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York mayor Michael Bloomberg comes under attack plus. On the. Northwest one story coming up. With your sports. Always i can say i support the. Going to their. Cities managed to stay at the club regardless of the outcome of an appeal against a 2 year ban from the Champions League. Ok we start this news hour in germany where the shooting death of at least 9 people is being investigated as a far right attack a lone gunman opened fire on 2 shisha cafes in the western city of or near frankfurt on wednesday night some of the victims are believed to be kurdish the 43 year old suspect was later found dead in his home the police say theyve also found the body of the suspects mother at the house lets go live now to berlin and our correspondent there dominic what else do we know. We know that this man the weapon that the man had was legally owned he was a a marksman or he had a sporting license to have the weapon concerned and that as was being said that he visited these 2 different she should bars gained entry to them and then opened fire indiscriminately once inside then getting out of each place by his car and and then driving back to his house where he took the life of his own mother a 72 year old woman and then took his own life the authorities have been quick to respond to this politically at least the interior minister of the states in the state concerned that the state of head has said that 1st analysis of the mans web site of his home pages suggested strongly that he have a far right tendency and they are working along the impression there the lines of inquiry going in that direction that a propensity to far right violence might be the motivation of this man had to carry out his acts the interesting thing also to say is that federal prosecutors have taken over the prosecution of this case in so far as they can clearly because the suspect is now deceased and that suggests that there is more to this than meets the eye that indeed they strongly believe that a far right motive is behind these of these attacks but at the moment dominic it appears as if most of the victims were of kurdish origin. Yes thats a line of inquiry certainly that is being appeared in several different newspapers different news outlets saying that they understand they believe that several of those who were targeted were of kurdish origin that has not been confirmed per se by the or thorough sees there have been News Conferences so far this morning clearly we expect there to be further such News Conferences later in the day there is apparently going to be some sort of Memorial Service at some point later in the day but lets also clear to the matter at hand this issue of far right violence and the tendency that there has been because whats happened now if this is such attendance at such an act of an attack then it is part of a series of such attacks or planned attacks that have taken place in germany in the course of the last year or 2 years just last friday Police Arrested 12 people in eastern germany on suspicion that they were in the initial stages of potentially planning violent acts then of course last autumn there was the shooting outside a synagogue in the eastern german city of halle or for which a 27 year old man is currently standing trial the murder of 2 people and in western germany in the early summer of last year the christian democrat mayor of a town valley whod been associated with the refugees are Welcome Campaign while he was targeted and shot dead by a man who turned out to be linked to quite strongly with the far right in germany so if as i say if the lines of inquiry that the officials the authorities are pursuing do turn out to point in that direction this is not an isolated incident and it is something which points to a tendency that has been growing in this country now for some time dominic thanks very much. South korea has reported its 1st deaths from the Coronavirus Infection theres been a spike in the number of cases in the last 24 hours that brings the total to 104. 00 now the majority are in the city of days youll get 2500000 people have been urged by the mayor there to stay inside that outbreak has been traced to a Church Congregation japans government is defending its handling of infections on the diamond princess ship new york one hummer the vessel has been in quarantine since early this month in that time the number of confirmed cases on board has risen to more than 602 elderly passengers died after being taken to hospital and china has changed how its reporting cases of the virus thats led to a significant drop in the reported number of new infections there were 394 on wednesday down from almost 1900 the day before. Mcbride is a yokohama port and well have more from him in just a moment 1st lets go to beijing and our correspondent there katrina you katrina whats your reading of whats going on in south korea. Well south korea has announced its 1st deaths and theyve had a massive spike in numbers in the last 2048 hours 70 new cases have been declared there bringing the total to about 104. 00 now this woman who died were getting some more information but as far as we know shes an elderly woman who died in hospital and she may have just caught that disease inside the hospital so it should have may have been human to human transmission now as you mentioned earlier the cluster of cases in south korea seems to center around the city of they go which has about 2500000 people in terms of its population and the clusters specifically seem ceridian a inside this particular church there appears to be in a woman in his sixtys who is the who is the reported super spreader who is responsible of puff of passing on the crown of our is to many of the confirmed cases in south korea now in the past few hours the mayor of daegu has come out and said that this is an unprecedented crisis for the city telling people to stay indoors public kindergartens and libraries and other public gathering places have been closed and school may delay its opening because of this so many much of daegu city now resembles many chinese cities hardly anybody on the street people indoors and even advised inside when mosques indoors and we do expect some more tight measures to prevent the outbreak of the current virus or prevent the spread of the current virus in south korea over the next few days and as to the impacts of the virus potentially in china is there a sense there in be jeanne that the authorities are done playing the rates of infection whether its going up or going because clearly they do not want it to be seen to be getting to those big conurbations big cities like beijing and shanghai. Thats right its kind of this dual kind of the messaging were getting from the government on one hand weve seen a change in the screening standards for corona virus cases so that number has dropped drastically about 20000 now and were also seeing lower cases of the current virus reported outside of who bay province and this is all playing into what the government wants to say to the public because theyre quite keen to get people back into the office they want to get the economy moving again theyre really worried about the Economic Impact of this coronavirus but at the same time in cities like beijing and shanghai were seeing much tighter measures because the authorities here are concerned about the millions of people streaming back into the cities getting on public transport getting on the roads and theyre worried because of course beijing is the capital its the control center of the city in the last thing they want to see is an outbreak in beijing itself so over the past few days weve actually seen a tightening of measures in the city in beijing for example if youre coming back into the city from overseas or from another part of china youre supposed to isolate in self koren in your apartment for at least true weeks everywhere you go in the city be a restaurant or an office or a residential compound youre going to have your temperature checked and noted and for many residential compounds are not allowed to entertain any guess youre not allowed inside unless you have an express reason to be there for living there or for work and for many restaurants there it actually telling the public that theyre not accepting groups of more than 3 people at a particular restaurant sort of thing is still far from ordinary life here in beijing and definitely the chinese battle Chinese Government is still in the middle of the battle to fight the spread of this coronavirus katrina thanks very much ok from china to japan my colleague Robert Mcbride so rob weve got 600 infections 2 people have died and yet the authorities there are saying some people can leave the ship and go home. Thats right it is a very mixed picture here and certainly the news of these 2 deaths have raised concerns about just what the conditions are like onboard this ship and about the process to get people off it weve heard from Health Ministry officials more details about the victims they are a man and a woman both in their eightys they both became sick on board the ship about the same time about a week ago they were found to have high fever which refused to go down they were getting sick they were taken off this vessel as other people have been taken to hospitals for profit on shore conditions deteriorated breathing difficulties and then confirmation today thursday that both have passed away it has to be said that the coronavirus we know people in the older you are the more susceptible you are the more vulnerable you are but nonetheless has added a sense of urgency i think for the countries who still have nationals onboard this ship who are making a range of wants to get them home again get them off this ship and also of course for the people on board this ship to get off the end of whats been the 2nd day of this disembarkation process. Quarantine behind them passengers from the diamond princess have been disembarking in the hundreds. Many of them taken by bus to the middle of yokohama with mixed emotions about their shared ordeal cardew mother every day i would worry that i was going to test positive. Believe the movement when the number of people getting infected spiked we knew they were sick in your infections so i was afraid to leave my cabin and then i couldnt and as i knew the crew members did very well so i was grateful to them. The passengers were then allowed to continue their Journeys Home sharing public transport with fellow japanese who have mixed emotions of their own causes your good world i feel so sorry for them its a good idea to relace them theyre going to get sick that will begin with Foreign Countries say their quarantine the people for a certain time so i want to plan to do the same. The confirmed deaths of 2 elderly passengers have raised concerns for those still on board and for foreign governments who are still arranging to fly home their citizens but insisting they undergo further quarantine still japan is standing by its decision to end the quarantine of the cruise ship you were in to you could at least of us are doing the ship does not compare to a hospital we are working there with temporary measures we have a basic standard but various issues there that pointed out every day we keep correcting these issues on a daily basis with cases being reported across japan this outbreak is causing increased disruption Public Events have been scaled back or canceled including an annual Birthday Celebration for the emperor and there are growing fears if this goes on about the possible impact on the upcoming summer olympics in tokyo. A passing cruise liner sounds its horn in a show of support for the diamond princess for japan finally resolving this crisis is a priority and it knows the world is watching. It has to be borne in mind that of all the. People who have been confirmed to be carrying the virus who have been infected a good number of them have had very mild symptoms or indeed havent shown any symptoms of cough or fever at all but its also worth bearing in mind that with the spread of the disease throughout the ship of all of the thousands of people who came on board all of those weeks ago now roughly around one in 6 despite all of the precautions despite the quarantine have gradually been infected which is a pretty grim race you were up many things lets talk Mary Louise Mclaws shes the World Health Organization advisor and a professor of epidemiology at the university of New South Wales she joins us from sydney welcome to the new here on aljazeera were talking south korea china japan at the frontline of the fight against the coronavirus what do you make of her the authorities in those countries are handling this. Look at the last meeting that we had and the face to face meeting for the roadmap for the current virus we were reminded to always include thinks about a thing of who to be the epidemiology the Infection Control back since inception and what concerns me is that as an epidemiologist we really value quarantining its a very effective method of trying to put holds to an outbreak however it has to be done very ethnically and very safely and you dont put a lot of susceptible people together and hope that they are going to remain. An infected without an awful lot of education of those the susceptible and also read out very very rigorous cleaning of high touch areas so i am concerned about why one in 6 as you quarter that have acquired. Co the 19 while they were under quarantine the now some of them may have been incubating before just before they were quarantined however a lot of them may not have been so really very we really cant put people in quarantine unless we keep them safe why is it therefore if youve got that right and of course you have why is it therefore that the authorities are going so far but not going further it seems to me that what youre actually doing then is turning the ship into a massive breeding chamber and if the authorities in beijing for example or south korea telling people to self quarantine with their families then youre turning their apartments or their houses into a big petri dish. Look its very difficult because humans are like the contact of a human being so its very difficult to put them in quarantining by themselves and some families do need to be together the other problem is so im sounding very critical of the ship and certainly i would be very concerned about their big cleaning methods they teaching them how to use a mask properly with clean hands how to take the mask off and have a new mask every time they have to wear a mask and to keep the passageways which are sometimes a little stuffy or internal cap and they have to be all very clean but when we ask people to stay at home. Its its probably the kindest place because theyre very familiar there. But we still need to teach them how to disinfect and rigorously clean bathrooms and high touch areas is one of them is incubating and now one of your reporters mentioned that the majority of cases a mild and thats what is coming out from the doctor and china that 80 percent of mild but whats also coming out recently is that the period of infectivity saved to be much sooner than it was in sars so people are mild but also infectious very early on so it could also be a driver for a lot of the infection of either clusters in families and clusters on ships as well you mentioned sars there in effect it was Mother Nature that did for sars because saw us as a virus didnt like the way the weather developed around and in those sars related countries could this happen could that happen with the corona virus. Well look out i was very fortunate to have a look at the doctor and find out what was going on in beijing and in hong kong and both countries didnt amazing job trying to put in place Infection Control measures but Mother Nature also played a part so our. Scientists did a study in the oratory to find that some didnt much like wall weather or increase humidity so as soon as they start to become may in 2003 the numbers started dropping so it could have been a combination of both excellent Infection Control but also Mother Nature helping as well. Although i dont want to reassure in the Climate Change issue happening in china why no really hopes that the temp the temperature will start to increase so that they can be helped along with this massive challenge that they have ok Mary Louise Mclaws in australia thank you very much thank you. Lots more still to come for you here on the news hour including nearly a 1000000 syrians trapped in the u. N. Is warning of a humanitarian crisis in syria raising by the day. And a face to face off a fury and while the head of the heavyweight reaction joe has the details in the sports news in about that. The former mayor of new york Michael Bloomberg has come under attack from his democratic rivals in that debate just days ahead of the a caucus as a late entrant into the race to take on donald trump in november the n. B. C. News debates with bloomberg 1st appearance rob reynolds watched it. Mike bloomberg came under fire from the start Elizabeth Warren blasted the former new york mayor over his past the such a mystic comments a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse faced lesbians and no im not talking about donald trump im talking about mayor Bloomberg Warren also compared bloomberg to President Donald Trump democrats take a huge risk if we just substitute one arrogant billionaire for another bloomberg defended himself as the candidate best able to defeat trump im a new yorker i know how to take on an arab can con man like donald trump said neither front runner Bernie Sanders nor bloomberg could beat trump and most americans dont see where they fit if theyve got to choose between a socialist who thinks that capitalism is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks that money ought to be the root of all power sanders and joe biden attacked bloomberg controversy oh please sing policy as new york mayor which many believe unfairly targeted young men of color mr bloomberg had policies in new york city of stop and frisk which went after africanamerican and latino people in an outrageous way the policy was a port bloomberg defended stop and frisk it got out of control and when we discovered i discovered that we were doing many many too many stop and frisks we cut 95 percent of it. And ive sat down with a bunch of africanamerican clergy and Business People to talk about this bloomberg was questioned about widely quoted massaging his dick and sexist remarks he made as a businessman he should have been prepared for the question but he deflected it i am very proud of the fact that about 2 weeks ago we were awarded we were voted the most fat that the best place to work 2nd best play. In america we are not going to be donald trump with a man who has who knows how many nondisclosure agreements and the drip drip drip of stories of women saying they have been harassed and discriminated against. But bloomberg wasnt the only one under attack amy clover charge got rattled when booted judge chided her for being unable to state the name of the president of mexico in an interview with let tina reporters are you trying to say that im dumb are you mocking me here keep saying we should reveal i made an error people sometimes forget names bloomberg tried to use his business experience to his advantage perhaps not the best strategy for appealing to democrats im the only one here and i think the 7 start of the business is that fair you know along with whats in you made all that money maybe your work has played some role in that as well it was the hardest punching debate by far bloomberg took a beating sanders did nothing to hurt his position as front runner while biden continued to fade warren had a strong showing but close with shar lost her cool under questioning from buddhist gedge now the race will continue with a caucus here in nevada on saturday rob reynolds al jazeera las vegas. Ok lets bring in Brendan Oconnor hes an associate professor of american politics and the embassy of sydney he joins us on skype from melbourne Brendan Oconnor welcome back to the news not one mention of china thats the state departments number one priority not one mention of afghanistan in the aftermath of the elections 5 months on democrats 6 democrats who want to be president at that debate how did that work then. There was a lot of talk as you say of Foreign Policy issues Global Warming rightly got an important billing in the fight but its the candidates struck out a really strong position saying that needed to be age in action and a very different position to donald trump but it sure affords schon was the device what seemed to be a route of personal bickering attacks Michael Bloomberg was put under a lot of pressure about his os and as is the leader of bloomberg but. Is new york and his policies regarding policing stuff and cross his discriminatory policing probably against africanamericans and latinos in new york so it was a very rush to buy ins of a lot of ad homonym attacks really on each album some of them might be more fear than i was at the Foreign Policy issues that in my age appropriate isnt vice youre right that when a trace going into this Bernie Sanders was leading in the opinion polls coming out of it would he still be in the lead. Very much so i have been he said and is the wont get attacked in the white the front runner normally would have because bloomberg was the new guy on the stage he looked limbaugh great flatfooted under attack sanders in some ways the war had an easy in the right he might have imagined he got his usual lines out about the one percent and the well the running america and he had a man at the other end of the stage he could apply often Michael Bloomberg it was a good night then he said and his but in general it was a very how to talk to by showing the desperation i think of a number of candidates Elizabeth Warren is really on the right she didnt do very well in New Hampshire campaign has been planning and i think she really wanted to be front and center of that by make sure she made some very strong and hard hitting points and it reminded i think many of us that the Elizabeth Warren who took on the heads of wall street the heads of American Banking in 2009 up the great financial to the crisis in the United States and that was really back in action a much more feisty candidate then weve seen in the previous to by particularly New Hampshire where she was on usually suggested i mean shes usually thought of in this kind of scenario the situation as being the calmest person up there on the stage but at the moment the numbers just do not unpack in the right direction for her do they. Naish shes been a real slides and that December November last year she was really competing with biden and Bernie Sanders for the top 3 position the difficulty of potty shes done a lot of campaigning since 7 p. C. s to crowds but it hasnt converted into votes and she has a lot of money as well life centers aside its been a bit of a mystery of well whats the missing ingredient and i think she tried to get passion back into a performance tonight tried to show that shes someone who could go toe to toe with donald trump why she talked to Michael Bloomberg who was right on his shoulder they were so broadside each of them suggested that she wouldnt be intimidated by trump and she wanted to give i think the impression that she wasnt going to sort of you know lay going to work and wondering about who feistiness and desire to be president of the United States running thanks very much my pleasure. Time for the weather heres richard getting chilly in our part of the world richard it is yes serious scene changes afoot in this region peter said look at the imagery we see here we got some thunderstorms across parts of the aegean but further towards the east across the eastern side the mediterranean weve seen improvement the situation has been desperate for some of the refugee camps you know them parts of syria dealing with severe cold the situation is still pretty grim obviously this time of year but its looking generally Better Weather wise so as we play the forecast you can see generally bright conditions but of a breeze coming in but weather conditions are better temperatures are rising so whereas the bad weather gone its gone further towards the east and you see on the satellite imagery a great mass of cloud or put some weather fronts on it to give you some sort of indication cold front extending down through the gulf region into saudi arabia bringing about some significant changes in temperature here so as we look at the forecast we still got some very heavy snowfall extending down into this side Cross Mountain so that is going to be really heavy snow for elsewhere with all that rain extending across the gulf for time into parts of saudi arabia so you could see some thunderstorms there chance of the old shower even affecting doha temperatures of 29 degrees as we had on through into friday you see temperatures dropping quite a bit here already down to 23 in riyadh previous couple days been up as high as 30 degrees but that fall in temperatures should then come to hold temperatures will improve Peter Richard many thanks still to come for you here on the news our education abandon the impact of the libyan conflict on children. In the sports news back home right formula one drivers take their new cars out for a spin in barcelona. President to fire season has killed more than a 1000000000 and a. 1018 investigates why. On al jazeera in 2009 a torture victim of the brutal arjen time the deller regime confronted his interrogator who tortured no no no not for all that oratory i was in target has justice now been served for the atrocious crimes committed decades alyea the truth telling lies and investigation into the dark history of argentina why didnt they kill me in the end rewind interrogating a torture on aljazeera. Al jazeera with every. Comeback youre watching the aljazeera news hour live from doha a reminder of your top stories of the shooting deaths of at least 9 people in germany is being investigated as a far right attack its next happened late on weapons to get to shishak of is in western city of hama the states interior minister says there was a xenophobic motive for the shooting. And south korea has reported its 1st deaths from the coronavirus meanwhile japans government is defending its handling of the outbreak on the diamond princess cruise ship 2 passengers have now died. And the former mayor of new york Michael Bloomberg came under attack from rival democrats in his 1st debate appearance just days ahead of the nevada caucus to bloomberg join the race late after garnering 20 percent support across the country. The u. N. Has warned of quote catastrophic human suffering on folding in Northern Syria people are fleeing as the government and its ally russia target the last rebel stronghold with an 800000 people have fled their homes in italy and aleppo since the beginning of december a Syrian Government forces and their allies advance further west the west in aleppo areas seeing the worst of the bombardment a quarter of a 1000000 people have now fled to Northern Aleppo another 550000 have moved within the libya area and the u. N. Is warning the humanitarian situation is now past a breaking point David Swanson is the regional spokesman for the Syrian Crisis at the u. N. Humanitarian office he joins us on skype from doesnt he have on the turkey syria border David Swanson so many people on the move where are they going. Well tragically today has become to be very at the center of human suffering in the world today what were seeing right now this since december 1st across the only 900000 people who have become newly displaced the vast majority of them. As of 80 percent of them women and children most of these pleas bill that this is more are now being corralled into or increasingly smaller territory of land close to the Turkish Border more than happy people that are dismayed are actually children is there anything short of a full immediate cease fire can improve the situation for them. That would be the 1st and foremost on the wishes of all humanitarians working on his response to her situation on the ground is absolutely desperate and we are calling on the part of the u. N. In the broader humanitarian community who are immediate cease fire to mitigate the suffering of the people in west syria today half the people in that region were displaced anyway so how can the the authorities cope if at all. Well we are trying our best to provide relief but we are completely overwhelmed relieved epper is fully underway but it incredibly challenging Work Environment many of the people that we were we were with thousands of the workers on the ground but many of these syrian aid workers we have been working with they themselves have been caught up in the mine once and they themselves have been displaced that being said we continue to prove assistance through the cross border operation at a key this month alone in the month of february more than 601. 00 by trucks have passed through the 2 border crossings turkey into syria providing vital lifesaving assistance to more than 1200000 people in need this follows years in which more than 1200 trucks receded into the northwest syria in what has fast become the largest cross border deliberately to singular month since the cross border operation began in 2014 there were peripheral talks this week earlier this week in moscow did and the thing come out of those discussions to give you any sense of hope at all difficult situation to gauge as humanitarians all we can hope and all we get pray for is that this situation comes to an in the end people of syria has suffered way too long and the situation on the ground is becoming increasingly desperate we have bitter cold temperatures we have women and children walking at night in nothing but their bare clothes the situation couldnt be any worse on the ground we can only hope that all parties to the conflict bring about an end to this violence that its won some thank you. Campaigning has officially come to an end in iran ahead of fridays parliamentary elections there thousands of candidates have been disqualified from running including dozens of members of the Outgoing Parliament reports now from tehran. Who to vote for among the sea of candidates whether to vote at all this seems to be the choice the nearly 58000000. 00 eligible voters face and the political establishment is edging the iranians to come out and cast their ballots Supreme Leaders televised speech telling people its their religious duty to vote was. Despite the disqualification of many of his reformist allies president Hassan Rouhani has echoed a similar message small boy we can defeat the us with our solidarity and power high turnout on election day would make the u. S. Angry and upset low turnout would make them happy but with fears that turnout will be lower than usual other words enough to convince the iranians that. Yes certainly ive been looked i believe vote for someone who i know and have done some research to see if theyre an accountable person or not to society or some problems which must be fixed. As a reunion you a religious duty is recommend us to participate and make appropriate decisions about our country i vote so we can choose a representative who can reflect the people in the parliament. In a cafe in north they see little point in taking part. Im not supporting what is the point. Because of everything is hard work has gone up a car costs more how do we get by no one is our descendants issues. The iranian economy has struggled under u. S. Sanctions since donald trump pulled out the nuclear deal in 2018. Inflation for last year was nearly 40 percent. So thats a good many dont have enough money to buy fresh fruit they just buy damaged stale fruits some even steel the purchasing power has dropped. Just in the last 2 weeks the price of meat has increased some people just end up eating less meat because they cant afford it. These concerns seem to have been reflected in the candidates campaigns despite talk of the fact posed by the u. S. The sanctions and potential conflict its the bread and butter issues that seem to be of major concern to voters here the state of the economy the rising cost of living and delivering meaningful change regardless of which political faction wins a majority of seats they will have to address the economic concerns of the people but with limited options at their disposal. Aljazeera the iran. Ok lets take a closer look at irans political system the highest ranking off the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hes commander in chief of the armed forces including the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps the president Hassan Rouhani deals with the day to day running of the country then theres the 290. 00 Member Parliament but candidates are only eligible to run if Irans Guardian Council approves it has 12 members and 6 of them are appointed by the Supreme Leader well as we mentioned the council barred thousands of people from running in this latest election but its birth is live for us in the central iranian city of is for han so bernard there are worries of a low turnout what are the risks about. Well peter the risks are but the government is increasingly isolated iran is increasingly isolated internationally is the risk of conflict with the u. S. Over the Nuclear Standoff so the government wants to show that its got public support behind it. Thats why it wants a good turnout the spokesman of the Guardian Council said hes expecting around a 50 percent turnout so hes already down pli downplaying expectations because in previous parliamentary elections turnout been over 60 percent so a low turnout below 50 percent will be embarrassing for the government you could also see possibly a parliament with more hardliners in it because the people who will turn out to vote or the ones who support hardline candidates is the pro reform candidates those that have been allowed to stand that are at the greatest risk that supporters like everybody else are angry with the crumbling economy and the high rate of inflation but theyre also angry with the crackdown on protests towards the end of last year where there were reports unconfirmed that several 100 people were killed and thousands injured and theyre angry with the downing of that ukrainian passenger jet and then the attempt to cover up who is behind the downing of that jet beads and when to the polls open and when do we think well get a result. 300000000 voters here in this one hand pizza for them the rest of the country polls open at 8 oclock in the morning that shed will to close around 6 in the evening but that can easily be extended depending on the turnout results start trickling through on saturday youll get a fuller picture of the makeup of Parliament Early next week but all that has to be approved by the Guardian Council and not a final results are not could take about 2. 00 to 3. 00 weeks maybe even a month pizza. Many thanks. Even officials are hopeful the talks aimed at reaching a cease fire in libya will restart they were suspended this week after forces loyal to the warlord after tripolis main port with civilians in the firing line than 200 schools in the conflict zones have shot and a child stratford explains from tripoli that means thousands of children arent getting the education they need. Limine bay and his family were forced to flee their home in april when fighting on the outskirts of tripoli started they along with more than 30 other families sheltering at this old school and what they say is theres a ceasefire but thats not shoot theyre still heavy artillery and any time one side could hit the other the school where the children used to go is also near the front line and was forced to close the media is worried about the disruption this conflict is causing to his boys education akin to what had happened of course it affects them theyre not used to their surroundings in the students at school theyre moved to theyre surrounded by stories of violence and war many other schools like this one have had to close in order to provide shelter to people who have fled the fighting in fear and. They talk to me about war they talk to me about kalashnikovs they talk to me about rockets this is the culture of our 9 and 10 year olds. The un backed government here in tripoli says schools in safer areas that are still open are becoming increasingly overcrowded because of the number of children who along with their families have fled the conflict zone the u. N. Says at least 200 schools have been forced to close since renegade general who. Started his offensive on tripoli more than 10 months ago. Computers destroyed or abandoned playgrounds deserted this is one of a number of schools that have been hit during the fighting in southern tripoli. A warehouse that used to store books to be distributed to schools across the capital was also destroyed a look at this war has affected the Education Sector very much teachers and students have had to move many schools we cant even visit because there are areas where there are clashes. More children are expected at the shelter the education and development put on hold libya as a country says the un where around the hall from 1000000 children have been affected in some way by the civil war. Tripoli. Now the ring thousands of protests across argentina calling for the legalization of fortune activists say its a Public Health issue but theyre facing resistance from conservatives and the Catholic Church to raise a pope has more now from when osiris. Was green scarves in front of argentinas congress once again its a long running demand from human Rights Groups to legalize abortions in this south american nation. Things need to change we need a law that protect women we will continue fighting until abortions are legal in this country. That in argentina abortion is only allowed in case of rape or if a womans life is at risk and women having illegal abortions could end up in prison. He says the fight for legal safe and free abortions is a difficult one because opposing it is the powerful Catholic Church. It is poor park received because according to the Health Ministry there are over 500000. 00 abortions every year because many of them happen in a clandestine way womens lives are at risk and those who suffer the most are those who cannot afford Decent Health care. In 2018 the legalization of abortion was discussed in congress for the 1st time it passed the lower chambre but the senate rejected the bill for these people legalizing abortion in this country as a matter of Public Health because every year thousands of women mostly poor are hospitalized because of complications with botched abortions many of them died because they did not make it was hospital in time afraid that they could face criminal charges. The new bill has not yet been sent to congress but reports suggest president of the fed a man this is likely to do so next month. There are conflicting reports on what type of legislation will be sent in whether he would seek to legalize. Evolution or only decriminalize the terminations of pregnancies. Congresswoman Katherine Bush jr things there is a big difference between little in the phone and this in the beginning president fernandez spoke about decriminalising abortion and we all agreed a woman should not be persecuted for seeking a painful solution to her problems but now were seeing changes and hes talking about legalizing it and its a completely different story i dont agree with abortion being legalized it is not something that would help all women because its a traumatizing experience. But women here do not agree they believe argentina needs to advance in womens rights and legalizing abortion is one of the ways to achieve it. I just want to cite. Now the waters of cats are a home to the 2nd biggest population of. Sea mammal that eats underwater grass usually they like to move alone or in a small group but theres a phenomenon happening off cattle country coast that doesnt happen anywhere else in the world stephanie jacka as this exclusive report. We are heading out to sea of katters northwestern coast in search of Something Special until now we dont know what are the reason we did maybe they come for feeding that we dont want to know we have that we are but for the of them going into the 30 why they came here during the time. We see dolphins. That we want to find something much more camera shy we have in the region the 2nd Largest Group in the war last year around this time dr mussen captured these incredible and rare images few of us know much about the dougal or sea cow a gentle Marine Mammal that can grow up to 3 meters in length and way around 350 kilos research into this population here has been happening for the past few years what weve discovered is that seasonally hundreds of do gongs conduct. Gather in one or 2 large herds just off the coast and we dont see this anywhere else in the world its a very undue gong like behavior we dont know why theyre doing it weve just been funded by Qatar National Research Fund for the next 3 years to actually answer this very question. We didnt find them on this day. Or 2 days later by a stroke of luck we get a phone call and raced back up north. They found the herd hundreds of to gongs. Theyre coming really close to our boat now and you can actually hear them come up ferry you can hear them breathe and you can see their tusks and also their tails as they come up and down. Its really quite amazing to see. Its so rare to see such a large herd and so nearby so his the 1st time you see them so far from the boat this is the 1st time in the last before 3 years we saw him from the helicopter that youve never been in all of this is a very interesting thing costly to see him in this very very close to them and i have the shell of my drawing we can count them all still is it hard to see them this close on the boat its rare you come yeah yeah yeah this is so yeah good day and we are lucky. From above a clearer view crucial for their research for dr mussen its the 2nd time in years that he sees them so close. But the reality is that these mammals are endangered. On a deserted beach in the north of cattle a hint at why their numbers are decreasing. The majority drown after getting in tangled in a fisherman. Stop this from happening. Just to protect their feeding area. Just to inform the people. And they should protect them we should do something it is said that the legend of the mermaid comes from sailors mistaking the dew going for a siren after many months at sea and were told do go on fossil has been found here that dates back 20000000 years scientists have told us much more needs to be done to protect their habitat so that these gentle Sea Creatures dont disappear forever Stephanie Decker aljazeera on the waters of northwestern qatar. Still to come here on aljazeera in sport well tell you why rory mcilroy will be joining his fellow pros and a new big money lead when we come back. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such an amount as a global power developing to the Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the stream our we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin Pioneering Future Energy whether online like father dropping being one of the worst routes to Mainstream Media about being the president or if you join us on same terms a different issue diversity and inclusion and they were sometimes isnt always sincere this is a dialogue sanctions and the ways in which theyre tied to iran are and im a welfare everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to be timid they need to sit down and listen join the colobus conversation on out to 0. 0. 0. 00000. Time just cause news is just thank you man city manager Pep Guardiola spoken for the 1st time since his side were given a 2 year ban from the Champions League spot his says hell stay at the club no matter what european footballs governing body handed down the ban off to finding the premier League Champions guilty of serious breaches of financial fair play rules city deny the allegations and are appealing the decision speaking after the 2 know when over west ham got here and insisted he had complete trust in the club and is confident they will play in europe next season. Its a sensitive issue to talk about the legal action because i hope the know we are not professional and that im not a lawyer who can do is win the games so we have to wait and after when the sentence ok its enough that we are going to talk about the situation but you spoke with the club with my chairman and. Miss your. Form so i believe in them i am nor will be the result but i cannot touch them or im sorry so im not a lawyer so always i can say i support the clap on the bus and well city still have a week to wait before the Champions League round of 16 tie against israel madrid but last years finalist tottenham have been stunned home by rb light sit in the 1st leg of their tight jersey marine years spurs conceding a crucial away goal team over ana got the winner for light sake merino was not prepared to take criticism of his team 10 is 10 is not in a 0 the d result is. The result is open on to the water space now were back where was my back there we could. See who were about all the resources she lost her home. I was going to answer you because i dont like your question i think your question is out of your fiftys former secretary general Jerome Valcke a has been charged with accepting bribes criminal was management and falsifying documents by the swiss attorney general it follows an investigation into the awarding of media rights for various world cup and fee for Confederations Cup tournaments while he was in the post this was so authorities have also charged the chairman of the being media group nasa halevi and another businessman as part of the same investigation. What the federal missed the french open after undergoing knee surgery the 38 year old had keyhole surgery on his right knee in switzerland he said it both are in him for a while but he hopes to be back from the crosscourt for the guard crosscourt season federer is the most successful player ever with 20 grand slam titles formula one teams are back on the track on day 2 of preseason testing in barcelona reigning World Champion Lewis Hamilton was fastest on the opening day and say his driver whos won the last 6 constructors titles topped the time sheets alongside teammate Valtteri Bottas match for 2nd and last season myname stated he was 4th thank you start having an early spin. Goes well number one rory mcilroy says he wont play in the proposed breakaway premier golf league the 18 event while tool would rival p. G. A. Tour with 48. 00 players in total price fund of 240000000 dollars tiger woods says hes also been approached but mcelroy says signing up would mean losing the ability to choose where he plays but money is cheap money is the easy part thats not. Yeah no thats not. It shouldnt be the driving factor look for some people it is a more professional coverage and were right here playing golf to make a living but at the end. I value my freedom and my autonomy over Everything Else but with just days to go before the heavyweight rematch in las vegas things are getting pretty heated between tyson fury and day on tape the 2 fighters shoved each other as they faced off ahead of their final News Conference they meet in the ring on saturday for the 1st time since their controversial draw in december 2018 while there is the w. B. C. World heavyweight champion or furious the lineal heavyweight champion but before trading blows it was all about the fighting talk. I provided food and put food on your table for your family and im doing it for the 2nd time so to do before i brought you to a big box now im around here for me to see been is on trial. For you. Not. Talking to. The young thai wall the spout a lot of rubbish it gave me an opportunity today i give him his biggest paydays of his whole life tell him a big contract will show time brought him to the biggest stage in the world being off a gas and air is now a functioning hes got a whole lot of appreciation for someone whos 30 looked after in a pot millions and hes a con very nice person day you know you wont me everything i bring you to this level welcome to big time boxing. All right that is a is now have will feel a to pizza thanks joe well see you a martini is here at the top of the hour ill see you a little later off about the moment about. The latest news as it breaks. The breaks it is just finished rather. To the end of the transition period but its just begun with Details Company doing studies to show that around 30 percent of people in conflict unlikely to suffer from some form of Mental Illness from around the world the government here has said only essential workers will return the others not for another week at least. Americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting trampy or there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and their effect on the world. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our love. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary ill just 0 explores the impact of a accessing fust amounts of our personal data data land on aljazeera. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take. Aljazeera read the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Counter 0. German prosecutors investigate a possible fall right may shave after a gunman kills 9 people at 2 shisha bars. Hello im a Senior Editor with are jazeera live from doha are also coming out turkey launches an offensive to push back Syrian Government forces in a key town in italy province. South korea confirms its 1st death from coronavirus the man of the affected city energies people to stay indoors after a spike in gay

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