in new delhi of these 31 people have lost their lives and more than 200 have been injured. Turkish backed Syrian Rebels say theyve regained control of the strategic town of after it was seized by the syrian army turkish president earlier said his forces were preparing to engage russian backed Syrian Forces an adlib province the killing of 2 turkish soldiers in an airstrike on wednesday could further inflame the conflict charlotte dallas reports. Syrian troops on the move it live province is the holdout the one place president Bashar Al Assad is yet to claim that village by village its coming within reach. Our kareen go on towards more villages of months are we are we are still in action stores are in spite of the took a support to our enemies using foreign arms and ammunition these russian backed Syrian Government soldiers are fighting Turkish Backed rebels now turkey is facing a challenge with its observation posts in the province around it and president richard type one has ordered his troops to push back. Russia does not want to accept humanitarian sensitivity the time that we gave to those who has seized or observation posts is ending we are preparing plans to liberate our observation posts from the surrounding forces by the end of february 1 way or another. He also warns that turkey will attack Government Forces anywhere in syria if another turkish soldiers injured 16 have been killed in syria this month his speech came as a russian delegation arrived in turkey to discuss the crisis and it lived with their president Vladimir Putin has ruled out a summit with the turkish german and french leaders the fight for control of the province has forced nearly a 1000000 people from their homes since early december the u. N. Says more than half of the people now living in places like this a children. We left our area about 20 days ago we left under airstrikes with only the clothes on our backs we were left out in the open and spent some time under trees we went towards the city of albab but we didnt find any place to live and no one who would let us stay on their land. In the 9 years since the war began many people have fled frontlines for the relative safety of it lib now the front line has come to them theyre increasingly squeezed against the border with turkey the Syrian Forces inch forward shelling residential areas early one has intervened worried about another potential refugee crisis. We are not going to take even a little step back in the ad lib we will push the Syrian Regime forces out of the areas that we designated and let people return back to their houses but for now thats not an option at least 26. 00 People Including School Children were killed and more than 100. 00 injured this week the White Helmets risky group says 8 schools and kindergartens were deliberately targeted with cluster bombs Syrian Forces have captured dozens of towns and villages and any pushback by turkey may leave residents in the crossfire shallop bellus aljazeera. The Un Security Council has held a closed door briefing on the diplomatic efforts to end the fighting in libya and heres what germanys foreign minister had to say. Often. The European Union has agreed to set up a mission and that our next Foreign Ministers meeting in brussels hopefully will decide exactly what that mission would look like and then well have a basis to work out what the consequences could be for those who continue to violate the arms embargo because there have to be consequences and regardless of what they look like there are a lot of tools to work with its just the 1st step in raising the political pressure with the aim of preventing any further violation of the arms embargo if that keeps happening anyway then we in the European Union will have to talk about what the consequences look like at least 5 people have been killed in a mass shooting in the u. S. City of milwaukee the attack took place at the headquarters of them also of course Brewing Company local media reporting that the shooter is now dead and. More on how the incident played out. Soon after 2 oclock in the afternoon the Walking Police arrived at the sprawling molson could brewery and corporate offices where refineries and people work and there they found the body of a 51 year old man im a walking man dead of a selfinflicted gunshot wound and 5 others also killed all employees of the company no injured were found several hours later the left on the governor of wisconsin the men to come violence in his state this is the 11th lashing at our status 2004 and i especially want to thank the 1st responders who so bravely are still responded to the situation i would offer my condolences to the families the friends the coworkers of everybody involved but also an issue a call a challenge because we should accept this is not the way that things should be and we should never grow comfortable in the face of these repeated tragedies all across america and especially right here is how we have a duty to act we have to be more responsible and as we often see after a mass shooting this one is already factoring into the National Debate over gun violence in the United States the democratic president ial candidates think of a will tackle the problem if they were to become president something we can hear more of im sure in the summertime when the Democratic National convention is held in milwaukee however if a pox isnt a thing to go by what normally happens is we hear a lot of debate a lot of how im bringing but in fact gun sales tend to spike after a mass shooting as potential gun owners going worried about more regulation soon as parliament has approved a new Coalition Government the vote of confidence brings a 4 month long political crisis to an end Prime Minister in the ass haha fridge to deal with the not the party of the largest in Parliament Earlier this week. Guineas president has hinted for the 1st time that he may run for another term in office if voters approve a new constitution in sundays referendum the main Opposition Coalition says it will boycott parliamentary elections in the referendum that are happening on the same day theyre accusing alpha conde of trying to hold on to power as Priyanka Gupta reports. These are Turbulent Times in guinea they are just days left before the west african nation votes in a constitution referendum and now its 81 year old president afrikan day has suggested that he could run for 30 m. In office the main Opposition Coalition says it will no longer recognize him as a legitimate president it wants people to boycott sundays vote. If indeed she carries the aspiration of the people of guinea and have decided not to recognize mr conti as the president of the republican guinea in the months his immediate and unconditional departure from power. More than 30 people have died in months of often violent protests against conde whose mandate ends in december protests to say the referendum is just an excuse to hold on to power this is from this week until monday leaves power were going to fight him because hes no longer the legitimate president he violated a co us which prohibits a coup detat and he made a constitutional could a thai. Army has been deployed across the country ahead of sundays vote conde is giving his 1st democratically elected leader since his independence from france and decades of authoritarian rule he says sundays fort will lead to a modern constitution. But protesters fear it may push me into political uncertainty. On to 0. A year has passed since u. S. President donald trump met with the north Korean Leader kim jong un in vietnam the 2nd summit between the 2 men there was great hope of the time that the 2 enemies would be able to reach a deal on the deal a correlation of the Korean Peninsula north korea wanted to have sanctions lifted in return for the dismantlement a frickin Nuclear Facility in the young then yawn of those talks collapsed and kim left her neuer empty handed the former white house chief of staff john kelly has recently described the hanoi summit and other meetings as futile saying that america got played. People in parts of western england have been told to evacuate their homes after flood barriers were breached the river severn burst its banks leaving many buildings partially submerged severe flood warnings remain in place in parts of the u. K. Several areas are experiencing the worst flooding in nearly 2 decades after 2 storms hit in one week 5 bodies have been recovered after flooding drenched the central colombian region of. Killed when a landslide hit their camps on a hillside houses built on steep slopes particular risk during the rainy season. 250 people were killed when the landslide hit the town of. News now from the Berlin Film Festival where 2 movies to take a look at how children in poor countries deal with stressful situations arising out of corporate greed one of them said in the other. So many cain has more. On the wide steps of his home 11 year old hopes his fatherhood cathal his is a traditional Mongolian Community knew told to thank you. But while he likes it out on the step and are also likes to have fun he dreams of winning prizes for his singing. This song is called golden things a reminder of the abundant Natural Resources under this land but others want that land to Mining Companies who offer small compensation to buy amorous trying out of their own land when his father dies suddenly faced by a world of deceit of doubt and of danger. His fathers legacy means he must grow up fast and for the films young star theres one overriding message then i can only. Learn and also sample i hope people will realize the danger is that mining can bring to our world there are so many Mining Companies and because of that the river is a drying up and this means that farmers and herders cant keep their sheep and goats in couse fully fitted water to people who live in the city really dont know about this one. Amre struggle against the odds in veins of the world opens up a window on the struggle of the demonstration of childhood resilience its a theme we also see in the documentary about a child in the struggling again against adversity at the start we see farrow with his grandmother in their Community Close to the jungle then we follow as he explores the environment around him where his natural curiosity takes him up with a loan we see him playing with friends on sandy beaches but its clear this path must soon because a vast new transoceanic canal is coming and perils school must close meaning he must go to live with his aunt in the big city once there its clear this is a journey of sadness and of dislocation which the films director believes the world audience must see i want to show microcosm we lost. So deep connected to nature and yes our own being and i think this was for me the most important part actually and yet to tell this story about this boy in this special microcosm the directors of both films believe modern life in the developing world is defined by adversity and how those who face it must show resilience to survive dominic kang aljazeera at the Berlin Film Festival. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera the United States and south korea have joint military exercises as a result of the coronaVirus Outbreak south korea has just recorded its highest number of cases in a single day pushing the number of people infected to almost 1600 bride has more from south Koreas Capital so. Theres been growing expectations here that these exercises would have to be postponed and now weve had confirmation of it if anything it would have been strange if they had gone ahead hosted by a government which is telling its own people to avoid crowds do stage exercises that bring thousands of soldiers together so they have been postponed we had yesterday the 1st confirmed case of a u. S. Service personnel getting the coronavirus and we have various quarantine provisions in place of the number of bases military bases in south korea the us President Donald Trump says his country is ready for any outbreak of coronavirus he added that the u. S. Would suspend whatever would spend whatever is appropriate to combat the illness trump also appointed Vice President mike pence to manage the countrys response countries in the middle east are bringing in strict new measures to combat the spread of coronavirus saudi arabia is temporarily holding visas for the pilgrimage known as the almighty and for tourists coming in from affected places the Indian Government has replaced the judge who was hearing cases related to violence in new Delhi High Court justice s. Morley door had ordered police to investigate leaders from Prime Minister Narendra Modis Hindu Nationalist Party b j p for inciting attacks against muslims at least 31 people have been killed Turkish Backed Syrian Rebels say theyve regained control of the strategic town of after it was seized by the syrian army earlier the turkish president erdogan said that his forces were preparing to push back syrian troops in the province. Those are the headlines on aljazeera well have more news coming up right after witness how the math thats next thanks love to make loans to some friends because behind suffering a millions of taxpayers because those taxpayers never go away is a new one born every single day a 19 it is an Urgent National in the sense its easily put it we officially request the education of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in creeks somehow im a sinner im a bad person. Thats machine on aljazeera. The way they are but. Ive never really bought into any holes or any group ive heard it all like youre not a lottery enough youre not a good muslim and youre not american and. Have multiple identities multiple things that make me what i am. Thats what

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