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Scared adopted talks of deplorable conditions on board a quarantined cruise ship in japan as hundreds of passengers are finally allowed off. Course on. And the success of south korean film parasites at the oscars is inspiring a new generation of filmmakers. Now the United Nations says its hoping to resume talks aimed at a cease fire in libya but the leader of the internationally recognized government in tripoli fires also russia says attacks and shelling on the capital have overtaken those negotiations on tuesday his government suspended its involvement in the discussions in geneva thats off to forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar attacked a port in tripoli killing 3 people there tripolis government is now insisting the talks cannot continue until the wild family in. Spawns to what it calls have to as violations have to has since met with russias defense minister and moscow says the 2 agreed that a political solution is the only option for peace in libya well lets go live now tried every magic editor james bay is in geneva for us james where do we go from here whats the latest on potentially restarting these talks. The u. N. Is hopeful of the talks can resume what is important to note is that the delegation from the government of National Accord who were here along with the delegation from general half talking on choose day at the same time as tripolis port came under attack by forces which of commanded by general have to yes they said late at night that they were going to pull out of the talks but theyre still here in geneva and i think the u. N. Is trying to persuade them that their best to rejoin those talks the u. N. Has issued a number of statements the 1st one of those said that the attack on the port was deplorable very Strong Language there from the United Nations and i think by saying language like that the u. N. Is trying to persuade them that their concerns are being noted and also persuade them to stay here for these talks which are supposed to get it durable cease fire in libya you had a truce in name but really its been named alone the idea to get a durable cease fire but you can understand the governments position the sitting down to talks to get a ceasefire when they come under attack while those talks are underway that i think would make you question whether those talks were in good faith and dave and what if anything has come out of that meeting in moscow between have to and the Russian Defense minister. I think we need not to look at whats being said in public by them thats interesting they say the russians that they are still very committed to this u. N. Process and to a political solution but what were the russians telling general half the behind the scenes when he met in moscow all day saying you know keep up your military activity just play lip service to the international talks or are they scolding him and saying no you shouldnt be trying to disrupt this talks process thats not clear it is clear though weve had very many months of a similar situation in fact 10 months ago general have to launch an attack on tripoli at the very moment when the talks process last had some activity and since then general have to back because clearly have been betting on a possible military solution so all of those back as including the russians particularly also the u. A. E. And egypt now committee to the diplomatic solution that they say publicly and in fact only reaffirms this weekend of munich they committed to that privately. James is that of a medic and as with all the developments from geneva thank you james now turkeys president is warning of an imminent and military operation in Northern Syria ressam tried beto on once Government Troops to withdraw behind takesh military positions in the province he says turkeys demands one met during recent talks with russia the kremlin says it strongly opposed to any tech us military offensive the Syrian Government wants to capture those last rebel held areas while turkey says its pressing to establish a safe so invested millions in Northern Syria. Truth. On the subject of it that turkey has made all preparations to carry out its own operational plans but as with every military operation on this subject ill say we could enter suddenly one not yet or more clearly the operation in libya is imminent to the regime and those who encourage not having understood our determination on the subject we will not leave it lip we spoke to mr trump on saturday and i shared with him our findings we have no intention of blatantly shouldering the burden that regional developments will put on our country we are determined to turn it into a secure place both for turkey and for the regions people at any cost lets go live now to. His and had say in techie house and weve already seen so much suffering for civilians there how likely is this offensive to take place. It will depend on whether the Syrian Government goes behind the Demilitarized Zone this is a prerequisite for turkey now the turkish government says that it has 12 military outposts that would establish in 2018 when Turkey Russia and iran agreed on the escalation in live and that those military posts now undermined by the progress of the syrian army to the point where some of those military are supposed by the turkish army are besieged by the Syrian Government can be easily coming under fire power this is number one concern number 2 concern is the turkish government does not want to see it taken over by the Syrian Government because it means that the 4000000 people who live there would have no other option but to cross into turkey which already has more almost 4000000 refugees who live on the border with syria the next coming days will be crucial if that is an agreement with took with russia that could deescalate the tension of this no agreement the potential for an outright war between russia and turkey will further increase. There is a balance for us from taki thank you very much hassle. Now japan has reported 79 more cases of corona virus on board a quarantined cruise ship in yokohama there are now over 600 infections reported on that vessel hundreds of passengers had been allowed to leave after they were declared healthy but questions are being raised about just how effective the quarantine has been in the 1st place has run mcbride reports from yokohama. This was the day all of the passengers and crew on the diamond princess have been waiting for the start of disembarkation after 14 days of quarantine people who have tested negative for the corona virus were allowed to leave yokohama support in a stream of vehicles through wednesday some sharing their experiences on social media continuing journeys that they had expected to complete weeks ago the spread of infection through the ship during the quarantine sickening hundreds more people has raise serious concerns here and internationally thats been made worse by an Infectious Diseases expert taking to social media to describe his visit to belowdecks i never had a fear of getting infection myself for evil or south. Because i know how to protect myself but inside prisons diamond ever thought scared i was scared of getting caught between 19 because there was no way to tell where the virus the no green zone not already some everywhere could have virus and everybody was not careful about it there were no single professional Infection Control person in the ship. The japanese government insists its happy with the way the quarantine has been handled. Its going. Since february 5 weve taken thora action to prevent infection such as asking passengers to stay in their rooms and reduce risk to the entire ship we conducted small tests of the earliest time for priority passengers such as those who are symptomatic and the elderly and if necessary taken them to medical facilities we are taking measures with utmost consideration for the health of passengers and crew members. Even so Health Officials in japan will continue to monitor its citizens who were on board. But for many passengers even finally getting off the ship doesnt mean the end of their journey countries like the United States and australia are telling their citizens to wait another 2 weeks before returning home or face another stretching quarantine if they go back now. The whole disembarkation process is expected to take several days with those infected being transferred to medical facilities on shore the occasional wailed of ambulance sirens a reminder that this outbreak is making even more people seriously rob look bright aljazeera yokohama japan well now chinas government is offering incentives to Frontline Health workers encouraging them to work in areas with the highest rate of corona virus infections and although there have been few and new cases for the 2nd straight day numbers of deaths have now surpassed 2000 katrina new reports from beijing. Cleared at the new coronavirus these blood donors are hoping to contribute to a cure their plasma contains antibodies that could help patients who are seriously ill their identities have been concealed to avoid them suffering any stigma when they return to their communities. My blood may help more patients used to be here and the critical conditions go home and reunited with their families as i did chinas military has said more supplies and medical staff a cool day to help fight the outbreak there are almost 12000 critically sick patients in the province alone in addition to salary bonuses the government has announced new incentives for Health Workers the children of Frontline Health workers were still used 10 extra points in the High School Exams younger children are given preferential access to public kindergartens and those who die fighting the outbreak didnt last long miter stones its meaning their family and Allowances Benefits after they pass away tough measures have been imposed to protect the healthy tens of millions of people have been restricted from leaving their homes and have to rely on local teams to deliver food the World Health Organization says controls on movement have helped to contain the outbreak measure on the Movement Restriction of delayed. The dissemination of the outbreak of 2 or 3 days within china and and a few weeks outside china to 3 weeks so based on these then it shows that those measure if were implemented could have an impact on the propagation of the restrictions have brought much of china to a standstill but some factories are starting to resume production some analysts say the outbreak will slow chinas growth by up to 2 Percentage Points this quarter but its still too early to count the longer Term Economic cost of the coronavirus trini you aljazeera beijing. Well still ahead on aljazeera impossible for me to do my job anger grows about u. S. President Donald Trumps attacks on judges and prosecutors his attorney general considers questioning. The construction of a natural gas pipeline has sparked protests by come a dozen digital springs. Welcome back the weather across northeastern parts of asia is quite a lot of snow across northern parts of japan but not so clear the way this is still quite cold there but it should be dry and fine with temperatures in sapporo just hovering around freezing weather conditions have improved across the Korean Peninsula temperatures on the rise here so looking at a high of 10 degrees celsius in germany fine conditions across much of a southeastern china further towards the west we have got some showers here some showers affecting parts of vietnam coastal areas in particular still quite a stiff breeze but winds not as strong as they have been. Say about states temperatures still fairly low for sapporo 3 degrees the maximum 14 the high in tokyo into southeastern parts of asia still the thunderstorms here really quite active at the moment and likely to remain that way as we head on through into service day with lots of showers jakarta will see some heavy downpours the other the border not faring too bad he said if malaysian born it will be some bright to weather at times i think for some natural sea for the downpours continuing through the course of friday and heavy showers are expected in kuala lumpur with a maximum of 34. 00 had a across into south asia generally its not looking too bad weve got some heavy showers across northern parts of india and pakistan but there is the risk of some showers developing towards new delhi as we had on through into friday. The americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting trampy or there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so plainly wrong the bottom line on u. S. Politics and policies a matter of fact on the world. Where every. You know again i missed on the a tape and a reminder of our top stories this hour the u. N. Is hoping to resume talks aimed at reaching a cease fire in libya after the internationally recognized government suspended its involvement leaders in tripoli say the world must family responds toward he does the tax on the capital. Turkeys president is threatening an imminent military operation and province if Syrian Government forces dont withdraw behind its military positions russia says it strongly against such a move. And 79. 00 new cases of corona virus have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantined in Japan Bringing the total to more than 600. 00 hundreds of passengers who were declared healthy were allowed to leave after 2 weeks of being stuck on board. Now u. S. Attorney general william barr is reportedly considering stepping down over conflicts with president onil trump now the Justice Department is locked in a dispute with an association of judges over the handling of the sentencing of trumps former adviser roger stone White House Correspondent can be how that has the story. Less than 2 weeks after being acquitted by the u. S. Senate of abusing his president ial powers donald trump is once again facing similar accusations as he fights his own department of justice somebody has to stick up for the people trump is being criticized for intervening in a case involving a close friend and political ally roger stone convicted last year of lying to a Congressional Committee investigating whether trust Political Campaign colluded with Russia Federal prosecutors recommended stone go to jail for at least 7 years trump tweeted the recommendation was a miscarriage of justice that same day his attorney general william barr downgraded the recommendation prompting for federal lawyers to quit the case complicating things further bar took the unusual step of admitting publicly the trumps tweets dont help if i do make his job harder i do agree with that i think thats true now as Trump Defends bar and lashes out at federal judges and prosecutors a Group Representing the judges is accusing trump of overstepping the legal boundaries of the presidency with unprecedented involvement in politically sensitive judicial cases their actions Trump Defense im allowed to be totally and im actually i guess the chief Law Enforcement officer of the country but ive chosen not to be involved in reality it is the attorney general that is the chief Law Enforcement officer in the u. S. Not the president but that hasnt stopped trump from undoing other sentences through a series of pardons for high profile individuals including convicted Financier Michael Milken former new York City Police commissioner Bernard Kerik and even former democratic illinois governor Rod Blagojevich convicted for trying to sell former president Barack Obamas Vacant Senate seat once Obama Took Office and pres. Trump says he may continue to try and influence the legal case involving his friend roger stone stone sentencing is set for thursday and trump hasnt ruled out pardoning kim kimberly healthy at aljazeera the White House Well lets face it Patty Callahan has live for us in washington d. C. Patty there was initially is no speculation about whether balls comments about trump are really genuine or if it was all about trying to emphasize the independence of the Justice Department do you think were seeing more of that now i think the general consensus in washington is that was not a genuine statement from william barr he is under a lot of pressure as kimberly mentioned not just from the association of judges but from 2000 former members of the Justice Department who an open letter have said that he needs to resign members of Congress Said he maybe he needs to be impeached so he is under pressure so giving that interview he wanted to send the message that he is independent that he can speak out against President Trump and not get any blowback he was fairly blunt lets listen to what he had to say as i said during my confirmation i came in to serve as attorney general and im not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody and i said at the time whether its Congress Newspaper editorial boards or the president im going to do what i think is right i cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me well given all that passion what do you now hearing from the white house if any of this likely to change any of president behavior. Its been really unusual that this is a president who doesnt take criticism at all he fires back at everyone and anyone who says even anything slightly remotely negative about him or his presidency but you saw there with kimberlys story that he came out and said i did you make his job harder i have full confidence in him so this is a very classic washington move this is bill barr he did interview trying to maintain some independence trying to get the heat off of him a little bit. Than trump continued to tweet and then said he was the chief Law Enforcement officer which is really mentioned he is not so now this is pretty classic washington put it in the Washington Post hey you need me more than i need you is basically the message to the president in an attempt to get him to actually listen now will the president do that well have to keep our eyes on twitter but again this is very clearly bill bar sending the message and this is going to be unusual for president because people who quit his campaign his cabinet tend to have been pushed out the door and he we do know that this is a president who thinks the attorney general is a very important position for him personally hes made it clear he wants somebody who will protect him personally thats something that bill bars been seen as doing effectively for this president so clearly sending a message to the white house directly to President Trump keep it up and i can walk but if you really wanted to walk then you probably would of instead of going to Washington Post Patty Callahan there for us in washington d. C. Well continue watching this very closely thanks patty now u. S. Judge has thrown out chinese tech giant qual way a challenge to an all restricting its business the case relates to legislation barring huawei from doing business with federal agencies and contract is u. S. Politicians say the company could use its networks to spy for the Chinese Government while way one of the worlds Biggest Smartphone makers denies this. Now large parts of canadas rail network of ground to a halt as people protest against the construction of a natural gas pipeline the planned route runs through traditional Indigenous Lands and will carry natural gas from dawson creek thats in the province of British Columbia tura finery near the Coastal Region of kitimat from there it will be shipped to asian markets alan fischer reports from one terrier. In the chilling call the small protest camp stands alone throughout the day local people have been bringing supplies showing their support in the most practical of ways they brought hot food didnt vegetables and even firewood what they see is a vision thats bigger than us and the vision i think that they see bigger than us is protection of the environment for too long weve allowed corporations in for example big oil is just one of them but too long weve allowed those of those folks to run the show i was driving through. It seeing as im driving by i have to. Show my support can it is mean real roots of been virtually shut down for 2 weeks protests near the tracks forced the countrys biggest rail Company Canadian National Railway to suspend most operations those protests sprung up key locations after Police Forcibly cleared camps near the route of the proposed coastal gas link pipeline it crossed the line of canadas Indigenous People known here as 1st nations the demonstrators were trying to block access to construction sites the one moving the new protesters will create an even bigger reaction essentially freezing candidates realigns has a greater impact than the 100000 passengers that may have been affected food isnt getting to Distribution Centers that may lead to shortages export of like farmers cant get their goods to port and there is a shortage of gas getting to consumers with weeks of winter still to go in the countrys capital or to the 1st nations leaders say theyre willing to discuss an end to the protest but years of being ignored has to be addressed when governments ignore 1st nations rights title jurisdiction it creates conflict and court cases when governments respect 1st nations rights entitle. Its a path to peace progress and prosperity Prime Minister just to do is trying to find a solution he insists hes no power to direct Police Operations but says talks are the way forward it is time past time for the situation to be resolved but what we are facing was not created overnight it was not created because we have them barked upon a path of reconciliation recently in our history it is because for too long in our history for too many years we failed to do so several groups are seeing the real blockade is creating a real crisis across canada and the longer it goes on the longer it will take to recover i would fisher ill just kind deny go on to you an airplane manufacturer boeing has announced the discovery of debris contaminating the fuel tanks have 77. 00 max jets and the particles were found during the maintenance of several planes its unclear how many were affected the jets were built in the past year but were not yet approved for the use of airline custom and boeing 737 max planes have been grounded since march last year following 2 fatal crashes which together killed 346. 00 people perus government has declared a Health Emergency in some areas after a dengue fever outbreak doctors say 12 people have already died this year and more than 5400 cases have been reported eastern jungle areas near the brazil and bolivia borders have been the hardest hit the outbreaks been partly blamed on an increase in the number of mosquitoes now south korean movies have a long struggle to win Global Recognition but since the film parasite won the oscar for best picture and made International Headlines new doors have been opening for local filmmakers found story has more. Fresh from their victory last week film director. And cast members of parasite help their 1st News Conference back home in seoul but. I feel happy that its now come to a happy and i worked very hard i was thinking about taking a break but Martin Scorsese told me not to resist its been a long road to success for bond who was once on a government blacklist created during former president lee myung box rule from 2008 and expanded under his successor popgun hay the list was intended to cut off state funding to artists deemed too critical of the administration box involvement in that lead in part to demonstrations against her and her eventual downfall. In the past decade south korean entertainment has made waves abroad its pop music known as k. Pop has become a global phenomenon while korean dramas have gained a loyal following in asia it is a little. Film connoisseurs believe parricide could herald a new era for korean films many of them are audience who saw korean film for the 1st time in their lives this number of all this is world b. Potential korean film market and i was also told that there are so many of us. Who are just began to. Seek out more films into. Parasites theme of income inequality resonates with its audience but ironically the film was only made possible with backing from c. J. Groups a family controlled conglomerate these companies known as chaebol control much of south koreas economy and are often seen as perpetuating the wealth gap. The success of parasites has now cast a spotlight on role in the movie industry many such firms own cineplex says and film studios and have been accused of investing mostly in formulaic blockbusters rather than films that promote creativity and diversity so thats why. I made my debut a 999 green movie industry seen a Splendid Development over the past 20 years however at the same time its become more difficult for young directors to make a more unique and adventurous a team and young talented directors rather than being absorbed into the movie industry now make independent movies a film critic says south koreas movie industry is at a Pivotal Moment i think its up to studios to take more take risks with younger filmmakers. To try and find an independent films ive encouraged. These younger directors have opportunities many are hoping that parasite will lead the way to a bolder path for south koreas Film Industry florence lee. Well remember you can find much more on our website and reading all the latest developments on the conflict in syria the address for that is al jazeera dot com. Hello there im a start with the headlines the u. N. Is hoping to resume talks aimed at reaching a cease fire in libya after the internationally recognized government suspended its involvement tripolis government says the world must firmly respond to war Khalifa Haftar attacks on the capital more now from a different altogether said james benz. The u. N. Is hopeful that the talks can resume what is important to note is that the delegation from the government of National Accord who were here along with a delegation from general half talking on choose day at the same time as tripolis port came under attack by forces which are commanded by general have to yes they said late at night that they were going to pull out of the talks but theyre still here in geneva and i think the u. N. Is trying to persuade them that their best to rejoin those talks the u. N. Has issued a number of statements the 1st one of those said that the attack on the port was deplorable very Strong Language that. Turkey is president is threatening an imminent military operation an adlib province if Syrian Government forces dont withdraw behind its military positions russia says it strongly against such a move. To get it to prison not on the subject of it turkey has made all preparations to carry out its own operational plans but as with every military operation on the subject ill say we could enter a deliberate suddenly one not yet or more clearly the operation in libya is imminent to the regime and those who encourage not who havent understood our determination on the subject and who will not leave it lip we spoke to mr trump on saturday and i shared with him our findings we have no intention of blatantly shouldering the burden that regional developments will put on our country that we are determined to turn it live into a secure place both for turkey and for the regions people at any cost 79. 00 new cases of corona virus have been confirmed on a cruise ship quarantine in Japan Bringing the total that to more than 600. 00 hundreds of passengers declared healthy were allowed to leave after 2 weeks of being stuck on board. And u. S. Attorney general william ball is reported to be considering stepping down i have a conflict with President Donald Trump well there is other headlines the news continues here off at the bottom line stay with us. To aljazeera the square we talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they all the endemic corruption and the can we listen so if you really put place chinas enemy have with us and thats really then yours we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter to them just 0 hi im Steve Clements and i have a question how bad are the problems of big money and powerful corporations in american politics and are they eroding people stressed in elections their elected leaders and even democracy itself lets get to the bottom line. In the last president ial election cycle more than 2000000000. 00 was raised and spent by the top 2 candidates donald trump and Hillary Clinton this time around we have some fabulously wealthy candidates mayor Michael Bloomberg tom stier and even donald trump but were still waiting for proof it is never released tax forms while other candidates pride themselves on not accepting any big money with the top one percent of this country getting even richer and the poor getting poorer and the middle collapsing

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