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President is on his 1st trip to india. Welcome to the program the World Health Organization says its deeply concerned by the sudden increase in corona virus cases outside of china 3 main clusters of infections are growing in the middle east europe and asia iran has confirmed 12 deaths and has denied reports of the toll could be much higher kuwait is among several countries in the region reporting infected travelers from iran its also grounded some flights to affected countries and canceled its National Day Celebrations scheduled for tuesday well in europe 7 people have now died in northern italy which is more than 220 cases the highest concentration outside of asia the other major cluster is in south korea which is the highest number of confirmed cases outside of china it passed 8 huh. In the last 24 hours and at least 8 people have died its raised its Infectious Diseases warning to the highest level or stock Market Indices plunge on monday as traders sold shares in reaction to the virus news the u. S. Stock market had its largest fall in over a Year Companies doing business in china as well as tourism and airlines suffer the heaviest fall in share prices well the head of the World Health Organization says that despite the continued spread the outbreak can still be beaten for the moment we have not witnessed see the uncontained globally spread of this virus and we are not witnessing large scale civil or do says or does does this virus have pandemic potential absolutely it has and we vary it from our assessment not yet but the key message that should give all countries hope courage and confidence is that this virus can be contained indeed there are many countries that have done exactly that. Well in china where the outbreak 1st began nearly 2600 people have died and 77000 cases have been confirmed the countrys biggest political gathering the National Peoples congress has been postponed for the 1st time in decades or for more on this lets speak to katrina you she joins us live from the Chinese Capital katrina so in china things seem to be instant seem to be steadily improving give us a sense of whats been happening there. Thats right so the numbers are encouraging this seems to have been a downward trend the World Health Organization actually sent a team to china they visited several cities in the past we concluded at the center of the outbreak to assess chinas response and they had a briefing late on monday in beijing and they said that they believe that the virus has indeed peaked in china and that there seems to be a decline in numbers in china now this is despite the change in screening tests in once or twice in numbers going up and down but they say that there does seem to definitely be a downward trend and certainly as you mentioned you know china has had a pig struggle doing with this 77000 people infected more than 2500 have died and 10000 people are still in Critical Condition fighting for their lives with the current virus but there does seem to be a positive picture we do seem to see that there could be a light at the end of the tunnel the World Health Organization also said that there were there were finding out more things about this disease for example in the death rate was true to 4 percent but outside of 100. 00 it was much lower only bureau point 7 percent they also said for those who had mild symptoms which is about 80 percent the vast majority of people who do catch the coronavirus are mild and they say they tend to recover within 2 to 3 within 2 weeks whereas people who have severe cases take a bit longer about 3 to 4 weeks so quite a positive picture here in china but at the same time in kuwait province it is still a big struggle for authorities that theres still a lack of resources a lack of staff 4000 people are still waiting to be diagnosed to have the current virus the suspected cases and we did have also the deaths of 2 doctors in hospitals in recent days and as well as that we had china cancel its biggest. Political gathering the National Peoples congress which is supposed to take place in a few weeks at the beginning of my. And they canceled that so that is a significant sign that china is still really although things are improving theyre still in the the thick of this battle and that they cant really let up just yet yeah so katrina as you say the situation improving slowly in china but in south korea its a very different story isnt it thats right in south korea were seeing numbers jumping very very quickly in last 24 hours i think you mentioned earlier about 231 deaths which is almost double what we had the day before that china south korea overtook japan as the 2nd country just following china as the 2nd country with the most cases of the coronavirus and we know in south korea that this centers around this particular city of daegu which is the 4th largest city in in south korea 2 and a half 1000000 people president has raised the alert level in south korea to its highest level its a red alert situation over there several countries have issued travel bans against people traveling from south korea and finding out more about how this originated in south korea and we know it originated from a church a Church Called shinto and church and even one official in south korea was found to have the virus himself so theyre investigating this church they authorities are suspicious of the church hasnt been as forthcoming with information but we do know that the patient who is thought to have spread the virus the stews super spread a socalled patient 31 woman in her sixtys attended a service with about 9500 people so theres 9500 people a server are being tested and being quarantined and were waiting to hear some more information as to whether this number will grow in the next few days or a katrina you there in beijing katrina thank you for that well lets get more now from kristen salumi in new york has been a volatile day on the stock market and she has the details of what the viruses impact has been on wall street. Investors took a beating on monday with all 3 of the major stock indexes in the United States showing sharp declines the Dow Jones Industrial plunged more than a 1000 points or 3 and a half percent and the declines were reflected in all of the major sectors of the economy from energy to technology perhaps the greatest declines were seen related to manufacturing stocks like apple which relies on china for manufacturing its also one of its big growing markets and it was reflected in the sharp decline in its stocks at the same time investors were looking to put their money into safe havens moving from these stocks into government Treasury Bonds also gold prices went up at one point hitting a 7 year high as investors look for someplace safe to put their money this all happened just less than a week after the market hit new record highs in the United States word that the coronavirus had spread outside of china spikes in italy near a major manufacturing hub there are concerns that that could affect the economy of europe south korea also saw an increase in cases and this has investors spooked that the worst of this epidemic has yet to come. Moving out of those latest cases of the coronavirus surfacing in italy the countrys northern regions of lombardy and the netto of close schools universities museums and cinemas for at least a week reports now from fit. Into your than usual downtown milan a sense of anxiety but no signs of panic amid the 1st major coronavirus outbreak in europe landmarks like the do women cathedral and lets call the opera house have been closed temporarily. The headline screams out virus the great fear even though fear at least for now isnt all that apparent yes schools have been shut down but his Vegetable Market remains open. Up at the out in the open air but i didnt i didnt see any danger is well looking a lot of the phone people are not leaving their houses and they call us and we bring their shopping t. Them thats the way were working at the moment the laws mayor says the main mission now is contain the possible further spread of the virus and that while numbers of those infected have indeed been going up that could be because Health Officials are proactively looking for new cases he also urged residents not to clear supermarket shelves but videos posted on social media like this one suggest that advice may be falling on deaf ears in northern italy the number of coronavirus cases continues to surge even though at least 10 hotspot towns are effectively under lockdown. Police check vehicles trying to enter one of the quarantine towns authorised lorries carrying essential goods and medical supplies are allowed through everyone else is turned away in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus even the venice carnival was cut short a medal that you know what i might base out of the the fight it another thought i would have to sign in order to shut down the venue scania its one of a thought wed have to close the schools churches museums and all Public Places so i know im askin a lot from aussie thousands so i know all the way things go we can pull together well we just need to think about internally the been will shut up inside us out of the event. Inside the town of the lingo authorities have allowed select shops to reopen outside long lines of shoppers wearing protective masks and gloves keen to stock up all this as officials are still struggling to confirm the origin of the outbreak in italy mohammed al jazeera milla. Well lets bring in dr ali carneys dean of the university of Nebraska Medical Centers college of Public Health he joins us live now in the brusca a doctor called lets talk 1st about iran if we can i mean this is a country that faces harsh economic sanctions from the west perhaps doesnt have the robust medical infrastructure many western countries is iran likely them to struggle with any major outbreak of the virus. Thank you and undoubtedly iran is going to struggle with this outbreak the ministry of health has reported previously and its been confirmed by numerous humanitarian associations that their medical infrastructure has really suffered from these sanctions over the years so they dont have the appropriate equipment what they have is outdated so this is going to be a problem and dr kahn what about the impact in europe i mean weve seen cases in france and now italy is struggling to contain a major outbreak with people starting to panic buy in some places how well prepared are countries like italy even in europe to deal with a rapidly spreading. So theres no doubt that theres countries that have Different Levels of preparedness for a pandemic but this is a really good time to remind people that we are in the midst of a pandemic weve been in the midst of a pandemic for the last 4 weeks we have disease on multiple continents including sustained transmission on multiple continents and this is a good time to ask themselves what are they doing to prepare and what are their communities doing to prepare and what are their governments and businesses doing to prepare its an interesting point dr can you make about the word pandemic because the World Health Organization is now saying the world must prepare for a coronavirus pandemic that sounds pretty alarming if you ask me but i mean what does it mean and how worried should we be. So pandemic has multiple meanings one said meaning has to do with the geographic spread and so we know this virus is spread broadly outside of china at this point and we should be helping people make the mental transition to think about what can they be doing to be ready in case our current containment strategy which is what china seems to be doing successfully and what other countries are trying to do we just heard about those efforts in iran in italy in south korea but if those efforts fail then we need to move to a different strategy which is a prevention and control strategy and think about what does that mean in our communities worldwide dr ali khan thank you very much indeed for talking to al jazeera well as we heard earlier the number of deaths in iran has also increased the Health Ministry there has pledged to be transparent with the situation. We need to be honest we need to be transparent in the face of those people who are trying to distort the situation regarding other regions id like to say we are dealing with the cases and the symptoms and we have all the capabilities to spot this virus if we have a case that is suspected we will move them to a better place to be hospitalized we have the full capabilities to deter or to treat and we will see everything in a clear way well al jazeera as i said beggars in tehran and says as the number of cases rises theres disagreement over how bad the situation really is. Theres been a extraordinary exchange in clash a war of words between a member of parliament and media by the hes a member of parliament for the city of qom the epicenter of this virus here in iran and the Health Ministry now he said he puts the number of dead from the virus at 50 now he acknowledges not within maybe from the krona virus but he says that the governments performance on the issue has been 0 he says that nurses dont have the correct uniforms and off scared of treating patients he says that the government isnt really concerned and the virus has been present in iran for 3 weeks but there nans most was delayed by the government he also said that he knows of 2 children that have been infected by the virus and has called upon the Health Ministry to impose a curfew on the city of call now the Deputy Health minister has denied the figure of 50 and said that even if it was half that number he would submit his resignation now about the responded to that and he said he sent the names of those that have died from the virus to the Health Ministry and he expects a resignation now the Health Minister has come out in response to all of this and he said that the government is dealing with the situation all right a lot more still to come here on the news hour including malaysias Prime Minister steps down on whats believed to be a bid to cut his chosen successor out of a new administration. And thousands of miles away in the soon to a Prime Minister appears in court charged with murder and this is strange white. And in school the life of basketball legend kobe bryant is remembered at a special service in los angeles. Hollywood Film Producer Harvey Weinstein has been sent to jail after being found guilty of 2 counts in his new york Sexual Assault trial weinstein was charged with sexually assaulting former Production Assistant maybe halle and raping aspiring actress jessica man with a jew. We have 7 men and 5 women found guilty of Sexual Assault which could see him jailed for up to 25 years at a 3rd degree rape charge which carries a maximum of 4 years in prison new york law defines this as having sex with someone incapable of giving consent but weinstein was acquitted of the most serious charges but its for a Sexual Assault and 1st degree rape. Weinstein is a vicious serial sexual predator who used his power to threaten rape assault trick humiliate and silences victims he has been found guilty of criminal sexual act in the 1st degree and will face on that count a state prison sentence of no less than 5 years and up to 25 years. Dollars on that is in new york with more on the reaction from campaign is they say its a huge victory and they are happy with this decision by the jury as you mentioned he was not convicted of the 3 most serious charges but the 2 that he was convicted of guilty of a criminal sexual act and a 3rd degree rape are very serious and together could mean 29 years in prison and at this very hour Harvey Weinstein who at one time was one of the most powerful movie producers in los angeles and also here in new york city now sits in a new york city jail awaiting sentencing next month and so thats why so many of his accusers view this very much as a victory not only for them but also for the wider me too movement now i did speak to an investigative journalist the rich make you was one of the 1st journalist to investigate to Harvey Weinstein these accusations against him dating back to 2017 and what he said is there actually dozens of other women out there that have also accused weinstein of wrongdoing. Well lets talk to shawn of thomas shes the cofounder and executive director of violet thats an online organizing campaign that enjoys going through mobilization and action she joins us live now from washington d. C. Shawna this is a stunning downfall for the hollywood mogul what do you make of the verdict and how much is this a victory for the many women who came out bravely to accuse weinstein of Sexual Assault this is absolutely a powerful day for survivors and the me too movement if it wasnt for the courage of what is unfortunately 90 more than 90 women who came forward to tell their stories of abuse and harassment at his hands over the past couple of years he wouldnt be facing any accountability at all theres just a countless number of careers that were derailed or ended because of his actions and the fact that he went for decades without a shred of accountability is tragic but today is a different day today he has he is for ever more a convicted sexual predator and he sits in jail tonight where he belongs and its a hugely important for survivors everywhere to see this and for abusers to see what happens that there is accountability yes sure and he was cleared of the most serious counts of but its true Sexual Assault but it still faces charges in los angeles assault back in 2013 so its not over yet for weinstein is it. Its definitely not over yet hes currently facing what could be decades in prison which is clearly justified but what we also learned today and and a lesson unfortunately survivors have to learn all the time is that the criminal Justice System is not set up to protect survivors from abuse and it is i mean it is it is just a fact that the majority of people who suffer at the hands of abusers who experience Sexual Assault and harassment will not experience of justice through the criminal Justice System most wont even bother to bring their cases forward because fewer than one percent of those who do will see their or their abuser be held accountable so you know couple that with the fact that there are a couple 100000 or more rape kits sitting untested all over the country and it paints a pretty clear picture that while we have come very far in terms of shedding a light right on the reality of Sexual Assault and harassment in this country we have some ways to go to to see true justice shoulda just a just a final point for me i mean prosecutors put trade weinstein as a serial predator who used his powerful position in the hollywood to attack is this likely do you think to put the spotlight back on the movie industry and the many high powered producers and even doctors who also accused of similar sexual misconduct. The how the industry and hollywood in particular what youre referring to i mean there is so much left to uncover there are so many more people who continue to sit in positions of power who should not be there. But it is not limited to this industry we know that this affects every single industry every content area of womens lives and that we hope that this is continues to be a wake up call not just for hollywood but for every for every corporation every university every school every every church where powerful men have been protected for decades. And will start to change their culture change their policies and hold people in positions of power accountable for their actions journalist thank you very much indeed for sharing your thoughts with us here on aljazeera thank you for having me you know 4 people have been killed and Dozens Injured in new delhi during violence between groups supporting and opposing indias new citizenship and all hundreds of muslim activists have been protesting against the little which they say discriminates against their community they were targeted by hindu groups linked to Prime Minister nuri and remove the b j p e arms of police have been drafted in to restore calm in the area of jeff are bad for my tony brooklier reports. It took police several hours to regain control after a 2nd day of unrest some of the most violent protests for weeks in the capsule against the citizen Amendment Law the fighting was in the districts of jaffer bad and budge on border and North East Delhi between hindu groups who support the law and muslim communities they say the legislation is racist and discriminates against Indias Muslim minority and looking at it peacefully protests we were all sitting here peacefully protesting near the jeff about school and there was no provocation from our side all of violence that happened took place from their side the mob came in through stones at the mosque theyd be making provocative slogans and speeches like it shoot the traitor. We have figured out that all this violence was preplanned theyve actually called people to assemble and there was a plan in place when they attacked us it also seemed that the local police were on their side everyone had a weapon and carried a gun they were the ones who threw the flare stones. But i will do for you as the trouble escalated a number of people were seriously injured and investigations into the deaths have begun its not clear yet who was responsible for the death of the police but but it underlines just how volatile the situation remains here and shows the deepening anger that still exists on both sides of this sensitive issue was this video seems to show hindu protesters throwing stones while a policeman does little to stop them the scene show others setting fire to muslim property the video cannot be independently verified the violence followed threats by hindu leaders to remove a group of muslim women who sit down protesters forced the closure of a major road. Mosque in jeffrey bag was attacked and cars and homes were set on fire in efforts to maintain calm police have imposed emergency measures banning gatherings of more than 4 people but we saw little being done to enforce the natures up in which they are but i am the relationship between the hindu. And was in communities has become bad and this tension is now spreading to other places surrounding this locality and also further afield outside delhi. As more Security Forces were drafted in to guard areas overnight the flames still burned local people are fearful for the violence to come to you aljazeera jeff or bad ne. While in quite a contrast there were different scenes as u. S. President donald trump was welcomed by more than 100000 people around me in the indian city of a matter bad his 1st visit to the countrys design nothing to boost ties and trade but also his reelection chances by painting to form a half 1000000 Indian American voters and as with iran and reports from at about in the state of fear. On his 1st foreign trip since his impeachment trial donald trump could not have looked more pleased with the reception he received it wasnt the 10000000. 00 people trump said would greet him and before leaving for india bought more than 100000 people packed into the south voted by patel stadium to hear the u. S. President praise all things indian from one of its founders than the to cricket stars in the bollywood Film Industry his greatest admiration was reserved for Prime Minister today the movie you are living proof that with hard work and devotion indians get a cop lish anything anything at all anything they want from Prime Minister mori interns spoke of what he called the 2 countries shared values i. Believe that afeared what is today you are the one india which is full of diversity with thousands of languages are spoken with just thousands of costumes cusins and several religious group and communities all rich diversity and unity is a Strong Foundation of india u. S. Relationship i but President Trumps a visit comes at a time when the end of what he and his hindu nationalist but at the agenda party of facing criticism for the treatment of Indian Muslims i bask in contrast that i heard him. Not to be disbelieved. He talked about. Indias peacefulness yesterday just. These are only 3 things that have been under threat in the last 6 years. They have been 2 months of nationwide protests against the citizenship law which fast track citizenship to minorities from 3 neighboring countries but excludes muslims white house official said President Trump will raise concerns over the citizenship law with Prime Minister modi the 2 leaders will discuss defend security and trade in new delhi on tuesday while theres no progress expected on their big differences when it comes to trade President Trump believes a happy man after the welcome he received it might not be the countrys most populous state but nearly a 3rd of Indian Americans have connections here and 9 months ahead of the u. S. President ial election trumps hope in coming to. Help boost his popularity among the 4 and a half 1000000 Indian American voices elizabeth aljazeera. Well dont trump has already announced the u. S. Will sign a 3000000000. 00 weapons deal on tuesday india relies heavily on washington for its military hardware new delhis bought 17000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Military goods since 2007 the us is indias 2nd largest trading partner off to china but serious differences of cropped up in recent months and the 4 times visit u. S. Diplomats failed to ease the friction india in the us both been affected by the tariffs on imports since 2018. A un gyptian brokered cease fire has gone into effect between the Palestinian Group Islamic Jihad and israel the ceasefire comes off the 2 days of cross border violence the Israeli Air Force says at least 80 rockets were fired from gaza on monday israel also carried out multiple attacks using aircraft and tanks killing 6 people including 2 Islamic Jihad members in syria on sunday night Turkish Backed on groups have reportedly recapture the town of narrow in syrias in the province. Of these teaching them for highway linking aleppo with. Syrian Government Forces assisted by russian air support have been trying to regain ground in the countrys last rebel held the region almost a 1000000 people have fled the violence with the u. N. Warning the fighting to day end in a bloodbath. Time for a short break here on aljazeera when we come back crowds gather outside a high Security Court in london as we can leaks founder Julian Assange begins his fight against extradition to the u. S. And why the celebrations of an election extending almost 60 years of family rule in togo may be a little premature. And in sport the host tournament favorites get their campaigns back on track at the t 20 world cup boards in the us. Hello there are some flood warnings remain in place across southern sections of the United States plenty of cloud you can see here on the satellite and this is where we have the flood warnings not the system responsible is actually moving fairly quickly just off the east coast but at times it will produce some very heavy amounts of rain so a very scattered shari picture throughout much of choose day some snow flurries across the Central Plains pushing up as well into the midwest so chicago just to celsius with a chance of that snow but meanwhile out across the southwest its nice and dry 21 celsius in San Francisco on tuesday although mixed in seattle and just 9 degrees is your High Temperature little bit milder as we head into wednesday and generally a dry picture but that snow will continue to work its way across the midwest and in fact chicago just hovering close to freezing reach the middle of the week now theres rain showers clearing away from the south in the southeast they will continue to work their way south and much of florida its not about day generally choose to across much of the caribbean but that front as it slides across the gulf of mexico it will pick up some and that will come down as rain heavy at times along these coastal areas of mexico particularly into southern mexico also want to cross much of central and western cuba but even so not a cold day in havana with the high the 29. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary aljazeera explores the impact of a are accessing vast amounts of our personal data for data land on aljazeera. Motor sport is big news in libya but staging current bike rallies here comes with its own particular risks our club couldnt take part in the 26th rally because we were fighting a war enticed to serve aljazeera world travels to the Libyan Desert to see how sport on 4 wheels can be a Unifying Force you know wachtel country video a rally for hope on al jazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here this hour the World Health Organization says its deeply concerned over the sudden increase in corona virus cases outside of china but says its too soon to declare a Global Pandemic iran says 12 people have now died there was a 7th death has been confirmed in italy. Where the spread of the virus outside of china has sent stock markets tumbling 2 of the main u. S. Indices saw their biggest one day slump in 2 years. And hollywood producer Harvey Weinsteins been convicted of Sexual Assault in a rape in new york but he was acquitted on the more serious charge of predatory Sexual Assault his case going to the birth of the global mean to movement. Now there are doubts about u. N. Sponsored talks in geneva with the ongoing conflict in libya a delegation representing the warlord an ether have tossed says it suspending its participation internationally recognized government based in tripoli is also expressing reservations diplomatic editor james bays has more now from geneva libyas Prime Minister came from tripoli to address the most important annual meeting of the Un Human Rights Council fires alsa raj gave an impassioned speech focusing on what he says are war crimes directly ordered by the man who in recent months has tried to depose him general holy for half the a c. That was not a whole lot many have lost their lives men woman children families have been displaced the children have been orphaned because of degradation with perpetrated by the war criminal Khalifa Haftar karma be more on how to meanwhile military talks which have also been taking place here in the un headquarters in geneva have concluded for now theyve come up with a draft cease fire agreement but issues still have to be resolved and no actual ceasefire has been agreed according to the un envoy gas and salami the next stage is for wider political talks starting a wednesday but will they go ahead i try to get clarification at a News Conference from surat shes foreign minister do you think its now likely or unlikely or do you think they will happen or people spun the political talks whats your thought as we stand now. To my knowledge that. Is. Why some of the even the. Believe its very short time they have to prepare this so im not sure is there any word from un envoy himself he hasnt spoken to the media since giving an aljazeera interview on friday we believe that the libyan case is difficult but we dont believe it to Mission Impossible the day i come to the conclusion that this mission is impossible you want. The government of National Accord say they know mr optimism they just cant work out what its based on. Aljazeera. The amir of qatar is holding talks with and is in president chi saeed is the nearest 1st visit to the capital tunis since science election when high on the agenda was the ongoing conflict in libya one orderly to have to launch an offensive to take tripoli from the internationally recognized government last april. He was regarding libya the solution be a libyan one we discussed how together the libyan tribes that have a popular legitimacy which could pave the way toward elections without any foreign intervention this way sovereignty could go back to the libyan people so they can freely elected institutions in rulers the president of togo who has declared victory in the countrys election next ending his 15 year rule landing his familys more than a half century grip on power but the opposition is challenging far in a single days when the runner up says theres been massive fraud and is calling for protests out as a result of an interim reports from the countrys capital no may. It was supporters of president ford yes it celebrated his reelection too awful to. Fully 41 sunday the election of clyde the landslide winner would extend your sympathies 15 years old for another 5 years is when also extended Family School closer to 60 gives. Us a base succeeded his late father who are old for 38 years season the moment the president addressed his support of accused him of election for. The abuse stop improvising stop inventing imaginary numbers and letters submit ourselves to the judgment of the people of togo the people have decided weve come out victorious its always possible to contest but whatever happens victory is and always the run up with 18 percent of the vote Opposition Leader where your mic or your says the election was stolen own. It is that they are going to deny me 1st of all the quality rejects the results as announced we are calling observers and International Community to use their unique position to give the true account of this election to the top people i call on you to mobilize to protest this Election Fraud and to defend their vote. The fraud allegations are raising widespread concerns into following violent protests 2 years ago although business is reopened a day after the Election Results were announced the opposition called for street protesters setting people in each year many have not forgotten the outcome of demonstrations in 20172018 against president bush plan to change the constitution and run for a 4th term. When i was the president supporter celebrate their win and the opposition complained. The next few days are crucial to see opposition supporters answer the call to protest and how Security Forces respond with the priest ill just look at. This into the governing party wants the Prime Minister thomas to bonnie to step down after he was charged with the murder of a strange wife bonny appeared in court on monday where his lawyers argued there is office grants immunity from prosecution the matter has now been referred to the Constitutional Court to bonnie sat in the courtroom with his current wife who has already been charged with the murder of little elater bonnie 2017 for me the miller was at the court in the capital myself. This is Prime Minister tom to bonnie made a much anticipated our brief appearance in Court Earlier today this is all of he left the suit the last week when he was 1st jew in court to face murder charges at that time he said he had rushed to sell africa for an emergency medical appointment since then hes returned to the suit too but when you appeared today his Legal Defense argued that there were questions around whether or not a sitting Prime Minister should be charged and prosecuted the courts ruled that the case should be referred to the Constitutional Court for its intervention now the body has delayed those Legal Process for the time being hes still facing a tough political battle within. Hes all on all bus suit to Convention Party this is a party that is divided there are people who do support tom to bonnie but he does have opposition within that party they say he should step down immediately the United Nations World Food Program says more than half of zimbabwes 15000000 people are in need of food aid the country is one of the worlds least food secure nations a situation made worse by one of the most severe droughts in decades the World Food Program has blamed Climate Change for the conditions the countrys also in the midst of an economic crisis with inflation hitting 500 percent. As Climate Change is intensifying and zimbabwe and indeed all of Southern Africa is a prime example of the people suffering mice and at the hands of Climate Change we can expound a join in a song which has begun his u. K. Court battle against his extradition to the u. S. Washington wants britain to hand over the 48 year old to face trial for espionage which could see him jailed for life assad his lawyers say the charges are politically motivated and not because of genuine crimes reports from the court in london. To his many supporters judy in a soldiers one of the greatest journalists of his generation and they were out in force at the opening of his extradition hearing in the queue for the court with politicians from a variety of Different Countries for them to journalism is on trial here and with it the united kingdoms belief in it i think it absolutely is john is on trial i think its a landmark case freedom of speech and digital age and the freedom of the press i think the implications of the outcome of this really important what journalism is going to look like in the future in the digital age and he has become a political prisoner in this country and that the u. S. Hes determined to extradite him to the u. S. To get even. And the solution i think must be political. This is madness that the u. K. Is even into tiny having a court case of u. K. Should be saying in the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson should be saying to the u. S. President back off culture mind back to 2010 when wiki leaks bust onto the scene with the leaks video footage of a u. S. Helicopter shooting civilians but of our future after 265. 00. And its easy to remember how it was solange became a celebrated and he will activists as well as a driver of a new form of journalism the digital leaking of classified. Information. But the vilification of Chelsea Manning who provided wiki leaks with the information and the now dropped Rape Allegation against a song which drove him to the Ecuadorian Embassy in london for 7 years allowed the Us Government to accuse someone of being a malicious act guilty of not just bad journalism but of bad character this is the determination the judge in the case is going to have to make is a sauna sure hero or villain this process wont take days or weeks or months but potentially years and the biggest question really is what happens to june in a zone during all that time the Authorities Say that if hes released on bail then hell be a flight risk his supporters say that keeping him in prison is a risk to his life. For reasons entirely unclear a soldiers been held in solitary confinement in the prison next to the courts for up to 20 hours a day his father whos been visiting him says unjustifiable is no reason at all why do you continue to be in prison you can come to us spend the time with his family the world he says on the soldiers lawyers will paint him as a political prisoner and have suggested they may attempt to seek asylum for him in france for the indefinite future though hes only journey is the underground tunnels from his prison cell to the courtroom lawrence lee aljazeera in london. In germany a man has driven a car into a crowd at a con of all about 30 people were injured in the western town of 47. 00 of them are said to be critical the driver 29 year old german citizen who was also injured has been arrested on a bright has been called off following the attack. According to france has delayed the fraud trial of former french Prime Minister fossil feel the case has been postponed until wednesday after a question theos moyas the former president ial candidate is being tried of a claims he embezzled public funds for a possible fake job for his wife is a scandal cost feel he shot of the presidency in 2017. Well asias king is accepted the unexpected resignation of Prime Minister mohammad but asked him to stay on as interim leader lott his party has also announced that its quitting the Ruling Coalition all this appears to be part of an attempt to block lott is chosen successor and getting the top job as florence news now explains. I the fate of malaysias government is in the balance soon after Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad sent his resignation to the king his party announced it was quitting the Coalition Government over the Weekend Party members held talks with opposition politicians on forming a new coalition that would block a plan to hand over power to mahathir is rival Anwar Ibrahim the lot has to do it with also with personality these 2 men have a history a long history here put. Him in jail and they came together and now i think were seeing a situation where tomorrow here in malaysia it seems unwilling to let on more take power again and what was deputy in the 1980 was Prime Minister for the 1st of his spells as leader both were members of the United Malays National organization or im no the party in power since what was then malaya gained independence from the british in 1957 but they fell out and with sacked then jailed for corruption and suddenly he described the charges as trumped up after his release anwar rose to become leader of the opposition and struck up an alliance with the hot date just before the last general election in 2018 to defeat. The Ruling Coalition agreed that mahathir would hand of a power to anwar by may this year. 94 year old mahathir the worlds oldest Prime Minister hasnt given a reason for his resignation but analysts say they dont see eye to eye on a number of issues including a decades old policy to grant preferential treatment to the mill a muslim majority such as jobs and homeownership malaysia we are really just dangerous so the mill a bit you are. Very worried that the chinese component in the oil and mr asian was getting too powerful so for the past 2 years the opposition are not and past and been making the argument that the previoUs Government was essentially a mill a front controlled by the chinese and therefore we have to overthrow the measure that it becomes of malaysian government again the king has appointed they to stay on as interim Prime Minister while the new cabinet is formed to govern it has to show it has the support of 112 of 222 members of Parliament Mahathir could well stay on if he has enough support from m. P. s even if it means a change in Coalition Partners Civil Society organizations have expressed disappointment at the turn of events they say its undemocratic if politicians who were defeated in 2018 elections can be brought back to power like this instead of through the ballot box its a development thats created confusion and anger florence livy aljazeera kuala lumpur the philippines largest broadcaster a b s c b n has been granted more time to operate as it awaits the renewal of its license the president rodriguez its head has repeatedly pledged to shut down the network which has criticised his policies 25 year license was due to expire at the end of march but the justice secretary said it can continue to run until may 4th. The last mathematician whose life achievements inspired the film Hidden Figures has died at the age of 101 Kathryn Johnston was given a standing ovation at the oscars in the year following the films release johnson calculated rocket trajectories and thought bit by hand the Nasa Space Missions calculations were also used for the apollo 11 mission to the moon in 1990. Still ahead on aljazeera all the sports including the worlds best for mens tennis players to lodge a 0 how they stayed ahead of the competition more on that stay with us. Welcome back time for the sport hes on to. Thank you very much the life of basketball legend carby bryants has been remembered at a service in los angeles the former like his player was killed alongside his daughter gianna and 7 others in a Helicopter Crash last month. The singer beyonce opened up the no moral service. At the citys Staples Center its known as the house that carbon builds and is where bronze star for the like is during his 20 and b i career i was with our Vanessa Bryant spoke about the similarities between a husband and a 13 year old daughter johnna. God knew they couldnt be on this earth without each other he had to bring them home time together. We both rest in peace and have fun and havent told me to get one day we love you both and miss you forever and always mommy. Well thousands of fans also attended the events remembering the career of a player who won 5 n. B. A. Championships with the like his before his retirement back in 2060 a lot of tears a lot of emotion but. I think a lot of happiness too just celebrating him and all of his accomplishments and giana although she had a shirt like. A Beautiful Life and shes a beautiful girl so just just really celebrating and trying to make the best out of a very very sad situation i mean weve lost the icon of our city like he grew up here you know in a lot of ways and everyone just grew up with them so its awfully a big hole to fill that is never really going to be the same but at the same time its great to see the city just such an outpouring of love. So miss world number one of a joke of it didnt have too much trouble reaching the last 16 of the dubai tennis championships on monday he was up against world number 259 much easier to musea easier to go out without a fight though perhaps understandably djokovic had a bit so much for him 6. 00 to 61. 00 to the serve in his 1st much since winning the Australian Open last month. The worlds top womens tennis players are on court this week at the cuts are open this being one sport were major events women and men play for the same prize money but its been a hard fought battle for equality as far as small ripples. The profile of female sports stars has arguably never been higher but its still tennis players he said a class above all others forbes business magazine says the worlds top 10 highest paid female athletes are all tennis players and many of them have stopped often dont have for the cats are over then i think its a strong field for womens right now and theres so many great and inspiring womens not only in tennis but i think we did a great job just to you know get the same prize money as the mens they have and just developing our game to the queen of tennis its a far cry from the 1970 s. When a group of 9 female players led by Billie Jean King started their own tennis tour called the virginia slims circuit it was an effort to fight back against the inequality and dominance in the mens game the circuit eventually evolved into the Womens Tennis Association that still runs the game today. Events such as the 21900. 00 football world cup in france prove there is a huge market for elite women sports and potential rivals for tennis. The t 20 cricket world cup being played in australia now has live coverage in more than 200 countries was in 2015 womens tennis world number one ashley barty took a year off from the sport played top level cricket the australian says the rise in popularity of other women in sport should be viewed as a threat to tennis its growing you know its amazing the development of womens sport over the last probably 2 years its been a massive growth in all womens sport i think for me personally tennis has led the way its been incredible and exciting new generation of players will help keep tennis ahead of the chasing pack of sports 21 year old american safina cannon has just become the youngest Australian Open champion in more than a decade yeah its a very exciting of course womens tennis is really exciting and people are watching it i think its everyone brings a different aspect to the game i feel like a lot of youngsters are coming up which is really you know rising stars more than 40 years since the womens tour began these are the players benefiting from its history and working hard to guarantee its future far a smile algis their adult. A defender in the Macedonian Football League has come up with a novel way of stopping opposing its had a grammy a pundit stephan cost of bouncing a ball he happened to be carrying the ball the attacker was about to sense was goal its unlikely to catch on though his ingenuity rewarded with a red card and just to show a crime doesnt pay his team conceded a last minute goal and lost one house in torment favorites australia have secured their 1st win of the womens t 20 world cup having lost their opening match against india at the defending champions were again in trouble against sri lanka chasing 123. 00 for victory australia were reduced to 10 for 3 in her. Stand of 95 between rachel hines and camps in my plan and helped guide australia home to a 5 which i. Or early on in that match a member of the crowd briefly took center stage claiming best counts in the stands. At a not inconsiderable personal cost. Well india secured their 2nd straight win with a victory over bangladesh some big hits in from 16 year old sheer folly wormer helping them to score 142 for 6. Bangladesh came up just short in reply as india won by 18 rights. And u. S. President donald trump is visiting india and he did his best to name check some of their cricketing stars including all time greats sessions handle. From sir james. Do. I well the crowd seem quite happy with trumps pronunciations he was talking in ahmedabad at the Worlds Largest cricket say. Ok that is a sports looking for not more light. On the thank you very much well thats it for me daryn jordan for the news hour dont go away they are back with much more news. One of the really special things about working proud is here is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know its that it shouldnt be but it is but to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. With the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended is to do the work in depth journalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we rely on experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. I think testimony weve got you know very little. With this documentaries that open your eyes on aljazeera. Or counting the cost a tale of 2. 00 nations a straight is unrelenting charges you call a germanys plan to get out of Coal Powered Energy plus the unseen polluter we find out what the shipping industry is doing to end soaring emissions. Counting the cost on aljazeera. We understand the difference is im similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter what you see how does iraq will bring you the news and current fantasies that matter to the. Aljazeera. Think its really now becomes the epicenter of the highest concentration of the corona virus outside of asia it struggles to stop and spread to other parts of europe. And on down jordan this is the out as they are news that live from doha also coming up the day of contrasts violence in the indian capital flares up over a controversial new citizenship law just as the u. S. President makes his 1st trip to india. Weinstein is a vicious serial sexual predator hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein was taken straight to jail after being found guilty of Sexual Assault and

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