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The indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm after 3 days of violence in delhi killed at least 20 people nearly 200 others have been injured as hindu crowds targeted muslims burning buildings and ransacking mosques and muslims were rallying against a new citizenship law that they say discriminates against them other demonstrations in opposition to the law been going on for months 2030 years outside a hospital in northern delhi where some of the injured are being treated so tony is there a sense that this might get worse before it gets better. Well at the moment peter there is a sense of calm after 3 days of violence which have been a very bloody time in delhi its been the most violent time in decades they are now counting the cost of those 3 days im outside the mortuary of the g. T. Be a government run hospital where families hindu families a muslim families are waiting to receive the bodies of the people who were killed the death count as you mentioned its over 20 now 250. 00 people injured but the streets are quiet but theres still an unease on the streets of northeast delhi. The suburbs of jeffrey bad in belgium bora in northeast delhi have become battlegrounds in the fight against indias citizens Amendment Law for the 1st successive day Security Forces fought with protesters both for and against the law. And this man says he was shot in the foot by Police Shotgun pellets why when nobody would i was standing with my mother and sisters protesting peacefully and police and people the mob by foreigners. Theyre firing tear gas shows one person was shot in the chest not a shot in the hand of the same time as me. Another wounded you to spend away on a motorbike its incidents like these which have drawn thousands of young muslims to join the protest they are angry at the lack of control by the government and are suspicious of the police we i discussed the police from police because police supporting damn the hindus not muslims. Police are being criticized for not intervening and stopping the violence against muslims often simply standing by and watching. Videos on social media seem to show please helping hindu nationalists collect rocks and other images of officers apparently beating muslims no one policeman says so you want your freedom and then beats him here other images show mosque being vandalized and muslim property being damaged hindus also complain that their temples are being damaged and their property destroyed by muslims images on social media are always difficult to verify who what where or when but in this situation is adding to the belief of muslims here that these attacks are both coordinated and with the compliance of the police. On choose a thousands of armed Police Including special forces and Rapid Reaction units were on patrol in a show of strength but muslims here dont feel protected they feel threatened especially for the youth. The number of those killed and injured in clashes is rising and indias leaders seem to have no solution the state has created a situation of violence and allowed. The latest reason that i am at its unfathomable to allow your own people to die like that exultant dying of it under this area has become ground 0 in this divisive fight now and its 3rd month and many fear the turmoil is going to get worse before it gets better. Some people this express surprise that its taken 3 days for the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make any comment about whats happening in north easterly he said in a tweet thats the favorite way of donald trump who the man hes entertained for the last 36 hours likes to communicate and he appealed for his brothers and sisters in delhi to return peace and normalcy and that is central to the peace and harmony of india now this whole episode has been a scarring effect on what will happen in the future we dont know but this whole issue is now taking on a different meaning in northeast delhi it became hindus against muslims and this is not what the. Citizens and memon act was all about this was a cut across all religious divides with all minorities involved i think what you see now in the coming days if theres not a renewed episode of violence that rallies will be held around the country to show that this is a civil rights matter and not a religious matter tony thanks very much. The World Health Organization is warning the coronavirus brick is moving quickly and action must be taken to prevent it from turning into a pandemic becomes widespread around the world. This is a rapidly escalating at the nomic in different places that weve got to tackle super fast to prevent a pandemic i mean its actually were trying to demonstrate is where this goes is within the control of our decisions to apply this kind of rigor and approach to to to this disease. Will certain areas Health Ministry has announced 169. 00 more infections mostly in and around the center of the outbreak thats the city of daegu the total number is now nearly 1200. 00 European Health ministers held emergency talks in italy where the virus has spread from cold on your to tuscany and sicily croatia austria france switzerland and germany all have infections linked to the italian outbreak in iran the number of cases there is rising the Deputy Health minister responsible for leading the countrys response is among those who fall in ill and americans are being told it is inevitable the virus will spread through the United States well this tracker is from the Johns Hopkins university in the us it gives us a picture of where the outbreak has spread to and the number of cases the world total is now just over 81000. 00 and brazil looks to have south americas 1st case a resident from sao paolo who recently returned from italy right mcbrides in the south korean capital so he says the next few days are crucial as new laws are being introduced to try to stop the spread of the virus that. Everyone looking with increasing anxiety these spikes as we continue to get more cases because of course weve been told that the next few days are pretty crucial in deciding whether this will be contained around that eastern corner of the country around the city of daegu or not but it certainly is impacting on every day life on the people not going out to restaurants to cinemas people being advised to work from home schools being closed and then you get remarkable one off events such as earlier today right here in the center of seoul one of the big telecoms providers s. K. Telecom it was discovered that one of its employees had come down with a corona virus that had been in the office so they took the incredible decision to basically close the whole headquarters send everyone home and disinfect it for the rest of the week a building that has just reopened this wednesday is the National Assembly that was closed for 24 hours while it was disinfected because they discovered they had a visitor there last week who was infected and they have got right down to the business this wednesday afternoon of passing emergency bills to try to help in the fight against the virus one bill forces empowers various departments in fact forces departments to provide facemasks to vulnerable groups there is. Another various other bills to force the testing of for the coronavirus on people whether they like it or not well the corona virus has reached at least 5 chinese prisons more than 550 inmates are sick believed it was brought in by guards who shared a bus with people whod been to a hospital. Do you want to be a country some Prison Guards did not report after having contact with people from affected areas in whod be the failure of complete isolation cause the spread of the virus missions and. The spread in these prisons has revealed the loopholes in management of the Prison Guards and the lack of effective Epidemic Prevention and control measures 5 months from the olympics in tokyo japans Prime Minister is calling for sporting and cultural events to be delayed or canceled. Organizers should reassess events after 2 weeks once the government knows more about the impact of the outbreak thats a look at about the money or not considering that theres a large risk of infection for nationwide sports and cultural events where a large number of people gather will consider measures such as suspension put spawn meant and reduction of size for the next 2 weeks afghanistans Health Care System is already creaking from decades of violence and neglect so an outbreak there could have a devastating impact and reports now from kabul an open border as the very real potential to allow infected people from elsewhere to come right in the. First suspected afghan coronavirus cases are held in the isolation ward of iraq hospital to face confirmed patient 35 year old men who just returned from the epicenter of the outbreak in iraq. We dont have proper means to deal with patients the medical staff and also in danger of virus can be transferred to us during the check up we dont have proper gloves and masks or protective closed this is a very big risk to us. Detection is slow samples are sent to kabul for testing Health Ministry Officials Say they are prepared in case the outbreak spreads located. In provincial hospitals more than 30 in. Regional hospitals but. Like any other country of the world afghanistan is also vulnerable. Positive cases in iran has increased vulnerability of afghanistan as well. This hospital for Communicable Diseases in kabul donated by japan has been designated to treat coronavirus patients in the capital but its a far cry from the reality in the rest of the country. Is in Poor Condition and. The shortage of everything from medicine to equipment to train nurses and doctors and even there are not enough facilities around the country and about 50 percent of afghans live under the poverty line like Everything Else here health care has suffered from food decades of war there are fewer than 3 doctors for every 10000 afghans and one bed 420000 people in some remote areas the shortage is even worse the province of herat has been declared a medical emergency area calls and other places of public gatherings are temporarily shut but border crossings with iran have reopened after today closure thousands of workers traders religious pilgrims and refugees crossing back and forth. We are worried because the border is open and people are coming from iran we cannot detect any positive carrier of the virus the screening teams cannot do their job effectively they can only inform about the symptoms and bring awareness he is in a trading route linking afghanistan to iran and beyond it is also from where the corona virus spreads throughout afghanistan as several more suspected cases are tested areas far from the border with iran. Still to come here on aljazeera. That the us family the only showing a 6 year old child being addressed. So at school. The but. We still have plenty of heavy showers since the malaysia into indonesia weve had the flooding recently just around to cause more showers coming through here as we go on with the next conflict as out west of weather across the southern half of the region further north its too bad to be more sunshine than showers there still and nevertheless want to see showers creeping into the eastern side of the philippines and where the northeast say mostly wanted to show is a just creeping over towards the malaysian peninsula but the heaviest downpours they will remain just around borneo some lived a shower still very much in place there across a good part of indonesia joining up with the heavy showers at the same cost more than parts of australia some big showers there on the top and with the remnants of tropical stockland ester imply some say some very very heavy showers thundery downpours there into Western Australia recently thats was the southeast this cold front that will bring some cooler air in across parts of victoria into New South Wales sydney pipe at around 25 celsius on thursday having got up into the thirtys over the last couple of days big showers continue to move in parts of New South Wales into that eastern side of queensland more the same as we go on through friday by the state the staying very windy to the south. But. There is a huge group of people at work behind our screen and the power they have is massive that is to keep swiping through your twitter feed thats just the way we all click i agree to the terms and conditions thats most of us never even give it a 2nd floor and actually thats designed as well ali really explores how designers are manipulating our behavior in the final episode all hail the algorithm on a. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories of the indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm after 3 days of violence in delhi killed at least 20 people really 200 others were injured after listening. More protests against the contentious citizenship more than. The World Health Organization has warned the corona Virus Outbreak is rapidly escalating and action must be taken quickly to prevent it from becoming pandemic. In south korea the Health Ministry has announced 169 more infections mostly in and around the center of the bringing us this is. Really 1200 people affected. Cameroons president paul bia is under increasing pressure after a Human Rights Group accused his Security Forces of killing more than 20 people including children its said to have happened in an English Speaking region where separatists are fighting to establish their state lets get more now from nicholas who joins us live from dakar in senegal nick the Opposition Leader has just arrived back hows that going to affect the political situation. Well peter i mean paul b. A is clearly under pressure this morning the economic capital there were hundreds of people waiting for the Opposition Leader now its well to thousands of people people there are scared the chanting the name of the young cameroon refugee that intercepted our doorstep president just a few days ago at an agriculture conference in paris shouting at him asking him questions about his relationship with cameron france being the former colonial power a close ally of cameroon and president mike or answered back saying hes putting maximum pressure on because the situation there as he describes it is. And so that that video of him of president michael answering the question of this Young Cameron and refugee was widely spread on social media and sparked protest outside the French Embassy in the economic capital but also in yeah there were hundreds of progovernment supporters are chanting against. Against micro take a look at this report weve been following events in cameroon. Demonstrators outside the French Embassy the police were there not to stop them but to protect them they were supporters of president paul b. Hes been in power since then 982. 00 theyre angry at the french president Emanuel Michel hes been openly critical of the Government Security crackdown on the English Speaking regions of cameroon where armed separatists are seeking autonomy supporters of the government hold signs saying no one can divide cameroon and dont mess with our countrys affairs minister. Who is this young 40 year old whos trying to teach a lesson to our old president says this protester look what theyve done to libya ivory coast and mali theyre not going to mess with us. They then all insult the french president. Mr maxwell its this mobile phone video widely shared on social media that sparked the protest the person filming is a cameroonian political refugee in france he shouts to michael to get his attention he says more than 29 people were burnt to death last week in the English Speaking regions by Security Forces everyone is clean what are you going to do he asks. I am putting maximum pressure on poll bia so that he deals with the crisis in the regions and that he treats the political opposition with respect and eventually freed Opposition Leader. We are seeing that the situation is deteriorating and i will call him so that the intolerable situation seizes with a 1000000000 displaced in over 3000 killed since 2016 Human Rights Groups blame both armed separatist and Security Forces for the violence and displacement of people in the English Speaking regions Human Rights Watch believes the Rapid Intervention battalion backed by ethnic salami militias are behind the latest attack the elite force trained and managed by former Israeli Navy Commandos shot 13 children then set their homes alight with the parents and children inside. The government 1st called it Collateral Damage then denied being involved in the killings where soul outrageous and the abuses sold blatant and the evidence i mean the killings went deliberate and well aimed at punishing the population suspected of harboring and collaborating with the separatists. The opposition believes these demonstration against france are orchestrated by the government itself while france may be camerons closest ally the relationship is changing the violence in the English Speaking regions is intensifying in proving to brutal to ignore. There has been municipal and local election in order to quell this this need for independence from the English Speaking region as described by the government but the Election Commission Just Announced that the results in the 11 of the constituency have been canceled the separatist armed separatists movement in the English Speaking region had called for a boycott of the election so has more its come to the Opposition Leaders saying that there isnt the circumstances in place to have free and Fair Elections now the English Speaking region is home to 4000000 people its about the size of switzerland the opposition more is Opposition Leader more its come to said that he doesnt want clear dependence of this area but more autonomy but whats clear peter is that paul b. Who has been in power since 1902 for the last 36 years is under increased pressure and thats likely to continue in the months to come peter back to you nick thanks very much. Egypt is holding 3 days of National Mourning after the death of the former leader Hosni Mubarak a military funeral is expected to start soon about it was in power for 3 decades until it was forced out during the 2011 revolution jamal sheil looks back at those meant as events. Across the mubaraks death comes almost 9 years to the day since he was forced out of office by an historic uprising for 18 Straight Days egyptians from all walks of life were on the streets demanding the resignation of the man who brought all to practically for 30 years the 2011 uprising had begun on january the 25th at 8 that the mubarak government had dedicated to celebrate egypts Police Forces but for millions of egyptians there was nothing to celebrate mubaraks feared Security Apparatus says knocked up Political Prisoners tortured detainees and in several cases killed them i will box response to these protests was to crack down on the demonstrators Police Snipers train their weapons on the power. And then this. Flags riding camels charged towards the protesters several 100 people were killed in suez alexandria and destroyed to become iconic tahir square i thought i but the peoples resolve proved to be greater in a unique demonstration of unity secularists liberals islamists men and women young and old turned clear square in the center of cairo into a protest site that gripped the worlds attention. Mubarak tried to appease them 1st by reshuffling his cabinets and then by promising not to stand for another term he pleaded with the youth to go back to their homes and promised to listen to their demands but it wasnt enough as mubaraks speech was projected on to screens at protests sites across the country demonstrators threw their shoes at them and shouted we are not leaving he must leave mubaraks grip on power largely depended on the army it was his military career that propelled him to power so when the army decided they would no longer support him it was announced that he was stepping down but theres no you know many revolutionaries believed that meant that they had won but the child that had been ringing out in the streets of egypt for those 18 days was the people demand reform of the regime and what those revolutionaries didnt realized was that while mubarak may have fallen the regime was to remain Even Stronger and jamal joins us live now from tunis jamal as egyptians pause and reflect i guess today would it be fair to say that there was kind of 2 hostile about x. There was that some people the war hero from 3530 years ago and then there was the totally or thoughts hereon figure in charge inside the president ial palace who lost the fight against the people in 2011. For sure i mean he was a divisive figure and people will be looking at him from their own respective lenses but that has more probably to do with what type of life they were afforded under the rule of Hosni Mubarak more than it has to do with. Pursuing 2 different types of policies throughout his career ultimately if you are a well off person in egypt who benefited from a corrupt state and more able to maneuver around the difference governments institutions greasing pockets as you went along or getting contracts or getting your. Different interests delivered then you would be looking at the mubarak era just as you would be looking at the fatah to see see iran as a positive one if youre one of the millions who. Can cure poverty more and more or had people in your family arrested because of their political views or saw essentially the degradation of the basic states infrastructure then you would be looking at the mubarak era as a failed one to say the least and thats essentially how many people will be looking back at those 30 years depending on what type of life they were afforded and for many millions of egyptians it wasnt the most prosperous of ones with saying hes getting a military funeral is its when it comes to how egypt sees itself today with mr sisi in charge is it in effect a state funeral. Essentially it will be i mean they will put out all the stops for Hosni Mubarak most likely because ultimately Hosni Mubarak didnt just represent himself he represents the military institution the military institution which has been controlling and governing egypt since 1052. 00 there is one of the famous sayings the egyptians have about egypt is that egypt isnt a country with a military its a military with a country because the army in egypt use itself essentially as owning the country and responsible for the entire country and thats why the military didnt allow for mubarak to be tried the same way for example his successor morsi was tried didnt allow for him to be treated in any way that they saw was degrading because any thing that was degrading to mubarak would be degrading to the army so when they will do the funeral today it will be done in a way that reflects what they perceive to be the prestige of the army the authority of the army and to ensure that the common egyptian know was that ultimately this is whats egypts army status is because ultimately if were talking about the legacy of Hosni Mubarak one of the biggest representations of that legacy is actually the hazy so you wouldnt have sisi in power now if it wasnt for Hosni Mubarak jamal thank you. U. S. Democratic president ial hopefuls have held a fiery debate in South Carolina 4 days before the next primary moderators often struggle to take control of a shouting match between the contenders and a galaxy reports now from charleston. Well bernie goetz batted the appropriate top lloyd headline in this wasnt to be unexpected Bernie Sanders is after all the front burner at the moment he must have been expecting the of the candidates to attack him and they attacked him on all the issues from how we will pay for his Health Care Plan his record on gun safety and all sorts of issues Bernie Sanders handled it all fairly well he seemed to be on his back foot for for much of the debate but it shows the importance of the South Carolina primary this is one of the most diverse states it comes just before super tuesday is a big test of the africanamerican vote has 60 percent of democratic voters in this state are africanamerican so i think as things get down to the wire as we get toward super tuesday in which 14 states get to vote all the candidates want to eat up the air time and at times this debate seemed almost chaotic everybody was talking over the top of everybody else Elizabeth Warren in particular had. Not much love lost with med bloomberg the former mayor of new york so it was kind of a messy debate at times but most candidates sort of the leading ones seemed to hold their own. A family in the u. S. State of florida has released video of their 6 year old child being arrested at school. Well over her. Her. Girl is heard sobbing and pleading as her hands are restrained with a zip tie before being lifted into a police car shed only been accused of kicking and punching Staff Members of the school in a london since that happened in september the officer involved that arrested a 6 year old boy on the same day as being followed. This is al jazeera these are the top stories the indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm after 3 days of violence in delhi killed at least 20 people and the 200 others were injured after hindus fought with muslims and followed more protests against a contentious citizenship more. World Health Organization has warned that the corona Virus Outbreak is rapidly escalating and action must be taken quickly to prevent it from becoming a pandemic. In south korea the Health Ministry has announced 169 more infections mostly in and around the center of the outbreak thats the city of big nearly 1200 people have not been affected coronaviruses reached at these 5 chinese prisons will than 550 inmates a sick the authorities believe it was brought in by gods who shared a bus with people whod been to a local hospital. Do you want would be a country some Prison Guards did not report after having contact with people from affected areas in who day the failure of complete isolation caused the spread of the virus. The spread in these prisons has revealed the loopholes in management of the Prison Guards and the lack of effective Epidemic Prevention and control measures and 5 months from the olympics in tokyo japans Prime Minister is calling for sporting and cultural events to be delayed or canceled shinzo of it says organizers should reassess events after 2 weeks once the government knows more about the impact of the outbreak to look at about the money or not considering that theres a large risk of infection for nationwide sports and cultural events where a large number of people gather will consider measures such as suspension put spawn meant and reduction of size for the next 2 weeks egypts holding 3 days of National Mourning after the death of the former leader there Hosni Mubarak who died on tuesday at the age of 91 ruled for 3 decades before he was forced from power during the 2011 revolution. Us democratic president ial hopefuls have held a fiery debate in South Carolina days ahead of the state primary joe biden is still leading in the opinion polls there but Bernie Sanders is chipping away at his lead those are your top stories the news continues off the ole hail the algorithm i will see you very soon. Americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the trouble parts of america are getting trampy are there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and their effect on the world. There is a huge group of people at work behind our screens they called behavior architects dissuasive designers or User Experience specialists and the power they have is massive that urge to keep swiping through your twitter feed thats designed the way we all click i agree to the terms and conditions thats designed swiping left or right on tinder thats designed to. We live in an online world of someone elses making and most of us never even give it a 2nd thought and actually thats design is what

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